Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, August 12, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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    Qciil) Qcmocxat,
Tit. tYmnif 'JVIerrtilli lm fremipntlv
felt hurt at the course of certain democratic
papers in the state tor criticising arm ques
tioning its democracy on account of al
leged business entanglements with the Ore
Conuw. The IJkmochat hag refrained from
these criticisms in the hope that the charge
would prove to be groundless. We do not
now know that there is or is not any truth
in theiu. But the course it pursues towards
tft .1!. It.-.!,'!.
the unalloyed kind. We do not mean that the
leiepram editor or any democrat is unaer
obligation to endorse or approve the opin rJ Mn n .Irnrv-r-,;,- t.rncwtmit nn all
questions and especially cn the subject of
enver wuicn is nor a parry question, dui
there is a party obligation to treat the
president fairly which the Telegram does
noi no. un jronuay speaking or wnai tne
president s message would be the Telegram
:.i .
n : :.i i ii. .i .i :.t .
ii is unui-m nidL wueii uie prentuent got
to Washington he discovered that the mes
sage which had been prepared at Gray
vjauirs "us nut suueu io mc ieni per or con-
... TI. I 1 it. . i xi I r I-
Kicsa. no lounu mai me pro suverieeilng
was loo strong to be trifled with. Accord
injly the message had to undergo revision,
and that is perhaps the explanation why it
didn't come in today. Our advices are
that the tone of the message will be con
siderably tempered from the original draft.
While there will be a recommendation to
have the .Sherman law repealed, it will be
accompanied witn the suggestion that sil- j
This much is given out in advance as a
feeler, or ra'her as an opiate to quiet the
nervous excitement around the capitoi
building. We are gratified that the presi
dent has had his eyes opened sufficiently to
discover that the whole national domain
does not lie within the limits of Wall j
street. We are more than pleased to ex
tend ft holninrr Itnnrl In a.iief Uim
the party platform.
The Ttlegrmn had no reason in the
world for say ing that tho president, after
arriving at Washington changed the mes
sage which he had prepared at Gray Gables
Whatever else may be said of the president
he has never been accused before of chang
ing his views on important public questions
at the suggestion of every wind of doctrine
that sweeps along Tbo Telegram shows
Its aminus in making such a charge when
there is not the semblance of a foundation
for its truth. The insinuation that the
president is not in accord with the demo
cratic platform is as unjust as its gratui
tous. Those who live in glass houses should
not be throwing stones around promiscuously.
The conference of the silver and the an'i
silver m;n has reached an agreement by
which general debate on the bill for the
repeal of the purchase clause of the Sher
man act will be limited to i4 days. T his
will be followed by a debate of three days
under the five-minute rule, when votinsr
will begin on the bill and the various silver
The present arrangement is that the re
peal bill will be Introduced in the house
today; that an accompanying resolution
shall prescrilie the mo'hod cf procedure
nu general ueuato begin at once. If car
ried out, this program will brine the house
to a vote on bill ami amendments August
ineiiiver men 8 part of the program is
to oner tirst a substitute looking to free
coinage at the present ratio; if defeated
vctcs will je taken on amendments fixing
uie ratio at w, im, l'j and ), in order, and
nnany, it these fail, upon lh lllnml-Alli
ion act.
Scientists tie now telling us that the
dneeroua microbe is lurkine In the green
back. Those In arrcaib for subscription,
siys s contemporary, can srnd the amount.
as lie has tjcilltics to dit'uf:ct small
amounts, an l Is willing to take the risk
When once tilled in a Moslem grave is
never reopened on any account. To remove
the rainiest cnanceol it being thus denied,
a cypress tree is planted after every Inter
ment, so that the cemetei its recrr.b!e forests
more than anything else.
