WILL'S MUSIC SW ..pl ICUICrlKKINO "H F Mi'.LER,' "STECK," AND "VOSE fc SON" f I NOS, W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE noTMp. fh yen wear them 7 When next In need try a pair, nest in tno worm. 3.00 2.00 FOR LADIES $2.00 1.75 fOR Borj 92.90 ll J ran .-tJiTN J''fc,t .'.it- If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, mads In tha latest styb. don't pay $6 to $8, try jny $3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shw. They fit equal to custom made and lock and wear as well. If you wish to economtzemyour footwear. b so by purchasing W. L, Douglas Shoes. Name and price stamped on tho bottom, look for It when you buy XL. E. I LA IN. re 'i aamumrEaa THE AVEliFOOT ROUTE Pacific Railrcdd, E W flADLEY. Rcrclvrr. ESTE y 'NEWMAN BROS, OilUANd. D CAMllUFr .1 . i ( I i i -rj H'i Writs fv CaUlwrias nl Pricea before Purchasing Elsewhere! Vte cl trn Boil Goixls at Loweat Pricwi null Instrumental, B k aMl XhiscriiitioiW gw Homo and other Sewim MhinM. also N'cedlcs Oil ami Extras fur alt Mv.l.ii.e. E. I'. WILL, Albany, Or. EXECUTOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that the under signed executors of the last wi'l and testa ment of Owen Bear, deceased. IaLe of Linn county, Oregon, will pursuant to an order of the county coots lor .Linn county, uregoo, duly made and entered cf record on the 5th day of June, 1SD3, authorizing and licensing the undersigned an executors of said estate, to sell the lands hereinafter described, will on the 10th day of September, 181KI, it the hour of one o'clock p m of said day, at the Court House door, in the city of Albany, Linn oounty, Oregon, tell at pub'ic auctiou, to the highest bidder all cf th right, title and interest the said Owen Bear had at tbe lime cf his death In and to the fallowing described real estate towit: Beginning at the N E corner of the dona tion land claim of Owen Bear and wife, Not No 1:240 and claim Ivo 41 in tu 12 8 It 4 VV of the Wlltamotte meridian and running thence west along tbe north bouniary line nt said claim U2.ti0 chains to thoN K cornsr of a tract of land sold to V W Uohinttt and J C Kobinelt by Owen Bear and wifp; thenjo south 2 chains, thence S 31M.V E, follow iDg along the center of a slouch 11.24 chains, thence south 2.90 chaius.thenco east Earaitcl with the north line of said Owen car's claim 55.10 chains to the eabt line if said claim, thence north 17 chains to the place of beginning, containing 101.86 acres, all in Linn oounty, Oregon. Terms nt sale one-half cash in hand on day of sale and one-half in six mouths from day of sale with interest at 8 per cent per annum secured by mortgsge on the land sold. This the 8th day of July, 1S93. Walter McIlhke, JoilM CcMMIfftH, Weatherford Si Chamberlain, Execuiois. Attorneys for Ex. TIME SCHEDULE, except Sundays., Lefve Albany 12:21 f. ,;l.v Yaquma, 7:00a, a ueavcuorvaiin i:"3f, h. Leave Corvan.s,. :;,- am laquina, r. 11. Arrive Albany, 11:13 A. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Valley Points and San Francisco" , OCKAV STK4 IC MA IIKGN , f ROM HA!t FRA.NCiaUO WUlameUs Valley, Jul;- 11th C7th, no YAq-tisi, Willamette Valley, Juiy 21at, at p ni. r KlTlsEKTOKD A ( HAM- HIC11LA N Attirjj.'t il Ult tti. ti.mu1 a'tl i it 1 1 - i . t l.