! ...Jl l x-l, IMtS GOOD EVENING. Bio Suit Tlic Hoard mentions the igainat Mrs Dr Patterson Wallace as i: Mrs Cvntli'a A Croner, thin loon, enteren suit in tlie circuit ; of Lane, county against Mrs Dr non-Wallace, late ol Albany, for ractice. The complaint aileeea that efendant claimed she was e k i Ileal in olna and therefore commenced to plaintiff; thut elie cave the pla'.n- orerdose of cresote wi'rich blistered ll aeons nieimiriines of her mouth, t and stomach, causinga depression i heart and other organs; that she tuffered uiu?h bodily and mental from the same, anil is now unable take of any nourishment, by reason 'ing such ni?dicine. And by cause d treatment she has been compelled pend $76 for the service of a physi 30 for nurse hire and has sullered ges in addition to the amount of I therefore plaintiff asl:s for judg in the sum of $5105. The plaintiff stained the services of Attorneys K ipworth and A C Woodcock: and sfendant, Attorney L llilyeu. On ibject of her right to practice, Mrs ice bad taken the preliminary steps rtland, and also has a diploma from hio American Health College of mati, showing that she had been instructed in the vitapathic svstem imply qualified to p actice in the aentandcureof all diseases; also by ie o religious organization and i incorporation, we also constitute rdain har minister of the gospel of id authorize her to preach and sol marriages according to law, to at unerels and to lawfully perform all terial offices." Dos Picnic A fine, substantial I, bail! ma'nly by the county, ba, mo completed across the Santiam, Fosters, in the eastern pare of the f. The county court went up last day to receive the bridge. The on was made one of general rejoic ' the people of all the surrounding ry. A regular basket picnic con 6V by" the generous, hoepi'able sot tbat section was the order of sy. The crowd was said to be large, lot large enough to consume the lea contributed by the liberal heart jple. Quite a number of speeches made, In which MrTlllotson, the ictor, came in for no small amount its for the very efficient manner in his work was done. The people it section are to be congratulated, ) bridge will be one of great public nlence and will contribute in no degree to the development of the .ry lying along the north tide of '.he am river. HOIIE D IHKOIB Statement! have bec:i madl rijjht along that the comit can be plainly Keen; but c man ft do ul town can find no one in Albany who has seen It. If atllfcted with icalp diseases, hair fall ing out, an-J premature baldness, do rot use grease or alcoholic preparations but apply nan s Hair Kenewer. The Oregon Pacific company lata debt to Marion county for three years' taxes ai ioiiows: ei, 277.44 lor 1390, j.l 11 s tor 1801, SJ.3S5 6S for 1S93 a total of $0,777 70. 6oan,t 65 cents can be saved by buying return tickets when going to Portland, good for 30 days. This ! a permanent arrangement with tbo Southern Pacific Company. The following from the Dallas Observer contains a bit of humor: J no. J Daly U circulating a petition asking the city coun cil to allow horses aud hogs to run at large in our streets. He !.ay it is unfair to dis criminate in favor of cows. A Chinaman who has been at work on the section here for the past six or seven years, left Monday for hie home in China. He wasn't registered either but as he had a pretty good bank account he concluded to return home and be somebody. The Geary law should force every Chinaman to depoit himself Junction City Times. The brewery at Medford has gone Into the hands of a receiver. Tnis is the liist case of the failure of a brewery the writer remembers and it is explained by the paragraph announcing that there was a disagreement among the stockholders. Statesman. One In Albany failed once, for the same reason. It has been reported that soda water costs 2 cents a gallon for bottling at Soda vllle. Tnis, the Democrat Is informed, is incorrect. It costs nothing, and aB the springs are under control ot tne state. can not cost anything. There is a rule for- Didoing tne getting ot It from Friday evening until Monday morning, which will be enforced sometimes. Where