Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, August 10, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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    VOL VI
NO 80
le Best Medicine.
J. O. Wilson, Contnictin' ami
uHder, Sulphur Springs 'iVxas,
tus speaks of Aycr'a Fills :
" Ayer'a Tills are the brnt lucdtriiie I
. jvt tried; ami, hi my judgment t no
Wfctter general rcnu'dy eeuld In devised.
have used them In my family and
commended them to my frirnds and
"Vnploycs for moro than tveuty years.
', my certain knowledge, many oases
the following couipluiuU have been
anpletely and
Permanently Cured
itck' the use of Aycrs Pills alone: Third
vy cuius, dumb ngtic, bilious fever,
iik headache, rheumatism, flux, ciya-
psia, constlpatiou, and hard colds. I
iI!(t?ow that a moderate use of Ayer'a
Us, continued for a few days or weeks,
the nature of the complaint required,
)uhl he found an absolute cure for the
tILsorders I have named above."
!casT"I have been selling medicine for
"?ht years, and I can safely say that
'"v yers Pills give better satisfaction
-an any other Pill 1 ever sold." J. J.
rry, SpotUylvania C. If., Va.
M 1 -pared by Dr. J.C. Aycr & Co.. Lowell, Vui.
louiuyery Dose Effective
iVItn its home office It)
BAJ-T1'&L- - - - OEIIO-OIT
XMW f .' w
1 - Will sell 5, 10 or 20 aero lots at OCl to $to p6r
f small cash payment lorg time on balance
Focal, -,.
bynurkliart liros.
BgfSt "' One of the oldet Job printing .
Office! in the State
FAIlf :
kT.c - The only Exclusive Job Office
CS have the Largest and
K?g best Stock of Printers' Sta-
r2s tionery, it has ever been our
rSSS pleasure to offer the people.
inalB " ' "
For Good, Quick Printing.
i . smiley,
r'SSSi - AIT AS r
I 110
' r
jgliiis Gradwotil's Bazaar
"At-V?1 1rry latest .'news Is that you can buy at JULIUS
.".."OWCaL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows:
Coffee, Per Pound
'-55 Xbm. Granulated Sugar $1.00
iba. Magnolia Sugar White 1.00
.Eiffo. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 20
JiiWjaM MSiled, ft gallons 90
rtj; GaUons Good firm 1.10
.jTjGlfta No. 1 Syrup , 40
liatlS? atricteash more, and all eon.ln will h old for let ewh irnm 1
.vhlsu1 Mrf lai than rogniar prlrv. My t-k nf Chinaware, fnnov maf.t.nn'.
B j wsirsDwiyies 01 nisnM, m wii a a fenerai artmorit or prrneerlw, rroek--m0
axtnw lmnlt. ! mak- a ipwivt, of an tn, ej(Te n1
,fr l0"la, and always plam my entomn.
r8 twT" r "ronaihle Inioranca ecmpn!e. J all a Vrarl wohl.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is plc.isnut
and refreshing to .ho taste, and nets
pcnlly yet promptly ou the- Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem eflectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and euros habitual
constipation. Syrttp of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duccd, pleasing to the tasto and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt ia
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the mojt
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have madj it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. 1)0 not accent any
L0u:svrj.i. ky. .w ro.'r. i.r.
!m:iFFF!: rltiH'MBYuR
he Oregon Land Co
utt Gray Block, corner Liberty an J State street, branch office In Portia
t.lTAK'RS a snGcialtv'of Sunnvside fruit tracts near Salem1,
EneUnd's present Income tax system was
Inaugurated by Peel when he began the
work of tariff refoiro. He anticipated a
a falling off in revenue receipts and rcvied
the Income lax.
We can comfoitably use it as he did.
There is no need for hesitatir.g in the
change to a tariff for revenue. The heavy
discrimination against the homes can be
abolished and dcliciencci can be at once
made up by a tax on the gains of those who
nave wealth to spare. The; country re
quires activity of trade in lis surplus staples
more than it has sinco the tariff question
became prominent in politics. Rapid
recovery from the effects of tl'O financial
strir.gency will be impossible unless our
chief products are marketed easily and at
good prices.