-.i j 1 in oarti -tin iutr-r hi prob ; tin riuui utoctt. f". HIH,YE7 1 v a "iumi ai Ijut .n-t Solicitor In Chancery. Coll k -jin ii jiiIv on ilt in'nla. Loatti tu-tfotutt'd on rbU it riuA. Albany, Oregon Attomevat Ija-. ar.J V iiarv P Will practice In II thMurts of tin um s attfiition eiven to collec'.iona o'til nutter in pr-b-ta Oftirc: Upataim I'. K t. H , I It s; tflje uUU tVU'W' Temple, Albany, O iiit;i:i Attorney at Lniv, A!lanv( Or. Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. J nV.H J. (IIAHMOV Atsrnv-t-Law. All lejril builiew atteuilod o pruiiiptlv: FLINX'S Block, A'bany, On D" J' " HIM.. Fhytician and Sunreon, OFFICE Corner Fci "y streets, Albany, Orvgon. GOOD Food Digestion -Complexion -3 are allintimatelyconnectcd r practically inseparable. EriS Though the fact is often if j ignored; it is nevertheless rf; - ' true that a good complex- Srg ion is animixjssibility with- out good digestion, which gg- r in turn depends on good There is no more common rZ 'Zj cause of Indigestion than IC-.': ct5 lard. Let the bright house - keeper use IT-CT GOTTOLEN Tho New Vegetable Shortening 25 and substitute for lard, and rrr- ; her cheeks, with those of ;i,- I her family, will be far more likely to be ' Like a i rose in the snow." iZZ. i Cottolene is clean, deli- gi';!-: cate, healthful and popu- I lax. Try it for yourself " " Send three cents tnatam-n toN. K. Kairbank & Co., Chicago, lor handsome Cottolene Cook Book, 127" -r containinj- aix hundred recipes, " "' : "j prepared by nine couAcutauuiox- T." . irie on cooking Sjm?-- riade only by N. K. Fairbank & Co., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. HAYE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND TO FIND A CUKE ron RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATIC, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, B. HANDF.N'H EMtCTBli.. wiih Klonro niii;,,.'p vurr wtu euro vrliliuii. L""" orcxiM'Bure. will tltm Pf.i,J euro (n our marielou, T tho most akepilc.,1. ln! fecta you may have aa-iiK yuurayatqiii 0 norvn forceZn -ivhfch in flreirlciry-i CauseJ yourweuknasiorieft. If tuu roulaca ltn ,.... 11 Clements thus diitlnM mbJl'S quired for viKorouiMre'JMg aud Tii;rwM lltuw atotoV it vur plnn cnt trtiatmeiitlA KUBianlco a rnro or itrniS . Bt'iit soaleJ, fret). Vr. Sniiltaa Klrrtrlo Iti-lt ia r.itI to robust lu-nlth anl vlror.aiier ail ether treetmemdfaiwtTfi nilBkout tlilswiitlrtthprHtntPfl.Hlin would , tally ttntlfy, uidfiu Onr QOO pnre took "TIIKTER rr.lWESCip MFAV niiaairagta inn oiu man Bt as wn hn rnatnrtd t hmiHMTiilx (n innwn ny nunarraa or oasttStliroiiBCour, tmsnan:nprrtniPf,wii( wouiq iauiy utitlfy, aiidfiu Olnbuoi wa tiayostruus letters boarlnff teattiuoKj to their recovery alter uslu our licit Jl WE HAVli CURED THESE-WE CAN CURE YOU! - . DEBILITY CURED. 1 LAME BACK ANO RHEUMATISM rrurfjai T)r. A. T. flanrlea, Ofr Kir : lieforel nia-l your (h it Iroubl-ni with I oat vliror. riinl W'Ultnena, m tirwl fewlina, bune acliln, m a tttaot euDfldacn la your traatmrnt. You cun rub- jino tnia nnneroenu aixo nn ntltnrs wni or ettll on niav Truly youra. 11. A. UOWKN, 3Cund a Turk Si. at moat oomiilfte loaa of power. 