fiaihi democrat. FublUlied every day in the week except Suuday. .nra k mmi Editor, wiint'i fnlered at lEe Post fuse at Albany viruu,wiuuu utuui uiau iniuier. .. J I IV IK, It'JS muchly It's in STRAIMMU AT A i.V.T The Beaverton Chionide i. wrought up. Ills scandalized. dignation know no bounds. Scarcely a doubt that it could bite a tenpcnny nail in two. And all about an appointment made by Cleveland. Judge A IV Terrell ot Texas i s said to be a poet and wrote some verses aoout n ukes iiooth who killed Lincoln Cleveland has appointed him to Till the office of minister to Turkey. The CVironicV thinks the "poem must have made a won l?rful impression on the mind of Mr Cleve- liiuu. jt ininits -tne wonuer is mat tnii Jonu eared Texas iudee. with the lofiv do- etic soul, was not taken into the cabinet or put in charge of the pensionlbureau." Now we believe that nine-tenths of the rational candid men of the land hplipve. that, nnlit- ically, it Is a much greater crime for one u uu an in nis power to destroy the gov ernment than to rejoice in the killing of a president. The ChmukU should run its mind back and search out a few historical facts. One, Gen Ackerman, a Georgia con federate, did all in his power to destroy this government. When Lee surrendered it left Ackerman a soldier, without a job Being a dear lover of pelf and power ho at Once ininpd hfnicalf in the. rav,,iMin ..act,. ' . . r .. j,. i. for where the carrion is there also will be the crow, or, literally, where the spoils of office are there will be found the spoils hunter.O He at once became an important lactor in republica npohtics of that day, and it is no "wonder" that Grant made him attorney general in his cabinet. The eaae fact might bo mentioned about Keys wnom Hayes made postmaster-general in his cabinet, and about Moseby, the confed erate guerrilla, who was given a foreign mission by a republican president, or Billy Mahone, with whom republican leaders so long connubiated. The Chronicle won ders that Terrell was not put into Cle veland's cabinet. Terrell, if a spoils hunter, now sees that he mide the mistake of bis life in not becoming a republican at the close of the war for then he would havo had a chance nf lwinr rail,.! in r:,mt'a n Haye's cabinet, but beitg a democrat he um 10 put up witn the insignincant mission to Turkey. We commiserate the Chronicle. In due time it will learn the patent truth that a confederate general in the late re bellion is not now necessarily a better man because he is a republican nor necessarily a worse man because he is a democrat. It is a foolish thing to strain at a gnat and swa'low a camel. mativ ccoi'le know how much ma- en'erg into the coinpulllon of a first- class passenger car. To build a passenger car of ihe best kind requires about 2400 feet of poplar, 5o feet of ash, 1000 feet of white pine and 23.10 feet of yellow pine, ?oo foet of the best oak. 430 feet of the strongest hickory, 400 leet of cherry, 400 feetcf maple veneer. nJ rerhanr small amounts of other woods. There are four pairs of nheels and axles, too pairs of passeneer-ear trucks, about tooo rounds of Iron. 7oo roumU nf rutlliii,.. 