I'ublisheJ every Jay in the week except Sunday. sriTKS k SBTT1XG, KdilOM and Prop'r Tillered at the Post Off! ) at Albany uitguu,agaecuu(i uiaa wan uia'.:r. TniBxDAl. ...JILT l93 THE UNaNS IAI, OI II.O..K. Tl h.crin. tn lrink lik- ilia wnt Vift nm .tl ir. fliA rinnncln) (1tr:r"f.ln?i uhirh hnc prevailed dining tlie past few weeks. AVhiie financiers are situ apprenensive wie teciing of distrust feems so be beginning to abate. If the crisis is really past, the country Is to he cnnfrrnttilatfwl. far nrei-lous nerirw-'a nf depression have generally been more last ing and more disastrious than this. It Is singular bow regularly these periods nave come. 1 hey seem to recur at intervals as fixed In time as the changes of the sea sons, Ihey are about eight years apart, and have been occurring at that regular in terval for over a century . The cause of tins periodicity Is not understood, but the fact ia acknowledged by all who have made a study of economic questions, and furnishes a!field for interesting investigation. Republican newspapera and politician, arc cnarging trie present state of allalrs to the fact that the democratic party is in power. Non-partisan financiers do not join ihem In this charge. The charge bears absurdity on Its face. Whether democratic legislation wonia De damaging to the Inter ests of the country is a question that remains to be decided. The people decided It in the negative last November, and we see no reason for thinking their decision was In correct. Whatever democratic legislation nay do, It cannot be responsible for the present condition of affairs unless effects precede causes, instead ot following them, for we have Lad no democratic legislation since the winter of 1861. Either a repub lican president or a republican senate has made It impossiole. The republicans have several times bad the president and both branches of coneress. Since Lincoln'. election the democrats have never had entire control of the government until now, and until congress meets, republican laws and rcpuoucan conditions must continue. The amall amount of srold in the iipm ury and the evils that have followed are the result not of democratic legislation but of republican extravagance. Looked at from a party standpoint. It i well that this crisis is on us now. After the depression comes the rebound, and the fact mat me period or depression came at the very becinnincr of the democratic riminl. tration, and before the democratic congress was called together, will give the country four years to recover In, and Ihs next presi- uen:ni eiecion will. In all probability, find uiutii mure prosperous man we were than we were when the last onn i. hrM If the country recovers during the next four years as it almost certainly will the dem ocratic paity will get more credit for it than It will deserve, for while 1-eUl.tlon .n get all the credit, nature's reaction will have mucn to do with the result, Independent of legislation. The south is especially to be congratu- ieu on tne way most southern financial institutions have weathered the gale. Fail ures have btcn few and unimportant as compared with those of ilia rm,ih j southern money has gc.no to New York to ne p enu me siilr.gcr.cy there. The truth is our section has more of the clement of aatlonal wealth and greatness than another, and the reputation for in dolence and lick of enterprise that has ciung 10 our people so long ij undeserved. The section that has sent the Inmans and Newcomea and others to battle w ith the mDney kings of Wall street Is not defi.