Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, July 22, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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    flatllt jQcwocgftt
Published every day in the week
except Sunday.
.TIHiXi HTTIMi, Editor nod Prop'r
Frtrrfd stllie PpstOftlTeat Albany
(iil.en, as second cla mail matter.
From cur regular CjrrWonleiit.
Wasiiiaglon, July 17, 1S93.
War talk is again beard in Washington
and, ns usual, the naval oliicen are hoping
that there may he something in it. It u
not complimentary to the British govern
nient, which is pledged by formal treaty to
abide by the decision of the arbtratora in
the Bchring sea dispute, that bo many
people should be willing to believe that the
mussing of warships and troops in the 1 a-
cific indicates a disposition to dispute by
force the decision of the arbitrators, should
it be against England, as it is generally
believe! it will be, but the British govern
ment has upjn more than one occasion in
the past displayed some very queer ideas of
the meaning of international honor. It
has been'suggested here that the ta'k about
the English not accepting tho decision is
all originated by the English, for the pur
pose of influencing the arbitrators in their
decision. If so it is a vefy foolish pro-
eeeding, certainly as far as the American
arbitrators ate concerned. One of Inem
Senator Morgan of Alabama, has more
than once expressed the belief that another
war between the United States and Eng
land was inevitable, and that the sooner it
came the better for this country.
Notwithstanding all the sentimental
talk about the increasing brotherly rela
tions between the great English speaking
nations, no welt informed man will deny
that there is greater rivalry between the
United States and Great Britain today than
ever before, and it is the rivalry of com
mercial traffic, which has drawn England
into more wars than any other one thing.
The commercial supremacy of the world
lies between the two nations, and that
either of them wilt, surrender the field
peaceably is not probable. No man can
mingle with the prominent and represen
tative men from all sections of the country
who come to Washington without becom
ing convinced that a war with England
would be very popular, particularly if Eng
land should be the aggressor. Nothing
would please the American people more
than for England to refuse to abide by the
decision of the Behring ten arbitration.
Such a course would justify war and the
Americans would so accept it.
Representative Catchings, of Mississippi,
who was a member of the committee on rule8
of the last bouse, and who will, it is gener
ally belie'ed, occupy a Bimilar position in
the next house, has arrived, and as he ex
lixts to stay a long tiiuo ho brought his
family atom;. Mr Catchings has the same
idea that most of the democra's that served
in the last house have about the necessity
for the adoption of a rule by the next
house that will prevent a few men tying
the house up when they arc so inclined, and
he agrees with Speaker Crisp in thinking
that '.he proper way to do this is to adopt a
rule giving the majority of the house the
right to decide when a vote shall be taken
upon any measure. That such a rule would
expedite business cannot be doubted, and
It would not be open to the objections rais
ed against the obnoxious Itecd rules, be .
cause it would place the authority for shut
ting off filibustering in the liands of a ma
jority of the house, instead of the commit
tee on rules, which was but another name
for Reed in the last republican house. No
democrat wishes to curtail full and free de
bate, but filibustering must be put down,
or there will be no legislation by the house
There are a number of democrats in the
lmiso who ure in some particulars the peers
of any men who ever srved therein but If
there is nny one of thenvwlio possesfes pre
eminently all the qualities of a good leader
he is not known at this time. It may be
liecauso thero are so many able democrats
in the housc.tlmt no'one has distinguished
himself nliove a score of his colleagues,
f ills making it ap)ear',that the party lack
ed a louder, such as Sam Randall or t rphou
Korr was. Whatever the cause of this
condition of affairs may lie it offers a splen
did opportunity the new members to
come to the front.
Secretary Morton is determined that the
seeds sent out by the department of agri
culture shall be what they purport to be,
loth as to the name printed on the package
and growing qualities, and in accordance
with that determination he has issued an
order directing that the sellers of seeds to
the department lie requited to guarantee
loth in all future purchases.
