Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, August 10, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    f .-:
Yubllihcd every Jay in tlie week
e xcept Sunday.
WUk mma, UiUt anil Prop'r
Filtered ft the Poet Offl at Albany
Olfpon, as second claw mall matler.
' I'BIDAl...
r Revere Houso parlor
i i Veral trips to our city
Wt praise of his woi
d consultation free.
IIAV. the well
known Ophthalmic
Optii-iun ami Opti
cal -teciuliKt will
ur.iin vifit Alhnny
und have his otlice
Mr (lay hits inudo
anil all hik'hk in
U-Don't forget the .lav-!)lli, 10th, 11th
11 . "
on I .
ill '
"CiiNcouc Couktv. It develops that
!,'l,ncolii county finances are in good
teipe. Up to July the entire isBue
county orders was but a trifle more
in $7,000, and this includes the initial
rmenton ihe record transcribing now
progress In this city. Of this amount
Tire than $5,000 has been paid off and
ire was still more than a thousand
Jars in the bauds o( the county treas
ir. Times.
lj l Liva Runaway. This morning the
m of ttobt Crosby ran a ay with Mr
)lby hold of the lines. Of coming to
i ditch as they Hew east along 4th
set they shied to the side of the bridge
1 plunged into the stream, tipping the
Kon over. Mr Crosby was lost Bight
iuder the water; but soon appeared
Id of the lines, and the team w as soon
ten under control.
Ai'ABDONKD. Joseph J Jennings, a'
. . itograpber of Woodbnrn.was tried and
victea at the June term of circuit
rt in this city of the crime of having
F scene pictures in his possession with
lent to exhibit. Judge lturnett een
ced him to pay a line of $000 or go to
J for 800 days, lie had no money to
r this floe and he was remanded to
p .Ion June 20th. lie has a wife and
( , ren children living near Hubbard and
en he was compelled to remain in jail
, worked a great hardship upon them.
N'' itesman.
IflMIF. AND 1 111: II (O
at Itcvire Iloue August 9th to 12th.
Ilopt sre 15 to iS centi In Portland.
A snort pugilistic contest enlivened
matters in Albany last right.
A big earthquake occurred at Sai.ta
Rosa, Ca'if,. yesterday .
Washburn's circus recently disbanded
in Sisons, Calif. The llrinyency ot the
money market did it.
John Rethune, a competent miller from
Alnany. Is in charge of the BentOtl Mills
temporarily. Corvallis Times.
Remember Minnie these qulet'llmes. He
can shine conHdencc into a par of shoes
in short notice. Open twelve hours a day.
Mrs. I It Horner, of Corvallis, was in
the city last night on her way to 'ho
World's fair, where she will join her
A $103 footrace will take place at Ger
vals next Sunday. C B lierlhwait, of In
dependence, and George Givcns, two pro
fessionals, are matched to run 75 yards.
Philip McKay, a Marion county farmer,
claims to have been robbed in brosd day
light of $48.02 : The robbers according to
his accusations were the county officials of
hat county.
$300,000 of the state funds are locked un
in Portland, and some of the capital city
papers are giving everyone 'fits" about
it, because it delays work on the date
Prof W C Hawlev. of the Willamette
University, will deliver hU lecture on the
riehring bea troubles tomorrow nlgnt at
the Y M C A Hall. A sinall'adtnlssio.i
fee will be charged.
Tuesday night near Eugene twotratnn
were attacked by four others after all had
disposed of a keg of beer, and one of them
was nearly killed. Two of the tramps
were arrested for Ihe offense.
Beginning next Monday the Roseburg
express will only run to Eugene. The
people of the former place will have to
depend on the overland, which vill make
slightly slower time.
A letter received by J N Hoffman from
O P Blount of Ashland, confirms the fact
die forger recently operating In tlds city,
was the same man who beat a couple ot
Ashland's merchants. The constable
there had been notified of his' presence,
and should have been able to get him.
Boardtrs at the O A C dormitory will
pay $3 co per week instead of 82.2c. as
paid last year. Ths price has been ad
vanced because the board lost money on
the boarders. The contract for boarding
students has been awarded to J 11 Mcore
at $ 2. 00 per week and he pays for every
thing he ufes from the larm. The addi
tional htty cents per week to be paid by
students is for heat and light. Times.
