Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, August 31, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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ljid every day in the week
ccpt Sunday.
NUTT1MQ, CditortunilPron'r
td ttlba PrttOfll?at Albany
strong elasa mail matter
...alui'ST .11, is3
Hadlev is Ddino. -Recaiver
of the Oregon Pacific railroad,
sent to him a section of piling
im Yaquina bay which has been
for two years. It has been
i a glass case and will be sent to
ger Hermann at Washington to
1 exhibition in the room of the
;e on riven and harbors The
piling is thoroughly lioney-
plainiv demonstrating the de
i work of the teredo and the
' of precautions against the pest
orlr. that has already been done
ly. To a person who lias never
thing of the kind tlia specimen
t curiosity and is very attractive,
ey says that he ib also preparing
itch will. contain samples of the
nd beautiful native woods of
alio the productions of the state,
grain, wool, etc., which are
by way of Yaquina bay .showing
irtance of the harbor and hoping
will materially assist in having
appropriate money enough to
eceasary improvements. Large
iphi showing the bar at different
! toe tme aca oi oilier important
ill also be sent.
t Pacib. Del Norte, owned by
Bros., of this city, came to the
Portland yesterday, winniogthe
ce, toeing tne ursr, near, ami
1 the next three straight with
ul ease, in 2:18, 2.18,'i and :20.
Albany men were present and
their money on Del Norte This
four year old wilbnace Saturday
Blondie. OnrtiovC Kittitas Kan-
others and will have to do live
win. The DkUocrat ib informed
i Norte baa made a mile in 2:13,
larterat a 2 minute rate, so that
ie that wins will have to fly.
Rates Fob Hops. Oregon Pa
cfals have about completed an
mem by wbfch they hope to
rt east the immense hop output
and Linn counties. A very low
i been secured across the corni
er the Santa Fe route fiom San
Jal, and the O V proposes to lay
duct down in Ban Diego at a cor-
lingly low figure, making the rate
York and Boston one dollar per
than bv anv other line. The
pf bops from Folk county nlone
;regate nearly 120 carloads, and
,Ity carloads will be picked near
org., , ,
:'h(nss Piab Trek..,. Mr A T Gil
sasured a pear tree on Mr Allen's
I Polk county the other day that
y is one of the largest of kind
own. It is of the variety called
otter. The tree is M feet and 2
high and 7 feet t) inches in nir-
")nce Seven feet from the ground
i a limb that is 4 feet 7 inches i.i
iterance. It is estimated that
e holds 100 bushels of fruit.
Tin deposits in the Kansas City banks
increased $2,000,000 In the last sU weeks.
An acre of oats of Anthony Maxwell,
of llaisey, made 100 bushels. Ills entire
crop averaged 70 bushels.
The state firqmens tournament meets at
The Dalles on next week. Albany will
probably not eve., send delegates.
Jesse Spencer, of Corvallic. has charged
25 cents a shave up to a lew davs ago,
when he dropped to IS cents. Several
years behind lime.
While In the city recently Res- IIP
ebb gave an Aloanv friend some crocus
sets dhectly tram Jerusalem. Thev will
be planted and their tutute will be ra'ch
ed with Interest.
Several Albany boys did not put in an
appearance last night unt'.l about 10:30
o'click. A dog show near First and Lis-
worth streets was the attraction.
An excursion train will leave Albany
for Yaquina ltny next Sunday at 7 o'clock.
1 he Willamette valley will sail for San
Francisco, and the tug will go out over
me uar. Kouna trip .
The doll carnival will be opened one
week from tomorrow. The committees
having it in charge are making a special
effort 10 give tne finest exhibition that has
visited Albany this season. A hard times
fee will be charged. You can't afford to
miss it. In the YMCA Hall Sept 8th
Ed Stanton, a young man, and an old
resident of Yaquina Bay, was hauling
lumber on the Siletz reservation when his
team ran away, going into a low shed. He
was caught and his oack broken, so lhat
he only lived a short time.
John Gray was yesterday awarded the
contract for building a dining hall and two
cottages at the state insane asylum . M r
Gray's bid was $24,327.30. It will be re'
membered that II C Liebc sbid was 2i
434. but claiming to have made a mistake
in his estimate. Mr Liebe was allowed to
withdraw bi. Saiem Journal..
