Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, July 19, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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NO 02
HI I la
P. SMITH, of Tow'amla, Pa.,
constitution was completely
n down, is cured by Ayer's
pariUdi Ho writes:
ir eight yenrs, I was, most of tho
a great sufferer from const I pa
kldney trouble, and indlges
bo that my constitution seemed
completely broken down. I was
d to iry Ayor's Sarsaparilla, and
nearly seven bottles, with such
tent results that my stomnch,
p, and kidneys arc In perfect con
L and7 in nil their functions, as
ar at clock-work. At the timo
a taking Ayer's Sarsnparilla, my
I was only IClt pounds ; I now can
f 109 pounds, nnd wits never in so
health. If you could ace mo be
ad after lifting you would want
r traveling advertisement,
ve this preparation of Sarsaparilla
he best in the market to-day."
r's Sarsaparilla
id by Dr. J. C. Ayer it Co., towel!, Mass.
u$8 oth erstwill cu re you
Botli the method and results when
Syrup of Fig3 is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, nnd acts
f colly yet promptly ou the Kidneys,
liver nnd Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in COo
&nu til Domes uy mi leaning arug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one Aho
wikhc3 to try it. 1)0 not accept r.ry
It as not until tlr close of the old war
for independence that much attention was
paid to tho Improvement of the breeds of
domestic animals in the United State. In
1783 some horned cattle weic imported into
Maryland, and passed into the hands of
Matthew Patton of, who took great
pains in raising pure stock from them
Some "shorthorns' were imported from
nglatid into Westchester County, N Y,
from 1792 to 1796, and these were purchased
wiCi the design of improving the breed of
American cail'.e, the fust effort of the kind,
n 1S15 Henry Clay Introduced ihc Hccfords
from Enjj'an.J in:o Kentucky.
An old program of the Harvard com
menctmeiil exercises for 180i records that
ou that occasion there were orations in
Latin, Greek and Hebrew. English poeuis,
forensic disputation, colloquial dis-cussions,
and dialogues on questions of t'0 day, be
sides a number of English orations. An
account of the exercises says that "the
house vas crowded in every qmrter, and.
the circles of ladies were brilliant and ani
mating. Tho performances were received
as the evidence of tolid learning nnd usefu
application, nnd the applause they met was
judicious and sincere."
1 M.MfVrOXK,
Architect nntl Contractor.)
Lfavpc irlcis ith '9lluA nit fir ok t Ri
Oregon JLand Co
On Oct. 3, i77, the United States con
gress authorized n loan of 85,000,000 for
t!ie Unite 1 States, whoso faith was to be
pledged 'o the lenders for the payment of
tho Paine, with interest, this congress
also authorized ths es'ablishmcnt of a loan
ollico in eich state, and the appointment
by the respec'ive states ol a commissioner
to conduct each ofliee.
fl'ltn its home office aij
SALEM-: - - - OKllJCa-O'JSrE
ne Gray Block, corner Liberty and State street, branch office tn Portla-io
""ARES a specialty'of Runnyside fruit tracts near SalemJ
'"Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 ptr
-small cash payment Ic-nf: timon balance
it 'J I If 1:1 1. IK
liy'Burkhart Bros.
A Grkat CoNvKNiR:.CK.--Vorld's fair
isitors travelling via the Northern Paci
fic R K and, Wisconsin Central line, are
landed at the Grand CVtilral M.uion in
Chicago. This ma:riifk-ent firc-proof
building, located in the lu.-t- n the city,
has betn fitted up a? a hotel, run on the
European plan, with about 200 room
handsomely furnished and each room s
supplied with hot and cold water, electric
llgnts. etc.- 1 he charge for accommoda
tions are reasonable.and parties can secure
rooms in advance by calling upon acents
of the Northern Pacific R R. By taking
the isorthern ractlic through c-ir line to
Chicago, visitors will avoid the dUcomfort
of all transfer In that city, and can also
travel between the Grand Central station
and World's fair grounds by trains which
run litres t ret ween ll.e two points.
