iUtt J?cmocvttt BACKS UOWN. THE CUNB1T1JN OC IllSINltfS. The lloston Herald of Sunday, S.-'ideiuijcr o, contained 57 dispatches from widely separated points, so selected as to eiuura'X every section of the United State, deuliin! with the business situation. All but two of the reports speak of an improvement in business, and many of them say it is very marked. The exceptions are from Wil mington, tel. and Newark, X.J. The Herald, speaking for Massachusetts, fays that money is en: ler and all lines of trade more confident. Its general conclusion from its reports is that "the worst of the g.'eat financial scare of 19:) Is over," and "the promise of speedy and complete recovery from the depression of '.ho past months already on the way toward fulfillment." The New York reports ire those which most people will feel Iho greatest interest in and are us follows: The C'ommerclul Advertiser says that "prominent men in the commercial und financial circles all agree that the corner has lieon turned and and that the movement in all lines is now in the direction of improvement." The New York Times says that "inquiry in the best informed quarters shows that there is unmistakeably a better feeling and a more hopeful outlook in general business circles. There is no question here that the general condition of the country warrants a pros perous fall trade." The New York Herald reports "a great change for the better." Tho New York Sun says there is "a vast chango for the better, prospects nre bright tad renewed confidence indicnted ; business should be better from now on." The New York Tribune says a bull movement is on and adds that "tho recovery from the ex treme low prices of last July and early August have now reached a remarkable extent." The reports from the nmnufac turing centers are especially favorable. Chicago gives quite a rosccolored story and San Francisco is extremely hopeful and confident. The Middle West and the South report a very encouraging outlook. Seattle The doroitfirna-r backs down and tills on the question of what was the position ot the republican party in their platform of )2 on the silver question. It attacked the democrats for their poshicn on that question sa jng that ''they did not say what they meant nor mean wl.at they said;'' and In the sime connection declared that the republican party had alvva)s bei a gold standard pary. The Ihmacnt thcn made a quotation from the republican plat form showing that It wusas strongly pledged to the use of silver ai a standard money as were the democrats wrier left that party in the attitude of not saytnt; what they meant nor meaning wlia: they siiJ In iSyj, if oe the Mountaineer's statement that that party has always been a party that adhered to the gold atandard. The MoititttiiiierT now admits that that part)' plalform is practically the same as that cf the demo crats on the same question. This admis sion being made by that paper our charge it true and proves by its own admissions that It did not say what it meant nor.mt what it said In 1S92. Care, tlulrk and Mettve. The valuable curative proerties of All cock's I'orous 1'lasters are ie to the em ployment of the highest medical and chemical skill. They are surely veceta- h e, and In ingredlen's an -method have never been equalled; saf quick and effective in tnelr action; the do not burn or blister, but soolne and elieve while cuiing, and enn be worn w:hout causing pain or Inconvenience. ! JJo not be deceived tv r.lsrepresenta- tlon, All other S3 called IVouj Plaiters are Imitations, made to sell h the reputa tion of Alicock's. t Ask for AllcocU'sand let solicitation r explanation Induce vou to accept a substitute. There is no excuse for an man to ap pear in society with a grizzly beard since the Introduction of liucklrham's Uye, which colors a natural brown r blaci. Srswiso Maciiisih neati repaired warranted t-v a inirtuclilvoDpe.rnt work- mn, at F M i'.iiu-h'a jewelrytlore, Albany. uregou. See the N- Improved Sirp:r 6fcwing ma- nue. in, 1 1 iu .u-av. tin rhi-anest W bowden, at,nt. Otiice atf