1 1 " i t "A i:' i ) Jl iflmlsj democrat. SHERIFF'S SALE- t fA Cr'rtM; CWf r. ih state j Orgcn fox the Comlyf-J Linn. The Oregon Mortgage Company, limited, srituuiiu , VI C P Burkhart and Nellie C Burkhart, hU ite,U B Parkes and Mary n raru.nis wife. John li tiurknart anu mi, n ishtk h.Tt hit. wifrt. (7 fl Hurkbart and f'Iara A r.nrkhfirt hia wife. J M Kt'enev and Frank A Buikhart. adminlHtralor ol tbeentate of Mary J Burkhart.deceaMU.Delenaauts, -TOTICKIS UFREBY GIVES THA hv virtue of an execution and or.ler ot sate duly Uguad out of the above named court In the above entitled bUjt tome directed and delivered, I will oa halunlur, tbe I91U ilaj or Anxntl, 1893, at the front door uf the court house, in the city of Albany, Una county. Oregon, nt tho hour of on o'clock P m of unid dav. sell at public auction for cisb in hand to the highest bidder the real nropeitydo- Hcribed In said execution and order of sale as follows tow it: The south ha. f of the donation land claim ot O P Bmkhair and Klizubeth J Hurkliart, his wile, Not 615, claim No4(i, heiriR parts of aeea 10 and Id, in tp 11 south range west ot the wiuameue murium d, in iinn county, Oregon, containing 130 acres. 1 ho pro ceeds arising from said salo to be applied first, ta the payment of the cost ot and upon said exec mi n and tueoriginal costs of suit taxed at $58 0f, secon'i.to the pay ment of plaintiff claim amounting to the sum of 320. 42 in U S K"M coin with a ecru in" interest in like gold coin at the rate of 10 per cent pr annuo, and tho further sum of $317 50 attorney fee; and the overplus ii'anv to be applied upon the claim of the defendant.O J Burktiart, auio Jilting to the sum ot i lUl.iiS IuU8 gold coiu with accruing into. t therton iu like gold coin at the rate of 10 pr cont per annum and the further sum of in U S gold coin w ith accruing interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and the further sum of $-'01.43 in US 'old coin with accruing interest at; the rate of 8 per cent per annum; butir trie proceeds arising tierPirom be not sufficient to pay the plaintitl's claim, attorney's fee. interest and coats, I will the a sell the north half of siid d jiiati-jn lana claim. the pi oeds arising therefrom to be applied to any balance tuat mv bo due upjn said plaintiil'g said claim, attorney's fee nd costs. Dated this l&b day of Jul v. 1893 CO JACKSON, Sheriff of Linu county, nrrgon. EXECUTOR'S SALE. Notice is hepely given that tho under- tinned ex ecu torn of the laat will ind tea la ment of Owen Bear, deceued, late of I.iun county, Oregoa, will purtuaut to an order of the county court tor Linn county, Ore con. duly made and entered of record on the Oth day of June, 1S'J3, authorizing and licensing tne undersnnea m executors ot satu estate, to Bfell the lands hereinafter described, will ontholtith day of September, 181):i, it the hour of one o'clock p m of said day, at the Court House door, in the city "f Albany. Linn county, Oregon, tell at pub ic auctioo, to the highest bidder all cf tin right, title ftnd interest the said Owen Bear had at the lime of his death Id and to the following icscrioea reu estate to wit: Becrinnfnc at the N E corocr uf the dona tion land claim of Owen Bear and wife, Nut rso -'JlU and cUirn ISo 41 in tp 11! a K 4 W of the Willamette meridian and runLins thence west along the north bouninry hue ot said claim 2.iJ0 chains tn the N K corner .if a tract of land sold to V V Uubintt and J C i.obiuett by Owen Bear anil wiff. then jo south 2 chains, thence S 31 45 R following along the center of a slough 14.24 cnains, thence south 2.VO chmns,thence east parallel with the narth line cf said Owen iiear's claim 55.10 chains to the east line t f said claim, thence north 17 chains to the place of beginning, containing 1U1.8K act en. alt ia Linn county, Oregon. Term ot sale nne-haifcash in hand on day of sale ami one-hait in six months from day of sale with interest at 8 per cent per annum secured by mortgage on the land aold. This the 8th day of .luly, ISM. WaLTRH Widl.BKK, John CiMMrSo.", Wtatherford & Chamlwrlain, Kxecutois, Attorneys for Kx. ON FIRE WITH ECZEff TerrlMo SufTcrlnRS of LUUo 1.m Sceu Dorton nd Two UoHplluL Knit. Cured by Cutleuru. T.fy In! v ti.iv, .1 m-'-utlin t,',, f.o out v. . .'I 'll. I'ho l! li;i't ii.nl biirnii: wuk ti.tt-.i l'n nil hitch I . ItfllliC, lirdml, f:i'r, . h :nl, u:itii 1m v... if-tvly coM-ml ; his loilin ii'jom.'f v.-ro pinljlj tu )m Iio1I; ho Int-i n.) ) atnl but Itlllf rent i.i ,.! Uuy. Hi' nun tnl-r ( iih nt at diffi rvt.t titi-.r- floi'tom liitliinritvv.t'" thu k'.-itt Ix-nni't; i .. iir.'fTl;.lliin . Un- ! ! - it fal'.Uf'it'v til ,! 1 tj fir.--, ,iro k!! i;-.' i; i t r ninritlm I t a;. , .' li I. .lit M f V. ; aV IIH ill.'tll.-d, ; i JT lin'yiitoiinH-l. 1 til ft I'll t in, I , i.vi:nt n0 f. : ltrlW W l in A. nml n-lt and i ly in liTV'l Blltl 111 hhif V, . in .', ur.ti nnn now n" eu-nr n tki'i ; .ii moUicr to um it (or cvr 1' tl V. .'.riwkUtit Hooio: Remedies i -irtii, MihjJ purttlrra, and hutnur .i. l.'n tl't)', l!ti.tntly rfllfv l. it ; f.-rti f errrma til (tf'Tisn.i ' m itwnt!', fctini'tnU'allT, and ! i.-is'i( tnrnirtiig,rtii1k;-.ti1t ' , ilhtir, 'ly, crut.i, ;;( ..ixl h'imir of tin- r,itl, -nij', SI vl f h.ilr, from itlifn-y to mf rf:..ii, or hcmlttitrT, irtatti 1 a J tx'nt liikcUuS fjul. v.re, Prl''i fiTirrn, IWV,; fmp - v. $1. Ir-M.irv. ty ihn r.iri; i ALl'iKItHATIO!(,noaUa. " i; lornf sxtn ltj-,' -h, and l.nj U'itimuai.U. ' t .!, ,t, r-iich. .'har-ptsl, :r.l Uy ft ri( I ka ?:.iai. OLD FOLXSPAINST " i1'' ,,I,f',,p Antl-Pnln n 1 . f tho A..l i -- . Ll-lt T- Ni w. uutAiiUaouus, aui taiaa.it? tirr ftr f'oi.j-i, Tcnr. anil noncrai e biiily. Small llili li- iv. S6v. ht buttle. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE nowAp. Do yon wear them? When next In nd by 1 pair. Best In tho world. 5.00 00 44.00 J2.50 A3.S0 2.oa FOR LADIES $2.00 1.75 rori BOYS 2.50 2.25 $2.00 If you want a fin, DRESS SHOE, made !ntha latest ttyles, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4,00 or $S Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and lock and wear as well. If yon wish to economize In year foohrear, do so ly purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes. Nam, and price sta -"weJ on the bottom, Ick for It when you buy IV.. I UOL (-.LAS. UrocUton, Ms... Sold by b . L. E. IS I, A IN'. Guarantfl l. euro billons attacks. Kick IIc:ni:r ::o s--d r-tt:jaMnn. 40 in each Lo1'!,1. '....3 i"t;r salo by drujrisl.. Picture "7, '.' , " . " u Co-c free. J. F. SMITH u O., . .