Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, August 14, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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9 a
NO 83
1y the Scars
,mr Hudson, of the James
Smith Woolen
"H- Machinery Co..
Pa., who certi
fits as follows:
"Among tlio
many testimoni
als which I ace
in regard to cer-
taiu medicines
cures, cleansing
tho blood, etc..
none impress me
mnro than my
own cubo.
Twenty years
(I I II! Ctago, nt the nuo
J It 1 SSI olW years, I hud
swelling" come
on in y legs,
which broke and
amo run-
g sores .
Our lamily pliy-
Ian could do
oil, and It was feared that the
"uldibe affected. At last, my
tther Urged Ple
er' Sarsaparilla. I took three
he soret healed, and I have not
.ubled since. Only the senrs
and the memory of tlio
i remind me of the good
"Sarsaparilla litis done me.
eigh two hundred anil twenty
and am In the liest of health.
Jieen on the road for the past
" ears, have noticed Aycr's Sar
". advertised In all parts of the
States, and always take plens
"lllng what good it did for me."
r's Sarsaparilla
'by Dr. i.O. Ayor & Co., Lowell, Mms.
Bothers, will cure you
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to ,he tasto, nnd acts
fcnily yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
onlv remedv of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt a
its action and truly beneficial in its
cflccts, prepared only from tho most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have mado it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for stle in 50e
nnd SI bottles by nil leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on band will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it- Do Dot accept any
WU1SVIX. Kt. NEW 10PK. ".1.
J -Jl.i.h'lOXK.
Architect nnd Contrmrlor. ITnliii lit.,Be
lalt I j l .
ie Oregon Land Co
Pi.rcKiNii r.cLL sam.
The as'onUhing discover? hag been made
by Pension Commissioner Lochren and h.s
deniitiec ihit sixteen employees of the bu
reau, whObe pensions were increased by
their fellow-clerks without warrant of law
dunnR"Corporal" ' Tanner's regime, have
never hid their pensions reduced to the
legal rate, though the increases were oil
regularly rescinded by Secretary Noble's i
orders ted to Tanner, together'
with a written opinion of Assistant Secre
tary Uimey in each case. For the past
lour years, therefore, these employee,
nearly all of n horn still hold positions tn
the tension Bureau, have been drawing
thousands of dollars from the Treasury up
on rcraifnga, the allowance cf which caused
the greatest scandal that had ever smirched
the administration 01 the bureau up to that
time. The prompt action of Congress in
demanding an investigation cf these abuses !
the dismissal of certain clerks nn l the ordei s
ol Stcictary NVile restoring the pensions to
their original rates were accepted at the
time as all that could be done in the premi
ses, in view of the opinion of the Attorney-
General that recovery' of past payments
woulo be difficult, if not Impossible. The
pub'ic. however, will now learn through
The World for the first time that the orders
of the Secretary and Assistant Secretary of
the interior were ignored by Commlssiocer
Tanner, placed in his private desk aud after
wards turned over to Commissioner Raum,
who also Ignored them and kept them in
his personal possession until he left the
bureau. w!ien he caused them to be secreted
in the files of the law division, where Com
missioner Lochren's aides have just foaml
them. !
It is a iptstion which the law officers of
the Government will be called upon to de
termine whether, In view of this w.lful dis
obedience of the orders cf 'elr superior
officers in the matter of disbmsing public
funds, a criminal cate can be made pgainst
Tanner and Raum, but in any event th
outrage itands fully revealed, and fairly
overshadows all (he other illegal and in
decent acts of which these men hve been
Vltn itt home office at
pt a i .-er.-Mr: - - - OHltJG-OISr-i
ft Gimy Block, corner Liberty anJ State street, branch office In Porllaiu
KES a specialty "of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem
"XVill sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per
small cash payment lora time on balance
f ' ' .
rnjinjrrii) is'
ryIiurkhart Bros.
