i OFFICIAL PAPER. ,;GOOD EVENING. " Bali,. Saturday afternoon alive in played between the Hot Stud Rustlers on the league grounds, gas follows: u.rorr. b o. bustlers, r, o. ir.c.ll 1 4 Thompson, p 2 S v. . . a i i turner,,; u. a took.lb'l 2 M Turner, c. 2 3 it p. Sb.. 2 1 Bowen, bs... 1 4 , rland.o 1 2 Young,l !.. . 2 2 lril. ..... 0 2 lwris,3l. .. 1 2 (;,au... ii Moore, B 1 11 1 2 Mel-'arland.cf I 2 u a u.ivy , r i . . i . i 2 . 6 21 11 21 I BY INMSUlt. I.S : 2 ' 0 0 10 2 0 014 iff 0 1 2 1 0 2 06 rtland Albany lout two games parent ease, Saturday by a score 12. Haynei, the new pitcher, ocked ont of the box in the lirat I score being rolled up. Arrack I pla-M and did good work. Sun rib, Bams in the box 8 runs were i ths first inning. After that be c t great work, not a man passing nbasa during the remainder of the r Stanley's catching as always, t-claes. Billings, the same as in t,sr two games, did poor work. S r his field. :lam, the club of that cits' won mes 12 to 6 and 9 to 6, hence leads oornament. .ame now stand : PLAYED WON LOST ... 12 8 4 14 8 6 14 7 7 12 S 0 ld" .V.V.-V.V City tday at this city the Willamettes 1 th Hotstuffs fl to 3. play baseball with a vengeance Coos county. At the Fourth of ilebratlon at Mvrtle Point, the pig clubs quit at the end of the nnlng, and then the scoteotoocl 50 It Is said that they had to slop because the supply of taper to run out. ) 1 tOK. The Eugene Register 'Jra Woof!, Bon of A E Wood, ' his foolishness in trying to carry rout performance on a moving r. Thursday evening he was I himself by jumping on and off street car as it was going up h street. He missed his footing d fell under the car and one of was caught under the wheels and ' crushed below the knee, but rler the bone was not broken. A u' of boys about town have been in -'t o' engaging in this dangerous nditis a wonder some such ac " as not happened before. 4 id'.Heppser. O S Van Dnvn f of Coburg.writing from Hepp : The outloook in this Bection gloomy, taking in consideration f ries of wool and the shortage of 0 the past two davs we have ivond with rain, which will add to Ihe yields of wheat, while ds of acres will not be cot. We in OUT n n r u ! 1 . , 1 . n n . l ....w..oa oimiic uner 1 pounds of wool. No sales have '"" yet. a great deal has been led fnf aiv ami ;..kt 1 .. u ...... .nMi, ucjtko. war- h farmers and wool growers are lue. iDD CANE. When Thnmna Kmv rn from Alaska last week he brought im a wnite Done cane, which had resented to him by the governor northwestern territory. The cane "7 'J"6' Tuesday butan adver nt in the Statesman brougnt it to ind to its owner. It is made of ag pieceB of white polished bone joined and the head of the stick is being of varying thickness. The n natives who make such canes f 15 apiece for them It is a un llking stick. Statesman. sbkbx's Cask On complaint of nun of No 2'iMr Charles MeUgar tried by the board of fire dele onlght, who will be asked to de le office of assistant chief vucant. use 01 prolane and language while on duty. The , ''J WIIICOICU. I r pas three lawyers employed.and m. . "w uu. iusue oe that at the time charged he i cn duty. The matter has created Table lnt.at.0at nmA..- rt u.uvug 11 1 1- uie.i . RBI Arc-mirk f. tv n -t , Jp vage on the old Finlayeon placi five - t.ii, hums going nown the itair yesterday morning, in some untablo way lost her balance and he bottom, striking on a stone jar g the side of her head and face, ig the molar bone and severely ng the ear. Dr. Maston was dressed the wound, and at the time Mis. Case is resting quietly, ;n innering severely from the in- Vhoict fa unanimous that Will ft rry the b'rt line of .liver ware Id T" v, "1y AaTe the variety and qual unolsatlon that counts in buving An inspection always carries con- . going to the Bay or mountains id examine ibe Ulazer and Kton Mid suits at Read, Peacock & Co'a espti sncesale ot all kinds of hats at rusb s. Now is your time to buy. h cherries at C E Browne!'