"kaflP' VI ALBANY. OltJSGON". TUESDAY, JULY IS. 1893 NO 01 80, XOTHERS will JxX I H long III g 1 kvl 4.1 r lw 1 strong! 'fcLHF- NERVES J rsaparillaP SMITO, of Towamhi, Pa., Constitution was completely down, is cured by Ayer's rilla. Ho writes: olgbt years, I was, most of tlio great sufferer from constipa Idney trouble, and indices cthat my constitution seemed inpletely broken down. I was to try Ayer's Sarsapnrilla, and par1y seven bottles, with such at results that my stomach, and kidneys nro in perfect con tnd, In all their functions, as . ' as clock-work. At tlio timo I taking Ayer's Sursaparilla, my fan only pounds ; I now can 109 pounds, and was never in so alth. If you could seo mo be ll after using, yon would want a traveling advertisement, this preparation of Sursaparilla best In the market to-day." rsSarsaparilla fey Dr. J. C. A ycr & Co., Lowell, Mum. others.will cure you ITHt ,,,, poiii ENJOYS Botli the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tlio taste, and nets fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver nud Bowels, cleanses tlio sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers nud cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its hind ever pro duced, pleasing to tlio tasto and ac ceptable to tlio stomach, prompt ia its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have mado it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Fig3 is for Bale in 50o and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one vho wishes to try it. iJo not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE. Kt. NEW YORK. .r. 11 Architect nntl C'ontrnctor. 1; .tlulbuit fllCK, LtRveccidcib IH'C 1(1 'I . 3NLe! Oregon' JLand Co ilk- feat VHn its home office 3i Gray Block, comer Liberty and State street, branch office tn Portlaiu KES a specialty "of Sunnysule fruit tracts near Salem 'Will 'sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per small cash payment Jong tiim-gon baiance articuJars. bylBurkhart Bros. There Is a general idea that the Presidents salary of $50,000 a year Is all that he re ceives, and that, when compared v-Ph the salailes paid ihe sovereigns ot Europe, this sum is not enough. This ts a mistake. In addition tobU salary, the President receive? $30,064 to nay the salaries of his clerks an 1 subordinates. His private secretary has $3250; his assistant secietar, $2250; tr.e stenographer geis $i8o,each of the five rreswngers $1200, the steward $iSjo, each of the two doorkeepers $1200, while other employees are paid in proportion, down to the man who takes care of Ihe firos, who receives $64. In addition, $Sooo is allow ed for incidental, such as siatienei v and carpets; $i'2,5oo for repsiriand refurnishing. $2500 for fuel, $4000 for 'he greenhouse, and 15,000 stable, gas and other inciden tals. In alt, the President ani bis house costs the country ovtr $125,000 a year. El One of the oldeft Job printing Offset in the State. jhe only Exclusive Job Office i IN LINN COUNTY ; We have the Largest and best Stock of Printers' Sta tionery, it has ever been our pleasure to otter the people. ,1 COME TO SEE US For Good, Quick Printing, w crviii cv lllisab f lul'ii) AtBAN It Is a fact worthy of your attention, that for the sum of $2.40 you can secure the Democrat and Kew York Weekly World for one jear. Or jou can have both papers anil the Il'ort Columbia Watch for $3.55, Or you can have both papers, the watch and Chambers Encyclopedia in thirty volun.es containing over l2,oco pages of excellent reading matter, all for $5.65. The Encyclopedia is hound in piper and contains the whole of that work revised down to 1S90. The hooks may be seen at this office. Secretary iloke Smith enmity of every pension city ol Washington. has gained attorney in A Gukat Convenience. --World's fair visitors travelling via the Northern Paci fic R R and Wisconsin Central line, aie landed at the Grand Central station in Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof buitding, located in the htari of the city, has been fitted up a hotel, run on the European plan, with ptwuit 200 rooms handsomely furnished and each room 's supplied with hot and cold water, electric lights, etc. 1 he charge for accommoda tions are reasonable.and parties can secure rooms in advance by calling upon agents of the Northern Pacific RR. By taking the Northern Pacific through car line to Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort of all transfer In that city, and can also travel between the Grand Central station and World's fair grounds by trains which run direct between the two poiuts. C G BURKIIART, Agent at Albany." A Wholesale Mkkcmants Excursion. The Oregon Pacific railroad company have arranged to run a Wholesale Mer chants' Excursion from San Francieo to Albany on July 2. th. The steamship "Willamette Valley" will leave with tl 1 is party on the evening of that day, arriv ing at Yaquina on theSuth or Goth. The San Francisco Board of Trade will at tend this excursion in a patry. It :b the intention to entertain them in the same way that they entertained the cregon merchants on their recent trip. It is desirable that these merchants should visit a many points in the Willamette valley as possible. 