Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, July 18, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    vEPailu Slcmact-nt
Mu. Beau, is Ciiaimu:.-Mr nnd Mm II
tfBeall unci (Uui(;lit'r, jIikv IUisyiiml
nay, len on tin- uth-rimon tram vi-stunlav
or Fortlund. Mrs Kwill mid daughters
:rni go eusi unci visit the worlds lair, uml
Mr Ueall will prm-pod to Albany to take tlio
Bceivership of the national bank that hit
,atolv suspended . 'fho Hallos 'I'. M. Mr.
Jcall was n&vutly uisliiiT of n bunk at The
)alles.a 1 1 in Winds huvo Wim furnished,
'le arrived in Albany this noon unci now
jolds the key to the front door of the hank.
(r. lieall is an exjcoriemwl man in the
usinesa. Debtors, the IIkmoiii.vt is 111
Vmed.will be treated leniently us imssihle.
ne matter, iiiouku, is nmler the comp-
iuiibt ui mu cnrreney. i no new receiver
JOB nice a man who will nppn.Ti.-ite the
ituation nnd ilo his duty with creditors and
Kuwxn auac.
A r-ECL'l.lAlt IIkt. I'endleton E 0: It
"OUld Hem tO a man Who hiia nimbi tin ar.
snment that a sack holding two bushels
:f sand would be a pretty hard loud for a
'jOTS Jo drag along the ground, but it won't
o i jump at conclusions. A tull, angular
(ranger with sharp features and shrewd
who has been cncaniied in Byer's
rove for alnmt two weeks paxt made a let
ith a Pendleton man Unit the ubove feat
rmia oe performed a horse being wagered
reach. They took an animal weighing
nne 800 pounds, that Kxpressman Daniels
IB been driving, to a ioint above Byers'
sill. A big crowd followed, nnd watched
hone pull the sack of sand with ease for
,X) feet or more, a rope a quarter of a mile
mg being used. The stranger is plus a
ttse, and tradition hath it that ho has
ade similar winnings in other places.
Still Imiuiovino. During part of Sun
ly night Copt Humphrey was quite rest
is and delirious, but this morning, when
a doctors came to dress his limb, he wu
'mpoeed and easy, and told them he had
iverfelt better during his sickness.
)werer, the splints ami liandiiges had
ver been displaced by his movements.
I wanted to know if they had been to the
,ow, and receiving a negative reply ro
irked that he had seen a whole menagerie
"'company with some of the town's most
tlbminent people. This morning the cup
nV. sistar, Airs Hoom, who has been
n'lting him a few days, returned to her
, me in the Willamette valley. Monday's
odleton K. U.
TnK Question Setti.kd. The gold and
iver problem has already landed one vic-
n in the insane asylum. This is Andrew
jpssen, a man 4!) years of age, hailing
m Portland. He has a system by which.
-.tb the yelks of eggn.he makes gold out of
,Ter and insists that there is no need of
. coinage. Ho is bo demonstrative at
i nee in his endeavors to convince iieople of
e success of his system that the services of
Kraigbt jacket are needed. Ho also sayi
n believes the Bible is made tut of cotton,
It as long as the hens hold out the gold
iu silver question will remain solved.
Thb Gamk Law. As considerable
airy u macie nnoui tne game law we civ
. as namied us ny a trieml, and sugj.T
lat it be clipped for instant use, nnd th,
le law be rigidly enforcod: Book agen
lay oe Killed from August 1 to Oc tober
"wing poets from March 1 to .Ink- 15
u mongers from Decemlier 1 to '.Innucirv
Musively; umbrella borrowers from Keli
" 1,.to .Ml,y lKn season all the
wc on me insiiranco agents, icture iec
u uu niuan uilCKS,
Stolb a Watch. Last Sunday Mr am
JV P H Bowillfltl Htnrt.t.l in .,!,. .
