Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, August 05, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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aSTTINQ, ' Editor! and Prop'r
1 it the Pott Office at Albany
's second iaa mall uiattur.
.AiiaT s, mas
l'HOK. J.HAnilY
li.VV. tlm well
known Ophthehnic
( Ipticiun mill Opti
cal Snviiilist will
lumi" vUit Allmiiy
nnd liiivo his ollii-c
louse parlor, ilrliay has made
j 8 to our city ami all ijimik in
seof hie work. KxiuuiiiatinnF
get the days-Dili, 10(1.. lltli
( GitKA Oregon will in the
wie of the richest and most notu
"itates of the Union and one of
j countries of the world. Popn
4 England it could t;ives home"
ma to forty millions of industrious
i -.-ent people. Its great waterway,
jia, is one of the frreat rivers of
x. 1U lumber forests are a mine of
hatnuxlm. Twentv-tive thous-
e miles of the coast range of
wmn and of the Cascade are
a growth that avemsres from
30,000 feet per acre. At 20,000
H,al would be throe hundred and
ion feet, worth at the lowest cal
0 and half billions of dollars and
"i,h nnM lfprp in a forest
luinr than the value of all the cold
i Unined on the coast from 14S to
day, and only waiting the axe
lman. mere are rouricL-ii pm.
tiea of this lumber and many
kaa KAta tint, of lrl-ipnt value. Its
.. il muiiiivm are wonderful. The
rawallav with its wondrous fertil-
l.w - . -
iie valleys ot tnc coam, am;
Tegon produce wheat averaging
i n thlrtv ViiikIipIk ner acre. A
iltety of other agricultural products
.te, give tho fanner scope to meet
a wants of tho market at home
I. Vegetables, hops and vnhui
... are amongst the products of the
it'ourisb. The finest cattb. horses
in the world nro raised in this
gon wool is amongst the l'st in
for its nroduction
Jv. without limit. The southern
rn sections of the state are esj!C
l"n minerals.--S,in Francisco Jour-iirameroo;
HOME aso icnuun
XiAn Acci nt'.NT. The fi-year old
of Rowland Fisher, who lives four
rthwestof I'-orvallii". met with n
loogh atrange accident about 'l-M
is morning The little girl was
, nan np-stairs room and the hed
la nn niton window. Kvideiltlv in
.rhe turned over and fell out of the
tho ormind below. Her cries
r folks who went to the little one s
9 and on taking her into the house
idily seen that she was seriously
n doctor was immediately sent for.
i-rival of the phvsician at Mr Fish
i U ;t m. found that the left arm
fn broken, and the child otherwise
V It is almost a miracle that the
. ot Villncl -ontriL'ht. as she fell a
of about 15 feet. CorvaUU News.
r-Dr.' Hill, of Albany, was called
this vicinity on Tuesday to attend
! Myers, who is supposed to be
ith consumption.
yt our city sports who are interested
horsefleshhuvo laid out ami irraded
nCr-mile track east of town. o may
some new developments alon;
oe near future.
"on July 27th. 1W. Charles Tiatt.of
is citv. aired 20 years. It will be
ered that last fall we gave an ac
if a dead tree falling on I'liarloi
flfintinir. which iniurt?d his spine.
lis which caused his death after a
g illness. Press.
. 1
Vith AM At).. Mr I) C Schell.wlio
went , to the mountains lieyond
3iome, with a company of Albany
met with nn accident Thursday
y . The eoninanv had iu-d arriveil at
jnnuiff ffround. wiien Mr Schell. lie-
lEcarpenter of the crowd, fixing
jjipost when his adz slippeil. hitting
,!.one of his feet, cutting u bad gash.
Skill necessitate his limping for some
GAY. (i AY, GAY,
at Itevcre House Augi'.fct y'h 1 I -1 'i.
The Willamette Is 1.4 f -el above low
water mark.
The advance fluent for Sfl's chcus has
reached the valley.
A B Hudeleon, of Ji ffers.n,wlll run Hie
almion warehouse lid year.
There will be no service at the ME
church South during the month of August.
The Springfield Messenger U to be
moved to Eugene and run as a peepKs
party paper.
South llrownsvllle has been ordered
bonded for the purpose os building a new
school house.