M French lewelry store Hoar has Introduced a bill In the senate menling the Geary Chinese exclusion act. extending the time for registration three months afte: passage, and repealing that portion requiring that witnesses in cases against Chinese shall be white. The bill continues in force tho first six tecfioni cf the Geary act until a treaty can be made with China for the regulation of Chinese immigration. Hix'tea & MeFarland. Ihclrailini' dm, to Gov Altgeld spoke to a large audience of Chlclgo woikingmcn 0.1 Labor Day with some sense and judgment. He urged the more thorough and general organization of labor, but warned his heaters that, to be permanently effective, organization must be along patriotic lines "which harmonize not only with nature s laws but with the laws of the lend." He warned workmen against violence aa always mischievous to then-. selves as well as to the community. He declared that most of the rioting done in this country In the name of labor is done ry 'an ignorant ci..., ont'dc 01 all or ganization or union," consisting mainly of men "bioiighi into ihe ccmmunlty by conscienceless men to defeat organized la'wr." The utterance was distinctly agi Inst anarchy and In favor of law and order. It ought not to be necessary to say this of ft speech made by the G'-vcrnur of any State In this Union, but In this case it i. The decision of United States Jadjes McKenna and Mornw, In l ane, in the case of Ving Lee, the Sacramento Chinese ar rested under the Geary act for being illeg ally In the country, was handed down to day. The judges decide that under Ihe law wairan:s for the arrest of the Chinese who have not registered may be issued on complaint of any private citizen. The judges say that United States District At torney Garter showed there was not enough money avail'ble to deport nil the Chineie in the country, but he did show there was enough to send Ylng Lee away, and he was accordingly ordered deported, The judges further said that whenever It Is shown that there are r.c funds to deport Chinese the cases of those on trial will be drp;cJ Im mediately, but until that is shown the de portation must coon. Congressman Xlorso. of Massachusetts commonly tailed liising Sun" Morse, he ling the proprietor of that brand of stov polish, is constantly doing absurd thin;; but when lie wrote a bullying letter to Judge Lochren, commissioner of pensions, nuking illegal demands in behalf ofn constituent and liireatenins to bring the matter to the attention of the country if his demands were not complied with, he made a mistake. I'roliably he is himself aware of it now. The commissioner has given him a desrrved public drubbing, and shown him in his true quality of ignorance, hypocrisy nnd meanness. Ho is in a pitiful Cvse, but his fate may nerve as a warning to some others who arc na'urally as silly. A scientist, who has been listening ihe voice of the house fly through the ml crophoue, says it sounds very much like the neighing ota horse. A large black turtle weighing nearly zooo pounds was caught off Cape Lookout, -North Carolina. Albauy flnrket VhoM.45c. ! OatH, 2l(i. I 'our, .. "iltler, 2oo. Ei-gs. 18 Ijtnl, J2 to 15c. Pork - hams 12 to 15c: anon 8 l.i 111a: j 11 10 IMS Hay. baled. 7 o atooa, 0o. Apple,l 00 Hops. Itto. Uried friilt---pluui, 9c, apple., Ho Chickens, $1 03 nor dozen. Beef, on foot, Hogs, dreasod. lis. Catarrh Cannot be Cared with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they camut reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure Jt you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure fa taken Internally, and acta ntrectly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cura l.nnt.nnnn.lrn,Mli..l,.. Ik was prescribed by one ol the best physicians la .u,DwuuMf iur years, ana is a regular pre scription. It is composed ol the best tonics) acting- directly on the mucous surfaces. Thm perfect combination at th tu-n lnv..iiAna i. What Produces BUch Wnnllrflll naunlta inmiriu Catarrh. Sonri rn.,..ti-.nH:.i. ----- r. J. chunky & CO., Props,, Toledo, , Bold