V' G Bur kiiart,
Agent at Albany.
A Wholesale M ekc iiakts Excursion.-
The Oregon Tactile railroad company
nave nrranird to run a wholesale Mer
chants' Excursion from Ban Francieo to
Albany on July 27th. The steamship
"Willamette Valley" will leave with this
party on the evening of that dav, nrnv
ing at Ysquina on theSUtli orSolh. The
San FranciBCO Hoard of Trade will nt
tenJ this excursion in a patry. It ss the
intention to entertain tiiem in the same
way that they entertained the Oregon
merchants on their recent trip. It in
desirable that these merchants should
visit as many points in the Willamette
valley as possible. Iliey will be allowed
nve davs to spend throughout the vallev.
Another Merchants' Excursion will
probably be started for San Franciero on
Aug 14th. All arrangements nil1 be
made to entertain them nicelytupon their
arrival in nan rrancisco.
l riakllDC la Uracil,
Nkw Yoiik, July 18. Tne Herald's Val
paraiso cable says: Vigorous fighting is
reported to be in progress in Kio Urande
do Sul, Brazil. General Saravia, in com
mand of the revolutionists, pushed forward
towards Yaguaron. The advance posts oc
cupied by government troops were taken.
Prisoners captured were shot by the revo
lutionists. ' The efforts of the insurgents
at Santa Ana were unsuccessful. The Cos
tilhista forces charged upon the revolution
ists and drove thein bark. Several men
were killed. Tho revolutionists met with a
further reverse by the sel.uro of arms, in
tended for them, by the Uruguayan author
ities in .Montevideo.
f The Men to Illume.
CiiKAOn. July 18. Ino coroners tury
investigating tho awful fire at the cold
storage building on the worlds fair grounds
last week, in which so many lives were lost.
this evening returned a verdict holding to
the grand jury for criminal negligence the
following persons:
lianiel H Uurham. director of works of
the world s fair; Fire Marshal Edward
.Murphy: I B Skinner, president of the
Hercules iron works (owning cold storago
plant); Charles A McDanild, sccctury and
treasurer ot tho same company.
1 The I'nlon racltle
Nkw Yoiik, July 18. In regard to the
rumor nt Omaha that tho Union Pacific
would have to go into tho hands of a re
ceiver, General Manager Dickinson says:
"We are tn no worse shape than other ot
the wr-atern roads, and if the Union Pacific
should go into the hands of a receiver,
which 1 do not for a moment anticipate, it
will have several associates in the same
I A Hoax
Seattle, 'uly 18. The siory sent out
la-t nighhabout the United States steam
ship Mohican being fired upon and disabl
ed bv a ix-oound cannon from ti e steain
sealer Alexandria, is now believed to be a
hoax. I he story was told by li i Uarrett,
of Kadiak island, who came down cn the
City of Topeka, but tho olliccrs of the boat
know nothing of the occurrence.
An Old Mullcr
New Yoiik. Julv 18. KusseU Sage has
been sued foi 81OO 000 damages for seduc
tion under promise of marriage. The
plaintiff in the suit is Delia Kcegan. She
alleges the offense for which she now seeks
legal redress occurred in lHb8, when fcage
was a - widower. Sage's lawyer calls it
Jacksonville. Or. July 18. Colonel
Robert A Miller returned yesterday morn
ing from his three-month trip to Wash
ington citv, and founn his commission as
register 0: the land othce at Oregon City,
awaiting him. He met a very cordial re
ception from his many Southern Oregon
Elt :').
One of the oldest Job printing
Offigc$ in the State.
i ftie only Exclusive Job Office
VVe have the Lareest and!
best Stock of Printers' Sta
tionery, it has ever been our
pleasure to offer the people.
For Good, Quick Printing.