Mr Stanard, of A:banv, was in the city
yesterday. He has been up the McKenzie
river getting a lot of cedar poles for the
telephone company that is running a line
up the .'allev. The line mm were at
Halscy the first of the week and expect to
reach Harrisburg by Saturday. It will
take about len days to run the line from
narrlsDurg to this city, anu then we will
have telephone communication' with
Portland, all prominent valley towns, and
the sound cities. Eugene Register.
Mr l'.ryant,o the reform school, was iu
the city this noon.
K L Thompson and family, of Portland,
went to Yaquiua liar this noon to spend
a few weeks.
N M Kewport went to JSalem to-day
astride his bicycle, and there is little
doubt that the record w as beaten,
Mr It H Wright, of Sliedd, was in the
city today. With his wife he will leave
for the World's Fair and on a visit with
o ii neighbors iu a few days.
W H Ramsey, of Scio, was in the city
today, and while here set Albany's long
legged men an example of high kicking
with the pan at the Y M C A hall. 7
feet S inches being the figures, to which
he is said to be able to add about 4 inches
if necessary.
Mrs Joseph Emery, for many years
with her family, a resident of Corvallis,
but now residing in Woodland, 40 miles
west o Sacramento, Cal. arrived in
town 1a9tThureday and went to Yaquina
yesterday. Her visit in Corvallis was
replete with pleasure, aB she found many
old fricmlB more than glad to meet her
again. She has been in Oregon several
weeks, and after a week spent witli her
son, Will and family, at Newport, she
will return to California. Times.
Frank C Hammond, the newly-appointed
col lector at Juneau, Alaska, sub
port of entry, was raised in the Willamette
valley, near St Paul. Or. In 184 he was
married to Miss Eliza Ccleman, of St
Paul. Mr Hammond has been engaged
In mining in the Colville country for the
past live years, and it was there he met
Collector Moore, between whom a strong
trienustiip sprang up, which has resulted
in Mr Moore making him one of his
deputies. United States District Attor
ney i) K Murphy and Mr Hammond were
raised intiie samo neighborhood and
have been warm personal friendB.
Statesman. .
Nsw York, August 4th. IS11.
The leading teature of the business sit
uation dur'ng the past week, has been
the action of the Savings Hanks in de
ciding to enforce the thirty and sixty
day rule requiring notice before money
can be withdrawn. The great scarcity
of currency iB also another feature. It
is impossible for the banks to meet the
demand for bills, and gold coin has been
circulated in lieu of currency. The
Stock market has shown a decided im
provement for the past few days there
being a lively bull raid on Tuesday and
Wednesday. Although things are ttill
in a turbulent state, frequent evidences
01 a revival 01 commence among the peo
ple are apparent. If the grtat stingen
cv in currency can only be relieved,
things will raipdly improve. The ap
proaching session of congress is awaited
with great interest and the hopes of
speedv action to relieve the present dis
astrous state of atfairs, with a strg
sumo'.ou9 lroui the l resident win also
help to better affairs.
It will be rembered that las' June, the
Spokane claims a population of 3d.4S4.
a big increase over the census of 1WW,
The Capital City boasts as
follows: While other towns are dead,
banks bursting and factions closing, Sa
lem is going ahead. Nhe opened a new
saloon and a tobacco store the past week
Yesterday at Fuiton, 111., Harry Ee
thune beat T C a 100 vard foot
race, by a yard and a hall. Time, 934'
seconds. Hethune challenges the United
States for any sum up to $10,000.
A letter from Chicago states that J C
Boyd, of Springfield colcnv acheme, has
been arrested at Chicago for fraudulently
obtaining $100 from a niau named Toten
and a companion. He was held to ans
wer in the criminal court under $2u0
bonds. Eugene Register.
A gentleman who has been working in
a round bouse on the Denver & Rio
Grande railroad where thev usually keen
solid New York delegation to the demo- . one hundred engines, arrived in Euuene
cratio convention at Chicago, issued a ; a tew days ago and will stop for awhile
statement-to the effect that Mr Cleveland I with his brother-in-law up the McKenzie
w'V unheal Skrvicks. The lemains of
N Armstrong were brought to Albany
la noon, and will be buried in the City
neterr to-morrow. Services will be
wMt3d under the ausnices of the A OH
01 mm, at the WOT U hall tomorrow niorn-Ineno-
at 10 o'clock. All members of the A
s f,:j W are requested to meet promptly
iahle lhe ball at U :45 a m.
and es i r.
