mtoat )L VI ALBANY. OllEGON, MONDAY, JULY 17, 1993 KO 00 'OSis WILL (r( rM Q long I co I I STRONG H yiU: P- NERVEMJ UErvs f jRSARARILLAp Kp. Ssarir, of Towamhi, Pa., ) constitution was complm-ly tjL down, is cured by Ayer's barilla. lie writes: JJjr eight rears, I was, most of tlio a great sufferer from const! pa- 11$ kidney trouble, ami Indigos 0 tliat my constitution seemed completely broken down. I was Ml to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and nearly seven bottles, with such !ent results that my stomach, l, and kidneys aro in perfect con and, in nil their functions, as W a clork-work. At tlie iime a taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, my . was only 11MJ pounds ; I now can ! 160 pounds, and was never in so teaUh. If you could see mo he ld after using, you would want a traveling advertisement. this preparation of Sarsaparilla ie best in the murket to-day.1 jr's Sarsaparilla 1 by Dr. J. C. A) or It Co., I.owcl, Man. is others, will cure you orcis ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs 13 taken; it is pleasnnt and refrcsliiug to tho taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho bvs tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers nud cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt ia its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agrecablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have mado it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in COc and $1 bottles by nil leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly" for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOV.'SVIUE. AT. NEW YORK. The fsrmer in Japan who hes io acres of land It looked upon as a monopolist. The amount of sediment carried to sea by the Thames In a year is 1,865,913 cubic feet There are more dwelling houses in Phil adtlphia than In any other city in the United States. The Mississippi deposit! in the sea In a year solid mutter weighing 812.500,000,000 pounds. Theieare only 30 vessels In merchant marine whose sjre.'d knots an hour. the world's exceeds 19 There are now 27 roval families in Europe which hive about 400 member. Of these 2? famines iS are German. The largest cut stones in the world are in the Temple of the Sun it Baalbee. Many are mere than 60 feet lcng,20 feet broad and cf unknown depth. Architect and Contractor. Ievcoileifc .Hulburt Bio-.. A? it 1 1 1 e Oregon L-.exn.d Oo i Vlm it home office at 1 s-A-IjEim:: - - - omiC3-o3sra tt Gray Block, corner Liberty nd State street, branch office In rottlanu V 1 , f' eAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem) 'Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $bO p6r -email cash payment long tmiejon balance larticulars. ale jfTjtnifiirr) is: byjliurkliart Bros. One of tho oldest Job printing Offices in the State, tU tret LlU' SI fhe only Exclusive Job Office l IN LINN COUNTY We have the Largest and ; best Stock of Printers' Sta- tionery, it has ever been our pleasure to offer the people. . COME TO SEE US For Good, Quick Printing. SMILEY, i Thills Worth UruiruilirriniE- When you feel a kind of goneness about the stomach It is a sign ttiat your food doe not sit well and that you are about to hav a Ht of indigestion VV hen you begin to feel nervous and are unable to sit still comfortably ; when your clothes suddenly seem to lose their fit and become too tig-ht in places the fit of Indi gestion is surely upon you. When this lit ot Indigestion is repealed from day to day it finally reiolves itself todyjpepsta. Remember tnat three to ten ot 13ran- reth's Fills will cure the worst case of digestion or dvspepsia, or both, and that regular course of tnem. say two every ight for a week or ten days, will act as a preventive of either complaint. A Grkat Convenience.--World's fair isitors travelling via the Northern Paci fic R R and Wisconsin '"'eniral line, are landed at the Grand Central sudon in Chicago. This maeili'ent fire-proof building, loLated in the heart of the city. pas Dctn niieu up as a noiri, run on the European plan, with about 200 rooms handsomely furnished and each room s supplied with hot and cold water, electric lights, etc. I he charge for accommoda tions are reasonable,and..n.ar1M,,s1cap ajcux of the Northern Pacific R R . By taking he Northern Pacific through car line to Chlcaeo. visitors will avoid the discomfort of all transfer In that city, and ran also travel between the Grand Central station and World's fair grounds by trains which run direct bctwrep the two poiuls. C G llt'RKIIART, Agent at Albany. A Wholesale Merchants Excukhiox.