do the flies come from. Some one has figured it out tbat the toper makes the blue-bottle fly, the stern father makes the gad fly, the cyclone makes the house fly, the blacksmith makes the fire fly, the carpenter makes the saw fly, the driver maaes the horse ny.tiie grocer makes the sand fly.and the boarder makes th butter fly. W A Smeltzer, a farmer near Silyerton. lost his dwelling and barn by fire July nth. He gave out the statement tiiat at the lime he was away in the mountains, and returning found nothing but ashes. He had an insurance of sSoo on the building in the Phoenix Hartford Company. inursuay w ft Digeiy, meaaiusier. went to the place to inquire into the particulars and fix the loss. The result was that Smeltzer made a confession that he burned the buildings. ii Ball. Albany pulled herself to- r Saturday and Sunday and won two irom rortland altr hard fights oiose contests. Saturday young : did some effective work for Alhanv ie box, holding Portland down to shits, and striking out 0 to 3 for son. Stanley made a home run for rty and Stapleton into the farthest r. tTimendous hit. The errors were sred, and onlv 4. The score was 9 The umpire O M Mcl'arland, did at work, though Portland at one waa on the war path. Arick and ley were In the box on Sunday and Stoa (or Portland. Duvv 1 Ktnnfni-,1 ity man catching. The score was iu in tavor of Albany. 0 dabs now stand: ay-. PLAYED WON LOST 1(1 10 6 12 ft A land IB 7 9 onCity 12 3 9 obati Rkcobd In estate of S B egan citation iBsnced 10 Bernard eaary rinnegan, returnable Aug 7. raardisnship of Rnth A Fry, bond 300 approved. estate of A Dodge, reprrt of sale of nal property approved. Petition to real property allowed. Final ac t approved. estate of F F Craft citation ordered i. ! Hearing Aug 7. estate of P J Laforte, final settle set for Sept 4. estate of H 8 Hirons, bond of $4000 jvea. ft r rurons adn ipiatrator. guardianship of Jas, Jessie, Maggie folUe Hunter, guardian nnDointed- estate of Andrew Robb, executor PEXartK Ferkjaok. The Harrisburg ier lays: One day last week, Sam son, who lives a few miles weBt of :ity, drove in some 30 or 40 head of settle. Arriving at the river he did se the ferry but drove the cattle he stream and had them swim a. Daring the operation three head drowned. ins 'will hereafter mn to ldunha w wit-in fim ot xne vrmijon la Jfoadiiv ninniing and Wednesday Satnrdiiy evenings. Round trip aS00 f"r "lir,v wi" " or 13.00. Hound trip ti ket can now ight to the Unv, at excursion rates day of the week. Vuict Is unanimous that Will 4 carry the b'it line of silver ware In illey. They nave the variety anJ qual Cnsablnation th-it counts in burine . An inspection always carries con- ndreff Is due to an enfeebled st e of liny Hall's Hair Renewer q ale ens rtrlBve functions of the skin, healing rertnlipg the formation of dandruff rs tsader 16 getting their hair cut a c-s will receive free ticket to the rounds. ranee sale of all kinds of he's 'at '?'" QwiByonrtime to buy. ini' ,; ,cd hair cattint pir 'o B-ery customer at Viereck I parlors. lMKiiMcn.tl repsirel an Kix7Z ""'"sr.lyonmpejtnt work 's r 11 Fr.-nch's jeae'ry store.AllnnrJ mill ADPKUj, S W Paisley is now a resident of Roa loke, Tjxaa. Riineriiitpndunr. tMlnni... r,i : ... - - .'.mvnn, b in.iiri jb residing at Detroit. Mrs JVolverton, of Spokane, Is in the Mty. the guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs Louis Miller. Maurice Sjndere and Fred Moht re- :iinieil this mn.ni.... .1..:- ...u.l6 num meir .trip across the Cascades. Mr Frank Parton, jr., of Waitsbure, Wasli, is in the city. His mother and u me uay, wnere lie will join theiu. Cards are out announcing theapproacli- iniT Wedilimr nt Miaa A ll.u-fr UI...U Mr It M M..1.,,l. ti. will occur at the home of the bride's mother, in this city.on July 31 at. Guard Mr find Mn Wo.... urM.i:.. i n .1 1 are in the city on their honeymoon. The .