udfk LtXTOKK.-Prof W C Hawlcy, of
llamette University.Salem.will lecture
W.J:the Y M C A tomorrow evening, on
iBehring Sea question and the Anier
n claims. The Professor has kindly
-aented to give this lecture for the
lefit of the Y M C A. The admission
mly IS cents or two for 25 cents. Help
I 1 MO A out to the extent of a ticket.
rtiiTi.AU ExiTitsmx ! Albany to Ya
qiunn, iind return, Sunday, August lUth,
rhe East Oregon ian says T Steuben,
radar, received from George Humph
f, of Portland, a letter stating that
Stain Humphrey's condition was
ly not much improved. While the
ared leg is almost healed, the Captain's
ntal condition is about the same as
en he left Pendleton. Gov Sylvester
ancyer has visited the Captain and
"en orders that special attention be
id mm.
U T Leeper, 1' H Bowman and Henry
mean, residents of the lower end of
county are in the city. They are
lern-ie to go before the county court witli a
v.,aonstrance against a proposed ioad
.IhW'inlnk through their farms and others,
ding to the count- road from Albany
Independence. Corvallis News.
liMi. (.'heap fure.quick time.good fishing,
rock oysters, salt uir, ozone. Train will
leave Albany at 7 a, Corvallis 7:tl0. Fare
from Albany, Corvallis find Philomath,
tU..r0; Wrens to I'hitwood.inclusive.Sl.OO;
west of t'hitwood.'iO cts. The "Williuw tte
alley will sail from 1 aqiuna with Mer
chants excursion on arrival ot this train.
1 he tug "Resolute will tako a fishing par
ty to sea. Returning train will leave Y"V
iunm at 7 p 111.
yourself very much about business during
the hot months If you wish to keep cool:
nor must you get Into the habit ot asking
if It is hot enough for him, when you can
see verv plainly that he Is practically
roasted; but. Instead, advise him to call on
Parker Brothers and get the best baked
gooas to be secured, as well as warm
weclner groceries generally,
By so doing you will surely ictaln 'his
Mr R M Robeitson has moved his feed
store to one door west of his former Dlace.
just east of the Democrat office, where
nets well located, and Is in a condition .1
meet the demands of the trade. He car
rtes a large and first class stnc'n of feed
lime, cement, plaster, hair, fertilizer, am
everything usually kept in a first clas
leed store.
Tie Duiocrat is Informed that covote
Ipsare brought from Crook county
oas the mountains ta Linn county for
bounty; but our county court, has Its
I open. .
you are particular about what you
,'eTrr Conn can suit vou In groceries.
W seasonable specialties constanty ar-
ng He keeps a clean stock, if vou
rsU1 going to the mountains cail on hi.n
ntf get stocked up. If you are going to
r at home, call on l.lm snd get the best
j oiftecured, as well as first class treat
"jt. His p. Ices will su't the times.
Yt ftopcatimr, but eft what rill build
lor prosperous as well as quiet times.
i . L Power will move his harness shop
nffhe Strabsn Block, just east of the
Upn,ocAT office, on Second street, on
B a"'ljt 15th, where he will be better pre-
ever to meet tne demands of
IS) R 1( RoWttoa's for cheap brw'snd
ljP i .
QnMreek'ehaying and hsir cnttirg par-
Tms, cash at K i. Kenton's grocery
eiors fotrg to the Bar or mountains
ami examine the tllrranH r,nn
uers ana suits at Read.Peacock ic Co's,
j amp.
st st Viereck's ibaving'snd hair eat-
(J. N. Duncsn, cnunty judire: Wm. Huinbaugtt
anil J. W. PukIi, Commissioners.) Sfe
Bill of Ben C Irwin & Co, G7.25, disr
missed. Also bill of Dr D M Jones for
Petition of II Kearn et al for aid for
diet 20, dismissed.