WlflllaSM f
Tub Xouthkiix Pacific Railhoad
Wu.h Slash tiik Rates. Officials of the
Northern Pacific Railroad have decided to
place low rates into effect. They will pcII
tickets from Portland to St Paul for 8:
firrt-HaHs, and make correpondincr low
rate to all eastern points. World' fair
rotird trip rates will be ereatlv mluied.
Tickets can 1 utilized on either of their
through trams, both of winch will continue
to carry the Pullman tourist upholstered
sleejtors. lwo trims daily without chamre.
For full information and to wnre your
sleeping car accommodations, call on, or
address A I Charlton. a?fi?tant trencral
pasMicr nsreiit. No. Fir.t ftrwt, cor
ner of U afhinortnn, or ( llurkliart. local
agent. Albany Oregon.
lilius Gradwotil's Bazaar
very latestnews is that you can buy at JULIUS
y,WOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows:
tflrbnckle's Coffee, Per Pound
Xbm. Granulated Sugar .,..$1.00
lbs. Magnolia Sugar White 1.00
fo. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 80
;Jan refilled, 5 gaUons 90
;,5 Gallons Gocd Plckles.tnarket firm 110
5g- Ollon No. 1 Syrup 40
Hi. enrclnrt a strict cab more. n1 all good, wlil li-j .,'d for let euh frnro 1
C fit lfn tuan rpgu-ar priep. My stick of, fanoy goods. ni
-uh vie 01 nisnei, a. wen a. a KenfMi as-wrtmni or grocni,croeK-
i J!; " 1 --.fnm3 n!j hi .: ti ietm-., citlee nl
iwuer, n:i always plao my eustomeris
' Is r sorer n rponstble
i sponsible In.arsnoecmpAnio
Jallas Uradwohl
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Eternal Tig) Inure
t the price of health. Rut with all our
precaution there art enemies always lurk
ing about oursyittms, only waiting a
favorable opportunity to assert themselves.
Impurities in the blood may be hidden for
years or even for generations and suddenly
break forth, undermining health and
hastening death. For all diseases arising
from impure blood Hood' Sarsaparilla is
the unequalled and unapproachable rein
ed. It is King of them all.for it conquers
Proof or Merit
The proof of the merits of a plaster Is
the cures it effects, and the voluntary
testimonials of those who have used All
cock's Porous Plasters during the past
thirty years is unimpeachable evidence of
thf-ir superiority and should convince the
most skeptical. Self praise Is no recom
mendation, but certificates from those who
have used them are.
Beware of imitations and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask tor Al
cock's and let no solicitation or explana
tion induce you to accept a substitute.
BKK lli:UE
Paiker Hus, grocers.
F. IS Fremiti keeps rtilroad tim.
Buy your jiroceri'W of Park or Bros
Fine groceries at Conn & llcndricsoo's.
Mew erenrn cheese just received at Cobr&d
P J Smi'cy job printer, Fliuu Block, doe
Srst class work.
Smoke the celebrated Uavana filled 5 cent
cigar at Julius Joseph's.
Dr M II Nili, physician and surgeon
Albany. Oi-an i, O.lij tnili in city' or
country .
The lei.
The pleasant effect and perfect fnfety
with which ladles may use the California
liquid laxative Syrup of Figs, under all
conditions, makes It their favorite remedy.
To net the true and eenulne article, look
for the name of the California Fig Syrup
Co, printed near the bottom of the pack
age. New PiioTOORAPiiKit. 1 have opened a
new gallery tn tne i-.'U.U. a. block, Jnu
street, Albany, and will try hard to please
all who will favor me with their patronage.
J will take all sizes nnd styles of photos as
good as the best and as cheap as the cheap
est. 1 am no traveling photo here today
and gone tomorrow, but havo come with
wife and children to make a home in your
glorious climate. I have come to stav.
Please call and see me and try my work,
Very rcspactfidly yours,
S. A. Hammkmj.
Tditeof Toronto, Canada.