-1-n.t In men of energy and business alilliy. jisunviiiei,r ia.1 r,mn. P.TIinrlAl omanilit. of a nti.rler of a century ago are aptly illustrated in tne iu. towing extract irum me iouisvuic journni (now L-ouiHr-juuiHiii. puuiisncu in the Democrat in the issue of February 9 1867. Geo D 1 rentice, than whom no man ever welded a more trenchant 'mill was tiien editor of the lournai. The "rad ical paper at J'crtland" was the Ottzvninn. The lournai aiM: The editor of the radical paper at Port land, Oregon, thinks that we are anxious 10 be the tail of the fire earing party. We c.11 laii mo. me runcai pan) s rail. lie i Buuiuuuug unucr mat. The Democrat In nuli'Milm? the extract inide the following comment: ' Albanians. both vounir anil nl.t. poor Think that a clever ami a center shot " It is believed, arrordin? to M r P I. Sim. mands. F f . S. h.,, ili..r c. ;m.B a many insects as there are species of a'l other living things put together. The oak alone supports 450 species of Insects, and 200 kinds ma:e their home in the pine. Fortv veari airo Humholt ttiinnt.l that the number of species prcseivid in collections was between 150,000 ar.d 170, 000, but scientific iren now say that there must be more than Ihrcrwiuarters of a mil lion, without taking into account tie nnr- aslle creatures. Of the 35, 000 ipecies in Europe, however, not more than itne nn noxious or destructive. There are more than 100,000 kinds of beetles. wumu coxsimim.vu Venisoa at C K BrownclU. VTA VI fi ttfio.. in Raitimfira riinob A full I ni lo! Warner Bros corsttsat It " I If vnti want a lino stliok. calllfor Jos nh.t white lab)r ciar. Come aud awe the new chil'ed plow at Itimps opposite posti thee. The beat'rnaa: coQee in the oitv at Com ad 4'Iuyar a. Mutor makes five trips daily to Vicieck'. iddttion. l.otr tht.ie 03 installments of ?1 per week. An extensive variety cf garden seeds both in hilllr anil liw ilia lurltlna n ha fnnnA a. C K Brownelli. Pa'.ronix. home industry by smoking the al.hr.tal whita l.linr ftirar.. tnxnr'inlnrail by Ju'ius Joreph, New cork sole, hand turned shoes, some- thinir .n'irntv iiaw mil: a winter .Iiaa h.. light and flexible for spring and anmmer wear, at Keii, J Peaccck of (Jo's, tall and 1 yj ii CWIKltt If you want to know who clalmeJ the credit of passing the Sherman law at the time the measure was before the house for final action, read the following extract from a speech of Conger, a epubllcan congress man fiom Iowa, who had charge of the measure in.lhc house: I am happy to say, by republicans. This was agreed ,,pon In conference by republi cans or.lv. IVMng.Ji.. '. ber only by repugn votes, dT that It rrnv pass hern nl. 1.- , ' votes It , hcnK0 wb,r. j, bt ih.r- i, in 1 cn P,"1Je''-and from there It will go to a country which. In No- ...r nexi, will give such a republican mMu TT' ol gent'emea wil n.t be foui.d hereto p. upon the COnKre. It 8, Mr Speaker, in line with ru..n judgment and republican polic. The republican htue Immediately paed the bill, without a democratic vote in its lavor or a republtcao vote iriln. if .j u waa promptly by the republican 1m.uc... 1 ne u.-mocralis verdict upon It was that it was a "cowardly makenhift"- nu mi n me truth. Tlilass Worth Bcmemtierlag. Whan tTaa-1 - Ll-J . . . tlit ctntnnfh li Is a u. i j -- si a. sa aigii vital. JUUI iUUU UUC not fit well and that you are about to hav s us, ui ItlUtCMlUll W hen you begin to feel nervous and are unable to sit still comfortably; when your ninth At, I.lrtrtflnl,, .aaaa t - l -I C Z - J --V....D .