by Oiussists, prico 75c. " rilRESPASS NOTICE All hunter are nereov notllled not to nwmu nn..n wvw iuoiuiecf ui me unuerRigneu. seven and a half miles east of Albany, UnleSI DOrOliMiinn in first nl.talnail f shall prosecute all who thus trespin-. M r. Dr. raUcrjoit-Wtillnce 'I fie nototl I Dn'nrnd lit,, n ...t.. - hero, and can be fimnd at her retdenw, 'next door J B CouliII'b. Kha lella nT-ni.t .11 ,,,. ... prewnt and ruture; love troublea, aluteiit fiieiidi and w. llw Jroni vcur Uta(, i,leLj- T. C. M ICKEY, M.D., Advertisixo Novsmtii'si W un complete lino of noveltiso, direct from the ui.iKcm, ran ltimibii tno same nt lonea priceH. Whistles, mirrors, pencil, mam oriindii books, nankins, fan, ruh.r vr.i sticks, panels, rhromu etirds. en ps, t'nlou ni n, jiniiw i-uiua, eic, ill season. And always the best Job I'kintixo IV SlflLET, Leading Printer. Physidan and Sui-oun, Ofllce-ri.-it.ilrs over the Kcaumncu, comer loin ami Calapoola it. MJ,:rj.)i ir OHCntTPRCPERIY. 6 m n?NT M SENDERS v. W " "ml oilier pn Y tin To Brace Up t!io eystom after T n ti r i n n n 5 " lll'Ullluiiia,iL-l cia, ira- notito l:s- oasi'st; to litiiKl up ni'oi'.fu fiesli am ! .ri'iitli, and to restore lu-altli ami victor wlu'ii you ft.il "run -down" and used ltj), the 1,-est tiling in tho world is Doctor ,j Pierce's (iolcleii ;' Jledical IJiscov- ery. It promotes all tho bodily functions, rouses every organ into neaiiniiii action, purines uiui en riches tho blood, and through it cleanses, repairs, and invigorates tho entire system. For tho most st ubborn Scrofulous, Skin or Scalp Diseases, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, and kindred ailments, tho " Discovery is the only rem edy that's guitrttntccd. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you liavo your money back. Isn t it tafo to say that no other blood - purilicr can be " just as good?'' If it were, wouldn't it bo sold so ? Can you think of anything more convincing than the promise that is made by the proprietors of Dr. Sages Ca tarrh Remedy? It is this: " If we can't cure your Ca tarrh, we'll pay you $500." 170R?AlJE A " of 1, Yieifck. good home. Inquir BALED HAY ,-Soma baled hay.mlght ty damased. lor sale at nduced price. Call at Farmers and Merchants Insurance office. J F.FORD, Evanaelist, Ot Dt Motae, low. HTi'twa umlorylato ol Mai eh 23. WS: 5. fl. Meu. Mi; Co.. Of nth mm i Ov arriving bmiie last wee It, I tcuvA all well anl anxiously a'taitiu. Our little irl, e hh aud UDe-hi'lfyeara o!d, who hid wa ted away to 38 pouiuU, in now well, imtitf and vii;nroaf and uetl lluihed up. B. Cotijjb t'ure haadne iti work well. 8:tthofth I'lfKhen like it. Voar S li. Couch Curo Iiai cured and kept away a'l hoarheuris tu in me. So give it to eury one, with gre-iiua for all. Wishing you pruatM-ri y, wo ara , Vour( Mb & Mit J F Foitn. !fya wUh to (L'aliiFttu anJ cliecrful, ami rea.ly Mr thuSitrinif '4 w.irk, elaaim; yi.ur y.jtoiu widi tlie llondaclic utt.l l.lvjr Care, by taking two or tlirtu 60 cutita ir bot'.lo by all Jrn'wlft. 8 1 1 under a posit ivo truna.)tec L J ACLMMING. ALU ANY COLLKGE.:::.: Fall Term liegins September 13. Send for Catalogue. Address, REV. K X. CON LIT Alluny, l)re',;0n MITEESITY : OF : OREGON EUGENE Oln Monday, Ssitksiber 18th Just closed the most prntipcrous year hi its historv. Wide ranee of studies. Tho- ough instruction. lJusiness course edded. 1 union free. Entrance fee. Sio. Board and lodging at reasonable rates l.i the elegant new dormitory and boardlnir hell on me campus.wnere siuuents will receivt personal supervision. Johjj VV. Joiinso:;, McMINNVILLE COLLEGE. McMirmviUe Oregon, This Colleire is one of the oldest and bes (viuippcj colleges in the Xorthwest. ort!riHlHlblii ami l- lrsi Hn CONRAD MEYER, PROPRIEIOR, t alaiurd fTaitx, Uluxatf are, ' Orled FruilH, Tobiicoo, Nnijar, 4'otler, El,, laaueil tie . tneensnar. Vegetable,,, Cigar Mlee, Tea, Etc., (so rer'tttiuir that is kept In a r,er vanciy ana wraccry auir., ljlghet v irict ALL market 1 KINDS ictt paid for OF PRODUCE One y.-irn;: niln if.