Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, July 20, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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no ;3
V .
ilsiwL! :n 1 (STRONG 5
i Ayiws fj
P. Smith, oC Towanda. Pa,
se constitution was coinidetely
ken down, is cured ly Ayer's
saparllla. Ho writes:
iFor eight years, I was, ninst of tlio
i great sufferer from const I pa
fc, kidney trouble, nnd indlgcs
BO that ray constitution seemed
W completely broken down. I was
ftced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilta, and
nearly seven bottles, Willi such
client results that my stomach,
'els, and kidneys nre in perfect con
on. and, in all their functions, as
Ular as clock-work. At the tinin
tgan taking Ayer's Sursnparilla, my
ght was only l'.D pounds; I now can
of 169 pounds, ami was never in ac
health. If you could see me he
ind after iisin:, you won hi want
for a traveling udvertlsement.
lleve this preparation of ISarsaparilla
a the best in the market to-ilay."
Tver's Sarsaparilla
"Hired f Vr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
ieothers,will cure you
V'ltn tit home office al
liy'Burkliart Bros.
Botli tlio method and results wlicn
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers nnd cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing- to the tasto and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action nnd truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have mado it the most
popular remedy known.
nyrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on band will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. l)o not accept any
11 ji.uvro.vE;
Arcliltrct and Contractor.;
Lesvfct liltb with ;Hulliuit Fio Ro
ii ii i r i .
She Oregon Land Co
IMP' I- .
. .; s.3L,E33vn- - - - ozRiKo-oirsriirj
n, .ne Gray Mock, corner Liberty and State street, branch office In Portlanu
tAKES a specialty 'of fiunnys'de fruit tracts near Salem)
Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per
e small cash payment loiifi tiniton balance
One of the oldest Job printing
Office? in the State
Ik only Exclusive Job Office
We have the Largest and
best Stock of Printers' Sta
tionery, it has ever been our
pleasure to offer the people.
For Good, Quick Printing.
life GradwoM's Bazaar
.'" ve'y latest ,'oews ia that you can buy at JULIUS
ft (VDWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows:
1 Artuokle'a Coffee, Per Pound
. bs. Granulated Sugar $1.00
;ibs. Magnolia Sugar White 1.00
j -Wo. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 20
CtJis refilled, S gallons 80
', i Gallons Good firm 1.10
1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup , .40
! """I"" trloeash worn, and all eootl, will tw for f.t cash from 1
: n regular prl.. My stock of Chl.naware, fanev a-oodn, ana
HM-strsl.!e sylesofril.hfi, a well a. a nmnl assortment of groceries), crock
T. 'n. Bxtnraa la (oniwm, 1 rnalis a apci ., ol t) i c.Oees and
l powder, ""d always pleaso my oimooier.
. ' orTr n iponslb'.e Insurance ocanpnie. Jalina Uradwohl.
; i
i J
i! .-.
'1 il- geological centre of tlie United
S'utea ttrntory i In Hrilisli America, 420
miles north o! tbe Montana line.
The average wpiglit of aduli liostoniam ot
both texts is only 133 pounds. Vi'estern
people average six pounds heavier.
German authority estimates that, almost
a third of humanity speak the Chinese laog.
uage, tht.t the Hindoo language Is spoken
by more than 100,000,000, the Russian by
89,000,000, while the German U spoken by
57,000,000 tongues, and thf Spanish liy
A carrisponJcnt of No'e ami queries,
writing as to the age of tries and 10 the
oldest tree in the world, 6.131 that the age
of tlie late Dragon Tree of Orotava was
vatious!) estimated at from 6,000 to 10,000
years. On the lowest estimate it surpassed
not only Domesday Oaks and Soma CyFrea
ses, but the Itedsor Yew, with Its 3200 years'
and Alplionse Kan's Baobabs of Senegal.
3alf jur mves the aea, ss asrertained hv
DeCanbolle, of tlie cypress as 359 years,
the oak 1300, the Yew 2Sii and the biobab
as probably the same as the yew.