-uuvuif otcm iu lose incir ni ana r.Hs.vB Sll lit VI I11U1 ZestlOn ISBUrelv iinnn vnn n nen uus ni 01 indigestion Is repeated I mm dflv tn 1-lflV if rinesll.. la 11- .MSVUJOJr;,,.,,, RemeiilfU-r thfl tltt-aan A -t T - s-c ia wcii ui urmi- dreth s Pills will cure the worst case of indigestion or dyspepsia, or both, and that vuuin ui mem. say two every fn.siuncu. cituer complaint. Hood's Cures Numerous Boils And Catarrh In tho Head Trarber'a Examinations 'a-o I. l,AKn tM tl.-i. it -.-.v w , iicioiijF givuu I.I1C1. iur (UO HIT r- " u f, sau rADiuiuauuuUICll VVr ur-n(a whn .... nfT.. !ji uuoi .uuiitatjivtia Ha inuui unius vtr iv&cue-rs 01 Do soroois or tnis i,,r mo wuuiy unermieaueni mere nf Will hnl.l mihlln arnln,tnn . a. banv, beRiunlDg at 1 o'clock p m, on .Du iOTU.;,nuSl a. ioyo, huii conunuinir (wa dtk ua A 'ut nr i t 1 1 k. .1 . S'itl exatulnatioQ. Applicants Inr s'ate papers abouM file their ftpplJ cat fens with ..umj guHcuuitJUUeui, Kb IUKI 1026. j-iwitru m;s io.u aay ot At rll, 1893 fi ST RlTSSfc T.T. County Schaol Supt LlvPfi of mnnv men wmln.l n. We to greatsucceea can climb, ii mo reaaing puDUC Una us Auvernaing All me time. T.r.it i f j'tm or iroitoi the ordinary pill. Trouble whon vnil intra if nttfl trm.Ur. .l.n ..s,..v w ' " iav llVUWIVJ n ucu tvu V u A Tl a e i " . ness, but mitibty little good. With Dr Pmr-rt plj.. T11--- there's no trouble. They're mada to prevent it. They're the origi rial littln T.irnr Villa ;nr coated, nnti-biliotts granules' purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, tho fimallosr.. rfiiipt. nml fiAct t ni j - nd iv last;, They cleanso nnd regulate tho whole CVOtnm in A r.niA1 iu s uttt-uiai uhu easy way mildly and gently, but thoroughly and effectively. Ono little Pellet A lflYM lVA flVlrt sfM. A AAll... tio. Sick Headache, Bilions Ilead ache, Constipation, Indigestion, Bil ious Att.i-Ws nn il nil .ln-nwnmAAa 1 MMUugtiusmi of the hver, stomach and bowels are prevented, relieved and cured, They'ro tho cheapest pill you can bnv. for tlinvVn miim t,7 : satisfaction, or your money is returned. Yoa pay only for the value re- svaa j uu asK mora x J F. FORD, EvanneL'st, Of Dea M'jin, Iowa, vrit.s undor date of Alarcii is'.i.i; S. B. Meu. Mm. Co.. Ifufur, Oruotj. OcHtlrmtn : Op arriviniv hnmn lf . b I f-...l - .. .... -'..iijr a'auuiir. war little Kirl, e uhl aod one-half ynara old, who had .a.n-U SMHV (O OS pilUDUS, IS HOW Well, Itrnna an vnn.HH. . A n n i . ... is. li. Cough Cure hasdiuo its wurk wall. Both nf tha fll.H.l.n lil.- :l v- e Ij Cough Cuio has cured and kr-pt away ali hoarein-a Irom me. So give rt to every one. with gre-riugs for all. Wishinu you r-roaueii y, v, am V'oura, . AIb 4 j p f'oiiu. ADVANCE rm i ,L . tKVI iicsh .ua uneenm, ami ready I'T I Ho SoniiK', work, cloiiiw yur aystuiu Willi I lie W cent pr bottlu by all tlruipaUi. S id utitlur a punitive pwra itio by J ACUMMING. oeived. O ' B UI lllUUIHHinH SO In fin1 Itvilrritna 1 ha I) I . T". tackeU and suite at Read .Peacock & Co'. r ii I" wwone amac utic ueaa ftedCrownMills JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. (W PR0CEH3 IXODK SU7RI0B TOR rMIUS aiTD BAKUU) tfSM. ESTSTOPaAGP. PACILIfJES XOR SALE. Household furniture for - r. i-sjaa.im. VI 1IIUU1M tfUOD nn a tn. tutt-rau., -I u: j d . vuu uiusuuuiu uu rvrry. "pOU SALE. A. ecocd hand caligrapb . a " w xi'WISJ, 1U Oregon State Normal School MONMOUTH, O-RIEQ-ON. TTTTOftY irnn Rii c ,i j . -JLP band byes' 9 for bIa ohAm run Wm Vrtrr.nillor- V9 CHEEP L0ST.-21 bud of aheep. not ' msJCU, iivtu a oneii iarm soutn ol way . iu oia onev, i i iambi, one ft back nd one a merino. Will pay for trouble on tusiusitivu W A IJIJCll, I UteOy , THE I.PAnivn vodu a t o.