Proof of Merit
The Droof of the merits of . nlastfr tc
tne cures it tracts, and trie voluntary
testimonials of those wlio hat e used All
cock's 1'orous V lastcrs during the past
thirty years is unimpeachable evidence of
their superiority and should convince the
most skeptical . Self pra'se Is no recom
mendation, nut certificates trom those who
nave uscu litem are.
lUu-nrA r.1 Imlf.tlnnt ...1 A k. ,1..
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask tor Ah
cock s, and let no solicitation or explana
lion induce you lo accept a substitute.
Vt nisoo at C E Browne!!.
VIA VI Co ifGud in Baltinilra hier.k.
A full line of Warner Bret ccrsc-ts &t Tt V
& Co..
If von B'tn. tin tmnLr call fnr -
white l&bor cigart.
( Vine mtui Ixn tli a new ihi i.lniH .
Rmp ouiiOgite uoiti tiice.
The beaVrout eoflee id the city atCooiad
tA. oyer a.
Motor males five trin- daily tn Virnwlr'.
addition. Lotrtlif to t3 iuUllments o$
per week.
All i?Xt?Fiil' Vnriffv rf nfinlin rA U L.
it) llt lit Anil hv lltn nrkr-a cn Ita fn...J
' - tuuwDvfj vj lUil'tilUff ice
felehrateil u-hifn Uhni- oipin j
by Ju'ius Joreph.
XfiW enrk snip- hnnrl tun&f1 slM. .
thiog entirely new, not a winter shoe but
IlLhtaj 'l flexible fnr mnrina rA
weir, at He,il. Ptaccck & Co'a. Tall
inspect tuttn.
An llany Wjnnert.
i no nni(i vonTiu-jieniiraini oi ine vnicijo,
FTninn P. XV.rrk U'a.f. rn T ir, i.n. .
est line, fsstest time, Union djpots and no
cnange or neiay as tne Missouri itiver.and in
ine (iopniar . or-'U a fair route.
tho i
.Did Siitnnhiv
will hen.iftr mn to Jdunha
lern en ot tiif ( )rprmn P,
nioniirig and Wednesday
eiemiifrx. IlOUna
r . "j nuuim trip
scld for &i.OO. liound trip tickets can now
every day of the wevk.
Dt-aiu.,3 Lx'uvi Cared
7 .....uiriiirtai,,,,,,, a i.-iuy cannot reacn IN
t.racai. inure is oniy on
S.U..HHCH1CU.I.-B, ivi.ii I lit; an IB CuUBCU DV an 1D-
flamad condilion of the mucous linintr of the
Eustachian Tube. When tins tubesets:?nflamed
fonnavearumhlinsourKior imjitrfect hear
ng, and when it ls entirely closed Deafness is
iiic rcsuii, a uriK'f;B ino muammation can be
.a...iul,aimi:ii.nint; rcMnroa io ju normal
condition, heannfir will be de.stroved forecr:
ninecaseaout of ten are caused'by catarrh,
Whichisnothinirbutan infiamed condition of
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness 'canscd bv catarrh. tW nn.
nnt be cured by Hall's CaUrrh Cure. Hend Xor
Hood's Cures
Sciatic Rheumatism
Quick Relief and Perfect Cure CorlTruniluiuin ami First Hi
Will ii 8trk. th jeweler
Albany Market.
VhMt JQ.
Oats, f.o.v
Hour, (4.00.
'alter, 250.
Ird, 12 to 153.
Pork hums 19 In I n . . ,...
. ..u.u,,i,iiumuniaahliul:
IO".. II to 130
Hay. baled. 7
-o aioes, fjoo.
Ann!. 1 nn
nop., izc.
iJried fru It-plums, Po, apple. Bo
r v mm uuws,
Beef, on foot, lXn.
uressej, 7c.
On the road
to health the consumptive who
ranartn. nml tliinlrs ( nBiimntinn
is developed through tho blood.
