! Daily gcmocval. SHERIFFS SALE h the Circuit Court el tie 'li Orfffo tat tilt Corn's 1' Linn. TheOretton Morlgagti Company, limited I'iaimll), va C P nnrk!irt and Nellie C Bnrkhart, bit wite.L K Faroes aim mar.v .'i rw,un wife, John 11 enmnart aou mi n nur v... i... ,ifa. i: (l Unrkbart and :iara A i.;. svir.-l M Ksenevand Frank A Buikhart, adrolniHtraior of the estate of Mary J BurHin,aKojnui" XTCTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 liy vlrue of an execution ana omei ol Hale duly laaued out of llie above named court In the above entitled suit tome directed and dellve eu, a win oj gal.nlar, Ibe I 'Jin ilar of Anju.l. ISM, at the front door of the court house.ln the city of Albany, J-mn county, ywju, iUi.rnfhn n 'plonk n Ul Ot Bald dav. sell at public auction for cash In hand to h. hiirht biilde-the real propeitydo scribed in aald execution and order of dale aa follow, lowli: 'J lie south haifof the donation land cialm ot CJ P Buikhair ar) Elizabeth J Hurkiiart, his wife, Not 65, claim No4ii, liclntr parla or ices 10 and 1"', in tp 11 south range 3 west of the Willamette meridian, iu Linn county, Qreiton, contalntuir itw teres, tnepro css'ds arisinK from sid aaie to be applied oral, to the payment of the costs ot and upon saldexecutl U aud the original comb of anil taxod at foH 03, secon'l.to the pay nfeat of plalntill'a claim atuountirjK to the sura of 8030 42 In U 8 colli coin with aocruln Interest in like gtml ccin at the rate of 10 per cent per annuo, and the further aura of i317.50attoiuej ' fee; and the overplus if any to bo applied upon the claim or the defendant,!; i, iiurnnrt, amoautioR to the mjiu of (4131. lu U S KOld coin with aocrniUR inteie-t tl..-"n iu like sold coin at the rale of 10 pr tent per annum. and the further sum of $'.190.69 in II S gold coin with accruing interest thereon at the rate of 8 per per annum, and the further sum of '01.4J in V S -raid rain with accruing interest at the rate of 8 per cent ner knnuui; but ir the proceeda .ruing nereirnra oe not anfficicnt to pay tho plalntltVa claim, attornev'a fee. Interest and costs, I will then sell the north half or slid d ..uatnn land claim .the proceeds arising therefrom to be applied to any balance mat mav be due upon aaid plaiutiifci said claim, attoniev'a fee and costs. Dted this 19:h day of July. 1SP3. CO JACKSON, Sheriff of L'nu county, i.-rigou. EXECUTOR'S SALE. Kotice is Ue'by Riven that the under fiigned xecutom cf t.'io Uet wiU and testa meut of Owen Bear, (leccastd. lite of Lino count r, Oreoa, will jmnuant to an order of the county coiiri for J-tnn county, urcgon, duly made atrl entered of record on the oth day of June, lSD.'f, autbortziog and i ice using the umienibned i executors of said estate, to sell the lands hereinufter described, will ontholGih day of September, IS!). J, t the hour if ouc o'clock p m of eaid day, at the Court House door, in the city of Albany, Linn emioty, Orc n, tell