1rtn nauni?a nf calvanizpi Irn ami ien .h.l. nf tin. Than add screws, chandeliers, air brakes, sash balances, 6j or 70 glsss panes for the win- eows ahd Hnnra. trnvrlt- s.nt fivturt.. lamni. door locks, knot? and hi.iges, basket ricks, wincow lilts, window fasteners and seat springs, and you have mcst of the hard ware Then ihere are about 200 yards of rlush. one hundred sards of sheeting and 300 pounds of hair. When all these tkincs are taken Into account no won der can be felt that a passenger coach cogts over $4900. The materials do not cost this much. But brfnre the ear is nut on the road about $1200 wiil be expended In labor. noma coicsidebiskj. Venison at C K Urou nells. VIA VI ColilEc! in Baltimora M'.- A full lim Jof Warner Eros cornets at R,T ij-'oa. '' If you want a tine trnokr call for Jon ph(i white labjr cigars. Come and see the new chi! 'cd plow at Ramps opposite poat:thce. The bcstjraaat coSee in the city, at Conrad Motor makes live Irips daily to Vureck'a additron. Lotr thuo on inatallmenta of$l per week. An 'tnRiv'M vttn'ntv rf n.A - i il in bulk and tv the rjack.oo can Kn rnnn.l .. C K firowcells. Patronize hnmn )... : ,i celebrated w hite labor cigara, manufactured uy ju-m. tforepn. New cork anla. ttinA -1. - thing entirely new, not a winter shoe hot li, htard nViiljIe for spring and summer van insj-t ct them. AUTUMN WINTER I The JacVsonvillt Timn says; There will be more fruit in southern Oreiron than in anv other cortbn of 1! state this year; In fact, there will be an aDunaance or warty everv deicriniion. and of a fir.t class quality, loo. This Is pre eminently a fruit country, and sooner or raicr writ lane iront rank. Willi the lead no districts of California In the race for public tavor. The timo Is not far off when Rogue river valley fruit will have a prom inent place on the tables of the naboba of we united states. I'onx no the Kates. ThA V,.; p.. cific lead with reduced rates to eastern points.and thair through car arrangements, magnificently equipped Pullman and Tour ist lmlMrfl fKum.lii.innl : 1 r 1 ,..., .. ..,,K vuoir car anu last time, make it the best line to travel. Two iiniiis revive rrom rortlana daily at 8:45 am aiid7:H0p m. The rates are now within reach of all. and everybody should take ad vantage of them to visit the" World's fairann their friends in the east. Send for rates m iieuuies or trains, and do not pur- 1 i ; ah ""ercunsunmg uuran & W H Hl-RI.BfRT, Am t Gen'l Pass. Awnt. IT P m Portland. Or. Bova l:nrtr tf, Mtiln ik.t. t. . . , ..: 6 "cir nair cut a V iereck s will receive a free ticket to the uam gruunas. It will be remembered that whan H.ii, was playing Richard" in Chicago ir. 1879 a mentally unbalanced spectator named Gray shot at the actor twice from the gallery. une 01 tne Duuets Mr Booth secured and had it aet In a gold cartridge, unon nhirh he had engraved the words: "From Mark Gray to Edwin Booth. April 21. 1870 " Thi gnm reminder He always preserved. 7 e.c . ....... lore. and hair cutting par FOR SALE. Household furniture for Ra!a nkaan T -f ri' - -,u T 1 11 a "l iDDDus j ones . nq,B oruauaaDin ana carry. FOR SALE. A secoed hand caiigrarih 111 annA AnJli M I. I . ' , D- ,wa uio vu, i n quire at thia office. THE liOT-WATKK ItEMEUv. Are you a busy, worried woman, who Omes home at night wits temples throb bing and cverymuscleaching'froni fatigue? If so, you often say to yourself: "I am dead tired, and I haven't the ambition to dress or even comb my hair for the even ing." Then you lounge about and go to bed about 9 o'clock with your head still a&ing nnd your limbs just as tired as when jau came in. Ihe next time you feel that way just slip off Ihe waUt of your gown, brush your hair nn