$mhi pcmocvrti. SHERIFFS SALE- fill,- Circuit Co-irt oj 11k Hn lit lh Clint; y Li. The Oroiioa Mortgage Ccrunany, limited, l'laictifl, TS C P B-irkhartand Nellie C Bnrkhart, bi wile.C K Parkesand Mary M Pailw.his r r.hn II Hnrkhart and Ofc K Hurk l.s- fi Hnrkhart and ?)ftra A Burkbart.b:a wife,J M Keeney and Frank A Buikhart. administrator of the estate ol Mary J Burkhart,deceaafu,iioiiusui, NOTICE IS IIKREBY GIVEN THAT 1 hy virtue of an execution and nr.in oi aale duly Issued out of tile above named court in the above en'Med u:t t j me directed and dellve oa, l win oa Haloriti), Iht I MO day of August. ISM. at tbe front door of the oourt house.In the crty of Albany, Linn county. Oregon, at the hour of oat o'clock p m of said day, ell a: public auction for cash In hand to the hijrhct bidde'tbe real propeityde scribed in aid execution and order of sale a follows towit: The couth hsif of the donation land claim ol 0 P Ruikhair srW Elisabeth J Hurkhart, bianife, Net 6vb, r'.aiiu No4, btiuu parta of mo 10 and li, in tp 11 south range J west mine Willamette meridian, in Linn county, Qieson, containing 100 acres. Ins pro ceeds arising frcm said as e to be applied nrst.to the psytnent of the costs ol and upon saidexecutl n and (he original costs ofsuit taxed at ?"S 03, secoun.to the pay nMsu of plnlntiQ'a claim amounting to the sum ol in U 8 colu coin with accruing Interest In like gold ccin at the rate of 10 per cent pp r annu n. and the further sum of :'17 50 aitui ney's fee; and the overplus ifsnv to be applied upon tbe olaitn of the defendant1 G Burkliart, amounting to the sura ol ?-il31.y la U s gold coin with accruing in:..-A't thereon iu like uold coiu at the rate ol i) par cent fer annum and the further sum of fyoiwiy u U S gold coin with accruing interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annuui, and the further sum of $M)1.4-1 in U M Told riu with accruing interest nt tbe rate of S per centner annum; butif the proceeds arising tberffrom be not sufficient to pay the plaintiff's claim, attornev ' fee. Interest and crt, I will then sell the north half of ssid d .natlm lana claim. the pi oneeds arising therefrom to be applied to any balance that uitv ba due upon said plaintiif's said claim, aiiornev's fee and costs. Dated this l'.'ih day of Julv, 1S93 C C JACKSON. Sheriff of Linn county, it, iron EXECUTOR'S SALE. Ko'.iie is lifeby Riven that the umler eigoeu executors cf the last will and testa ment ci Owen bear, deceased, late ot I.inn count v. Oregon, will ptmuant lo an order of the couaty court lor Lion county, Oregon, duly r.adc and entered cf record on the "ilti day of June, 1.'3, authorizing and licensing the undersigned t executors of said estate, to all the land hereinafter described, will on the Itith day cf September, 1S9.J, t the hour t: one o'clock p m of said day. t the Court House door, in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oreitrn, tell at pub ie suction, to the highest bidder all cf thn right, title