at public suction, to the highest biddur all cf I hi riht, title ind interest the said Own Bear had at the Lime of hia death lu und to the fulluwing lescnbed real esiato t it w 1 1 : Betinnfui at tlie N E corner vf the dona lion land claim of Owen Hear and wife, Not So 2-240 nnd cltim ho 41 in tp 12 S ft 4 W jf the Willamette meridiiu and running thence west along the north bouninry hue ot Skid claim 2.ti0 chain to the N K corner of a tract of Und sold to V W llohini rtt &nd J C Kobiuett ly Owen Hear and wiff; thenjo south 2 chaiar, thence S 31 43 l;, following alonn the c Miter of a slouch 14.24 uhainv. thence south '2.)0 cluius,thence east fiaradel with the north line of aaid Owen (ear's claim 55.10 chains to theeat line i f said cliim, thence north 17 chsios to the place of beginning, c.itiUininfi lOl.Sb' acres, H in Linn county, Oregon. Terms ot sale nne-baif cash in hand on day of sale and one-half in six months from day of sale with interest at b per cent per annum secured by mortgace on the Und sold. This the Sth day of July, 1S!3. Walter McIlkee, Juhk CYjimiki;, Weatherford & Chamberlain, Kxecutois, Attorneys for hs. ON FIRE WITH ECZEf.U Tcrrlhlo Siifl.-rliisj of IJttlo fcocs-pn l)t(cti,ra Hint Two Huypllul.-; Kill. Cured by Cntlcurn. 11. c';f p-,t w , l.res.i: f ,r-, :. ll'".r i .lj tJ t. ..; h- h.tJ H'-i 1 li-:t lit,:;. r..t : :, i-V He.i.Mii.i.r ui tit at it. if, i.-iu t,-: two l;'niit il nil ( 1 dortortt iiilIiiA. itv w. tint hviat t.i :i,-t;': I'rffJfiijitl.i-i i.,. ,t, f. it'ifi.ih III,-1,1 fx ' v .li.!-. . Kt...i.v -.r an.l i. I'll' l. 't r. It -f h:v. ..-. t'ji" it. ai'tt r. -t ami .'.ly ir.ijiiiivdl atid til iii:u. : i il, mi.t li.m iinw n cli.tr n r! 'i' moljier to uaa it lot cvi-lj Mn. M. rTSdl-" Si V. l!ro.'kliuo .,l:o. Cuiicura Remedies i-.irn, hi. -Hi purttler, rtl tit-m t !i :n Uuu', liuUitly relievo it.f o( ccirtn fttirl ct ii-nilr. M-niiomi.-all, mini in- --.iffi if torturinit, dinticmtr ; Hf. .lln,f, ., rniMnl, m ) el linrrors "'f llic lin,.-a:i, .t f -t h.tir, fuTB lnf.tn.-y lu (.T.ful-Mi, or hTfNl,t;.ry, twn t . t MitUas (.11. Vrt.-f. I'mrriu, c. : P.mp. , I'ri''.irrs by th PiiTTir . it.tiiij.rio!i,Bvtoa " v t t'urr Hiln Itit.-sf" .., lvi U'Uav at,:. rj.il , i!'vi i;Mia.SiAp, 010 FOLXS'lAINS." i '.'.--tn-t for i:iti, t u.h-ur A.i'i-I'.iln l'll. r, i UijfU; i .wut, aiti lmi,jj ?rr fnr UT.t pvi r? and 0nrm, , Win j'. Small liik li-a-.. -V. ht tvlt:. W. L. DOUGLAS 33 SHOE ucVVtp. Do yoo wear them? When next In need try t pair. Best in tho world. J3.00 42.5C, 2.00 m uoict 2.00 tl.75 rod HOYS A.V unal.TK If yen want i firrs DRESS SHOE, made In the latest style., don't pay $6 la $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 sr $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and lock and wear as well. If yoa wish to eeoicmlre In your footwear, do so by purchasing V. L. Douglas Shoes. Name and price staged on '.he bottom, look for It whoa yoo buy W. ! UOL'GULS, Brockton, Mate. Sold by BOLD T Ill JLa. k. m.Ai tv. REVERE HOUSE XBANY OPES' t 4S. PKKIFFKi! -IJOPRIKTuR ARE YOU a newspaper w: publisatrurat. If you tye, or ai of 'hjubove, r, amlior, artlflt urtiser? interested !n ny i eboula rtftU THZ JO'Jr !U!ST. VOL x.ii i re-tcl. th above U-1 h ' v. i m ' UK Jnj. !