s. ' fOL VI ALBANY. OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 24. 1S9S NO JG attention a tlfe t' any irregularity of tho tomuch, Livor, or Bowels may prevent serious ronseiiucnccs. Indigestion, costivencss, headache, nau sea, bilious ness, and ver tigo indicate certain func tional devaiiRe uiciits, tho best remedy for hlch Is Ayar's rills. Purely vegc ble, gugar-coateil, easy to take and uick to assimilate, this is the. ideal rally mMieinc the most popular, ale, and useful aperient in phar iacy. Mrs. II. A. Uhuckwell, arris, Teuii., says: "Ayer's Cathartlo l'illi cured moot sick iadaoho and my husband ot neuralgia. Wo dak there Is No Better Medicine, id have induced many to use U. "Thirty-live years ago this Spring, I was in down by hard work and a aurcesalon ol lld, which niado me so feeble that It was effort for 1110 to walk. 1 consulted the Ktors, but kept sinking lower until I had ten up all hopo of ever being better, appenlng to be In a store, one day, where edlclnes were sold, the proprietor noticed y weak and siikly npiwarauee. ami. after ' lew questions as to my health, roeom ended me to try Ayer's rills. I had little 1th In these or any other medicine, but "included, at last, to take Ills advice and try box. Before I had used U:ent all, 1 was try much better, nnd two boxes cured me. am now SO years old; but I believe that It had not been for Ayer's rills, I should ivo been In my grave long ago. I buy a axes every year, which make 210 boxes us this time, nnd I would no moro bo vvitli t them than without bread." II. II. graham, Bockland, Me. AVER'S PILLS epftredbr Dr. J.C. Aycr &Co., Lowell, Maw. .very Dose Effective Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts etnily yet promptly on tbo Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptahle to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in EOo and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may Dot have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it, 1)0 cot accer t any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. The earnings of about 100 of the orincirml railroads of ;hc United Stages In May were nearly 10 per cent greater tan the income cf the same representative group of, road in the corresponding period of 192. Rail road cfliciaU believe that 1S93 is destined to rank high among the best yars the Ameri can railroads have ever known. Why does not seme millionaire found a free college for the education of poor and blight boys? There is more material in thousands of these boys than there Is in an equal number cf rich nun's boje. It would l:e an easy matter to single out those who shcuM have the hem fit of tie institu tion. -Med lord Mail. SAP FRANCISCO. CAL, LOUISVILLE. KY. AIEW YORK. .r. 11 M.uSTOXE, Architect aud Contractor.; I.tBvioncJis with Ilulbiiit Pre.. Fe t h 1 1 1 .t. he Oregon L.and Co ,,.-l. Vltn ita home office at) t r . a -1 .-pmvr: - - - OKldJ&OJN sj V tne Gray Block, corner Liberty and State street, branch office In Portlano TAKES a specialty "of Runnysule fruit tracts near Salem ST- Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 pei small cash payment long time on balance 'particulars. JdJiuifiiri K7 hyBurkliart Bros. I ' ci One of the oldeft Job printing Offigcl in the State,, $ I ftie only Exclusive Job Office .') IN LINN COUNTY 1 We have the Largest and" ' best Stock of Printers' Sta sj . , ; tionery, it has ever been our I pleasure to offer the people. 2 COME TO SEE US ? For Good, Quick Printing. I ( SMILEY, !? W 1 rr.JIc.k ALBAN ' lilius GradwoW's Bazaar very latest, news is that you can buy at JULIUS 5,SrUWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net oash, goods as follows: jjfi Artnokle's Coffee, Per Pound fVbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 iba. Magnolia Sugar White 1.00 -f,Ho. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 20 ,Cf Cans refilled, o gallons 90 i5 I Ottflons Good Pickles.rr.arket firm 1.10 f, I Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40 i- eJwrlnot strict cash more, and all btkxIs will b a,itd for r.et cash (rr,m 1 X i '"11?' ,w" ,han rK"mr pri". My stock of China ware, fancy (rood, ani n !! eylea of dtshfn, u nail as a general a"ortmnt or grocer!, croch lnH aaiid Bxtarea la tomwm. l.mvlcs a apwi-to of fine te, cff8 anil powdnr, and always plwe toy cuatoaiera, .rl" orsever niponslble lnaanmoaocmpanie. Julia Grnitwalil. Jf - The price of wheat, wool, cotton, hides, leather, and, in fact, nearly all produces and commodities, were never fo low, and they are today practically below the cost of production. American Cultivator, The first grant of public land by '.he United Sla'es to a railroad was mt.de in 1S49, and consisted of 1,000,000 acres given to the Mobile & Ohio Railroad. A Wholesale MkkoiiantsExcuksion. The Oregon Pacific railroad company have arranged to run a Wholesale Mer chants' Excursion from Ban Franciso to Albany on July 27th. The steamship "Willamette Valley" will leave with this party on the evening of that day, arriv ing at Yaquina on tlie2Itlior.'ioth. The San Francisco Hoard of Trade will nt ten J this excursion in a patry. It !s the intention to entertain them in the same way that they entertained the firezon merchants on their recent trip. It is dsirnb!e that these merchants should visit a many points in the Willamette valley as oossible. Hi ey will be allowed pve days to spend throughout the valley. Another Merchants' Excursion will probably be started for San Francisco on Aug 14th. All arrangements wil' be made to entertain them nictlv upon their arrival in San Francisco. Out O! hi 8 lit The traveling public are now fully alive tojthe f ict that the Cr'iojgn, Union Panllic & Korth-Weftern lne rffemthe very best accommodations to the public from nrd to ChicAeo, Omaha and ititermtriiaia point, not only during the World's Fairy but all tne year round. To Farmers. The undesigned have lowed the wurebume of David Smith at Til'rrtRTi mid nt now piepared to store urain.iind nil 1 1 m ra are itiiueBted 1o call ntid hj thfm I' fore making arraogomenta tor stormy elenhere. Frost & Sandkhs TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Wat II UIombI'p: Sew Yoiik, July 23. A new anil start ling theory is advanced as to the causo of the sinking of the British buttk-sjip Vic toria by the Campcrdown. The Irish revo lutionists claim the sinking of the Xritish battleship was the result not of accident, but of a deep laid plot, which has for its object tho destruction, it possible, of the British navy and intiiction of dire injury on England in every quarter of the globe. A circular signal "The Executive," ft copy of which a morning paper has succeeded in obtaining, claims for the revolutionists the honor of striking a heavy blow to England. Clusril Cnniliiy. Chicago, July 23. Tbo White City was deserted today, and the warm sun of a peaceful Sunday shone upon desolate thor oughfares The Columbian Guards and a few inhabitants of Midway Plaisance, who had left that cosmopolitan place during the day to view the buildings in tho park were, alone visible. The Sunday-closing law was rigiuly enicrceil, anil any person wno en tered the grounds had to provo that lus pie.