-.tr.i-rs, KSV YORK. REVERE HOUSE .LBANY A. PFiilFFPI' IMPRliiToR an t Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Fat j ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. ivun vrritiL is urrusi it v . S ri in I wrribi' and we can secure patent iu less time Uiaa those J bend model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion, We advise, if patentable or not, free of j charge. Our fee not due tilt patent is secured. ! A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries 4 sent tie C. t senc it co. Aaaress, A.SNOW&CO. Patent Ornce, Washington. O. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE, Albany, Or., Juno 27, 1893. Thd co'paitnen.iiip in the clothit-jr I or ness hervit firn XMiim bitwern I L Cowan and M Sieinl.tTt is from thu day diMolvad. Mr f'nwhn re'iiit.i thirefrom lh Prm will htTjfV.T le ttrn by ihp urnie of M NteruhiTi! & '... will nfsume all thf lianitl- tifn f the rinn Mid coJIeot aU outttantlinfi aucnuuts and i,U-h Huh ta;d Hrm. J. h. Cowan. M. STERS'Kltll. rrhma.1 f . ! " .V. .,trHpT!i . -,- r ,. uiitiHturaldtK (orrtifr..! Tin tU rti d iM'hniv. nvl r U:i'wist for a btil nf i riirea in a lew tiara .;.. "ittlifnldornubtiHiv nf ilVTA4 Iflflnr- 'on poisonous and "d not to attrlpliirrs "niifrvil AmeriHin Curt. . i.r. t , . . .XfT 'anniartuirn n- t'.' M i i. -fL GOOD Food - -Digestion -Complexion . are allinlimattlyconnectpj S. T.Zri practically inseparable, j- -ZS'Z Though the fact ia often : ignored, it is nevertheless '.'Z35 ,me "iat ROxl complex-1 ' X-Hjj 'on an imHsihility with 7 out pood digestion, which gjf: yZ'ZZ'B m turn depends oa good ! There is no more common . " cause of Indigestion than "ZZ.-B. larl- l etthe bright house- JSS - keeper use COTTOLENE Th Ntw VqbU Shorf nlnq and sul$titute for lard, and I her checks, with those of; her family, will he far -i more likely to be M Like a : rosc in the now." CoTToir.NE is clean, dell TT" r-Lz---" rte, healthful and popn - lar. Try it for yourself nrfiTireeceMm In tatnp to N. Z'7 - ZZ. K t-airhanV A- t r, .fw. f " . h.naeint. Kttlrn'.'lMk Hook, '- i comaimn tst hun1ml re ip, " " ' - ' pfPCAredhrnine cttuacntautcor- 'I' ob cooking. r "" riaJe ool by N. K. Fafrbank & Co., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO. NEW TORH, BOSTON. m a" V jc-uiw. -A W 'iiorrhfee, I lutorrbtpai I M THE AVEBFOOT K0UTE Oregon Pacific Railrndd. C Yf B tDlEI". Brcelvrr. TIME SCHEDULE, except gundari.) LefveAllv 12:1" r. n,jL-ve YKUin, r:"Ci, LwvtCur..Uit lr, n. Uve Curvalli,10:9.'A,ll 4rrlre Yiqulna, s:36 r. .Arnve Alboy, 11:11 . Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Uelween Willamette Valley Points and San Francico". OCEAV .STU4 R SlILISiG. FROM HAH rHAXUfelU Willamette Valley, July Utli C7th, rnou TAQi'tffA. Willamette Valley, July ilst, at r m. The Cornpanv -HvrToa the rigut hangesailiug dates Vtbout notice. KiVKK JiTKAIIEKS. teamet 'Ho&jr" Icives FoitlanJ WcJncsday and baturday (Jam, ' HCDiy.Gon A't.Bilmon Sret Wharf, Portland It K Vauhn, Gen A',''t. Sn Francici, Cal. R Mulcahy, Uenenl bupt: Notice of Assignment. Notice is hereby given that the Bank of Oregon, of AlLauy, Oregon, has duly sigued to the undersigned atBienee atl its property And effect for the benefit of all its creditors, under aid by virtui of the gen eral assignment laws ot tne state of Oregon, and the undersi ;ned Has hretofcre, tnwlt, on the 2Sth diy o' Jane 1603, duty qualified as such asBigneA. AU persons having claims atrainst said in solvent and the estate thereof are hereby required to prcatit the same to' the un dersigned at the liank of Oregon building in he city of aU any, Oregon, coder oath, vrithta three tnonths