.'. Hew Improved Singer sewing ma rks hi t is always the cheapest. I I", toot. Office at F M French s tore fcfJtant. fh' jrweU none axd Annotu Mr Jesse Jfones is opening a nent bather shop just wt of the new 1. O. block. Twenty Altamont horses hive started in racea this aeaaon, and of the number twelve have been winners. The Oregonian haa long willeujis of Yaqulna Bay and Idanha, which tptakb for ihe enterprise ot Ihe O P. The Marshfield BBC rleftHed the Llbby club last week 61 to 4S The most scoret made In one Inning were iS. Eugene people on account of the extor tionate rates between Alb.inv and lhatcitv on the S I will haul O P freight to that city by wagon. John Haley, of Lyons, was placed in the county jail Saluiday nlght.on a fine.which with costs amounted to 447, for using abusive language. The O P carries sugar to Albany from San Francisco for 12 cents. The S V charges 27 cents to continue it to Eugene, in a polite way that ii rob'jery. Wilson & Chas-, of Lebanon, who re ceived the contract for building the new Masonic temple in Corvalli,this morning succeeded In completing their bond, and will begin work at once. They are steady, reliable young men, and may be depended on doing a good jon. The Junior League of the M E church have elected the following officers: Pres ident, Earl Abbett: vice president, Elma Parker; treasurer, Millie Miller; secre tary. Norma McClain: asst. tecretari- Jessie CMilon; organist, Veda Torbett; chorister, Earl Abbeit. An Orecon Citv dlsnatch savs: Town. ship 10 south, range 6 eait, on the Oregon Pacific, will be thrown open lor filing, and somethlne of a rush Is exoected. but as the timber is not as good aaln the two town- snips inrown open tne last two weeki.lt Is not expected that it will be as si eat as on those occasions. Last Thursday a voulh worklne- in this city was discharged from his position and went to Portland the next day. Saturday he met an Albany woman, whom he knew, and on the pretense that he wanted ta get bark to Albany borrowed $10. He didn't return, and had no intention cf doing so. The youngster is making a bad start. The county iall now haa two occuoants. both Johna, John Haley, for using abus ive language, and John Maloney. a vag, for stealing a shawl from Mrs Bodlne's wagon. Justice Curl made the sentence, which evidently would have suited Ma loney had it been longer, as he looks as if he were tiuntine for such a dace to hoard for awhile. The cleanua at the Ashland mine for June yielded 396 ounces of bullion, worth $594. It will be thus seen that the ore is of unlfoim richness and the mine promis es to remain a steady producer. The mill used has only five stamps. The machin ery wlih which the new tunnel will be drilled is being put in position. A combined harvester will be used in Umaillla county's whtat fields this sum mer, which will require four men and 6 horses to run. It U expected that It will cut and thresh between 35 and 40 acres of grain dally. The machine, which has al ready arrived at Pendleton, Is the -object of much curiosi'v. Itwelihsi2 and cost $2,100, It is reported lhat J M P Snyder, one of the wheat macnates of the llmniill.. r.. ervation. had this year 0000 acres in grain, from wh'ch the present outlook Cromises an average yield of twenty ushels per acre. This will make 120,000 bushels, the largest crop ever raised by one 1111111 In Umatilla county. Nathan Pierce, A N Sweeney ,T P Page and other lnrj:e reservation farmers, have similar prospects. E. O. President Upmeyer of the llarrlsburg Wa er Power Co., informes us that work on the ditch will be resumed next Mon day, and that it will be pushed as rapidly as possible. There are several weeks work yet to be done to complete the nrk. The excavating of the upper portion of the ditch, the completion of ihe lower dam, and the entire construction of the upper dam is still