on the ion of vnnr kJ and bathe the back of your neck" with hot water. When the pain is a little relieved wasn your lace with the same reviver, and by the time that is done you will feci Uke brushing your hair and fixing up a bit, or we are very much mistaken. Holding a session of congress in hot weather is perhaps a good idea. There will 1)0 no trilling with public interests or dila tory motions to delay legislation if the thermometer stands where it usually docs in Washington during August nnd Sep tember. The uneouifortablcness of (he weather has more than once hurried legis -l.ition o that repiesentatives might rejoice t'uemsolvcs in cooler climes. Hut congress O ight to know that it is not cho-en to enjoy or amuse itself, but to serse the pub lie. In the country farmers are ucd to doing muck of t',cir hard work when the thermometer is uncomfortably high, and what they do they expect their repwnta lives not to shirk. A flat car costs aboit 3o,a' Rat-bottom coal car $475, a gondola drop bottom 8500, a double-Sorper bottom cca! car fjjj, a double-hopper bottom coke car $549, a box cartooo, a stock car 6550, a fruit car (ven tilated) 700 and a refrigerator car $Soo. A iour-wheeled caboose costs $550, and an eijht-wnee'ed one $700. The prices given on the above cars include power brakes and verticle plane cop!crs. A 50 foot mail and bapxage car $1,500, a second-class coach $4800, first-class coach S5500, while a first-class 1 ullman rar costs 15.000. I "RUGOY FOR 8ALE.Uood second Wm Knrtinltlor. "IITANTED.-Poaition 10 do general t,' ' ,'e wora at in SHEEP LOST.-21 head of sheep. B0t branded, from A Snell'a farm annth nf ibany. 10 old ones, II lambs, one a buck nd one a merino. Will pay for trouble on formation to A Snell, Albany. coavruwn iae A IF th 7 w the time when Dr. Pierce's Golden .Medical .Discovery works the best. It purifles tlio llood. It's not liko the 6arsap.irillas, which claim to do good in March, April, and May; you can depend upon it alicays. That's why it is furumeci. n 11 uoesn t benelit or euro, in every case for which it's .-v.uiuiui'imo'i, you uave) your money back. No other medirine of its kind says as much hut no other does as much, li cleanses, .renews and inrifjroratcs thn ntir.i nwtnm c, m . J .... .... wl all ftkin. aonln fi 11 rl a..f,,lAa n: tions, as Eczema, Tetter, Salt-rheum. tuuu owuiiings, mp-joint JJiseasc, and kindred ailments, it's a positivt cure. Thft nrrtnriMnm Ti. o Catarrh Rpmnrlv nfFai, & r-c . J m ivi tSJJ incurahin raan r,f P4tai, T : mere talk it's business. They mean to pay you, if they an t cure you. But you'll find fciat they can. J F. Ml, tertt, ADVANCE Tffit Of Des" Moines, Iowa, vrifai under dato of aiarcn -.1. I MM: S. B. Mnu. Mm. Co.. Dufur, O'eiioa. On arriviug horns last week. I found al. K'fll anil Bniiim, s , i... . . girl, euht and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 pound j, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. .