Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, August 14, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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obllrlnd every day in llie week
except Baaday.
IfcHimXI., Editom and Prop'r
rllered it the PwtOfflwU Albany
flOiUHWDa a!4 man mailer
..HUM 14. iss
:-.. ........
''t i ..
Tapanesk Giat.. Miss O Midi
ida, a Japanese young lady, arrive J
ttle a few days ago and ia now the
o! Mia Reeves of that, city, sue
r way to Bryn Mawr, Fa., to attend
ng ladiea school with a view of edu-
; neraeii lor me worn 01 a uiigsion
nona: her own people. She secured
larahio by competitive examination
an arransement ny nina isuua. a
ft: lady who was educated in this
ry aome years ago and ho now
a prominent position under the
. Miss MatBuda will give frea 'alka
,1 lid Japan and Iew Japan," accom-
t i by lantern views, Illustrating tier
onv is a young ciiriBnau Kin
omeato this country under tl. eat
l,nand at the suggestion of Miss
I1Floence Denton, a teacher in the
.u-iba College at Kyoto, Japan, who is
.t' a area work for the voting women
.(t country. She will deliver these
and exhibit these views of Japan at
e, Tacoma, Portland and it may ue
Dlacsa before leaving for the East.
'ill be in Albany August 2lBt and
eak in the W C I'L' Hall at 8
"ir n. m. . Persons interested in
liuar what Christianity is doing for
should not fail to see her. Ad-
n free.
I Fiopls 8.MH.Y Excitsd. Jna A
on. SDecial agent for liaUonr.Guth
Co., in their insurance department,
ot Walla Walla Statesman repte
live: "I have inst completed I
jrouah Southern Oregon and Oali-
i, and nowhere have I found times
tr or prospects brighter than I find
hnra in Walla Walla. You have
ntniw. and before the season closes
i ieve will have very fair prices, and t
the farmers are prosperous all ot her j
iht Vhes of trade are prosperous with
wing, as you are, a strictly agricul-
community, l io not ininx ine
nc financial strain will continue
i lonzer. The panic is attributable
to the excited minds of the people
to any tangible cause, and the gen
. pulse Is gradually becoming more
' til and I believe the worst is ever,
e-Paciflc Coast at-least."
a game might h ' said of Albany, an
JJ ultural center. ..
TriiiBB Not Stoles. Last Friday the
tr of Mr G W Westfall. the Lebanon
f man, took a drummer to llrowns
, with his best team. Hitching the
irnr both men went off the street. On
,i .1 nina- to start home the driver found
... team gone. No one had Been the
u, ' je street. It was thought that the
J. os had 'been stolen, and the driver
j f ned home, and Mr Weitfall tele
net! over the country ordering the
I thieves apprehended. Yesterday
V. Jteam was found in the barn of Mr
pie ton. They had run away, leav
ne top of the bugy in the road. The
- -Hiiitii a peculiar and rare one.
Sodaviixx Incident. Mafers were
rwhat lively at Sodavllle Saturday
tng. A resident there, whose name
not learned, nut wno was designated
metimea having fifi, was"going for"
ticliardwn, who runs a small store
the Oregon fountain, for selling
a for five cents apiece, claiming the
was extortionate KichardBon
ud the gauntlet, and the men nnar-
d and finally fought a live battle,
Richardson it is said coming out
nd best. Both men were arrested
fined S and costs apiece.
Ik'ulktiMi Taxes. The Salem Jour
nya: A D Pettyjohn considers the
the assessors treated his Ultinamen
ern mtrage. Three Chinamen, who are
arson the place here asked to pay SI
luffca poll tax. Not putting up readily
ays the officers collared one of them
marched him towards the cabins
re they live, to raise them and take
r goods- One of the Chinese drew a
and the officer laid him out with a
S to that he had to come up to town
hays it tewed up. It seems the
aese are proverbial tax shirkers and
jomcers are lorced to use rougn treat
J't to get anything out of them.
iAvbid Their Kyf.s. A unique feat-
of the Oregon exhibit in the agricul
pjlpl building ia the grains :at and pre
ed in their natural state. The stacks
)i ffheat. rye', oats, and barley are from
0, le to seven f'et high and half an inch
k. Tin strawberries caused visitors
, ,Mi ab their eyes and take a second look
yjn tbey could believe that berries
grown to such dimensions World's
imbiaa Exposition Illustrated.
thahair ia falling out sod turoioa mar.
glaa of the skio need atimnlating aod
n r-iond, aaa the beat remtdy and atima
n tuui'e Uair Kaoewer.
