m OFFICIAL PAPER. Harvekt will b'juin next bintlcrii wt I he Mm. d in or!. I Ion urower around Scl .,' GOOD EVENING. Rklhiiois Skhvicks. Noble .1 liijiins, ie flvaniflist. will address the men's imsd- nit to-morrow lit 4 p in in tlio V M C A lull. Serviced tit ilio MF. church sooth at ha uaunl hours iiiorniiii; and rvenini!. I S at lOo'clock. Church conference a! lose of inoruinj; service. Bejtdlur serviefs ut II I church tnorn Qs and eveniinr. At 3 oclock U"V Harr (ill Drench at the Hodino school house, iiMV Ki,nr..i. ..r. u.-liini! morning and vening. O lu r services as usual. JT ibbett pusor. The union iwlval now in prouiess a' heKvani;..ll.:ul rhiirc'i of our city, is a 'rand aueces Mr nod Mm Urvnns are hie and siiccetslul evanselisls. and are elne si'noor'e'l bv the live cliristian ele ent of Albanv. Their conjiresiationi re lame. and o.i! are helm; kaved, both n the afternoon and evening me'.-'tintrs. iervlces tomorrow a folowt: Knee Irlll at 7 a mr lermon at 1 1, to be followed sltn an o:u rasmotieu I'enlcoi love neasi, machine n. 7 :Jo p m. Prof W II Davis t conduct! i: the b!ntinl at these meet ig. Ail ate Invitee, Come early if you Mire feat. I A SmrniK fli.iTB. Portland hits a sukido Hub composed of thirteen nipmliern. Pan ''rancisco has had one for thirteen yours, od every year the fatal leap into eternity as been made by a member. '1 he members if the Portland club should lie sent togitlem nd confined in the asylum. The .ub' personnel is 2 bankers, It bank clerks. merchants, 2 real estate dealers, 2 retired -tpitaliats und 2 lawyers. The ties of viese men nino from ;12 to BO yearn and one are married, t no year from the 1 1th 'vn Jnlv. 1K!M. will lie the first drawing. 'nmediati'ly after which the one drawing ie blank slip of paper will, according to ,'te aolemnitvof the oath he has taken, il lh mvstnrious nroblcm witll nrnssic hid. No other drawing can lie had till the r!ieancy is filled, which, it is claimed can , 1 easily be done. A manlier (rives as tlte ll!im for the rluh the followinir: Kvery ,''ie of us has become satiated with what '"m persist in terming earthly pleasure. IT experience has taught us, 1 regret to be mmlldd to confess, that the only pleasure earth is its antidilution: its realization m dead aea fruit. Yon bite into it, your Miuth or hundB will fill with ashes. IIOMB AU lltllllia week, whea have hold i live r.Mii Mr. I'. Murray His-mrr, of I'urlland, re. cently a ili.e;;.ttjto the National Convention r il... 'l' l a ..i p.. ...:. . ill ,,-li. l,r u-,w heir crop to Geo Pojie Co, of Portland. ,.ivti ,.,ai'niiaii "f tin'- 1'ress Committ.-e Coniire.sman llerimn h.u a son name I Was in the city today, mid mailt' the IKMO- Schiller Herman, annrc'iati: at Myrtle chat ottiij a pleasant cull, and eanie near Point. I proving a relationship to the Man Ahont Kin.MiiInt li made nl the manner In i Town on mroimt of mac having resided the ditch south of witli a minister of the same name. Mr lieneer was the means. iy a nappy sjsHvn. 'n j-.t II Vninehick and wife of near IjJwy, a1 c c Jackson und wife attended "e death and funeral of Vrs J K Thoinas, .rtao died in this city on July S. 1M, she n the daughter of George and .lane Bil- '.v u. aaed 111 yrs 8 months and 24 days. be Mr Judge Bellinger of Portland and Mrs I cotjazy of Wallowa county have been visit pel tog their sister in this city this week, j-andma llutcher. rionn Titus eniiirht a hoir last week which 1S93. wt ntnsf ton itinnv far him. In the KjTHTiggle he was thrown ngntnst a fence S.th loch force that his head was badly t, requiring several stiches to close it up. Hyde was the sewing machine that re- JY ired the damage. Press. , It MA Wabm Hf.