Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, August 05, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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    L v i
j C
Jit ilMtu.. JJ
Jttle Dauahter
"in, of a distressing rash, by
Sarsaparillu. Mr. Kiciiaiii
j tho well-known Druggist, 'Ml
1 St., Montreal, 1. Q., says:
,!oVo sold Aycr'a Family Medicines
.-ears, and uavdii-ard notliinK but
Ylid of them. I know of runny
fonderfu! Cures
aed by Aycr'a Sursaparillu, one
ticular being that of n littlo
er of a Church of Kngliind miuis
chhe child was literally covered
rgj-(.iiead to foot with a red and ex-
;ly troublesome rash, from wtiich
I suffered for two or three yearn,
e.v of the best lm'dicul treatment
0 le. Her father was in grout
about" tho rase, and, at my
lendatlon, at hint began to ad
M llljj Ayera Sarsaparilla, two bot
voWch effected a complete cure,
To her relief and her father's
' I am sure, were he here todu,v ,
d testify In the strongest terms
e merits of
r's Sarsaparilla
'm'JJkyDr.J.O. Ayrr & Co., Unrall.Uasa,
I others, will cure you
0:VEJ 33f JOYS
liotli tlie method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is plcasaut
and refreshing to the taste, mid acts
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Livor and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem cfliictually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duccd, pleasing to the tasto and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt ia
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the inos,t
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and havo mado it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for salo in COo
and SI bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try iu L)o not accept ;.ny
10UISVIU.E. nr. NEW YORK. ".f.
A diipatch from London sayi: "A meet.
Ing km held today at the official residence
of the lord mayor, to consider the financial
and buiinesi situation. It was presided
over by the lord mayor. The gathering was
very largely attended. Among those prrs
ent were: Rl;ht ilon A J Balfour; Right
lien Henry Chaplin, formerly president ol
the board of agriculture; Right Hon Sir
John Lublo:k, of the firm of Roberts, Lub
bock & Co., bankers; Hon Thomas F Bay
ard, American ambassador to jrat Britiln;
IJana lloiton. and nnjt of the leading bank
ers of London. Balfour rrnde an addiess
and disclaimed political motives. He alluded
tothe a-xittv fe't throughout the business
world connected with the currency changes
in India and the action that might be taken
by the United Statf s government. Thego'd
standard, Balfour declared, would never
satisfy commercial wants, while a double
standard alone woulJ prevent dangerou
oscilln ions in trade. He condemned iso-
ated ac Hon on the put of individual statrg,
and recommended an international arrrr-
ment, fixing a ratio of vilue between gold
and 6ilver. In the course of his address'
Balfour denUd the advocates of bimetnlism
aimed at an Inflated currency. This might
De true, he said, of some bime'nlit con
nected with the Western states of America
but it did not applv tothe bimetaiists of
Europe, who believe the adoption of bimet-
alismwiuld prove the safest commercial
policy. In the event of a European war
the double standard would, according to
Balfour, he fjund very advantageous. The
meeting adop ed a vo'e of thanks to Bal'our
for the address
It. "'
Architect and Contractor.
Lrmtmideih with .Pre.. Re
u if i ( i
e j Oregon Land Co
Wltn its home office at.
i nder tlx
r. twbtc
tasl ew ;
"TMfcGniy Block, corner Liberty nJ State street, branch office In Portlatu
by Jek i (
ho sl Jf J
pt for l .
isuiT'SES a specialty of 8unnjrside fruit tracts near Salcrrj
eell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per
mall cash payment lor? time on balance
The fire losses during the first half year
of 1S93 exceed those lor the same part of
1S92 by over $20,ooo,ooo,and the difference
between the exhibits for June.lS92.and June,
1093, ts over $7,000,000. Muting June
there were 18S fires of a greater destruc
t'veness than $10000 each.
NEW rHOTOOEAPHKll. I Iiiiva nml .
new irdllery In the Y. M. C. A. lilnrk. ',!
street, Albany, and will try hard to plea.e
uu uu win mvor me wttn tneir patronnije.
