FIGIAL PAPER very day in the week unday. HO, Bditorx and Prop'r the Pest Office at Albany W end claa mail mailer. ..iar isii.'i D EVENING. 1 L?UNEttAI. Sevenil l'endle railroadera went to "Walla or the purpose of litloiuliiiu H and John Mcintosh, the Oiiose sad death with others er Btartled a host of friends est. The funeral was the wn in Walla Wulla. lioth ... I in Masonry, T Mcintosh Wfy Templar, and over 2".0 parts of the country were jbem sad and silent honor. 0 two hundred vehicles in vere held in the church, and e then interred in the Ma Ml The grief of the mother kii dead brothers was oxtrcme m sympathy from every heart t. m in their aoirow. Many , "ad men were also in attcn Whineral. E. 0. T(i . ' KB. John Wheeler, the 'Miner, returned from tho liar d'lu" evening, and will remain i. He reoorts that an in- before the authorities of Three men concocted a lit a robbery. They drew vie drawing the longest to itside the store, which was r; the one drawing the next the gun, while tho hist one . This happened ten days week ago a woman made a Bhe received 8140 of the i, some $900 or 61,000, and ney. E O le. Complaint in a suit First National Dunk, of intiSP. and the Linn Comity is defendant, has been riled ;y Clerk. On June 15th a in favor of Floisclmer.Mayer 'und, was drawn by tho de request of Mr Cowan. It i Portland bank, ami returned OT collection, but was not riD kl the bank closed its doors , he plaintiff claims that the )6rlne liable,, presenting an in-jn.' IIOJIE ISO A II HO AD Today while tho'circus irogress a horse driven by a ountry, ran away, tipping and throwing the lady and rat, but not injuring them. Is were dislocated and the ry left on the public square. was not learned. e dray team of Mr 1) F Tnr- rightened at tho depot, and in street it a terrific rate, but 'ifora any damage was done. s. The parade of Sells & reus today wtts better than iid. consisting of twelve or Jp-of animals, several open, two and black, a calliope, cle Icamels, besides ponies and ' j;fhe balloon assension and Krdp advertised so much did not ,Oie fakes were not allowed to gves time we had not learned 'the performance. ill members of Beulnh Rcb Lodge No 35 I O O F are o Piested to meet at their Hall thjiiyj evening at 8 o'clock ike arrangements for the EstterEtta Vassalo. This by ntmirloble Grand. Ihet- " fm:akn, that tired feeling IL'GK' an Brvou9 prostration y ,' y bv . Hood's Sarsaparllla, Ve the morning sun. To neflt oi this g. eat medicine, ift, ' Hood's Pills. iCasdT, Vise Fir-its. just received )r, who keeps the finest goods Me city, iry him. ' particular about what you n can suit you In groceries, plfile specialties constantly ar ilhm'eep a cl an stock. If you Wthe mountains cail on hl,n 'if;ed up. If yon are going to kin call on Urn and get the best Milu as well as first class treat laB.lcea will tu't the times, etflnn, but est what rill build t as well at quiet limes. The conffivricu fumeoa at tl.e M Kclmnh begin with prcscbing tuuight. Tip Humphrey, of the Jefferson Review has been sned f-j'r libel bv 11 C I ii man. A P Anderson and wifo, o( Portland, farted forty davs. A bicycle Iock and chain f rind on tlie streets of Albany can be obtained tv calling on Utto Clelan. The Urqe at.end iqoa at the fourth-elm circua yet-Lrilv d f moo st rated attain that the alleged tringency in tinaueea ii til yoppyewek. Salein Sttcaman, Un account tf tho dt ah , ond funeral, of Mrs Etta B Wnalo, daughter if the ecuor editor oi the Dkmockat, tnore will be no paper iuued f om this cilice tomorrow even ing. K Martin, a Mscleiv farmer, is la the front rank of wheat raisers thi yeaj. He . cporta that he threshed from a forty-acre tifcld JS!X) hushe's of white wheat, an arer- age of fnity-nino and ha f 1 ushcU per ere. Statesman. Already some ff the pa pars have betiun bonmiuQ Judge V W Townsnd, editor of tLe Luke view Examiner, fui uomiuje for governor on the domooratiu ticket. The jude id an able man, and would hold the executive chair down a-t well as the present incumbent. Ex. A foot race was witnessed by a laree croAd at Gervais Sunday, The contest ants were Will Ray. of Woodburn, and njitsxorth Cameron, ot Corvallis. lhey ran seventy-five yards for $ too a side and nay won by tnree teei. The governor Is receiving replies