alk, when a tramp came along and asked
a. l . ' " was ""''eil to help him
Jt at the nuiiin behinil the hmwn. ,1,;..,
ii vlle u's'' "terel the house and
Ou i!mml 10 " Pf" fniwl Klgi
tu, silver case, belonging to Mr J
ytl, which had lioon left in the house c
.eount of a broken mainspring. Nothing
u-n.u m.T;ii ui 111111 StUCe.
aboloisi.y Kicii. Reports from Ila-
lity is that a fabuloiisiv rieh lu.l nf
Id i
oiRcoverecl. It wius found at the
uom of a .1,0 foot shaft in the Virtue
ine near this city. The water was all
"P?1 t and an almost Bolid streak of
Md eight inches wide was revealed. Two
'n, . . 0,11 two "' ks of ore worth
v,ww.- Kmc siecimen weighing eight
A Bujck Hotel. Hie Dejuxiht
tnrmmA 11... 1 W... If t,. . .
the aty considerably lately, told another
tjany man that he was about to lx-gin the
"J vi mw ura'K notei in this citv
r Moag represents a sultii lent rapital.anili
Vtffr " ovn nifticiei.t projierty here
justify such a movement. Will it be
J nICT ' """nimoui thit Will 4
irkoirry ihc b-t line of .liver wtre In
i valley. Thee nave the varleiy an J qual
I cnnblnition that counts in buvinR
u. An inipecllon alwayi carrin con-
landreff I, due to an enfeebled state of
'....J.i ,""""r " qjickens
njtritlv. function, of the skin, healing
t 'on oi oandrun
tors ; going to the Bar or mount.ln,
f"d t Read.l'eacock & Co's
J7K,?fc?,,l kind, of ha' a at
otlih cherries at C E B.owncll's.
.New Improved s,Bg Mw- m.
? ' chpt. I
cnf. iiffi. p ii . 1
. t rrrnua a
ldea& McFarland thi.. i- ,
. Alfcany, Oi. ,,rn
Only ten etra ssion of eongiess
have ben held in 117 Vear The
eleventn has been called.
Joe Smith, a tramp, was placed In the
calaboose this fori-noon by Manlial Mc
Keroa for being; drunk and dionlcily.
The case of ChaiSlenar, befors the
board of fire delegates, was brought up
v.n,,K,aiiu (.ununuej Ur.lll omiirrnw
Only seven counties have paid all their
state taxes. They are Columbia, Coos
r , niorrcjw, nanowaand
11 is claimed the rates on the S P be-
aioany and Kugeneare those fiied
by the Railroad Coirmlssloncrs. It so
they had better try again.
Mathlas Koshland, a hide buyer, was
sentenced 'o 2000 days In jail or to pay a
fine of $jooo,for using warehouse receipts
far wool and hides he did not possess.
When two men meet it Is safe to bet
that one or the other will mention dull
timeb before thev setiacm- Whn. nnri
even-body does It It is not to b wondered
10c sentiment is that way.
Jim Lotan has been Indicted bv the U S
grano jury on the charge of opium smug
gling. Nothing Is surprising about Lotan.
Indictments were also found
eral others, Including deputies, on the
"I was prostrated with a severe hlllnu.
complaint," writes Erastus Southworth. of
Bath, Me. "Attei valnlv trying a num
ber of remedies. Iwatrinnll.r InHcio.l In
c.e nycrsruis. i nd scarcely taken
cjusct wnen 1 was completely cured."
m-..c . .
tvueiner rasteur or Koch's nt-iiii.r
wucb ui treatment win ultimately nrevat
or not. their theory of blood contamination
Is the correct one, though not original. It
r 1 x ""ury mat ur j u Ayer, 01
ulated Ayer's Sarsaparllla.
wwnv.i, kiml iicnitv iiiiv vearr nan tnrm.
Following are the new nflVi-o nf ih.
Alpha degree ot K of ininB(-
Mrs Maggie Hewltt,P C; Mrs Mary Allen,
M E C; Mrs Marv Parker. E s- Mm 1.1.
;'eWood, EJofT; Mr. Alice Richards,
... . . ...c.juii. barren, i 01 k. ano KJi
Mr. loienhlne Devoe.M of F- miu un.n
Crawford, P of T: Mr. Maggie Harris, G
of O T; Mis. Lizzie Fairell, organist.