of this date. Dated this 2!Hh day of June 1SD3. W.S. Thomiisox Assignee of the Batk of Oregon, an insol vent. HUM COLLERIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON ' X8S1, 18Q2 Irsl Term Opened September Dili A t: 1 corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. C Dames oi r-tudy arranged to meet to, all grades of students. - SfKj'al inducements c fitted to ttudenU from abroad. fT. ELREKT II CONDIT COPYRIGHTS. toJ For inrorssauso ana Tree UsnObook wftte to ua. a oi nnvAwAVt new i( YORBT. tents tp America. ts brought bfcrbra ree ot cbaxge in ue Kverr uauint taJfn out I tbe paflnu by a ndace g(Vi tawst elretilstlon ef sjit seientlfle paper ta tbe wutm.l Spleodtdly illasfr elUsenl 3.00 mm saauia ue wiu tear: HJOdx mpni uuLi&'ims. aal 1 rout it vrecaiT, sja, EAST AND-SOUTH. VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE Uf I rl, Southern Pacific Co. Express Trains leave Portland Dal!y South I I'y.-is r m I 8; 15 a u I raoM jult t, Wi, P.rtlind Albitny San Krati'.'lsco I North Ar j 7:35 a H Lv I 4:23 A M Lv j 7;0O r M Abvve trains stop onlr at followlntr tttii.in north of Koaehurir. Kitst Portland, Oretfon City, Mvtd- num. oaiera, Ainany, ittnifeni,, nnoun, limaey, Har. lOSSSl'Re HAIL, DAIbT 6:30 IK I U ir.ir, p m 1 Lv 1:50 r a Ar Portland Albany Rosebud Ar 1 4-s'rriF I.v I 12;SU M ;lv I 7 IOC A A It 8 A XT LOCA1. DAIL1 fSICSPT SlSDAT) K on r m 1 i.v 9 9 r M I Ar Portland A I bar y RAHt-1. Ar I 10 30 a Lt j 6:30 a :10 A I 9:00 A M I Albany Lebanon Alhany Lebanon Arl Lt Arl Lt I 10-?1 AM BO A M f:39m : I Lt W A I Ar PULLMAr BUFFFT SLEEPERS. AND Dintnor Cars on Ogden Route. SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS MLfkM I. .11 Tkr.snrkTr.lai.. rTr.l .14. IMvl.lna. KTrTEES rBTLAXB i roBTtLtls, Mail. .iisht (ExMptSnnaaT, silt P..rt'rd CorrslHs Arl 5:1 F ISM ri iratss raaui .aut (Exejpt Satnlsy. 4?l"r I 7:15 ri I Prtlnt HcMinnill!. Ar I :J0 SI Lt I t.lh a Throiitrli TicketM all fwdnt In th F..tprn S:te, Candt and Knr.'p ci He ob at lowest ra'.es from C K rmnbi AiTtit Albany. KOEHLER E P. ROT1ER9. Uiniter i't O. F. and port'w-J Ornron. Sno American WUWafi TRADK MARKS, KJr 0B8I0M PATCNT3, KiTliEIrOKI a nlirti - , 1 1 i Hi 11 ti Diura K BI1LYEU ttrnrr &t Law ud Snllcltor in Chantry. Coll tioiit niAdw on all points. Loans iwrf'titfd on rabls tonus. Albany, Oregon WRIGHT, in,., .i u ,i Vtirv Pub.ic. Will pnu-tiee In .u ii,.A.'..t. ,j ihm at ta riiwikl Attention iriven to collection-and matter tn prebt Ulllre: Utairs Uason-Twcdale Block Albany, uu P. v . u t i H Iex-l muter wf.l rocaive romn attentiun ffl:s r.uti Fell Tnatl-i, Atbai naiiy, u tviiirvti. Attorn ;y at Law, Albany, Or. UKITANVK J: IIWKLSJIaN, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. J AM.H J. Cll ARLTON. Attnni.v-rtt'Ltw. AU lev.I b j.liieia attcndcit promptlr: FLIN.N'S Blkick, Atbujr, Or: I)" j. r. 111 ll. Phydclan and Sitrjroon, OFFICE Corner Fur' streets, Albuny, Oregon. D Physlctani an Sureun. OFFIcB and !li..nUtbiii ttrevtu. AlliaiiT, Or, ittviidud 1 cUv and country; Cxrnor econd Calls pro.nptly c. I'. (HUltlKRLIIW.n. I IlniiieonatliUt. tVSpecUlst In diseases of the Eye. Off is Lour 7 to 9 a mi 1 10 3 m, and 7 tc 8 niii jr. A I Cicxm, IIKNT NATIONAL BANK, OF ALBANY, ORBOON resident ...... LFLTNN ....... 8, E.YOUNO .E. W. LAI.'UDON Vice President . Cashier . . . TRANSACTS A OENKUALnanVtnftbuslnes ircniiNTfl KKPT HutifoLt to ttheck. 