A Gkeat Convenience.--World's fair
visitors travelling via the Northern Paci
fic R R and Wisconsin Central line, are
innuea at ine urami central station in
Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof
building, toLated in the heart of tbe city,
has been fitted up as a hotel, run on the
European plan, with about 200 rooms
handsomely furnished and each room 's
supplied with hot and cold water, electric
lights etc. The charge for accommoda
tions are reasonable.aud parties can secure
rooms In advance by ratlin? upon agents
of the Northern Pacific R R. By taking
the Northern Pacific through nr line to
Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort
of all tiansferln that city, ano ran also
travel between the Crand Central Ma: ion
and World's fair grounds by trains which
run direct between tlie two ji&luts.
C G Bl-rkhart,
enl at Albany.
A WnoLKtAi.K MkroiiaktsExci'rsioh.-
The Oregon Pacific railroad company
have nrrang'tl to run a Wholesale Jler
clianta' Excursion from Pan Franciso to
Albany on July 27th. The steamehip
"Willamette Valley" will leave with this
party on the evening of Oiat day, arriv
ing at Yaquina on tlie2!itlior:',oth. The
San Francisco Board of Trade will at
tend this excursion in a patry. It !s the
intention to entertain them -in the eame
way that they entertained the cregon
merehnntB nn their recent trip. It is
d-nirable that these merchants should
visit as many points in the Willamette
valley as infusible. They will be allowed
five days to spend throughout the valley.
Another Merchants' Excursion will
probably be Btarted for San Francisco on
Aug 14th. All arrangements wil1 lie
made to entertain tbein nicely upon their
nnitsi til loa'i x' muviHcu.
Tub NoHTiiF.itx Pacific Kam.hoad
Wii.i. Slash tiif. Rates. Oflicinls of the
Northern Pacific Knilrond have decided to
place low rates into effect. Tliey will sell
tickets from Portland to St Paul for 82:
first-class, and make corrcsiiondinir low
rates to all eastern points. World's fair
round trin rates will be trrentlv reiiuied
Ticket can be utilized on either of their
through trains, both of which will continue
to carry tlio Pullman tourist upholstered
sieejiers. 1 wo trains uiuiy without change.
v or lull information and to secure your
sleeping- cur accommodations, call on, or
address A D Charlton, assistant general
passenger agent. No. P21 First street, cor
ner of W'asliinjrton, or C (J Burkliart, local
agent. Albany Urcgon.
Ashbv t Curse, Rel K'., 80J Wash-
lngtno wreet. Kottlsnd. t. ,
I'tt. : ,1 erotn.
. t -'!!' niD'r'ii
IN .I'trii n
Board and Liiimuno of iroo,l nnalilv a
reasoimlile rates are the strong jsiints of'tlie
ar Contract:) of the WnrliPs Fair Hot.H
anil Hoanlinir Hiiriiin. For ile at all rail
road ticket otti'tn in Portlunil and at Salem.
Albany, Kuki-iih. Corvullis. .Mc.Minnville
and Oregon City. Don't go to Chicago
without vnnr ncennimnihitinnw rounrvn.! ii.
less you have a big purse yon nre inxinus to
empty. Call on 0. K. Fronk nt tlie cleit
lor purttcnliirs.
y hra Trxrllns.
Whether on t lessntn hr-t nr hninas
tak. on everv trin a hntt: t.f Kvntn nf Win.
it acts mnst pleas ntly and effectively on tne
ainoevs. livrtraitd liowe.s, preyenMng fevers,
ne .il.hps snd other torn . of sickness For
sale m 50 eentand 81 1 ottles hra'l leadinr
To'sel ai tae IFarl.
P . ....I : ii 1 u . 1 1 . .k
IMnnU nhii t.l. !:. m J,..; ...k
tetimnaials ntfi p-ililmhid ii this paps
They will ennviooj yonJh.t Ho-mIs's cure
llood nils cuie censtiustien.