- The Oregon Pacific railroad company have arranged to run a noiesaie mer chants' Excursion from San Franciso to Albany on July 27th. The steamship "Willamette Valley" will leave with this nnrtv on the evening of that day. arriv ing at Yaquina on theSiUli orSoth. The San Francisco Board of Trade will at ten J this excursion in a patry. It !s the intention to e-uierinill mem (, c snujc wav that tbey entertained the Oregon merchants on their recent trip. It is diairahle that tlieBe merchants should visit as many points in the Willamette valley as oossiuie. iney win oe auowea five (lavs to spend throughout the valley, .notlier Merchants' Excursion will nrohahlv be started for San FranciBCO on Aug 14th. All arrangements wil! be made to entertain them nicely upon their arrival in pan rancisco. Tub KottTiiF.itN Pacific Railroad Will Slash thf. Katks. Officials of the Northern Pacific Railroad Utive decided to lace low rates into effect. The-will soil tickets from Portland to St Paul for 8': first-clas. and make corrcswnding low rates to all eastern points. World's fair round triu rates will be Rmitly reilmeil Tickets can lie utilized on either of their thmmrli trains, lioth of whirh will continue to curry the Pullman tourist upholstered leepers. Two trains uiuiy without eiiamfo. For full liitonnntinn and to secure your Ipopinir car anvimmodation. call on. or address A I) Charlton, assistant iteneml n:isnopr novnt. No. l'Jl First street, cor ner of Vi ashinirton. or 1 tt lUu-Kiiart. khiii agent, Albany Oregon. A.hl.v iC.r.p. Resl Ffes., 801 Wl ington .Street. Portl.nd. Ci To Farmers Tbe u. .L'igaed have sed the vehutie o' David Smith Tillman hbd are vow prepared to ttoe gram, and all trm,rs if-) QUfstrd to call and s thrm Ki-fnre niaking arrugrmeDU for stntai;- e'rewhere. rRcwT oasoers. Ill' ALBAS s GradwoW's Bazaar t rl very latest, 'news Is that you can buy at JULIUS J3WOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: irtuckle's Coflee, Per Pound n, b8. Granulated Sugar $100 am lbs. Magnolia Sugar White 100 1 ffa. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 20 3aM refilled, 5 gallons 90 S Gallons Good Pickles, market firm 110 1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40 IL Aondnnt a alnm. And all vnndfl wMI h Hold for net COfth from I tr nt leM than regu ar price. My stoc nf Chlnwrs, fanoy goods, n no abl sylm of dlshei. well as a general s.rtmmt of groeenes, crock jo, sm no nxtiuM Is eomiuaU. I inaka apocl -. ot n w n, oonee a pander, and always plae- my customers. Ml 'Omrer It rponslble Iniuraooe ocmpanle. Julia Griwohl Hhtloh't Cui. in nivm vtiiivh nd cfin cn'e, is for sale by on. Vockt m cootsmi twent-nr dowF.ooiy Xoa. Lmiurpn wi rot hay A Alason. Uonr Atn LonuiNo of crood nnalilv raionnble rates are tlie strontf points of tlie Star Contracts nf the World's Fair HotH anil Boardintr Bureau, ror sale nt nil nu mad ticket omcea in 1'ortland ami stNUfin. A II win v. Kinrene. CoptbIIi. McMinmn and Oreiron City. Don't (ro to Chiiniro without vonr accommodation reserve!, nn Ipfif you have a bin pun you are inxmns empty. Call on C. K. Imnk nt the depot tor particnlars. Whrn T;nTellnf . Whlhrt on t levute lr.t. or bnine, on evrv bottle of Syrnp of u a itu m"t p-ehiifn' ly anil r.feotiyely on ii kidoev, liv-jr at d bo-tels, pr venting feer, heinKiiPi n1 ohr lorn" of nchne r. miff in "(0 cent and $1 I ottle by a 1 Ipadir drnmista. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. AHniall Alteadanee Chicago, July 16. -Notwithstanding it as adrertised far and wide that the Dro- ceeds of today's ticket sales at the world's fair were to be donated to the families of the firemen who lost their lives in the aw ful fire of last Monday, the attendance was unusually small. The total admissions, according to the estimate of the bureau of admission, will scarcely reach 3o,000. and when it was announced as the last open Sunday of the fair, in the eyes of some of- utiuis, at least, me uay was pronounced a failure.. Jewish 1'ernecutlona, St Pf-teiisiilrii. Julv 16 The Jews of alta. in the Crimea, have refused to obov the decree to retire within the pale. For several days the clergy have exhorted the population to rise and expel them. Last week an anti-Jow mob took possession of the streets, broke into tho houses occupied by Jews and tried to drive tho occupants from the town. The Jews fought back. Dozens were drairired into the streets and beaten, ond .many