( KI'Tids. Mr Tommy An- r tiirson,' a Linn county widower, who has k"ilen seeking tv wife for several ni mtiH, '' tli.Hnl Mra Isom. a lieilton county widow ful united in niarriiige in Corvailis dic"tmla. n'turnimr to liis home h'd a ci tmnim,. 'ri,e vounir men of the neighlior- "R ,k,3t,d were eittal to the occasion, und gave th.' ta. J0 happy couple a cyclonic charivari Hint '"""'as greatly appreciated by tin; bride and "'V'room, wlio apiearoil at the window about I o'clock, and acknowledgeil the compli- mta of tlie day. and Uncle Tommy set up r the boys in a liberal manner. which oovs bathe in Ninth street. This country is tl;Kded with phono- graphs, Kegard'ess of triu hard times they seem to thrive. It costs S7C0 to fire the "Big Betsey," a gun on the Monterey, just about an aver age 4th of July celebration. Nat Blum, of Portland, has been in dicted by the U S grand jury at Portland tor smi'gung opium anu uninanien. lie has given $io,ooo bonds. Leon D Hedges, an emplove of the Jef ferson n. ill h id a hand cut off by a buzz saw while trvjn.. to straighten a board on Thursday. The Willamette B. B. C. will play the Hot Stuff club Sunday luly i6, at the teaeue grounds. Adinibt.ion li, cents, ladies free. Grand stand free. Dandruff is due to an enfeebled state cf the skin, Mali's Hair Renewer qilckens ttie nutiilivv functions of the skin, healing and preventing the formation of dandruff. The Western Pedagogue gives the Al bany college a good writeup, and Its well presents the pictures ol President Condlt, Rev E J Thompson, ex-president, anil Prof Loo. David Link, formerly leader of the Cbrvallis and Albany bands, a fine violin and cornet plaver, has engaged his services UtiO V; Wllt S mUSIC IIOUSC. 3A.S-1U Journal Yesterday John Kisson, of the Mitchell, & Lewis Co. was returning home from a trip beyond Scio, when his horse began kicking. Mr Sisson was pulled out of the wagon and kicked in the head. He lay senseless for about two hours; but tbc cecded in getting homeali right. Stella Wilson. Ida Chase, Mattle Kt-li- ardson and Gcorela Bush were fined 20 and cosis before Police Judge Edes last night. These people dispense liquors at their places and are regularly fined s a source ol revenue in lieu of license, it not being desirable that such have a :eguiar saloon license. Salem Journal An addition will be made to Pendleton's business circles bv the arrival of O P lien. dricsson, who Intends engaging In Ihe grocery business here. He has secureoa location in the Uespaln brick on Court street, whilh he will fit up In a convenient manner. Mr Hendrlckson is late from Albanv. Or. where for three years con ducted a grocery business Pendleton E O. Cougar fights are always of interest. Toe hutrene lournal tells tne following Mark Hartley, a farmer who lives 7 miles east of Florence, recently killed 3 cougars in one dav. He shot one dead then urea on the second one wounding it. He put his j02 after the wounded animal which urntrig quickly caught the dog ana lore him almost to pieces with his terrible claws Mr Hartley then went to his neighbors and borrowed two good dogs. Keturnlng ne tound cougar o 2 oeau. He put out the Iresh dogs, ana cougar no X was found and forced to climb a tree where he was easily klhed. The smallest of the three measured o fee, in length. SIK IlL and rr.itstisui Ait Albany Mas Ciuticiski). Under , band of "Look out for Him. the rorest ive Times makes the following uiiKimi idnninst remark ulmiit tin Albany man. ho while he hits faults, generally tries to . ) the tquare thing: A loiig.lnntern-jaweil. rmley whiskered man giving the name of J-tC r I N Woodle. missed through this city t wuilr Wtvowr fnr Yumhill entintv Mnn- IV morning. He spent his time while here 1 1 ir oking for sick Horses to doctor nun eon 'r acting debts that he left without paying. 