Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, September 12, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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    r I
wtuiM W JU Jit OT UUJ I t at
NO 107
4j vi
No W,LI-
ear! Q (longI
Smith, of Towawla, Ta.,
hose constitution was completely
roken down. Is cured ly Ayer'a
iirsapanlla. Iio writes:
11 For eight years, I wan, most of tho
imp, a great sufferer from constipat
ion, kidney trouble, and Imligcs
lon, so that my constitution seemed
o be completely broken down. I was
nduced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and
ook nearly seven bottles, with such
'excellent results that my stomach,
bowcU, ami kidneys nre In perfect con
dition, and, in all their functions, as
refill lur as clock-work. At the time
I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, my
weight was only 1LMJ pounds; I now can
bras of 150 pounds, nml was never In so
good health. If you could see mo be
fore and after using, you would want
me for a traveling advertisement.
1 believe this preparation of Sarsaparilla
lobe the best in the market to-day."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ay or St Co., Lowell, Maw.
Cures others, will cure you
The Oregon
tVHn it, home
S-A-XBIM- - -
' l .lie Gray BlocL, corner Liberty and
jlffAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem'
Will sell 5. 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per
I ere small cash payment lopp time on balance
7 ftT TVlvtlin Irtvo
Oregon State Normal School
JT'he leading normal school!
1 X Ol the XorthuM Slrn.n rf..
Nona! and academic courses, and well or
,-."iru .nodel bchool or Practical Train-
"B"i teachers. Normal, Advanced Nor
mal, Bus n.
(! i , tin iJe(iarimeni.
"eauttiul and Walinn f.lht
M-cnse no saloons. The Normal had
' s'eady growth during the pasi
i "aching an eniollmeni of over 400,
" 'argest In Its history. New memtieH
.c oeen added to tl:e appar
""uppiird, and the course of study re
"ea and strengthened. The grad iate
,ln "emand to fill good positions. The
loma entitles th. i,V.m , i
fount; in tl,e ,.ate w!lnout fahcr exim'
Addre.,, Pi Lt fAnPBEI.l, Pica.,
"8 very latest, 'news la that you can buy at JULIUS
S WOHti'S BAZA AR, for net cash, goods as follows:
'buckle's Coffte, Per Pound
bs. Granulated Sugar $1.00
1 ifca. Magnolia Suar White 1.00
I 1 Kerosene, per single gallon SO
Cans reailed, 5 gallons 00
4 Oallons Goad ?lckles,3:arket firm 1.10
a Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40
. t . rxrdnct atrlet enh morn, and til good will b aM Tor tt eush from t
sr' n' Unm than rgqiar prle. My tnrk of Chinaware, fsney goods, aro
.'I .e'rahl stIkh of dishei, as well as a gsnitral amrttnant or groeer1, crocV
T, lsin;.spnd flxtarea in tosiplsth. 1 maks a srwii!; ot 0ne t-f cfT anrt
iiri 1 owder, and always plm my euaromera,
t rronsible Insurance ecmpr.w. Jnlla Urssdsrohl.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figa is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the tnsto, and acts
tsntly yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Laver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt ia
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities coaimend it
to all and havo wado it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for ealo in EOc
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
nioues io try ii. jo not acct'K any
towsvijs. itt. i roe. .r.
;i4S. PFtilFFKI' t-KOI'Ml'.YoR
Land Co
office alj
- OBEGO. 3"-
State street, branch office In Portland
inatlois. Tuition. Normal, $6.25 per term
M 10 weeko; .oo ner l.-im
if to weeks; Business, T6.35 per term.
Hoard at Normal Dlninir Hall. i.7c ner
week. Rooms from ioc ner week run
furnished) to $100 and $1.15 furnished.
Hoard and lodging fn private families, $3 50
10 $4.00 per week. Tuition, board.lodglng
and books less tian $150 per year. Con
servatory of Music. Tho;ouzh courses
are offered In vocal and lnvrumen'al mu
le. Tuition, $10 per term of 20 lessens.
Monmouth is easily accessible fro.n all
parts of th- State, twelve miles frcn the
State Capltal.sixtvmlfes soul hot Poi'.land
ataiogius cncerlully sent on app.lcaiion.
or S. BIIEDD. Sec of Fsoalty.