The O F has cancelled its office it Ni
Southern Oreszon hiab'ei b'.Ikel by aev-
er.l niiuiog expert.
Charles Mueller has opened a branch
confectionary ftore on Second street.
The regular meeting of the V C T U
will tie held at tnc nail tomorrow atier
An Illinois man is minting; a location
through the valley for a condensed milk
tactory .
I B Tiliotson his been awarded the con
tractfu buildinga bridge ner Millers,
Cost $ico.
A fourteen year old ":ov rcachel Eugene
last wcea, Having cjme all the way Irom
Germany alone.
Thos R Kwlng. a carrtenter working
on a building at Brooks, fell and iccelyed
injuries irom wlitch he died.
Mr Harris, the composer of the popular
song "After the Ball." will. It is said, real
ize over $100,000 from its sale.
Tlfj Ilarrlsburc bank has paid its de
positors and closed its doors. This action
was brought about by the continued Ill
health of the proprietor, R A Rampy.
The annual conference of the M E
Church will be held In Albany next week
beginning Tuesdat evening. It is expect
ed there will he about 150 visitors here.
Another brave woman has been heard
from. Mrs Whipple, of Portland, met a
panther directly in her path near the Foley
Springs in Lane county, and, instead of
screaming, coolly walked out of its way.
One day last week a hunter shot at a
Denny pheasant directly in range of the
Orphan's home, on the front poich of
which were several children, lhe lead
went over their heads near enough for two
of the shots to hit a little girl.
Here it le "going on" September, and
that Oregon Pacific extension over tie
Cascades has not yet been commenced
Down at Astoria their present contract
does not call for work to be commenced
on their railroad until October 1st.
Over si 20,000 waa paid out in wages
Saturday 10 fishermen by the various ran.
neries of Astoria, and today another $100
000 was dispensed In the same way. This
week canneries will be busvfilting final
eastern ordrra and receiving boats and
geir from the men.
Without seeming to remember that the
present crisis affects railroad matters as
well as other tntngs the Uchoco Review
gets impatient and says: Nearly two
wteks have elapsed without Receiver
Radley telling somtbody he intended to
build the O F this summer. Something
must be wrong. He may have exhausted
111s wma ana actually gone to work.
United States DUtrict Attorr.ey Murphy
A-ill go to Albany tomonow, to look after
the interest of the United States in some
cases growing out of the failure of the
Linn Ccunty National bank. Sundav
Oregonian. The cases referred to are
three, against C G Burkhart. J O Boha
man and Mr But khart and C G and F A
liurkhart, brought last week.
Some one went to Porter's meat market,
in Newport,recently,and squirted kerosene
tnrougn ir.e screen over aw the meat that
was hanging In the shop, and also a pool
of it on the floor. He then tiled to set fire
to it by lighting matches and throwing
them through the screen into the oil on
the floor, but this attempt was ineffectual.
Friday night at Pendleton Ed Dslson, a
gambler, while twirling a pistol arcund
his hnger, dropped It. the weapon was
discharged, shooting Jessie Walton, a
porting woman, 111 the mouth, death re
sulting a few minutes afterward. Miss
Walton s true name is said to oe Time a
YYallts. The coroner's jury charged aol-
son with manslaughter. Miss Walton
formerly lived in Salem.
A farmer living down the river a few
miles from Eugene has just discovered
that he has been raising hops on land that
h koids no title for. Upon making a
survey a few days ago he found that three
acres and a quarter of what hesupposed to
be his hop yard belongs to the state, while
half an acre more belongs to the railroad
company. There ia a good crop of hops
on the land at the present time.
The Pendleton E. O. savs: Assessor D
W McDannals has returned from a trip to
the Grand Ronde valley, bel.ig engaged at
ia oranue in preparing title abstracts ot
600 pieces of land, for use in the assessors'
office. Mr McDannald states that farmers
out on Sand Ridge, where good crops are
uua:iy me rule, wore tins year somDre,
clouded faces. In that lockl'ty theie Is
nearly a lotal fatlure.and hundreds of acres
will not average more than three ar tour
aot'ut, ami ri.Hsovta
Deputy U 8 Marshal George Humph
rey spent Sunday in Albany.
Percy Young and Carlton Sox went to
Yaquina Day lliia noon for a week? so
journ. Capt TJ O.erman left this noon for
Camp CompBon where he will remain
several days.
