". ur "l i VrilS Scmocral. DWCLA8 THE AVEBF0OT K0UTE EATIaEKTOKB t'UAJI- ,.. , . .. urn i.i"jmIi uilrtfl PATRONIZEi HOM INSTITUTIONS. Ul'.l jn'ii,4Hlvu .fjiu.iiitti'1 til prob D you wear Bum J VVKhi nnt In need try a pair. i,., j'u: -i i:v ruiio oiocs. Best in the world. Oregon Pacific Railrodd. r w ll tliLI Y. atrrtlvrr. 00 .50 m FARMERS & MERCHANTS IISUHAICE Q WILL'S MUSIC STORE S2.00 W" FOR LADIES 12.00 I.7S roii R0Y( Attorney at Law ni Solicitor In Chancery. Coll lions mad on all ikVuU. Loans neifotiatt'J on rabUtenua. Albany, Oregon Albanr, Oreajont T1JIE SCHEDULE, swept Siindsrs.. 44.00SJ 49 sn W,i2Kfw 2.00trJV5 l.75 :! Mi ICHICifcUlNO ' "IIP MILLER.' "STECK," AND "VOSfc A SUN" iMANOS, NEV 51 AS" RROS , 0H0AN6. 0 T 1 1 1 .till Intra nrt Write Inr Citalojun nd Prices before Purctnsinjr Elsewhere: Weseli tin BcUOovds at Lowest Price. mall Instruments, Hniks icq LhriptiuaW w Uom ni other Svwlnx Machine, also Kccdlei Oil and Extra for all sUa-jh.i.es; E. U. WILL, Albany, Or. EXECUTOR'S SALE. Notice ii herebv given that the under - ftit?ni?il xeutor ct the last will and testa ment of Owen Bear, deceased, late of Linn county, Oregon, will pursuant to an order of ine county court lor L.tno county, uregon, duly made and entered of record on the 3th day of June, 1$'J3, authorizing and licensing the undersigned as executors of said estate, to sell the lands hereinafter described, will onthelGth day of September, 181;., it the hour of one o'clock p m of said day, at the Court House door, iu the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, fell at pub'ic suction, to the highest bidder all cf the right, title and interest the said Owen Bear had at the lime of his death in and to the following lescribed real estate towit: a Beginning at the N corner of the dona tion land claim of Owen Bear and wife, Not No 2240 and claim No 41 in tp 12 S R 4 W of the Willamette meridian and runcing thence west along the north boundary line ot said claim (j2.60 chains to the N K corner ni a tract of land sold to V W Hobinctt and J C Kubinett by Owen Bear and wif-; thenje south 2 chain, thence'S 31 4o L, following along the oenter of a slouch 14.24 chains, thence south 2.00 chaina,thence east parallel with the north line uf said Owen Bear's claim 55.10 chains to the east line rf said claim, tbenoe north 17 chains to the place of beginning, containing 101. S'i acie", all in Linn county, Oregon. Terms of sale nne-haif cash in hand on day of sale and one-half in six months from day of sale with interest at $ per cunt per annum secured by mortgage on the land sold. This the 8th day of July, 18U3. Walter Mi'Ilkef., John CrsiiTN;, Weathcrford & Chamberlain, Kxecutoia, Attorneys for Ki. ON FIRE WITH ECZE. Terr-Uilis Sullrrlnga of Little, ifc.:,y Seven liK-tors Anil Two IIusiIln K ill. Cured by Culteura. I ti boy, rion'h old, liri"Ar out f.-i in. I'ho il. liln and Liiruitiat m iuu u .'m i nprr:iti .-. hm liui!,, breml, f ic.-. d . unci In w;m uoirly c.nvrt l ; his inrun '' v to ptUtLdo to Im ImM; li,. ,;i, no pi . n-'u win iiiitp ri'M ii!l;..t H.iy. He wup under lr. . nn lit st ililTtTt-tit iiri.