To f.rt til ine FnrU
R. i'n,i H'tod's " tt ai- it, aU th
ne.M:o who til o thii mn .icino.-.r icirt th
:t-triionia's otten initl :'itl in this- i-ai
Tli-y will e mviiici y-tnjbiit IIoikU'm cnn
Hnnd's I'l l cute cfiMliiuttioq.
Notfce. All parties who have been in
tlie . liabifc of tying cows so they can run
over ml join ine sidewalks. are hereby
notified to stop the practice, or the ordi
nance in reference to the same will lw en
World's Fair Travelers Will Have II
The public duoiand through service when
travelint.'. Jt is old-fashioned to "Change
Cars." On the Mirough, ohd vstibolad
trains of the Chic, Union Pacific A
North Western Line from or to Chicago.
Omaha and m termed i.ite point there is aw
hanee. This is th huest and f titest Ber
co bttwetsn the poicts named.
A nvi'RTisiNO Kovei.ties. We have a
complete line of noveltise, direct from the
makera, pan furnish tho same at lowea
prices. Whistles, mirrors, pencils, mem
oranda books, napkins, fans, rulers, yard
sticks, panels, chromo cards, caps, calen
dare, xmas cards, etc., in season.
And always the best Job Printing
SMILEY, Leading Printer.
Laundry Work. Every citizen of Al
bany"BhoGld beartn mind that the
Albany Steam Laundry guarantee first
class work at very reasonable prices, and
emnlovs nothing but white labor. Shirts
lone rb cheaply as the Chinaman, Pat
ronize your own race
Wedding Jnvitavionh.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every day.
Ashhv t-Care, Rril P-
irgtoo Street, Portland. L
To Faiikr The qi rii:-cd have
leed the wsrchi'Ofe .f !-Td Smbhat
Tillman rd tr now pic.o'r-d to sto'e
grnin, and all titn is r titiptd t n call
na see hvm wiur m-kmit trMi'iirmeuta
lor ttorni- e.tewhere.
Fp.ojn- a SamiF.hs
8hiti'h's Cu e, me pifat ronch acd rroop
cur-, i Utt sr.-e ny n. rcVt "tM con tain
twent -hre iliw,nn.y 25s, Children loro it
Board and Loih.ino of svxxl nualitv a
reasonable rates are the strong points of the
ei. t r t i t- i ; ti.u
and Hoarding Murrjin. ror sale at nil rail'
rond ticket offices in I'mtland and nt Sn cm
Alliany, Kugene, Corvnllis, McMinnville
and Orpgon City. If.n't go to Chicago
without your accommodations iworvod, un
less you nav a big purne von are mxinus to
empty. Cull on C. K, Fronk at the depot
vr mrxicnian.
Wars Trnveilai.
Wheilier o rleure fc-nt, or bnrinesn,
tV on everv tr:n a bottV rf Syrnp of Fig,
it m-t pnntlv and ff efively oolne
KClneva. liv.rtrt r.?'s, i:rV''T inff ferert.,
nein"--! ann o-rr form ff )-icknee r
in 0 n"nd ?l lottlct r I leading
Thertklll pnd knowleilee.
Kssrntil tn the production of the mtnt per
fect and prpular 'axntive remedy known,
have enabU d the Cthforni.t Fig Hyrtio C'i.
to achieve a great snonea in th reputation
of its remedy, Symo of Finrs as if. is conced
ed to b the univetnal laxtive. For sale by
all drnieU.
Am Wmj Wlanert
The solid TaHha'd3,;r:u f the Cheacr.
Union pariu' ft Nn h Western Line dint ant e
all competition with ae. It has the st srt
et line, fastest tim. Union djpnta and no
change or delay ml the Missouri Uiver.and is
tne popular Weird a fair route.