The necessary papers for a divorce suit
have been hied with the county clerk
wherein Mrs Allle Brewer is plaintiff and
Joseph H Brewer is defendant. This
couple was married In Sioux City. Iowa,
In November, 1885, and came to Sllverton
in this county In 1S90. the nlaintlft a I kg
es that her husband committed adultery
at Newport In Julv last. The case will be
attended to by Judge Burnett at the next
term 01 circuit court. statesman.
Messrs LIvInger & Douglas have re
ported the hr.est yield ot oats on record
this year. On two and one-fourth acres
of giound, by actual measurement, they
have r.arvesiea 213 ousneis, or 7,070
pounds of the Inest kind of grMn. A
measured bushel, Instead cf weighing the
regulation weight of 3b nounds. weighs 41
pounds. The yield per acre, according to
the above, is found to be o bushels. The
seed from which these oats are grown was
purcnaseu in iaiuornta, and none ot the
product will be sold, as they will be care
fully cleaned and used next year for seed.
Eugene Register.
Mr Wilson, of Wilson & Cnsse.the con
tractors on the new Agricultural College
buildings at Corvallls, was in the city this
week. They nave had twenty-five men
employed and will complete the work
ahead of time. The carpenters have com
pleted their work on the two-story building
to be utilized as the horticulture labratory
and photograph gallery, and it is now re
ceiving its last coat 01 paint, lhennlsli-
lug coat ot plastering In the structure will
be done next week. The conservatory U
now awaiting the glass.which will be put
in at once, when it will be completed.
The main work is now being done on the
larce addition to the mechanical hall and
raplJly progressing. The new barn was
finished some time ago. The new build
ing are all substantial structures.
UK Fade. Thirteen passengers
gene on the local yesterday on a
'the world's fair nt Chicago. The
iof the tourists are.MrsD A Paine,
-jilliaa Bhlnehart. Mr and Mrs
.Hoffman and daugh'er Kdith, Mr
't James Hoffman, Mr and Mrs Al
n.fdr and Mrs Al Lane and child
oers Keeney.
a liLoiinv tiistl.
A general tight, which terminated in
the shou'ing of M w t-mitli, took place
on the island, three miles south of Cor
vallls, about 8 0 clock last evening. The
others imulicated in 1 lie affair are John
Stahloucli, Sr, Herman Stahlbuch, John
Stnlillmch, Jr, Germans, and Mrs Smith,
wile 01 the man who was shot. The di
rect cause of the quarrel is difficult to
learn, but it is generally known that the
two families have been anythiug but
friendly towards each other and a feud
of long standing has existed.
as near as we can learn biiutn was in
the act of driving a coup'e of cows be
longing to the Klahlbuchs from his pas
ture, when he was met by the elder of
the Germans and a fight took place in a
rouil on Miulh'B land, the two eons 01
Stuhlbuch hearing their father's cries,
were soon at the scene. Herman with a
shotgun (this being disputed.) It is
said that r-iuith took hold of the gun
near the muzzle, ami pushed it nsiile
just as it was discharged, the load barely
missing him. In a tscullle which fol
lowed, the run became unhreccheu,
Smith having the barrels in his hands,
with which he struck the two Stahl-
hnchs on their heads, knocking them
down. II y this time the oilier Stahl-
buch arrived and was also struck on the
head witli some instrument, and in a
dazed condition drew his pistol and be
gan shooting at Smith, three of the shots
taking etlect. fames who were
hearing distance sny that six shots were
tired in all. Three bullets took effect.
He was also considerable beaten up about
the back. As to the result of Smith's
injuries the doctors are as vet unable to
lorm an opinion, as none ot the bullets
have been located. The three Stahl
buchs are terribly cut about the bead,
the older one and Herman being nnable
to be about, while John, the one who
did the shooting, was in town this morn
ing for medical assistance for bis father
and brother. He also exhibited an ug
ly wound. No one witnessed the fight
except those implicated. A warrant
was sworn for Herman and John Stuhl
buch, each, and they were arrested on a
charge of an assault with a dangerous
weapon. As 'he former was not able to
come to town and there was no one else
to take care of bis disabled father, he
was allowed to remain at home. John
was arraigned before County Judge Hnf
ford and bound over in the sum of $300
to appear for preliminary tria set for
next Saturday at 1 o'clock. The bond
was given. Corvallis News.