1 hey will be allowed nve uava to spend throughout the vallev notber Merchants' Excursion will probably be started for San 1 ran Cisco on Aug 14th. All arrangements will be made to entertain them nicely upon their arrival in ean iranciseo. TELE&RAPHIC NEWS. j Three Denver Itiinkt. I)ENkn. July 17. The People's Savings bank; this Kocky Mountain Dime & Dollar, and the Colorado Savings bunks did not open their doors this morning. The state ments Issued make tlio following showing : j Assets. Liabilities. People's. $1,500,000 Sl,:j.-0,000 Kocky Mountain... 156,80:! 105,654 The Colorado bank shows S75.001 In ex cess of liabilities. The officers of the three banks saw the debts will be paid in full. It is understood the assignments were pre concerted for self protection and the pro tection of depositors. President Lawrence of the People's bank, says the bank had about completed arrangements for tempo rary reuet irom hastern banns, but tne uo ings of tke silver men here caused them to withdraw all aid. ' Y Fired Oi: Fort AViwn.4f.nd, July i". The United States irfan-of-war Mohican was fired upon by the seal poaching steamer Alexandria, in Behring sea May 25, and disabled. The Alexandria escaped. Meager particulars of the battle were received tonight from Oounalaska, via Sitka, on the stoamer Topekib The Alexandria sailed from San f rancisco last April, nnuer tne Hawaiian nag. on a hunting and fishing voyage in the North Pacific ocean, She was com manded by one of the McLean brothers, who became notorious last year on account of having raided the seal rookeries of the Japan coast. Tbe Revolution Vvi.pAkaiso. Julv 17 Armarently un dismayed by the loss of the navy tho land forces of the revolutionists in Kio Grande do Sul are more aireressive than ever. Gen arals Sataiva. Tavaarez ani Salgado have combined their forces and are now beseig ins Yaomaron citv. 1 he town is well de fended and its capture difficult. 'Suleni'KC'lub Dlnbundeal. Salem. Julv 17. Salem's baseball team has been disbanded, owin&r to lack of finan cial support. The players will Icae Friday fr their respective homes. Judging from the number of spectators at Sunday's game Here, Salem uoos rot want any ua'i imi season. :'' Tbe KIkIiI lUra. Omaha, Meb, July 17. Senator Teller, of Colorado, was here today on his way home from a visit to tne worm s fair. He said: "One of tho periodical crises in tne world that cannot be avoided is upon us, her.ee the present deplorable stale of affairs in thiB and other countries. ?j bled of Hydrophobia Asnunrv Park. N.J. Julv 17. Miss Liz zie ffyriim, aged 19', daughted of A J By ram, manufacturer of patent medicines at New York, died at their summer home here this morning of hydrophobia, the re suit of a bite from a pet dog. inflicted early in April. The wound was very slight and caused no blood to flow, and for this reason was not cauterized. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. mm a Baking Powder Tiik NoHTHF.itN Pacific Railuoad Will Slash thk Ratex. Officials of the Northern Pacific Railroad have derided to place low mtos into effect. They will sll tickets from Portland to St Paul for 8'2" h'rHt-chiss. anil make corresponding low rates to nil eastern points. World's fair round tnn r.iUfl will be irreat v rcdmed. Tickets cun Ikj utilized on either of their through trains, both of which will continue to carry the Pullman touriot upholstered sleeper. Two trains daily without chance. For full information and to secure your sleeping car aceommodations. call on, or address A P (.'hiirlton. nssistnnt ccnend passoiifjer airor.t. Xo. PJl First street, cor ner of Washington, or C (i Burkhart, local agent. Albany Oregon. iiliiis GradwoW's Bazaar ;? ery latest ,'news ia that you can buy at JULIUS JDWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Jbuokle's CofTee, Per Pound ; ba. Granulated Sugar '. $1.00 d iba. Magnolia Sugar White 1.00 fo. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 2() jmrwreimea, o gallons 90 3 Gallons Good Pickles.market firm 1.10 j5 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40 2 l oncrtnet Btrlct enh ors, and all condti wHI b njld for tot rawh from 1 r -tH !.s than reiiuiar prlf-t. My sLork of Clilr,S)WAret fancy nood:, ana dalraW sylws of dtshni, m -Bell a. a pnerl a..rtmfnt of grocerfw, croek- tn.eDl Hxtnrt U toinpiel.. 1 irnko a upei'ii.ij ot tlun ts., cj (!?&. ami j I powfcr, and always plae tay customers, H9 t'tver Tcfponslblt Insurancaocaipanwu Jallnt Uradwohl. 4 k Tbe Ladles. ABSOLUTELY PURE Eternal Vlgll-tince s the price of health. But with all our precaution there are enemies always lurk ing about our syEttms, only waiting a favorable opportunity to assert themselves. Impunities in the blood may be hidden for years or even for generations and suddenly break ionn, undermining health and hastening death. For all diseases arising from impure blood Hood' Sarsaparilla Is the unequalled and unapproachable rem e.iy. It is King of them nil. for it conquers disease. Proor or Merit The proof of the merits of a plaster is the cures it effects, and the voluntary testimoniali of those who have used All cock's Porous Plasters during the past thirty years is unimpeachable evidence of th-plr superiority and should convince the most ssepucai. &eir praise is no recom mendation, but certificates from those who have used them are. Beware of Imitations and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask tor Al- X cock's and let no solicitation or explana tion induce you to accept a substitute. BKK lll.UE Paiker Bros, grocers. F. M. French keeps railroad time. Buy your groceries of Parker Bros Fiae groceries at Conn & Hendricson's, Hew cream cheese juit received At Conrad Meyors, P J Smiloy job printer, Flinn Block, does first class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 ceot ciar at Julius Joseph's, Dr f H Mi, physiauo and turgeoa Albany, Oreun.' Oill mile In oit;or oountry . Notice. All narties who have been in tho habit of tying cows bo they can mn over adjoining sidewalks. are hereby notified to stop the practice, or tbe ordi nance in reference to the some will be enforced. Advertising Novelties. We have n complete line of noveltise, direct from the milkers, can furnish tho same nt lowes prices. Whistles, mirrors, pencils, mem ornnda books, napkins, fans, rulers, yard sticks, panels, chromo cards, caps, calen dars, xmas cards, etc., in season. And always the best Job Printing tJtr SMILEY, Leading Printer. Laundry Work. Every citizen of Al bany should bear in mind that the Albany Steam Laundry guarantee fiist class work at very reasonable prices, and employs nothing but white labor. Shirts ione as cheaply as the Chinaman. Pat ronize your own race. World's Fair Travelers M ill lliive It The public demand through servios when traveling. Jt is old-fashioned to Change Cars." On the hrousjb, olid wstibuled trains of the .Chicago Union Pacific A North Western Line from or to Chicago. Omaha and intermediate poiuts there is no hangc. This is thi Haest and fjatest fier ce between the puiutn named. Sips 6f Reel. You don't have t look twice la detect them bright eyes, bright color, bright iiie 'I The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use the California liquid laxative Syrup of Figs, under al) conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co, printed near the bottom of the package. Wedding Invitations. Wooden. Tin, Silver. Golden Common every day. Aehhv t-Care, Re d ff igloo Street, Portion J, ( SOJ Wwh- New PiioTonnAiMiKit. 1 have opened a new gallery lnthe Y, M. C. A. block, 2nd street, Albany, and will try hard to please all who will favor ine with their patronage. will take all sizes and styles of photos as good as the best and as cheap as the cheap est. I am no traveling photo here toduv and gone tomorrow, but have come with wife and children to make a home in your glorious climate. 1 have come to stay. Pleaso call and see me and try my work, Very respectfully yours. S. A. Hammkix. Late of Toronto. Canada. 