The Pullman Tribune says: Mr E J
Northcutt, the man who ha. gained so
much notoriety on account of the mam
moth yield of 101 burhelsof wheat on nn
acre on hi. firm near till. citv. has com
pleted the tiresome task of counting the
grain. In one bushel. He savs there are
726,000 grain. In one bushel, graded
wheat. It is doubtful If the gain to the
world will be great enoneh 10 blnn-. th.
expenditure of time and patience required
The following from the Portland ni..
patch is about former Lebanon people:
The matler of the application of W G
Gardner, superintendent of the Boy.' and
Girls' Home for the custody of Bessie, the
young daughter of M E Hurn.i. hot
j"8 muuiy mis aitemoon, and we
T...1 X ( . . . ...
aoanuoneo dv Mr Gardner. It innnr.
that Mrs Hearn, who Is divorced from her
husband, a few days ago procured an or.
der of the court to send the child to the
Home, on the ground that she was ahmcH
bv her father. The latter who is a station
agent on tne southern Pacific at Jefferson,
one day last week came down and took
the child away, in which e (Torts he as
saulted Mr Gardner and resisted Officer
Kernan, and for which he was arrested.
He claims thtt hi. divorced wife is taking
the proceeding. In order to harais him.and
has reinstated facts to the authorities. He
ays the child I. with his mother, and is
well taken care of, as he is able to sup-
. ...
Base Bali, doesn't seem to be getting
along very well, nt least financially. The
,-uieni team lias disbanded, getting no sup
port in Salem at all. and the Statesman
says of the Alhanv flub- TI,o ah......
team has also announced that she will not
rams jiioauy in tne iiiture to play ball. In
her pines at Portland last Saturday nnd
Sunday she lost heavily. If anvteam wants
to cross bats with her they will be obliged
to go to Albany. This state of affairs is
liable to put a damper on the further r,m-
gress of the league. Kvidcntly none but the
Oregon City ami Portland teams are on a
paying basis. It i tn t u i i
something will be done in a few days to put
the tennis in t i-t,. ul...n. i 1
" " . i """jV" as long as
.... um i.uci. ijiiu element ot success,
refuse to patronize the games of course it is
useless to try nnd maintain them."
The above probably does not u-ivo inet !,
l".V -inmuon uere. ine Albany team
will iirobab v reailv In l i ' i "
and the Sa em team w n.L..l.l.. i .
(l.o i iC. "J"' "" '"'"Poe
i oe neitrssary mipport is
se nred jy rnday that will be the result. It
takes money to run base hall clubs, and the
"iK one in an on year like this.
Wk Havk to Eat in,.,,- n.. u.
hS g";ocerle. the more enjov.ble life
is. and while we do not all live 'simply to
eat, we certain I v eat to 11 v. nt
get your grocerle. and baked good, of
""'"'""you r, bound to live
welllfUlscnlyon. loaf of rye bread.
I hey keep the best In er.rvihln. .j
at price that iatifv recardln. ,i 1
Call on them.
vuTa or onto, cttt of -iiiudo. r
Lucas Codstt. I Set.
I f ' .. , .. ' .
prenc., UUata da, 'of iZXPD.
a a- . -r Jt IV j, I HFNkv
i A. W. Glearow
the avatam. H.nrf Inr i ".""ee. of
F. J. CHENEY A CO.', Toledo, O,
ooia try irrag-glsu, .5C.
Vtm fi.;ytZ Pile lif.-j. rrm- nlrtt tnrm
tetter Lir.
Foilowiri is the list nf htt.m rn.,;.-
... aI Aiincr. uinn entintv.
Oreiror.,.Ialy lo h. ISM. IVr. e.lli,e tm
thes. Liter, most give the t'tte on which
thev were dverlise.l.
Foster, John
Howe. Alta
I-nnghliottom.Rev SF
Phimmer. K'ev II F
Ravsli. M 1). V M
Stewnrtson. J M
Wall.. .Mr,
Winans, Rev W H
i- NfoTrrn, P. V.
