Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, August 07, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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    I Imirn
roL yi
NO 7-
til a
The Best Medicine.
''"J. O. Wilson, ('witrjftur :ul
Jlder, Sulphur Sprimts, Texas,
IS speaks pf Ayer's Pil's ;
- Aycr'a Pitls arc thu "nest mtiluiiie I
kir tried; anil, in my jmlgmunt, no
ter general renicily toiild In; di-vlacil.
ave used tliem in my family nnd
! cjommended thi-m to my frimnls nnd
iiployc for mora thurj twenty years.
my certain knowledge, many cnsen
"the following complaints bavo been
iplctely and
!cli-ermanentiy Cured
reig'tlie nan of Ayor'a Pills alone: Third
chills, dumb affile, bilious fever,
lfr ,c headache, rheumatism, tlux, dys-
0' eia, constipation, and hard coltls. I
iw that a moderate nso of Ayor'a
continued for a few days or weeks,
gillie natnre of the complaint required,
lid be found an absolute enre for the
rdcrs I have named above."
h, I have been solliiig medicine for
it years, and I can safely say that
i. ira Pills give better satisfaction
, s any other Pill I ever sold." J. J.
LHry, Bpottsylvnnia c. II., Va.
ared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Maes.
'ery Dose Effective
Ojllff ,l nome olEce l
tray; ' "
wf.:-YiSLAJL,3BM: - " - OBEGON
nsl e , '
is r. . " -t
, TJhn '" Gnl' Block comer Liberty and State street, branch office In Portlanu
treby a
io slot '' J - j.
t w si ; X
. ..,
'Oil, '
ININfl. ' '
S!,:1, AKES a specialty "of Runnyside fruit tracts near Salem
(VW ,woHL'3 BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows:
okls CofTee, Per Pound ,
.'ESiS ' Oranulated Sugar $1.00
.iPnras b Magnolia Sugar White 1.00
cth. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 20
nn refilled, 6 gallons 90
iSS Oallons Good firm 1.10
SJ5 Gallon No 1 Syrup , .40
SJbcU . ewfrtim a trlmh tnr, nd all toodn will b aoM for eh from I
-nr l.'wiihan rgti ar prr. My tooa, of Chinaware), fanev srcorl.. not
C itr" 7les if fl'th.i. n wll as a Bnertl a irtmnt of roerle, erocK
..rlx'iii ... .i4s. ! -ntkr. a rpvi'in of flne taa, pirTam an4
"H.'J,3 il" my cinromsn,
i.r.J 1 ?r n t-rr.s'He Insurane ecnipiinMs. Jnllnii Grarlaroltl.
Both tlio method nnd results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
find refreshing to the tasto, nnd acta
gently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
Constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy; of its kind ever pre
duccd, pleasing to the tasto and ac
ceptable to tlio stomach, prompt la
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthy and agrceablo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and havo madi it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try iU l)o not accept any
wwsvius. Kt. new tofK. i.t.
he Oregon Land Co
. Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per
small cash payment Juru time on balance
' nwimrjii w
l "'"l' . .' hyJBurkiiart Bros.
L'SSK -; - One of the oldest Job printing
. Office! in the State
"!CV fhe only Exclusive Job Office
rS ' e ave the Largest and
H best Stock of Printers' Sta
tionery, it has ever been our
r,'rii pleasure to offer the people.
' For Good, Quick Printing.
glS SR1ILEY, '
led.' ,
iliiis GradwoW's Bazaar
JA.,SU4 4
V,ti'1 r,ry latest news ia that you can fcuy at JULIUS
Walking heal the feet, standing comes
them to swell and both are tiresome snd
exhaustive when prolonged. says a writer in
the St Louis Republic. There are various
kinds of foot baih, and auihoriMes differ as
to their val ue . 1 kit water enlarge ihe feet
by dtnwing the blood to them; when used
they should be rubbed or exercised before
attempting to put en a light boot. Mustard
and hot water In a foot baih will sidetrack
t fiver if taken in tlmr.cuic a nervous head
ache nnJ in nice sleep, Bunion. corns and
callousness are nature's protection against
bad shoe leather. 'IV o hot loot baths a
week and a liule pedicuring will remove th
cause cf much discomfort. A warm bath
with an runce of sea salt is almost as rest
ful os a nap. Paddle In il'u water until it
cools, dry wltn a rough loel, put on fresh
itocki.igs, have a change of shoes, and the
woman who was "ready to drop" will have
a very good understanding in ten minutis.