A comp'ete revenue tariff act cannot be
prepared and passed by tie srtecial sesiion,
but the ways and means committee ought to
get down to work upon tho tariff at the
earliest moment. The special session comes
none too soon fo. a slart on the democratic
reveiu e tr.rifF. Evansville Conner.
llraduelie anit llyitpepilnt
William E Rockwell, No su West 571I1
Street New York, says: "I have been a
martyr to bilious 'icadache and dyspepsia.
Any Indiscretion in diet, overfatigue or
cold, brings on a fit of indigestion, followed
by a headache lasling two or three da vs at
a time, f think I must have tried "over
twenty different remedies, which were
recommended n certain cures by loving
friends, but it was no use. At last I
thought I would take a simple course of
purgation with Iirandreth's Pills. Kor
the first week I look two pilis everv nigh',
Ihen one piil for thirty nights; 'in that
time I gained three pounds in weight, and
never had an ache or a pain since." Dis
ease In one part of the bodv will evenln
ally 1111 the whole Vidy " with disease.
Every yer.r or two some part ot the system
gro.vs weak and begins to decav. Such
part should be removed at once, and new
matter be allowed to take Its place. There's
no need of cutting It out with a sargeon's
staipci. i-urge awav ine olcl.dlseased and
wornout parts with Brandreth'a Pills.
Imitations hflV n,.f ,1.
market so closely resembling Allcock's
.u,uu. 111 general appearance as
to be well calculated to deceive. It is,
however. In creneral mnMniw !,.
they compare l'h Allcock's, for they are
nirtii nurinies, inasmucn as they
COIitain delilt.rloit. intrrmllfnla u-hl.h
Sf't to cause serious Injury. Remember
inn, nnuKR i arc inc only irenuine porous
DlaSters hHt ovlArnal n
Produced : and when nurrhaLtnn
do not only ask for hut see that you get
micucK a rorous riasters.
Shiloh'a Cure, the great conuh and eronn
oare, is for sale by us. Poakt size ountain.
twenty-hve doscs,only 25 1. Children bve it
Koshav & Mason.
Wk Have to Eat any wav. The bet.
ter the groceries the more eniovahle lit
is, and while we do not all live simply to
wc certainty ear to live. If you
get your groceries and bake,)
Parker Brothers you are bound to live
wen 11 it is rnir on a loaf of rra h,..j
They keep the" best in everything, and sell
hi iticc. mat sauslv rerrardless nf li,n-
Call on them.
Aahriv J- C.mrn tf I C... ant m .
, v awl I t I dbV. O'f lin
logton Street, Portland. Ci.
Thrklll ai knowledge.
Ea; tn ih mnA -f .1 ... .
i vuvkiuu mi tna iH'isi per
feot and popnUr 'axtive remedy known
have ctubled the CiliforDi F.K Syrao Co.
tO achiftVA aV Draaf ktinrtaaaa. i U. . ,
of ita rdm-rly, Syruo of Kitf. M y lm conce(i.
Ali tn haa Ida .an;... I t . n . .
.11 r Z . 'r we i.y
not oi Hunt
1 lie traveiine rnlilie ar nnr rll.. .1:
to thefictthir ih Phl.A IT: b--,.
X Aorth-Wefurn Ine ofTristhe very best
aooomrnniUlioni in the public from and to
Chicago, (Im.h. ani ii,termlit. point-,
oot only durini tho World's Fir, bet all
tne year round.
Lives of many men remind ua
We to great ant!,,, can climb
H the reading public find us
Advertising all the time.
iKIeraal Tlgllaaee
the rilr-nf h..ltt. B... ,.. ..
, uul wim an our
precaution there are enemies alwavs lurk
ing about oursysttms, only waiting a
favorable opportunity to assert themselves.