ind interest the tnid Owon Bear had at the lime or his oealh Jo and to the following Jesoribed real estate t.mit: hegicning at the IV E corner of the dona- j !ion land claim cf Owen Bear and wife, Not no rcwua ciutn io 41 in tp 12 S K 4 W ! )f tle Willamette meridian and running I tnence west aions the north boundary 'me ot id claim J2.Gt) chains to the IN K corner or a tract of land sold to V V Rohinett nd J C lcbinett by Owen B?ar and wife; thenje. south 2 chains, thence S 31 45 10, louowmg along the center of a slough 14.24 chains, thence south 2.00 chtius.thente est. parade', with the north tin f Hosr's claim fw.10 chains to the east line uf aia cu:m, thence north 17 ihniaa to the place cf beginning, cootiinin? 101. Sll acies, arl to Linn county, Oregon . Termj at sale nne-hat . caih in hand on day of sale and one-hal: in six months fruin day of aale with intercut at per cent per annum lecured by mnrtgae on the land sold. This the th tby of July, 1S!3. Waltkk Mi Ii.ur.K, JolIK t l -MMl.ii;.-, eath :rfd i Chamberlsia, Executon. Altorneya for Ex. Ofi flSE WITH ECZEL TitrrlMa Sum-rings of lattia 11:,:.; l,i'vi"S ItiH tnrs nnd Two IIusiINki Kill. Ciin-il by f 'ullciiris. , "V ntstntha o!il, hrokt out v hiiU t'lirnitiR w.m tr.tr. i, nl i t liia Iiml.it, brfit, t:r ' n n-aily rovori-d; li t.-r,... ; i : u Ih'Y.U; b hit n j. and but Imlc rot nit' : C iy. Hl' w.m ( t. S. tit. :it at d.ilTriit tut'. (. "1"' 1-1 'l-K-tore In :h:, rl-r 1:0 le.t.t tvti.-lii: lir. s.Tl.ir r, t (i.. . Ulhf !.. trl,. I. w :- :i J,. i' ili-ln,-, .u,( v is , i 'y dlnwr,,,,,;, , ed S; ru i in. , ' .' -'" HnAPAthl li-t: i , li--.i.vrr an.) ( .; !. -. Itclicf w it, inMi. , r ?..!-.-1, nt.d rrt md . j - tr.:;irivrd :ij tn ii.nc i.,- ' : -I. .iV. I ii in now at cVnt . .. :-i th.r stii:d wth tt '; .Ctfr u un it for ery i: .' 'V.. Iirv.uk.ia .t.. Ho.K. ura Remedies - I -.rl, :.- d pnnf'.s.M.atitl h-in '- : t.tAio., laun:'y xvw i tu.. -i4l Mi fx'tflUM fcl-l It.'tU.t '.iitfit:.v, f.-i.i.oTr. alU, nt s . u'n .if lurtiir.nd.dirtrVmii . ii. l-!'-.lirT. osnlv, crum.. I, ( i l ti'iiivi .-f ih. iL i, H-..;pt . I ft hur. In-iii l:.:.tn.-y i tv . r.-il "ii, or hfr.-dil.ary. ml, - u I v:.l taft rticUUafl IV e.Cl-Tirflu,Wc.; Cpp . ;1. I'r,;.jr,d U,o r.T.k.t VI ..I.lVRIVR.t.TIOa.HlHltol. - L -v IM'-irrSkin Mh-.m," ' ' . H, At.. I 1 OUil3ioni;. . .!'..!. fl, P'--irN, rtaiiyxM. a:.. "1 . ril l kl .IAF. CLG FOLKS' PAINS. " 1 i - .'.Mir.- -t f.'f iIM'ati., I:!in . d W, Um, -. .: th. .ar--I i ni i, tint Anil-f iln riM, n t atui ,n'v i a-.n ' r- . .. ..k. It" aN.w UisUiiUacvui, J I lire f ir t'eMs. (pitr nJOn-r?, .w biiit,-,v:; Usk'Vu'jt. si.,Htv,ulfc tiwn citLiifiiATE issmniE ALBANY, OREiiON 1891, 1802 ir rir u trtutH ipember OIH I I corps of Instructors, CLAjyCAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERA' COMMERCIAL AXD KflRMAt CLASSES. lniri ol -tu'-' rrsnenl - it.toi s'l i:rade ....lOeill (il iuiiKcemc!: ci'trti lo from .ibcad. vrv. CLURKT a niT Ft; SHAY & MASON I 4aTT<- f tnf r Jolin li, J iiiii'i i Notice of Dissolution. NOilC IHi;UKMY GJVKN THAT tll3 c -tnrtimrMir h t' -r (-xiatine bet v. ten fjip an ierign-t. u.ft.