The following bills were ordered paid:
O P Coshow. aid Hail family $ 5 00
C Cooley, aid Mrs Clark 6 00
V A rienderBon, aid Henderson s. 10 UU
W E Savage, aid Cox 10 00
G F Crawford, aid Mrs Roberts-. 8 00
W H Wallace, aid Mrs Kitts 10 00
B White, aid Kenworthy's 10 00
lolin Usher, janitor 16 00
W II Gilaon, aid Kemp 10 00
M Anderson, Hnckenbury S 00
f W Zunolt. aid 10 OC
Oregon agt Leighton 11 85
D rash & Co, roads : la W)
State ogt John Haley 10 25
State agt Harry Watkins et al. . . 8 05
Santiam Lumber Co 10 00
Stewart & Sox, acct roads 20 32
W W Crawlord, acct roads 30 DO
Cruin & Menzies. roads 13 27
v m Alctheson, acct roads 27 a
Parker Bros, acct poor 2 80
F M Rumbaugh, acct roads 150 00
A G Pronst. a'tct roads 0 64
Ira b lruxler roads and Dridges. 1 uu
E T T Fisher, surveyor 4 50
Jtl'J uo
130 00
7 CO
1 DO
30 35
S 50
3 20
Clean towels to every customer at Vierecl
ahsviog parlors.
See the New Improved Singer sewins ma
erune. The ! t is alwsvs the chesne. 1
W Sowden, aucnt. Office at F M Frenuh .
ewetry ftoro
i lw iso Y At him firstly repaired au
warraDted!lir a thtrrtuffhlreomnejcnt work
man, at F M French's jewelry store, Albany
Hodges Sc MoFarland, ths laidiag drat
dsn, Albany, Oi.
Boys under 16 getting their hair cut a
Vlereck s will receive free ticket to the
ball grounds.
Fine pltce, with two acres of land, fruit,
etc , t-r rent. Call on Prof W W Davis,
est end of Fourth street.
G F Russell
W A Williams, wood for C H.
Dr Wyatt. acct poor
Tritea & Mil'er, acct roadB. . . .
E fi McUaw, acct roads
Oregon agt Collins Reed
btites x rutting, priming
Orecon aizt Close
a r i-row. acct L-row w
R L Smith, supervisor 00 00
Hodees t McFarland. acct noor. 14 35
Foster Mill Co, acct roads 00 29
U W Taylor, acct roads 7 00
W F Deaklns, fees asseBsor 420 00
Albany Electric Light Co 25 00
M A Miller, acct roads "0 55
R B Vunk, acct roads 15 CO
R Tillntaon. building Rocky
Point bridge 1732 00
Are Ton Kervoas,
Are you all tired out, do you have that
tired feeling or sick headache? Vou can
be relieved of all these symptoms by tak
lng Hood's Sarsaparilla which gives nerve
and bodily strength.
Hood's Pills are easy In action.
The VkroICT Is unanimous thst Will &
Stark carry Ihe b'tt line of silver ware li
tt.e valley. They nave the variety anJ qual
ity, a combination that counts in birting
goods. An inspection always carries con
Shdnh's Vitalize :s what voa need fn
dyipjsia, tcrpid liver, yellow akin or kid-
uey trouble. 1 is trnarsmved to give yne
4tiidaclion. Price 75c. M)ld by Foshay &
could under no circumstances carry tiie
state of New York. Regardless of this
strong, but deceiving statement, Mr
Cleveland was nominated and futher-
more elected, carrying his state by near
ly 50,000 majority. Who are the people
that made such a brake in the conven
tion? Why the same who expected, but
did not find one single berth for their use
by gift of President Cleveland. In the
appointments thus made in this state.
Tammany Hall has been entirely ignored.
when Charles W Dayton waB appointed
Poetmatter some people were under the
impression that the President had at
last recognized Tammany. But Mr Day
ton only joined Tammany when the
County Democracy disnanded, and the
reason for his joining the wigwam was
because it was the only regular demo
cratic organization in the county. Mr
Whitney, Mr Grace, and secretary Dan
Lamont were parties of one part, and
I hey knew to whom the lucrative office
of Postmaster waB intiusted to. As for
the appointment of Ex-Police JuBtice
Kilbreth to theCollectorBhip, this was a
direct blow aimed at Dick Crokerand
his braves. Bht Mr Kilbreth's and Mr
Dayton's appointments we-e surprises to
the politicians, but nevertheless they are
competent and fully able to fill the im
portant positions to which they have
been aooointed- The feature of the ap-
pointments,is the fact that MrCleveland
is not recognizing lainmany as an organ
ization. Although, all this may lead to
the building of a new democratic organ
ization in the state, it is also a blow at
the most corrupt political combination
of boseism and blackguardism that ever
existed. The good citizens of New York
regardless of party, are therefore pleased
w;th tlie appointments made, so lar ly
President Cleveland.