1 would not uy with rour bait I hnv life better thus I hare for ten y past. 1 hitvothe RHEUMATI8M AND LAMENESS CURED run innu, Ufucun, April in if a. , nanucq. iwnir: twu wok aso tor rliHUuiiLtium. lorMmril nun. Knrlhnmlu been ableto w rk. Your belt hut i!t perfect health In the two wu-k I have u-ii It. 1 can tut eomionntiiT, ana reel iiko U com tort nti it, and feel Iiko a nrw nmn uennratlf. M. K. HUOIltS, Pruprletor Istornational Hotel. NERVOUS DERILITV-LOSS OP VICOff. . . Tttcoma. ft nail.. Octotit-r 24, 1H92. Tr. A.T. Pannen, Dear Hlr : 1 have tx-xn uslntt your j-icciric uuil loruBBotm nervous ueuiuu. nnu iohih iimi ofliwr man i uave lor live years on nra niroDR in a Yours gratefully, Litr.i la vigor daily, and am strooit in avery part. VUA9. LIILina. BACK ANO RHEUMATtSU. , Dr. A. T. flanden. Uor Sir Vriof Zra hard Rork.combuid with the atrwin corcliiVII ir of nil eiitflott shvh me a m C4iooI T fromnhirh 1 nuffi-nd for a-v.a year. 1 ilrs thtit 1 could not UBd my bark. H J , jj J ". j wall it. I botutht oot yu..r fcitli It tijrt in idaf tw dajt,ai)d I continui-i! tawur hO' lucuttm. leiiiB r!e-tly curud. 1 hut wAt.. n. o, nd l uni at wrtl. to-day u 1 eer wniVifl ko. ,u, b.., fll ...d l kn..w foT." they would try It they would find it thsl'.Vj tho tet remi-drin the world. ,m ,zt, "U Prmnuiit ly, und will he cUd to talk witi -Till wauUto innuironhon' r ".ail jiuuf.it i ui'Hitr.UKnsineernotsIra LOST VITALITY AND 8TRENCTa?" T: A. T. Bandsi, Dear Hir :-Mn wZ1 'It 1 hovo bon Kreatly benctltcd. 1 fni mf-M.' rgr fU't retuminjj; and aftrn rr-ontli'ioii (It 1 find 111 VMS If twicu na Viironm. .. .,"- mt mory is now nearlT perfect, anii each duaa for the bftter. 1 f --l much Hmmw th- uainiithebelu Yours duly, iiKMtVhLCP KM. MASTOV .t DAVIS. PhvricUtia am Qiif.,.n. itcirmv - and B.oialbin streets, A'bvuy, Or, Calls proajptly ittvnded 1 city andceunLry. 1 U. CH1I!!EKLI, jf. d Herneopathlst. aHpecUiat In diseases of the Eye, vim. iivkii-i iv am uit AMIS UJ. SDU IC ! nitiff. A l Or Run. piK8T NATIONAL II A IV IE . vr al.ua nr, okkoon The Companv fwrvea the ngnt to honge sailing dates vHbotit notice. ItiVEK NTKANEKN. tramet "Hoair" leaves foitland Wednesday and Saturday 6lM, H C Day.Oen Av't.Silraon Street Wh art, Portland I R Vaughn, Own Air't, San Franclico, Cal. K Mulcahy, Uoneral Supt: m FIRE WITH ECZEIVS3 Terrible SuiTcrInRa of Little lUy. Bcven Ietnrj antl Two Hospllitfo Fall. Cured ly Cutlctira. Vy 'ibr hor, S nunth nM, broke o t wiih (hi ii. tiiii mirmiiaT tho rna s,n-.Ml l- bia IliuU. breM. fa.-" ;n,.l " h.- -:te nt.rly evcnl; his tirturs.- rr plUldo to uchnM; he h:id no p.-a- it-i o-ji uiiic r-T tiiiiut -r diy. IU- w.i undi'r tn-.i. nn'Nt at dltcrt nt t ):;!; :t two h'Mpttahi nr.fl b t d'K-tors inth'At-ity ;!fi.-.-,t the U)Mtt btn"f,:; v .j pp'wciliitin of tlio d-H-t. .. wa- faiiiirullytri.il. I ;i. !( i' ,,'r ni!itlis I fx;-:i aUnit .t rr v.- mttii ini-a, ami .4 ITt'iJ" UtfCDIIrt,'!", j na i-4 I Til l V , . Vt'KA HoAraiid t. rr:. IwlM't VFT an.l C ' " -to tS Irttrr. l..-.irf was hnr;.-.;. .1 - : w.-r,. o. ri d. r.- ! r.'t a-.d I '"..lilT ir.ti:k.-'.l ai.d in 1.1 ' .