1 iVt.rt ni tne Farts E!i;(dinir Hood's Sr p:n'Ii, ftif th people whotle tliM me'hcin-p, r nirt th tftuimmiials nttn puOinhed i-t thin pape They will oiiviuea yon'that Hoods' fe Hiwl'i I'idi cure crustii'ktion. To Far 5i rim . Th a n lened the warehouse f Tillman and are now i grain, and all trnitranrM d- r-ined have Oavid Smith nt red tn store qnestfd to call nd nee them -Vfoict ni-ktnu nrraiiD-tmenta for atorait eliowfccre. FR-rwT A Sandess, Stit'oh's Oil, tne ur-uat cunuh and croon corf, is for sale by as. Poobft aize contain twentv-Hv dosen,only 25n. Chi!dnn lore it ronay & Mawm. Hoard and Loduing of xrood nualitv a reasonable rates are the strong points of the Star Contracts of the World's Fair HotH and Boarding Bureau. For sale at all rail road ticket otticps in Portland and at Salem. Alltany. Kugene. Corvnllis, McMinnville and Oregon City. Don't go to Chicago Without VOIir IltifiTiiTiifl if i-ATu NHnirml nn- less you hnve a big purw von nre inxious to emi.ty. Call on C. K. Fronk nt the depot pajiicntars. Twenty learn' Kxperlrnre. C D Fredrick, the well Known pho tographer, 770 Broadway, New York, ays: 'I hvc been using Allcock's Por ous Plaster fur 20 veais, and found them one of the best of famflv medicides. Briefly summing up my experience. I aav that when placed on ihe small of the back Allcock's Plasters fill the boJv with ner vous energy, and thus cure fatigue, brain exhaustion, dehllty and kidney difticul- les. for women and children I hive oundlhem invaluable. They never In i atethekin or caue the sligbtert pain. but cure sore throat. Coughs, colds, pain in the side, back or chrst, Indigestion and bowel complaints." Sial yoi 1 . -i it -. ll ea:-ck At 0 V'ni, )-); ill un on the Demj ;)ir, 1 vt n J aahion seec fru eich month TlhfB Trave1ln. Whether in f lesnrs bent, or bnsin-pts, tak on evarv trip boftteof Syrno nf Vie. it ( mt pVas -nHr inl e(T(tivsly on tne Ruinevs, iiver vn tKi-r'a, preventing teve'-a. he !t'e m ce:it and 81 1 1 drutfciRts. itile by a l feadirg ' Tbrklll enil knowle1s KAnti il to ihe production of the mon per feot and popular 'axative rnmedv known, have enabled the C-ilifornis Fig fyruo Ci. to achieve a gr-fat sncoess in thf reputatirn of its raoidy, SyruD of Fitr, as i ia conced ed to be the universal laxative. For sate by ail druQiiis. An mj M'lnnert The solid v! jUrlltruius nf the Chicago. Union paniHt& N"rth Western Line di-taiu e II competition with ease. It has tht Dri est line, fastest time-, Union djtmta and do change or delay a- the Missouri Kiver,nd is the popular World a Fair route. fBO.FOW-ACASE IT WILt,-NOT-CURl) d f-r kid- Shi'.-h' Vir-tii r ts what vou n dysp-flpr.il., tcrpid ilver, yellow skin nev trouoie. ik vnarontrea to giv yn unti'tftctiot), Pric-s 75c. Si!d!Sy Foslmv & Mason . on 1 ut HtRhl The traveling public are now fully a'ive oj'he f ict th-tt Hie Chiont, Uitinn Pacitic St North-Wef tern .ine nffeisthe verv h.t aceommodt tins ?o the pntilic front aid to Chicago, Onmlia nd iritprmudiate poinU( not only durint th- World's Fni-, h'lt all tne yenr ronnd. Aiiiar UtrUel. VImhi,0c. Pats. 3o. I .'our, fS.Wl. Putter, 15o. Ktfgn 15c. Ird( 14c. Pork - hatn-4 lit ntiouldsM, ftuj Kie t2Mn Hsy. haled S1& "oatoft- lOOo. Anplna,l 00 Hops 18o. Oried f.ult-ptu im, 9o, app!m, 9o Chickens. 94 bo dozen. Beef, on foot, 4v Hors, drnmed, 7: n SCOTTS EMULSION. WTTTtt Ill ici t in every ac tion. DisjiiKc is overcome only when weak tissue is replaced by the healthy kind. Scott's Emulsion of, cod liver oil effects cure by building up sound flesh. It is -agreeable to taste r.nd easy of assimilation. An MffHWMVllA TihHm mrA Mram IWrt Bold by DniKKista or lent bj malt go.. Ma. ww 11.00 per package. Samples free. im flA ravortio TOOTB POTOH UV UW tor the Teeth ana BteUh,sa. Capta)nBreene7,Cj.A8anIleiro,Cal ays: "Bhiloh's Catarrh Bcmedjr Is the 11 rat medidno I have over found that would do mo any good." Price 00 eta, gold by Druggists. SHILOH'S CURE; Tma Glut at Cnnon Cima promptly eara Where all others fall. For Consumption It has So rival; has cured thousands, and will cttbs too. If taken lntlme. fri6etiC3sU.,U)0. vieoe of iei Easily. Jnlct:. Pornianonlly Reslsrsd. VSAKNE33, liERVOUSNF-SS. DEEiLITY, nml all thf trnln rf rvin lr mi hi ty t-i ntmor inter t jic Ui results of i,verork, utr k u- , worn .t ic. FutlvtreiiRili, ilffflnpineni ami tuttf plvrn iw every organ and ii'ttlfin rf tbe IvmIj-. Hltiifil.'.nnlnmlmrthodi. lmnHf1l:it"lrniirii'iiiPTit n.Tii. Kutlur fmpuft'lble. S.i"1' Pfffrenein. IhNtfe, rxvlaniitlon nnd profa tins iictl (tvuUd) frtc. ERIE KcDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. . FARME!. ATTKNTION IF : Vol' . ANT 1 kin Powder: WACOM HACK- BUGGY. CART PLOW HARROW.DRILL SEED ER, FEED CUTTER, or siit kind of s Farm Itnn'rinetit or Ve hide, call on'nr address Th?y Incrwise appetite, porlty r- j whom tTUcmantiactontlicllTPr UllebeadsSmati. The r-v.Iy I'ure Crcnn of 1 ail.ir rovilcr. No Ammonia; No Alum. Diet' " f'"lltctur cf Hntucs 4r- "an the Stanpr B. F. RAMP, Oppcalt post OfTce. Albany, Or.