At last the cranks are happy. After a
most disastrous trip in tlie west, Captain
Ward's "Uianta" are showing up to that
standard where they should have been
earlier in tlie season. The team is now
in sixth place, having climbed up from
tenth place during the last two weeks, in
the League race. The secret of the
change of position seems to be quite evi
dent. During the first part of tlie season
the team had but on pitcher in condi
tion, and at one time not even onecatcn-
er to do the catching. But since Mana
ger Ward has signed the new battery,
tiesman ana wnson, tne other pitchers,
Kunie and Baldwin have got into shape
and the chances, under these bright con
ditions, for winning the pennant are still
within sight, line ot the most closely
contested games Been this season, was
played on the Polo grounds on Wednes
day, before a crowd of nearly 5000 cranks
and rooters. The new pitciier German
was in the box for New York and pitched
a wonderful game holding ihe heavy bat
ting Brooklyn's down to five singles, two
of which were scratches. A feature was
the fine playing of Parke Wilson who
caught German in masterly style and
ran bases like a veteran. These young
players have jumped into popularity,
among the patrons of the national game
in this vicinity. ' As to tlie game, the
score letnained a tie until the eight in
ing when good batting by Ward's men
resulted in one rnn which was sufficient
to defeat New Y'ork's greatest rivals by
a tcore of 4 to 3 in favor of New York.
Wu. F. II. KoEi.scii. '
river. He says traffic on that road has
been reduced to thatnearly three-fourths
ne roiling etocA is idle.
trie teat Kanliiut; tnttchma mule,. Go to
Stewart V Sr, nod take one out on trial.
They i Uo have all kind of wringer.
to carry that pre&t tig child arrmticl iu her
artist, iou muni co to Stewart & Sox and
Ly odd of their I any carriages. All kinds
and price.
SfOWINCAWAY KAYu,henrJe","rlt
a farm, louc-in make it the easioetbi
buyioir a complete Hav Carrier rat) it ofl
Stewart St Sox. CU and aee it.
! LOW Kit.
Fresh, pare, sure to gro and sold' at Port
land prices. Garden seeds kept in bulk.
Fisld p3os and field corn also carried io
large quantities. Stewart U Sox.
Nat Holman took hi. hnv Jimmv an.l
Harry Belt out to his farm and set them
to herding sheep, giving them one of his
big grey horses to ride. In a short time
Mr H looked up and saw two horses run
ning neck and neck, the ridera plying
wioniiii, wiiu nit ineir sirengtli. An
explanation was called for and Harry
said "that fellow came along and said he
could beat us any mark in the rnad : Jim
told me to 'knock him off the Christmas
tree' and I done it." Dallas Transcript.
A fialem nanersavs: Tha irpnprnl fi
nancial lone of the OOlintrv And nnrtipn-
'arly of the Pacific Coast is steadily im
proving and it is now palpable that the
worst of the present crisis iB over, and
should the general situation improve at
tne present rate, a noticeable relaxation
in 'he matter of loans may be expected
even in a few weeks. Quite a number of
small loans have been made to farmers
within the 'ast week or ten' days, al
though, of course, the baks are very
conservative in the .natter of security at
If ailllcled with scalp diseases, hair fall
ing out, on- premature baldness, do not
use grease or alcoholic preparations but
apply Hall's Hair Rcnewer.
They don't nul-.e any better than tb
'Rmsell" and Stewarts: Sox sell that kin
stAlbiriy. Stvral good second hand er
giaea fcr ,ale at a bargain.
PAINTS & OILS. Th0 1,eit mixli P4int
for said on this Coast is the "PhGenic" and
we are agents for it at Albany. We also
carry a full line of oil- , varnishes, wagoo
aud carriage paiuts, etc.
Stewart & Sox
BEE SUPPLIES. Don't keep your bees in
an old box any longer. 8tewart & Sox
carry bee hives, sections, comb foundation,
and bee smokers at low prices.
WILL YOU BUILD " yr- 11 "
I est to dt not kit to e Stewart & Sox.
They keep a lare stock of builder hardware
and sell at pricot to i ait the timoi.
Strictly Cash
I.. Ker.ttin ha, adupt-d a ctsh system
will hereafter cell groccrus
T OST.-ln Albany, or on tin road
1. 1 leading tAst Irom that place, on or
wu, ouiy io.ii, a promissory note dated
JuiylSth and signed by P Ii Marshall
In favor of Adoiph Kicliman for $wo.