The quickest relief from fatigue Is to phnse
the fco: in lce-co!d water anJ keep It im
mersed until '.here is a sensation of
warmth. Another tonic for the sole is a
handful of alcohol. This is a sure way of
drjing tie fcit after being nut in a storm
Spirit baths are used b professional dancers
acroba's and pedestrians to keep the feet in
IliMiiaclie nutl Itt'plRi
William 15 Rockwell, No 512 West 57th
btreet. New York, sas: "I have been
martyr to bilious -uuduche and dvfpt'psla.
Any Indfscre-ton in diet, overfatigue or
cold, brings on a fit of indigextkm,ollowed
oy a neauicne lasting two or three da vs at
a time, I think I must have tried "over
twenty different remedies, which wete
recommended a certain cures by Joviii
friends, but 11 was no use Ai tout J
thought I would take a simple course of
purgation with Urandreth's Pilis, For
the first week I took two pil s cverv night,
then one piil for hirtv nights; "in that
time I gained three pounds in weight, and
never had an ache or a pain since." Dis
ease In one part of the body will eventu
ally fill the whole hnriv with .licMR
bvery year or two some part of the system
grows weak and begins to decay. Such
part should be removed nt once, and new
matter be allowed to take its place. There's
no need ol cutting It out with a sjrgeon's
scalpel. Purge awpv the old.diseased and
wornout parts with Brandretr.'s PUls,
Can (lot.
Imita'lnne h.ive been put upon the
mari.t fo closely resembling Allcock
Porous Plasters in general tppearance as
to dc wen calculated to deceive. It is,
however, in general appearance onlv that
they compare with Allcock's, for they are
worse than worthless, inasmuch as they
contain deleterious ingredients which are
apt to cause serious Injury. Remember
that Allcock'sare the only Genuine porous
piasters tne oest external remedy ever
produced; and when purchasing plasters
do not only ask for but see that you get
Alicock' I'oroui fi asters.
Hhiloh's Care, tne great couth aud croup
core, ia for sale by us. Pocket siso emtaini
twenty -five doies.ooly 25a. Children laze tt
Foshay & Mason.
Shiloh ttatijEfr : what you need fr
dyspepMt trrj.K( liver, wllow skin or kid
uey Trounle. Is is L'inrii-.wd to give yoo
atuJaction, I'noe 75o. 8ld by Foshay A
Wb Have to Eat anywav. The bet
ter the groceries the more enjoyable life
Is, and whil- we do not all live simnlv to
eat, we certainly eat to Ive. If you
ifet your groeeH- r. id baked goods o'
Parker B-a J.... b you -r bound to live
well If It is r,:v ,n r !.-af of rye b'end
They keep the liet hi rrerythlnv. and sell
at prkea thai siify rcardlct of tlint-s.
Call on thern.
Ashbv it Curw, Fffm.
8 tWh
irgtna Strep. PortUnd, C
Ttir Hklll ml kaiiwtrtlcr.
Kwotid to ih-i itroluatioa of thq tn tu inr-
feot and popalir 'axtive remedy kntwn.
have enil)Ud the Cd.tVnia Fig Sruo Co.
toachls-V ft flPAt kllUO-n in th rnnntntmn
of iU rm-flv. Sviqd of Fi. it i,
ed tobeth'i nnirarsal Iativ. For sa'e
ail drunt.
Livef of many men renioJ as
vVt. ro great 9iiocft?s can climb
If tha reading public find us
Advertising nil the time.