- t0 ll('alt,tl' ai,.i 1-v c .. I'K'Kti inlhiot-itr ..t' . thr lr.m Unit't: -, prt'n.TiMtion of il:,- .IV f.ii:!ifiili tiu I. K r ni'-mhi I it ?t i nn.fui- . (Mil tii. ly.-.i, vi.i.,:..,!. 1 i t flv.-iHi r: imi-.a. , 1 HA Svrar.l I'l-.-i, i ... liil.-t'T t . r Biul f.. .!..! . ' tV l, It-r. K, ;.. f a lini:-.. .!-..(, st.d rt"t and bI.-.-;! r . 'v i!:ijnvei nd (n nine .. .- nl. Hti.l h nw cl.-r it iri-i ; i.v rn.ith.-r r.mld ih ) tUiHbrr U um it for every . ( W. Ilr.iokline si., Bot ju. Cuticura Remedies ! t . Sr.;-! en res. Wood puiiflem, mnl hutni' i Ji cf i:. .1. m tlint-s, Intanily tvitt-T tut -t :t-T' ... f..imti i.f trvit-itia at.d p.Tl.tm, ' r'"'-naitly, H-.nomicII, sn. La." i ' .i .) i-,t( iortiirii'd. dit"i;uri!ia -.. '' ' t'Wdit.e. -.ily, fni.,-,), i, .i . ri- ..- :n.t hiiniMrsof th. kin, st-alp, n ' .i. t :' I nf h.air, fr-'in tnfm.-v ! , Vt . !'!. scr-fti! rid, or herrdlt.v'T, wLcn f.ii. i tu.i!.si4 n:i,i lBt pliymclana (nil. ' !.-! .',.r,'. Vrl-.', Cl TirrA,Ho.: P.ht . !:'-. .' J?. I'ropart'tl Vy the rorrri i A ..M T. ;i 1.4.'t'HrsHlATIOH,llotto. r - -s i , -'::. t M i-rcsvin iti.s," . , .' t. : ;. ,,,i t,v WttinoOU.!t, ' . ki i m., nnh, rhtppid, an J "OLOFOLKSPAINST K -t!l.-f CTif-'M tnr nil P;i!i), In'l in iui. n;'-'-,i Wf).11(.M of tin. i- i it 4 iiilruris Autl-l'Hln Vlt r, if !'-t n i.l i.siin.ki.:)-. -t" r. i w. uutaUiUifCuus, aud iaiASt e (- -) ti:i..'"V..' ' t.-..,ll...v r-ir .-U.' .. af 1'l.iAlt tlirr for Tom, Trrn sminenerr.. ,)e Duit', 6mill Itilv lJ.r. per bvtue. IF von want fins DRESS SHOE, mads In (lis latest iivim, flon't pay SB to $8, try my J3, S3. 50, S4.00or $5 Shoe. They fit equal to cuitom made ind lock and wear ai we.!. Iryoo wish to economize In your footwear, do so by purchasing W. L. Douglal Shoes. Nairn and pnrs sunpsa on in i'm-m, ik tor it hen you b'iy W. 1- DOUGLAS, llrociton, Mull. Sold b SOLU T Bs L,. F. HLAIiV. GuaratiU-ct1. c:.--c Sick IlcaiUich!) n:.l C each bot:!". 1': '. Picture "T. . J. F. SXiI.i ei Li., r. ..: liilinas attacks, i r:;ition. 40 In :.. i'cr salo by n:;.' j t'ose free, .-.cri, sr.Y YORK. REVERE HOUSE XBANY 0RFr.fr, 'AS. PKi-JI Fr Kl KOI'itiKToR n a Caveat, and Trade-M arks obtained, and all Pal. f ent business conducted for Modcratc Ftcs. 5 Oim Orncc is Opposite U. S. Patent OrneEf and we can secure patent iu less Lime than tbose 2 lemoefrom Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- tlon. We advise, if patentable or not, free of J charge. Our fee not due til! patent is secured. S A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," withf cost of tame in the U. S. and foreign countries 5 sent free. Address, S C.A.SNOW&CO. tOpp. Patent Opttcc. Washington. D. C t DISSOLUTION'OF Rn-PAtiTNERSHIP KUIIlit. Albany, Or., June 27. 1893. Thl cn-L-' Intr. hiu in the clothing I neii l-.eret, f .ro ri.tin between J L Cowan a.tu m .-leiuuere it iruin inn, itay tlntiolred ill iowuniwini.il thrrtfrnm Th firm Hi i nrji ii. r l e kt n- n by the nrme of M onroir,t,., w II ,sumo .11 the li.i.ill tiea it lh htm md enllect al.' outHamlinn ' iH.ie. due nui linn. J. I.. Cowan. M. STKR-NfElia. m iri.itn.iippi.." .''HiiiBiuraldlsfharireaak1 in:w.ht for a Lottie of liri (n a fn. a. ttli.