One of the oldest Job printing
Office? in the State
The only Exclusive Job Office
VVe have the Largest and
best Stock of Printers' Sta
tionery, it has ever been our
pleasure to offer the people.
For Good, Quick Printing.
S fill LEY,
Irulnrlie and lprp,ln:
William E Rockwell, No 511 West 571I1
Street. New York, sajs: "I have been a
maihr to bilious cn()ache and dyspepsia.
Any Indiscretion In diet, overfatigue or
cold, brings on a lit ol Indigestion, followed
by a tieaditche lasting two or three davs at
a time, 1 think I mut have tried over
twenty different remedies, which weie
recommended as certain cures by loving
friends, but it was no use. At lam I
thought I would take a simple course of
purgation with Brandrcth's Pills. Kor
the first week I took two pllis everv niglit,
then one piil for thirty nights; "in that
time I gained three pounds In weight, and
never had an ache or a pain since." Dis
ease in one part of the body will iventu
ally fill the whole body with disease.
Every year or two some part of t lie system
grows weak and begins to decay. Such
part should be removed at once. nnd new
matter be allowed to take its place. There's
no need of cutting it out with a sjrgeon's
ecaipri. rurge awav ine olcl,dUeaed and
vrornout parts with Brandreth'a PUIs.
I'nlll ! .
'Washington, Aug 12, The silver de
bate in the house today did not attract
much public interest. TLe knowledge that
no vote can possibly be reached until Aug.
2S causes tho members to take little interest
in the nroceedinm and it is doubtful
whether there was a quorun present In the
house today Many members left for the
seaside last niuht resolved to remain until
it should lie tune for mem to return to
leltver a speech, and neatly every member
is prepuriDg one on the financial situation.
Destroyed by aa Earthquake.
Rome, Auir, 12. Repeated shocks of
eirthquake have destroyed one half of the
town of Mattinita on tho Adriatic coast.
Stromboli volcano is in violent eruption.
The inhabitants of Mattinita are camping
in the open air. It has been ascertained
that three persons were killei and four in
jured, 4 Biz I Ire Minn, Aug 13. Two
million dollars worth of property went up
in names tins atternoon. uvcr juj uotiscs
are bumed nnd at least 1500 persons ren
dered homeless. This is the record made
by the destroying element in the short
suace of two hours. A kind providence,
and not the fire department of the feeble
efforts of tho owners ot the threatened
property, sa'ed the greatest portion of t lie
lnannfactuiing nnl residence portions of
the hast side.
The Foot Race at lierval.
Gmivais. Or, Aug 13. In the 73-yard
foot nice today between George Givens. of
the Red hills, and C U Berthwnit. of
Salem, the former was an easy winner by
six feet. Doth men were heavily backed by
their friends. A number of snorting men
of Salem went broke on their man. Tho
couctrv bovs were fairly in it. and cleaned
up over 81000. Kven money and plenty of
it w as wagered by both parties.
A Town Captured and Butueil.
ZAzrn.n, Aug Information was
received here today from Wilu to the effect
that owing to the continued hostility ot
Fimo Omani, the deposed sultan, a landing
party frim the Ilritish warships recently
attacked and captured tho town aril then
set fire to it. The dato of the capture is
not given. Lieutenants Fitziuaurice and
tlervis were wounded, nnd one man was
killed. The natives fled.
Qurn Victorias
St .IniiN'd, N B, Aug i3. The Rev L
G McNeil called considerable excitement
his church tonieht bv announcing thai a
cable dispa'ch had been received that (Jueen
Yictorit had been stricksn with paralysis.
No confirmation had noen received up to
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U, S. Gov't Report
A Great CoNvENiENX-E.World't fair
ihltors travelling via the Northern Paci
fic R R and Wisconsin Central line, are
landed at the Grand Central station in
Chicago. ThU magnificent fire-proof
building, located In the necn 01 ine cny,
as been liud up as a noiei, run on wie
European plan, with about 200 rooms
handsomely furnished and each room 's
supplied with hot and cold water, electric
lights, etc. The charge tor accommoca-
tlonsare reasonable, anu name can secure
rooms in advance by railing upon agents
of the Northern Pacific R R. By taking
the Northern Pacific through car line to
Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort
of all transfer in that city, and ran also
travel between the Grand Central station
and World's fair grounds by trains which
run direct between the two points.