(Bteraal Tlllaae
il. e rike of health. But with all our
precaution there are enemies alwavs lurk
ing about oursystima. only waiting a
favorable opportunity to assert themselves
tinpu-Itles In ih blood may be hidden for
years or even for generations and suddenly
break forth, undermining health and
hastening death. Tor all dtraen a lir
from Impure blood Uood't Sarnaparilla i
fhe unquailed ard unapproachable rem
e V . I Is K'ng of them all.for it conqueri
Shall I Take?
Why Simmons Liver cnue.
It can'', be beat In any attack of inliari .n
biliousness, sica headache or cwlpitHn .
It give qiick relief, and if rnHnned f
awhile will completely cure h aime"'
The Regulator comes In lln-i'j
der irn m. Tne powJer r.. Iti ftiil.
conrenlent for the vest p-vk.-'. a i.rii
of he powder and a -f v t
leays no tasre and works eff ;-!!v
k llnrd Blow.
Pkuuia, III, Aug 6. The notion of tlie
Rovernment in reiuirinr the payment of
internal revenue taxes in currency to be
remitted to Chicago instend of New York,
is tho most serious blow tho whiskey trust
has received in a lonijr limo. Asa result,
its business is practically paralyzed. I'rO'
duction has been etonned for some time.
and now the process of distribution is at u
standstill, nnd all for a lack of currency
with which to pay the tax. the anti trust
distillers are no better off. The Globe dis
tillery nt I'okin had orders for four cars of
spirits Saturday, but to pay the tax requir
ed elu.UOU, which the t'ckin banks were un
wilUug 10 furnuh.
rjojs Did II,
IIn.ij.nono. Aus 5. The barns of Hon
W 1) llaro and that of his son, Joseph 0.
were destroyed by fire at 2 p m today. The
fire was caused by several boys playing in
Le iarn. 1 hey had been amusing them
selves with lighted torches, when ono fell
n ihf. chnff and straw, no notice ot it be
ing, until the building was well en-
Ion' il in Hanies. Uoth structures were
an entire loss. The loss of W D Hare was
$io0, of his son 3100, and tU.ere was no in
sura nee.
A Itall Cntne.
Ckiivais. Or. Au 6. The Oregon Cily
baEeball team defeated the St l'aul club on
the Gervais diamond todav bv a score of 5
to 1 1. tt was a very pretty game, the score
standing o to b in the ninth inning. On
the homestretch the Oregon City club got
in some heavy stick work and scored five
runs. The features cf the game were the
stick work of Davy and Wilson of the Ore
gon City team and the excellent work of
the holders, winch won them the came.
A Straw:
Faris, Aug 0. Inasmuch as thellchring
sea arbitrators have not asked the agents
ot either power to turnisn nuditional evi
dence relating to ihe questions of regula
tion, it is interred that the decision will be
against Kngland, as it had been arranged
that if evidence was sought at all, it would
be a decision of the question of jurisdiction
lavorabie to r.nglaml.
Poor Sliootlnst
Citv ok Mexico, Aug 6. The detail
of another duel have become public; here.
hafael Keyes Snindolai. editor of hi Unl
versal, considering himself injured by cer
tain paragraphs which nnneured in till
Bias, demanded satisfaction from Francisco
ticctes de uca. f istols at paces were
tho terms decided upon, Three shots were
tired without result, after which the sec
onds brought the affair to a conclusion.
Brildeaee Destroyed at Corvaltls.
CoitvALMS, Aug 0. The residence of C
11 rearse, corner of Eighth and. Harrison
streets, was destroyed by fire early this
morning. The fire is suppased to have
been caused by a defective fluo The loss is
about $1 500 and the insurance, $800.
Tare and WbulcsomejUualll
Commends to public approval the Cali
fornia liquid laxative remedy. Syrup of
figs, it ts pleasant to the taste ana by
acting gently on the kidneys, ilver and
bowels to cleanse the system effectually, it
promotes tut health and comfort of all
who use it, and with millions It is the best
and only remedy.
Hew PnoTonnAriiKit. I have opened a
new gallery In the Y. M. C. A. block, 2nd
street, Albany, and will try hard to pleuse
ail who win tavnr me with their patronage.