from members oi the legislature to his request for advice as to a special session to pass a ttiy law. He has answers from not qutte one-half of the members and those writing so far are mostly opposed to the Idea. Journal. Look out for swindlers ot all kinds. One Vlchers has bien doing Eastern Oregon, as an alleged representative of the National Benefit Trust Association: Fortunately he was arrested In Pendleton, which may put a stop to his operations in Oregon. Rev II L Bates, pastor of the Eugene Congregational church, bunday gave notice that he would resign the pastorate of that church, and would remove to Forest Grove to accept the principalship ol the preparatory department of the unl- vtrstty at that place. While people are complaining of dull times, they should take in consideration that this is the dullest month in the year. August is the month that those of our cit izens who arc able and can spare the time, are taking a vacation either in the moun tains or on the sea coast, Ex, A. tramp bicycle t stole a bicycle from a Portland man and rode It to San Fran cisco, where he returned it to the owner with a note of thanks and stating that it nau serveu us purpose all right. Hie owner, who has been in Albany recently, now locks it with a heavy chain. George Avery and T A Bell will go to Brownsville to-morrow where they will remain for several weeks. The former will take charge of the warehouse there foi the Benton County Flouring Mills Co, while the latter will run the eny ine. Mr Bell's family will accompany him.- Cor valiis News. Yesterday about noon V R Marquis, who lives about fuur miles north of Eu gene, informed hla family lhat hf Intend ed killing himself as he was tired of living, lie went to the barn and proceeded to swallow two ounces of aconite. Dr J VV Harris was sent for and saved the man, l).)tneitic troubles was the cause. Si'ndny evening about half-past eight, a near belonging to set's oc KenttrowB circus broke loose and got into a row , wit ' another bear, Rays the Salem Inde pendent, Those who saw the tight say that it was decidedly exciting but that it did not last very long. The lose bear see mod lo have the best of it from the start and when the dust of battle cleared away his antagonist was found dead upon the fieH. Thsn the bear ran and hid in a barn where he wa; captured. E U Mitchell arrived in Seattle last night, having ridden a bicycle all the way from his home in Richmond, Ky. He started May 17 and traveled through Ohio, Indiana, Ill'nois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyomine, through the Yellowstone Park into Montana, and then followed the line of the Northern Pacific railroad tnrouqh to the coast. The enthe distance covered by the wheel U 3'03 miles. This trip was undertaken for his health. Mr Mitchell will proceed on his wheel dawn the coast as far as San Diego. On Sept 23 the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club will hold Us third annual oul- dsor championship games. Entries may be made up to Sept 16. Following will be the events: xoo yards dash, open event, 220 yards dash, open event, 440 yards run, open event, SSo yards run, open event. I mile run, open eyent, SSo yards run. novice members only, 120 yards hurdle, open event. 220 vards hur dle, open event. One mile safety bicycle race, open event. One mile safety bicycle race, 13:00) open rveni. Running high jump, open eyent. Kunning broad jump, open eyent. Pole vault, open event, Throwing 16 lb hammer, open event. rutting 10 lb snot, open event. NIKHt ASD P Kit SO Si L R H Nile;, nn Albany merchant njujnt Sunday in the city. Salem Journal. E W Langrinn and A Ii Matthews und families returned lust n:ght from the mountains. Seth and Mamie Me A lister of Eugene, formerly of Albany, are in the city visiting friend. Cupt K J Laiming und family returned hint night from a pie, isant sojourn of several week tit Lower Soda. Mr J M Wid laco, president of the Salem Water Works, and who has charge of the estate of the lato K S in the city. Mr W H K limey returned hutt night from a trip to Polk county. He reports less than . an average yield of wheat in that county. Hev S E Metuinger, of McMinnville, formerly of tiiis city, is in Albany, attend ing the M v. Lonterence, that convenes