Agent at Albany.
Pat Iter Hu-s, grocer.
P, M.French keepn railroad tiui
Buy your groceries of Parker Broa
Fiae groceries at Coun & Hcndricson'a.
1-tow cream cheese just received at Conrftd
P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, does
Hrst clao work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent
cigar at Julius Joseph's,
Or M II Kiln, uhysioian aid aurgeoa
Albany, Oren. CMU mala hi eit)'or
oonntry .
Wbal gbnll I Take?
Why Simr.ions Liver Regulator,of course.
It can'1, be beat in anv attack of indigestion.
biliousness, sictt headache or constipation.
tt give quick relief, and It continued tor
while will completely cure th ;se ailments.
The Regulator comes in liquid aad pow-
foim. Ine powder is wondei fully
convenient for the vest pocket, A pinch
ot the powder and a swallow rf wafer
leaves no taste and works effectually
Imitations have heen put upon the
market so closely resembling Allcock's
Porous Plasters in general appearance as
to be well calculated to deceive. It Is,
however, in general appearance 'onlv that
they compare with Allcock's, for the v are
worne than worthless, inasmuch as thev
contain deleterious ingredients which pre
apt to cause serious Injury. Remember
that Allcock'c are the only trenulne porous
lasers the best external remedv ever
produced; .;nd when purchasing piasters
uo nHonivaK ir hut see that jt ou get
(icock roroui I'.asters.
Ukw PnorooBAPUKK. 1 have ononc-d a
new gallery In the Y. M. C. A. block, 2nd
street, Alliny, and will try hurd to please
all who will favor me with their putronage.
will take all sixes and styles of photos as
good as the best and as cheap as the cheap
est. I am no traveling photo here today
and gone tomorrow, but linve eomo with
lie und children to make a home in votir
glorious climate. I have come tn stttv.
Ieae call nnd see me and try my work,
ery respectfully yonry,
Late of Toronto. Canada.
We H.vk to Eat anvsav. The bet
ter the grorf rics the more enjovable Ii(e
and while we do not avl l live slmplv to
eat, w certain! ru to live. If yon
get your groceries and baked goods of
arker Brothers vou arj bound to live
ell If U fs cnlv on a loaf of re bread
They keep ihc be.t In evcrvthlng, and sell
l prlcej that sitisty reardies ot limes.
an on tnern.
The.sklllua knuMtettiie.
Essential to ihe pr1ncinn of the pr.
ifcs oa ropniar xtire remedv known.
aveenablrd the Cihforni FiirHrrno V
to achieve a trat aiic m thf riHittinn
of it rtm-ly, SyinD nf Fitfit, ai it: conced
ed to 1 ihe universal laxative. For sale bv
II drutfirirt.
illns Gradwohl's Bazaar
fit vary latest, 'news is ttat you can buy at JULIUS
iSWOBVS BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follow!
Affeookle's Coffee, Per Pound
lb. Granulated Sugar $1.00
lb Magnolia Sugar White 100
No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 20
Can refilled, 5 gallons SO
3 Gallons Good Pickles, market firm 110
1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40
ark niNtact tr!eich Mors, urirl 'l ooil will h lrt for tt wh from 1
r Imn lhn rnlr dH. Mr 'Stnrlt of Chinro, finer KOr.df. 0
m i1ib sylen of rllshei. n wll nerl .irtmnt of aroon, crocn
( powder, n.l ilwys plsM my eastornera,
ii atnrtr n rxns)bl InsanncescmpsniMs. Jalla Gradwohl.