Mr L Gerhort returned this noon from
a trip to the Hot r-prings along the Mc
Kenzie. Pr J M Kitchen, of Staj ton, was in the
ci'y today ot his wav home from a visit
with his family at Yaquina.
MrLKoelsch, brother of Mrs Chas
Kiefer, and wife.a-e in the city on a visit,
having just arrived from their home in
New York City.
Mra Dana Rnrmester and daughter
Mildred, and Miss Annie Althouso left
for Portland this noon. The former will
be the guest of Judge Bellinger .the latter
of Mr Uus Staiger.
Mr Mnrt Abbev and wife, of Newport.
were in the city today the guests of Mr
:eorge Landreth. sir ADuey ana a
friend were on their way boms from a
trip to the Southern Oregon mines.
Mr O W Staver, of Mitchell, Lewis
Slaver Co.. has been in the city on busi
ness for several days. Mr Staver was
formerly at thn head of the well-known
firm of Staver & Walker ,nt one time the
biggest advertisers in the Northwest.
Mr Otto Lee. who has been with
HodiKs& McFarlond for aboutayear left
this noon for Mb former home in Kansas
City. He will visit the World's fair for
a month. Mr Lee made many friends in
Albany, and it is to be hoped will return
here sometime in the futuse.
F S Pelrce. ot Portland, was in the city
todavonanew American Rambler bicy
cle, which attracted attention on account
of its corrugated pneumatic tire and
brass rim. Mr Peirce recently wrote an
interesting account in the Review of a
trip up the West Side and across the
coast range to Yaquina.
Thursday's Pendleton E. O. says!
Tlemitv Sheriff Hailev was in Salem Sun
day, and had the pleasure of a merry
chat with i;aDt riumpnrey.wiio is Ketmiic
well as fast as a man can. He is almost
fully restored to mental health, ana
laughs and jokes with oldtime cheerful
ness. His limb is nearly healed, the
amputation being regarded by asylum
physicians as extremely well'performed .
The outlook con ti Hues goad. The fol
lowing conversation occurred on I'int
" Wel, what business are you in now."
'0ht the chicken business."
''Hnw is business any way."
"Picking up."
A lamentable sight these ntiict times is
that of people patronizing snide circuses,
n lien a good many 01 them cannot pay
their meat bills. Ve need every piece
of silver at home, and just why Oregon
Bhouid he alllicted with threecheap john
circuses during a critical period is nn
enigma. As one of them has already
gone to pieces it is safe to say that alter
all not much money is lieing wasted on
Lawyers and doctois are not supposed
to advertise beyond the mere announce
inent of their prcfessions and the location
of their offices, l'his curious advertise
ment appears in Hubhell's Legal Direct
ory for 1S93: "Jam?B L Brown, attorney.
Oklahoma City. Oklahoma. Twenty-
five years' experience. Collected thous
ands of dollars and never failed to remit
within fortv-eieht hours. Never drink
or gamble. Plenty of property to pay all
liabilities. Insolvencies and transfers to
defraud creditors a speciality."
The truth seems plain that every hand
letting go of opportunities leaves room
for some other hand to take hold, for the
business of the countiy must and will
be done. Moreover, there is a kind of
energy developed or brought out by the
trials and demands ol hard necessity,
which Boon becomes a power in the ne:a
general effort which lifts all into better
limes. The wise man keeps his busi
ness before the public even in dull times.
An eastern editor who lost a subscriber
Bays : The biggest fool on earth is the
idiotic imbecile who will withdraw his
Bupport from a paper because he sees
something in it that doeBn't Buit his
makeup. This same bigoted cuss should
remember that what displeases him will
pleaBe some one else, ana in tne very
next issue be sees something that will
nlease him and dienlease the other fel
low. The withdrawal of the support of
one imbecile won't stop thiB bend wagon
You may depend on that.
A L'mvkuhty KsTKitT.iiNMKvr. Tne
Willamette University will irivp 1111 etili'r-
taiiinieiit nt tho M K church 011 Wednesday
evening of next week, which promises to ho
a ciioich aniiir. lhe program stieaks for
this fact:
Piano duett, SeKviiil, Miss Carpenter
Prof Krue.
Vocal solo, Selected, Ir Pan in.
Piano solo, Miss Carpenter.
Violin solo, Prof Kmse.
lecture. President Whituker.