... r ulwu rn.y De nidden tor
years or even for generations and suddenly
break forth, undermining health and
hastening death. For all diseases a' Mag
from Impure blood Hood' Sarstparilla is
...Y..,TU Ina unapproachable rem
eir. TllvlnAr,i
j .... n...K ... ,,lc, .n(Kjr n conquers
disease. 1 Ihall I Take
Why Simmons Liver Regiilatcr.of course.
It can't be beat in any attack of Indlnestlon,
biliousness, sica headache or constipation.
It gives nui;k relief, and If continued f r
avihiie .ill completely cure thw ailments.
The Regulator comes in liquid aad pow
der fotm. Tne powJer is vton.ieifullv
convenient for the vest prvkct. A pinch
of the powder and a swallow t f water
leans no taste and works effec'ua'.lr
A I'unny Story.
Wasiiinoton. Autr 9. A mthetic atorv
comes from Chicago The other day as an
Oregonitm was walking down one of the
worm s tatr city he saw a tigure on a box.
It had a familiar red head, anil he touched
it. Ud it anranc "Kor God's sake." it
exclaimed, "dont say you saw me here.
,r money stopped ami i am clerking in
this shoe store at S3 a week, trying to
make money enough to get home." The
statement was conlirmed by the proprietor
us to situation and salary. Tho man who
was selling shoes at 88 per week had con
tributed 820,000 to democratic success, and
with other patriots had come to Washing
ton for his reward, applying for an oilice
worth probably Sio.OOO a year. Ho failed,
like thousands of others, and ' darted on
the trump homeward. He spent as much
every day in Washington as he is now
corning every week in Chicago. There is
a moral to the story which young men In
senrcu or oinc: might heed.
rover In t'lurlda.
I'kniacoi.a, Via. Aug 9. Tl.e r'scambia
county board of health 1ms issued the fol
lowing ofheial paper:
"ine board ot health regrets to announce
that two deaths have occurred in this city,
llev F C Waito and Kllen VVoocl The
disease in both cas"8 was pronounced to be
yellow lever. 1 he houses have been iso
lated, liedding and all clothing destroyed.
and all necessary precautions taken to
prevent the spreading ot the fever. .
1 Ins created almost a pinie, nnu at least
tow people leu the city by tomgnt s tram.
j He Skipped.
Jacksonville, Aug. 9. The county
commissioners finished investigating the
accounts of County Treasurer llioomer to
dav. The amount of his defalcation is
S7668. I At the July term of the court the
treasurer wits found to be short in his uc
counts and was asked for a settlement. He
claimed to have the money invested nnd
nsned tor one month d further time. iotn
lmr has been heard of the dofaa tins treas
urer, ar)d it cannot be' definitely ascertained
in winch direction he left Mcdtord, though
it is known he bought a ticket them last
Saturday night.
Hood racing Sllaes.
it City, Aug 9. The Virtue gold
mine this evening sent in 810,000. The
clean-up is the result of 15 days' run of the
stamps. The Mable mine has S20C0 to
show for five days' work of two stamps.
Eight thousand dollars wa3 received from
the mint's yesterday.
Borrowed Money.
SaniLiunxisco, Aug 9. The Southern
radfiyltittlTTOrit'Conlpaiiy May Uonuwed
8800,000 from James L Kord on a note
signed by 0 i Crocker, secured by $1,000,
000 of 6 per cent Southern Pacific bonds.
It is stid this loan was necessary for the
payment of back salaries of employes
rieods In the Ai kansas Klver.
Pi'EnLO. Colo, Aug 9. Water in the
Arkansus river rose eight feet in an hour
last night, submerging the lower part of
the city and doing immense damage to
bridges and railways.
Pure and WhulctomelQttalltr
Co-nmends to public approval the Cali
fornia liquid laxative lemedy. Syrup of
Figs. It is pleasant to the taste and by
acting gently on the kidneys, liver and
bowels to cleanse the system effectually, H
promotes the health and comfort of all
who use it. and with millions It lb the best
ana only remedy.