Ask Yar rriradt
Who live taken Hood's Sarsanarllla hit
they think of It, and the replies will be
positive in lis livor. One has been cured
ol indigestion and dyspepsia, another find
n incispensauie for slk headache, others
repoit remarkible cures of scrofula, salt
rheum and other blooj diseaes,ti!l others
ui ien vou that tt overcomes "ihnt tired
lee ine, ' and 10 on. Trulv. Ihe best ad- hich Mood's Sarssparllls re
ceives l the heart r endorsement of the
army cf friends it has won bv its positive
IT i ll (IB FT t r
Tke aarllrs.
The r'cant effect and perfect sitfe'
ith which Isdles miv ue tlie CllHornl
liq tid laratlre Svrun of Fi. undrr all
rnndltlons, makes I' their favorite rented
I o srt the true nnd eenuine artc'e, lo
tetr the nameo! the California Klj Svrup
Ao, prtniea near the bottom of the pac
ltows (io tiik Hates. Tlio Union Pa
cific now lead with reduced rates to eastern j
points.and their through cur arran(rcuits,
niairnilicently eiuiped Pullman and Tour
int sleeners, free reclining chair car and fast
time, make it the best lino to travel. Two
trains le ive from Portland daily at 8:43 a m
and 7:30 p lu. Tho rates are now within
reach of all, and cveryltody should take ad
vantage of them tovisit the World's fairaml
tlinir friends in the east. Send for rates
and schedules of trains, nnd do not pur
chase tickets until after consulting I'uraii &
Montcith, Albany, Or.
W H Hirm.nt iiT,
Asp"t flon'l Pass. At,"'iit, U. P.
Portland, Or,
Twenty Years' Kierlenee,
C D Fredricks, the well Known pho
tographer, 770 Broadway, New York,
says: "1 nave Deen using aiicock s ror
ous Plasters for 20 yeats, and found them
gne nf the best of family tnedlcides.
Bricrlv summing up my experience, I sav
that when placed on the small of the back
Allcock's Plasters fill the bodv with ner.
vous energy, and thus cure fatigue, brain
exhaustion, debilty and kidney dMTicul
les. For women and children I have
ound them invaluable. They never Inl
ate the skin or cause the slightert pain,
but cure sore throat, roughs, colds, pain in
the side, back nr chest, indigestion nd
bowel complaints."
Send yoar ntni 'id 1 .i tltl
eacoc' C 1. Alhkuv, O'iii, sud men
ou the Democrat, th 1 ' -i! m vil you
ashion sl'eet freu each innoth
World's Fair Travelers Will Have II
The public demand through service when
traveling. It is old-fashioned to "L'hanite
Cars." On the through, ohd vi'stihuled
trains of the Chicago, Union Psoifio A
North Western Line from or to Cbtoago.
Omaha and intermediate points there la 00
hange. Thi is ths tiaost and fastest Bor-
ce between the points named-
"V A Howertu.
Flash M -:.-..
A process that knis t.:e !
irtSt-c ot coa-iivcr til r. ;s
Cionz jcod service Iv.t
Ihs process llint both !.!:!'
inc taste ana cue
I' digestion lus c
j :;v.icli more.
igi5 EiiM
' stands alone in tnc i'
1 cf fat-foods. It io .-.: beer.-.: :
!y digested bdc::-:-.
S:offs Emulsion ci .
s:;uf:'c:i find : t
z.i. 'jiiii'' ifisr v.-.--.
10 to o. Tliat the ncore neoplrj nuke
h trade with I'erry Conn, the dealei in
frenh groceries produce and crockerv
ware. Ttiey hut out hard timpR and cive
lenn barK.iinn. plenty M home tun
nd a return for more Kd. The game
utnpirtM on the iuare. ard there is
never an kfckinj. Iiompt and court. -
ou treatment. A uteady ihini;. . -r
pen early and late. If vou w.oul.1 1 on
the wi-intiiv Hide call on Conn.
tKlrrnnt VJnltnoce
the t'he of health. Put with all our
precaution there ar enemies alway !urk -in
n!iotit our nyttt m, onlv waiting a
favorahle opportunity to assert themfteiveft.