to-1 morrow. Miss O Michi Mutsmla. the Japanese young lady who is to deliver a lecture after tiio conference is oeer, under the auspices of the W C T L arrived last night und is the nest of Mr ami Mrs 1 P Jlackleman. Mm M H Ileal and two daughters, who have been in the East, arrived in Albany this noon where they will locate temporarily with tho former's husband, the receiver of the Linn County National Bank. Mrs Oibbs and MissBurncll, of Puyallup, 1 are in the city the guests of their cousin ; Jason Wheeler. Miss Burneil is the V uyal- lun correspondent of thePost Intellirencer, of Seattle, and a Taconia paper. Mrs Burinester and daughter. Milured. returned from Portland today, stopping off at Salem to visit the brother of the former. Cant N B Humphrey, who is now almost tuny recovered and is as rational as ever. lie is 111 irood smnts, and will be in Albany after awhile. Several Crook county people were in the city today. Mr A Cohen, formerly of that county, who has had his hands full keeping track of them, gives the list as follows: Cam Montcromerv ond wife. Mrs Sam Ncwsome. a sister of G F Simpson, Wm (Julliford, Dr Gesner, and Mrs Newt White, who eaine across the Cascades, Mr Fried, formerly of Hahn and Fried, of Prineville, now of Portland, was also in the city. Last evening nt the residence of S E Younsr a farewell receotion was tendered Rev and Mrs W B Barr, previous to their departure from Albany, after a residence hero of several months in which they have obtained a warm place in the hearts of the members of the U P church. Ihe house was filled with young and old, and the evening was passed in a manner that will long impress itself on those present. A lunch of unsurpassed quality, was a feature. Hev and Mrs Barr will go from here io California,nnd will take with them the best wishes of all fortunate in knowing them. Tin: i:tu Eiiu. II tin. J. U. Wealbcriird -mt (iurrriiur IVuuuyrr IIU Oplulun. Upon requej-t for his opinion Hon. J. K, Weatherford, Senator from Limi county, sent to Governor Pennoyer the following on the Kiihjo.'t of an extra session of the legislature: A great manv neonle are coming to the conclusion that there is no earthly excuse for money being tight. It is true that an era of speculation and boom imbalance matters; but the country should have over come that. A Salem mner gives as an evidence of hard times tho fact that there were hun dreds in line crowding up to the ticket wa gons and sideshows of the circus holding up their hands with silver dollars, ck, ciu and S-0 gold pieces. Ten thousand Portland neonle had 50 cts a piece to visit Camp Compson with Satur day and Sunday. That is evidence that there is still a irood deal of monev in the hands of the neonle and not s'o much real destitution as has been advertised. There was certainly a vast army of unemployed who had money to spend. Jx. Josenh Dozier. a negro, stubbed his toe in the river mud at the old Planter s plan tation, six miles below New Orlean's Thurs day, There was brought to light a bright shining object a gold ring. Digging in the mud he discovered 11 other gold and diamond rings, some gold watches, chains, lockets, ear-rings and other trinkets. The news was circulated among the negroes on the neighboring plantations and several came to the Bcene. Over 60 more gold, diamond and other rings' were found, about 100 pieces or jewelry in all. uozier in formed the police and several detectives were sent to investigate. The treasure was turned over to them. The theory of the police i3 that the jewelry was dropped by burglars by accident. AuiAXY. Or.. Aug.iJlst. 18!;t. SviA'EsTiiit Pksxovkk, (iovemor. ba'em, Ore. My Dour Sir: Yours of tho Kith imt.. asking my opinion, us a uiemlier of the legislature, of the advisability of convening that body in special session',for the tmrnose of enacting a law for the stav of executions tor one year is at liand, anil contents fully noted. Stav l'ws ure in full force and have been. for many years, in a large number of the tatos. The time differs in the different tates: i;i Arkansas, the lowest, it is three months; in Pennsylvania, the longest, it is j one year; other states, hve, mx, eight ami niue months are fixed as the limit; and where in force, it seems to meet with the iipnroval