The Under will confer a favor by leaving
It at tnis office for M r Klcbtnau .
coord lug to iatr, ami you rajiht to buy all
yjur puna and am monition of Stewait h Sox.
They keep (,ood Block and tell cheap.
Giant powder, lute and caps alwayt on hand-
living," and keep a lirge stock of blsckimitb
supplies on hand.
brewAKT 1 Sox.
(i tit tit of Stewart & Sox and take care of your
oi chard. The oattit they tell ha been tried
in this atate for years by the beet or
chard is tv and ia a o mpleto bucccm.
hve the best hoe ot tir,e shears, scissors,
razors and pocket caltory in the valleyf
Come and see for yourselvee..
Stewart & F.ox,
PLOWS.-We hiWe now chilled plow r-.
aotly the same as the "Oliver." We (suir
ii too it and sell on trial. Extras will fit
Oliver. Also we have a full line of Hni
plowathat 3iDootbe excelled. You icigbt
possibly save a few centa by coming arouod.
and seeing us. Stewart & Sox.
rer?n. sm e:ri Constipation and Slcat
mcSk. Small Bile Ikana.
BROWN. On Thursday, August 10th.
1893, at 2 o'clock . of consumption,
Klizabeth L., wife of J. K. Rrown, o! Al
banr The deceased came from Nebraska
to Albany two or thr?e years ago, and
made many friends here. 8he was a
woman highly respected by all who knew
her, and many will mourn her death .
Knneral services tomorrow at 2 n'rlfick,
at the family residence corner of 2nd and
Jtfferton streets.
Under th aiaragementof th Slxte Board
of A uncoil ore, on the Sute F-ir Uroand
near Hulem, commencing September 11th,
1893, d continnintt one week.
More than $15 000 in oaah ill be paid at
premium forntock, poultry, a wine, agricul
tural prodncts.fruitr.native woods, mineral,
work of art and 'acy work, and for trial
uf opeed.
Reduced rate of faren and freights on all
transportation line. Pari 1 lien open four
eveninga dnring Ihe week, with good mutic
in attendance The row grand ttand and
the new regulation track are conoeded to be
among the most comfortable and the belt on
the Pacific Coaat. splendid contest of
peed each day. There ia entered for these
onnteta the best field of horses this year
that haa heen on the grounds for many
Misons. Valuable and handsome improve
mpt have been made on the grounds and
Premium )Ut haa rten revived and im-
proTtd to the benefit of exhibitor. Entries
for premiums cloee at 3 p m on the first da
f the fair, and exhibits must be to place by
10 p mo said day,
mien or admiasiox, ,
Men's Seaeon Ttckts $2.91
W'omer's S'suoij Ticket 1.00
MenV Dav Ticketa SS
WotT-tvi Dtv lick 2S
R c Tract ticketa, diiljr 25
W,.t,n In h r-c Children
ad 12 e- free to all
h -r.t.fat PisftUnd for a
P - f- J APPEftON.
J fiR'TlU. S t i. President.
A Watch in a neooSfdtv nowadays. I
yon wart one citl on Will & wtarlc, nho(e
-1 jCV ie 1 Arse and varied, nnd prices the
the mot remount Mp, Thv can five ynu a
f-rzain in this line as nell a in jnwelry
I. A. Ilorris & Co.
Flour and Feed Store.
Have removed their store totheStrahaf
stort, former!y occvpied by Deyne i
Robson, and have on hand a full stock o
Custom chopping don.
CaHImore Bkk, Allany, Ore.
Dealers in all kinds of Fiirnllnrn, Wat,
Paper Carpets, Linoleums,
Pirture Krsmes, fctc
Furnishing Goods,
Lace Curtains,
Shoes, Etc., oi
Undertakers -:- and - nibnlnier.
ItTE KtP ronslfnllyon lard a full Bi.e cf rrelsllc, cloth sndoedcaieUai.
C?.!n'' ,j '""'"'""trs and suits, In rirtdcloth, slln.rf.l irie tr
which will be sold at
The Loweat Mylng Proflla.
EMHALMIIVQ and the proper care of the dead a specialty
Wholesale and RetallDealera In
Nodss Water,
Oraais;e aad.Iron,
Birth Reer.'
Naraaparllla ami lrea,!j
Iran Wlae.
Qlye n a lrl'.
FIRST STREET, MffMn Montgomery and Railroad, AtBiHT, ORMfi