Mr Frank Wood, ir, has recently sold
eight fme St Bernard pups, out of eleven,
three dying. 125 was recetved tor eacn.
E M Mclntrreand M Carev.bothol this
city, left cboui $300 ppicce in the closed
hanks of Albany and Portland. Ashland
iccora, -
The store of Geo Flnlev. at Crawf jrds-
vllle, has changed bands and the business
WHI oe run by J t; ISox and Dan'l .Mc-Kercher,
The people of Brownsville are very
naturally kicking because under the new
lime table they cannot come to Albany
and return the same dav.
The statement in the Democrat and
other valley papers that the S P had ask
ed for further time to pay lis employes,
was Incorrect. They have been paid for
last month. This months wages are not
due until the 15th.
Dennv pheasants arcbemc killed for the
exclusive use of hunters. One hunter
tells the Democrat man lha'- soineof the
birds are on their nests yet, and that there
are a good manv young ones running
A man was in Brownsville this week on
his way to Arizona, wheie he intends to
take up the Aparhe Kid's trail, capture
his head, secure the $$000 reward return
to the W illamette valiey and raise hops.
Supt Jas Agler was over from Duns
muir last wee seeing that the Leon W
Washburn's circus got over the Slskiyous.
The railroad trlD from Portland to Ash
land cost them &2000 and from Ashland
to Repdlng $700. They are in hard luck,
though Washbourn's wife was still wear,
ing a set of diamonds in btr finger ring,
Ashland Tidings.
An Albany young man was helping
himself to what he supposed was some
dried venison when it was learned that
he had taken a bl'e of a dead rat that had
gotten lmo an unused drawer, and died
and dri'd up. The iyt is preserved and
may De seen at a iinsnop in aiuuiij' us
proof of the fact.
The first wheat came to Albany yester
day. J M Archibald stored a wagon load at
the warehouse ot the Albany r armers i.u.
and J 11 Wallace a load at the Red Crown
Mids. The grain is plump and heavy,
weiifhlnir about 66 pounds to the bushel.
A big harvest has just been begun, ard
even with low prices will be of material
bencfii to the tmcs.
1) Oglesby this morning showed us
60ine ot the richest quartz we have ever
seen . The rock is one mass of pure
shinintr tio'd. It came horn a ledee he
itscovcred last week tn lhe ceienrateu
Bohemia district easl of Co-.tage Grove.
e thinks that he has a fortune, and he
as, if eock In any great quantity will pan
out like that he has, which he assures us
is p'e . Eugene Guard.
acini, ami n t:s IL
Prof Crawfird returned this noon froiuan
outing iu Polk county.
Hon lleo W Pell will soon goto Sydney,
Australia, as U S Consul.
Mr I.yon. recently of the Stayton Times,
now traveling for the Salt m Juurnal was iu
the city today.
Ab'sirsW C Cmlcy. I, O Moors, U II
Chaplin and A C Wiudom, of llrownsville.
were in Albany yesterday.
Miss I.illie Mcllargue, of Albanv, is vis
iting with the family of tieo Mcllargue.
llrownsville Times,
A pleasant lawn social was given at the
residence of Mr II W CundilF by tho ladies
of the M F. Church South last evening.
A Ilrowneil, of the Albany nurseries, and
who has interests in the lieilfountain prune
orchard, was in the city yesterday. Cor
vallis News.
lion U A Irvine and family left this noon
for llerry near the front on the O P hoping
the mountain atmosphere will be of benelit
to Mr Irvine.
Tho ln.lies of the First M E church will
give 11 lawn social at the home of (1 W
lloehstedier, next Wednesday ovening, Aug.
9th. Ice cream and cake, 15 cents.
Yirgil Parker left yesterday for Clacka
mas county on a visit to the place where he
was born, und which he has not seen for
twenty years. He was accompanied by his
The remains of Mrs Charles Kennedy. who
died at the Summit yesterday, were taken
thrnnirh t'orvallis today on the wuv to the
Cushuuin cemetery, in Linn county, where
they were buried. Corvullis INews.
Juduo It R Stmhan and Claud and Fet
Strahan arrived in Albany this noon from
t onianu, me inner nuvivg just reucneu
that city from Atlanta, tieorgia. They
were accompanied by Mrs l)r Yall, a
daughter of Juge Cantelmry.