It's a Bcroftiious nirection of the
lunrjs 3 blood-taint. Find a per
fect remedy for scrofula, in all it$
forms something that purifies tha
blood, as well as claims to. That,
if it's taken in time, will euro Con
sumption. Dr. Pierco has found it. It's his
"Golden Medical Discovery." As
a strength -restorer, blood -cleanser,
and flesh-builder, nothing liko it is
1'nnn.n n nn.l.'..nt T7 .
every form of Scrofula, Bronchial,
Throat, and Lung affections, Weak
Lungs, Severe Coughs, and kindred
ailments, it's tho only remedy so
sure that it can be. guaranteed. If
it doesn't benefit or cure, in every
case, you have your money back.
F. FOP, Evangelist,
Of De Mo;npi, IW4, vritftd u'jdjr'iUto f
AUrch i:J. 1S93:
3. fi, Mei. !r.i Co..
Dufur, Oregon.
(In nrriiiiiK 1 ...
mell and fuiviniii.vr m.. . t
-. . , UUf IIICIU
Sir), euhl anil imi..n,lf,,, n i
waited away to 3JJ pounds, in nnw wtll
J'P vigorous "d well fUhednn.
S. U. CoiiKh . urn liudiao iti wr well.
8th fifth., iMLI,.,, I.'i.. f '
InuijIiCure haa curtd and kvut .w.v B!l
ti04i(iit tM iroiii niH. Si . ... :.
r, with ure-iinra for nil W
"ur-., Mn 4 Man J F Foi;u.
If Vim uridh t. . . .
""''"-. W't.hii( l. or tt,r"
S Id unilor .llho tMliira .lot- by
MToiI fret. Trnll. tr T-nn nnl Acin
Phat's what is promised, in good
faith, bv tho irMM.;nna r I
sage s Catarrh Remedy, to sufferers
1. rrL - .
ui.inii. .me worst cases, no
matter nf hnm j:
. oi,,uu,Ujr( r9
permanently cured by this Remedy,
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints.
I x ma D -ixL JLn
rr. Dr. I'atlrrnuii-tlallaee
Star JBukerj
The Noted Clainoyai.t -, Life l!pj,ler, ii new
'S''1"1 . b. found at her residence, i,ejt drr
B Cougill . Sho tells almut all eubjictn. m
prerent and future; love troubles, abtent friends aud
business. ,u can bear from vtur dead file, l.
r. ci
Are warranted to thresh a
K yen time and do I. be,tt
chine made. "-
The Advanpi t "
the best In the world R ;"
work means larKe profit,
business. Catalju,,,
Cen'l As't, pon
will run? without medlrloe ftll Mralacu rriMltlnn
rrSa,!ft,11'lE5;1,l SI'ISfinSSS-
nundrrrui In nrotftsrtsi'
ia-.i.-..Vir,,I,J'.wc,,'r or wo forfeit A&.tMMi.ui.
' all other", run-flit u
arl rriiHK, Cauueif Men
Unitiaptinrr tTG trtxiii of nayo!'; t t
fiU;;:L',d by heat. (:-?" if."X T2i .
L-"iVr "ie "Kye difciiKs or n t,,..,..
o. lTaSI-lr.sstrecUl'OKTlSi. OBX.
1 Ysupnlies. tu."
plnea, Minneapolis Binder, l
rtCWWn T
weglan Plows, oils of ill
lowest price do&kISIa tu. n
r aiiqiv,!
uranire atrenii. invfi..j.i
d- r "lUCSjLl
tract to furnish Twine for'bt
Call and get our prices befcrt?
formerlj ncl
At the store
Allen J3ro8.,
rp C. MAC KEY, M.D.,
I'livsltnn an. I u.. ......... n...
Ulswor h St. over Watson llros jmccry
, ,..,w .vlll alm .ajaija tt.
rled Frotio,
Oregon State Normal School
liARD, h
and CHOICE Ap'
for which I will pay the hit
possible. .