-ercmuuy was periornieu last week and Mm unu is miss mamie iewman. They have the best wishes ol many friends in Albany. F. M U'nll n,t VUrr, n. . c.i - .ivn, ri DUICIII, returned hnmi lulnv rrnm n .i.u Santlam, where they located a camp tor wm iwcmy-nye oaiemues tor the summer. Ml-8 Pari TtnMan.1 .l,lU..n panied by Miss Marie Rockwell, left on Friday for Geurhart Park, where they will spend a few weeks at Hotel Gear hart, of which Mr Race is manager. Statesman. Deputy U S Marshal Georce Ifnmnl spentSunday in Albany, having just come up from Salem,where he left his brother Cap. in the insane asylum. Cap. had no mm wuere ne was. it is prouabtt, though, that his insanity it only tem porary, at least that is the hope of his many friends throughout Oregon. This forenoon, on complaint of his father, Harry Dodder was committed by Judge Duncan to the s'ate reform school lor six months. It is claimed that he is incorrigable. Deputy Sheriff Smith took him to that place. Mr Dodder, who has been ill for some time, went to Yaquina vy iu recuperate. Mr and Mrs E T Hatch and their sons arrived in town yesterday from Sitka, AiBsna, wnere iir natcn naa been col lector of customs for the oast two vears prior to July 1st, when he turned his of fice over to his successor. Beni P Monra of New York. The family is glad to get use a to weoioot to enjoy the advantages 01 viviuzauuu.- oaiem otaiesman. That Tin 'aa Case: The newsnaner man lm n irnAil mnnv things to aggravate him ; but he heeds to nota 111s temper when he has hold ot Ins pencil. The Pendleton E. O. man form-it to do so when lie wrote : We are extreme ly sorry that we cannot conduct the East Oregonian to suit one man in Pendleton, but his ideal is so low. so ordinnrv anil so lacking in honor and decency that wn cannot, please him even the least bit. In one way, only, dees ho try to excel and in this lie ie simply superb he can out stink a skunk. An Oregon exchange irets hilarinnn as follows: The Willamette valley is now in the midst of her three months clear summer season. The skies are a pale cerulean blue; the billowy clouds are soft and fleecy like the lace work around a bride's neck ; the mornings greet you as deliciously cool as when you open the door of an ice chest, the evenings are bracing from a stiff Pacific breeze. The land is rich with the perfume of new mown hay and musical with the rattle of the harvesters, while for all who labor there is a rich bill of fare in fruits, vege tables and juicy fish and meats. Nerve Rewired. The Dalles Chroni cle says: ItiBin times like these that the outlay of a few thousand dollars es- taDiisnea tne foundation lor monumental fortunes. One reauires nerve, of course. to buy properties when everybody looks for tilde ruin and chaotic conditions, but on tne principle that majorities are al ways wrong, inose woo nave tne cour age ol their convictions, and the where withal to back them, cannot do better than place their money in some of the oargaina tnat are now generally availa ble all over the country. The Chemawa base ball clnb defeated the Y M C A clnb of Salem 24 to 10 on Saturday. Selfish Pobtlakders. A Portland paper hits the moss-back bankers of that city who recently ordered that hereafter no tbecks or other obligations against interior hanks will be accepted, except for collection, the following live hit: Over $3,000,000 of Portland moaev is to day enjoying the sleep that knows no waking in tne "wildcat" towns of Puget Sound, instead of being safely and ninlit- ably employed in the agricultural and inuusiriai intereets ot Oregon, which have made Portland a citv. What have these dignified pawnbrokers, who have grown rich through no effort of theirs, ever done to advance or build up the great state of Oregon 7 What right have they to pass judgment npon the builders ol the interior? Have they ever done anything either through legislation or by investment to build up the interior industries? The answer is no. They are not built that way. They think that the Bun rises on the west bank of the Willamette river and sets on Portland heights, and if they ever express any feeling of sympathy for their fellow man it would probably be on account of his misfortune in living outside of that sacied circle. i'o them there is nothing of value in the vineyards, orchards, forests or gold fields of Southern Oregon, the rich alluviel lands of the Willamette valley or the rolling orariea of Kastern Oregon, all of which are in need of fin ancial air. And as a matter of fact the interior banks are on a better financial footing today than a majority of the more pretentious pawnshops. 