Vocal solo, .Miss Carpenter.
Piano solo. Prof Kruse.
Vocal duett, Miss Carpenter, Hr Parvin
Admission, only 10 cents.
$8.1 will buy a mm
the best vt tubing machine marie. Go to
Stewart tV Sex hod take one out on trial.
They tUo have all kinds of wriogera.
to carry that treat t ig child i round iu ber
arms. 'You must co to Stewart & Sox and
bny otw ot thvir baby carriages. All kindi
and pricna.
Are You Nervaa
Are you all tired out. do you have that
lired feeling or sick headache? Vou can
be relieved of all these symptom by tak
inc Hood's Sarsanarilla which ulves nerve
and bodity strength.
Hood s 1'llls are ean In action.
I you are particular about what you
Perry Conn can ai:lt you In groceries.
New seasonable specialties constant y ar
riving He keeps a clan stock. It you
are going to the mountains cail on hi in
and get stocked up. If you are coiner to
stay at home, call on and get tne best
10 jcbccureu, as well as nrst class treat
ment. His p.icei will su't the times,
Uon't stop eating, but eat what -111 build
up tor prosperous as well as quiet times.
SfOWINCAWAY HAY'4'h'h"'!".t'rork
pu a fsroi. Vou cm make it the easiest by
buying a complete Hay Carrier outfit of
Stewart & Sox. Call and a ee it.
Fresh, pure, sure to gro aad sold' at Port
land prices. Garden seeda kept in bulk.
Field p?aa and rield corn alao earned in
large quantities. Stewart H Sox.
I store
r R II Robettaon haa moved his feed
to on door west of his former place.
'esMtofthe DsMocaaT office, where
ell located, and Is in a condition to
tneamnands of the tiade. He car-
targe and first claia stock of feed
Cemetst. Blaster, hllr. fertilizer, and
rvthlng BMually kept In a first class
is, cash at K L Kenton'a grocers-
tiori gofeit to the Bar or mount, hs
Band examine lhe Ulazer and Finn
eta and suits at Read. Peacock Co'e.
.7 cneap.
ati at ViticA'a ahaviog and
Corrvalms C C Hogue returned
from Ban Francisco today. He will as
sume th dtltieB of cashier nt the Aluany
Water and Canai Co next Monday, ilia
family will letnain here for the present.
Several teams from Eocene arrived in
Corvallis yesterday with freight for San
Francisco, ihey win return witn dsck
freight from the merchants, which will
arrive today, having come on the last
The Palace saloon was closed lnsteven
inir bv an order of attachment in the
hands of the sheriff. The amount of the
attachment was SI 17. Chas Kolin & Co.
of Portland, lieiutr the Dlaintiffs in the
matter. However, an understanding
has been reached and the house is open
again foi business.
Followina real estate transfers have
hppn recorded since our last reDortt C
G Burkhart and wife to J M Keeney; lot
12 in h'ock 17, Job's ad to Uorvallis, also
lots 1, 2 and 3 in block 16, town of Mc
Keenev; con. $170. J M Keeney to C A
Karkh'art, lot 12 block 17, Job's add to
Corvallis. also lots 1, z ana s oiock io
town of McKeeny, con. $175.
A lady had a nairow escape from being
struck hv the engine of the Albany train
toduv. She was standing very close to
the edge of the platform with her oack
to the track as tie nam roueu in ami
some one told her to look out, but in
stead of stepping forward she ateppeo
back, and had it not been for a party
starnding near by, who pulled her away,
in all probability she would have been
seriously injured, if not killed. The lady's
name was Mrs J Fetereson, the wife of
a commercial traveler. News
yourself very much about l-usinessriurlne
me noi inonms ix you wisn to Keep cool:
nor must you get into tne namt ot asking
if it is hot enough for him, when you can
see very plainly that he is practically
roasted; but. Instead, advise him to rail on
Parker Brothers and tret the best baked
gooas to De secured, as well as warm
weather groceries generally,
By so doing you will surely ictaln Vils
Thb Verdict Is unsnlmous that Will &
Stark carry the b'st line of sliver ware In
the valley. They have the variety and qual
ity, a combination that counts in buying
goods. An inspection always carries conviction.
They don't make any better than th
'Russell" and Stewart & Sox aell that kiu
stAlbtny. Several good second hand ea
ginee fc sale at a baritaiD.