Among those who went to Ynqimni Hay
today were Attorney Chamberlain,
family nnd mother, N H Allen, H Shultz.
Mrs J J Heard. Miss Lora Vance. Mr and
Mrs Thos Monteith, Mibs Lida lialbrnith,
and Fred Pike.
Dave Ashbaughand wife nnd W D Torrey
nnd .Tnines (iodfrev. it Burns. William
Mansfield nnd Charles Williams of the state
printing office left for a months' CMnping
and rusticutintr on cannon creeK. auiem
R J Moses, the Albany barber, has ac
cepted tho position of manager in M E
tlearn 8 store nere. air Aioses anu iamiiy
arriveil in the city yesterday and occupy the
residence vacated by J.d llearn. Mr rooses
1!::i.m:kh s SinivirKX. Regular services
it the I'nited Presbyterian church tomorrow
condi'.ited bv the Hev il 31 .Marling.
Pn.f W II Ie will conduct the Y M C A
eelini; tomorrow at 4 p m, This is one of
the coolest places in the city on a warm day.
besides we have ice water on draught. Wen
are invited.
The usual services will lie held nt the
First M K church. A cordial welcome to
- this
teuRAKCE Cask. A peculiar insur
3 will come up liefore Judge Puncnn
tsrith.tvVilliam Johnson. siiecial acent
itiMiitual Life Insurance Company.hos
,W Moench. for il't, premium on a
thbolicy. Mr MoeiK'h claims that he
.itended toniake the application: but
imined to see if he could pass, and
Irnow that he had niiplied for insnr-
itil aftarwanls. when he wrote the
ij. These facts the plaintiff disputes.
fAToa iaa necsltv nonsdiya
tetMOallon Will ji stars, whnv
a Urgeaad varied, snd prices the
st rsnable. Thny can kivs i on
1 ia thia tins as well as in jwelry
'I VtlDtCT Is snsnlmous that Will
any list b-jt line of silver ware lp
rfey, Toey nave the variety anjqual-
rjcnasMaaaon thit counts in but ing
- in nvpcciion arvays carries con.
" under 16 getting their haircut
will enter upon his duties at once.
nsburg courier.
Drs Starr & Sponagle nnd Archie Black
burn went to Lower Soda Thursilay, tho
former two returning to this place in the
evening and the latter remaining to sniff
mountain nir for a while. Brownsville
Times. The hitter's parents, Judge and
Mrs Blackburn, are at the sume place rusti
cating. Attorney General Chamberlain while in
Salem yesterday paid Capt N P Humphrey
11 visit at the asylum. Ho talked very
rationally for some time on current matters,
saying nothing indicating that his mind
was affected, excent once to horse stealing,
us if ha thought he was being confined for
it. 1 lie indications were that he was im
proving rapidly and will recover.
It is with no little doirroe of retrret that
we chronicle the removal from our midst of
Rev S r Longbottom and family who have
taken up a residence in Albady. During
his stav m this place, of one year, the
The Fugene liuard recenlly '"put its feet
ill it," by imuoundng triplets Intra to the
wife of a Mi-Kenie river farmer, whereon
the rc)rt was based oil nothing at all.
''Can't the iicwspajters do something to
restore confidence and force money into cir
culation" is a question that comes to us
from various sources." Kxchanjre. Yes.
they can pay their bills as promptly as ios
siblo. reduce their expenses and wuitforthc
tide to turn Salem Journal.
Judiro Hubbard, of Marion county has
posted tho following notice on the big steel
bridge. the object lieing to place the respon
sibility for accident on the iersons crossing
the bridge: "Notice: Notice is hereby
given that this bridge is unsafe and is here
by condemned, and he who crosses it does
the same at his own risk. Dated this fourth
day of August, 1!. W C Hubbard:
county jud,',e."
Western Oregon is one of the finest and
most fertile sections of the l'acitic Coast. It
is tho Willamette valley, of which Hon
Samuel Bowles once wrote: "Neverbeheld
I a more fji filiating theaterfor rural homes:
never seemed more fitly united natural
beauty and practical comfort, fertility of
soil and variety of surface nnd production;
never were my bucolic instincts more deep
ly stirred than in this first outlook upon the
Willamette valley."