Tbey Increase appr-tite, fnirtir r' jsrholo
trstem aDdactontltcllvorlnie I lea tUSmaLU
Trt if nrrll
The proof of the merits of a plaster Is
the cures It effects and the voluntary
testimonial! of thoe w!io ha?e used All
cock's Porous Plasters during the pisr
thirty years is unimpeachable evidence of
thlr superiority and should convince 'he
mcst skeptical. Se'f pra'e !s no tecom
nvndation, but certificates from tboe who
hare used them are.
lleware of Imitations and do not be de
ceived by misrepretentatl n. AK tor AI.
cock's ard let no solicitation or explana
tion induce you to accept a substitute.
The Iftravcr Bnk.
Denver. Julv 19. Tho panic in tht
city continued this morning with renewed
vigor, ana as a result tae oiu uerman ia
tionnl bank, with a reputation for stability
of 20 years' standing, tbe equally reputable
State National, and the extremely Btrong
I'eople'r. National fuileil this morning.
All night long depositors stood in line in
front of ihe Herman National. At the op
posite corner, where the State National has
ho long done business, was also a crowd of
anxious depositors. Thew banks posted
notices at !) o'clock. Tbe Peoples National
eloped at 11 o'clock. The run on the Den
ver National is over, with plenty of money
still in sight. The same is true at the City
and other unf ailed banks. Business men
are beginning to breatho more freely.
A Cu4coriEe!lrr. '
Washixcton, July 10. Kverybody is
nerving up for a long and hard w?ige of
congress. It is generally considend a great
a illiction to the country when congress is
in session, and there is not a newspaper
paragraplier in the country who has not
taken occasion to write something to that
etTect; but at the present timecongrens does
not come as an atlliction to the people. On
the contrary, all good friends of the gov
ernment hope that it comes as a relief.
lroiipecC for Good Prices.
St Louts, July 19. The Journal of Ag
riculture, of this city, treating editoriully
on the condition of the present wheat crop
and the probability of an advance In prices,
says the best American nnd European au
thorities agree the world's deficiency will
be at least .00,000,000 bushels. The most
reliable iimires now nlaco the total Ameri
can crop of 1893 at about !iS:i,000,000 bush-
els, which added to the surplus carried will
make Jess than 40,000,000 bushels.
Tbe Wont Fake Yet.
Aiieuiiekx. S D, July 19. The Interna
tional (.'old Wave Company, wita a capital
of $2,000,000 and a surplus of one-third
that sum, has been organized by local capi
talists, who expect to make untold wealth
in the next few years. The company al
leges that it has discovered a secret, a the
potency of which, if applied at the right
time and under favorable circumstances,
will vitiate and destroy the hot winds which
arise in Kansas and at times have been
known to sweep this country, burning and
killing tbe growing crops.
Too Early For Suck Talk.
New York. July 19. General Joseph T
lorrence, o: Chicago, a personal iricnd ot
Secretary Oresbam. saidyest-rday that,
Ditnougn a repuoitcan, ne voteu tor u rover
Cleveland last fall, "Hut," he said, "I
shall vote for Vv alter Q Ore ah am for presi
dent in 1896. In my judgment ho will be
nominated by the democrats then. Do you
suppose he would have resigned a life
judgeship simply to be secretary ot state?
welt, 1 guess not
A RIZ rire:
Susanvii.i.e. Cal. July 19. A disas
trious fire occurred here last night, result
intr in the destruction of 60 buildinirs and
causing the loss of about 8200,000 The
tire started in an outbuilding of the Stew
ard house and toon consumed the hotel
The flames then crossed the street to Cain's
livery stable. A high wind was blowing
nt the time and the tire was soon beyond
The Ladle.
The pleasant effect and perfect safety
with which ladles may use the California
liquid laxative Syrup of Figs, under all
conditions, makes It their favorite remedy.