1 m A Wonderful Sciiesik Owing to the stringency of tin money market the hnn growers begin to see that they will have difficulty in obtaining the needed money wiiu which 10 pay nanus lor narvestmg their crop. This state of affairs puts them at the mercy of the hop buyer who sets a price on the hops and comDels ac ceptance on account of the buyer's de posit oeing me only ready cash obtalna ble. Itis purposed to remedy this by issuing mouey that will be acceptable by the laborers in Iiod fields and the ni. chants in surrounding districts. The pian is sometning as follows: The farmers are to issue bills nf credit In tlm denomination of one dollar each, to the extent of one hundred dollars or less according to their credit. These bills are to answer all t ie purposes of any kind of money in Hie district in which they are isiued,and are redeemable at the hop exchange of that district. To this ex change all hops are to be delivered, and sold, and bills called in, and returned to mo party issuing them Salem Inde- pcuui-us. , fr you are particular about h.t mn C-A-A Perry Conn can ,.lt . .. 1- . . - - - KJIW.CIICS. New seasonable infHaiM-. riving He keeps a cl.-an stock. If voii icguing ionic mountains cad on hl.n and get stocked up. If you are going to stay at home, call on l.im and get the best 10 be secured , as well as first class treat ment. His p.lces will su't the times. Don't ston atino- hut ! whit m k. iu up for prosperous as well ss quiet times. Pat Vp. The followin poem won for its author, Hie editor of the Rocky Monntain Celt, the prize of $1,(HX) offered for the best appeal poem to newspaper readers to pay their subscriptions: "Lives of poor men oft remind ns honest men won't stand no chance; the more we work there grow behind ns bigger patches on our pan:s. On our nam. once new and glossy, now are stripes of different line, all because subscribers linger and don't n n. !,. 1. j Then let ns be np and doing; send in yonr mite, however small, or when the snow o winter .Tikes ns. we sl,.ii 1...-. no psntsat all." Scio, Or., July 22nd, 1892. I wish to explain the Press statement in regard to placing the small bovs in the cooler. The Kd. must have been a little overloaded witb tarrantular juice, (which he frequently overindulges in,) or he would not have made the statement that be did. The boys were not arrested for canning the dog : but for inhuman treat ment ot the dumb animal. They dragged it from the bank on Main St. up to the Methodist church, choking. roc'Ainsr and dragging it until it was almost dead. If 1 nave ever canned a dog in Scio I have no recollection of it. I want it distinctly understood from thiB on, that any man or boy who treats a dumb animal in the way the boys were treating this dog, will be "coolerized" to the full extent of the law. I saw this conduct mvself. and did not take "what we have been told" to cast a slur on some one else. The Kd ought to represent the thins fairlv.nnlesa tarrantular juice had the ascendency when he wrote the case up. No doubt the reason for his slur unon me is. be cause I have several times arrested his illustrious son Sam, for violating some city ordinance. One time for fighting in my shop and once for playing ball in the sireei. r. w. uilley. NEVER BOTHER yourself very much about business during the hot months If you wish to keep cool: nor must you get into t.le habit of asking A MAN if It is hot enough for him. when vou can see very plainly that he ia practically roasiea ; out, insteaa, aavise Mm to call on Parker Brothers and get the best baked goods te be secured, as well as warm weather groceries generally, WHEN HE IS HOT. By so doing you will surely tetaln hit inenasnipa Terms, cash at F L Kenton's grocery Co to R M Rohertsoq'j for ohap bl u and uoris. Will it ',,rt, th- iewelera Notice. TV OTICE IS TIE HE BY GIVEN TIIAT 1 V sealed bids wtll be received op to tb 2Sth day of July. 1893 at the residence