I will take nil size and styles of photos as
gool as the best and ns cheap as the cheap
est. I am no traveling photo hero todav
and gone tomorrow, but have couio with
wife and children to make a home in your
glorious climate. I have come to atav.
Please call and see me and try my work,
Very roHpuctfiilly ycur.i, .
S. A. f MMi;i.i,.
Iditeof Toronto. Canada.
it 11 1 01 S13IH
I'ht travIina fnl'p re mw fn'ty a'iv.
t'l.ff c'lh. the t! iati . li i-n Paririn :
& Kortl.-VV.-fvrn lue IT r t vn h-i-t
tO'!n rn dn in r. rhe nu'ihc
H tn
mt tmlj dilili-i ih W rl t r .l',
n oir n-ui'd.
The littles.
The peasant effect and perfect infe'v
with vhich ladies ma v use the CVlfornia
liquid taxalve Svrupof Figs. und?r all
condiiLins, makr It their fjvorbr rrmcdt .
To gt-t the true and genuine artlci, look
for the na-neof the California Fig Svmp
Co, printed near the bit mm of the pack
site. Board and LomiiNa ot ipkmI oualitv ft
reasonable rates arc the strong jioints of Ihe
Star Contracts of the World's Fair Hotel
and Boarding Bureau. For pale at a!! mil
mad ticket ottices in Porthindand ntSulfm,
AUmnv, Kuirenp. Oirvallis. .Mc.Miiiuville
and Oregon City. D'Vt go to Chicago
without vonr fl-oiniiird;:ti"',ns reset un
less you Ii.ive a biir p:ir?r yon am inxinus
empty. Call on C. K. tronk at the depot
tor parti, nl::rs
Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
1 V EE?
ABsourrecv pure
A Great CoNVENin5ick.-Vorld's fair
visitors travelling via the Northern Paci
fic R K and Wisconsin Central line, are
landed at the Grand Central station In
Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof
building, located In the htert of the city.
has been ntfu up as a imtri, run on tne
European plan, with about ino rooms
handsomely furnished and each room ;s
supplied with hot and cold water, electric
lights etc. The charge for accommoda
tions are reasonable, and parties can secure
rooms in advance by calling upon agents
of the Northern Pacific R R. By taking
the Northern Pacific through car line to
Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort
of all transfer in that city, and can also
travel between the Grand Central station
and World's fair grounds by trains which
run direct between the two poiuts.
Agent at Albany.
Down oo tuk Ratks. Hie Union Pa
cific' now lead with reduced rates to eastern
points.and their through cnrarningements,
magnificently equipped Pullnian and Tour
ist tileepera, free reclining clmir air and fast
time, make it the best line to travel. Two
trams loive from Portland daily at o:4o am
and 7:110 pin. Tho rates are now within
nach of all. and everybody rhould take ad
vantage of them to visit the World s fairand
their -friends in the cast. Send for rates
and schedules of trains, and do not pur
chnse tickets until after consul ting Curan &
Monteith, Albany, Ur.
W II ITrui.iiL'KT,
Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agent, U. P.
Portland, Or.
Twenty Years' Kx per fence
C D Fredricks, the well Known pho
tographer, 770 Broadway, New York,
says: 'I have been using Allcock's Por
ous Plasters for 30 yeats, and found them
one of the best of " family inedicides.
Briefly summing up my experience, I say
that when placed on ihe small of the back
Allcock's Plasters fit! the body with ner.
vous energy, and thus cure fatigue, brain
exhaustion, debilty and kidney dlflicul
ies. For women and children I have
ound them invaluable. They never Inl
ate the skin or caue the slMitert pain.
but cure sore throat, coughs, colds, pain In
the side, back or chest, indigestion
bowel complaints."
t nd
Send yoor ntms and 1 I 1 ti d I
eacock At Co. Albuy, Om(h', and nisn
oa the Democrat, th i' mill ym
a.hion t'eett frea etch mouih
Advertising Novki.tif-h. We have it
complete line of noveltise, direct from the
makers, can 1 urn mil the s ame nt lowes
prices. Whistles, mirrors, pencils, mein
oranda books, nankins, fans, rulers, yard
sticks, panels, chromo cards, ca ps, calcn
aars, xmas cams, etc., in season.