-r tre hnn nunu uf !- nt, I.-tiiig t C-. h t ec and in thisdn' di-olvcl by aiurm! ivm.b nr. of ti.fc part'ci, John I-om havo ; jmiC'iie-l he in'ciit f K J Lii"t'i;. r tu-in Mt!l heie f tr be carifd .! l.n I tbe fiiTclnff r 'he't f, ili..f. an tn a l pitpth p ib htn, hii.l viif I i .'ii tbortzad til c -iifut aid -tc.- jt f r uH d . lie ltt ri tn oh I.-ou. K J I ANNlMi. Dated ttii 1 :i day f Ju't li'Xi. Calarrli Cannot be Cnre3 with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they Cflntldt reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cur it you must take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Core id taken internally, and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure i not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by ont, of the nest physicians in this country for years, and is a regular pre cription. It is composed of the bent tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers acting directly on tbe mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Kend for testimonials, free. F. J. cheney & CO., Frona,, Tgledo, O. 1 Cavesn.and 'I radc-Marks obtained, and all Pat t ent business conducted lor Mode rate Fees. 5 and we can eemre n.itcn: iu lc33 Uuc Uiau lhohtj remote irom asinnjrton. h Send model, drawing- or photo., with descrip-? JHon. We advise, if patentable or not, tree oii jUiarRe. Our ice not due til! paten: is secured. j A Pamphlet. "How to Obtain. WteQts,'' With f 3 cost oi same in tbe U. S.and foreign countries 2 sent free. Address, J C.A.SNOW&GO.j 5 Ow, pATtNTOrrec. Washington. O t aM1MVVMV( VSP A (.'A DiiM Y OF- CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. OESION PATINT8, COPYRIGHTS, ateJ ?t.1flfn.rn,t1on onrt frP U.mtlbook w?iro lo Ml iN CO.. .Mil H HOAliWATi NEW VoKIT. Olde.-gifburean for ei-uriiie pur ont Iti Ainrin Kv.tf i-nt.Mit hikmi i.t - n U iwlii ifrfnr ,f ncutific iawcrifan i?JTdSt rril"i''Iln "m"7 "rtlf Wrw In tha " tVow jjoerf digestion wat on appevn, And health on both." C-OltO.CiTe K rttfi-n- Cottrlfne lltollnt 'niinl.r,. To assure both the alove ends, Rood, wholesome, palatable food is demanded. It is next to impossible to present a sufficient rarietj- of appe tizing bills of fare for our meals with out a liberal allowance of nastrv and other food in which shortening is $n irquirca. jiow io make ensp, healthful, digestible pastry has enl puzxled tbe cooks. A difficult? in all good cooking in the past has been Yn lard. Always tickle, never unu'orm, most unwholesome lard has always ( Iwen the bane of the cook and the yn9 obstacle to 'good digestion." C"itonr CotiolciM- VoHol-n fodohr 4."oitclen jCOTTOLENE toil j V, , nti, Coiiolere Cotloler, Coiloieo. .0jlneJriHen conies now into popular I favor as the new sliorten i ing lecr than even Hie i Iiest cf lard with none of I lartl's objectionable qiuli i ties. And ! COTTOLENE conies nttetidej l.v both ! APPETITE AND HEALTH." Grocers sell it all ahotit. """1 ll UBSTITUTCI. 