Slii'.th' ' i?iii-f !s what yn'i netd fir
nyjpejjstt., tctviti irT, yellow skinorku!
nev troaie. r. i -"inrantred to give
STtiUotior, Price 75j. S'djby Foshay St
Twenty Trara' rxperlenre,
C D Fredricks, the well Known pho
tographer, 770 Broadway, New York,
say' "I have been using Allcock's Por
ous Piasters fur 20 yea is, and found them
one tl ihe best of familv medlcldes.
Hrltllv umm!ni un n-v exnerience. I sav
that when placed on ;he small of the back
Allcock's Plasters nil the bodv with ner
vnus energy, nnd thus cure fatigue, brain
exhaustion, debilty and kidney dlfficul-
les. ror women and children l have
ound them Invaluable. Thev never Inl-
ate theskln or caue the slMitert pain.
but cure aotvinroat, coughs, colds, pain in
the side, back or cheM, Indigestion and
bowel complaints."
Sflod yo if 1 -I ... - , it it 1 1
ea3-.-k.VC VWvt', O t ;i . ol mi
on the Dkmoo;; vr, 1 1 i' n .' 4 x
ash inn frx etch mtnih
1 he travoiing put I'c are now fu ly a tve
n!he f tet .ht the ChiRNir. Union Pat (tie
Si North-W.ftfrn . Ine cfTeiathft verv tett
aerofrmMs'iofis so he public fruni at d to
Ch'tnro, 'iinh an' ir.term'dUre po nti,
not only dnrmfl th Worla a Fatr, hit ni
tne yo:r nmrd.
Albur Uirkef.
Vhw ,60e.
Cats, Wc.
I lour, $5.00.
Mutter, 15c.
Kggfi. Ion.
Ird. 14c.
Pork him IV. nould9M, al le
lay. fla
0 atnen, 100ft.
Apple,! 0
Hop 18c
i ried f.ii1t-p1ntit, 0ot apple, Oo
Chickens. 94 60 p-r dozen.
Keef, on fool, 4n.
llog dreaapd. 7c.
Thoy increase appetite, purtiy t whole
trstcmnodactontlieliver Bile Beads SrmtLU
The r-itv pure Cream of Tartar Towdcr. No Ammonia- No Mmn.
r;nirn of Homes r. Varj t Stan-br
0 .1 .u
n? mm.
You don't have ( look
tv.ic: kidelcct them bright
cy;::-,, bright color. brirht
1 s
L-rijrht in
evcr- :ic
tc n.'
cnly when
we.ii: tissue
:a iq:!;iced by the healthy
hind. Scott's Emul.siVn of
coc! liver oil effects cu::- bv
Lui!j;nj up sound flesh, i t
is ;:;recable to taste .ind
easy of assimilation.
I n-t. tt.-d hf Krtlt . Ivnru., 5!. V. a;i d,u ,i '
Bokl brOrunrista or sent Ir m!l. Jto, Wo.
said tup per poet age. Sample, ina.
TFf VTA .The Favorite TOOTH KVBU
IlW llVfor the Teeth ana ilreUi.tSo.
its: "Bhiloh's Catarrh Komedy Is the first
medicine 1 have ever found thnt would do me
any good." Price ro eta. 8oldbyKrugi8tg.
Tim OnrT Couoh Ctma proraptlvettm
whcteaUothorsfaiU ForCoaaumptioaithas
norlTaJ; has cured thousands, and will cms
too, If taken In time. PrUSJ;X 00cU.,M.CO.
r , u i j
tP'iiii urly i i riiMur bt'j'r
rxccMHw, Uiu rt':-ult.i uf
ovvrvtoik, Irk in- sn,
wurri .ilti. Pultrtre:ifth,
i!.-i lopmpiit atil ion
ftlvpti lo a rry urgan and
i--iiftn nt tlit txiflr.
Hurt impoii'M.
,:iti rrh
vplanxtain an it previa
tniillcti eaJtftl) treo.
orrALo. n.v.
IF : l i- AM
or any kind of a Farm I-nVmeit
hlc, rail on or mlilrf.
S. F. 175 HP, ,
Opposite Tost Offce,
Albany, Or.