Vflll tJ sVUUUUl
liccuue some producers of perishable
Bermuda vegetables testified before the
ways and means committee 'tliat they had
soiueiiuies sold their produce here less the
duties, the protiction orsans break out
with the silly old c'aim that "the foreigner
pays tue duty.
This is Gov McKinley. favorile bit of
demagogic dishonesty when he is on the
backwoods stump, but for a newspaper
printed within sight of the custom house
reP " 8 a pool tribute to the intelli
irence of its readers,
li ; t ..
ucv.-sttiir) i0 repeal ie inqui
ries which wc addressed in vain to the
republican speukers and journals last year:
Why. if the foreigner pays the liuty, did
your J-'.fty- first congress stop at a billion
dollars In appropriations? Why not spend
a 'million and a half and fructify this favor
ed land with the tribute of effete despotism ?
If the foreigner pays the duty why not
abolish the internal revenue taxes, which
our own people indisputably pay, and raise
all our revenues from the helpless producers
of the ol J world ?
The duly on pearl buttons is 1 10 percent.
Docs the foreigner pay tho duty in other
words, give us the buttons and 40 per cent
in addition in cash? The duty on some
grades ot cheap flannels is i07 per cent; on
cheap wool yarns 133 percent; on cheap
blankets 104 per cent; on cheap hats 105.
Does the foreigner pay the value of these
goods and a bonus besides for the privilege
of giving them awny here?
Why do the monopoly defenders rennnt
this rubbish? Do Uiey not know that the
tariff fight is over, for throe years at least,
and that McK inlej ism is bound to go 'ew
York H'orW.
Our Puhlle srhnals
Are ihe main-stay of our republic. In
them are btln cultivate.! i he minds which
are to be our future law makers and leaders
In every walk of life. Ho essential it Is
that these rr.indi should be united in
strong, healthy bodies. So many children
suffer frorr. impurities and po'sons in the
blood that It is a wonder that thev ever
glow up to be men and women, 'Many.
parents cannot And words strong enough
lo express their gratliudx to Hood's
saparilla for lis good effect upon their
children. Scrofu'a, salt rheum and other
diseases of the blood are etfeclnally and
permanently cured bv this excellent mcdl- fne wnoie being Is given strength
to ru li aitaclifc rf disease.
A 1'alui.U'e Kemeilr,
Hon Edmund L Puts, lis - late president
ol the Iew York State Senate, writes:
Albany, March nth, 1S80.
I have used 'Allcock's Porous Plasters
tn my Umny for the past five vtars, and
ran truthfully say tlvsy are a valuable
remedy and effect great cures. I would
not be without them, f have in several
Instances given son.i to fiUmds suffering
with weak and tamp hm-Li. nnH tl, k...
invarianiv attorded cerialn and speedy ro-
iici. iney cannot he loo h n . v mm.
yourself very niuch about business Hurlnir
the hot months If you wish 10 keep cool:
nur r.iusi you get into habit ot asking
f It Is hot enough for him, w:ien you can
see very plainly that he Is practical?
roasted; but, Instead, advise him to call on
Parker Brothers and get the best baked
goods to be secured, as well as warm
weather groceries generally,
By so doing 'ou iil surely ictala his
h:vf I'noTorip.APHFn. l ima opened n
r giillory In the Y. M. C. A. blnirk, 2nd
street, Allnnv. and wi trv hnnl in nlMu
all who will fuvor me with their natronuge.
I will take nil aiziw find ships of nhntna n
gootl its the boat nnd as chenp ns thfl chenp
eat. I nm no traveling photo hem tod.iv
ana gone tomorrow, mit hnvo come with
wife and children to mnke a hnm in vm.r
glorious rlinmte. I have cotno to itiiv
Please call and see rue and trv mr v-L-
Very reMictfully yin, ' !
o. A. Hammkm,. i
Late of Toronto. Canada, j
Dow 00 tub Ratks. The Union Pa-!
cific now lead with reduced rates to eastern
poinu.ana inair tnmugh car arningementu,
magrnficeatly equipped Pullman and Tour
ist sleepers, free reclining chair car and fajt
tune, make it the hcA linn to travel. Two
trains leive from Portland daily at 8:4 am
and7::Wpm. Tne rates nre now within
re.ich of all. and evervltodv should take ad
vantage of them tovisitthe World's fair and
tnetr mends in the east, genii for rates
and schedules of trains, and do not pur
chase tickets mitil after consulting Curan &
jionieiTii, Albany, 'r.