0 p. Scicntitto American .14! tOs.fSf l.-tl.:mH.I .War,l.tl i :en. ( Jlir, lSr, iVUcVn S flliiilnlvy"1 5 H. K. PAIRBANK st CO.. -'. I ST. LOUIS and ). W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE koTUtp. D) yoo wear them? When next In ret J try a pair. Best In th j world. 45.00, 00 44.10 2.sa f 3.50 roa uoiei 2.00 42 50 S2.25 I.7S roit B0Y5 If yon want I Ut DRESS SHOE, tnine !n the latest ityles, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe, They fit aquai to custom mado and lock nl wear as well, If you wish to ecccomlzo Inyour fxUear, d io by purcnulrg V. L. Douglas Shoes, Nana and prle staged on tho boMom, look for It when you b-iy IV J BOUCIAS, Brockton, .Uaoi. Sold by III Mm . V TIftmi:-.siV.il,i'iifnirrhfl . .. -J.. y'ilePl.V.'hft.-s.iStM'rrriiitorrlirtia : a: " ji aiir nui:atiirai dliu-hair0.9akl ! W O. It tuns in a few days i'rarJa .i!lioutthcAta orpublieitr of $tfn ior' on-poisonous and t03l Tht Universal American Cure. ufactured l Evacs Chemic ,il C. CINCINNATI, O. EAST AND-SOUTH, THE SHASTA" ROUTE Of THE Southern Pacific Co. Express Train leave Portland Dailj South 7: 'Rip. . Lv 10:-J3 r h Lv a:ll a M Ar RCM Jl'LT 1, JSD2, fmrid Albany Sin Francisco Ar 7::i5 a m Lv 4:i3 a u Lv 7;0O p m Abve tralna only at following itatloos north of Koneburg. East Fortlaml, Oropm Citv, W.od ourn, Saiwn, Albany, TAHtfcnt, ShodJ, HaUey. I;r. rlsbur J unction City. Irving, Eugene . aOSRBl HO HAIIi. DAIbT stress ft L 1 ISM km I L Portland Ar ' 4-30 rv 1?-4.S p H Lv Albany Lv ISu H 5:5!f m Ar hoMbunr Lt 7.0Ca ALRAST LSCAL SAIL. (XICATT S USD AT) ft in p Lv P'.rtlaiii Ar UHl B.fmjAr Allmry Lv fl::tl BRANCL :10amLv Albany Arl In ?l as 9:00 A s I Ar Lebanon Lv I 80 a m 1:Kpm Lv Albany Arl tr.p-p :09 A Ar Lebanon Lv I 2:311 1 m PULLMAr BUFFFT SLEEPERS. Diuincr Cars on Ogden Route SECOND-CUSS SLEtPINS CARS asiaerieis laull TtSrossKh Trains. snl tviTlnloa. ruKTLAXu a Ms sokvillis. hail .-aii'9iHT(Exeept8unu;, I A w I Lr I I2:10ra Ar Port'apd Corvallis Ar I 5:Sd t m kv 1 12:6i sxrasss tsair DAIbT (Exespt 8ai.dsr. I 4:111 r a I L PortUnd McMlnmllla 4:20 A a 7:26 rs I Ar IM A mi , rv. . a. liruuu M ICUetM tn point In tlis Extern Stilei, Csiuds and EnntiMeai bi otrslnul st owjit ni'.es Irom sj K ItOBIILKB E P. RCX1ER9. tUn.nr vM-t o. r. n,l Port'std Ornron. Deafness Cannot be CnrcA local applications as they cannot reach th diseased portion of the carThere Is onl? lit way to euro deafness, and that is bv cons'it-l; .lonal rermdlea. Deafness llcanseyb?in 1 !?,T.'lffdi!n 0,n mucous ltolng of tho .t j0rura,V1,l,r"oundor Imperfect hear ing, and when It is entlnlr closedVDeafniss Is tho result, and unless tho Inflarntion can bo taken out and this tube rvsioroflto ts Snnat condition, hnrl.. -ill 1,1 J. 7i 'i,.?orn"u ,Vn or 'n.;rlL,ne Hollars for an w nf Drofness (caused hy cat arrh) that can 1 f.Tir.V? HaU'" Calarr1' m Send tor cirgulora; frro. They increaso sppptitr., prUv J wnoIO sasteuiaodactontlieiUtT UiieSciirisSiaaii. Poor Weak and Weary Mothers Raise Puny, Pindling Children. Sufphur Bitters Will make them Strong, hearty And healthy. rS-r4 Display in ths Odd ul ft K.TltEKT 'HAM .. .. I. a. .'ir'-tJJ ti .iar u.U'sr in pro b ,1 tt- It Hill. V El' Attom.y at I 8"llclwr In Chanrsrjr. nbls tsma. Allisur, Orenon W. WKItiHT, i ,1 S.,ttrr PiiL.le Will praelles in eollertion.sna nutteis In prebil. Omre.