Who haye taken Hood's Sarnniiari ln what
they think of It, and the replies will
positive in Its f ivor. One has been cured
of Indigestion and dyspepsia, another finds
it tnGiftnensahie tor stck headache, others
renoit remarkable cures nf scrofula, salt
rheum and other blooJ dlseaseststill others
Ail) tell you that u overcomes "that tired
fee inn,' and to on. Truly, the best ad
vertising which Hood's Sarsiparilla re
ceives is the heanv endorsement of the
army cf friends It has won by its positive
ineuicmai mer
IIkw PnoToniiAPitKit. 1 hae o ionf-d a
new millery In the Y. M. C. A. hlnek. '2nd
street, Albany, and will try hard to pfaisc
an who win iavnr me wnn nieir patronage.
I will take all sizes and style of photon as
good as the lost anl 11s cheap as tli cheap
est. 1 am no traveling photo here toduv
and gone tomorrow, but have coino with
wife nnd children to make a home in your
glorious climate. I have come to star.
I leaw call and kpr me and try my work,
Very respactfully your.i,
Iiteof Toronto. Cartmlu.
The pleasant effect and perfect safety
with which ladles mav ue the CaMfornii
liquid lavaiive Svrup ofFigs. und?r ali
conditions, makes It their favorite remedy.
I o get the trur and genuine article, look
for the naneof the California Fig Syrup
Co, printed near the bottom of the pack
I'um Ciari cf 1 artar
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
A Great Coxvhnienck,-.. World's fair
visitors travelling via the Northern Pad-
uc K K and V. iKConsIn Central line, are
landed at the Grand Central sUiion in
Chicago. Thin magnificent fire-proof
Dunuing. located in the Heart ot the city,
has been fitted up as a hotel, run on the
buropeai plan, with about 200 rooms
handsomely furnished and each room 's
supplied with hot and cold water, electric
lights, etc. I he charge for accommoda
tions are reason able, and parties can secure
rooms in advance by ratling upon agents
of the Northern Pacific R R. By taking
the Northern Pacific through car line to
Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort
of all transfer in that city, and can also
travel between the Crand Central station
and World's fair grounds by trains which
run direct between the two poiuts.
Agent at Albany.
Down 00 Tin; JIatks. Tho Union Fa-
cific now load with reduced rates to eastern
poinbt.nml their through air arrangements.
magniticcntJy equipped Pullman and Tour
ist sleepers, free reclining chair car nnd fast
time, make it the best line to travel. Two
trains leive from Portland daily at 8:4f a m
and 7::il) n m. The rates are now within
reach of all. mid everyl-ody should take ad
vantage of them to visit the World's fairand
their friends in the east. Send for rates
and schedules of trains, und do not pur
chase tickets until after consulting Curan &
Moiiteith, Albany. Or.
W II Hrm.HuiiT,
Afs't Genl Pass. Agent, U. P.
Portland, Or.
Twenty YrarV Experience.
C D Fred ricks, the well Known pho
tographer, 770 Broadway, New York,
says: "1 have been using Allcock's Por
ous Plasters fur 20 yeais, and found them
one of the best of family medicides.
Briefly summing up my experience, I say
that when placed on the small of the back
4 AlkOLk's Plaster nrT iliaoa ifch"
vous energy, and thus cure fatigue, brain
exhaustion, debilty and kidney difficul
les. For women and children I have
ound them invaluable. They never Irtl
ate the skin or caue the allghtert pain,
but cure anrc throat, coughs, colds, pain In
the side, back or chest. Indigestion . nd
bowel complaints."
Send ynarnim id M ' rll
eaoook Aj Cu. Albk.iv, Ori(ii. and man
ou 1 he Democrat, t'i 1 il nh, you
athion si eet free each month
Advertising Kovrltikh. We have a
complete line of noveltise. direct from the
makers, can furnish the same at lowes
prices. WhiHtles, mirrors, eneil8t mem
oranda books, napkins, faun, rulers1, yard
sticks, panels, chromo cards, cn ps, calcn
dars, xmas cards, etc., in season.