II Ht'Ri.nt'iiT,
Ass t (Jen'I Van. Agent, IT. p.
Portland, Or.
I- Marrlaie a fall nre
Who haM decide h? hv. ..t...t
ca pone ag'j mat ir u a success everv time
wbh Simmons Liver' Regulator "in Ihe
house. Ir promVrs h-trmonv and good
nature oy preventing unv tiV.mrk r th.
worst enemy; Indigestion ar.d dyspepsia,
which mate dUcorJ In the hrfghlrst home.
uu win nnu me re ;uiBnT a good re re
ay ioroiiiiounefsan.f sick hmdache. It
me noueno:u irlcntl.
ew,. nnfl e r rrnstinatlon ad SIcls
icl!?. small Uilo liuuw.
wS Jy Did H
Y.scoivEn,. C, Sept 11. Waller
Sangster arrived fee Sunday from Chester.
Nil. Today npjc.mmenccd drinking and
this afternoon goi in whiskey craze and
ran down Duponfc Ireet, knocking down
all the Chinaiueulbi met, He then threat
ened to shoot a' teauster who refused him a
ride, after which lie went in a lane back of
Dupont street and aong the tide flats of
Pleasant inlet, tukiig out a revolver as he
went Here he ma a siwash known as
Squamish Tom, wlo was waiting to get
out his canoe. He Talked past the Indian
a few s'eps and ther turned and tired, put
ting a bullet througi Toms' head .and kill ing
him instantly. Then he ran up the
street again, and find three shots, one of
which, inflicted a scrip wound on a China
man, lie ran acrcss to Hastings street,
and fired at three m;n. but missed. Then
he went in a shed. 1 The chief of police
came up and went iito the shed, where he
was arrested.
neanmtd Bnslned.
l'lTTsiirno Sept 11. A Urge number of
idle men were given employment today by
the resumption of tke numerous iron and
steel plants. For the first since January 30
every depaitment of Jones k Laughhn s
American works nre in operation, giving
employment to 35C0 men Sixteen addi
tional furnaces were put in operation at the
National tube works, and the sheet mill of
Moorbead, McOleane & Co. has started.
The Carbon steel works went on the
"double turn," and the bar mill and two
heating furnaces, two puddling furnaces,
four sheet mills in the United iron and tin
plate works, started up with full forces.
Xug & Co. also resumed on n single tuin.
Other plants nre preparing to start.
A atioknttc Fire
Spokane. Sept ll. -The grandest pyro
technic display ever seen in Spokane was
occasioned oy the burning of the exposi
tion building last night. Not since the
great tiro of 1$89 has such a conflagration
been witnessed here. In 10 minutes after
the fire was discovered flames barst through
the immense dome, lighting up the entire
city and country for miles around. Tho
nre department wns unable tn bo anything
more than protect the surrounding build
Xrarlni a yule. f
Washington, Sept 11. While outward
appearances indicate that the situation in
the senate is unchanired and that the de
bate on the repeal bill may continue in
definitely, there are facts apparent to the
initiated which go-to'bow that the end is
insight. There is a strong probability
that the senate will be either ready to ad
journ or take up other legislation by the
first of October. Few even of the stanchest
silver advocntes any Ioniser claim a major
ity of the senate.
Xallonul Itiiuks Open.
Washington. Sept 11 Tne national
hanks reopened today are as follows: The
First National bank, of Provo, Ulan; the
Western National hank, of South Pueblo,
('ol ; the First National bank, of Nashville,
Tenn; the First National nnnk. of Lemars,
la. Of the 154 banks up to d.ite 61 have
resumed, oSare in ihe hanns of receivers,
34 in the hands of examiners, and one has
gone into vo untary liquidation- '
The Geary Law.
Washington, Sept , 11. Attorney gen
eral Olney has instructed United Staten
marshals to hike no further steps for the
further enforcement of the Geary law,
f lending specific instiuctions to tho contrary
roin Washington, these instructions do
not, applv. however, to the Chinese already
in nroirrcss of deportn'ion by due process of
The True Trlnriple 1
Of th- plant lived in mAr.tif.2tuilng the
pleasant remedv, Svrun of Fig, has a
pcrmanen lv benedcial effec on the human
oystein, while the cheap vegetable ext-acts
and mineral so!uii'itiu.ually so'd as med
icine, arc permanently injurious, ilt-lng
well lnforind. you h I 110 the true rem
edy only. Mani'f iCiurc.L by the Cali
fort 1 la Vg Syrup Co.