A lTimana nam, oav.a tn.nn I.m
I " .uftv.. pav Ott J o limb blUUip pill
;vginMcii, iiimcrn niiu pun i uruer uts
ers should be left alone. Don't patronize
The following from the Eugene Guard
indicates a continued confidence in the
value of Oregon property : K M Carpen
ter, administrator cf the John Chestnut
eBtate, has sold the farm formerly owned
by deceased, being 157 acres of the W M
Stevens donation land claim lying about
four miles easterly from Eugene, to 1 H
GoBSler, lately from the east. The
amount paid for the place was $b,280, or
?-iu per acre.
As Address. Miss O Michi Natsuda
who addressed the ladies at th W CTI)
Hall on Tuesday afternoon, will speak in
the same place on Friday eve., Sept 1st.
She will be assisted in eivinrr a nnmwn.
lauon 01 u ipanese lormai call by two
yonng ladies in Japanese costume. A
collection will be taken to assist Misb
Matsuda in defravine the incidental ox-
pence of her school life in Byrn Mawe.
New Yobk, August 25lh, ISi3.
When Henry Villard resigned from
the board o' directors of the Northern
Pacihe Railroad Co., several montliB
ago, the many operators, and especially
those interested in N I", were cast in a
gloom and could not solve the mystery
which led to that seemingly strange
move on the part of the well-known ma
nipulator of watered stocks ami bonds.
Since then, however, the great Northern
Pacific system Ims passed into the hands
of a receiver, and ot course Mr Yillard
did not go down on the slump. tVhy?
Because before the rupturo was made
public, Mr Ilillgarde, called Yillard to
take the German outfit, sold his stock to
the lionelul investors ot lierlin. Dray
Ion IveB. an active and popular investor
on the street, has written a letter criti
cizing Villard for his mismanagement of
the entire road. Mrlvcs also calls at'
tention to the vast over-issue of stock
during Mr Yillatil s regime- Mr il
lard's friends are urging him to sue for
libel, but as yet th" matter is under con
sideratin, where it will probably be
kept by the shrewd operator of Noith
ern Pacific.
Eighteen thousand people, attending
the three games played between the
home team and the Cleveland club, is
nothing if not a criterion of the unprece
dented interest given to the national
game. When the season started in May
there were more critics than could find
space, and of couree Captain ard was
unceremoniously cilicized, owing to the
unfortunate condition of the New York
Giants. Regardless, however, of all
abuse and misdirected personal libel,
the hustling captain-manager has suc
ceeded in remedying the defects in the
team, which were confiued to the batter
ies. The team has entered games with
out a pitcher or catcher in condition to
play any kind of ball. The fruit of John
M Ward's efforts is dow being harvested.
Playing as Ward has, second base, sec
ond to no other player in the profession,
he has at the same time collected the
best set of batteries held under contract
by any league club. The result of this
piece of good management lies in the
fact that the New Yorks have climbed
from tenth position te fifth in the league
race. The season, however, is too far
advanced for Ward's warriors to over
take the Bostons, who have gained 1
commanding lead. The directors of the
club realize the fact, nnder the manage
ment of lohn M Ward, and if no accident
interferes, the nresent team representing T OST. Last Monday between Fourth
New Yorx will be almost Invincible next i and File street", m thlj city .a pocket
season. The boys are making a vtry uo.m who a irons ksv in it. riur
women and children gathered in and
around the International Labor Ex
change on Grand street. The assem
blage, composed mostly of Russian Jews
and l'olts, became highly excited when
someone shouted "let us demand bread
at public meeting." The crowd became
a wild and furious hand of hall-nitted,
excited people, w hen someone suggested
Wallialla hall. Almost under the im
pulse of one man, the mob run through
Hester street and stopped in front of
VVulhalla hall. 1'lie proprietor refused
lo let them in. when, suddenly, the
doors were broken open and the hall
starved populate filed into I lie hall.
Several sperkers werj about to address
the audience, when tne police arrived.