of the neonlo. Such a law proiier- lv guarded cannot greatly inconvenience the creditor, and would at times like the pres- ent.when money cannot be obtained on any j security,be of much benefit to the debtor, if there was a disposition on the part of the creditor to push collections, 1 should bo in favor of such an act, but in this county where there is no unusual activity in that direction, in fact, not as much as in former years, it is unnecessary. All seem to agree that to sue at the present time is to force the debtor to assign; and all persons with experience in estates of assignees, know that an assignment means only a small per cent of their claim. It is a bankrupt law, and the effect of an assignment is to divide, pro rata, by law, the garments of Joseph the debtor among his brethren the creditors; and usually but a small portion of the debts are covered and the delator is left with a heavy burden on bis shoulders and nothing to meet it with. The only way it benefits any one at the present time is to discourage forced collec tions. In the event, however, creditors should force collections, the homestead law will be of much importance and will be the means of saving many a small home; no law on our statute, however, would save from financial ruin many a well to do man, and especially is this true when property is mortgaged. A stay law could be enacted to prevent sales, but to call the legislature together for that purpose, might, and per haps would, hasten many claims into court for adjustment, and before a law could be put in force the mischief, sought to be pre vented, wonld be accomplished. I do not believe that creditors are going to crowd collections so as to distress the debtor ; len iency will be shown until the panic subsides, and congress unlocks the vast treasures of our mines and restores to circulation the monev of the people . Jr the legislature would meet and repeal some of the appropriations made at tho past session, especially the appropriation for the support of the Militia, it would be money yaved to the people. It would be an exper iment of doubtful results, however, and it seems to me it is best to bear the burdens we now have than to take the chances of greater ones. Yours truly. J. K. WKATHKHKOltD YAS.SALLO.OnTuesday morning, Aug '22nd, lWKl, at o o'clock, utter an illness of several months, of consumption, Mrs. Etta H. Vasallo, at the age of 2; years, 4 months and 14 days. Her death was a very K?aceful one. The deceased was tho on I v daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Stites. of 'the Kkmo t'livr. She was a uiemlier of the Congre gational church, and her life testified to the depth of her Christian convictions, lte loved by her parents her death is peculiarly a great ono to them. Loved and respected by many her death will be long mourned by a largo circle of friends. The Dkmiickat otliee bows in sympathy over the great loss. It was the request of the deceased that the funeral sermon le preached by Key. II. V, Hominger.of Portland, herforiuer pastor; hut it was not known at press time whether ! this would bo possible. Services will be I held tomorrow afternoon at the Congrega tional church at z 0 clock. $8.00 WILL BDTAWOIAN the best wahhiDK machine nude. Go to Stewart & Sox and take one out on trial. They slio have all kinds of wringers. IT WILL KILL YOUR WIFE to carry that pTetit big child armttd iu her arms. You must go 10 Mewart S box and buy ono of their l aby carriages. All kinds and prices. NEVER BOTHER yourself very much about business during the hot months u you wish to keep cool nor r.iust you get Into the habit of asking A MAN it is hot enough for him, w:ien you can see verv plainly that he is practically roasted; but, instead, advise him local) on arker Brothers and get the best baked goods to be secured, as well as warm wecther groceries generally, WHEN HE IS HOT. By so doing you will surely tetaln 'his irienusntp. CT ia tmsBimoa that Will & ne brat line of Uver ware In taejr Aav the variety an.1 qual ities that counts in buvinc (tptctlon Always carries con- Is a osnlty nowndayi- I all on Will & Stark, whose ad varied, and prices the ThY can flive xnn a a lisM M welj a in jewelry sastitti ran to Mantis nd of tV On-srnn l'a- moraing and