-T. k i t i. ii l a y at, 1 .' u - 4i it s oti application. -ci;.1 !'io;r!et"r. ACADE3JY lac; of Frr.R!i8al HMp. From Terminal or Nnrthe n Pad EailroaJ Is the line to Inkn ? J itiEA-STanl SOUTH Tj II is the IIMU It rutin Tlirotiifii iu I lie ST.P TK. 0 'TiO CHANGE OF CARSjT Composed of Diniii? Cars Unsurpassed Pullraan Drawins Konra Slocpers Of Latest Equipment TOURIST SLEEPING CARS', Bot tut can ba punnriicle 1 and In wlilch ao ornmorUnoii are hntli fr80 auil furnUhail fur holdnrs of Firs' or .-vcorm cis ticksts at U ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Lina connecting with ai unss, anorcung uiroctana Uninterruptel Servica. t unman ;teper roservatlona can be -icureu iu acvnnce tlirotltfli any ruenc of the road. THROUGH riCKEIN In and from all pointa In Ameiicit Knulaml and Kurox can It mrchw.l at ary ticketofuce of this cou'nanv; Full Information cnnnpiilnir mim ,tn.A ui iraiiin. nuoea Bn i niner tetaila rurn iahed on apiiliiMtiou to ajy msm: or A 1 CUIli.t Asaitant (inneral l'Heiik-ir AKent, No 121 r irat Si, cor. ValiinRton. Portlanii. Oleion. C G Hutkhaii, local aK'.ut. 1 DOfj' Find fault with the cook if llio pastry does not exactly suit you. Nor with j-our wife either perhaps she is not to BLAME It tny be the lard hc i U'inR for ahortcniiiR. Lard is indigestible you know. But if you would always have YOUR Cakes, pics, rolls, and bread palatable and perfectly di gestible, onler the new abort-cuiug.-COTTOLENE," for your WIFE 5OL0 BV ALL GROCFRS. Karwa All tScasdrvits. Tad( onlr by K. K. FAIKBAN'K L CO, ST. LOUIS and -CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTOM A "1ltirPrTitatnatalnrfftT If F"!""r" '". M.-hC". for r-an.1. r "' ."""iT-.rr , ik.k ,hM.K. contain. iiitvirwl r,s-lj. n rwrv.1 1. nim-rmitwtit auttt..nti.onxxkln. .5oy 1 42.50 Sf rl 2.25 M m. .11. IKFarliisid, DK AI KR IN -:- Harness -and -Saddler j Display in the Door SICK-HEADACHE Makes life miserable. All other ailments wo as nothing ia com parison. Women especially know :ts suffering, and few escape its torture, THE RELIEF AND CURE IS Many people take pills, which pripe and purge, weakening the body. More take Simmons Liver 1'iogulator, liquid or powder, be cause more pleasant to take, does not gripe, and is a mild laxative, :hat also tones up t!io system. The relief is quick. It is .Nature's own remedy, purely vegetable. 'I never found anythlnir to do me nnv rood until 1 UK,d siiiiiuijus Liver ltecnlii tor. It bus been three yearn alnee I Ht used it nnd I have not hud Sick Heudui-he Kinee. I tent my sister (who had from one to two attacks of Sick Jieudnehc every week) one-half ofa packnue, and Mio ha "ot hud It aiuee." c. S. iloicuis, Browns ville, W. a. J-EVERY PACKAGE-. Has oar Z Stamp In red on wrapper. J. H. ZEULIK CO., rhiUdeiohU. Pa. BtVtuTttlf aps Pig. aCT.l :all ruarantecd to caro IJilioiu attacks, Sick Ilcadaclia r.iul Constiratlon. 