before the contractor. Har rlsburg Courier, While Sam Adolph was in Chicago on his visit to the World's fair he purchased the finest silk hat to be had in the windy city, brought it home with him and pre sented It with his compliments to Hon Tllmon Ford. Til. does not much affect plug hats or any of the fineries naturally accompanying their wear; but he will have to appear In this one in order to shmv his appreciation of the spirit of the giver. Statesman. Tne following no'e was received at the Prinevllle News office: Last Monrlnv noon the Agent's house at Warm Springs took fire from a defective flue, it is sup posed, and in an incredibly .short time uurucu 10 ine grouno. a csnsidrrable part of the contents were removed hv ih niompt efforts of the family and friends. Some rooms could not be reached, how ever, ana a great many valual-le articles were uestroyeu. 1 nere was no Insurance on either government or personal property. Early this year Dr C 11 Newra.tu .,,.,1 pr L M Davis for 815,000 damages, grow ing uut ui m uuiineii transaction at fOlt- land. The result of the trial was a nomi nal verdict In favor of the plaintiff amounting to $75 or thereabouts. T)'r Davis is now turning ihe tables on Dr Newcastle by filing a suit against him for $5000 for brearh of contract and ,n damages alleged to have arisen from their intercourse and legal war. Dr Davis Is Ihe dentin nlil, .i r.,, . ,ui. -ti . . - ..win 1.1 uau 01 this uty. has gone Into business. The members of the Salem V M C A who made the trio from ihi. ,1.- . t.. arrived there at 1 2 .20 o'clock . their rid ing time was six hours sr. I nt,.. 1 and the distance covered 53 mle b h cyclometer. The trip was uneventful ex cept that Mr Wetherbee collided with a hog and was thrown into a dltci. with the animsl and bicycle as company. Mr .-.7v.t mutt tun vi ins oicvcie when i.S miles from Salem and nrorilUd n,. bicycle the test of the distance with one foot. They inpect the Monterey and then return home. Journal. Maurice Senders and Fred .Moist are in 1 riucvme on a lew weeks tr ip. , License has been issued for the mar riage of deo W Siiuouds and Ida M Rosa Mr Will Cowan went to Portland this n.Hjii. wiien lie will begin business at once in Collector Black's otlice. l)r J w Thomas, a dcntiHt of Mollala, guest ol his relative Mr E A Parker. Mr Thos Jones, the barber, lias ac cepted a position in a Portland shop and is making arrangements to move to that city. Z H Rudd, Phil (ioodwin and F M Redfield leave tomorrow on a trip to the World's fair. Rev J Muellhaupt was at Lebanon last liiurauay, where lie performed a mar riage ceremony for Peter Arp and Mary Freese. Salem Statesman. PA Cochran and wife of Woodburn were in. this city yesterday, enroute to the mountains for a summer outing. Jeflerson Review. Formerly of Tangent. J E t'prtwright, the foreman on the Albany Populist, is spending the week in the city with his mother and step father, Mr and Mrs Wyatt. Harrieburg Courier. J E Sabin representing J C Ayer & Co, was in the city Saturday and closed another contract with the Democrat. Such a firm does not stop advertising when times are reported dull. They go right on spending a million dollars a year in the leading newspapers' of the world. A Portland paper savs of a former Al bany lady : Marriage has not annihilat ed Mrs Dr Ford-Warren. She is still practicing her profession and is as band some as when she was a girl. Her taste in dreBS also stems to Improve constantly. She iB certainly a most elegant woman. On Monday evening the many friends of Lulu Webber tendered her s surprise party, prior to her departure for Cali fornia. Music and dancing were indulged in, after which refreshments were served. Among those present were : Mrs Web ber, Crouch, Miesee Dell Bennett, Effie Bennett, Gertie Mansfield, May Foster, Miss Reid, of Astoria, Vlnnie Wetzel, Eeatrice Swain, Lulu Webber.and Messrs B Farrel, C