1 r Krenons wno inav nnve ucniing wuu '' warned to look out for him. him Krkkmit Rates.- It has been general' ported that rates have been raisetl by a n r Deiween a nanv ami roruanu (stead, under a classification, general rercbandise has lieen lowered 7 ci?nle Id hardware 3 cents. hr the groceries the m Etk L and while we do not t, we certainly ca 'V H your groceries and S sxker Brothers you 0 Wa Have to Kat anyway. The bet- r the groceries the more enjoyable life ! we do not all live simply to cat to' live. If you and baked goods of are bound to live . sell II It is cnlv on a loaf of rve bread "f hey keep the' best in everything, and sell prices that sJtisf r regardless ol times, f E fill on them. 1 , . , A Watch i a necessity nownUys. 1 aawaiit oneeill on Will V Stark, whnse Left te laraekiid tarted, sod prices the lost res."!,!-1. They can elve jnu s Irgsin in this hn as well s in jewelry rally rsons been iseof a. CIS. lg y; n cents 0 s day, 1 srooks rhewea acksf rlt. Mich. W T. .ft f sent eeetrea cLcser, lox H. P- pJM.Sk ie use of nvv and rliiVlnr, wrlUai 1150S. OHIO, nycsse. ie oso ol MAI. IThE Vfrdict Is unanimous that Will & tkvbttj ine onv line 01 mirtr wire in Ttlley. I net nave the Tarlc y an J quai- frimbinallon thit counts in buvinc Ibds. An inspection always carrtea con tk metatz gor to the Buy or mountain. I In atitl rTjmlne ihe Htazer nrt Kton pkeUand suits at Read, Peacock & Co's, tj cheap, iDftmnoepale nl all kinds of li.Vs p M Bru&h'e. Now is your time to bay, lion Jeff Meyers was in the city today. A Ij Lamb haa just returned from the ho1, springs at Foley. Mrs Tlios Montcith and Misa Nma Talker went to tlio Hay today. Vice President Stevenson will pass liroujrh Albany next wetrk. Pr Howland. of Tortlnnd, was in the city tlay the Knvxt of hU sister Six II 11 Hewitt. IVoMf F Knssell ami family returned last night from their trip to California, return ing by way of Victoria. Prof F M Mitchell haa Iteen eniraireil to teach the Scio school another year, an evi dence of his popularity there. Kx-Countv Clerk Z M Urown and Deputy Slieriff C II Cohr, of I'rineville .arrived in Albany today. Ihcy report the wagon road in Hilendid condition, without any snow. Ja.on Wlieiiler, Frank Wheeler and O C MeFarland will leave on Monday for a mountain trip to the famous Metolet. where the fish arc known to bite with avidity. Capt llumihrey is now improving right along, mid lauuhed and joked today witli those who visited him. If nothinir un-x- ptvted orurs ho w ill soon lout of danger. rend let on b. ). Mr Jerome Willlanii returned la-t night from l'ortland. wlien; he had ieen to testity in the case of the I Sasrt Iiirliton JefTeris. I here will probably bo no reiKtrt for several lavs. Miss Frances French returned this mom- ug fmm a month's residence in tlrants MrN-hlossen and fanulv. with whom she was stopping, will go to Stockton, Calif. The Talla. 01ener savs: Hale Backen- 'to. Fr.ink Main'rs. Jauie Murray and llanxr Cranor returned from a fishing trip on Mill creek, the last of the week and re port a catch of 000 trout, and a pleasant out ir f Mr (ins Zimhle. theetnert boot black. hn leen in Salem. The lournal savs: W W Minnie, of Albanv. thechamnion bootblack of the world, is in thp ritv. Me has a landing offer to put up $.Vj() to ? 