-Ui.il. nn I li.ta ii iw iM c'.t'ar a 1 ;t tr ;i I .iy R4 nny LiotVr rosM wl!i to . .. al i'.c.y uiuthcr to use U for every Ha: .. - Notice of Assignment. Notice i, hereby civcn that the Bnlc cl Origon, nf Allnny, Orcpoo, haa duly at tiliued to the underscneil atsignee ail ita property and efF.cta fnr the benefit of all ita croditora, under aod bv viitut of the gon eial aasignmeut lawa of the state of Oregon, and the nnderai ;ued haa h-retnfore, tow U, od the 28th dj of Juno 1693, duly qualified aa auch assignee. All pi'rsoue having claim, acainst aaid in solvent and the estate thereof are hereby required to preunt the rame to the un dersigned at the liank of Oregon building- in heoityr.f All any, Oregon, under oath, withid three mouths of thia date. Dated thia 2th day of June 1893. W. S. Tuouhmix Aangnee of the Dank o Oregon, an insol vent. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP notice. AniANV.Or., June 27. 1S9.1. The copaitnerahip in th cMhirir buai neaa herettfore cxisllug beluviT J I. Cowan and M Sternberg ia from tin. try .ii,olved. Mr Cowan retiring therefrom. The fitwi will her.ntttr le knoen by the ntme of M Sternberg ft Co, will a.sume all the liabili ties of the firm and collect all outstanding account and notea due .aid firm. J. I.. Cowax. M. STrsxriuin. reitricnt .. I.PLINN 7ice President . s, E.YOUXG Cadhler rtH M.B, W. LANOOON niuluslaese euk. TRANSACTS A OP.KKKALh.nMi ACCOUNTS KEPT sublect to hej SIGHT EXCI1ANOE and tel -raphlo transfer, sold ..vn iv(, dmi Eiuicuw, i.uicago ana remand eeon COXECTIONI lIADEoa favorable lerrna siaacrotta. J. E. Touae K.W, L.aouea L K Bum. L. Funa Edwaso t . Sox. ' I- SC W. 1 roollln. ., Ko,;..'. iacura ftemedies si cin?. blood pnrlflert ai-d himnf f i.i ..t:ri tlnii't, Inatutiy ro.ifve the ii lo;i u uf aVK'tiiki atij pMtMtuin, -iil, p--m.i:titlra e'ontmtcaIU, and to .. '. rry ptH-i-i- of tortiirln. dtntlinirtnc 'i.T.tui, bhttlinf;, i-alv, cruait(,lt mtul .. Imtni't of the "kin, PH-alp, i J Ins i-f hair, fiotn Infanry to aire .n!. a.-rifuloiis, or her.tliiary, Wiko ia.imtis and Nm plijlclaae fail. -ry u bore, Fr !, rrTirrita, iW. ; . , p, Mti' t.NT, l. Prrp.-T.rM by the liTr. -'Hl5lil. Al.CuBtVHATKS,B.to. .1 f r " Hw to t'tirr Silo Wniid," 64 ...:trahtn4, aud Ka) tesllmooiaU. H.-khf!, ml, rtiikth. rbippcd, aud . fla.-i. .irtsl l.y t'L'Tl' HA f'oar. .ni n cm vq d.iiiic ! rV-lof rvaifort for all Tains, InfUtn .J m i. -i-mI VraktiiMi of tho A.rfd l ,St i.. (ill.-ur Antl-I'ain IMaMtriv fc tt. K Uu rlrat ard only iftln-ki!:inr sfm.irt.t- nun ;.tUT. Kow,liuUiiUnua,aud lafaliib I ACADEMY OF- ft'&y TOyRSELFlV flfllf W' ,U-"" "'""frmaiorrrMeal, IJlWajg h e V . i cure. In a fewdevi .s-vfj ; 1'h 'nt tho aid or p'lNldi. of i If 1' . 4 . fon-polaonoiia and lgt'ri''nrntee,1 not to rfirtiire r CalreftrU Antrieto Cut. ViSrA ennfaetnred by "p ?Tli traat fbroical C'.sffiaaT mcWATll JtV CUSICH A C'(..84KER OF ALBANY, OHKaoN, TRANSACT a trenera Banking n.ln.ss. UKAWSIUHTDRAtTS on New York, San Fr n ecu and Tertland, Oreen. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deposits subject to check. COLLECTIONS made on favorable terms. INTEREST paid en time deposit, ank or ai'io, OXO, OltKGON. LI.E THg ALL OTHERS FOLLOW; THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:1.5 A, HI. 7:30 P. 51. DAYS TO THE'DSrSANDEN ELECTRIC BELT tBaeonplotiralTanlobalterr.n)ado Into, belt so aa to be ca-MIr worn duriaa work or atme D 8lX!'tb.'uS't ,aP"''(, currents wbuh are le.tautlr lelt tbrouehout all weak parts ornhT '9,oao. It haa an Improrrd Klrclrie rluapenaorr, tko greatest boon ever ulrtm if!il men. ana mil cure tha wunLuitsl. two or HnMonuh. arM. f..r ..n t..f... . 