To get the true and genuine article, look
for the name of the California Fig Syrup
Co, printed near the bottom of (he pack
age. "New PnoTonRAPiiEii. 1 have opened a
new gillery In tlie Y. M. C. A. block, 2nd
street, Albany, and will try hard to please
all who will favor me with their patronage.
will take all sizes and styles of photos as
good as the best and as cheup the cheap
est. I am no traveling photo hero toduv
and gone tomorrow, but have come with
wife and children to make a home in your
glorious climate. I have come to stav.
Please call nnd see me and try my work,
Very respectfully y6urs,
S. A. Hammkii..
Late of Toronto. Canada,
Tnrnljr Train' r xperlrncp.
C D Frcdricks, the well Known pho
tographer, 770 Broadwav. New York.
says "I have been Allcock's Por
ous Placer for 20 veais, and found them
one of ihe best of familv inrdlcides.
Brier. v summing up roy expetience, I say
that when plaoeri on ;he small of the back
Allcock'r Plasters fill the bodv with ner
vous energy, and thus cure fatigue, brain
exhaustion, debilty and kidney d.fficul-
ics, ror women and children 1 nave
ound them Invaluable. They never Irrl
ate he ikfn or caue the sllhtert pain,
but cure aorc throat, toughs, colds, pain In
the side, back or chest, Indigestion and
bon el complaint.
Son I yojf , i . , , . 1 . -l
eiatcX V V" i . I ; I nt
on the D.tM;nir, i-' ' mh yii
Mhton it44 fre-j .en TtoDth
Tlir --; i',ir8 Crra i of lai'-nr rorrtlcr. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Usee "Uir m Hmues vPa- ihe Stmi-1''"
Highest o( all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Klerunl TlRltaace
s the price of health. But with all our
precaution there are enemies always lurk
ing about our syitt ms, only waiting a
favorable opportunity to assert themselves.
Impunities in the blood may be hidden for
years or even for generations and suddenly
break forth, undermining health and
hastening death. For all diseases aiUing
from Impure blood Hood Sarsaparilla is
the unequalled and unapproachable rem
edy. It is King of them nil. for It conquers
Down (to the Hates. The Union Pa
cific now lead with reduced rates to eastern
points. and tlwir through car arrangements,
magnificently equipped Pullman and Tour
ist sleepers, free reclining chair car and fjwt
time, make it the best line to travel. - Two
trains leave from Portland daily at 8:4.", a 111
anri7:H0pm. Tho rates are now within
reach of all, and everylwdy should take ad
vantage of them to visit the World's fair and
their friends in the east. Send for rates
and schedules of trains, and do not pur
chase tickets until afterconsulting Cum 11 &
Monteith, Albany, Or.
W H HrituiritT,
Ass't Oen'l Pass. Agent, U. P.
Portland, Or.
Lai'ndhv Work. Every citizen of Al
bany should bear in mind that the
Albany Steam Laundry guarantee first
claes work nt very reasonable price", and
employs nothing but white labor. Shirts
lone as cheaply ub the Chinaman. Pat
ronize your own race.
Advertising NovEirim. Wo have a
complete line of novettise, direct from the
makers, can furnish the same nt lowcs
prices. Whistles, mirrors, pencilB, mem
oranda books, napkins, fans, rulers, yard
sticks, panels, chromo cards, ca ps, calo n
dare, xinas cards, etc., in season.
And always the best Job Pruttimo
: gJJIJjEY, Leading Printer
Wedding Intra yioxs.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every day.
Tkr;Hklll Md kaowledcr.
KsBntidl to the production of ihe most per
feet aodftnpalnr 'axtivo remedy known,
have enabled the Cthforni Fijf Syruo C,
to achieve a (jrpat auoof in th reputation
of its remedy, Sytuo of Fin, n i i conced
ed to "be the universal laxtive. For le by
all drusuUtp,
an Easy Wlaaers
The rnlid visHb'jIrdltrainsof the Chtcmfn,
Union nAclo & North West, m Line diatom 0
allnompetftlnn with rate. It has the hirt
est line, fustest time, Uoinn dipota and no
change or delay at the Missouri Hiver.and is
the popular World's Fair rout.