-ci.ee there was absolutely necessary. Anolber Revolt In llrar.ll. London. Julv 2.'J. A disnatch from Ilio Janeiro says that a revolution has broken out in the state of Santa Catbarina, which borders Hio Grande du Sol. Government troops are reported to have joined the revo lutionists, whose purposo is to disposo of tho government of the state. The cruiser Tiridentcs has been dispatched from Hio Janeiro to suppress the revolutionary move ment along the coast. Bank Failures. Washington. July 22. Since January nearly 200 national banks have closed their doors against less than 50 in the same period last year. Of the failures this year, five have been United States depositories. The government, however, will not lose anything by these failures, for each nation al bank that is a government depository has to uepcsite United states honils lotne amount of the government money it is al lowed to carry. Ready Tor Wnr, London. Julv 22. The correspondent of the Daily Chronicle says: 'The Siamese warships are anchored one mile from the French and crowded with men ready for action. Their intention is. in case the French commence hostilities, to steam down and ram the French gunboats, attempt to board them in force and attack the crews with hxca bayonets, ino Ger main gunboat Wolf has arrived." Heavy Fighting In Nicaragua, ' Eanama. Tulv 23. News has been re ceived showing hard fighting is in progress near Matear, Nicaragua, between the Leon revolutionists nnd the government troops. Five thousand men engaged in battle, tbe result of which is not known here. Advertising Novki.ties. Wo haro a complete line of noveltisc, direct from the makers, can fiirninli the s ame nt lowes prices. Whistles, mirrors, pencils, mem oranda books, napkins, fans,rulera, yard sticks, panels, chromo cards, en ps, ualcn durs, xmas cards, etc., in season. And always the best Job Printing SMILEY, Leading Trinlcr. Hoard and Lodcing of good quality a reasonable rates are the strong points of the star contracts ot the worlds fair Hotel and Hoarding Korean. For sale at all rail road ticket offices in Portland and nt Salem. Albany, Eugene, Corvallis, McMinnville and Oregon City. Don't go to Chicago without your accommodations reserved, un less you nave a big purse you are inxious t empty. Call on 0. K. Fronk ut the depot orpnnicniais. Proof of Merit The proof of the merits of a plaster Is the cures It t-fTecis, and the voluntary testlmoriaU of thoe w'.to ha e used All cock's Porous PUhicis during the pas thirty years is unimpeachable evidence of their superiority and should convince he most skeptical S.lf pra'e is no lecom mendadon, hut cerlidcutes (rum tho-e who have used them are. Heware cf Imitations and do not be de ceived h -nlsrepreieiitatl"n. Ask tor Al- copk'a and le' no solicitation or explana tion Induce you ! accept a Mihtltute. New PiioToiii:.riit:n. I have opened a new gallery In the Y. M. C. A. block, 2nd street, Albany, and will try hard to please all who will favor lite with their patronage. will take nil sizes anil styles of photos ns good as the best and as chenp as the cheap est. I am no traveling photo hero toduv and gone tomorrow, luit nave come with wife and children to make a home in your glorious climate. I have come to stay. Please call and see me and try my work, Very resctfully yours, S. A. IIamhki.i liiiteof Toronto. Canada. a altlt j- (h. n..l sr.. am w..h - ingtnn Street, Tort'ind. C' Aa Easy Wlsmrrf The solid Tstlfc:iMfrtn f the CMeian, Union seiseft Nnrlh West, rn Line H islam all nompetlM'in will, eaoe. It hs the sriiirt "t line, fs'e.t tim. I7ibn d nott and no obanire or delay a, the Alissnari Kiver.sad is the popular n orM a rsir ront. Hhi'oh'a Care, the aret Congo and erap eori", is f,e iwle by n. PocVet sts cnnta:ns twenty-hve dr)w,only 25-, Children bre it rmhav sr siesnn. Si,l.,h' Viuiis-r !.i she. tnn nred f-f itvp psia. trrpH llrer, yellow skin or kid ti-faetmo. Priee TSc. S'il'!,f Ko'hav fit r Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. MM Powder AEVSOLLrTELY PURE A Grkat Coxvhn-iknce. Vorlds fair visitors travelling via the