1 "e-eflfc SAN DEN ELECTRIC CO. 172 First St., PORTLAND, CHIS) eeiletit,. siller ....A J Jo US 8 . Ma McFarlaud, -:- DIALER IX - Harness -and-Saddler j Display J io the Door HOURS HOUB CHICAGO THE QUIfiXEST TO CHI GAHO THt EAST Q QUICX TO OMAHA U Anu KANSAS DITf PULLMAH AND TOURIST SIEEPERS, FR'E ! ECLISI?.G CHAI3 CARS niiiinu uniig. For ra.esHnd general information cal oil or aaaresa V H HURLBURT.Aaat.Gcn'l. Pass. Agt, v asrunton at,, 1'oRTlANn. Orkgon PATRGKiZEi H3M WSTITaTiOSS. m Atliany, Orrjorn i!KAi), Prnsldoiit.' 1 I, COWAN, Tronxuror. .! o WRrrsMArr. Ssonan ' Goo F SIMPSON, Vic Prexhlont. 1 t cn. Hon FSlTji,r.n. (V K Road, 1) II MontnlMi.M Ktornoerir 'J w C J K Wiiat hortord, CJ Hluiirt. D VVrltoman. ' d ALSO DISTRICT AGENTS TOR--S- " Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Conipai From To n 1 1 i : w . w k 'j nr mm Caveat", and Trarte-Marki obtained, and all Pat- unrw cumiuctcu lor MootaaTt ftlS. Oua ornct it Ovoositc U. . Ptc nt Ornct ( and wa ran secure pa:cnt to less Ums uaa taoM remote from VVahit.Rton. j tSead .model, diawmg or phrto., with devrip- j : . " wiiipw or not, iree 01 charf. Our fee not du till patent is secured, j A PMHLrr. "How to Obtain l'attnt'' rith cost ol uoe in the U. S. and foreiga countries j C.i J Ott. I A.SNOW&CO. thht Omet, WasHmaroH. ' Lady of Perpetual Help FOSHAY & MASON -miaisM a aarait Dntistsacd Booksellfts Aceii.u. for John B. Aldmn's pul.!lctloL.,. Jloh we eell a oubltauer' rrim -! . ratllsvad.lar l-Bii. oi:i:.o CAVEATS. TKACS MARKS. OISION PATINT8, copvr eura. suvw vr wvuniM r electa m S ticntific Jtawau Rpr, ttBHtac" tea AXLE .6REASE BWtT tub tvori.r;. XleaRquaHtlareaBaun3cobottuiT! ntlaatmrr twobcxra of aayorJifr f-n , fidC ttfectcd by heat. f.T Til K. UKU. L JM3. QES 3?h GuarantrftI to c:ro lt'llnus atbtctts, Sick Ilit(!.irli." :nl f 'i .tipatloa. 40 in rch bottlo. r.-' .; . For pale by druggists'. Picture";. IT, V r.irar!c ilose free. J. F. IMtTH A C?., r.-crietor,, NEW YORK. Nortte n Paciflc Bailroai la the line to take Tj a PointsEASTanJ SOUTH It la the m.MVft II run Throngli ci rtttii in I lie ST.PAULand TK, I.- 0 'tiO CHANGEIOr CARS.) ? Compost J of Diniii" Cars Unsurpassed Pullman Ilrawiii' Ronra Sleepers Of Latest Equipment TOURIST SLEcPiNa CARS. h lLt can be constru 'ol n In which aoommo-Uilona nre bh free ami furnlahft i f .r hoi nrs of Firalor Stcoud clash lit-kfts atti ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line coniectinjj with al linss, affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullrnm a'eepor rpserrntions run be aecuret In ailvance thrnuxb any anent of the road. THROUOU TICKETS to an.l from all pointa In America England an.1 Kurope can N purrhasoil at aty ticket office of tbla cotrny, Full information roncerning rati..tluie ct trains, route, and other setaila Turn iabed on application to any anent, or A D caARLTON. Aeltant General PaanR.r A vent. So 121 First St, cor. WrMhingtoo. Port'and, t'leuon. C O Puikhar-., lecal agent. EAST AND-SOUTH, THE SHASTA ROUTE of t mi Southern Paciflc Co. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. South 7:'ir. ri. I't " 10:23 r a Lv 8:16 A a Ar raov il'LT 1, 1S92, Portfanil Albany 8an Francisco I North Ar 7:3S a a Lv :23 a a Lv7;00rH Abeve trains stop only at following stations north et Kiaeburir. Kast Portland, Oreiron City, VI . nl num. 8alem, Albany, Tanirrnt, 8hl, llalaey, liar, risburg. Junction City, trvtnf, Eugene. aoaasi'iia msil, bailt 8:S0 l Lv IMS t u Lv 5:5ti r a Ar Portland Albany Uoaeburs; Ar 4-a.i Lv 12ll ;Lv I 7 Ma ALBaVY liOCib DAILT (SXCBrT SlTIDAV) ll M r a Lv r a Ar Portland Albany aaaaci. Ar :o so a Lv :S0 a :10 a a Lr :0Oa a I Ar 1 ::r a I Lv KO a a I Ar Albany Lebanon Albany Lebanon ArIO?lA Lv so a Ar I :li r r Lv :S r a pyiiMA mm SLEEPERS. A- U Dinine Cars on Ogden Rjute, i n nn Atlaehe.l leall Threnjrli Trains. Te.l aie rVlTl.loa. BKTTrf.K ronrme a.o oikvailih. UatL nraiBoallT (Except Sunnay, 7 1 a a I Lv evirt'an.l Ar I S:WI r V S:10 r a Ar Cor.aiu kv lx:u ra j Will cure i The worst caseA Of Skin Disease " From a Common Pimple On the Face To that awful ? Disease L Scrofula. f Try a' bottle To-day. ai H'l ejin,irie'nit'",j f Fonrl 8 anient stamps to A. P. """"T. Bostcn. Mass.. for be.i niedkal work inbU axraeaa raaia DatLT (Exc jpt 8m.day. Portland McMlnnvllls Ar I : 1 1 Lv s.41 a 4:tnraL 7:Mra A Throntrth 'JTiclietM ti all point in the Hist-m st.te Cans'ls and r.urnpecaa be onain-.l at lowest ra'.es from C K pr.ab, Aeent Albany. KOF.IILER T. P.RCKiERS, Uanaer (J, f. and Port' w 4 Oreiron. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In Ft, I the tr.tlt if Andrew Ralston, IVe'd VOT1CF. W BK1E3Y GIVEN THAT THE c'lrxTT nt i taw, at th. a ..- oj i . p m , ld J ment of the sbve entitled ...... i ll" r: to be prewnt and preaent th. nme ' otl0M Pated thismh dar -.r June, lvvt O P COSHOW. Jr Administrator. REVERE HOUSE .LB ANY MAS. PFiSIFFER rfiOPUlKTuR reafneGs Cannot lie Curcil brlocn1 f.rp'icatimas they rnr.nrt reach the OKoarvi; p rtion o( i? car. Tin re is onir or.e way to rr, rpd'.ifnM. an-l that in bv coi.;-l.tu-tibial r.-t.tt-lifr. Ir?L.f:-.-:js in caused" bv an in fl.impil con.l.nPn oT th- inucotia lininp of the E.itftchian l'u. V.'hrntl.is tti5 Ii In fl arced rou have a rami lina innd or imperfect hear it,7. ar.J ahen it la emirrlT closed. Deafness is the remit, and ur.le the inflammation can be taken out ant) thi t;:b? restored to its normal condition, h-crinu will be doftmytrd forcvpr; nine caM out of tfn aro cannt-d'bv catarrh, which Is n-ithiTx but an inflamed Condition of tht tnticnns rarfictfs. Woirill rifa One nnndrcd Dollars for an Cnse nf Pcafnwi reantxed br catarrh) that can not bt enrtd 1 Bail ' s Catarrh Curs, fiend for circulars; free. a , if' I rH1EY CO., Toledo, a AT Sold by Druggists, tgq. HUB COLLESfATS alsany, or.saoN1 1801, 18Q2 Iral Term Opened September Ml -A I; I corp. of instructor.- IIAS!CAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITEJM? COISMERCIAL AND N2P.&'l CLASSES. t nr.ra ol study arranaerl all grailee of student I inamcemrnls rftrti I aiaal from abroad. . RLREBT COJ ? ARE YO'J ?r. author, ar a newspaper are pnbli.L.rira' 3f you are, or e I oi .he r-bove, 1-tere'tedla"1 shoaUIiai THE JO'JP iAUIST. 3 DO YOL i want tn reach th abovsf Thnadrtrtta-m The JnrRNAMsT. t Puhpct Ipt Ion $4.tflATcBf. ,M M Adve:ti?in, taUsonappliww' ALLAN FOHMAJi, Editor and Proprietor. f 117 Nassau Strict, yaw ronfc;