810UTEXCHANOE and 11 raphio transferred New York, 8au Francisco, Chicago and r itiand Beon COLLECTIONS HADE on faorahle.terffis BinBCTORS. J. E. Y0PK , W, Li MO DON L E Bum, L. Funk Edwaro t . Soi. J OF ALBANY, OHKQON, TRANSACTS ffonnmt Tlaiikinir iihIiicm. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS oil Now York, San Fr n sco and Portland, Oren. LOAN MoNKY on approved security. KRC'KIVK deposits subject to check. COLLECTIONS niade on favorable tenon. INTEREST paid en time denosits , B ANK OF NCIO, SOlO, ORKQOlt. est lent., shier..... ...A J Johns From Term inalor Northe n PaciSc la the line to lake Ta 1 PjintsEASTaua SOUTH It In the niVIMH II rmiM Thronuli la the TE. ST.? 0 CHANGEIOF CARS.) Composed of Dininu Cars 1'nsurpasscd Pullman Drawing Room Sleep Of Latest Equipment TOURIST SLEEPING CABS. TVt tLat cxnbe ponstrnetol nd tn which ao-'om modal ion aro tmth free and furntftbed for holders of First or St con d el'" tickets Ld ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line connecting with al lints, affording Direct and Uninterrnptei Servica. Pullman .l6per rmerTfttlons can be secured In advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS to and from all Eilnls In America, England and urope can be purchased ai ary ticket offlce of this con-pany; Fnll Infsrmatlon concernina! rntc.tlme oflralna. rnuteeand otber Jetalls furn lahed on application to any agent, or A D CHARLTON. Assistant General Pamenirer Agent. No 121 First ot, cnr. Washington, Portland. Uiezon. C G Ruikhar'., local agent. NOTICE OF .FINAL SETTLFMENT rnlUollhc Ki;it9f AkIitw Ritston, IVcM, NOTICE IS BRsK3YilVE' THAT TIIK OH 'STY court tint KtiBtjr. OrftfrtTi, h flttd stnr!v xi wo, st hsT rt i o'fitvk r m of m,.I .U AlUnr, ir,ir.n. m the time m,l PlstS Anal ncH-Oaiut ami -v-ttl. mtnt ol tb ibntf rntUV.l fAte, A:iv ?rsoi inj nx ob luw to the Mine ire hrlr tV'tifled to he rreifnt rreient the mme. lateil this :th iat M Jmt. i;i:i, O p CO!!IOW, Jr Amiristrstor. m FARMERS & MERCHANTS I V J 3KAI; President. J L COWAN, Trouurar. I Cowan, UeoFHImpaon. SV K Rod. D B Montoltli.M Minmn..... ' J K VVtMtherlnrd. VJ Several Solid Eastern and Foreign ftf ' ! 1 j n CS! ALL OTHERS FOLLOW, r through DAI I.Y TRAINS Ifaiing Porllaiiil, S:J5 . Jl. 7S10P.M.' DAYS TO CHICAGO f)2 HI1IIRQT QUrC'rlEST TO CHI nUUnO nt GAND THE EAST HOURS QUICKER TO OMAHA AND KANSAS CITY- PULLMAN AND T0URI3T SLEEPERS. cdcc Dcniiyiain puaid had?1 1 nit rLULintiu innin unnj. DINING CARS. For ra,.esnnd general Information cal on or address V 11 IIURMiURT.Asst.Gcn'l. Pass. Ant, 25 Washington St., Portland, Orkgon Deafness Cannot 1)3 Cured by local applications aa t!icy cannot renrh the diseased portion ortho-cur. Tluro is only one Wavtn Ciirn Hm.fn,. n .,,1 I. . I 1... . 'n.. . tioiul rimerikrt. iWfficBs Im caused by ou'in llaincd rundilifin of the rr.ccoim liniiis of. the tUStacllian l'lltii. Wlmnfliia t.,K I- a lnjr, and when it in entirely rlo-c.f, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tuho restored to its normal conditio. , hearing v. ill bo destroyed forever; nine cases out or ton nro caused by catarrh, which is nothlnc hut an inUajued condition of the roucouH urlace. Wew'llifive One Knndred Dollars for any case of Dua fiics (cnufted by catarrh) that can not he cured by Hall 'a Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars; free. - o ,a f CHKNKY & CO., Toledo, O. JUT Sold by DrtwaUta, 75c. if. ill. ?k'FarlJiaid, !