-.nn. T I. "vwjifsuoijiiWL 1 Ol the Nftrthuroat sional and academic courses, and well or- Cani7s?H MnHl K-knnl n. d .1 1 i wb..uv. iui a itttvitm i rain ing of teacheiR. Normal, Advanced Nor mal Rnalr..,. 1 . . n .-.,Mu.llilB-,muMc anu An wcparimentf.. Beaiitifiil nnd rs.hui..i t a- - . H..u ivai.ii.iii lotauon, Jailgni expense no -aloont. The Normal has (uy growin during the past .-i.iiriS u ii cmoumenc ot over joo thelarirest in lt hutr. x, .i:. ' a - --- tli.n IliCIIIUCro a, .,. iuucu 10 u.e lacuuy.new appar atUI unn)l-H nrl tk. ir- -rr"- wuic ui, iuuy re vised and strengthened. The graduates are in demand to fill good positions. The - r.v..n imitic me noiaer to teach in anv count in the s'nte without farther exam- Add-eh- I. lt fliatlonm Tallinn vArrH.i c: . at u. per lenn (01 IO WrtVlf Mlih V 1 A 1... a - f.uw per lerm lot in uropltst- l)...lraaa a-. . , rij vT"' "T ?;' Per lern. V i, ln! ,,a"' '-75 Per lurnishedl Inirnn aA a:. t t... UOard and Indirlntr tn i.rtua I tl: a- r a l00. per WeeU- Tultion.bord,!olglnK i , T , joper year, fjon- I - j 'fruugu courses are offered in vocal and Instrumental mu- ic. iuuion,io per term of Jo lessons. Monmouth ) il n 11.1- 1 . 1 , . " 1 "ii. 1 1 urn ail parts of th- State, twelve miles from the State Capital.sixty miles south of Portland, lataloguis cheerfully aent on application. CAMPBELL, Pres., or S. tSIIEDD. See of Fasulty. rmer Are v-arrjtiteil ti ih....i. .1 I given lime and do it betier ,.,., clinic niiiue. oil, The AnvAMPk Tn .rt. a'l the best in the world. K'manc work means large profus lni 5cee' business. Catalogue mailed fc ' EHWARD Hl5." n'.Ag't.P,,' mid lishl; GRAHAM &g no, ! dthi MEAl.KRS IN-irt I 78.6 4cU ddi A 'CULTURAL Impy"1?.; -.supplles. Advance Tlirtii.In '" glnes, Minneapolis Hinders, jnmi' Standard Mowera, Newton VfA f.41 weglan Plows, oils of all sir"01'? lowest price possible. TheAL Grange agents have awarded 0, ' tract to furnish Twine Ibrhn.E,, Call and set our nricea hpfn J on elsewhere. 'day into M CI oft mpb Ii al tied. nti I sac th ALBANY Ming IB Baltimore Block, - - Alte Dealera it all kinds of Farniiw Pirtura Kriii. staT ,ni llty. UNDERTAKING A m .1. A 0 mot HYDE&JAil Fror?'. 1 be oow it b Mr. W. r. Tucker ' Rosetmrz, Oreeon. " I feel that it I- lmnnn.la fn. ....- .-- "" ' '"Tor 01 iiood's Barsaparilla. I was . Creat sultar-r frnm Imnura ma .1 . . viuuu auu vauiria In my near!. Job's MmfnrliFD rn - . ..ni.mil.ll iu VUUUDTI ma, and I suffered from numerous bdla Agony Coyond Description. When I berna In f.ilra UnAj'm a. . . . . . six of them, only four of which came to a head, and since then, thanks to this good medicine I SjTj',7,Jrc, 'rom ,h" I affliction. I f. l2tdi 1 'pounds In tliruo weeks. The Catarrh Ll.S'hi.a - '"a1, "' ,'''W1 me for w,rs" Uu also been cured by Hood's Sarsapartfii d il Hood s x Cures am enjoying tjoort Reneral health. I "jrn.t1 LraftteL" an wJ ... .n.,, jtoieimrjf, Oregon. ALBANY COLLEGE.::::: Fall Term Begins September 13. Hrmfi'i On a a., a .11 ti i. ness, Jaundlos, lnditestlon, Sick Ucadaeb-. Tte decorations of walls proit to have . er Important Influence uon gas bills From recent figures by PrJSumpter it h,, uren i.rcuiaiea mat with different decorat Ions a room would be enunllv li.-l.ia.! h. .v. following candle-power,: B:.ck cloth, loo; oara orown paper, ;; blue par, ;J; c yellow paint, 60: clean wood, 60; dirty wood Sotcaitridge -aper, jo; whitewash, u' Only about one-slxth a, ml, iilumi,tiori' linecesMry for il,e whltewasi-ed room a 'or the same rovn papered in dark trowa A T ALBANY liday, July aisl, Afternoon and Mght Leon W. Washburn's Great European ... RAILROAD SHOWS Send for Catalogue. loft Three Ring Olrcu-.Royal English Mcnae erie. Aviarr A!,,T,m .. . lam. Realistic Wild iet and Roman Hippodrome. ' Cil.l ITCH 1VC CTi..n, dHy at .0 a. m. Open den, (w i,""!"