Frof Loisctte, the author of a memory
system, is in Taconia, lecturing. Two or
threo vetirH niro a class in Corvallis took Ills
system. and it was pronounced n pretty good
ining it one nas unie 10 musier ii. iie
pnrdless of claims the secret of all memory
systems is application, wdiich, though, may
lie assisted by different forms of study. A
Washington protessor showed up unsettle,
or tried to. for he is not the kind of a man
to be downed. His system no doubt has as
much merit as any.
An exchange says the reason that there
have been no bank failures in Seattle is tho
fact that the neonle of Seattle, from bank
presidents to hod carrier, stand together for
the common good of the city, of which they
are all proud . They take a common pride
of the record of her splendid growth und
brilliant achievements, and they are to a
man, almost, resolved to preserve her sta
bility. Such a course steadfastly pursued
will make a name that will be worth mil
lions to her. nnd it will furnish an object
Arirr llrraklatl
To purify, vltaluj and enrich the blood,
and Kive nerve, bodilv aud digestive
strenglb, lase llooo's Sarsaparilla. Con
tinue the the iiifdichic after every .ileal
for a month or two.
See the N"W
otiinr. Tic.. I
W Sowdcii. s
fawelry stoio
Improved S'ngcr sowing tna-
t i. klwrs tl.u chvtBitest. J
a-. Odi.i at F M Fr"ii.!s
Strictly Cash.
P. L. Kd.tto ha aiifpt'd 0 cath tyttttn
and will hereafcix ell rc c.ri( t fo.
tlie lirbt n&fhiog mnchme mudo. Go to
Stewart Ctf St. x and Uke fine out on trial,'
They lo have all kiuda of wringers.
to carry that preat lu ciiild around iu her
arma. Yoa must to to Stewart & Sox and
bny ono of their baly carriages, Alt kinds
and prices.
on a far in. You can make it the easiest by
buying a compieta Hay Carrier out tit of
Stewart Si Sox. Call and see it.
Hur-1 lesson for other cities.
To Farmers
X Mill warehouse ai d will have it m ?cod
order for receiving ihe present crop, lhe
warehcuso is first and conveniently
kcated. Contwos wo good cleaners. No
delay in uuloadiutr. Hacks wiH btoo hand
for delivery iu due tine. Give me a call
before making arranijumenta to store vour
Albany, Or,,
Frenh, pore, sure to groa aad sold) at Port
laud price. Garden seeds kept in balk.
Field p?as and Field torn also carried in
large quantities. Stewart of Sox.
They don't iske auy better than th
'Ruiell" acd Stewart & Sox sell that kin
at Albany. Several good secondhand ea
gines fcr tale at a bargain.
July 15 h, 1303.
Ib called the "Father of Diseases."
It ia cauBed by a Torpid Liver,
and is generally accompanied with
To treat constipation successfully
PAINTS & OILS. Th0 he" miai p1"4
for aaid on tbia Coast la the "Pboeniir" and
wo are atprata for ic at Albany. We also
earry a full line of oil-, varnishes, wagon
and carnage painta, eto.
BEE SUPPLIES. Ion"t keep your beee in
an old box any longer. Stewart & Box
carry be. hives, seetiont, comb foundatlon.
and bee amokera at low prices.
pest tod not fail to sen Stewart & Sox..
They keep a large stock of builders hardware-
and sell at prices to tutt tlie times.
according to iaw, and you caght to buy .11
y jur guns and arcmnnition of 8tewiitV Sox.
They keep cood stock and sell cheap. .
Uiaot powder.ta.e and caps always on band.
The marriiifce of Miss Mary S llyl, the
Riiimrintenlent of tho Chinese mission lo
cated at No 140 Fisth street, to Chnrley 11
Younir. a Chinese husiness man of this city,
was celehrated yestenhiy afternoon at the
i irst llaptist cliurch in V anconvcr. A re
ception to tlie newly wedded pair was hold
last evening- at the Chinese mission. Aliont
'J00 friends were present. Youngr is related
to Seid lluck by niarriape. He ia Ameri
canized, having adopted our style of dress
and dispensed with a queue. Portland Tel
egram. Tho laws of Oregon do not permit
such a mnn-iiirre hence its occuneitco in Van
couver. ureron is iiniortunaic in navinii a
very poor neighlwr on the niarriage question.