- DKALKR IK - Harness - and - Saddlery Display in the Dooi HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FJU TO FIND A CTRB FOR t RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATIC KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER 1 COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACI !mn ELECTRIC BEwSifj nor 900 a.re ikiiimi r,, . . 0 wuuu we uara struug letters bearing testimony to their recoferj After tulug our Bel fw a aln!L ri i-?ltih lo" i'OT' Tl-t',, ''Hne-n,,1d ,tror.t e.infldnc In roar trMtmnv 111 y!'"1ttmeotvjlio bsn.ntrtrs wruor rail on nntv.AIIBM MB UMENCSS CURED a . .ror land, Un .n. April Ih l4i lflrMTr.l rm for rh pMr Biz mot.th I hud not b-n hl. to r. . or b.lt hit. : nl ci.lV VlmS perf-ct h-lih In tbe tw we.k. I UVe o, d lt. I c M. fe HtOHK.-, Pr .t-rtilor Internatioatvl HtteL HIRVOUS DEBILITY-LOSS OP VIGOR. neer-hi r:-l htwn t,.inff,ni TW FlMtrlc bolt for -nrl o.ron, ..bi.irr u4 ,Vl? IM Mtor th.ii f h... ror lire mr. T aiKiltJil ajurt gr.ufiill,, CIIAS. i.rmt A Kleetric belt for we w.irrint Rrfanrfeel, i nsTsiriA fctifcrniid will tore flwJ:.::L.Jr wenkR. tn rrtin..nil'li" PATRONIZEi HOM i INSTITUTION -Albany, Orcgom Geo F SIMI'SON.Vu. i1":. ntuan. i o wrltairj.n. n n to ALSO DISTRICT AGENTS TOR Will cure IThe worst Of Skin la 0, Disease From a Common Piny "i On the Face" im To that awfk ai Disease Scrofula. Try a bottle To-day. 'V lJlf'iS HHHItl- rnd 3 2-ciit stamps to A. P. Or Uostui, iar best ii!Mlii-al votf roSHAV i MASt "ni.Bt.AM. iii v until- "! Druggists and Booh f"i ta for John B. AMm'arinkt , w ilcl, wfcM.ll at pubJisaw'. pis,. n.HMHY. tlKKUOl lafiy of remtnal ARE YO'3 a newspaper w . lubliii r r i. f youiiiv, or i -f ' DO YOi rct'l I!. n.Mv.f K f. ua '. I'm r.c Ns)" lih Klectrn Mbbw' ory will euro wiihosis nil i.f tlmnboTPtnmWM. ja sutler rrnm Tsrrvan J f.nun ll.nl... I. All V PcrvntiMticnH, Mf'iJ , nor Memory, nil Mjf plulitlta, and (rrnprnl Mf the I'fTurtnof Bhimm, or cxponure. will llml reli euro In our nmrTeloni ' ' winch rpquiro butatrW"; the mom nkntlc il. lnllTDO" ficta vain m.i havA 110 ' yourpyntciiMJt nprTuffrc11 -which In lMirlrltr cnuiicd yonrweuknestorw; If jou reptoco into your r Icinonta thns dinined. JJ quired for tlrjrornuaXrtflP, rtfmoTotheoiujfanflhW"' and Ttiri.r will fullo Kiinrsntee cur or rJ douifl be TOM 07 i Electric lie It i s OENEML,XfaXEc!?UAED THESi-WB CAN CURE YOUI J . ur. A.T. Ssnrlen. !? Rlr r-Y-nof hard work. Cnmbiaeil with tbe it win Jar of an engine, Revo me teTer "' fromwhirhl auff-retl for jm JZ a . could not trend my berk. "4 itb it. I bouiiht one of fo-ir bell. J"1!,1 t-iile of tw . darn, and I cont low i lVZp iotth, belnR perfect It eured. Th- in-uteri -i.i,irin pen err 17 Curra. -V,. -o. and I am we I to-dar at I Tf waii"J know jour belt well, and I kn w lfJ7 they wood try U they would find U tkeeJ the net rentf( In the wo Id. I -m.JZt P-rnmnentlr.and wtl be glad Uttalk"" wanutoinqu roahfiu' . --jff L08T VITALITY AND rnU$, ID-. A. T. flana-., Tnr ir:-flaf TC o It I have been (treat I j benetited. I 'ff-'i rp fa-t retnrninit: and after a IB1"!,!! "u nnn turf k twice a sror- tf . memorj fa now nearly perfect, and "fc( f.r the better. J f -I mntb rfVS (wing the belt, foura Uulr. Ili ' SfNDEN ELECTRIC BELT ClMril!! wm tmTL - Jr moDth- Addresa fur uil informal." tf SANDEN ELECTRIOCO.I72FirstSI., PORTLAND,.