B Ha
1 1
r.uuuiana, ny art of Congress, was divi-
aca into two territories, the southern dne
being called Orleans Territory. The line
between them was drawn alcng the 33d
parai el 01 north latitude. This territory
then possessed a population of 50,000 souls.
ot wnom more than half were negro slaves
1 he refugee planters from Santo Domingo
inrroauced the suar cane Into
region, and the cultivation ol coltoa was be
ginning to be successful, iiu large were
the products of these Industrie, tliat the
planters enjojed immense Incomes The
white Inliabiiams were pitnclpullr French
Creoles, descendants ul the original Kicnch
In resiwnse to a question by a lluflalo
orpjration, Comptroller Kckcls has given
his opinion that the use of certified che.ks
ar currency is not contrary to law. The
scheme is to make certified checks for ST.
and t10, payable to U-arer, to be used as
payment for waees. II .inkura ami I... .:
, ...
men nere believe it will bring a large mens-
u.o i rener ni once. A.lvices to the Asso
ctuieu 1 ress are to the etTwl that similar
iKtiun .s uemg arranged by she employers
an l banks at Dnnbnry and Hartford, Cjn-
llr. O. II. Patrtcli
Stockton, Cal.
"I was so lathy amieted with sciatlo rhetima.
tlsrn that I could scarcely move. 1 used a rjreal
many remedies tvhleh did me no good. A friend
presented me a bottle of Hood's Barsaparilla
which I began to take. The relief was quick
and two bottles cured mecomplctcly. lauthor
lz. trie use of my name and portrait In rccon
mending Hood's Sarsaparllla, lor I think It a
. 7 " . ...uuumua 1, w ail
who may be afflicted with rheumatism or old
Hood's sa Cures
h been cured of ulcers by this wonderful med-
cVrv. V"; ATniCK 35 California St,
Stockton, California. Get HOOD'S.
fac veryth.uf that tn kept In i
varltiy and iftwcery Btore, Uk'besl
market price paid for
Maori's Dills APt .n.ii .
fflclently, on Uie liver an.l bowels. gs.
Q for millions of consumers of ft
eTntt's PiUs.e
11 el... Iir. Tint rlnwitr to nn- S
n. tlmt . 1 liattiiiK u,,,, W
Owlilrh .l,n.
r-rlulnlnirnll tliu Tirtiirscrili O
lnr.rr,.,.,t ri.
v. K,. IUtl,.,..,ri i.l.l' A
are HH N..I. J. Tli. rsiw t u it 9
-.. . os i himi ui
" .ihh-tiii. -
O C P a
T (1ST.-
I A leadlnir
i rounneni miners in the t'oeur d Alene
region declare that when the northwest
cannot sen silver it can .hip gold, and Chief
....guii-cr v .inner predicts that that dis
trict will produce more dollars in gold next
" "in ms year in silver.
The four countries In thesrord which
possess the smallest telegraphic f.,c.lil
re i eru, i aragmy, I ruRUay an.l Persia
In Tarsguiy only 510 miles of wire ate in
operatlm, rciuiring the services 0( but jS
persons l'eru has 36 offices and 1O00
mile, of wire.
If Mr Harrison is right in his theory, the
I'nitt-d States afford flip first ex.tniple of a
nation in recorded history B"irK Into a
panicover a pMiect of redu.-ed taxes.
In Albany, or nn thi ro.I
Juti ; wth,.r P'onjlor, 'note dated
hi ?Jr? 9 Marshall
.i.r;.v;"i'."w"'-. otron.e nrof
C KINDS OP PRODUC E ?ani7d Model Scho' 'or P'raaica"!1 V.1r
..v. iitaiiniui location I iirh
expense no Knc tu. L" r1?"