40 in each bottle. 1'riio V:. For salo by driisKlsts. Picture '7, !?, ' -.-mplo dose free. J. F. SMITH i CO., Fropriemrs, MEW YORK. r CURE vnrttmtlMMwltlih,lrrh.V IPrsfii " ' """"I'vriiiaiorrnceaa VO'ilS'.V ',rI,:'."'nturaldiK.ban!eiak liJSlwtfr Bit li. t nirca la a lew data i.uouiincatd or publicity oa looter. Non-poiaonous and Carcau.and Trade-MarlH obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Modcratc Fccb. and we can secure patent ia less time l&tuiaosci' remote from Washington. i Send model, drawing or photo., with devrip- tlon. We advise, if patentable or not. tree of charfre. Our fee not due till patent is secured. I A PaH.MLrr. 7lOW to Obtain Paltnia.'' .-ithS cost of v.-ne in the U.S. and foreign cotiaulcai sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO,: J Oi. pATCNTOrrcc, Washington O t Poor Weak and Weary Mothers Raise 3 Puny, Pindling 2 Children. Sulphur Bitters Will make them t M 3 otrongr. hearty J ' , j And healthy. II 11 II I !! i Sed 3 ?-Mnt atamna m . I. . , . " a Bustoo, Mas... for bo twdieal work pubiSheO l.X TLli t:n"r"1 no. w atrirtnre. vVZaSA'"' r"l American Curt. Stannfactured br ffnanaava VikThe Evam Cletnicsj fr.t J ylXji CINCINNATI, O. "2 Q 9 H1B t'lIAM .lrtl rmtt-M to .i (iii raiin uioca 1 1 . o ij v7 -T K BIlLVEl' Alomar .( U "J Solicitor In Ch.r.cery. foil nblaunua. Altany, Or,ton H. WRICinT, E.tTlfK'tT illomv at lax. r.a SiUrv Pilb.Io. Will practic In iuhTSum oth,. ..... l'V,?Xu. cuIIW.iom and raat.cm in probata OltlM.-l !" Haaon-T(iilc Uuik Allan) . Oku r. mi' " II lor! muicrt lll rit lie promp .ttantlun - u o 1 1 r-ciuw . rempia, i:.ev, Attornt-y at Law, A!lanv. Or. OKTiUVE A HACKLKMAN, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. J nV.H J. ClI4RI.T0.1i. u..r,i.i-.at-Li. All lil atlmdwl prumptlv: FLINN'S Blk, A ba:iy. Or: D U. J. li. HILL.. Phvdctsn n-l Snrscon. OFFICE Cornar Fof-y itrect, Albany, Orejfoa. D RS. M1STOV V IVIN, Ph-siciani n Sartm. OFFICE Comer cvond and Bt'oc.UIbin atreetA, Albany, Or, Calls pn.nji.ly altuntiod. city and country 1 l (IimUGKLtlX. M- o H.raeoitMrt. Jt-P Sd Jiat In diseases or the Eye. Ctliie liouri 7 iti 0 m: 1 o 3 m, od i tc 8 im p. A Crcsnii. 1K9IT NATIONAL HANK, OF ALBANY, OKKOOH rerldent Vko Preaidont . ."aanlcr LFUXN S, E.VOL'NO E. W. LANUDON TRANSACTS A OENERALbanMnlnilnMa 810I1T EXCHANGE and ui Taphlo trjnrter, a ld New Yurie, San Kranclaco, Chicago and p . aland srn . ... CO jLECTlONf HADE on lavoraWe terma. DIRECTORS. E. T0C5O E, W, Looa t. E Bum. L. I'"-"" Enwano F. Sox. J Ot" ALBANY, OI.KOON. TRANSACT .1 trcnnral lUnVlnar lKlntM. iJRAWStOUT DK-VFTS oq New York, San Ft n SCO Mid Furtlfind, Ore?nn; UAN MnNBY on approved wctirlty. KKCKIVK ilunnslu subjecl to check. CULLKCTlUNd made "u favorable icrmn. 