were killed. Houses owned by Jews were plundered and wreck ed. Tbe troops were called to the town to restore order. None of tho rioters were killed and but few injured. A Belffn of Terror. Helena. Mont. Julv lG. The closinu down of the silver mines at (Iranite and Philipsburg, where the Granite Mountain and Bimetallic mines, the two greatest silver producers in the state, are located, has resulted in the inauguration of a reiirn of terror in the two camps. Some 5000 men have been employed in the mines and mills there and a large majority of these ore of a foreign birth. A Carvatlli Failure,, Or. Julv 1?. J C Mohr. a retail drvL'Oods dealer of this nlace. filed a deed of assignment for the benefit of his creditors today, W S Huford being named ns assignee, lhe deed shows liabilities of about 84000, with assets of .82000. The assigner began business about eight months ago and conducted it altogether on a cali basis. In view of this fact the showing made is anything but flattering. A Record Broken. tiosiIEX. Ind. Julv 15. C C Morris, nf California, won the lOO-yards sprinting ent todav for the chammonshin of the United States. His time was 9 3-5 seconds. W-ufcvVn startcA.'Vbirnis, ot v isconsin, came close to .Morris. The prize was 820W nu a diamond medal. A Good Example--Springfield, Mo. July 10 President Hurlingame, Vice-President Parce and Cashier Newman, of the failed Bank of Commerce, were arrested yesterday on the charge of receiving deposits just before tne aoors were cioseu. nurungunie i. a member of the city council nnd a church leader. Parce is mayor of the city. The Ladles. The pleasant effect and perfect safely with which ladles may use the laltornl liquid laxative Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes It their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the nane of the California Fig Syrup Co, printed near the bottom of the package. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Etrraml Vlnllnace the price of health. But with all our precaution there are enemies always lurk ing about our systims. only wilting a favorable opportunity to assert themselves. iinpu'iuei in the blood may be hidden for years or even for generations and suddenly break forth, undermining health and hastening death. For all diseases arising from Impure blood Hood's Sarsaparilla is the unequalled and unapproachable rem edy. It is Kine of them ali tor it disease. ' Proof or Merit The proof of the merits of a nlastr u the cures it effects, and the voluntary testimonial! of those who have used All. cock's Porous Plasters during the past thirty years is unlmDeachable evldenns nf their superiority and should convince the mosissepiicai. aeit praise is no recom mendation, but ceriificates from those who have used them are. Beware of imitations and do not he He. ceived by misrepresentation. Ask tor A I. cock's, and let no solicitation or explana tion muutc yuu io accept a suDstttute. NOTICE. All narties who hnvn luvn i the habit of tying cows so they can run over adjoining sidewnlks. are hereby notified to stop tho practice, or the ordi nance in reference to the same will be enforced. Advertising Novelties. We have n complete line of noveltise, direct from the makers, ean furnish the s ame nt lowes prices. Whistles, mirrors, pencils, mem oranda books, napkins, funs, rulers, yard sticks, panels, chromo cards, ca ps, calcn dare, xrntts cards, etc., in season. And aJwavs-tbcubaslTon Ppjv.rrv . Laundry Work. Every citizen of Al bany should bear in mind that the Albany Steam Laundry guarantee fust class work at very reasonable prices, and employs nothing but white labor. Shirts lone as cheaply as the Chinaman. Pat ronize your own race. EK HEBE Paiker Bros, grocers. F. M. French keeps railroad time. Bay your groceries of Parker Broa Fiae groceries at Conn & Hendricson'a. New cream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers. P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, does first claas work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled S oent oigarat Julius Joaeph'a. Dr M H lrlis, phystoun and surgeon Albany, Oregon. Clls made In eit'or country. World'. Fair Travelers Will Have It The publio demand through servio3 when traveling. It ia old-fashioned to "Change Cars." ()d the through, ohd veatibnled trains of the Chicago, Union Pacific 4 North Western Line from or to Chicago. Omaha and intermediate poiota there is nu bange. This is the finest and fastest ser ce between the poiota named. Sas of He, Scott's Ykddino JnVITAViOXS. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. New PiioTor.nAPiiKn. 1 havo opened a new gallery in the Y. M. C. A. block, '2nd street, Albany, nnd will try hard to ple;ie all who will tavor nie with their patronage. will take all sizes and styles ot photos as (rood as the best and as cheap as the cheap est. 1 am no traveling photo here today and gone tomorrow, but have come with wife and children to make a home in your glorious climate. I have come to stay. Mease call and see me and try my work, Very rcsMctfully yours, LV A. 11AM M KI.L. Late of Toronto, Canada. To'i.el Hi ine Turin Rqatdina II od'i Sirmpariil. aV 'In peiiile who tme thin Kid th tfl4tnnonia'a aipi published l'i thi pape Tbey will oorivinoj y- n tint Hotdu enro Hood'a rhli cure constitution. Twenlr tear' fxperlrae. C D Fredricks. the well Known pho tographer, 770 Broadway, New York, says? 'l have been using AM cock's Por ous Ilater fur ao years, and found thm one of lhe best nf family inedicides. Brieflv summing up try experience, I say that when placed on ilie small of the back AMcock's Plasters fill the body with ner. vous energy, and thus cure fatigue, brain exhaustion, deuilty and kidney dlfticul les, ror women and children 1 hive ound them Invaluable. They never Irrl ate thetkln or caue the slhfhtett pain but cure tore throat, coughs, colds, pain In the side, back nr chest. Indigestion and bowel complaint. Am I r if 1 it " t I easick-VOi. V'hn'. ) 1 1 mi on the Dsu ) -rat, i" t' n: ! ahion si-eat fit eicn month Theklll ind know led sr. KsiRotiatl to the production of the most per fect and popular 'axative remedy known, have enabled the California Fig Syrno O. to achieve a grat aueoms in th reputation of its reni-dy, Rytuo of Fig, a i is conced ed to be lhe universal laxative. For sale by all drapguti. An E7 Wlnnert Union Dael"c & North Western lane distant e all competition with eai. It has the fhort- est line, fsatest time, Union djont aud no change or delay at the Missunri Itiver.and ia the popular Wor d a rair route. Shilfh'a Vital : r :s what yin ned ft r dyfi.jsifc, Urj.i.l liver, yellow aktn ir ktd- uev troni'le. l; is inar?.nw:ea to e-v vrn aatistnetion. P ce 75c. Sj'dj ty F"hy & ftiasoc. . Ont.Ot Hlsbt The travoline vnbtie are now fully i'ive foihe tc, that the China gnt Union Pacific & North-Wef torn line offti tbm very best accommodation en the public from and to Cha:o, Omnha and intcrmfkdi.'.te pointe, not only during ihe Wor la Fi". hit alt the year ir.ui'ri. Albany Market. Vht,C0r. Cels, 8Hn. I 'our, I. 00. I'ntler, 15e. Kgfta, l?c. Iard, 14o. Pork - hams I n shoulders, 9u nldee Hay. baled "oatne, lone. Apple,l 00 Hnpsi 1 8c fried fruit p timn, fto, app!ea. 9c Chickens, 4 I ' per doxan, Kofcf, on foot. 4 . Hog drewaea. 7a. You don't have to look lv. ice to detect them bright eyes, bright color, bright smiles, bright in every ac tion. 1 isiowJ oniywncn J ITTTTTTT wcv.ii tissue ' is replaced by the healthy kind. Scott's Emulsion cf cod liver oil effects cure by b;iil:linj up sound flesh. It is ap-reeable to taste and easy of assimilation. roird bf Si-rtlt Bowns, 3!. Y. AM drui:T.a. A CASE IT- WIHyNOT-CURcTlB An agreeable iAzatlye and Nnva TowTCt Bold by OruttKlsta or sent by mall. 8h,Mo. and 91.00 per package. Samples tree. If A TIA Tbe Favorite WOTS rWSIt IV V for tbe Tooth and llreaUi,!&o. Captain Sweeney, UJ.A,ganDleiro,Cal ays: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy la th. first medldne I have ever found tbatwmild do mo au iruod." Price 60 cts. Bold by Uruggiata. SHILOH'S cure; Titts OnrAT Couan Cmi protaptrreures WhcreaUothersraiL ForCooaucnptionltbaa poiiyal; baa cured thousands, and will crmi Ton, II taken in time fries 5 sti, CO eti, IUQ. VIGOR MEN Ms Easily. Quickly. PermantnMy Rstorsd. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, ant all Xhf train or Ml. a lrii(i-arITnifr Intrr III IVfllltS of overwoik, ntc k ti fan, Worrv.ctL. FullxtrfiiKili, li'iipnieiit ami tariff plvi-n tueeryt.rKanaiid ..rtlon -f lhi lxlr. fhtirlr.T)ntnrlnet hixla, ImnKltaHhiiiroirient M n. KHllurt impof-IM'. rpfi-renrcfl. H"x, fxplanitlon atl prnufa tuiillt-tt iBculvd) free ERIE MEDICAL C3. eurrALO. N. sr. FARMERS. ATTENTION t.AM ' A 5S k Powder: The r.-v I'nre Crrni:i of Tor der. No Ammonia; No Aluin. User' r:l!trtt, v,f ITnrnes ir- va- ihe Stnn-V WACON HACK. BUGGY. CART PLOW KRROW,DR!ll SEE!) EB, fEEO CUTTER, or any kind of a Farm (tnnVmet.: or Ve hlcle, call on or addrera. B. F. RAMP, Opncslte Tost OIT.ce, Albany, Or. J