1 ,11 ume uu bizes turn sryieg or pnotos as
good as the beat and as cliean 11s th rhenn-
est. I am no frimdiiirr i,h,,tn 1mm rw
and pone tomorrow, but have come with
wife and children to make a home in your
glorious climate. I have come to star.
Please call and sec me and trv rnv wnrlr.
cry rvspuciiuiiv your 1,
S. A. Hammeli,.
Late of Toronto. Canada.
out at giant
TU.. . 1: 1 1 ...
ivciiuK judiio are now lu'iy alive
to the ftutthnc the Ctiinnun, TJnioD Pacirie
& North-VVefteru ine otitis the very best
accommoilattoba to the public from and to
v.nicaiio, Omaha and intermrdjata poiuti'.
not only cturiin the World a Fiir, but all
toe year round. .
A. Improveuient:
Xkw Yoiik, Aug 5. R G Dunn & Co-,
in their weekly review of trade, say:
lemorsli.ation ia speculative markets
has been followed by a more healthy tone
and heavy imports of gold inspire hope
that monetary troubles may abate. Tho
week has been one of surprises. Knormous
liquidation in wheat brought the lowest
prtre ever known on Tuesday. Tho crash
of the pork ring took 4" per cent from the
nominal price 01 inai prouuer in one uour
and caused several failures for millions each
V beat has recovered about 4 cents and
pork ?2 or more at Chicaco. and orders for
exports have caused a sudden advance in
ocean freights. ltb the great surpluses
of wheat brought over from previous years,
the country will be able to meet all de
anus. ,
1 The rroarani.
Washington-, Aug 4. As soon nfter
congress meets as it becomes practicable
Itepresentative Island, the leader of the
ver forces in ihe housa, win introduce a
bill etnbodvintr the views of the silver men.
It will proride for the repeal of the Sher
man purchasing act and substitute thercror
the tree cotnugo of silver, at the present
ratio of 16 to 1. "That," Baid Mr bland
today, "will be the ground upon which we
win make the tight.
The Uovotutluna.
Vawaiiaiso, Aug 4 Hard fightine is
accompanying the siege of La Plata, where
Governor Costa, ot the province of Buenos
Ayres, is practically cut on trom communi
cation with the capital by the revolutionary
troops wno are inventing the city. A cor-
respendent in liuenos Ayres telegraphs that
the provincial force has made repeated
efforts to cut its way through the lines of
the national troops but has failed. During
these engagements 400 men have been
slaughtered. .Another revolution has been
itarted in the province of Cornentes
gainst the governor.
VIII closet
PiTTsnuiio. Pa. Aut 4. It is stated on
good authority that tho Allegheny Besse
mer steel works of the Carnegie Steel Com
pany, at Duuenc. will close down tomor
row for an indefinite period. The an
nouncement was made to the workmen that
the works cannot run longer, as the com
pany has not suHicieni orders to warrant a
continuance of work. Tne works employ
bout 800 men. . ..
A c'oninton Occurrence
Boise, Idaho. Aug 4. State Treasurer
all today received a dispatch from Stan
ton Collin & Co, of New York, who con
tracted to take the state wagon road bonds,
stating it would be impossible for them to
take any more of the bonds at this time,
and that they do not know when they will
ue able to do so Unlv one lot of 9-WJO has
been disposed of. This will necessitate
the postponement of the building of the
.. OH:'
n.m.if-un is'
hyfBurkliart Bros.
1 One of the oldegt Job printing
Office? in the State,,
Advertising Novelties. Wo have a
comploto line of noveltiao, direct from the
manors, can iurniBti the same nt lowes
prices. Whistles, mirrors, )encil,mem
oranua books, nankins, funs.rulnrn. vnr,l
sticks, panels, cliromo cards, cn ps, culen
uias cams, etc., in season.
And always the best Job Printing
SMILEY, Leading Printer.
rsW; tionery, it has ever been our
"cSs pleasure to offer the people.