--t.it o.w i..t. reek aiouseToi;.;-! Uvvn. Zx. per uoiue. Sciatic Rheumatism Quick Relief and Perfect Cure Mr. O. B. Patrtcte Stockton, Cat. AtiEXTS WASTKnon&ilan andCommiion for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Biorty of JAMES G. BLAINE, By ti.ut IIaiiii tmn, his literary executor, with the co-oprratittn of hi. family, and fur Mr. Hl.int'a rompletn Wurlir, 'TwrxrT Vr hp CosuKKs.," and his later bona, 'I'ttl 1TK l. llt-rjiit." (las prospectus f tr the.r 3 kk-t M l IIM tiottka in the m.r- ket. A K 1' .Ionian of Me.,took 1 1'.' nrtipni irtnn mat I IU calls; agent's Itrolit S I ; .VI .. n ............ v.. i.tnriiers, i.f eai l.uatla, in 1 nav: pront fJti.S.i, K X l!iee ' Miaa. t.tok ;7 order, in - iU:t; protit "--" J I'atn.lire if Mr. tk 4.).r,lrra f...ni ?i call.! pr..iit J;.".. 'J,-,. K A Palmer f N. Ilak. t,Hik.l or, If r in .Lis,,; profit i'..i.!. K. 1.1 SIK TlKRirnKV s'iren. If run win itmaae I.AIUit Jltl.NKV unmctlialf !y lor ttrtna lr I was so badly afflicted wlta sciatio rheuma tism Uiat I eouia scarcely more. I used a ereat many remedies which ditl ne no f&oti. A friend presented me a bottle ol Hood's Sarsaparitla, which I bcinn to take. The relief was quick and two bottles cured mo completely. I author, lie the uic ol my name and portrait In rccora. racndlns Hood's Sarsaparllla, lor I think II a very yaluaMe medicine. I recommend It to all who may be anlieted with rhoumatlsm or old gcTs 5& Cures leter sores, as I know of a lady in Oakland who has been cored ol ulcers t.y this wonderful Bed. Iclne." C. U. I'ATnicK, No, SOB California St, Stockton. California. tiet HOOD'S. 1 MOTHERS r MOTHERS !! To know that a single applica tion of the Cuticura Remedies will afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a sneedv ana economical cure of torturing. uisuguring, itching, burningand staiy n unions, and not to use them without a moment's delay Is to fail in your duty. Cures made In childhood are speedy, economical and permanent. FoM lhnii!L'hni;t tltn vn.1.1 rr.p t. ClIRM. Com., m.lt- pro.ri,-ti,rtt. Il.i.t.m. i-t. .it About tin- lll..l,sln,.-ii-ui1,ui.J llalr,"miliHl free. J J-Fnt lal lllrmlaltr., falline hair and .Implo baby rubra prt-wiin-u bj l iiiii-ura Soap. " If tintl, nchlnc. nerroua mnth. era knew Ihe comfort, strenfrlh, and tlulity in Cnllmr. ru.tera, they would never he without them. In every way the purest. awmrat best of piasters. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly ao4 efficiently, on the liver and bowels. S6C. wrilt- CARPETS, WALL PAPER, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, Best :h:M: Mel, ADVANCE THRESHERS f A, advantnges not found elsewhere Beautiful Location. SuituMi! Uuililiims, Eflificnt Tcatlicro, Expenses Light; a boarding hail in the College ouiiuui 011 u.ecuiuuun. I'resuient iirownsoi; siewimi, tnus piar.uitei'ing (rood board ut tlr least possible cost to the student. Hoard can ids lie hail in private families ut 62.50 to $:!.00 jte: "ci-ii, iiiciuoino; loogllljr. ""Hie fine Telescope recently nimmteil in till Xew Observatory and the extensive Library to winch students have free uccess, olfen 1 tins state. . Thirty Acre Campus, Kcaltliy Surroundings, Thorough Hoik. i .i,.,. t v V S...-U.. i m .,11 .Hiit-n, ituMinTs uuiirso 01 1 wo years. fiinVh hfil iNor",i'' ?", ""titled to a State Diploma, ami are in demand to till iiiKli poMtions. McM.nnville is accessible by rail from all parts of the Slate, on the main trunk of the Southern Pacific Ii. It. West Side; fifty miles south of Portland Fall Tern Sent! for 4'ufulngne. Begins September 19th. Address. T. . ItltOWNSO.V, I'rrxiricnt. Or A J Hunsaker, Solicitor and Financial Agent. Portland's Great Industrial Exposition Oi'rks September 27 looo CIloskh Oerentn -s LIBERATI'S CELEBRATED MILITARY BAND T ILL FURNISH THE MUSIC. A WORLD OF MECHANICS IN MINIATURE. 0.