Werinetiluy y reninp. Round trip I for thirtv davit, will 1k NfVj. Round trip ticket can now Idllf- Om Bay, at esciiixion r.ite aewetk. , RMF-tate, 801 Wait PortW, Of. f. M siWFlor. II "Farias!, .Or. , the I a ling drufc Sliiluh'a ViUKsdf : what you need for dyspepsia torpid IWer, yellow akin or kid ney trouble. It is gnarinteed to give yon satisfaction Price 75. Htld'by Foshay'& MasoB. Term, Cash at F L Kenton's grocery Aricr;ltrcnttra-t To purify, vitalise and enrich the blood and give nerve, bodily aud digestive strength, tane Hooa's Sarsaparilla. Con- tinue the the medicine after every :neal fo- a month or iwo. MONEV TO LOAN AT 6 FER CEN ON CITY PROPERTY. M SENDERS rilRESPASS NOTICE.-All hunter are B berebv noiined not to trespass unot the enclosed premlnesof the undersign d seven and a half miles eat or Aiuauy unlesi permission Is nr-t ohUineu. shall proHecute all who t hu trepflM. r. lvi Dunnn mi Mr R M Robeitson has moved his feed store to one door west of his former place. ust east ot th ubmocrat ottice, where he Is well located, and is in a condition to meet the demands cf the tiade. He car les a large and first clas stock of feed. lime, cement, platter, hair, fertiliser, and everything usually kept In a first clas6 leea store. SrOWINCAWAY HAY1"thhrf"1' on a farm. Vuucan make it the easiest by buying a complete Hay Carrier nuttit of Stewart 5l Sox. Call and see it. They don't make any better than th 'RussoU" aud Stewart Sox tell that kin at Aibany. Several good secondhand en gines for 6nlo at a bargain. PAINTS & OILS. Tho bebfc milttd pftint for sale on this Coast is the "Phoenix" and we are agents far it at Albany. We also carry a full line of oil-, varnishes, wagon and carnage paints, ete. Stewart & Sox, BEE SUPPLIES. Don,t keep your bees in au old box any longer. Stewart & Sox carry bee hfves, seitions, comb foundation and Dee smokers at low prices. WILL YOU BUILD thi " y test to di not tail to sea Stewart & Sox. They keep a lame stock of builders hardware and sell at price to tuit the times. See the New Improved Singer sewing ma chine. The r;ti6 a) wrys the cheapest. T W Sowdeo, avont. Office at F M French's Tewelry store Strictly Cash. F. L. Kp&ton ha adupt'd a cash cysttm and will hereafter sell groceries CASH only. THOU SHALT NOT KILL -p according to iaw, and you ought to boy all y jur guns and ammunition of Stewut & Sox They keep a cood stock and sell cheap. Oiant powder,fuse and caps always on hand. WE SELL COAL, IRON "d ' . living," and keep a large stook of blacksmith supplies on nano. STEWART Sox. fOR RRNT, gnotl five room hr sr 6 bioo's from .be court hou-e. com pining (tardea land und fine orchard, S acres. Apply at L Viereck's. Aoexts Waxtkdou Salary and Commission for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Bioi Df JAMES G. BLAINE, By Gail Hamilton, his literary executor, with the co-opcratinn of his family, and for Mr, Blainb'n Complete Woikr, "Twenty Ykarh ov CouiiiKSH," aod his later book, "Political Uisrcsmoss." One prospectus for tht-fce 'A uest skllinu hooks in the mar ket. A K P Jordan of Me., took 112 orders from hrst 110 call; agent's profit $l!m oO. Mm Ballard of O, took Jfi orders, Seal Russia, io 1 day; profit $26.25. E N Rioe of Mass. took 27 orders in 2 days, profit $47.25. J Patridge of Me. took 43 orders from3ti calls; profit $75.25. K A Palmer of N. Dak. took 53 orders in .Idavs; prolit 98.25. Exclusive Territory eiven. If you wish to make LARGE MONKY write SPRAY YOUR TREES.-By outfit of Stuwart & Sox and take care of yoni orchard. The outfit they sell has been tried in this state for three years by the best or charmsts and is a o mplete success. WE'RE NOT BRACCINC .ay have the best line ot hue shears, suinsort, razors and pocket oultory in the vaUeyi Lome and see for yourselves, Stewart & F.ox, PLOWS.V"0 have a new chilled plow e aotly the same as the "Oliver." We (!U Ir an tee it and sell on trial. Extras will fit Oliver. Also ve have a full line of steel plows that aan no the exoeUed. You might possibly save a few cents byoomiiiff around and seeing as. Stewart & Sox, SEEDS GRASS, GARDEN, FLOWER, TOi'T. Last Monday between Fourth A and First street, in thU clr.v.a pocket book with a trunk kev In It. Finder wil aoo:nm 'ate a youag Udy by leaving It