PAINTS & OILS. Tho beBt mUti viui
for sale on ihis Cuaat is the "Phoenrt" and
we are agenta for it at Albany. We also
carry a full line of oil-, varnishes, wagon
and carnage paints, etc.
Stewart & Sox.
BEE SUPPLIES.-Don,t keep your beea in
au old box any longer. Stewart & Sox
oarry bee hivea, aections, comb foundation
and nee amokera at low prices.
A Lane reaaly rirr.
Et otSB, Or., Aug. 1 tth E O Carson's house and barn with 'heir
contents were burned Saturday night
near Creswell. In addition to the furni
ture diamonds to the value of (300, a
gent'eman's gold wa'.ch w or h 2.V) and a
laoy s wa ch worm lltxl were burned,
also agn. cairiages, harness, etc.
Nothing was saved. The family barely
escaped with heir lives The fire is
supposed to have caught from a defective
Hue. Loss, 1,600; insurance, 1000, in
the State of Salem.
Gilliam county girls aro renowned tor
Iiiuck as wen as lor ueanty, as tne 101
owine from the Condon Glebe will veri
fy: "vtlnle Misses Maggie Harare ana
Grace Frizzell were on their way to town
Fridav tiiev saw a Luxe rattlesnake in
the road,and at once dismounted and de
clared war on his snakeship. After a
vigorous battle tliev succeeded in laying
him out. it was a v. not lope ,ana sportea
14 rattles and a button. Girlswith such
nerve are not the kind that would be
liable to go into hysterics over a mouse,
Mr Chas H Fletcher, of Castoria fame,
believes that stringency of the money
market does not affect the value of ad
vertising. He continues to advertise, as
much as ever at the present time, not
withstanding the general dullness in
business circles, and to a Printers' Ink
representative he stated that he was al
ways ready to make contracts with news
papers if the right terms could be had.
Mr Fletcher advertised right through the
financial panic of '73, and his experience
at that time has given him a firm confi
dence in the BUadv and unremitting use
of printers' ink. Even though, during
times of deeD financial depression, re
turns fall of slightly, he believes that
the after results more than make up for
the setback. Castoria is a sticcesslul ar
ticle and Mr Fletcher is a man of long
advertising experience.
Shiloh's Vitaiizer :s what yon need for
dyspepsia, tcrpid liver, yellow akin or kid
ney trouble. It is unarnnbd to give yon
astisiaction. Price 75o. Slid by Foshay &
If ailllcted with scalp diseases, hair fall
ing out, enl premature baldness, do not
use grease or alcoholic preparations but
apply Hall's Hair Renewer.
WILL YOU BUILD thi y8"- yuex-
rest to da Dot fail to sea Stewart & Sox.
They keep a large stock of builders hardware
and sell at prices to tuit the times.
acoordiog to iaw, ami yon ought to bny all
y Mir guns and ammunition of Stew-u t & Sox.
They keep a ood ttock and sell cheap.
Giant puwder.fuee and caps alwayi on hand.
Go to R M RohertBon'i for cheap brtnand
hot is.
Viereck'a shaving and hair cutting par
At a hair dressing and for the prevention
of bald nem, Aver'a Hair Vigor has no equal
in merit and tffiuiencv. It eradioatan dsn-
'ruff, keeps thetcalp moist, ulean. and
h"" Ithy.and civfs vitality and color to reak,
f dd -slid ya Vi
L'kaaft Ip witi-outa rodder is a man or
m worn n -virh'iur. hat'h ana the necessary
a etint' tn ptrfsirm thaordiitsiy duties of
itt Whtn h ap'wtite fail-, when debil
ity and a disoidret conditio) nf stnmoh
IWr, kid'iev to-l bows Is assail yon, tik
Aser Sr apanllt.
They Inereaae appetite, pamrf -wbole
tntemand acton Uieltver-UUe BoatiaSmaJtV
Talk r an Extra Session.
Special te Dsmscsati
Salem, Or., Aug 14th. Governor
Pennoyeris taking concenrns of opin
ion of the legislator upon advisability
ot convening legislature to pass law stay
ing executions for one year.
Notice is hereby given that meeting
of the members of the church and con
gregation of the First Baptist church of
Albany, Oregon, will he held at the
church at 7 :45 n m on Thursday evening
next, August 17th. 1.'3. for the purpose
of hearing the report of the committee
appointed to secure a pastor, and for the
transaction of such other business as
may come before the meeting. A full
attendance is desired.
Jtsnx WnEEi.E,
Pres. Trustee First Baptist church.