C vdee potu'occ 4 tents a h. a'. Parker
New Chain Ratkh. The Oregon Pacilio
Railway lirs inaxle the oxcontionally low
rate of $2.rn per ton on wheat and onU t.
San Frnnciwo. Tho company irtnndiii
hy the fanners and have been led to make
th' rvdmtion in view of the extremely low
price now prevailin'T in hopethat it will
advance very soon. ' K eduction take: effect
Spt th.
Tin j. rnFYm.ikmnAtfathctt he Is Via
senior nartnerof the firm ot F. J. Chbx et&Co. ,
doinfftiisiness In the City of Toledo, County
and Stat aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum Of ONB HUN1JKKIJ lUiaAKH lor
ftarh and everr case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the ns of U all's Catarrh Cl rk.
pworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this fitH day ol December, A.D. isse.
j HEAL, j
Aofary Pubtte
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts
directly on the blood fcod mucous surfaces of
ths system. Send fortilmonirls, free.
F. J. CHENEY ACO.f loledo, O.
Sold by Dmggists, 75c.
The only Pare Crtara of Tartar PoTrdcr. No'Amroonia; No Alnm.
Oset? M-ruipru 0f Homes 4c Veart the Stanja?ll
Highest of all In Leavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report
1 s&&m
A Great CoxvExiEXcfi.- 'World's fair
visitors travelling via the Xorthefn Paci
fic R R and Wisconsin Central line, ate
landed at the Grand Central station in
Chlcngo. This magnificent fire-proof
building. loLated In the heart of the city,
has been fitted up as a hotel, run on the
European plan, with about 200 rooms
handsomely furnished and each room s
supplied with hot and cold water, electric
lights, etc. The charge for accommoda
tions are reasonable, and pa. ties can secure
rooms in advance by calling upon agents
of the Northern Pacific RR. By taking
the Northern Pacific through cir line to
Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort
of all transfer in that city, and can also
travel between the Grand Central station
and World's fair grounds by trains which
run direct betveeo the two poluts.
Agent at Albany,
Imitations have been put upon the
market so closely resembling -Allcock's
Porous Plasters in general rppearance as
to be well ca'culated to deceive. It tc,
however. In (general appearance 'only that
they compare with Allcock's, for thev are
worse than worthless, inasmuch as they
cot 1 tain deleterious ingredients which are
apt to cause serious Injury, Remember
that Allcock's are the 4nly eenuine porous
plasters ihe best external remedy ever
produced; and when purchasing plasters
do not only ask fr hut see that you get
Altcock'4 Porous Plasters.
Ask Your Friends
Who haye taken Hood's Sarsaparilla what
they think of it, and the replies will be
positive in Us f ivor. One has been cured
of Indigestion and dyspepsia, another finds
it indispensable for sick headache, others
repoit remarkable cures of scrofula, salt
rheum and X7ttrer4lwluactui others
will ten you that U overcomes "that tired
feeling,' and to on. Truly, the best ad
vertising wnicn sarsaparilla re
ceives is the hearty endorsement of the
army of friends It has won by its poMtivc
Shiluh's Cure, tho grait couh ud uiiDp
carp, is fur s!e by n. Pocket size contains
tuentj-tive dost, only 25o. Children laroit
7thy & Mason.
wfc- -
We H''u to Et anyway. The bet.
ter the groceries the more enjoyable life
Is, and whil- we do not kit live simply lo
cat, we certainly eat to live. If you
eet your groceries and baked goods of
Parker Brothers you afrs bound to live
well If H is rnly on a loaf of rye bread
They keep lhcbert In everything, and sell
at price that sitisfy regardless of itinei.
Call on thein.
Wnat aliull I Taker
Why Shn;nons Liver Regulator.of course.
It can' be beat In any attack of indigestion,
biliousness, slcs headache fir cons'iptlon.
It give quick relk't, u..d if continued ir
aw bile will completely cure lh?sc aliments.