-r.id orpnblicilT ofs. on-rx)laonoua ai.d ilTPTiI lint ffya .f rls. XX ' mtrrm Amiean Curt. af '",:a"-ure(i pt x csar.j lafTTir- aw-iT ilf'lUVUHii GOOD Food - -Digestion -Complexion - -z? are all intimately connected zZzi zBzj-zz practically inseparable. p!-:r-3. IwJH Though the fact is often --- ignored, it is nevertheless : rr true that a good complex- r ' '- .'.I ion is an imixwsibility with- out good digestion, which gH rrrrrz in turn clcjicaJs on good B-J-- - There Is no more common ' ' cause of Indigestion than - z 'irl' I t the bright house- - - keeper use COTTOLENE Th New VgfUbl Shorfwlng nd tulnthote for lard, and .r her chetkirith those of . 1T--' nrr family, will be fir -. more likely to be Like a rr" " rose in the anow," Cottolene i clean, deli rJI" r-JJS ci healthful and popu- Jr - lar. Try it for yourself.; ? - TlTireeeeritt q stampo to V. rairwnn X (.O..V rue .go.l, -. hndomrt MrlcisCX'k iVk. vniJinmz ij nun.ire.l mipr. prepAlvnlT1ecn4aeataliU)or-1 mcs on covauu ftadc only by N. K. Fairbank & Co., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NCW YORK. BOSTON. 3 A i r V iiafc'!iv ISeeiV! ir tf; l Letvs Albany 12:i . m,: Lre VerjUtna, 7:001,11 Leave Corvallis l:''3r, M. U-ave l'..rYallie,10:3FA,M 4rrl' Ysquiiis, :sa r. a.Arnv. Albauy, 11:18 A. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Valley Polnta and San Francisco OCEAN 8TEA. It K 1 1.1 NO; FROM 9 XX P KAN CISCO WUlainett Valley, July Uth 27tht Willanittte Vullsv, July 21st, at f p m. The Company rvwatvM the naat to houge sailing dates without notice. Its V.E It STKA.HF.KS, U'&inet "Ir, leaves Toitland Wednenlay and Saturday ill u, . 1! C Day.Oen Ait.Silraon Street Wbarf.Portland I rt iiutfhn, uun A? t, sn t rancisco, cai. K E Mulcahy, General Sut: Notice of Assignment. Notice is hereby given that the Bank cf Oregon, of Albany, Orecoo, has duly signed to the undersigued a gig nee ail its property and effects for the benefit of all its creditor, under aad bv virtu of the gen eral assignment laws ot Ine state of Oregon, and the undersi ined hao heretofore, towit. on the 23th day of June IS','3, duly qualititd as sucd assignee. All persons having claims acainst said lo solvent and the eaUio thereof are hetebv required to nreiiit the rame to the un dersigned at the Bank of Oregon building in he city of All any. Oregon, under oath. withid three months of this date. Dated this 23th day of June 1803. W. S. Tuomhpox A hfcigcee of the Batik of Oregon, an insol vent. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY. OREGON' ,1891, 1892 Ir.l Term Opened September 9tl! A ft. 1 corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERAPf L COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses ot ftndy arrnnged to inwt to a:i graues orsiu'jents. Sfmal luauctments eft red la itudtnli from abroad. KLBEBT n rOKOIT CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, cniviiinMT. .... W or iniarmaEinn ana Tree HanrtDOQlC WElte to ML3N CO 301 BnoAPWATrNaw'YoKK. loHBuroffu for eecnrinir patents In it.' netj (aM9 takta. ont by us is brpupht beft piiuim uj B aouce giren iree ox coarse tu t i'ficuttfif tttftian lVueeat elrmlatlon of anr ofntlfle paper In tb vorM. Splembdlr illustrated. No .ntelllReos shotald 1 ma oe wiinoui it, weeicir. 