-Lli sluon-Twcdall liioca aiuimij. .tCKatt'KN V IV 1 IV IlloiJ m sum wl.l reo.iio pr..mp sttontl.rO IDm i WIUTSIlil, Attorney al Law, !lanv OSTASa'E : IIAfial.."'". Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. J A M V.S J. i'lllUI-TOX. AH Ijit1 bmlness altondcd Attornvt-L:iw. promptly: FLINN'a BlotV, Aibany, D r. j. i.. imx. PnvclcUn nJ Surgeon. Ot I It'E-Conicr Pur? KrecU, Albany, Ortfoli.-, D US. M IMTO" Jk IU VIS, PbvMcUns an Surjeoni. OI"KHTB-C.rnor eernid and IfccesUlbin sirectti. Albany, Or, Calls proJiplly altor dwl 1 city and iwuulry. t n vnfu;itMi. n. i ir-, Hi int. THieH..l at In d scanos of the Kyo OrtiteLuLTi 7 l 8 mi I to 3 ID. and 7 tc 8 Bitji, A I Cieunn. IK NT NATIONAL BANK, OF ALBANY ORKfiON resident f Vice President - liier w. LAAUUU. rRANSACTS A OESEKAMisnklntluslnew ACCOUNTS KKIT subject to check. BIGHT EXCHANGE and tel rsphlc trinsler, m ,ld New York, Ssn Frsuclsco. Chicsifo and f .1 Hand CO J.ECT10N? HADE on fasoraWe terms aiaicTORs. . E. Tocss E, w, Lssoaoa I. K Claim, L. Flims Edwako t . Sox. J OP ALBANY. ORHOON. TRANSACTS qreneml lUn'fintr iwinttw URAWSIUIITUKAPTS u Sew York, San Fr n acoand Portlnnd, Orearn. LOAN MONEY on approved secnrlty. KKCEIVE ilepMtU subject to oheck. COLLECTIONS inadt) oa (At-orablfl term. INTEREST paid on Urns doooslta axk or HIO, soio, ohF.anrf. . dent ...... hier T J Mrxitu ...A J J0115 THROUGH TO SUIT LAKE. DENVER UUl CITY ST. LOUIS, D A.Y TO f)2 Clllt'AOO hours nisar UflllRQ QU1CKJR TO OMAHA nUUrO AND KANSAS CITY. Wm TICKETS .laBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBaT - mm IMAGO. PUUMAHANOTOURIST SLEEPERS, Ef CHAIR CARS.' For rates and gei.erallniormi tlon cal on or address W II HURLBlRT.A.st.Gcrl. Pa. Ait, 35 Washington St., Portland, Ukeqox . 31. .lIcFarland, riKALKR is -:- Harness -and-Saddler j ' PATRONIZE, HOM INSTITUTION til! As), PimldunL J L COW AS. Treasurer. Cowan, Oeo F Slmpaon, i Several Solid Eastern and Northe a Pacific Railroafl Is) Ihe Hue to lake Tni UEASTana SOUTH It Ih tli DIIXU TE. It ruiiM Tliroiirla Ij" ElsTlttlMS iu I he ST.P 0 T.O CHANQE'OF CARSJ Composed of Diiiins: Cars riisiirpassed Pullraaii DraniiiK Room Slcopurs Of Latest Equipment TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Ilost ttat can bo construct I nnd In which aorommodtUont am hoth fr and furnished fur hoMnrs of Firsi or Second chtt'h tfckotn, ai d ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Lina conneitiiifi; with al linss, affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman uleepor resorvatlnnn can be secured in