1 N'T K REST paid on tlmo deooeitf nASK OF Nt'IO aero, OBKOOM. cai lont anier.H w TJ Mraaa ...A J Joa.Na THE AVEDF00T ROUTE Oregon Pacific Railraad. E IT D1DLF.V, Becclrer. TIME SCHEDULE, except SunJajs.l five Albany 12:20 r. B. j L .ve Yaqu'.na, 7:nOA, 'avrCorva'.iie l:'5r, a. La-e Corvallia.lO:3Aa.a trrlse Yaquina, ItU r. a. Arrive Albany, 11:1 A. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates, Hetween Willamette Valley ban Francisco" Points and KTEA R NtlLI.VGM VI.OM 8AS PRASCI9CO Willamitte Valley, Julj 11th !7th, raoa TAornrA. Wli:anutte Valley, Jaij 2 lit, at f p m. The CompanT mnfTea tba ngnt lo hange Bailing date, vlthont notice. RiVKIt NTKAnERS. iramei "Hoe" leaves Portland Wednesday and Saturday 6 A a, II C Bay.rtm AzI.Silni'tfi street Whrf.P,rtland I R Vaurhn. Oen Ar't. .tan Francisco, Cat. R E Mulcaliy, General Supt: Notice of Dissolution YOfltS 13 HKCKBY GIVES THAT 1 tha cc-prtnershin heretofor. existing between the nnilenienexi nnder the Hem name of Iem. Ltaning A Co. hit been and ia tan day distolTMhy diatnal consent of tt.e part-ee, John l-om hating parchased he intereat of E J Linoin?. Tne bnsin will hereifter he carried on by j.hn 1 the pnrchaeer there, f, who hereby ass m tnepart'ce, . nfaer.frer the pnrchawr ?r6 IP debts, and who ibna I an. collect aod receipt for all debts nrm. .ftHS IOW, E J LVWIX,: Dated this lit clay cf Jnly, - Pb . THl FARMERS & HQICBMTS rtCAi, I'voattleMU J L COWAN. Treaallror. tlen F Sltnjiaon, .V K J K Waatimrtoril Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Cs fflm THR0UGH mm TICKETS o SUIT LIKE, CITY CHICAGO. DENVER, ST. LOUIS. HOURS "iSB" HOURS mibHV PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS, FREE PECLINiHC CHAIR CARS UININU UAKS. For rates and general Information cal on or adtlresa W H HURLBURT.Aaat.Gcn-l.raaa.Agt, Portland. Okbgom Scientific) American Agency for CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. risf- DESIOM PATENTS, W rnil.nini:.. . 9 Ln7I5l,,,,nn ana rree Hnndbook write to cu;4 "" """aiiwat. Mw York. Oldesreau Jrir securma pa.ra.s In America. Krere?iatent taken out by ue Is brought h'nfora tbe putijic by a uotice aeeu free or obar$e lu the Jjwcest cjrnilatlosi of any selentlde paper In the world. Sijleodidiy llloalnLad. No Intelllirent man shoulit be wllboul IU Weekly. 8.1.(111 year: tl.il eU months. Addrees Jlf'NN A CoZ fUaiLnriaua.aei tlrod Vori Sty. POSHAY A MASON - tlOHUll ABB aWAKr Druggists and Booksellers A WW m iil m m m r-ri M iVBa .oi.to for John B. Alden'. puollctlone. wjlchweaell.t publlaher'a prion, tritb tuirMiisM' I.II J V. k :. HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAE TO FIND A CURE FOR ' RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO. SCIATK KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACI 1 ,DB- MIESre ELECTR!3BELT.Jpy hnhyhlTndiofShfi Tlor..ltcr .1. other g cemrDAi almost a mmpl.t, ,. "t,"'; 1 1 "in. .: d fOMrbIIIb .