A Beskkit Game. Next Sunday at 2:30
o'clock a frame of base Irnll will be played
on the league grounds for the lienciit of the
AU.-.,nv i,lnvnr rptmiiiiimr in tho I'itV. llO-
Hevorcnd gentleinan lias eoiiihuinded tlicui,.,, tiie menilicni of that chili and the
friendship of a veey large circle of friends. Wilinmettcs. Hums and Collett will lie
both intheCunilierlaniirresliyteriaiiehimh (le lottery for one club and Arick and
of which he was pastor, and in all the de-1 stapleton or the other. The last score he-
noiiiinutions ot tlio city. A" principal or twow the clubs was 11 to 11, nn assurance
tho South Hiownsvillo public school he 0 ,.oae nil(i exciting game.
proved himself to be everything that could
lie desired of an able instructor. He has
lieen chosen pastor of the Ciimljcrlsind
l'reshvterian cliurch in Albanj', and we,
th a host of others, wish him anil his es
timable wife a pleasant and protitable year.
llrownsville Times.
Iiveo an Oi.ti Max. lira S M Breck
inridge and the Misses Breckinridge, of St
Louis, and Mrs 11 C Smith, Aliss M K
Cromwell. M iss V A Tucker, Miss Mary
Boone nnd Miss -.hzu Boone, of Baltimore,
Md., are at the l'ortland. they aro en
route to Alaska. When the party reached
'alifoniia. about July 1st, they had with
them Miss Hattie riuu ault, who, though of
wealthv arents, was friend and chaperon
of the Misses Boone. She was in love with
X K Maston. n millionaire, aged ill, who
had a family of grown daughters. The
latter sought to break off the old man's
attachment for the voung Baltimore woman
and induced him to go into hiding. .Miss
i'ascault seeing that she had been battled
tcok it to heart so much that she died in nn
insane asvlnm in San Francisco. Hie party
after the funeral continued its journey.
Now is The Time. There is not the
least doubt but advertising is tlie life of
trade. 1 his has been well demonstrated
during the past few weeks by C V Wrjirlit.
of this city. A few months ago Mr Wright
opened a furniture and undertaker's estab
lishment in H.irrisiinrg. Hull times did
not frighten him. He advertised; he did
tho work systematically and thoroughly.
The result is that during the month of July
he solil hundreds of dollars worth of goods.
overusing alone will not onng a fortune,
but no business can s-wceeil without a lilieral
use of printers ink, and the harder the
times, the more it is needed. Courier.
Admission, 2" cents
grand stand.
no extra chargo for
Paid lr. Tlie loss of C Toiissaint, at
Melrose, has been ndiustetl and 8Ui97 in
surance lie paid on the total insunince of
UUO. lliere was (SloUUon the stock in the
North British k Mercantile and 81000 on
the goods and building in the Farmers &
Merchants, of Albany, and the bun to., ot
San Francisco, in equal amounts, only cV)
of this amount lieing in the building. As
some of the stock was saved the loss was
adjusted as follows: The Farmers & Mer
chants nnd Sun pay $2!0eaeh and the North
Ifntish tc .Mercantile iu:ii, total SloDi.
Koseburg Beview.
yourself very much about business during
the hot inomhs it you with to keep cool :
nor must you get into the habit ot asking
if it is hot enough lor him, wnen you csn
see very plainly that he is practicady
roasted; but. instead, advise him to call on
Parker Brothers and get the best baked
eoods to be secured, as well as warm
weather groceries generally,
By so doing rou lit surelv ictain "his
peaches $i oo a oox at Parker Bros.
T3o to It M Robertson's far chp bru and
It is a mild laxativo and a tonic to
the digestive organs. By taking
Simmons . Liver Regulator you
promoto digestion, bring on a reg
ular haUt of tody and provent
Biliousness and Indigestion.
"My wife wJ Ki'y,'islres?i!!l,C"!.''Ei"
tion i.d coughing, followed Wllh Elecdln, Pile..
After four month, use of Simmon. Lira- Regulator
he i almoM entirely relieved, gaining .treugttt
and ftoh.,'-W. B. Llama, Delaware, Ohio.