A riot ensued as the police put in an ap
pearance and a great stampede (or the
doors waB made by the wild and almost
blood-thirs'.y rioters. After th J reserves
from several station houses had been
summoned to the scene, tlio mob was
driven up to Grand street, and with the
aid of vigorous clubbing by Captain
Dewey's men, order was restored. The
rin? leaders were arrested and held f
trial to answer to a charge of creating a
public disturbance. It is ("and lhat
further trouble will materialize. Of
courBe the anarchists are jubilant and
hope to spur on the poor and wretched
men to use violence. It is estimated
that over 100,000 men aro out of employ
ment in ew 1 ork nlone. It some re
lief is not given to the present condition
of affairs, a really criti"al state of affairs
will be the result. The efficient and
successful police force of the metropolis
will have ample opportunity to add
another laurel to its many previous
achievements, in keeping the public
wm. r. II. NoELSni.
$81 WHl B0YAI1A11
the beit vaulting machine mle. Go to
Stewart Ai '"to x and take ono out on trial.
They Uo have all kioda of wringerf.
to carry that great big child an -and iu ber
arm, lou must co 10 atewart c not ina
buy ortti of ihtir baby carriage. Ail kinds
and price.
onaUrut. You can make it the eaaieitbv
buying a complete Uay Carrier nut tit ot
is tu wart St Sox, Call and aee it.
They don't wake any better than tb
"Russell" a ml Stewart & Sox aell that kin
at Albany. Several good second hand on
ginea fcr tale at a bargain.
PAINTS & OILS. Th0 hMt mil-a
for sale on this Cosst is the 'FhocniY" and
we are agents for it at Albany. We also
carry a full line of oih , varnishes, wagon
and carnage paints, etc
Stewart & Sox.
AVon-ni Tiiiskiso Aboit If every
body would stand in with white labor times
generally would lie improved. It is sur
prising that there is a single person in Al
luiny who will have their washing done by
Celestials, when they can get it done at the
Albany steam laundry by Richards &
Phillips, a great deal better, without any
(lisngreeable smell, nt low prices. Think
about this mutter and stand by white in
stitutions. Send your laundry to this es
tablishment, and have it well attended to.
BEE SUPPLIES. Don' keep your bees in
an old box any longer. Stewart & &oa
carry bee hives, sections, comb foundation
and Dee smokers at low prices.
YT7-ANTKD.--A position to do seneral
f T housework by an .xpirlenced and
competent girl.
oobat office.
Leave word at the Dim.
oluckr. unhill linht for eecond place,
and if they contiuue to play as they have
during the last month, they will succeed
in their gallant attempt. During the
last month the 'giants" have won every
game played at home and have lost only
two out of the last twenty-rive games
ftlayed. This pace, if continued, would
and Ward's hustlers second only to
Boston and if the beaneaters stumbled,
(whicli is not at all likely) the chances
for the coveted Den nan t would loom up
in Bight of the ardent enthusiasts who
eather at the nolo grounds.
For the firBt time in many years, have
the unemployed of the city become so
numerous as" to canBe a disturbance in
their clamor for work and bread. Last
Saturday a large crowd of idle men,
aotoinmorate a young lady by leaving It
at this office.
of li Viereck.
good horse. Inquir
rest to de not fail to ie Stewart & Sox.
They keep a large stock of builders hardware
and aell at pricea to tmt the timea.
according to law, aud you ought to bny all1
y jur guna and ammunition of Ktewai t & Sov.
They keep a Rood stock and aell cheap
Giant powder, fuse and caps always on band.
living." and keep a large atock of blacksmith
supplies on hand.
. Stewart t Sox..
WJLNTD,r-A woman to dn bouse
work and tr.koarn of two children.
Inquire of T K Radford, two miles west
of Albnny, on the Cora.lU nsd,
on ihe atieet, by li F Kanip,
. out koy, owner unknown.
outfit of Stewart & Sox and take eare of your
orchard. The outfit they sell has been tried
in this state for three years by the best or
chardists and is a o mplete success.
t-KBj The Democrat compositors,
-he foreman down to the devil,
make tbeir profoundest bow to
E. Allen, the popular groceryman ,
"iHcioue (green) watermelon. Such
:ots of kindness are greatly eppre
and especially by the printers.