McDonald H Idleman, O T Meyer, G Flora, J Davis, W and Ntd Parker, Murphy and Webber. Oregon ian. The Sunday Oregonian says: Mrs E L Thompon, of 445 Fifth street, on Wed nesday afternoon entertained the mem bers and a few friends of the Cecilian Guitar and Mandolin club, an organiza tion which has been in existence for some time, but which has just adopted the name which it will herealter bear, in honor of St Cecilia, that famous patroness of mu sic who suffered martyrdom in the third century for her faith in the Christian religion. The members of the club,under the leadership of Mr Edgar E Coursen, are: Mrs C R Templeton, Mrs E L Thompson, Mre Lawrence Knapp, Miss Maggie Marshall, Miss Vida Marshall, Miss Katie Gibba and MiBS Cbemin. Refreshments were served after the ses sion of the club, and a most enjoyable afternoon was spent. Dtndruff is due to an enfeebled state of the skin, Hall's Hair Renewer qalckens the nutritive functions of the skin, healing i., wining me luruiiiuun ui aanorun Tne Best la Ihe World. Senator Henry C Nelson, of New York, writes: ''On the 27th ot February, 1S93, 1 was taken wltn a violent pain In'the re gion of the kidneys. I suffered such agony that I could hardly stand up. As as nossioie 1 applied two A llcock's Porous Plasters, one over eoch kldnev and laid down. In an hour, to my surprite and delight, the pain had vanished and I was well. I wore the plasters for a day or two as a precaution, and then removed tnem. 1 have been using Allcock's Por ous Plasters In my family for the last ten years, and haye always found them the quickest and best remedy for colds, strains and rheumatic affections. From mv ex perience I believe they ere the best plasters 111 111c wuria. Catarrh Cannot be Cared with LOCAL. APPT-TPATrnva ii . .j reach the seat ot the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease, and la order to care is you must take Internal remedies. Ball's Catarrh Care is token Internally, and acts t! Vv'Z.m ne no and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Core is not aquack medicine. It was prescribed bj one of the best physicians in thift fntltltro fn. ...... J 1 - - ' . scription. It is composed of the best tonics wni uiueawun ino nest Dlood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surface. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curiae1 Tnt.nrrh. M.nil fn-l-.n 1.1. . BoS'ifj ,V" EI?I5 Y CO... Props.1 Toledo, 0, DRUBS. Tim O. P. will be extended to the Deschutes this yea r. Remember the fact. A Salem mm warrants every egg sold to be fresh. A bright idea. This is how the Roseburg R9view grunts at its Salem brethren : A state exchange is predicting a big price for pork this year because of the shortage of hogs in England and other countries. This ignorant editor forgets that Salem can Bupply the world and has forced competitors out of the business. Ellensburg is solving the hobo ques tion hv llHL.IJ. 1 1 . I '. t -J . utmiUCUI. 1UICQUL limi genius, who refused to leave when ordei- m uu eu uy me marsuai ,were whipped with willow switches until they were glad to leave. The earns treatment will be administered to all subsequent visi tors of the same ilk, for the citizens of that town are dpfrininad in liarlvit tin tramps.) A loll., i m . . . . wuw w an aiuuujr uiau elates mat financial matters are at low ebb in Cali fornia: fhnt. Sin nnn .Ani.i nAt k i . ed there with all of Oregon as security. Cannnriii. ami 1 . 1 i: : 11 for want of money with which to run them. Vnnromrxa aAA ... lU. k.J . . 