e the ODdersigDed la Albany, Oregon.for sup nlvino the nrnhnii' Iiam. with in I wood, 20 cords of grnb oak. mediam size, 20 oords of split oak, 10 cords of split ash and II cold of large split fir wood, all to ' e uruieu oy ins 1st nay ot Sopt moor. AI to bs clear and straight This lth day of July, 1S93. MRS 0 W SEARS, Sec U.lies Aid Society. Residence S'.h St. bet. Jtfferaon and Jackaon Notice to" Uo5t?acto7iT T) IDS WILL BE RECEIVED VQH THE ij completion 01 ine urpnaos Home 1 Alh.n I .inn I ... , o'clock, July 31st, 1893. All bids to be d reeled m Mrs T 11 llonkins. ihi imu 1 Building Committee. The bosrd reserve? tl.M riirhl n Mint nnnn- -ItklJ- 111 . . - son speothcattonican be seen at theofnoe " v acpen. arcnitett, Albany, Oregon of DRUGS. Stationery, Toilet Artiole. Musics Instrumeii'3, Etc. Hodos 4 HcFarlanfl, There are no editara i',.,;ia.- 'he Portland suicide club. file larvPat virwnl m.ar .I..-. I.. . -n .v Ulan l nf Mflrmn numl. . , 1 County Clerk Egan, ami called for ?,- w 11 was maue payauie to the e eritr .k.i ., ., r,, . . t 1 .. .,.. nnn In llir 1 1 1 U U- inquent taxes purchased by W C Hub- j V. - JuuKe lur auu 111 oeuau 01 ud Marion county Independent. fliich would indicate that t e .Farmers lliance and Judge Boise had better be investigating Marion county attain. Are you all tired out, do you have that tired feeling or sick headache? Vou can be relieved of all these symp'o'ns bv tak ing Hood's Sarsaparilla which glies'nerve and bodily strength. Hood's l'HIs are easy In action. A Watch is a neoARKlrv n.u.,,l.-a T you want ooe call on Will A; stark, whose tack is large and varied, and prioea the the mod reasonable. Thnv nan mini rnn bargain ia this line as well .a in jewelry Strictly Cash. F. L. Kenton ha adopt'd a cash system and will hereafter tell groceries !o CASH only. CasUlee. Imitations have been put upon the market so closely resembling Allcock's Porous Plasters in general appearances to be well calculated to deceive. It is, however. In general appearance lonlv that they compare with Allcock's, tor they are worse tnan worthless, masmucn as tney contain deleterious ingredients which are apt to cause serious Injury. Kemember that Allcock's are the only genuine porous plasters the best external remedy ever produced; and when purchasing piasters do not only ask for but see that you get Aiicocit'g rorous ria6ters. The XoiiTiiKits Pacific 11 aii.iuiau Will Slash the Hatek. Olluiiils of the Northern Piu ilic liailroad have decided to place low rat.n into effect. Thev will sell tickets from Portland to St l'a'iil for ?J.i Knit-class, and niako correstioiidini; low rates to nil eiudem pointa. World's fair round trip rates will bo greatly rediiicd. Tickets can bo utilized on either of their through traim, lioth of which will continue to curry tlio Pullman touriwt upholstered hIm-Im-ih. Two trains daily without change. For full information and to mum v,r sleeping- cur lUTommodatioiix, call on, or address A 1) Charlton, nssintant general passenger iigcnt, No. 121 First street, cor ner of Washington, or t'll llurkhart, local nguni, Aimtny uregon. .00 WILL BOY A WOMAN the bestWAshing machine made. Goto Stewart it Sea sod take one out on trial. They 1 lo have all kinds of wringers. IT WILL KILL YOUR WIFE to carry that creat big child t round ia her arm. You mtut to to Stewart & Sox acd buy one of their baly sarriagea. Alt kind and price. SrOWINOAWAY HAY1,tnebI'dM""f on a farm. Vou can make it the easiest by buying a complete Hay Carrier outfit of btowartJc Sox. Call and see it. GRASS, GARDEN. FLOWER. Fresh, pure, sure to grow and sold' at Port land prices. Garden seeds kept in bulk. Fiald peas and Field corn also carried in large quantities. Stewart ie Sox. Kentish cherries at C E Biownell's. To Farmers I HAVE RENTED THE MAGNOLIA Mill SimlinSM anil nill h.u .. ;n -A , - " . . . -" " " nv. order for receiving the present crop. The wmnuuiisv is urst cisss sua ooaveniently located. Contains iwo good oleanora. No delay in unloading. Hacks will be on hand for delivery in due lin e. Give me a call before making arrangements to sMre yonr "'OP- G.F.SIMPSON. Albany, Or., July 15th, 1893. 