advance through any rHfi!U of the road. THROUGH TICKETS to and from all jiuimn in America. j.nu;lfliiil an.i Knropo can be purchssHil at ary Mi-nut uiuub ui mis cuirpany Full information concornlno- ratos ilmn of trains, routes and othor Jelalls f'urti ished on application tu any rkoiu 'or A I) Cif ARI.TON, Assistant General Passenirnr Agnnt, No 121 rirst s't, cor. Washington, Portland, Oiewu. C G ilurkhar!, local agent. ARE YOU a ncsTKpapor tro- i tr. anthor, artist pulihi'iirrorarT jrtlser If you srr , or bi s f tittirr-sted in any ol tli a!ove, j i shoulu rtaU TrtZ v'OU? iALIST. DO YOL " ,:it ti rcch I n abovo !iiv,Miim. m 'i UK J.il'NSAI.IST. hil . 1II u 4.m a jrrai-. ,iiv 'i-li, -hus on application. ALL' S KOtlMAN, kiiitr anj Proprlctr, 117 XaW VOIIK.K.X j r.n.usrosK, Arclillcct and Contrnrtor.' Lcsvsn.idora sslili Hullitt fits.. He I I (.1 IS. HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND TO FIND A CUltB FOR RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO. SO KIDNEY, LIVER and SLADD! COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME I SiSDEH'S ELECTBI3 BELT Mm sswnl,vo.torMlhmin!I:.cJV''".lpt,,-!lT- Pauden'. llni. shown bJ , rM?r'';,n I"'? I" trsllh aaj rltor. H sll ron letter. l.rlr tisiimor.. io t hiSVerr wier an' l'KLX6 ?."Bi these we can coJJ CENERS fasSl"hB ajZT 1 'J r"ur tlt a -rj tind ktlinTtXSJPSTil ?ld "Pth rasibpu 1 h "hri'.-rri.ril,:.,r!'-isiii. n.li,. 1 I.4VO I h . tml, ,p Jj. A. BOWlVs. iZH "jSxL'J.1 ITY-LOSB OP Vicns a mufniir, CJlAS.LrFTKA. RHEUMATISM AND lameness CURED, Br. A T a.l.. if "'la!,1.."-'n.Ai.rif is lS. ""-li" tO for rhVam.i.Im Pti.'! ' 4Ur Iw'ts "LH.UUS DERILI 1.0III. It l.visn lisrWrlSS l,,l T tlt thfonirboat sll ift Rrfan.lod. Th.-i ... . "i"" '" i-kne.. n,l ,f nlrCT. .hronSl J t 6 VI Albany, Oregon Slmpaon, tV F Read, U B MonteliK u Pa . ALSO DISTRICT AOstVTfi ,-., the waft Oregon .. M it j TIMt 'vo Alhsnr 1! , , Wr.Corv.m, , ' .irl-fYsquKla,, Direct Line- 1 Quick :thc ber'a lie so Between WlllamftUbleil SanFr, ni t rei "Barai Ot'KAS STU eigls . and een Wlltercctte VnlltT, Ji;- Wt8! - ', ailv rssState Wii:.;sictte VsllST, J.V4 s The rompantih D hange sailing dua sot KsVEBIIr trainer "H,a" atlirjaj Us a iirn.y.OesArt.w-. lt Mulcahj-.tissnli. Guaranteed to c-'jq Sick Ileatlu '.ie c:kJ.s each bottle. Via. lTtl driiffibtr.. f Picture T, IT, 7"'r 'amtm J. F. SMITH & CO., ft..-. Put upinixatwstcfraSff eutttfd. StiaU l io ikak ssiih Flertn' luirr .ll am.itb'Slo"- ''l.r..Ursl. rour w"?: ' plain:-1, snar; tiievi;.',fl curs !n osr V nhi.'hrKlsiW"1 tho monism JJsaV.S ci.o-ij.r'' If jns rrff' ilsmenlsU'i! qnircitnrT'fi ana - .r Is our pls ; LAME 6Ca Rite:-; hurt' work. corobirJ I ar or enrnB. H " . WSJ ibit 1 coo Id not brad flwh with It. I boueht "19lJIi in las oi tw ; , bey wou'd try it ther W'iUto(nia rtsl' t LOST VITALITY W b It 1 hit-hMD rrliWT-.f , lt 1 find B'HJJfiv'l 1 ioff iti now twi t" t fir the brttr. lniitbJib YomnW rji IV-oo, M,., for mXJ -or.' SANDEH ELEGTRJOC0.172FirslSf., POBTU" f