.iiina; of the threshing accident to
-lick, of Benton county, whose leg
recently amputated, tne Corvallis
:!says: This lathe second terrible
rit that has befallen members of the
iamlly. About a year ago a young
Jier was heating water in a coal oil
An explosion occurred and the bov
severely scalded lhat he has not yet
A srirl to do general house-
Call at store of C K lirojrnell.
'I you know to have perfect health
ust have pure blood, and the bet
"t have pure blood Is to take Hood's
Hlla. the best blood purlrier and
ii builder.
eVi Pills msy be had by mal for 25c
Hood S Co, Lowell, .Mass.
11 very much about business during
S mown ll you wisn 10 seep cool
JM you get into trie haott ot asking
hot enough for him, when you can
ry plainly that he is practically
d; but. Instead, aJvlse him to call on
r Brother and get the best baked
' to be secured, as well as warm
rr groceries generally,
9 doing you will surely ictaln hls
WoTtrB. On and after September
I Alba y Dire,l Beef Co. will sell
1 for Qsma oalv. We solicit a oontinn-
f tbepatonact we have received in
tot, as we shall give the bc$t of bar-
Mi VriDtCT Is un.inlmoet that Will &
' carry Mm b't line of llvtr ware In
flley, Tbey nave the variety an I qnal-
.1 cnsouMfcm tint counts
I An iejspectlon a'.wap carries con-
seA1! shaving acd hair cn'.tirg rr
i it atTiaj rkV aavlng an
and hair en'.
W H Huston went to I'ortland today
on business.
II U Bundv and Miss Mary M Bills
were to be united In marriage at Mill City
Mrs Merrill, nf Portland, is in the
city on a visit a-ith her son, II F Mer
rill. .
I W Cusick and familv have returned
from a three weeks sojouin in the moun-tainp.
Editor Dean, of the Populist, is con
fined to his rooms at the Pioneer House,
by illness.
Prof Crawford and familv. of the pub
lic schools, returned home today from
their summer vacation. School begins
The Woman's Home Missionary So
ciety of the First M E Church will meet
wilth Mrs F II Roscoe tomorrow after
noon nt half past two.
George Washington, the pioneer fish
erman of Yaquina Bay, wiih a record of
many close cans, was in cry today on his
way 10 tne Ashland mines.
II R Hyde. D James, I) T Wyman,Carl
Buck and Jus Irvine returned yesterday
from a trip to the Ki eon Springs, and
were pleased wun tne surroundings.
License was issued last evening for the
mamnne of r rank fc Parrish, aged 19,
and Myrtle M Keebler, aged 17, both of
Linn county.
Deputy V S Ma-shal George Humph
rey went to the front yesterday to arrest
tnree men tor cutting uiuDeron govern
ment land.
Miss Early, of the deaf and dumb
school of Salem, Mr Ieatberraan,a friend
and bride, nee Miss Mackey, daughter of
tne ex-sheriff nf Benton county, all deaf
and dumb, were in Albany today.
Miss Minnie Mon'eith, a member of
the force employed by Recorder Waters
in transcribing tne Lincoln county rec
ords, has conclnded her labors and will
return to her home in Albany i-riday.
Ccrvaina news.
George Howe, of Brownsville, was in
the city last evening. and lelt for omnford
University. Percy 1'oung and Carlton
ox, of this city, and Miss Kose Trnm
bull, of l a Grande, go tonight for that
popular university.
l)r Bushnell. of Chattanooga, Tenn
is in town visiting his brother-in-law, M
M Davis. The doctor is in Oregon inak
ing arrangements for the mee ing of the
general assembly ot the I ni'etl rrestiy.
terian church. which convenes in Aloan
i.,; fit season. S.tiOO persons from al
pnr 01 iue j nnel rMH'es win sv'lenu
this assemolv. How wil- Alhanv accom
modate them? Corvallls Times. In
stead of 2,11)0 there will no be over 200
people present, and Albany can at end
that number easily.
There Is no excuse for any man to ap
pear in society with a grizzly beard since
the introduction of Buckirgham's Dye,
men colors a natural Drown or Diacx.