-Laa.lVifl?1'',,,""' '" life batlarth nl" VrTr t. . U1??6'" " Hllltt V rat . 1 ... V .-IV a rtr daiu, .n ,,a JtAi i;nrr ..'J- "" '. tr. raiir, Chi, irrtxi. . iniij four, n. A. aiis.V, ! il: Pr ' rt ,0' "m-liotal H iii NERVOUS CEaiUTV-1,033 OF VICOP) iv.4.t t V ' A SANDE E!.E0.T.O CO, ,72 Firsts.., POSTLASO. PATRONIZE, IIOM INSTITUTIONS.- Alliaa, Orison tl J ) WHlTVw. Goo K NIMFNON. Via, p'J-T KKQToaa u.t l I! Montlf,.M Nl9 J Stii.rt. O tVrlUm.n "U AIKO niOTRIOT AUKKn roil. HOT EAST AMn r... mi.j THE S HAST A"f ok nitJ southern Pacit Ex,,ri..MTral:iilvePinSlI1 u!h 7:""r. "L lu-23 r a j Lv a.li a a I Ar ro jew Cia- l'rttlt,l Allnj I San KraadiN Ahwve traitia au.p ontfaTtdjIr'l .,1 lOiaelmr. K;wt I'.ntland. &vl num. Hi, AIImiiv. Tmtu rigburK. JuiiL.ion city, Irilnj'Ejfa ROBiBt ko am, ,,3 1 ILv P.SiiS " " WUrk Ar ticbi, ALBANY LOCAL 31111 nWj frTLv KSS J""rAr Ailorj gal run " i l :IOALr AlUnr 1 OOOaalAr Lc!.ni,a mil tw BB,Mu TO nillllll nneee. b. t ULLmftr Bumi ns on - A.D- a,, Dminr? Cars on OpJert SECOND-CUSS StHfcj Attatlicl in nil Thrsanf .. ' - ' - 'i i. r, , l.m. . Mail rAi3Aiii(Eixsti:f( 7:l A a I I.v IMOra I Ar I'ortlanil ComllU axraass tbaim da.lt (Exeiptlai :irl 7:2ira I'ortlana tluMinnrills Through Tick all point 111 lh, Kxtiirn .41, f-Jiiropecan be ob'ain! at ewsM ' rronk, Acent Albany. r KOKI1LKR ''.. klanai?er V.'t 0. .V Port'v.d Oreioa. ILPNI COLLEGIATE H! ALBANY, OREQ7 18S1, 18S2 lr-1 Term Opfed flrptentbet A t . 1 corps of inntruct SLAiSISAL, SCIENTIFIC, l COMMERCIAl ADD N.'.l CLASSES, a! (DumcB ot ftudy arranged iCl all grades of student, Sfnal tfiaHccmettis eftrelti from abroad. vrv, r.i.ftr.KT in ' To Rf .1 Ditrustfan tekc nnc SnwTfi' tfU.-rvttt.uif. y V.ir ImjUIc anrv Will i-ur,i wilROIir all of tboalH' trontiif all" .'IV (V. llftA.l. fi-.ii. Ki rvsnt F . AlMiir .Memory, nil yIq! ' MUinii. Otu nrnri the -0lH-t8 of lU'W. firoxp 'sure. Wilt '.in1 euro In our n,' 'T'!47t.Ai which tP-iuirrtbatairti. the mom nHn-tic l.111 feels you B1.17 l''''" yi-nrnv-icnii-I ,rve',J -nl..cl. I r!-elrirl; mused j".rw?;iltne' If y.m rrpiBco into To;r element thus drninvL, qiiirod fur iKnroirtJ;K,( Tin-T w.:i foiio cri nrnntee B cnr roLg letters bciuirit f ttaiony to the;r recovery tutor luiog oar Ot' ; P"0 THuSE-we CAN CORE YOBI " I LAMS BACK AND RHEUR"'-, I. vr. A. r. nnncn nt.ro work, cimibu from wMfhl thitt I cuulil not I- w.ifa it. I botJRht in idartf tw . rfavai a aJOutJiK, trifiK porfert'T cured. k- owyour twit well. I kn U -H hae barn cured bj i' WW ..U?' thrywou dtT thej wmld ."ini U w-. th tst rvmfVr in tb ' r-rTain-otT.nrf 1 ; H-g Ud W Ulk ' ho UK KT rRREL&rt"Jl i L08T VITAUTT ANO t -. A. T. Psn.-. lVar Fir:-laf,"ri. rjj ;..t -Hsrnlns: and aft.raO -",,0 I'-It I find Birlf twi.-. a T YZ f- th. brtt-r. I I .1 rone. nWK u.inirlha VonrstrB.r .t. rat! . li.ar!.iri'." ird withtn.sn.vi-7. I , aa me. smp.- , w I H-na m, bac I4.I ,n. of t- r ':;' THE DR. SiWIirv f. r-Ara.. evlf