Hutchinson. Km
Patterson. Mrs L
P.vle. II C
Simnaon. C W
Walls. Mr. J F
Wart. C
Kuril! AMI fr.Bao.tltl,
W C Twe.M.iIc
lie wvnt to Vaciiina Bay this
5Ir Hill, the genninu Vermont maple
syrup mail, is in the city.
Miss Stella Stites arrived in Albany thi:
noon iroui Moscow, Idaho, where she ha
'n-vii nullum? ine v.,.,
.irs i in-stancl .laughter. Miss Lottie, of
Niii lAiindro. falif.. forni.T residents of
-"..ny, are in me city visiting friends.
A 1 11.. -I 1 n , . .. ami it .uaiKey, tirand f ore
man, of this city, and Henry Lyons, of
Lyons weic among those who went to Port
land this noon to attend the grand lod.-e of
Mr tleorge 0 Stauard, who has lieen with
me construction party of the telephone
company for several weeks, has lieen in the
uiy louay. J lie poles are raised nearly to
The Presbytery of the Willametto. of the
u 1 yliureli.M in session today at the church
in this city. Among those present are Dr
W allace, of Kast Portlancl, Hev tieorge
iiawes, ot Portland, Hr Black, of Salem,
hev Marliiiff. of Halsev. nnd U..i- A..l,.
of t (akville. '
Hon ficorgc Chamberlain, Oregon's poji
ular attorney-general, has been mentioned
as n suitable democratic randidate at the
next election for congress from thiadi drict.
V e believe ho could be elected. He is one
of the brightest young men in the state.and
has the ability to fill the position in a man
ner that would redound to the credit of
himself nnd the state. Eugene tiuurd
Second Regiment Inf.,, Or.. Julv 17. 18!r2 Or.lon. lf
A" clection or Second Lientenat of
ii "'"P"1"?' Second Regiment, 0. N. G.
mm u neiu in ine armoiv or snii mn,non
J' ' ' i o p m.
Captain M H Ellis. Regimental Surgeon,
is detailed as lnneetor of fllM.tinn an.i ,:!
to.,i.. i..i.. w o .
comply with the rules and regulations of
vyicgun iatiomu uuaru.
,r . Geo. 0. Voiian,
Maj. Comdg. Second Regt, 0. N. G.
Ciiook Couxtv. Scarcity of money has
caused numerous banks to close their doors
and some of the church folks here begin to
believe the same cause will mculfTn u.A
closing of the church doors, it being next to
luipuniuuie wj raise money with which to
pay ministers' salaries.
Since last Saturday at
rain have fallen in this vicinity. The rain
began falling Saturday evening and con
tinued to pour down all night and until
noon Sunday. Since then occasional heavy
showers have fallen. The ground is thor
oughly wet, and all spring grain will yield
an abundant harvest.
Probablv the most. ontl,e;ni;n A 1
that celebrated in this county was the crowd
that assembled near Wm A'dams' place on
ConijM flat. They gave vent to their pa
triotism in dancing, commencing at 2
o clock on the afternoon of the 4th, and
continuing until daylight on the morning
of the 6th. It was an open-air party, a
platform having been erected under the
suaue oi ine pines. ttevicw.
An KxciTixn Pike. The Villard Hotel
was unrned at I'endleton yesterday after
noon. 1 lie loss was about 810.0(10 Th.
r,. W. ICllS Or tlie tol OWirnr n nm.nanl nH
wiiii it; inenremen worked like heroes.
1 hey in scvend instances risked life and
limii. In attempting to pull down tlio
Main street, wall, they were compelled to
ascend, in the face of angry flames, ladders
leaning against a tottering support. Had
me lauuers unt slipped, the brave workmen
would have been hurled to an awful death
in inenay maelstrom below. Suddenly
."" l"c ejcneinent, tne cry went n
"there snwomun iiilliel,iint;nn.,ii.i;nr.