The Regulator conies in liquid and pow
der foim. Tne powJer is wondei fully
convenient for the vest pocket. A pinch
of the powder and a swallow rf water
lea v a no taste nd works effectually
T' F n , -Tie tinrierf igoed have
l-vel th of Dvid S ih t
Tillitian fci.fl t imtr prepared t more
gtiH.tMd Ml ti-m-ri r re q nested o oill
ami mil them f re niftkintf arnneincntr A Sanukiis,
Lives of many men remini us
e 1 : . . 41 ; : ; 1
1 " I . : mm) 1
1 l ' 1 m 1 1 : 1 ( (it
ll 'h-. h tr 1 frf.l n ms aii'1 tur iiu ftiar,
thtffciu: f dir (en m;nl s'linul cinif at d
0 Vo -f,i .,1. ,.u li. imf: rnnidy ul .lima'
it Mn' Hair :ttiMjr
Tntmty f.n' tarrlrnrr
C D Frtdnck, :he well Known pho
tojjraphpr, 770 i.Dsdxav, New York,
ajs- ! have bc i uMng Allcock s Por
ous l'lastert fur 2 veals, and found thein
one of ihe rest ,f family inedlchle..
Briefly summltiie uu my experience. I ut
that when placed .1 ;lie small of Ihe back
Allcock's Plaster, fill ihe body with ner.
vous energy, and 1 bus cure fatinue. brain
exhaustion, delilu- and kidney diffieui-
les. For womei' and children I luve
oundthem Invaliidiile. They never Irtl-
ate tne skin or caue the slialitett pain,
but cure sore thront. rouelis. coldf. nain In
Hie side, back or chest, indigestion and
n n complaints.
Pinker Rrts, giocers,
F, M. French keeps railroad time
Bay yottr groceries of Parker Bros
Fise groceries at Conn & lleodrieson'a.
Wjw cream eheese juat loooived at Conrad
P J S mi fey job printer, Flion Block, does
first class work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent
cigar at Julius Joseph's,
Or ! i Eti, physician and sartjson
Albany, 'Vent CAU mala itt oit or
Country. s
World's Fair Travelers Will Hsve II
The public demand throuyh servios when
travelinir. It is old-fash iontid to "Chanae
Cars." On the through, olid vrstib&led
trains of the Chica", Union' Pciflo tt
North Western Line from or to Chicago.
Cmihaand intermediate point there" u 00
ha uqc. Tin is the tioent and fastest Ber
ce ixtwooti the points n timed.
Pfiifsct Baby Hsili
ought to
rroin glow
inr; 1: e a 1 1 h
,1. :ui j yC.-f
and robust
wealth in the v
o a r s t o
cor.c. When va ses in children
tenancies to weakness, we know.
V,r: crs misjing the life of food
CaAv.. This loss is ovcrcons by
5' r: I -fx- Oil .f1, 1.-,.
phi'..-.', a fit-food thai up
appo.ite anif produces CcJi nt a
rav: :'.:;it appears maslcr.l, ,
Almost as palalakts is
suA?iSTS?DJI,ltl and Kiara Tama
??!.d.r7j)ruinrlsta or sent br mall. !o6q2
Captain 8wmoj, tJJi.A Ban nu. rui
mMldnel have erDrfound that wntiMrinm
ogood." Price to eta. Bold by Urmritiata.
TlTTH fllRVAl rVstWIR Pima . - . . .
nortyal; baa cured thouasods, nf wj u
Tout if taLen In time. Woittrtt Wettv, L0d-
Easily. Quickly.
Pcrmansnlly Reilured.
end a:itN-frtiinr.v:-t,
f nn:.irl wru.iM.r latm
?xc.m. Uit- rtM.lts U
worrv.eie TuUh'.rv, gn
i-vtl.itjTi'ef.t acii t,,n
rlvrn us cryi.-istaii
jv.tioti if ir;t. ut.
r!mi.nitTirelme1l:(H .
iTiii'iettl it-irt" vfwwt
ctH n. Y' llrre Ur.n- Jo.
?." rrffrmna k, tft'
erT'linntlon and tnwll
Bialltd (isalrd) rrei.
DUF7ALO. N. v.
IF : you . n
or ai.y Vird rf a K'm linV,mrli. r -
nlcle, ra'1 on 'or s5trt ss.
D. F. KfiMP
Oppctllr piwt Ofe
Ibany, O
VieOH of n
m m a a, .