Secretary Herb?rt left Washington today
on the Ijlpliln, to make an inspection of
all the Atlanticcoast navy yards. He ex
twts to be gone about two week.
f The great 01 tacus " 1
I 1 l n iniilsnositioll or
nave iicicti'i r
inability to tffect an) thing by the adniinis,
nation of the law and the iuiposiblllty of
getting anything except more extravagance
from Congress.
There is change. The new Secretary
and Commissioner ate now effecting refoitu
liy stopping frauds and CJ'recting abu'es in
the administration of (lie laws.
Paymo-lti have been suspended on over
a,5 jo casrs cf alleged "total disability' in
regard to which there Is :vi Jence ihat legal
disability dots not exist. Commissioner
Lochrtn hat issued .n oidcr calling for the
complete record of every . jdicjnt for a
pension under the demoralizing and extra
vagant Impendent Pensions act.
With the countrv scraped by tin pension
agents' drag-net, and certificates issued by
t ie corrupt Raum at the rate of 1.000 a day,
thousands of claims have been not only un
justly but unlawfully allowed.
An annual expenditure 01 $i6o,oOi,ooo
and a pension list swollen to a million
names emphasized the need of refo'm. No
patriot and no deserving veteran need fear
a discriminating injustice under the present
administration. There has never been at
the head of the Pension Bureau so good a
lawyer as Judge l.o:hren, or a better soldi
Anv reform that he executes will be
just and lawful. But the list will be pruned
and purged.
There Is only one rule worth following,
and commis'ioner Lochren, himself a vet
eran, has adopted it, namely, to see that the
true veteran gets his dues and that the
humbug doesn't get anything. If we are
to have a real "roll of lienor" the more
rigid the Investigation is the better, and the
man who objects has a motive that won't
bear the light.
MATS or onto, crrr or-aouroo, f
I .'I'll, I lllTI. 1
Fim J. Chbnbt makes oath that he la tha
senior nartnerof the firm of F. J. CHKXBv&Cn. .
doing buainess in the City of Toledo, County
ad Dw aiurenaiu, ana ia B.ia arm will par
each and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo
RwdTfl t0 before mm and anhacrthMl in nw
yreaeuvc, uu oui uay wi lyncmoer, jk.u, uea,
French Ingenuity has contrived an Im
proved stone-cutting saw of remarkable
efficiency a circular saw having its eilge
,,et ei'h black diamonds in the same way
s the straight blades; bat as the strain on
the diamond is all in one direction, the fet
ing can be made much firmer.
nfft&Eli GREASE
jimt iv the ivont.r.
'favrwiri qttal 111. anturpMif I a f hiM1
nillMttnif IWJ boxrn of anyo'V.or tr-.. K.-
BecuJ bj haat. I ar; t;T T II ti a. 1 I b
A. W. GLEA80K.
Hotaru PubUe.
Kall'B Catarrh Care Is taken Internally and acts
directly on tbs blood and mucous surfaces of
we yawn, oena lor lesumomaiB, rree.
Sold by Drnggista, 75c.
Hood's Cures
V. nisoa at C K Brownellf.
VI AVI Co ifliud in Baltimore niock.
A full Vm'fll Warner llroi ccrsctsat R.JI
If yoo want a tine smoke calffor. Joseph,,
white labr cigara.
Come and ae tho new clul'ed plow at
Rimpa opposite poatiHice.
The beaijrnaat t9ee in the oity atC.imad
a! oyer A
Motor ninkea five trip" daily to Vieieck'a
addition. l.otr there on installments of SI
per week.
An extensive variety of garden aerda both
in bulk and by the rack'se can be found at
CK Brownella.
Pa'.ronize home industry by smoking the
celebrated white labor cigars, manufactured
by Ju'ius Joseph.
New cork sole, hand turned shoes, some-
thioa entirely new. not A winter shoe but
light ard flexible for spring and summer
wear, at Kmd. , Peacock & Co'a, Call and
inspect tti-.m.