93.00 OsUmombs. Addresa MUNN A CO renrt fLSUatx EAST AND-SOUTH, THE SHASTA ROUTE ur iiit- Southern Pacific Co Express Train. leave Portland Daily. Sour h ( 7:''r. s. Lf" 10:23 r u I Lv a a I Ar fros n-i.T 1, 13i2, rjrtlaml Albtnjr San I'rancifco I North .,r "f:ss as Lr 4::S a Lr 7;00 r aoht irain. at..p only at following sutionf nor'Ii rtt Kwrhunr. Korttand, Oren City, H 1. ourn, Salem, Albany. Taairent, Rhoild, llaleey. Har. ROSBBl-R. MAIL, 0AI1.T 8:SU a M I t.v Portland Albany Rose burs; Ar 1 4-.viri i:':.tra l,v l.v 1ii a 5:60 r a I Ar a LB AST Local. BaiLi (isrsrT SrsoaT) I no r s I Lv P.rllani Albarj Ar ;o m a Lr 30 a V r Ar :10 . B 1 Lr Albany Lebanos Albany Lebanon :00 a Ar T I Lr sAr Art 3,, Lr :3r a PULLMAr BUFFET SLEEPERS. AND Dinintr Cars on Ogden Route. SECOND-CLKSS SLEEPING CARS Aiisraen laall Tkrsswk Tralas. STe.l a. ile hlrl.1... ETlfKESJ rBTI.l.ll Axis OK ALUs. KaiL rBAIIIT(EscptSaiMisy, j.x a a lt p.nu I Ar I 5 JO r s 13:10 r a Ar Consuls k In i amsss raais saur (Eicpt Sui.day . m r a I L Portland McJIinnrlMs Arl It :16rl Ar h.H a a ThroiiRli TicketN sll p,ilnt In the . Eynern S:,te Canail. sid r-p. K" ob-aiied at loweet ra'.ea Ir.tn, r ai rak. A.-ent Albany. KOEHLKR E P. EWERS, sl.r.aer s't 0. r. and P,Tt"ii.i Oreson. nto American mi m a ' rw EO. W. WKlCiHT, Atutrnr at liw. ami Jfntanr Pub.Io. Will uraotics In ill the court of tlm state SpecUl attrtitiou triven to collections and matter in prebite Ufllffr: Upstairs Uason-Twcdttle UlocK Albany, uku V. n i 1 1 1 i n i; !, M'KbfMiS$ A: V V J' I M II te?l mttcri will rucslve pruiup Iflco r. Oia Foil iiiMil, Albany, 0 J. Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. M OXTANVI: A HACIil.KMaN, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. J AMES J. I14KI.TOM. Attornv-at-Liw. AH leiriJ b-j'iii attcinlfJ o prompt) v: FL INN'S Block, A.bany, Or: D" J. I. MIL Phyddan and Surgeon , OFFICE Corner Fery streets, Albany, Oregon. D US. niNTOV A OaVIS, Physicians an Surgeon!, OFFICE and Ui.-.olalhiii slrectn, Albany, Or, attunded i citv and country; U'irnor ecom CaIIs promptly Cn.UIRKRL4I.V, U. Hcmeonathist. fc? SpeciJIst In diseases of the Rye. umce hotis 1 to v a m; l to 3 m, slid 7 1c 8 mi g. A Crr Rn, F IKNT NATIONAI, B INK, OP ALBANY, nKEOON retldent LFMNN 7ic President . S, E.YOUNO .-rubier .. K, W. . LANUDON ntANSACTS A OENERALhsnhtnR'buslaew ACCOI!NTS KKP1' eubiect to check. 8IQUT KXCUANOB anil tel Tuphie trtneter, . d New York, S&n Francisco, Chicago and P'ltland DIRECTORS. J. E. Tonus K, IV, lahodos L K Blaw. L. Flirs Ed.ard I. Sos. J XV. t VHIVK. at iM.,n WKKKH OF ALBANY, ORKGON, TRASSACTa trensiml Binkin- uttncs, DRAW S1UHT 1)11 UTS on .Now York, San Fr n sco and Portland, Ore?n. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE dopnsits subject to check. COLLECTIONS iule on favorable terms. INTEUE3T paid on time deonslts INK OF mvio, scio, oRKdon. en.'lent.H shler..., A J Jouss From Termiaal 3: Me n Paciflc Eailroai Is the line to lake To a PoiDtsEASTanil SOUTH It In the DIIXO TE. 1,- II ruiix Tlirongli El TRAINM in Hie ST.PAULanil 0 CHANGEIOF CARS.) " Composed of Dinin? Cars I'nsiirpasscd Pnilinan Draninz Koom Slocps Ar i i . i r?.: i vi i.uirsi tiiiiipinciii TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Bot t!.at can be contruete) And In whii' i arourimodUons are hth free 'and furnished for holders of Firm or fcitcoud clash tickets, aid ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A CoutiDUona Lina connecting mlh ai lines, anoroing Direct and Uninterrupted Serrice. Pullman aleerer roaorrstlons can be aecureil In adTance tliroush any agent of the rMd, THRODGU TICKETS lo and from all points In America England and Europe can be purchaaod at si J ticket office of this cotrpanr; Fnll information concernlna rstos.tlins of trains, routea and other aetaila furn lahed on application tu any afrent, or A D ClfARLTON. Assistant General Pasaeniter Agent, No 121 First et, cor. Washington, Portland, Oiegon. C O Ilaikharl, local agent. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT fo Rent the ef Andrew HUtton, DerM, OTirKlS B1S1&BYOIVEN TH T THE CNt5TY court n Lter scuaty. Ortin. h fixed Siiiiir...Y ;cV at tht ksaf cf 1 i"l'it"k p iu of mid its? '' Albany, (Ttv-n, as the tirpt? and rlaie fiml a want and fitt. tiwnt t aboTe entit'rtl fst, Ar.v rifntiii tavlnir anv objsrtitr.i tt'tbf $mtt are hty ntttitd -. pirarni asm i 'ict in n nmr, Dated this 1-th da o June, M, u r iumim. jr Admin ittnttv. G rlKAii, Prwildeiit. J L COWAN, Treasurer. ALL OTN'RS FOLLOW. Til ROUGH OA I A' TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 A. 31. 7:30 P. 51. TO CHICAGO HOURS E ?B THE EAST 1 PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE FECLINIMG CHAIR CARS DINING CARS. For rat.es and ceneial Information cal on or address W H HL'RLBURT.Asst.Gcn'l. Puhr. Agt 254 Washington at.. Poktland, Orkgov bv Inca' aM:3hcaiions aa t:icy cannot reach tho Clicked portion of the e:ir. TJurc id only one .;; toc'.iivdcaiii'.'i,-,, .-.cl tl'jt iri by cociiits tio::ui ri--.':li..'h. It-a!'r.yss ::i c?unco: by an in fa.nci! coi:il.:.t n of t:.c r-urous lininir of ih. uustachlaa ij! a. V. ii.-n this tube Is h.lliimtd 'ou nave a r'.H'ioils-? n-:r..l ftp linwr.. nir. a 'ill irh, n r n, :-1v .in X ,.nf th j result. k:.J i:i.i.:ss tlio Inljiimuiatiou can be tulcen out i.rnl t;i:j t'-.h'. rik'nn il In 1,. ....m..! condition, lio;.r.:Rg will .o di'stroycd forn-cr; , , c , vl UI ' ,:aiica Dy cainrrji, Klllch Ih nolli ii:-hill un j.,nn..,,l Mn.li.f, tap tnucona niiri.u..'.,. WeWllKlVe O.IU Iflinflrrd Tlftllnr. fn nn. a of Uoafncwt nnnniil by catarrh! that oan- Tlot bo run.! l.v Hall' Patiirrh Krtnrt ,,, f- ' CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 7it:. ' AW ilL JIcFarland, -I- DEALER IN Harness - and - Saddlerj Display in the Dqoi HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED to find a cens Pott RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK.lt zVi.' ... - - "MX 1 &DB-mm mm beltS3 1 jj "mW ns onn a..i. Mpn.r... . a i a-.aD I ll K r.r. I'l. Sl,ra fT aT hnwn ,7- ' Vl""",n'1" 'o rnnust hPiUh and " of whom e baV MroiigUtt w oeanrg testimony tu their recorurj after oalug our ilelU . Br. A. T. (W. KsVs"-. " F?r SJaest.eoaDlm ioseoi do?.. l'.JMai' snJ lUh tbla frttm i af ,rM,tt,nt. Voa can rob- RHEUMATISM A.ND. LAMENESS CUKED . al T. 9mnAmm iL?i."5a' April ! y ISC. 