.malts! mmmm
n tenfltMn.
fhe only Exclusive Job Office
We have the Largest and"
best Stock of Printers' Sta-
Board and Lodging of good aualitv a
reasonable rates are the strong points of'the
jinx vumrucis 01 me w oria s t air Hotel
and Boarding Bureau. For sale at all rail
road ncKet omces in Portland and at Salem
Albany, Lugene, Corvallis, JIcMinnvillo
and Oreiron Citv. Don't m tr, J'hi.
without vour accommoilations reserved, un
less you have a big purse you are -unions t.
empty. Call on 0. K. Fronk at the depot
g, Fcr Good, Quick Printing.
at 0B '
T JOEL'S BAZAAR, for net oash. roods as follows:
ius Gradwohl's Bazaar
" i' ''I'iTmrf. latest 'news is that you can buy at JULIUS
. 1.00
. .20
,. .90
.. 110
, .40
'" Vfaekla'a CnfThn Par Pound
Oranulated Sugar
'V-IiWaV liagnolla Sugar White
rcnctn. J Xtsrsene, per single gallon
'Jr5g Mfiiled, S gallons
i.;'', ; aion Goad Pickles,market firm
T"." i-llOB Ho. 1 Syrup
"SVcafc5" nls strict cith atom, nod All cooila will ba a-jld for ret cash fro-n I
nt than rii-ar prfw. My stock of Chlnaware, faner ffocda, ant
p ( bVa aytes of (ItshAi, as well as a general a:.rtmnt if grocarfMi, crocR-
.Wft-s asttnrea la i-Titi"'. ' maka rptiii fin tas, Ciiffe and
tvor'fflr, a4 alway. plAaan my eiia'omera.
n t'r I-'1' ar rmronalble Insnrvncaecmpanuia. Jallti Oradwohl.
During thednc-dar season, the .J.r.iin of
ucrvuug ana vital cneruv mav be cuunler.
acted bv the use of Av-r's Sarsanarllla
n purifying the blood. It acts as a sunrrb
corrcctii c tonic and enables t,.c system
to detv malarial at.rl other climatic ir.Ilu
Shlloh'a (.?ure, the priit connh and ernnn
oore, ia for aala by o. I'ookrt sin eontains
rnti-hriilcp,nBly 25 j. Children or. it
coanay a Maann.
Tn B,l ri'mt I n .-T.T..!... - 11 n.. , .
liter elli.;. TvVwm;;,,!'
Tke Lad Irs.
1 ne pieaaant enect and perfect snfetv
with which ladles mav use the California
liquid laxative Syrup" of Figs, under all
conditions, makes It their favorite remedy.
lo get Ihe true and genuine article, look
tor the na-ne of the California Flo Scrim
Co, printed near the bottom ol the pack
l arid e- l 'JmatiDatlon and akrk
a-jite. aavali DUs lieana.
Shdoh'a iulisr ta what yen head for
dyiwpi. tcrpid lly.r. y.How ibin or kid
nT tron'ue. It 1. y-i.rant-ed to r rm y
titiae.ion. Price 75 r. H ltd h F.aha M
(Eleraal Vlgltaaee
s me price 01 neaitn. riut with all ou
precaution there an; enemies alwavs lurk
Ing about ouraystima, only waiting
favorable orportunlt to assert themseivea
nnpu-ities in tn wood may be hidden fjr
years or ever, for generations and suddenl
break forth, undermining health
hastening dearh. For all diseases a Wn
from Impure blood flood Sarsanarilla
the unequalled and unannroacha'de rem
el. It ts King of them sll.for it conquers
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
I 1 XX
A Great CoNvENiENCK,--VorM'8 fair
visitors travelling via the Northern Paci
fic R R and Central line, are
landed at the Grand Central station In
Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof
building, located in the htr.rt of the city,
has been fitted up as a hotel, run on the
European plan, with about 200 rooms
handsomely furnished and each room s
supplied with hot and cold water, electric
lights, etc. The charge for accoinmot'a
tlonsare reasonable.and parties can secure
rooms In advance by railing upon agents
of the Northern Pacific K R. By taking
the Northern Pacific through car line to
Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort
of all transfer In that city, and can also
travel between the Grand Central station
and World's fair grounds by trains which
run direct between the two poiuts.
Agent at Albany.