Northern Paci fic R R and Wisconsin Central line, are landed at the Grand Central station in Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof building. loLBtrd in the heart of the city, has been fitted up as a hotel, run on the European plan, with about 200 rooms handsomely furnished and each room 's supplied with hot and cold water, electric tights, etc. The charge for accommoda tions are reasonable, and parties can secure rooms In advance by railing upon agents of the Northern Pacific RR, By taking the Northern Pacific through car line to Chicago, visitors will avoid the dUcomfort of all transfer in that city, and can also travel between thelirand Central station and World's fair grounds by trains which run direct between the two poluts. C G Hukkiiart, Agent at Albany, SEP. HERB Tbe Latc. The pleasant effect and perfect fafety with which ladles may use the California liquid laxative Syrup of Figs. undr all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look tor the name ot the California fig vrup Co, printed near the bottom of the pack-ago. own io tub Hates. Tho Union Pa cific now lend with reduced Titos to eastorn pointn.and their through ciinuningeiiientf, magnificently equipped Pullman nnd Tour ist M.eepers, freereclining chair car and fast time, make it the best line to travel. Two trains leive from Portland daily at 8:45 am and 7:1-0 p 111. The rates aro now within reach of all, and fiverylody should take ad vantage of them to visitthe World's fair and their friends in tho east. Send for rates and schedules of trains, and do not pur chase tickets until after consulting Curau & Monteith, Albany, Or. W H Hrnuu'irr, Ass't (ien'l Pass. Agent, U. P. Port liunl. Or. Twenty TraMt'lKxpctlcBCP. C D Fred rick s, the well Known pho tographer, 770 Broadway, New York, says: M have been using Allcock's Por ous Plasters for 20 yeais, and found them one of the best of family medicides. Briefly summing up my experience, I say that when placed on the small of the back Allcock's Plasters fill the body with ner. vous energy, and thus cure fatigue, brain exnaustlon, debilty and kidney dlfficul ies. For women and children I have ound them Invaluable. They never irtl ate the skin or caue the sllghtert pain, but cure sore throat, couglts, colds, pain In the side, back or chest, indigestion and bowel complaints." Irenrt yoar mm i ttlrett t 4,1 eaoock & Co. Albt.iv, Omo i. and me 1 011 the Democrat, tiny will mth you aahkn sleet fiee each month Paiker Bros, grocers. F. M. French kevps railroad time. Buy your groceriw of Parker Bros Fiao groceries at Conn & HeDdricson'a. New oream cheese just leeeived at Conrad Meyers. P J Smiley job printor, Flinn Block, does first class work. Smoko the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's. Dr M II EMis, physician and surgeon Albany, Orejui, Clls mide in eit?or country , Tti In ax Worth BciucmbcrlnB. When you feel a kind of goneness about the stomach li Is a sign that your food doe nnt idt well and that you are about to hav a fit of indigestion hen you begin to tee) nervous and are unable to sit still comfortably; when your clothes suddenly seem to lone their fir and become too tight in places the til of indi gestion is surely upon ou. When this fit of lut'lgestion Is repeated 1 from day to day it finallv retolves itself , into dyspepsia. Kcmember that three 10 ten 01 jJran- dreth's Phis will cure the worst case of Indigestion or dyspepsia, or both, and that reeular course ot :nem. say two every night for a week or ten day, will net as a preventive of either complaint, eiernnl Yljclinaee s the price of health. Put with a'l rur precaution there are enemies always ,urk lng about oursyettms, only waiting a favorable opportunity to assert thetnfeives. Itnpu'itici In the blood may be hlddt-n f.ir years or even for generations and suddenly break forth, undermining health and hastening death. For all diseases aUlng from Impure blood Hood' SnrsapariHa Is the unequalled ard unapproachable rem e.l . It Is King of them Ml. for It conquers disrate. Tlielftklll ml hnowlcdRe. Kssntjjl to the production nf the mst per fect and popular 'axativa remody known, have enabled tho California Fig Hy run C , to achieve a great suochsa in th teputatino of ita remedy, Syrao nf Finn, at i". ia conced ed to be the universal laxative. For sale !