-. r. ougn . uro haa dino its work well. hV'th nf lha nhll.lrx,, lib. - c x. t xuur .1 it. louiin Cure haa cured and kept away all lioaraeneaa from ma. QA ..i ... . . .A one, with grestings for all. Wishing you .,uavvii y, wi are Yours, Mb i: Mks J F Foim. If Vn,. LI. .. t '.u z, iivmi and i-neenur, and rcair MrltieSpnni'svork, cleunse joirr syaleoi with Ilia - ...... jij, (w or inree lusua each -mlr 50 cents par bot'J.i by all dmrciiia. s 8 Id unler a positive CTiara ilea br J ACL'MMING. i Are w-arrjntf.l in ihru,L .V given lime and do it bettertffi chine made. or The Advance Traction the best in the world. rMi work rnear.s large profusln 80 business. Catalogue maileii"'' EDWARD H' Cien'l Ag-t, p0W ol ir us itu eb -KKALKRS IX- RedCrownMills JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. ftW PROCBRA VLOUB 8U7BRIOB TOH 'AMI M AHD BAKERS VSBa HEST STORAGR ?A0IMfIF.S A GRICULTURAL lf. &unnlia. i.'la nines, Minneapolis BinderiS' Standard tnu ..r. ". ' wepian Plnwa nile '-11 . lowest price possible. TheAwf Grange agents have wardedri?i tract to lurnlah T.I.. .1. Call and get our prices before!, elsewhere. ' Oregon State Normal School MOITMOITTH, OEEGON. Star Bats OorBranrlatlata sairl rh 81 THE LEADING NORMAL8CHOOLI Of the rVnrthiA'ocr utrn. - w, u.avug piUICB- sional and academic courses, and well or- gamzcu moaei acnooi for fractica) Train infr nf faftchuri X.TAn.t a J a 1 r mm, AUVincCO rtOr- mal.BuBineso.Muiiic and Art Deparlmenu RaAiilf..l I I .1 . Ul-"UI"UI neaiiniui location. Light eXDense nr. .ilnn TViai v.. t L - enjoyed a steady growth during the past .HvasiMu au ciiiuiimcnr. 01 over 400 the larcpct in li x-... ' " jj 1 ' mcmuers v WW! uuui-u 10 u;e appar tltiia anr.nli.,1 J . l. " ' . . f ' -u'pi,u, miiu me course 01 studv re. Vised and n-u. are in demand to fill good positions. The, -F.w... emiucs me noiaer to teach in any county in the s:nte without farther exam- CONRAD MEYER, Add'au Fitiations. Ttllllnn K'nrm.l C ... lef in wipk:i. Ui,n.M..rwnl . . I . '' per l "I HI ". iu wnca, business, o.25 per term. i.wiuiai yinine nail, VI. 75 per nuuiiia 1 rum 50c per wees: (un furnished) to $t.oo and $1.35 furnished. Board and lodging in private ainllies,$3 50 to $4.00 per weelt. Tuition,board,!odging servaDry of Music. Thorough courses are offered In vnral anH in.trl,n,.nl m.. sic. Tuition, $10 per term of jo lessons. Unnmnnlh I, ...ti.. ......IU. -if I ' ak.bCB.lui6 IIUII1 III I n,Fl, .1 Ik. C-. -. - .',.. , I ,11- tfiaic, iwcive mnes irom tne klnl. r 1. I I it . . . n .. . I -i"""!""" "iitc.wuiuui ruruanu. Catalogues cheerfully sent on appllcaiion. lasautrai rrtailn, (.Isusnirare, rled Froltaj. Tobrsceo, f'oBee, m w - vt an ,, Qneeaii Veneialbt Cliun Jplw,111 Ele., Ic that Is kept In 1 J variety and aweary store, Hmv, marlnit prfc. paiil lor 4T.L KIN3l3 OF PROP8 nr. K. It. Churchill Mt, Vernon, Wasu An Honest Medicine Rheumatism Cured Health Bulu. TTn. Utr. rtntrnhlll n.M..t . m . ... - surrno ."a,'.,, cMrcl Vr Ji'r3n?!2Si i-'L" So",l",r" CalKC! u .v HUt4V,cbl ajl B,M wun Rhoumatlam Anil alio pnlns In my bai-k anrl a epnoral fecllne u&!'.Ti Jr. l,u,l"" talc, o.,t iS ..i. V " " Vme' ana 1 round my. also tint the me,nd le'va, "om nounuert iS ,.r.0"".S,M't "' Mnssarhusatlsf, S?lndiS It aid ai, "?.?' 1 1 i-ifiuveu mas 1 am out Hood's x Cures In all weather n.i . ... JatHru. and tired ie'e,' To V one tl,".1 tuia. Itliascurod m. n n ... ".vui,m,an, "- anu wuosupaUoiL ALBANY COLLEGE.::::: Send for Catalogue. Fall Term Begins beptember 13. UK The old custom of rincinj the curfew has been rcin-.t.feil in the villag ami towns of t'anas), in acrordamc with an act paed nt Ihe lat of parliament. It re quires that all chihlrvn un.lor 17 hall W off the street al 9 o'chvk. the ( the rinrf Ing of the ciirffw. rhonii. allj' tre;Kecl. one pi-nil nf IW will make enonch) niaeont.t to okr .'