The Democrat will take Lome city
scrip: on account. Bring It in.
C fay Perry Conn.
Ph-ase pay Perry Conn what vou owe
Please pay up Perky Conn.
A Watch is a necessity nowadays. I
yon want one cll on Will & stark, whose
.-Cs is larteand varied, and ttneea the
the mo-t resnnahle. They can give you a
rvain in this line at well a in jewelry
W il it 'tar :. i-
Smoke the Carl Dunder the best cigar
Lirth for a nickel. For sale by
oenicke Bros.
Baltimore Block, Albany, Ore.
Dealers in all kinds of Furniture, W
Papar Carpets Linoleums,
Picture Frames, hto.
A fl ONEY WANTED. Want to borrow
.3 tii forihren or fivo year wit
liood real estate as security. Call at thi
rilTfK-iPASS OTICR-AH hunters aro
i hriruby notified not to trespasw upon
j the encioived p rem i for of the unlerflKUf d,
unlesi permission it fir-t obtained. X
shall prosecute all who thus trepHf.
p. ri itu it i 11 ni.
h ive the best hue ot lice shear, tuitoon,
"Kors and pocket cultery in the vaUeyt
Come and see for yourselves.
Stkwart & Eox.
Strictly Cash.
F. L. Kenton ha adopted s cash tystem
ind will hereafter set! groceries
CASH only
PLOWS. ,Klve new chilled plow es
astly the same as the "Oliver." We puir
anttse it and sell on trial. Extras wiU tit
Oliver. Alio we have a full line of steel
plows that sinnotbe excelled. Yon might
possibly save a few cents by coming around
and seeing nt. Stewart & Sox.
Uu, Albany, C.
thi ln.iuf drn-4
Mr R M Robeition has moved his feed
tire to one door went of his former place,
usi east 01 tn democrat ottice, wnere
i- is well located, and Is In a condition to
meet the demands of the tiade. He car
les a large and firt clas stock of fred.
lime, cement, platter, hair, fertilizer, and
verytning usuiny kept in a rirt c ass
feed store.
To iM Diswsttion tmltmnnm Sffuitt 1111a ilasn
t tvr etttibtf. Kc.itsrliotUu.
I. A. Morris & Co.
Flcur and Feed Store.
Have removed their ft ore to the Strahai
store, former'y occupied by Deyoe 6
Robfcon, and have on hand a full stock o
Custom chopping done.
Fresh, pure, sure to grot and sold) at Port
land prices. Garden seeds kept in bulk.
Field peas and Field com also carried in
large quantities. Stkwart &E SoX
C.MAC KEY. 91. D.,
Phrwldin ind ftrjrjroon, Office L'pttvlrs ovr tbc
Kjm1ik( corner 10th simI Calipoou rt.
Portland's Great
Industrial Exposition
Opsks September. 27 1893 Closes October 2S.
The Special Fe Art res Will Eclipse Those op any Par. viols Year
CoDitmcted at a cost of $10,000 and throwing a t irmsanrl l-t uf wator In all colors o ths
rainboir will Deautuy Masio Hall.
Containing fi'htfail rartettis found in Oiegon waterr, have beeo coattrutstrJ 1 1 gnat
Wi l e-.ntmin a eol.ection of pjintiofs selected from the World's Fair. Among t'jem
K'i-DU a ci'-bratrd pitiltn- laswr isr. "ini. JOTUit t!m great Exposition ano
iw 1 wrrti m itT?ry tl-pilmtt.i ot aia science, will be the next thing to a
Ti-T t n- w imi .'sir 1.1 iti i a to.
Red frti ta- on ail Tran-pn!tt'n Inei,
Fo- fu-th-r infoimition ad'lie, K. W. ALLKX,
Dry Goods,
Furnishing Goods.
Lace Curtains,
Shoes. Etc.. oi
Wholesale and RetallDcalers In
Roda Water,
Orange and Iron,
Nellzrr Water,
Birch Beer,
Manaparllla aniljron,
Iron Wine,
GiT as a IrUI. 1
FIRST STREET, Hvreen Montgomery and Railr ALBtW, OREliO.1
.IOM:iII, Proprietor,
Only White Labor Employed
?upeiiijt?odent and Secit ary,