Intense excitement nmvaiui n,l u .i,.'i
dered nt the thought. Hurried inquiry,
ii"ceriuuieu tne met a sick womat
had lieen rjmoved barely in time to sin
ner ine.
Diii.n't Woiik. The rain makingexpe
.....,.. ,lu ,,,., llu!t wceK were not suc
cessful, About In o'clock a bombardment
wiui uegun anil Kept up until noon, but
without any sign of rain. It was resumed
in the afternoon, but still dm ,..i, .i.i
shower came not. From Eight Mile and
utiiei sections ennie worn ih.t iha
w-erc trvimr the ruin mnkinr 1u,.:...- :'.
b. c .Al,ul,T,lCy, 1
aving been agreed previously to make the
uiiceui oi oi making clouds and wring them
ii I i B v ,:orr' county on
..... ........ i,,,,, niiiisiumung tne tuiluro
nature may yet furnish whnt man has not
At any event there will l considerable
gram raised in mis section.
Don't you know to have perfectjiealth
you must have pure blood, and the best
y 10 nave pure blood Is lo take Hood's
barsaprilla. the best blood puritier nnd
strength builder.
Hood's Pills may be had bv :nall for itc
I C I Hood & Co. Lowell, Mat..
10 TO O. That la Ihe rnr. .nnt. !.-
. - -7 .. . . , in
iresh groceries, nrrducc. and rriv...
ware. They shut out hard time, and give
clean bargain.. Plenty .-! borne lun.
.c.u.u .or more goods. I ,e game
I. umpired on the square, aird there Is
c.c, .iT Kicmng. fiompt and fcourtc
ou treatment. A iteadv u,w iw,.
ypen eariy and late. If you would be on
ninmng siue can on Conn.
Slatlc-.ery, Toilet Artij!e, Musics
inEirumen'3, Etc
Bodies 4 McFarlanfl.
The Corner Dtug Store," Albanv
:CP.i .f9nroQnrerT.A, - ......
' r: l.i-TK:ii.:.
A Crook coiintv i-bcm-l, tt.n . .
lorts. will prolbly bs cWd f.jr want of
A hether the fair at Chicago is aChi,-ago
fair or .jrl.l s fair has b,.u discussed like
that of whether the state fair is siu li or
I V , ", V,"r' A" r,.'l'orts ""'Ucate
ec.'itiecuy a ii orid s tair.
It is reported that work of extending the
Oregon Pacific into Kastern Oregon will lie
commented today. It is only a rumor, still
we hope it is true. Ochnco Review. An
example of how reports and rumors grow.
lormeriy resided in this state,
iccKiiv u, m tane eounty.
ine naletn Pmru-mt men .:n 1
have the Salem Journal inanindicted'bv the
next grand uu-y for criminal libel. There
ij.c.uiises at least to be plenty of smoke in
halem journalism for several weeks. It is
Ve regretted personalities have been per
mitted to reign in these offices. Don't.
Ihe Medford Mail savs: A Pc,o,,n
recently found a lot of love letters written by
her father to her mother many years before
thev wera mnrrie,! Tha .ln.,nl..n- A
them to her mother pretendingUiey were of
recent date, and substituted that of her own
name iortllat nt her mnthiir'a ons fl,A
of a young man well known to both, for her
father s. The mother was very much dis
gusted, and has forbidden her ,11,)- l
go with a young man that will write Buch
nonsense ana sickening stuff.
Things Worth Bcmembrrlns.
When you feel a kind of goneness about
me siomacn u is a sign that your food doe
not sit well and that you are about to hav
a fit of indigestion
W hen you begin to feel nervous and are
unable to .It .till comfortably; when your
clothe, suddenly seem to lose their fit and
become too tight in nlace. the fit n( indi
gestion is surely upon you.
When thi. fit of Indigestion I. repealed
from day to day It finally resolve. Itself
Hito dyspepsia.
Remember tht three to ten of Bran
dreth'. Pill, will cure the worst case of
Indigestion or or bath, and that
a regular course of tnem. say two every
night for a week or ten day., will act a. a
preventive of either complaint.