ItnpifiML' in thf blood may be hidden for
ear or ever, for generation and suddenly
break forth, undermining health and
hantening death. For ail disease a iding
from Impure blooJ Hood' Sarsaparilla is
the unequaMrd and unapproachable rem
Jy. It Is K'ng of them ll,for it conquers
Laundry Work. Every citizen of Al
bany should bear in ruind tlint the
Albany Steam Laundry guarantee first
cIabb work at very reasonable prices, and
employs nothing but white labor. Shirts
Jone as cheaply as the Chinaman. Pat
ronize your own race.
l1; iv,.., tMvtr...
150. row A CASE IT WILL-NOT-CUnr k
Wkddimo Invitavionh.
Wooden. Tin.
Silver, Golden
Common every day.
fair unil WlWIrtuime lmilltjr
Co.nmendft lo public approval the Call
fornia liquid laxaiive lemedv, Hyrup vt
Figs. It in pleawint lo the taste ana by
acting gently on 'he kidneys liver and
bowels lo cteanve the system effectually, it
promote the hea 'h and comfort of nil
nho ue it, and wiih millions It U the best
and only remedy.
To'liet at laeMrtH
Rear'ting H -o-l Sirapiriift, alr t
petipls who . thiw mln'i'i". r rrad t
TfMtimoma! ..t - i p ihlis tMi ii this paps
They will 0 in vine 1 y mi 'In: Hjhls'a cure
lipid's Piilt cnte cf'tmtiuatioQ.
Hmlnh's Cir-. ti
J:!', IS t" Uf
twent -'Iv iltM'sti'
urn-it omih itii
l'iJKi t S'J! ' C
i-y 2-i. Cii'-lru-i .
IJvee of many men renin i un
Wt to gre.a i :wi cm :liiu:
If th 1 re lini iblio fin 1
AivertiditiK ill the tims.
. An agreeable Laxative and Nebtb Toirra
Sold by Druggists or sent by mail gSc.Mo
and $1.00 per package. Ham plea free
1TA YTA The Favorite TOOTS rWTJH
JW XI. W for tbe Teeth and Breath, So.
Captain Sweeney. USA.t3an Diego, Cal
srya: "Hhlloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first
medicine I have ever found that would do mo
any good" prico GO eta. Sold by Druggtota,
shiloh's cure:
" Trrra Ohkat Couon Curb promptly etire
where all others full. For Conaumption It has
no rival; has cured thousands, and will crma
tov, if taken In time. ftlcsSBcts.. 60CU..ILOO.
AnvKRTisixci N'.vki.tiek. Wo have n
complete line of n- eltise, dirovtfroin the
lnakpra, ran fnmisli the flame at lowe
prices. Vhintles, tnimjni, pencils, mem
oranda books, nup. iis, (ans, rulers, y.inl
sticks, panels, dim no cards, en ps, calcn
ilars, xmas carils, ::., in season.
And always the Ix-st Job 1'kintixo
SMILET, Ia.ling Vrintcr.
rrnup J-f '
Ecslly. Jitlckt,.
rcrnanen'.ly Rsstored
nnd all Hit trnln rf txln
lii-iii i mi ij ci ri iHur latT
Itt Sff, Ute ot
MurMuiK, Mi ktit n.
Worry. flu. FjJlMrri riIi,
d''vi;nriiieiit tl ions
KMcn lusry rtianand
r illn ' f tho bitsly.
f : in i'lf. n t n it I met hn f
Hfii. Ktlhir' tmputftlds.
uiutk-a (vkil free.
! T"f 1 ANT '
I or anv klr.d of h Ytu itn-inett or Ve
I hh'le, rn'l on c jtf'ihf-.
:;rj Ci.iri of jar Mr Fowdtr. No Ammonia; No Alnm.
'.lirr?' J H lilies tr va' ihe Statr
B. F. RR?P,
Orrcshe Post OH r-Albany.O