Down 00 the Rates. The Union Pa
cific now lend with reduced rates to eastern
points, an (I thir through eiir iimmgements,
magnificently equipped Pullman and Tour
ist sleepers, free reclining chair car and fast
time, make it the best lino to travel. Two
trains lewe from Portland daily nt 8:45 am
and 7:110 p in. The rates are now within
reach of all, and everylxdy should take ad
vantage of them to visit the World's fairand
their friends in the east. Send for rates
and schedules of trains, and do not pur
.'.mee tickets until nfter consulting Curau &
Monteith, Albany, Or. '
w 11 IttKl.lUltT,
Ass't Oen'l Pass. Agent, II. P.
Portland, Or.
!'il-c- Nr. s, ;roc-ia-F.
M. French keep railroad tim.
f;uy ycui t o-en s of Parkor Broa
n'tft j(ro-' rer' ?t ' ovn H'Dd ricson's.
View t.rou: 1 i'lv-H nst leiwived at Conrad
P J Stra'ey jb printer, Flinn Block, does
irst '.li.i4 ik.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 Cent
cigar fct Julius Joseph's.
Dr M H K'Ih, physiciio and surgeon
Alt)tnv Ora ;i 1. Cll mil) l'i citTor
couutry .
Pure and WbelesomeQKalli
Co.n mends to public approval the Cali
fornia liquid laxative remedy. Syrup of
rigs. 11 is pieasant 10 me taste ana by
acting gently on the kidneys, liver and
bowels to cleanse the system effectually, It
promotes the health and comfort of all
who use it, and with millions It Is the best
and only remedy.
Twenty Years' Experience.
C D Fredricks, the well Known pho
tographer, 770 Broadway, New York,
says? "I have been using Allcock's Por
ous Plasters fur jo yeais, and found them
one ot the best ot family tneutcutes.
Briefly summing up my experience, I say
that when placed on the small of the back
Allcock's Plasters fill the bodv with ner
vous energy, and thus cure fatigue, brain
exhaustion, debllty and kidney dllficul
les. For worn en and children I have
ound them Invaluable. They never in l
ate the skin or caue the sliyhtert pain,
but cure sore throat, roughs, colds, pain In
the side, back or chest, Indigestion t.nd
bowel complaints."
World's Fair Travelers Will llnve II
The publio demand through servios when
traveling. It is old-fashioned to H Charge
Cars." On the through, olid vstibnled
trains of Hie Chicago, Union Pacific-
North Western Line from or to Chicago.
Omaha and intermediate points there is no
hanse. Thn is th riueat and fastest fier
ce betweerj the poiuts named
Send ynar nm n l tilt
eaoock V Cn. Al nuv, Ofii
Od ihe DKMOcHAT,th 1 wij
ahion el eet free each month
t it .d
. and man
m di yu
A Sharp PracUre
vou call It when reading an interesting
article and find at Its clos that you've read
an advertisement, lon't condemn the
advertiser. You wont read the ordinary
advertisement AH advertisers feel this
in common with the writer who takes this
means of telling you that Simmons Liver
Regulator is the best medicine for ma'aria,
.no ere blood, and a poisoned system.
Equally as good f jr 1 .digestion and bil-
Caul lot.
Imitations have i'cen put upon the
marker so closely resembling Allcock s
Porous Plasters in general Eiin-arance as
to be well calculated to deceive. It Is,
however. In general appearance oniy that
they compare with Allcock's, for they are
wore than worthless. Inasmuch as they
contain deleterious ingredients whleh are
pt to caue serious inturv. Kemerrhrr
that Allcock's are the only venulne porous
plasters the best external remedy ever
produced; and when purchasing plasters
not onlv ask fur but see that vou get
Allcock'. Porous Plasters.
Wr Have to Eat anywav. The ."bet
ter the groceries the more enjoyable life
nu wnue we 03 not ait live simply to
eat, wj certainly eat to live. If you
get your groceries and bak-d goods of
rarker Brothers you r bound to live
well II H is cnlv on a loaf of ry bread.
They keep the bet In everything, and sHI
at price that sitisfv re 'ird'css of times.
Call on them.