Trains will hereafter run in I.1....1,.,
" ? eastern end of the Oregon Pa
cific .Monday mormnir nnd Wedneednw
and Saturday evenings. Round trip
ticket, good for thirty days, will be
sold for 83.00. Ronnd trip tickets can now
be bought to the Bay, at excursion rates
very nay oi me week.
& watch isa neoesilty nowaday.. I
you want one call on Will & stark, whose
n. is large ana varied, and price, the
.... uiui. .caauuauie. xney oan give yon
uajgain in mis line as well a. in jewelry
Sewino Machines neatly repiired
warranted by a thirenahly competent work-
uon . jewelry .tore, Albany.
Bath at Vieieok's shaving and hair cut-
nir nirW.
Lives of many men remind us
We to great success can climb,
If the reading public find ub
Advertising all the time.
For the millions cl consumers of j
ffS It irlwB rr. Tutt ii I ! tn a
w nniinite tlint lie In now putting
lileh Is nf exceedingly small aire, a
y.-t retaining nil 11,.. vlrtuesnf the tjJP
v.-etnhle. llothalrsortliesr i.ILIn A
areallllh.nti. Tlio rxuot aixo of
Ih shown In the border oft lilii"aH V
Best : in : the : Mariel,
Fortmiller 4 Ming's,
Modat, Septkmiikr
Just cloed the most prosperous year In
It. hlstOTV. Wlderana-e r,! . j:
ough Instruction . Uu.lnes. courw edded
full Ion free. Entrant, r.. ;
snd lodging st reasonable rates 1 1 in
elegant new dotmitorv and
on the esmpus.where students will reccir'r
pr nonal tuperrlilon.
Pol ice Judge James A Campbell, of the
Jan fram isco police court, has sued the
hvening Post of that city for 8.W.OU0 for
defamation of diameter. .I,lm. i' i.ii
John W. Johssov,
Ur.41 ENTATC lit LEU.
V M lledficlct to Kate F Kih
ac res adjoining Albany 9
II C Milltr to Fred S .Miller, 40 acres
1-1 K 1
Jeff M. yers to F J .1 viiiiv.Ttl!lV aires
9 ,1
Henry Lyons to tn'istws M K cinin ii!
I lots, Lvons . .
f C Hogue to A A Kellcv,"onMenth
interests m Manlewno.1 .i.i;t;.,..
to Albany.exil'pt4lots
Albert S Chcshir to J 1' Chesliir, 40x
40 feet. SoiliiviM,,
J PC'lieshir to Margaret M llriirn-.!
40 feet strip, Sodaville
I. r leischner to J K llendrex, 1 lot,
A Kichnuin to l'nw H Marshall. 'i'iiic
ces land. Bryant's Ail.Albany. . .
L h to Alex Vaughn.ti.lfiM nert's. Ill
w :l. dated June :tn tan.-. n.. ...
W 'i'rk to All"'r'i'a Cusliniiiii,
J4,l) acres tuljoiiiiiig Browns
ville j
f S to John C WooilrniT, K oi'res l:i
in ir; ,. i i uieiii
ooiiruit to ina liurre II. 80
acres 13 w 1
Wm Lynch to Andrew iiagle,"l(X)
i-or-ni",,?yr,J: 2-jOO
v o iu mioipn isarrett, ill! acres 14
' '' Patent
Tearber'. Exauiaallaat
Notice ic herehv aivan thai .i..
pose of niaki.iir an .Tninii..!!. '
ona who may ott'ar themaelvea aa candl
aatei for teachers of the aot ools of this
of will hold publlo examination at Al
c5' beKDnlnK ' 1 o'clock p tn. on
W,n"day:,u,f 9 ' 893- "" contlnilSg
irM'5" ,A.,eeorl will be charged fo?
'ie"?lln,,fi2n- PPonta Inr state
pspers should file thefr applications wUh
the eounty superintended! at that time
Tated this 18th day ot A.-ril, 1893
County Schwl Sup t
Clean towela tn .
h.viog parlor.. J
To Farmers.