000 that he can do a lietter and a quicker job than anv artist in his line in the world. No match has ieen arranged though it is Ik lieved Salem has a man in Sergeant Zinn, who is not easily pM.t out of the ring. Knrth c'hfirici at C Bruwnell'. tat Xw :r rrttryttoro 'm roverl SI iner Sf-wins mr Ths k- t is sltrs- ti e crere,t. 1 i. en', OiEce at f 11 Krenci't IfVill k .It r c. IV ewler. loAtm il M. Firlanit, a, AHs iy. O . iti'jta th I -idicj cm of s'eiirinir tin next nuiiiiitl convention of the '1'. I'. A. for I'ortlilti I. Orej.nii, und it will meet there in .lime of next year. The followini' siMerh mii'le iiv MrSis'iicerat the convention U so full of Ore-'on that we ive it iu full: We come from fnr off Wimliinirlon and Op;jron, with friendly jrtvoUiijrs from your brothei-s Is'von.l the KiH-knw an'i tt mniiat invitation to visit them in l-".l. o an vonnir in vsnrrt but jmIoiii in the ciinse, and our division of not unite two years standing numliers lTo ni'Mitbers. Vt have hud no accidents. Iiut "we have one vacant chair." William K Davis, o.tr Hftlt vice jiresident, hits IsNMi cut off in his youth und usefulness at only twentv-live years by the ruthless de stroyer. Heath. .Not on our sleeve out in our heart, my brothers.shall we ever mourn for him. who laid down bin lifu in the stranj.'e land his ambitious footshms trcsl. This is but the second time we havo sat in vour comuils. but the memory of your past mid nri'sent hosintu itv to us. a younuor brother, has awitkeneil in our hearts the desire to return it tenfold. That we have much toslnw von. our exhibits in our State HnildiiiL-s at t he World's Fair will testify Tlio grandeur und sublimity of Nature we nmnnl renroduce. Our wonders and curi osities, including our fiovemor, must be se?n to be appreciated. Ilrothcrs of Colortido, men of the moun tains, whose hearts are open as a book, yet hold the secrets of the caverns sentinels who fruard the passes of the Hockies which lead from ocean to ocean come down from silver cliffs and take our brothers by the hand on their pilirrimasre in 1W4 nnd lead them up your dizzy heights, ere eveninjr falls? Tired, thirsty, hunjrry, rest then be ;,lt, r'nlnnihiiL'fl fountain head, beneath heaven's dome, so high that they can hear the shifting of tho stars. Drinking in pur er and irrander thoughts, lei them feel God s greatness nnd man's littleness. Slay then the noble elk. the grizzly bear, The snoils of chase, the feist prepare. Your beacon fires shall warn us of your cominir V.ro mominir's splendors roll. On Oregon and Washington, your goal. On Kden's garden, brightened every flower Aroumt our nve ' snow-capjieu henuneiu tower rtiishinrr tlie waves. Pacific sprav Shall scent the air with new-mown hay And balmy winds off 1'nget s ripplea sea Shall waft our welcome up to thee. Men of New York (my native state) your nresence here toduv recalls the nearest mem- orv of home und kindred. Do you know that the first male child born in Oregon was of New York iiarentaire I ihe first mission aries, those noble women of your state, to whose zea nnd natriotisin we owe our pres ent, enltnm and refinement will vou not come and see how their good works have prospered? IJrothers of the l-.mpire State on this cvent- tn dnv I bono to see ' Kxcelsior's banner lead the wnv. llrnthers f Ithotle Island desert your spindles and your looms. Connecticut yonr hnl s of farntntr. nnd join the descendant of the Pilgrim Fathers (those hearts af oak) who come to do honor to Massachusetts son limy, who first discovered Oregon and tlie trreiit river of the west and named it "Co lumbia." Ilrothers of tlio Keystone state, land of William Penn where liberty's bell first rang nut the declaration of independence thii 'ttled