-&...AI. fBAURES WILL ECLirSat TllOstt T.lr- '""B" r A.AI l-REVIOUS IRA MADAME GIRARD OYER'S PRISMATIC miiNTAiai Comtrncted at cost of 10,000 snd throwing a t .onwnd J,t, of water la .11 color, n' tl, rainbow will beautify Musio ilall. Containing; hah of all To Farmers HAVE RENTED THE MAGNOLIA Mill warehouse and will have it iu j?cod order for receiving the present crop. Ihe warehouse is first class and conveoieDtly located. Contains ,wo cood cleaners. No delay in unloading. Sacks will btoa hand for dolivery in duo tin e. Give me a call before making arrangement's to sore voar crop. O.K. SIMPSON. Albany, Or., July loth, IS93. WANTED At Ihe atoien formerly Allen Bros., owned by BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BACON. and CHOICE APPLES. I wit! pay the best cash price for which possible. B F RAMP iinmcotaieir tor ttrtmlo ijy ii. - T!:fHt'Br)i:iIiru:).fo.,orni,f,,nn!rOr(DllIIer 4 lfiiM Are warranted to thresh more grain in a Riven time and dolt better thauanvn. chine made. The AnvtNct: Tr crio E;ivri ar( the best in the world. Rernember l.rc work mea: s Urge protiis in Ihe thresMna business. CalalJSue mailed Iree. KOWARIl IIIHSIIFS, llcn'l Aji'l, Porthind, Oregoa- varielita found in Oiegoii waters, have been construuted st gnat THE ART aALLESY Will contain a col.eetion of vaintinm .elartril fmm ih. w.u'. n-.:. .. Ellsburg a celebrated paii.tin,-,, Cnster'. l.t V.shf, To visit thi, great' Exposition ."d view .ts wonder. ,u every dep.. tment of Alt and Science, will be the next th in to . visit to ihe World s Fair at Chuaeo. 'mug jo a Itednced rates on ail Transportation Linei. For further information address, yt w ALLEX Superintendent and Secretary, NEW ": FURNITURE, MVM.r,E ISNWFUI.L OF F2P.ST-CLAS3 FURNITUIiE. CONSISTING it bed room sets. came. Icune.L air. whiM. r.ii.-n.. BOTTOM PRCES. Tlios. Iirink. Notice of Assignment. NCTICH is hereby niven that Isaao Beam of Albany, Oregon, has duly auigned to the undersigned assignee all his property and ciT'ota for tho benelit of his crcditois, nnder and by virtue of the geqertt assignment laws cf the state of Oregon, and the under signed hasheretnfo.e ti -wit oo the 25th day cf August, 1S93, duly qualified ae such assignee. All perrons having claims ogainst laid insolvent and the estate thereof are hereby required to present ihe same to the under signed at the itorphnuxe buildittg of Ii.ao Beam, in the city of Albany, Oregon, under oath within three months from this date. IHted this 2nd dy of September. A D, 1SH3. R K CANTERBURY, As:gnee of Isaac Beam.an insolvent. Poktlakb, Okluom. A. P. AXUSTROXG. pRlNCiPAt. upBiiiitte, Students tn.y enter at any time. Cai.;ogue free. , w"l I W . I l' I J, IIK I.KAIMXfi PIIOTOMt truiiits, egon- -aihaar nrearoa Cabinet photo, from 5 i.en to 14.00 per dozen. Enlaiglng pictures a peclaltv. i'ix2o cravon; framed lor $ 10.00. We carry a large stock 5x8 and sleresccplc views ot Or- OREGON STATE FAIR. Under the management of the State Board of Agriculture, on the State Fair Gron ode near Salem, commencing September 11th, 1&)3, and continuing one week. More than $15,000 in cash will be paid at premiums for stock, poultry, swine, agricul tural prodaet8,fruite,Dative woods, mineral, woiks of art and farcy work, and for trial of speed. Reduced rates of fare and freigh's on all transportation line. Favillion open four evenings during Ihe week with good music in attendance. The cew frrand stand and tb? new regulation track are conceded to b a moon trip mnt comfortable and the best o the Pact tic Coast. Splendid contest speed each day. There is entered for the content the beat field of horses this ye that haa been on the grounds for man seasons. aloable and handsome improve men? n hare been made on the b rounds and build logs, Pretmam li.t ha been revised and im proved to the benefit of exhibitors. Enttiet for premiums clot e at 3 p m on the first Ha of the fair, and exhibits must be In place by 10 p m of laid day. FRTCES Off APMlSAIOX. Men Season Tickfte t2.& Women's Smiou Tickets 1.0 Men lav Tickets -2 Women'! X)v Ticket- 2 Rice Track Ticket, daily .23 Women to the race co trie, free. Children nrd.f 12 yesrs, free to all, . .Send to the trcrctarv at Portland for a Premium T.itt J APPEi:0N. J T GKEGU, Seeretary. President.