Lives of many men remin i ub
We to greAtaucce9 run elimb
If the rea lina public find us
Advertising all the time.
Ashbv 4; Cart-, Rml Firav. 801 Wash-
iofitoo Htreet, PfirtUnd, Ci
' TheHklll nd Knuvtleilae.
RsHitii1 tn ihe production of th moat per
fect aud popular 'axntive remedy known,
have ensblod the California Fig Syruu Co.
to achieve a great auc itss in the reputation
f its remedy. Syrup t.f Figs, a it ia conced
ed to be the uni vernal laxative. For sale by
all dru8gita
T";rl at meFarls
Regarding Hood's Sirraparii t-i. anr t h
people who tike this me-licine, ,r imlth
testimonials olten published 11 this papa
They will c ju vine onji hat Ho kIs's cure
Hood'a fill t cum coDstitation.
Ili3 Hflaiked Success
:f f.cntt's Iitnulsionin consump--sou,
scrofula and other forms ol
rv. iit;iry disease is due to its
orterful food properties.
Scott's Emulsion
: idly creates healthy flesh
irvper weight. Hereditary
i-iin rievelop only when the
-V!:ti.Mi becomes weakened.
.ti'iiig in the worM
of Vicdicine has been
so successful in dt's
ai.'ts that are vu-.i
menacing to life. Pl, -siciaiis
cvcryvjhi rc
prescribe it.
-1 l IJli I
L.i .MMV W'okk. Every citizen ol Al
bany nlioulJ hear in mind that the
Albany ."team Lnnndry suarnntee first
class work nt verv reaafinable prices, ami
employs nothing (mt white labor. Shirts
lone as cheaply hs tlie Ulunnninn. 1 nt
ronize your own luce.
WieoniNO Invitavioss.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Copimon every day.
Ono .--.: nil-. Uvfui ert-r niirl.t for a
wa arutiaeTu: ' Uron. iK-r IjoUha
fJI0.row-A case it will Nor-cuBt
An tfiWMhk J Mrml Im .nrf Nitn Tnw1
Bold by Oruavlita or sent try mail. So Wo,
nd tLOO per package. Sample, tree.
IkT f" TT" The FaTorlta TOOTB
JUV UU for tbe Toeth and teeath,aio.
Captain Rweeney, CJJ.A,Ban Dle(ro,OiL,
Cys: "Bhiloh'a Catarrh Bcmcdjr Is the first
modlctnel bare overfound that would do m.
Jygood." rrlceMcra. Bold by Druggist,
shiloh's cure;
Trrrs Orkat Couon Crmn protn-ntlyeum
irhoroallothcrsfall. ForConaumctionlt has
no rival; baa cured thou.aodan(f7titcma
TOO, If taken In time. frlMUcta. Httl.,1.0O,
19 to o. That I- ihe score people make
who trade with Pr-ry Conn, the dealei In
fresh groceries, i-reduce and Crocker
ware. They shut oit hard times and gite
clean bargains. 1'ienty of home tuns
and a return for n .'e goods. The game
is umpired on tt-e square, ard there Is
never an kicking . Piompt and courtt
out treatment. A Heady thing. Doors
open early and late. If you would be on
the winning tide cad on Conn.
f 1 R B 3
Y.-S U
. ai Mi
i s--.
1 IX 03 4"V K1
Easllr. Quickly.
Parmansntlj Rethired.
etn! all Uu- tritln rt ertts
lniniurt) ' iruifM.r I: trr
rxvr as-.. Ui- ri t.-ii of
orr; .-u- Pulltrfigrh(
UfTflopiiipnt atiit loan
plv. n loe.-ery i rjan mutt
p-tt I ln f tin- bodr.
t.rp. Knllurr ImptMi'Jlilr.
2il rrtrrrvi. Hook,
rxplanfitfon ami pn-u(a
nallnt (sua led) rrev.
IF : VI l- V ANT A
1 ire Cre;i: i of "i.-.rMr Pov.tIc.r. N'o Amirouia;Nn Alum.
or inv kind of a Fs' lin-tVitirM
hlcle, ra'l on ht atMrtas,
Orrc-i" psi c fj-