And always the best Job Printing
SMILEY. Leading Printer.
T art mt lae'Eacis 1
B egarH i n g H od'a S irvaparil la, t h
people who tl this mediciu, r 111 f tb
testimonials otKet published i 1 this pane
They will cnuviooaynnjlhat Hulls' cure
Hood's : 1 eureconstibttion.
L.i intv W okk. Every citizen of Al
bany should bear in mind that the
Albauv Htcam Laundry guarantee first
class work at very reasonable price, and
employs nothi'ig nut white ubor Mm Is
lone as cheaply as the Chinaman, rut -ronize
your o-..n race.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, tioltlen
Cominon every ihiy.
irj To o. Ti.'' Is the score people make
shi trade will. Perry Conn, the dealet tn
fresh grocerlf. prcduce and Crocker
ware. They sl ut nut hard times and elv'e
clean bargain. Plenty of home tuns
and a return foi tiore goods. Tl,e game
is umpired m the square, ard there is
nerer any kick). i. Piompt and courli
ous treatment A steady ttilnit. Iroors
open early and te. If ynu would be on
tne wi.inlng sld.- call on Conn.
Tn at,1 TMaestt. ,n nne Small Due 0ea2
after eutlna. IIV-. ier IkjIUu. No Amtjonia; No A una.
Paikcr Bros, grocrra.
P, M. Preneh keups railroad tiitit
Buy your grocerina of Parker Bros
Fiae groynes at Conn & llfodricaon's.
.iew t.Tfiii chtwNe unt inceived at (?onral
P J Smiley job printer, Plioo Block, does
tint clans work.
Smoke the onlebrated Havana filled 5 cent
eigarat Julius Joseph's.
l)r M II BiUs, physioitn and surgeon
Albany, Oregon. Ctlls ma Ij In cit!or
country .
World s Fair Travelera Will nave It
The pnblio demand through service when
travel in?. 7t is old-fashioned to Chantte
Cars." On the 11. rough, 'olal veatibnled
trains of he Chicago, Union Pacific '&
North Western Line from or to Chicago.
Omaha and intermediate points there is no
nsnee. litis is tne finest and fas teat ser
ce between the points nmed.
The Marked Slices
nf Scott's Emulsion in consnirn
lion, scrofula and other forms ot
hereditary disease is due lo its
powerful food properties.
rapidly creates healthy flesh-
proper weight. Hereditary
i.iini!, aevetop only when the
system becomes weakened.
Nothing in the world.
of media ne ias bc?n
so successful in dis-
-eases- tuitr aremfii
menacing to life. Phy
sicians everywhere
prescribe it.
PrTsr1 yf ftwt Bow.
Oue oeata (ioeo.
TfrfJ Oriat Couoh Cuhb pru&tptly cures .
whore all ethers full. Coughs, Croup, Bora
Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough and
Asthma, For Consumption It has no rival;
has cured thousands, and will cuna TOO If
taken In time. Bold by UniKgista on a guar
antee. For a Lame Hack or Chst, use
Have von ( iilurrh i 'I tain rrmnlv Ia niHriTV.
teed to cure you. l'rict'.BOcta. Jnjwtorlree.
Easily. Quickly,
Permanent I; Restored.
ATi1 all tli train nf tri:i
Irrimi later
-xci-?, U10 rchuln ot
nvcruuik, nd' k 11 u am,
Wtirrv.i'tc. Pulltrt' nirtli,
((-vajliipnirrit anl Iuiia
fciven luo-rrj-i ranfintl
i.-.ninn fif tho 11).
Hrri. Krtlliirr Itnpunoflile. rrforenn-it. H.Mk,
rxi!it.atlon aitl prufs
mUnl (H11) fWv.
or any kind of a farm Itnt'emetit or Ve
hide, rail on or addrr
B. F. RflMP,
Opp-lt- nst f)ftr-
f al MOM asvi