all our earthly tyranny yon shall indeed be welcome to our Western Ameri can homes. Men of the Old nonunion, land ot cni vnlrv. hirth-nluco of the Father of our Country, to whose tomb the potentates of nntmns have made a nilirrimiisre. anil bowed in silent homage will you not come in 1H94 nnd see tlie (treat state we have honored with bis mime. WASIIINOTOX? VInn of the Sunnvhoiitli. land ot tnir women nnd brave men, land of Democracy nml 1'nttnn. "simmon seeii nnd "sandy lioUoms, will you not "looK away to llmmtn nnd Wnsbinirton in lo!!4 i Arkansas travelers snail we not near tne music of vour fiddles! Will notour lulls u.in to the round of "John Ilrown s body lies mouldering in the grave, but his soul imu miin-liinir on Men of Indiana. "Iig Cabin" state who m-ow trei's from the domes of your court houses high though you asjiire come to Washington nnd Oregon nnd we will show vou trees that will lieut them irom tne , rrntlTlil llti " Men of Mionri.who hold the keys to the temple of the T. I. A. .to whom onrbrothers of these I'nited States look up to with at- hv tion. lnd us the cyclone of your presence ;n iwu flint up iiiiiv nwiH'!i awav aildom-T: in our delinquent brothers Iwiirt ns to the gront aims ami irencvoHMu-e 01 un si. ij of brotherly love The Traeli-r.s Tnitei-tive Associotion of Ament a the only national its -oriation of commeivial ir.iveiers Men of California, land of the olive am vine, irreut hldorado of th we-T, wnero for manv vears did park a mil wlrwa even mount,. i'n I know will vou not "onie in and ppread the banquet with your tmme fnnts. vour niNirKiing wines'. show to our brothers ol tne 1 At-ollnr. tl,of nf til lnnut y .Men of lexa-s, fronnersmen i mr whui ttIII vnn nn hntt on hitr i Alamo s ivnnii flrtg that beam the single star and lend tli way to Oregon and Washington in .Men of Illinois who.se hoMntalitv we now enjoy, home of the marytt-rrd Lim-oiu who handetl down the legacy of fnt'dom to the slave htatu that Stephen A I Mi g las luveil so well, who in vour trving hour of reoudi- ltion, dealt its death blow when he said : "Kesolved that Illinois le honest although -ho never pays a cut." Capital, emiirra- tion Mowed in your state the eorn is iu the ear, uiul toilav your broad prairies waving with gram and dotted with thousands of hanpv, iteaceful homes. Such is the re ward of honesty. Come and see us in !!., and teach us the true meaning of tho words, Awake brothers, tho morn is breaking, the mi4s are lifting off the mountain: Adams, Hood, Jefferson. Itanier and St Helens. Bt'hold the promised laud. To the right stretches the grand forests of the Kvergrmi state, whose proud heads have never I tent beneath the evclone'n power. Nestled at their feet beside I'uiret irreat inland was, are tlie cities of Tacoma and MiHin If there is fatality in the numlkT V Al banv is in it. There art? thirteen churches md thirteen saloons here. Advertising with p rsistent J'norgy to spreiid our fame, Kver honest and i-onsisbmt In performing what we claim. In the world's commervial battle. In thf rivalry of tnulo We must hustle, shout and rattle Ere impression can bo made. Fruit canneries in the northwest am said to Iks universally failures. Nearly g0.U00 aro said to have been mink in the Salem rannerv, and a good many thousand dollars in the raigene cannery. Cities are often ac cused of lacking enterprise for not estab lishing such things; but the truth is. it is Seattle, the great luniW marts of the world, necessary these modern days to proceed with tei vour eves iohow me great rivers 01 ine euro ami juuginem. n tai-uiu iiuluia i ur west, the guides that Oou has given