at this office. I. A. Morris & Co, Flour and Feel Store. Have rf moved their ttoi e lo the Sirahai stor?t formerly occrpled by Deyne i Robson, and have on hand a full tock o CORVAtl S FLGU ( B2AN, SH0,iT.' GERM MEAL. CRUIfvM, R'JCK WHEAT. RYE FLOUR, HAY, 0A1S. STRAW AND CHOPPED FEEO: Custom chopping don. Viereck's shaving aod hsir cutting ptr ors Bith at Viereck's shaving sod'hair cnt-dg- pa riots. la Marrlace a ral!ttr Who shall decide it? We haveconclud ed long ago that It Is a success every time with Simmons Liver Regulator in the house. It promotes harmony and good nature by preventing any attack of the worst enemy ; Indigestion and dyspepsia, wmcn mane ditcord in tne brightest home. You will find the recti la tor a cood reme dy for bilUousness and sick headache. It Is the household friend. rrrmann r re Constipation and Stcfc -factie, Hinali Bite itoaus. BORN. RLACKHCRN. Pn Monday, An 21 t Browrtville to Mr and Mm Arh H!knro, formerly cf Alhtoy, a rim found sod: AH doiog wed. OREGON STATE FAIR Under the management of th Sir Board of Agriculture, on the Stste Fir Grnui-Hn near Salem, commencing September 11th, 1893, and continnina one week. More than $15,000 in cash will be paid as nreminms for stock, poultry, swine, agricul tural prodacts,fruits,native woods.minerals, works of art and 'a-cy work, and for trial of speed. Kedooed rates ol tares ana ireigc'i on an transportation lines. FavilHon open foor evenings during f he week, with good music in attendance. The pew grand stand and the new regulation track are conceded to be among the most comicnaoie anutne nest on the Paeifio Coast. Splendid contests of speed each day. There is entered for these oonteota the beit field of horses this year that hsa been on the grounds for many seasons. Valuable and handsome improve ments have been made on the grounds and bondings. Premium li.t hs been revised and im proved to the benefit of exhibitor Entries for premium clow at 3 P m on the first da of the fair, and exhibits must be In place by 10 p mot said day. PRICK OT ADMISSION. Men's Season Tickets 82..V Women's SeMOo Tickets 1.00 Meo Day Tickets 2." Women's Dsy lick-to 25 Race Track Tickets, daily .25 Women to the race course, free. Children under 12 tpsra, free to all. Send th secretary at PwtUnd for a Prenrnm List J APPERlON, J T GKKGU, S-crWry. President. ALBANY FOIITDRE COI Baltimore Bkk, Albany, Ore. Dealer in all klndi of Furniture, Wa Papsr CarpAts, L(nnlputnat Picture Frtmes, tic. -c UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY HYDE & JAMES, Pror'etora immediately for terms to The Henry Bill Put). Co.,Korvieli,Conn Fresh, pure, sure to grop and sold) at Port land nrioes. Garden sends kent in bulk. 1 Field peas and Field corn also carried in largo quantities. qtkwa rt 6Z Sox. BUY : YOUR Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Lace Curtains, Shoes, Etc., oi HEAD, PEACOCK CO, ALBANY AND LEBANON- McMIMVILLE COLLEGE. DRUGS Stationery, Toilet Artij'es, Music Instruments, Etc. Bote & McFarlail, The Corner Drug Store," A'banr, Oi. im i I McMinnville. Oregun, This Collogc is ono of Hip oldest and equipped colleges in the NortLwiwt. alvant.nges not found olsewhcre Beautiful lor al ion, Sa tatil. Builiiinzs, Efli icnt Tea di its, Expenses Iisrlit: a boarding hail in the College bnildinron the club plan, I'redidt'nt Ilrowrifoi; atcwanl, thus fp'aninteeing (rood tionril at tit least powible Mwt to the student. Itourd oan ;da tic hail in private families at fri..1) to $).X) pe; week, including lodging. Tho fine Tolescoiie nrently monntnl in tl New Olwrvntory and the extrnnivn Library to vhich Rtiidciits have fne neress, offer! n this tate. Thirty Acre Campns, iioaitn? Mirronnmiics, Tlioronsli Work. Five courses of studv C'lasfinil, Scientific, Nornul. Literary and Ftnines. wilh special advnntiigns in Voral and Instrumental liisic. Mttsiness course of two t'ratluiitcs of the Normal course are entitled to ft Htnte liploma, and are in dennuiil to fill hitfh positions. McMinnville is accessible by mil from all parts of the State, on the main trunk of the .Southern 1' West Hide; twenty -five miles south of Portland Fall Tern Begins September 19th. Aend for atalognr. Address. T. U. BROWXSOX, Preitln Or A J HunnaVer, Sol'c'tor and Financial Agent.