Grapes, Sweet potatoes ani musk me'
lons this afternoon at Parker r)ns.
Late California fruits and vegetable at
Peiry Conn's.
Fine place, with two acres of Und .fruit,
etc., for rent. Call on Prof W V Davis,
est end of Fourth street.
Under tho management of in Stale Board
of Agriculture, nn the St' ts Fir Grounds
near Salem, commencing 9eutember 11th,
18113, and oontinnmir one week
Mora than (15 000 in eaah will be paid as
preminms forstock, poultry, awine, agncal
tural tiroducts.fruitt.native noods.minerals,
wotka of art and farcy work, and for trials
ot spesfl
Rfdnoed rates of fsrea and freiph's oa all
transportation lines, f avilfirn open loar
aveniogs during ' he week, with good maaic
in attendance, lhe eew crand stand and
ths new regulation track are coneaded io be
imofli the most co intertable and the best od
the Pacific Coaat. jplendid contests cf
spied eaoh day. There j entered for these
oonteata the best field of hoisee thia yar
that haa IwrnoD the grounda for many
seaaooa. aloalde and handa'Oie improve
ment' have been made on the grnnnda and
Premium Hit has hsen revlsel and im
prove,! to the benefit rf exhibitorfl. Kntries
for premiums clou at 3 p m on the first das
of the fair, and exhibita muat be in place by
iu p m 01 aaid day.
raicta or adxcmiox.
Men's Season Tickets t2.flf
omei 's Sessoo Tickets 1.00
Men'f Iav Tickets 2"
Women s Dv tickets 25
Rue Track Tickets, daily 2;
living," and keep a large stock of blacksmith
supplies on band.
Stewart ft Sox. .
cut tit of Stewart & Sox and take care of Tout
orchard. The out tit they sell haa been tried
in this stale for three years by the best or
chardists and is a o mplete success.
Strictly Cash.
F. L, Kenton ha adept' d a cash system
aod will hereafter celt groceries f t
CASH only.
hive the best hoe ot hoe shears, iciriorav
razors and pocket cnltcry in the valley(
Come and see for youraelver.,
Stewart & F.ox
PL0iVS"f Dave D0W dolled p!w, e
actly the same as the "Oliver." We cmr
antee it and sell on trial. Extras will fit
Oliver. Alto ve have a full line of steel
plows that 3annotbe excelled. Yon might
possibly save a few cents by coming around
and seeing us. Stewart ic Se x,
Clean towels to every at Viere ck
s having parlors.
See the New Improved Singer sewing ma
chine. The b-1 i slwiv tne cheapest. J
W Snwden. atcont. Officii it F M French '.i
Tewelry store'
A Watgo is a necessity nowsdaya. I
von want one call on Will & stark, whose
st .'Ck is largoaDd varipd, and prices the
the moitt reasonable. They can give jnn a
bargain in this line as well s in jewelry
To Fabmkm. -The undersigned have
If wed the warehouse of Dsvid Smith nt
Tillman and are now prepared to store
gram, snd mounted to call
sod see them wfore maktnu arrangement
tor storm- elsewhere
Fkot ft Sasuers,
I. A. Morris & Co.
Flcur and feed Store.
Have removed llielr store to the Strahai
ator;, former'.y occvpled by Deyne 4
Robson, and have on hand a full stock o
Custom chopping done.
Baltimore Block, Albany, Ore.
Dealers in all kinds ot Furnltnrn, Wt
Fapsr orpt. Linoleums,
Picture Frames, it to.
sliirr:::? HYDE & JAMES,
P.MnnnLi.t J APPEIt-ON
J TOP. KO(t, S CT( t ry. I'rrsidcnt.
Dry Goods,
Furnishing Goods,
Lace Curtains,
Shoes, Etc., oi
. Undertakers -.- and - Enibnlmers.
WE KEEP crn.lsntlv en hard a full line cf -.rstallc, cloth and weed caskets ar
eoflins. Also butial robca and suits, tn htcadcloth, atln.rrsl mi te,tc
which Hill be sold at
Tim Lowtsit Living Profit a.
EMBALMING) and the proper care of the dead a specially.
Wholtssle and RetallDcalers In
flodsa Water,
Orange and Iron,
ftellaer. Water,
Blreh Repr,
Naraaparllla and iron,
Iran sTIne,
Olrs ns a trial.
FIRST STREET, between Montgomery ami Railr MlUW, OSECCI