the ex- ways an eyesore. plorer, and they will lead yon through our ( tertile valleys to our Salmon hshon es, to the sea, the grand Pacific ocean, on whom bo som a thousand Jships bring to l'ortland uie prouucis 01 foreign ciiuies. The Indian legend tells us that Mount Hood and Adms, Incoming jealous, threw fire stones at each other: ns to the Cascades the scars of the battle still remain in the de struction of tho Natural bridie. Andriirht here my brothers, you are about to build a temple, the work of loving hands, let me leaa you to a hum uie log uuun, a stocKaue around whu-h the incense of battle still lin Put your hands into its side ami feel WILL BUY 1WDMAM the best winning michina mJe. Go to Stewart & Sox and take one out on trial. They Uo have at) kindi of wringer. IT WILL KILL TOUn WIFE to carry that groat big child around iu her arms. You mutt go to Stewart & Sox and buy one of their baby oarriages. All kinda and prioea. mil its wounds, itesule logs like these your forefathers battled for freedom, and handed down to vou this irrand legacy, these great United Stahw. '1)0 vou wish to be (treat i asked St Augustine. "Then begin by being little. l)n von desire to construct a vast and lofty fabric?" Think first about tlie foundation of humility. Tho higher your structure is to be tho deejier must lie its foundation. Here then mv brothers.besidethis humble cabin, leum a lesson and swear ngainnlleg- nince to vo ir country ana your tsoti, unu hold the next convention at Portland. In a rectnt wreck of a freight train bet tween Dumrr.uir and Sisson, a contortionist was killed. The descriptions Indicate ma It was the vounir man who gave an exhl. bltlon near Stewart Sox's several weeks ago. Had It been the acrobat with him t w uld give more general satisfaction . are Vou Nerv.m. Are vou all tired out. do you have that tired feeling or sick headache? Vou can be relieved ol an tnese sympio-ns uy lad ing Hood's Sarsaparllla which gives nerve and bodily strength. Hood's Pills are easy In action. SrOWINCAWAY HAY,hehIe"k oo a farm. You cin make it the easiest by buying a complete Uay Carrier outfit of Stewart 5l Sox, Call and see it. SEEDS GRABS, GARDKN. FLOWER. Tlie VVoodbtirn Indenendent savs: The nrntit" on oolitics is illustrated in the case of Henry lilackman, democratic senator from Grunt and Morrow counties, four enix niro. when Mr Hluckman consented to serve his neighbors in the senate, he had a good mercantile business and was in com- fortuhle circumstances, rsow. the liuonu- nut says, part of his trade is gone and it is nil he can uo to keen his head above water. It is estimated that tlie irentlemnn is SoOOO poorer than on tlie day tie was nominated tor omce. f'irenit .Indira Fnllerton of Douirlus coun- tv iB a Judi-e who is properly onto himjelf. t occurred to him tllllt UOIlfrias county wua too extravagantly conducted. He gave the grand jury now in session a good stiff talk on thmr dutv in reirard to county affairs. uounty Judge tieo tv iiiouie muue u sicai roar auout lus nonesty, etc, anu couneu in vestigation. The expertmg went on, and Momluv it was discovered that the county treasurei, V 1, Amngton, was snort in iu accounts to the tune of 840,000. More sen sational developments are anticipated. The uberiff TiieHflnv Attached nil of Arrinirton S property. Asfiland Record. Arrington's sliortage is proiiauiy only a leninuime uui named. Fresh, pure, sure to gro m and sold at Port land prices. Garden seeds kept in bulk. Field peas and Field corn also carried in large quantities. Stewart & Sox. ENGINES AND SEPAEATORS They don't make any better than th Russell" and Stewart k Sox ill that kin at Albany. Several good aecond hand en gioea fcr inle at a bargain. PAINTS & OILS.