II. onr K Smn In red on -wrapper.
J. h. J.U.IL.IS & CO., rultadelphU, l'a.
iup plies ou hand.
Stewart s Sox.
out tit of Stewart & Sox and take care of joui
orcnara. ine outtii they aeii baa Deen tfieo
in this state for tb;ee years by the bet, or
chardiat aod ia a o niplflte aaccesi.
have the best hue ot tiue shesrs, scifsors,
razors snd pocket cultery in the valleyt
Come and see for yourselves. v
Htewakt & Pox.
PLOWS We b:ve Dew chilled plow ex
aclly the asms as the "Oliver." We guir
antes it and sell on trial. Extras will St
Oliver. Also we havo a full line of steel
plows that lannothe excelled. You might
possibly save a few centa by coming around
and seeing a.. Stewart & Box.
E. L Power will move his homes shop
to the Strahan Block, just east uf the
Democrat office, on second street, on
August ijth, where he will be betier pre
paied than ever to meet the demands of
hib customers,
Fewiso Vac mm neetly rtpsind au
warranted hy a thirrushly oompoxnt work
man, at F NX French's jswslry store, AlSany,
Hodzos & MeFarland,
IsH. Albany, O. .
the liaiin &ru-
WANTltD. V woman to do house
work and children.
Inquire of T B Radford, two nillea west
of Albany, on the Cora:lli road.
I. A. Morris & Co.
Flour and Fesd Store.
Have removed their flore totbeStrihai
tort, former occupied by Deyoe &
Robfcon, and have on hand a full Mock o
Custom chopping done.
fp you are particular about what you
Perry Conn can vt you In groceries.
New seasonable specialties constanty ar
riving He keeps ad "an stock. If you
are going to the mountains ca.l on hl.n
and gel stocked up. If you are going to
stay at home . call on 1.1m and gel the bet
to jetecured, as well as first cla treat
ment, fl is p. Ices will tu't the time.
Don't stopeatlnic, but ett what build
up for prosperous as well as quiet times.
Wftat Khali 1 Tak?
Why Simmons Liver Regit1atcr,of course.
It can be beat In anv attack of Indiuefttfon,
I :n . .1 i .j--.
-.-I . TC"'v,!r,ckSi to me j, give, qui;k relief, and if continued for
; awhile ill completely cure th;e aliments.
vtmrm .ith . i.j ...... ' The Regulator comes in liquid sad pow-
Mn. ti i ,i. ... i der foim. Tne powder is wondet fiiltv
!r rent. Call on Prof W W Davis. '
nd el Fourth street.
) towels to every
'tns, cash
-asuixerjat Viereck
at F f. Kenton's grocery
convenient for the vest pocket. A pinch
ot the powder and a 'swallow rf water
leav s no taste and works effectually
Viereek'a shaving aod hair cutting par
Stationery, Toilet Artijles, Musics
lmtrumem, Etc
Hodees 4 HcFarlaiJ,
''he Corner Ding Store," Albany, Oi,
T )ST.-lii Alnr. or on ths
14 1
leadlnsT nat from that place on or
aliont Jnly 18 h, prnmUsory note dated
Joit 18th isnd aiarned by P B Marshall
tn fUvrr of Adnlph rTichman for $.00.
The finder will eonfr a faror hy leaving
It at this office for Mr Eichmafi.
Dry Goods,
Furnishing Goods,
Lace Curtains,
Shoes, Etc., oi
nnd - Einbalmcrs.
N. WaMahl.
Sul's made
to brder and
Repairing of all kinds.
Simp opposite the P. () A Ibsnr, Oregon
1. Viereuk.
good horse. Inquire
c. jiackey, n.n.,
WE KhEP rrnstrnfy f.n Isrd a full lli.e of mrtallc, cloth and weed caskets si
coffins. Also tuilalrcl.i. snd sidts, In l.icacclolh, stln.cul n nc.e ir
which will be sold at .
The l.owesit Living Profllsi.
EMBALMING nd "'e proper care of the'dead a specialty.
Whoksile and RctallDealers In
Kotlas Water,
' Orange and, Iron,
"keltier Hat em.
Blreh Beer. J1
Naraaparllls ansl Iron X!
Ilron Wine,
flirs at a triil.
rhylclin and Snrr". c.fltse- rn,r ftiii at i
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