1 1 I. uu hi tun ttu wiiiiuiili Oregomana have much less to complain of. A geod illustration of the business quiet now prevailing is given at the county clerk's office. There hardly one instrument is nieo now where three were filed at the same time last year, and rsminls havn llwiM.aul aluinl I. -1 1 -1 . uw.taabU niSVUtl VIIO IIHIli and one regular deputy is employed wunevi'ree were nercessary in July ol 1892. One thing to be thankful for is that but lwo lawsuits have been filed within tLe last six weeks. Pendleton E.O. Teacher's Examination! To Farmers. T HAVE RENTED TH MAGNOLIA - --...uuw mu win nave is in gcoa order for receiving the present crop. The warehouse is first claaa and conveniently w..,ii ..to kuuu cieanera. no delay in unloading. Sacka will b on hand , uul ll0,0- uive me a can before making arrangements to aor your orP: G. F. SIMPSON. Albany, Ot., July 15th, 1893. An l'ou Nervoaa, Are you all tired out. do vou have that tired feeling or sick headache? Vou can be relieved of all these symptoms by tak ing Hood's Sarsaparllla which elves nerve and bodily strengih. Hood's Pills are easy in action. 'I Y.I inn will tiamnffitt. -.. 1. 1.1 1.- on the eastern end of the Oregon Pa- cinc jnonoay morning and Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Round trip tickets, good for thirty days, will be sold for Kt.no. Ttnimrl frin i;,.ti ... be bought to the Bay, at excursion rates -twiji uujr ui uie weeK. I. A. Morris & Co. Flour and Feed Store. Have removed their linn lAlk. C..I... start, formerly occupied by Deyne i vuuwii, uiiu nave on nand a lull atock o CORVALL'S FLOUtf, B3AN, SHORTS UtKM MEAL. GRAHAM. BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping done. you want one call on Will & Stark, whose stack is large and varied, and prices the the most reasonable. They can give ynn a UK1D lU III l line mm well . in M n generally Sewino Macuixej neatly repaired an warranted hv . ttitmnnhluim-iui.-i ... i. man, at F M French's jewelry store, Albany, Oregon. Bath at Viereck's shaving and hair cnt ng par'ois. Lives of many men remind us We to great success can cliajib, If the reading public find us . Advertising ail the tjmow DANNAL8. On Monday morning' th, 1893, in Alhany. to Mr. and .Mia. vt. a . Anonais a Doy. MftaaVF.rlasd, the leadiog dm. ' nttirauou and Sick Bit ilih; l.'wina. WtllArStoTlTlnnt. Tk. t. - - - in c wel ter the groceries the more enjorable life Is, and while we do not all live "sfrpplv to eat, we certainly eat to live. If 'you t your groceries and baked goods of Parker Brothers you arj bound to live wedlfltlscnlyona loaf of rve bread Thev keen Ihe hex in ......... v.i , iiuiiiv.ira sen st Prices that satisfy regsrdlcss of time,. Call on them. t I la... I 1- . shav rg pvlrrs. Stationery, Toilet rtioler, Musica instrumeti'3, Etc. Hodges 4 McFarlanfl. The Corner Drug Store," Albany, O. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints. bame EiacK, Ad ; lSAKDEH'S ELECTRIC BELT t wnh iiectro-aiacnetio SUSPENSORY. riSVT'..'1. urtaiS"irirr'-aT tr. Re. 17 1 ires atnet. lOKTlA;si OH C o e o GOOD NEWS e Fr iho millions of consumers of gk Tiitt'sPiUseS It if Ivcfl tr. Tutt iihimrtTw to nn. A v iimii!u that liols now iiuttiiiff uji h V TIKY LIVER PILL dj- which nreiceerilnBlymruillKlg.e, S0y t ri'liiliiliiual.n,r. virtues nflli,. O l:traer one, (tuarnnteeil purely v. S. lnl,le. Until i.i,f Uii-i- piil, f are still IhhucO. ti, ejnet alio of TUTT'S TINY LIVES PILLS Ih hIioitii in tlu honlfr of this "nH.i Notice Is hereby given that for ths pur Dose ofiiiakl.ig an fxamlnatlouofBll per oub who mav offir theiUHelvm as canill oates rorte&ehera of the sorools of this county .the county auperintendent there of will hold a public examination at Al bany, beginning at 1 o'olock p m, on two .lays A f o! f wil be charged t,,r xid eaamlnstlon. Ar,,ieants lr a'ate papers .liouM ill. their applications wi S the county superintendoiJt at tint tima Hated this 18th day ot Afrll, W93 U F KUSSKLL County Sohaol Sup t ' 19 to o. -That Is the score people make ,ul j crry ionn, ihe dealei In fresh groceries, prcduce and crockery ware. Thev ihut ... 