Teacher's Exauilualloni
Notice It hereby given that for the pur
nose ofmakiuK an exaininationofcll per
sons who uiav otter tbointtelves aa candl
nates for teachers of the sctools of this
county, the county superintendent there
of will bold a publfo examination at Al
banv, beginning at 1 o'clock p m, on
Wednesday, Aug, 9. i8l3, and continuing
two days A feeorfl will be charged fur
aid'exaailnation. Applicants tnr state
papers should file their applications with
the county superinlendedt at that time.
naiea mis loin aay ol Arm, ius
County School Sept
Lives of many men remind us
We to greatsucceaa can climb,
If the reading public find us
Advertising all the time.
ilrt. C. Jt. Card
Oakland, CaL
Made Over Anew
Chronlo Headache Cured -Weak
Lungs Made Strong and Well.
For years I had alck headaches every day, and
I also had ttt weak lanza. since I have
been taking Hood's KarsapariUa, I have
been eaitirrlr carrat of headaches, and my
lungs are strong aad wclL Friends often say
How Well You're Looking.
tell them it Is due to Ilood's SarsapariUa. I
am small In staturo never weighed over
100 pounds before taking flood's Sarsapa-
rilla, and at the tlnu I began taking It I had
run down to 83 pounds, but now I weigh
lll'i. My friends thought I would be dead
loa na, but I am perlcctly well. I am
unauio to express my thanks for tho good
Mood's SarsapariUa
has dono me." 51ns. C. B. Cabu, 1216 Adeline
i'lri'i-t.OaulanJ, California.
Hoi-i'i PII13 cure nil Liver Ills, Bilious,
tnss. lu.iiih'Q, Indigestion, Sick Headache.
U Id Ul t V y 3 a
"s I or llio niiiliens o) consumers, of ca
It irtii lr, inn ili-Htnrr tn fiti'
iiimiik'i' thtit lir it imiw itiitUiif; upa
1ti li Unf rxfillnclrnmnll fri.
li.rt.iT tiif. ;tttimntfMil ptin-ly
" H' l " immii nrroi iiirM pills.
an tttill Umh Tlirrxm-t ,! oC
In iImim ii in I lie Imnlrr of tliln'md,
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints.
tame uacK, o
Wrthllectro WaignMlc SUSPENSORY
I'aiftusl Hct lwpr.Tt-tiie.ita!
rP1th..timlWntv I e-.k..tinff fff
Pirr-iiti.n..r hrin n. tTo fot-, or In Ji
Km).-k liimM, PvwtW, J f--v,3. rimi , (.-n.J
irrtw!'1, h"- f ' ntJii
Wfrr all 4(.r rm-Mt-s fi
VI Irt-lirrniti:!1 in in r . . i
t.-..lf .rl I '
sa-Norv ri co .
llSJl'lraiAl.x, i. ;-ij-.v5 AAl OBXt
Befor: solrc to the Bar or mountains
go In and examine the Ulazer and Eton
jackets and suits at Read, Peacock & Co'a.
Very cheap.
To aid Tifatatintalitni,Kni,;rnilnM-
ajter cutina. rfte. iicr tioule.
FOR SALE. Household furniture or
tale eheio. Inanire of Tbonus Jones
on 7th, between Broadalbin and Ferry.
FOR SALE. A. aeeocd hand caligraph
111 anm onnditian fnr aala nhaa 1
quire at thia office.
BUGGY FOR RALE. Oood second
band buggy for sale cheap, Call on
Wm Fortuilller,
SHEEP LOST. 21 head of sheep, hot
branded, from A Snell'a farm south of
lhany. 10 old ones. 11 lamba. one a buck
nd one a merino. Will pay for tronble on
lurmation to a sneu, Albany.