'WoSsfciiM forahanmatiari. t. atTcred MusiJo" TVr S.T San Am, rll? .Vh- O'-'otier if. 5jS anrairataftill,, CiUS.'trFTKA. .aM. J.L,?'1:. !i2H ELECTRIC BELT .non. it hMati Improved i a. i '"LCTireanroi iheat" --.v un .utii casvetn i.nn,.,u. "i u"-m in t nn.Mni' QlMneM p . sa.aa L. -'"uu. AHJreisforlnllluforoatl.il. (l.a F SIMPSON, vi. IWI.l'.""'! DIKKOTORll- Heo FHInipviii. V K Kwl, t II Muntnliii. m surnhnrn J K Wm harlnni, CJ Mtu irt. I Wrltsmnn. also Dtirrntirr aiikntq rol: Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Compaj Will cure The worst casei Of Skin Disease 3 From a- 4 Common Pimple On the Face To that awful Disease Scrofula. Try a bottle To-day. fry vjn"r'fpifiii"vi Pond . iJ-cent stamps to A. P. Ortlways Itostcu, Mum., for beat uiedical work iDblul --OSHAY & MASON iJrgissand Booksellei ii-i tsforJolin B. Aldqn'a publics! hwfcspllat publisher's prions mil'tsf ii i.' .;. IIKKUOII AG A IKM Y lafly of Pnmntcal Fpln ARE YO'J a newpnaper w imt-ilfiLtrcrii' aTjtbor.aitt rtlwrr 1 intt-reMrdlna . tbuiil.'. rtaU , i . A A, HAN DEN'S VA.V.CTR1C HUt with Klpctro liionrllr nrjr curu wlihont sWe..cW ail Of thf KlHimitrniiina. 1 h.-P KTfy tniCer from NrrToni PfMHtJ Sfjfrvounnf rl. MiTplPssn"1 1 "or Mfmarr, all Ispmplr the effecu of nbiif p!, orpec,wor or exposure, will timl rrliea'dPr,,B euro In our marTclnn tnvenw Hindi rcfiiilrcji but n trial tocoim the most akeptir.-il. Inienoranoeol it'fita joq ma Bare unnuij .-- j'-urnTnieri) uinprreTtiri-rsuiu vtfiv- If Too replace into TnrK7Tf t5S quired for TlgorounntrenBtli. JntL remoTe the muse snd ..oaim. streo anil Vlarnr sanil follow at ODCe. S ti onr plan and treatment, anfl" a. 'mt sntaa at miM nr rpfnnfj Rt' inouiti rus rpad Dy r .11 .'..".I. .. .iiari as rt"" cemcmlIbWcSr" th?s,Tb ! cure Your . " M.mskBMLiHASJLr RHEUSSAT loi". Portland niMm. sMeintr ssi ts 1 sa q ron.snq unssajon, rwpiroiu" nartt work, eombiam with ih strain cornlnn Jw !.- 1 "IITrMJ MOW sWTfajraTs. 1 . a.li Ma. aTi. s. t no'M'iio tnr bttck. uaaall a2,im !fb"n Wrt'r cured. That wo two Tjf a .o. nd I am m, , as I eter wan 10 mt -J i h inr,r blt 'I. 4 1 ' otof rf.p sJiJ ,KVLJ.dlrT li. ""old 'Ind it thesamsss IJ1 prratneatlr, and w il be clad to talk with vao" wanu to i.Bnn r hotj- (. , A. T. ffaods-, TVr tir;-Slnc warls r h It. Fsswss k....! I ful .laEO'J l t5J ? - ar, 1 ni r aflrra month so Z neit i tind rufsslf twire a t rsmni bff-w 4 raemorr ijj now narlj perfrct. and each ar "J Yours trai. mucn r"ngeli.''',"nrl.I' . ll 4 illiVl?-!..""?3'1? felt thfoturhoat V T w,k naris. or '5 -1 ru ais in u aaaail sm aB--sw ..s aaaTT ns - - t wcik-iM... .7?' t"' TIt"t Non ?-cer jrtven wak r;" a naisf-as" I 1 -ssaasri.il EkCVj a klJ CO, l72FirstSf., PORTU.flD, CBESOl -A I t