-y all dru'giitp. To lief a inc.. Facts Regarding Hood's Sarraparil J1, at th people who te ihis medicine, ir icidth ttimonials ottnn published in thi ape They will oonviooo yon(hat flooda's cure Hood's Piilf cute constiuatioD. Lai'Ndkv Work. Every citizen of Al bany should hear in mind that the Albany Steam Laundry guarantee fiifct class work at very reasonable prict nl employs nothing but white labor. Shirts lone as cheaply as the Chinaman. Pat ronize your own race. Wedding Invitavionh. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. atjflPKMII.BT. Ono A'rf.' ftllo 11: 1:11 vvfrv nltrl-.t for sreuk aniuaoTorr1'1 '-ivorv xcc. i;v bottio Whra Trarella. Whether on 1 leasnte bent, or baainess, tak4 on every ttip a Imttle r.f Syrup nf Figs. it aatK tnot pipas ntly ami eneotiveiy on tne kidoers, liyr atd bowels, preyentingfevera, headihM nrf other forma of ickoes - For sale in oQ ovutaud $1 i otile hy all leading drnggints. A 1 it in r Hirket. Oau, I 'our, l.fXi Fiittor, 15o. Eggd Kkj. Inl, I4o. PorK-him ahotitdM, Bo, al ia Hay. baled : o atne, 100c. Appt.1 (M Ho 18c. tried frit It p u ma, flo, ri!mf 9o Chlekona. 94 t 1 per docn. Beef, on foot, 4 Hok dreAM.i. 7c -. r U A b a ! a i 4 V. .. ar owae ii .. v , -.7. C 11 1 nriiiSif Povriler. No Ammonia; No Alum. World'. Fair Travrlera Will lluve II The public demand throuah aervios when traveliai. ,'t ii uld-fathioned to "Chanae Can." On the ihroUKh, 'olul TMtibnled trains of the Chicago, Union Ptcifta A North Western Line from or to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points there is no hange. This is the Hoe8t and fastest Ber- ce between the points named. Of Sips You don't have to look ;cc i detect them bright vs. bright color, bright SCOTTS EMULSION. UTTTrr . cry ac- ' :.! A-.se is '. .'Tronic .'.y lvhcn . v tissue i i;iccd by the healthy Scott's Emulsion cf liver oil effects cure by" ..'.'.X.i-.g up sound flesh. It :.reealile to taste and ,t.y of assimilation. j -r. . hf lluoil IbiMrno. N. V. AM druvUtC SSctS, C0cta.,uiil 1.00 per Bottle: One cent a dose Twa grbat Couoh Cuhm promptly cuaes whore all others fall. Coughs, Croup. Igaa Throat, Hoarseness, whooplaar Coujh anl Asthma. For Consumption It las no rival; baa cured thoussnds, and will curb Ton If taken in time, Bold by Druggist, on a guar antee. For n Lame Ila:k or Chfst. use BHILOH'S BELLADONNA FLA8TERc. 5 HI LOW'S CATARRH REMEDY. Rfiro vtu Ciitiirrh ? Thttt wmmlrlii oniHrsn teed to cure you, irico, SOcta, Iiijoctorfrvo VIGOR of MEN Eully. QuIcHr. Permantally Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS. DEBILITY, finrl all Ihu trnlii rf tIU fmrm-arly rrrurM-r Inler rxci-wn, tba rtiilit of c 1 vcrw oik, 11 It' k 11 f h a, worry. etc. FulUtrpimUi, (feiupment nl trnm t;lvrn lu sverjr orKnn a nil fx.rtloii of tho ImnJt, Unipk. HFitomlTrtit tn(m. Iinm(fl1i.tflmiriiTrittit n-rti. Kclltirf lnipult)(. a.nn rrfrmin-fi. Iinoh, r xi-lanntion aii'l pmufs tnalioU mvU) rrtw. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. V. FARMERS, ATTENTION IF : YIIU T. ANT A WACON HACK. BUGGY. CART PLOW HARROW.DRILl SEED ER, FEED CUTTER, or nnr kind ol a Krni !mVmnf or Ve hide, c.I on or jufdrr. B, F. RfiMP, Oppcslto ToM OflTcr, AlKsnj, Or. J