J Mill WarehoiIM an1 mr.ll K. .a. .
order for receiTing the preMtit crop. The
waralinnu. fi.. .1 . r -H"
- ".iaaa ana conveniently
Afi' C,mVu wo good cleaner.. No
fa2 UBld,?- 8"k. will b, on hand
for delivery .nda. Una. Oiv. m. .call
imuck arranffementa Ia atn
0rOP-. O. F. 8IMPSOK
Albany, Or., July 15:h, 1893.
LA. Morris &o.
Flour and Feed Store.
Have removed their .tore to the Strahai
Rh!' '"'"If occwPled b Deyoe i
Robson, and have on hand a full stock o
C0r.DAlLuSr.ff0U'?'B3AN. SHORTS
Custom chopping done .
Dry Goods,
Furnishing Goods,
Lace Curtains,
Shoes, Etc., oi
Under Inkers
KhKP:?n.,vcn ,.. . ,ull
CofTms. A l.n
which will be sold st
.Ha.rote. snd
cunai "
a-.viBHkminiu " tne proper care
Whe!t.le and ReUIlDealers In-
Mods irtr,
Oraagcand Iron,
ttplfxrr irafcrn,
Olya oi
the test washing machine made. Go to
Stewart it Sox and Uke on. out on trial.
1 hey also have all kinds of wringer.
to carry that great big child .round .n W
arms. ou must bo to .Stewart 4 Sox and
buy one of their babv carriaoM a:i ....!
and price..
STOWING AWAY HAY hehwd.t work
on a farm. Von can make it the easiest by
buying a complete Hay Carrier nnttit at
fctewart Si box . Call and see it.
Frejh, pure, sure to grow and .old' at Port
'.n?.,no. Garden seeds kept in bulk.
Field pea. and Field corn al.o carried in
large quantities. Stewart & Sol.
.P"'yn'"'' I1", y Oftter than th
Rn..eU and Stewart & Sox Mil that kin
at Albany Several good .eoend hand en
gioea fcr aale at a bargain.
PAINTS & OILS. The Bd paint
for sale on Ibis (joa.t is the "Phoenix" and
wo are agents far it at Alhanv. w.
oarry a full line of oilr, varnishes, wagon
and carnage paints, ate.
Stkwart k Sox.
BEE SUPPLIES. Don't keep your bee. ia
an old box anv loner, fitw. A aa-
oarry bee hive., Motions, comb foundation
and bee smokers at low prloes.
WILL YOU BUILD thi y". " yon
rest to da not fail tn Q, s, a
They keep a large stock of bailders hardwara
uu sen as prices to nit the times.
THOU SHALT NOT KIN same axcaan
aocording to iaw, and you cnght to buy all
yur gnns and ammunition of Stsmi fj
ammunition of Stewut k Boa.
--.j n,u . gooa siock and sell chehn.
Giant powder, fu and caps always en hand.
WE SELL COAL, IRON "tei for a
liTiag, ,d keep a large stock of
npplies on hand.
Stewakt t Sox.
J ssrMt & 801 ad of joZ
?n thi'. it..?? "".I"' they e" ""nirW
1.3' ;U1V'.or tnte" by the beat or-
ohardiaU and is a o mplete snccets.
when we say ws
have the best line ot tin. .h
razors and nnnlf.fc .- . i'
fin.,. .j ..IV" V. ""r me
... ace tor yourselves.
Stiwart & Eox.
PLOWS.-W n new chilled plow e
astly the Mm. tha ..0Hver. We Mw
01 ver" A? M"uD triil- ExtrMwdft
'aT.l"Z' .f "1? of stI
nnuriki. , " CIC"1,ed. 1 on might
possibly .. a few cent, by coming around
nd seeing Stewart 4 Sox.
11(1 -- Haul. !....
e p(
suits, ln hn, ,,,, Z.'V'"
.! - n -
" " rl"".
of t
! the dead a sjieclally.
Blreh ner,
Naraaparllla and I
a trial.