And always the best J oh Phintino
tW S3JILEY, landing Printer.
To;el ai ineFarls
iUgarding H -od's SAr?apsriif , as t h
people who tie this medioi-i, ir iitfi th
trntimonials ot-t published ii this apa
Thoy wdl 0 MwiiHrt.y onjthaK 1Ion1s' cure
HofMps Y cnr rottktiit:on
L.UMmr Work Kvery cHizn ol Al
bany should hear in mind that the
Albany Hteant foundry atiaran-ee fimt
claps work at vrv reanouable prices, and
employs nothing hut white lauor blurts
lone at cheaply as the Chinaman, rat-
ronize your o vn race
s Wedding Ixvitavions.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver. Gulden
Conmion every day.
to, to o. T'1- ! the score people make
wh" trade with Perry Conn, the dealet In
freah grocerie-, prcduce and crockery
ware. They shut out hard times and give
cletn bargains plenty of home tuns
and a return for more goods. The game
Is umpired re ihe square, ard there I
never am klrki i. Piompt and courti -011s
treatment A stfady thing, oors
open early and ' ite. If you would be on
the wi.inlng aid ' call on Conn
Uuaranfcwri to i vrr nillous Altfv
" milon, Snatl ItiK u
6CK llfcllfi
1'aiker Kr if, irrocers.
P. M. French keeps railroad time
Buy yonr groceries of Parker Bna
Fiae grccenea at Conn & Hendricsou's.
l?w rrwm cheoite juti tocfived t CnuratJ
P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, dooa
first class work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 ovut
oigar at J uliaa Joseph's,
Dr M II KHii, physician and surgeon
Albany, Ore (n. CU .-niii i i cit,'or
WorM's ralrTravelera M ill nave It
The publio dematid thronuh sorviohen
travel idl. Jt ia old-fashioned to "Clianne
Cars." Oa tho ihrnnyh, olid vcstibuled
trains of the Chicat-, tj'uon Pacific &
North Western Line fro:n or to Cbioago,
Omsha and intermediate points there no
hange. ThW is the tiuost and fiitest ser-
co betwacu the poiotn oDied
( Stoti's Emulsion in conMini
lion, scrofula and other forms of
1. : reditu ry disease is due to lis
I oivurful food properties.
Seslt's Emiiisior
rapidly creates healthy fl;sh
roper vi-ij.,ht. Ileredilary
iiiinis develop only when tl
svstum becomes weakened.
Notiihig in the world
cj wctlieine has teen
so successful in dis that are nasi
menacing to life. Phy
stums evcrywl. n
prescribe tt.
An agreeable Laxative and Kim Toirta
Bold byDrureiirta or aent by mall. 250,(00,
Aod $1.00 per package. Famplcg free.
The Favorite TOOTH rWSIl
for tbe Toetb and Breath, gio.
Captain 8wTCn.7,Cjj.A,BanDtem,0t,
rvat "Hbllnh's CaUrrh ltemrxlr Is the firit
xaedlcine 1 have ever found th nt would do roe
any good. n Price CO eta. Bold by Prugglata,
shiloh's cure;
Trrg Crkat Couon Ctr promptly eum
Whcrcallotbcrafall. For Consumption It bu
so rival; tns cured thou,snds, and will emu
Top, If talon Intlmf. frlMMets-
Easily. 9uEckt;.
nn! all iTiftrolnrr erin
in nturl) riri.ti lot
v.jff. tin rt-Aulls of
rrn oit, nii'l. iii'ii,
v,irr- ,t'c rUUtri'iiRCl.,
I'll i
f t! h-'rir.
iacal.-l) f:-ec.
ir : you i. ant .
P CV,' r-BaiW,OR!Ll SEE!)
b, r. Rf ?p,
(!nprll Post Ode
AII;nT, Ol.
mm of is