- f,' 000 l-unc. Marvellous ,. " -"" the Monster War Hoot oncn at I an.t - r. . ance one hour later. " 1 ""n- AJmision to children, ha'l price. Star Bakerj ( orltroKilwlltlu ami r'int SI CCNRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR. .BALKa 01 1 aud rrn.la, l aan-d UI..nre, qa.e.,.a "rieo rrallM. lego-able. a oDiM-co, l lxara oar, ftulcea, oBee. Ten, ttm Ele., ,'!rari.CT"h;"'' ,h" " Pn .a nw mark,! prio paid for AI.Ij kinds of produce ALBANY, N. WALDAHL -AfGrchant Tailor. m Suils Made to Order and Satisfaction Cuar antee lcpqiiii,s of illl liqds. SHOP.OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE OREGON Wall Pa 0 ite - - - - - M J J - M.aaaa.n O la. iiits, aStC legs o Hie; J. A. Cunimingitto ALBANY, -:- ORE rma the want e:; At the n ore formerly ownfl I Allen Bros., 1 BUTTER. EGGS, IiARD, su BACON. !gl and CHOICE APPI for which I will Tnav'thp bestcsillPi' possible. b f ieeti irs i ae ei are. NEW : FURNITURE, MY SroUE IS NOW FULL OF FII13T-CLASS IFURNITURK COXSISTINO cf bearuoms-t.. chair., lounces. ete...hlnh tiii ii.li ' l'UJ,,s,s", BOTTOM PRICES. Tlios. Drink. Jm. Dr. raflraon-n:iiMr. Th Kntaw4 ri. I a r. J B Oniionll'i. a;-.".,:.' " ""onr,.M, nraaan 1- . . . MO " WJ-rl. Iwt -v. . , fw DHamnJl, can Notice to Stockhsldf XT f'TICE IS HKRE8Y CIVLV H,"" i the annual stockholders smuj' , tne Waterloo Development toOr";, Waterloo, Or:, will be held at thscoar; o'lice in the town of Waterloo, Or,"' w nesday, August :iod. 1803, at "',.''' o'clock p m of said day, for the PrC " elcoting aix directnra of said eoenar aorve for the ensuing year and to n such other business as may rrgo.arlj ;tf before said meeting. ' T" Dated this 7th day of July. 18M. I 0 Wmtsmi!! 'I Sccnlhey tllo ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY H af-1. awi as aa .jom:ih, Notice nf Tii'oc!rl; Om-K IS HKRKBY G1VKN THAT the CC-MplnaMhiK I . . ' 'vrvifijr-existrnff """"J e anaersisrned under the rirm nm.flm, I ,01DgftCc, hb4nir fh.Tiire.t .ifj, ."""' Porcha-ed rn. intereat of t J Unninj,. The bust o will hereafter b. carried on by J.hn I the rmn-h...r lh.r,f u- i. ' . 1 all p.rtner.hip d.bU.' and who ,m"'i w- Dated this 1st day of Jolr, IJya. Proprietor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed LATHES' TEA ... ... :x-Va.Trai is u pieasant anna, wnicn win u- tne stomach without nausea or Rnpa-a, ; acts thoroughly on the liver, ttdseji reprodoetlv. organs. A gentle phy cieut diuretic, and moat oseful ia j j, painful mensturatioD. It aids uip" hos reuucea ccrpuiency; clears toe "",r-.e renderina it fair, and restoring ibs ton. ol th. akin.for it removes the bl""'-flt by accumulation, produces the ''ow'.,rv ciimpleiicn peculiar to th. constlpsW S. Id by all druggista. , , ode ui 55 IIK.l;AIwPnoTOGRAPni:B-.v" Cabinet photos from $t.to to U 00 per doien. F.nlaiglng picture. . (.peclalt.v. ,i5 Ir.fon Ir.'rneS for SlO.OO. V nr..'. of JxS and sterescoplc" views of UNIVERSITY : OF : 0: EUGENE Orw Monday, Skptkmbk ir :tio Da e m 4p T .. .. -i 1 . 1. . ..mm rfl'lfi lu.cii iiic 11108L inw?'i-i- 'tr.. it . li.. .i-ii 1 1 . ii. iii.wtt. iuc range ui .,uui-. ough Instruction. Husine-s course' . ruitlon free. Entrance fee, !. f.)? and lodging at reasonahle rates U,1 elegant new dormliorv and boardlnf On tha -a .!,.-. .il.,.. will tCP SE. j personal supervision. JTw 1 Jons W. JoiiN-w:- J ,,n"J ssreira V