Shitoirs Yiutl'2 r u what you nd fr
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow akin or kid
ney trouble. 1 is pnannted to g-ve yrn
satisfaction. Price 75c. M .'djoy F.mhay &
o ul, 01 ftigkt
The ravrlinu public are now futly alive
toth ftctthit the Chinn, Uni(n Priho
Si North-Wefti-rn .Ine cifTftatrte verv bout
aocommodatin to the public from and to
Chicairn, Omaha and intermediate point,
not only during the World'a Firt hut all
tne year mand.
To F.uiMKk.H The niul r-ii ed have
laied the wrehume of David Smith t
Tillrran nd tn now prepared tn tn e
r in, and all t mtra are riqiirtf-d to nit 1
and see them , f,ire ni&kine rrrrtj mania
foratoras- here.
FitiwT Ar Samkr.
htm ,Oe.
I 'our,
Antler. 15a.
FjrBfi 1 fie.
I'ard, 14?.
Pork-hnn iIt snout. , i
Hay. bitled IJ
uo atom. 100.-.
Apple,, 00
U'tp 18rt.
Jrie f.-nlt- i iimat, fln, app!r, fp
fhfrkftna. 94 per dcKn.
Beef., on foot, 4 .
Uog dretweu. 7c
DW it ivf a vm
kr hi:ue
Paiker Kr s, grocers,
F. M. French keeps railroad time.
Buy your yroceri-ta of Parker Bros
Fiae groceries at Conn & llendricson's.
New cream cheese just teceived at Conrad
r J Smiley job printer, FUno Block, does
Srst class work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent
cigar at Julias Joseph's.
Dr M II EUh, uhysicin and surgeon
Albany, Orejoi. J,IU milo tn oic ' or
World's Fair Travelers Will Huve II
The public demand throutth service when
traveling. 7t ia o!d-fanhioned to HL'hnye
Cars." On the through, ohd vestibuled
trains of the Chicag-s Union Ptcitio
North Western Line from or to Chicago.
Omaha and intermediate points there is nu
hance. This is the finest andfistest Her-
uenvsen tne poinca nAmeu. 1
Yon don't Jiave to look
'. .-. : . ulctcct them bright
c i s, bright color, bright
. 1 1
,.1 '
.vfntc tissue 1 ' '
; l.iccd ly the hcnlthy
Scott's Emulsion cf
r id jivt:r oil effects cure by
f.itii.! nfr up sound flesh. It
i.-; 3rceable to taste and
i-;tsy cf assimilation.
I 'n. trr .1 l.y H.-rtft B-WI.. N. V. All
row a case it-
An UMMhu t... i. i ....I .. itiM.
WbrDniiiKlsM or wnt br mall. Ho, Wo.
udU)0 per package. Sample. treaT
WO fIfti.TlRTOrlt0IBrOTBa
llv Xtw f or tbe Tooth and fe-T "- ,
Captain Bwesney, r; Js.ABan DliIO.CWj
ys: "Shlkth'a Catarrh Homed? I the flnit
medlotoe 1 have ever found that would do mo
any good." Price CO eta. Bold by Drumlati.
tht OniAT Coooh CtTRH prompt !r eum
Where all ottion full. For Consumption it baa
do rival; has cured thousands, and win crna
Too, if taken in tlmo. rrtMtU.60eliico.
VIGOR of m
Casily. Quickly,
Pflrmantnt!) Ratio red.
an1 all IN- train rf J'l
lnin-rly ciruinnr later
nif .f.. utt result of
ovrrwork, ItkucM,
wvrr; .f(c. FulUlrviiRth.
flcrrlnpnic-tit anU lonn
B!n lu ewr? organ and
in t tln f ii.p tn-lr-nin-fili-.
pniri. KUIiirf fmpoiii). rffernrn. Ilmk,
rxplanntitin ami pruurs '
nmllcU (lealcd) free.
ir : Yot . ant
or aiir kind of Farm linVemrnt nr V
hide, cal! on or stldrr's.
Orresltc Tosl OITcf,
Albany, Or.