1....1 i i . - 1 ----j . iiiiitr unu oive clean bargaina. l'lenty of liome luns 7 - "mre goous. n,e game Is umpired nn th b.,i..,.a .j 1 . . . J. ' i " u morels never anv kicking. Piomm 0.i ous treatment. A steady ihing. Doors open early and late. If you would be on the winning side call on Conn. 1 WE BOY A WOMAN the best washing machine made. Gu to Stewart & S0 aod take one out on trial. They also have all kinds of wringers. IT WILL KILL YOUR WIFE to carry that (treat big child around in her ' . - " ....... Ku .w utcttnm it. nui ano. buy one of their baby sarriagea. All kinds and prices. One cent a dose. Jfma 9? Coma tJoaa promptly ci Throot, HoaraenesalwBoopi,,- c0UB, ,JK Asthma. For Consumption it has no rivjot: has cured thousand., and will ctma Toulr taken in time. Bold by Druggists on a guar- nHttto8rB',ELtAeDOA fLSS&K IiL0H'S kCATARRH 'remedy: STOWING AWAY HAY h hardest work on a farm. You can make it the easiest by buying a complete Uay Carrier outfit of Stewart & Sox . Call and see it. GRASS, OARDKN, FLOWEU, Fresh, pure, sure to groa and sold) at Port land prices. Garden seeds kept in bulk. Field peas and Field oorn also carried iu large quantities. Stewart or Sox. ENGINES AUD SEPAMTOBS They don't aiaka any better than th . Russell" and Stewart 4 Sox sell that kin at Albany. Several good secondhand ea gines fee sale at a bargain. PAINTS & OILS. The best mixed paint awa aiv uu nJisj ,uavi h iuo i-dodix ana A IM a a an fa f. a Ik.. TIT- i -BSJ- asr mm aumuy. fT B aViU oarry a full line of oil', varniihet, wagoa ssvasiis) aasao ym.U.m, VWt f STEWART tX Sox. RFP SlfDDI irC -Don't kn vnnr Wm in lj MW. . r' an old box any longer. Stewart & Sox carry bee hives, sections, comb foundation and bee smokers at low prices. WILL YOU BUILD " yr. it ,r. test to d. not fail to sea 8tewart & Sox. Thev keena Urim attok nf hnil.-. k.. and sell at prices to suit the times. THOU SHALT NOT KILL according to iaw, and you ought U boy all yjur guns and ammonitionof Stewaitft Sec W.J r - hwt ti ana acji cneap. Giant powder.fuie and caps always on hand. WE SELL COAL, IRON i "1 for . living." and keep a lsrgo stock of blacksmith supplies on hand, Stewart 4 Sox. SPRAY YOUR TREES.-Boy a spraying outfit of Stewart & Sox and take care of your orchard. The outfit they sell has been tried in this state for three years by the best or chardists and is a e mplete success. mmw T 1 nuiiltal, a. Have you Catarrh? This remedy is (rusran. teed to cure you. Price. 50 eta, Injector tree. WE'RE NOT BRAGGING we say Wf lUVa tlin boat linaa i - .1 rasorsaud pooket eultery in the valley, Lome and ape fai J 8T1WART k Eox. PLOWS We have a new ehill. astly the same as the "Oliver." We irasr. -.i .. " " i.ttj iuii une ot steel plows hat sannotbe excelled. Yon might Possibly save a few cents by coming around and seeing n,. Stewart ft Sox. BUY : YOUR Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Lace Curtains, CARPETS, WALL PAPER, LAGE CURTAINS, window; shades, Best : in : the : Market, AT Fortmiller 4 Imng's. 1I7ERSITY : OF : . OREGON EUGENE Ol'kK Modat, SKPTKIIBKR 18t. .Tn. elnf .1.. . i,. . . " " P?r J'r In ', ": oi studies. Thor ough Instruction. Business course added ruhlon free. Entrance fee, $10. Board and lodging at reasunahle rates I i the elegant new dotmltory and boarding hail on the earn pus. where students will receive personal supervision. JOHS W. jollN'SOM, President. Shoes, Etc., oi READ, PEACOCK A CO., ALBANY AND LEBANON. FOETMILLEfi & IRVING Undertakers -: IX TE KhEP ccnstsnllvrn I rH full n.. t . VV coffin. Al. l...i.i.. "i 7 ,": '",,t'' ,111 h. ..,1.1 .. 'trutioin, . aim. CIISl treie eli- and - Kiiibnl mrlallc, clolh srd wccdcasaelt which will be sold at Tlie Iionrsf I.lTlng; Profltn. EMBALMING "' 'he proper care of the dead a specialty. 4 AK,0oEXTRA CKARCt FOR HEARSE OR SERVICES. ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OR EGO CITY BOTTLING CO,, Wholesale and RetallDealers In Nod. Water, B.p(.h HAraispiirilla and Iron, Iron Wlnf, lAr. Oiy. n a Irlal. llers. Oraage and Iron, Sellarr tTatera, OPPOSITE IRUSS HOUSE . . ALBANY, OR