Alt gont
woman's suffering and woman's
weakness. Dr. l'icrce's Favorite
Prescription puts a stop to it. It's
a remedy for all the delicate de
rangements and disorders tbat make
her suffor, and a euro for all tho dis
eases and disturbances tbat make
her weak. It's a legitimate medi
cine, that corrects and cures ; a
tonio that invigorates and builds
up; a nervine that soothes and
strengthens. For bearing - down
pains, displacements, all tho func
tional irregularities peculiar to tho
sex, it's a safe and certain remedy.
Other medicines claim to cure?
That's true. But they don't claim
to do this : if the Favorito Pre
scription fails to give satisfaction,
in any case for which it's recom
mended, tho money paid for it is
Judge for yourself which is likely
to be the better medicine.
And think whether something else
offered by the dealer is likely to bo
"just as good."
You pay only for the good yoa get.
On these terms it's the cheapest.
J F. FORD, Evacplist,
Of Des MoiDcn. Iowa, writKS uudor tlftte of
March '-';. IMtt:
5. B, Mku. M ft. Co..
Dufur, Oefiou. 1
GextU;nrR ,
Op fttriviii; home Ut vfk, I found nil
welt iul anxiously v. iting. Our little
yirl. e lilu mud one-hi. If years old, who had
wa.tcd away to 3S pounds, ii now well,
trnnje and vitforou, and well Hashed up.
S. B. Cough i'uro hasdtue id work well.
B.thofIh ohildten like- it. Your S It.
Cough Cure haa cured aod kept away all
hojtrseDetia from me. So give it to aycy
one, wuh re-tius for all. Wishing you
(.roatutiii y, wo ara
Youn, Mr & Sin J F Fokd.
If yu wUh to fueliiQiin ana cheerful, ami roatly
(or thuHitrinx' w.irlt, vlua.iw yotir j "itm wuh the
Huaulacheaiui I-ivjr Curo, bUkuif twu or tlirue
50 cent pnr buttlo hy all tlrutftpita.
8 itl under a positive gunra itoe by
led CrownMills
w feociui axon sursEioE wot, rAiaius
Oregon State Normal School
X ot tne Northweat. atronft profes
sional and academic courses, and welt or
ganized Model School lor Practical Train
ing of teachers. Normal, Advanced Nor
mal, riusinest.MuMc and Art Departments.
Beautilul and healthful location. Llghi
expense no saloons. The Normal has
enjoyed a steady growth during the past
year, reaching an eniollmenc of over 400,
the largest In Its history. New members
have been added to tl.e faculty, new appar
atus supplied, and the course of studv re.
vised and strengthened. The orad'iatetl
are In demand to fill good positions. The
a-pioma entities tne holder to teach In any
county In the state without farther exam-
Fall Term Begins
September 13.
Send for
Star Bakerj
CorHrniMlailliln Rail First HI
t ttuii.d frattff, 4'ianuel tie.
Ulasftsrare, Qnecnawar
rled FroH". Vegetables,
Tcbttreo, tl.srs
Nagar, Mpleea,
'oDee, Tea.
El etc.,
hut .Teryttiitr that Is kpt In a gtntt
variety and irwccf rt.Tp, Highest
nurket pric paid for
rs. Dr. rallerion-H allHre
" ! i- uii, i-a ne-uirr, n nnm
lri, and ran be fun.l at her rwJenrr. next dmr
J II 1';'. ..ll. . . ..a vi.-.. .
twnt tva1 fatnre: love tronblra. abrnt towni atid
TinalneM. Yoa can hw from your Am4 IrWtJa.
Notice of Dissolution.
1 tha partn.rhip hrret f or. r nitint
between the noderaigned nnder the firm
name of Im. 1. inning a Co. his been and
tail day duanlved by Jintnal eonarntof
ti. nart'ra Jnhn lnm K.vini - i
. , pun-iiavra
the interest of E J J,annin it, Tfte bmin
.111 nffMiier na earned on ny Jehn I
the purchaser therecf, who hrreby ass ma
a'l tiartn.r.hin flht.. mnA .1 :
t i , in' ux;.- an
thorired to collect and receipt for all debts
aua in. lair itrni.