(V vard. of flannel. Vermillion f.r C"J jar Is, aurme for i-D an l alizarine surticient fur l"''"' yar U of doth. AT ALBANY Friday, July 2Isl, Aflrrnoon and Night Leoa W. Washburn's Great European , , , RAILROAD SHOWS Return of J. HARRY GAY Qplrtlulrac Optician, Optical Specialist, IVUt a'Air. hm in A lKe.n.. ... i. . . with oihce at Revere Houie, beginning Monday. July loth. Mr. Gay has done exce ent wnrlt Kar In x-... . " my nmne - . mil Kiassen. iaiT1l inuons ana consultations tree. August loth, nth, 12th and 13th. Three Rimr Clrcus.Royal Enijllsh Men- "'.'.Jiutiim anu Aquar. ium. Reali.lic Wild i'est, and Roman Hippodrome. CJI.1 ITPRIVC T l rrT . , .. 'r. 1-1 I 'IK A HrC dailv at 10 a. m r .1. . . ..... . Ileasta. .;.ooo Heam Piano. M..ii.. Sream Horse "Aj,,.- the Monster War tlepliant lupiter." thv. Klcnl,.,,. "im,l. ' 1 ALBANY FORME Cflj Italiiinore Block, Albanr, Ore Dealer, in all kind, of Furnltnr, Wa -r". v.-i, i,inoieum., Picture Frames, ttc. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY HYDE & JAMES, Proj-r.etor Doom open at i an l - one hour Perform - Admission to children, half price. Jr. Ir. rtter.on-nnlt ITha NolM nairrnrant vt tiff F.ltr . rr-nl anJ fulnn); I n, tr.M.s aslant Iri . r. ..inws. T,. on ri.r irony vj- a ., ( I I L. C'AMPBEI,I,,Pre.,or8. SHRDD.Soo of Faculty. WANTS ALBANY, N. WALDAHL -crchant Tailor. Siiils Made to Order and Satisfaction Guarantee IJcpqii'iqg of mi liqds. SHOP.OPPOSITETHE POSTOFFICE OREGON At the store Allen Bros., formerly on I it id NEW : FURNITURE, MY SrORK IS NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLASS 'FURNITURE. CONSISTING BUTTER. EGGS, T IiARD, 7 BAUON, S' and CHOICE APPffi for Which I !.! 'nnv'lli. hatta. . possible. ' -m B F RC ' a Notice of Dissolute NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVE"j the cc-partnership heretcforssa name of Isom, Lsnninir & Co. niihjn .1.:. j j: , . . HP i .hi. u.jr ui.aoiyiKt iy jiutnal w,r ti.on.rl. Il. I : ...:-.." -. , - -i -v..u , u 111 uavii'K r the interest of E J Lancing. TKli will heresftcr be carried on by Jik the purchaser therec.f, ho hereby t all partnership drbta, and who il' l- thnri.pil tamllul . .1 f ,i 1 due the late firm. ' E J Iasjim. f" Dated this 1st day of July, IS93- BOTTOM PRICES. Thos. Brink. CiU a n for hrit it, ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .. .mm.i'ii, I'roprietor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed Cabinet photos from lo . - -.per ooaen. ivnlarcir. rlcturV. . of sxS and sterescoplc' tiews'cf Or- "aaaasaIraaBaaaS5am"aa Notice to StockhaWj?; J the annual atnckholders W- tOO Watering h.lnnmanl f.CffllS Waterloo, Or:, will be held at theessA oQJcc in the town of Waterloo, Or. "for needay, August Snd. ISM, at llth o'clock p m of said day, for thai psqba election aix directors of aaii eorngrt, serve for the ensuing year and to Jj such nthir n. m.v recnjri!fli before said meeting. jm iialed tint 7ih day of .inly, io. ne JO WBrrsji. HicnTll art LADIES' TEA i 1 hi U plewant drink, which willl the ttotnauih wit Hint Miiwft or ffrip" cti thoroughly on lh liver kii0 J I a al. a.Tat .1 rrprouacuve OrgkOI. A r,1 m oieijl diuretic, ud tnoit afo ,sni m mm menatnreliOD. it tiaiom--. p renderioK it fair, and restoring 'jtt tone of tha skin.for it removes theW - hv aecnmnlatinn nrnitnpM th. asll0.p. complexion pccoliar tothe constlpsf1'y 8.-H by all druggist. Wall Pap? i'rujrs, Paints, 0i Olatta,, Etc i .1. A. Ctmmir? ,j -nany tlrriraa ALBAFV, -: Mtth