the arr,,.. 1 ,:, u "r 01 over 4O0
Lave b?en .HHrH ..'w mem'""'
a in .VS."??'-. The. graduate
Stationery. Toilet AH!,l. ..., P'on,. entitles the hoUJerC"r,.9-.thl
-. v, .(1 USIL'H I rnitntu i . I . 111 at 1
.... nuiu lartncr exam-
Instrumenrg, Elc'
Hodps 4 MtFarlaii,
'The Corner Drug Store," Albany, fjt
Of , w-rrlJ. 1 1" :'.1 v p" ,;,r"
Hoard nr , Z. "' Vlf? ?er ,erm-
1 a'li.iiiu nan, K1.7C per
week. knom fm. - V . "
'"rnisheulto Sioo ,Z un.
iiioardandind.i r.--;-1 ""i"-
,. 1 " " 5 i'"v tie iamilies,$3 so
,ervat,rv : ''"t Von -
- -1T. . tkimw, jo lesson.
Monmouth la on .!)., . ili-
sla.pfV" (iT,::"::,vc m the
, mlJe8gou Portlaml
e'"-n t-iicrriu
Oi'ks Monday, Samnn ?
X , ' 1 Ul LIUHU.
ully sent on annlln.inn
Addresr, I, i,.
AMIELL,Pre..,orS..SEID,Soo ofKaculy
To Farmers
3111 1 VirvhnnM . .1 .:ll ,
i t . . M 'u nave it in ecod
order 'for receiving tho preaent crop. Ihe
-"-' iirstclssa and coovenientlv
--- .tu goou cleaners. No
rtelay in unloving. Sack, will b. oa hand
before, unkiau mr,.,.m... ..."
p. " 1 ' "tt w e-ore yoar
-r- u. F.siMPanv
Albany. Or., Jt ly ljih, 1S93
ruRTLANn. ntv..., . .
Open all the v.Ar o. .t ' r Armstrong, Princi.-al.
P n au the ye student. m.y enter ,t any
N. .Waldahl,
Merchant Tailor.
Sulis made
to order anj
Kepairlng ol .11 Vlnds.
Shop opposite U,e P. O., Alb.nv.Or,.-
Wall Paper,
irutfis, IalntM. Oils
Glntsts, Etc
J. A. CDmminff
W.!?" ,""". " boos,
Inqnir. of T B K.d f rd, 1 1".?";
of Albany, on th. ror'am,"."!1"
Notice of Assignment.
Xnlir. U k.l. : ., . .. . .
. . , Ki-tru in.iinc Kaokof
signed to th. undersigned assignee all its
rtmTMtrtv a r,A X . . r . i . . . .
J T . ' ifr 'no oenent of a its
areditnra. nmU . a i ... ,B
..u uj mm oi tn. en-
.1.1 alignment law. of th. st.te of Oreion
nd th.nnd.rsiined ba. h-retofore, tnwlt'
on th. 28th .In k, j,JT" ' ,."L"!
M.uch.ignee. uu,'1M""i
-....f""? h"",8clim aeainst uid in-
, pui inerama to the on-
Ithl. thrr month. l j...
Haled this illth day of June ls'p.1.
Assicnr. f lb. n.i. ...8.-JH0,"""'
Tcnti "gon, aniDl
C1 fcr bsrg.ia,.
Thos. Brink.
J. JOSEPH, Proprietor,
, umy wmte Labor Employed
U1 VI UPC II MIC IIICM jiiujpciuu'
its hUtnrv Wlrlr miip nf .liidifil
ouph instruction. Husiness couwi
r..i.I.-.n (rod V.r.r.M A... Cina
and lodging at reasunahje ratti
elegant new dormitory and botfo
on the eampus, where students win
personal suDervlsfon. 1
John W. Joiiy"
. . n't
Fall Term h
Send for
, TTITfll
Cabinet photos frnm c
5S and at. J1-'.' -lar8e l"ck
eiror ""ol Or
50 to .oo
. . ... . . "-iera'ur.S(!n, w. i s.
.. .u.vb.u uusiness trstnin. scherl r. j tmcipal.
MS . I
iw raocsM rtooa stjrtRW' " (
lllll BABKRS VOt at
Best : in : the :-
Portiiller f M