.OH1 Isosl,
K J I.AXMtn,
Dated this 1st day of Julr, ISM.
illations. Tuition, Normal. 36.2c Der term
f to weeks: ti.oo Der term
M to weeks; Business. $6. oer term.
noara at normal uining Hall, f 1.75 per
ween, ivooms irom 50c per week (un
furnished) to Si 00 and $1.3? furnished.
Board and Iodgint In urivate famllies.$ co
a- . A. ... . ..'. -.'
10 74.00 per wee. 1 union, boara,!odging
auu iwuhi less nan 9150 per year, tjon
servatry of Music. Thorough courses
are onerea in vocal ana instrumental mu
sic. Tuition, $10 per term of 20 lessons.
Monmouth is easily accessible from all
pans 01 in- aitate. twelve miles from the
state (apital,sixty miles south of Portland
Catalogues cheerfully tent on application
Addr,,,,, i. I CAMPBELL, Pres., org. SIIEDD, Seo of Faonlty.
--Aei'clmnt Tailor.
Sails Made to Order and Satisfaction Cnarantec
h: I
riepcii'iiig of 2LU lds.
Are warranted to mortM
given time and do it butter tkitJJ
ciiine made. D
The Advance Tractiox Em 1
the best in the world. Kemtmbl
work means large profils in the Ji
business. Cataljgue mailed htje
tien'l Ag'l, Portia?
supplies. Advance Tlirrehtn
Kines, Minneapolis Hinders, Vf
Standard Mowera, Newton Wt
weglan Plows, oils of all kiaan
lowest price possible. The Allkx,
Grange agents have awarded ia
tract to furnish Twine for 'heir a,
Call and get our prices before .
ALBANY nnintf
Baltimore Block, - - AlW
Dealer, in all kinds of Furaia,
Paper Carpets, Llnoleoa,
Picture Frames, tie
I mem9 ralnt. Oi
Ola., Etc
J. A. Cmiming
At the store formerly oti
Allen Bros.,
for which I will Ipay'.lhe best cut
c f bed room intK. chairs, lennget, etc., which 1 J will sell at
0.11 n i
Thos. Brink.
Notice to Stockhold
the annual stockholders mm
tie Waterloo Development tomC
Wat.rlon. On. will be held at thsoo"
oOice in the town of Waterloo, 0r,
nesday, August 2od. 1S1I3, at thsba
o'clock p m of said day, for the F
electing six directors of said cosi
serve for the ensuing yesr and to
such other business a, may rrgu-atl
before said meeting.
Dated this 7th day of .Inly. Is'
' tkcnl
.1. .IONi:PII, iropiietor.
Only White Labor Employed
Cabinet photos from $ toTiToo
per doien. Enlaiginit picture." .
pecialty. iHtjo crayon? framed
for SIO.OO. We -.rr. . I..
-albanj Orra.e
Is a pleasant drink, which 'H'b,J'
the stomach withtrat nansea or rjjr
acta thoroughly on the liver, kM"
reproductive organs. A gentle tM
cient diuretic, aid a most osefal is"
painful menstnration. It aida due'
redncea ccrpnencyt clears the J
rendering it fair, and reatonog (
tone of the akin.for it removes
hv acoomulatioo.prodocee th. peealiar to the oouattp"
S. M by all druggists.
Orwi Monday, Sirts)
i a ft.. n..t nr.nneroas J
ita historv. Wide range of studied (
oueh instruction . business coun.
r..t.i 1 . fee. ?in .
and lodging at reasonahle 'i,
elegant new' dormitory and oJj: p
on the eampus.where students
personal supervision.
Jons W. JoH