10 To o. That Is the score people make who trade with Perry Conn, the dealet In fresh groceries, prcduce and crockerv ware. They shut out hard times and give clean bargains. Plenty of home runs ana a return tor more goods. The game Is umpired on the square, and there is never any kicking. Piomptand courte ous treatment. A steady thing. Doors open early and late. If you would be on the winning side call on Conn. Wa Have to Eat anyway. The bet ter the groceries the more e'niovable life is, and while we do not all live simply to eat, we certainly eat to live. If you get your groceries and baked . goods of Parker Brothers you are bound to live well 11 It Is only on a loaf of rye bread. They keep the best in everything, and sell at prices that satisfy regardless of times Call on them. See the New Improved Singer sewing ma- ehioe. The be. t ia always tbe oheaoeat. 1 W SowdeD, agent, OtBceJat F M French's ewsiry score Hodges It McFarland, the leading dro. 'i jss, Albany, .! . Bath at'Viereek's ahavingtand hair cot- og parwTB. I. A. Morris &Co. Flour ani Feel Store, Have removed their store to the Strahai stars, former'.y occvpled bv Deyne i Robson, and have on hand a'full stock o GORVALL S FL0U.1. BRAN, SHORTS GERM MEAL. CR4HAM. BUCK- WIUAI, KTE FLOUR, HAY. OATS. STRAW AND : CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping don. ENGINES AND SEPARATORS They don't make aDy bettor than th 'Russell" and Stewart & Sox sell that kin at Albany. Several good secondhand en ginea fee sale at a bargain. PAINTS & OILS. Th ne,t id paint for sale on this Coast is the "Phoenix" and we are agents fjr it at Albany. We also carry a full line of oil', varnishes, wagon and carriage paints, ete. Stxwabt & Sox, RTF SIIDDIire Don't keen yonr heea in an old box any longer. 8tewart if Sox vni.j m in.es, sections, oomo lounoatiou and bee smokers at low prices. WILL YOU BUILD . ; - uui iaii 10 sea utewart 4t son They keep a large stock of builders hardware and sell at prices to tnit the times. THOU SHALT NOT KILL " p according to iaw, and yoa ought to buy all ywrguns and ammunition ofStewaiti jjox. They keep a good stock and sell cheap. Oiant powder.fuse and caps always on hand. WE SELL COAL, IRON "' ' a living." and keen a. l.ron .Snn t Y.1--1 supplies on hand, Stewabt b Sox. SDQIVVnilD Torre r. . . wiMisi iuwn inua, J i"y'u. oatht of Stewart & Sox and take care of yout . , vu.u, Miur sen naa neen Ulea in this atate for tbiee years by the best or ohardists and is a c mplate success. WE'RE NOT BRAGGINC " "7 have the beat line ot fine shears, scissors razors and pocket cultcry in the raHey, oome and see for yourselves. Stkwakt & Sox. PLOWS.-w hv a new chilled plow ex actly the same as the "Oliver." We goir antee it and sell on trial. Extras will fit Oliver. Also we have a full line of steel plows that unnotbe excelled. Yon might poaaibly save a few cents by coming around and seeing ns. Stewart fc Sox. CARPETS, WALL PAPER, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW. SHADES, '.Besl : in : tie : Market, . AT Fortmiller & Irvings. Return of J. HARRY GAY Ophthalmic Optician, Optical Specialist, Will again be In Albany next week a dar. with office at Revere House, beginning Monday, July loth. Mr. Gar has done excellent work here in our city fitting some difficult cases stlth glasses. Exam inations ana consultations free, The Co.r,e1U,uJ! Slorr Albany, 0., AlIgust ,,,,, ,,,, , Jlh ,nd 13,h BUY : YOUR Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Lace Curtains, Shoes, Etc., ol READ, PEACOCK fi CO., ALBANY AND LEBANON. FORTMILLER IRMfi ,TVPn?ft,otn,iers " nnd - - EiHlmlmers. W rnffin. I?l"l.n"??n 'i""' '"" "' ' n,",llc. '"h ard wped caskets at wYiYhwmt,.oldA.ltf0.bU,,",'0b" ,rd,U"'' " h'M'h The f.owent Mvlna; Proflla. EMBALMING ",J "' proper care of the dead a specialty. NO EXTRA CHARCt FOR HEARSE OR SERVICES, ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OREGOI CITY BOTTLING CO., Wholt sale and RetallDealera In Roda Watrr, Cldrra), Oraagcaiatl Iron, "ellaer Water, Birrh Beer, Narsaparllla and Iron,' Iran Wine, :ie. flire ns a trial. OPPOSITEIRUSS HOUSE" ALB ANY, OR