-1,116 heBi mixtd Paint for aaio on thia Coast ia the "Phoenix" and wo are agfrnta for it at Albany. We alao carry a full line of oils varniihet, wagon and carnage paints, etc. OTKWAKT OOX BEE SUPPLIES.-00"'1 keopyo"" in an old box any longer. Stewart & Sox carry bee hives, sections, comb foundation and bee smokers at low prices. WILL YOU BUILD thi" " oa jie3t to da not Ian to sea istewart w wx, They keep a large stock of builders hardware and sell at prices to mil tne limes. 19 to o. That Is the score people make who trade with Perry Conn, the dealet In Iresh nroceries. orcduce and crockery ware. They shut out hard times and give clean bargains. Plenty of home luns and a return for more eoods. The game is umpired on the square, ana mere is never any kicking. Piompt and courte ous treatment. A steady thing. Doors open early and late. If you would be on tne winning side can on onn. Will SHALT NOT KILL m. ceP according to iaw, and you ought to buy all y mr gnns and ammunition of Stewut & Sac They keep a good stock and sell cheap. Giant powder.tuie and caps always an nana. Dows oo the Katks. The Union Pa cific, now lead with reduced rates to eastern points.and their through car arrangements, mmmiricentlv enuinned Pullman and Tour- iut. mppnprR. xrHHreriiniiiir culm km unu uvu time, make it the best line to trnvel. Two trains leive troin fortituid dairy at o: a ; 7.:tnrm. The rates are now within nch ot all, and everyuoiiy snouni isse mi v,,ntnm of them to visit the World s tairaiut their friends in the east. Send for rates anil schedules of trains, nnd do not pur chase tickets until afterconsnlting tur.ui A Monteith, Albany, Or. w li nriti.iiLUT, Ass't GenT Pass. Agent, U. P. Portland, Or. Trains will hereafter run to Idan'ia in It, a tMt turn end of the Oreiron Pa- litic. Monday morning nnd Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Round trip tickets, good for thirty days, will lie .r, ,1 for K!.1K). Konnil trin tickets can now lie bought to the Hay, nt excursion rates every day of the week. Sewiso Machime. nestly repaired an warra'nted by a th vcuphly oompeicnt work man, at F M French's jewelry store, Albany. Oregoo, Clean towels to every customer at Vicreck shsviog pailors. Btth at Viereok's shsving and hair cut- ng parlors. ntRKir.n I. A. Morris & Co. Flour and FEed Store. Have removed their store to the Strahai storj, lormer'.y occepied by Deyne I Robson, and have on hand a full stock o GCRVALL'3 FLCU,!, BHAN, SHORTS GERM MEAL. GRAHAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping donn. ami , V. A. wealth in. gha 3 at; in j pr UNIVERSITY : OF : OREGON, EUGENE Oris Movday, -Kr1 f.mrkr ISni Jut closrd the mct rr.pcrf:u rnr In Its hMorv. WUr. ranee cf Mudie. Thor ough instruction . Husine cnnrfc Pihied fui'lon free. Entrance fee. $io, Uoartl and lodging at rpaonnhft rate l.i the eleeant new dotmhorr and toardin ha. I on the eampu.whert studenH will receire personal superTlsion. John- V. Jomvson, DRUGS. S'.slic.ery, Toiltt Artij'e?, Musics Inttrumen'S, tic. H0d6S & The Corner Uiug Stoie," A banv, O r. Dr. Pnltrron 1TIln The XMM nsirroTtiit r -tt R i-W, hr, nt rn VWilil h'-r reiJr-if t" .1 B riojll"". She tlln )tm aU ri!" pr-nt t 1 fa'i v: 1 re tr viSL. "! :' It HiniH. V ! nil !l M7 l.Jl )' U J: W.J - WE SELL COAL, IRON ud "tt for . uviDfi, ana Keep a urge aioca 01 DiKcuamiin iDppliea oo hand, OTEwABT S OOX. SPRAY YOUR TREES. B"y P'yin oattit of Stewart & Sox and take care ot your orchard. The oattit they sell has been tried in this state for three years by the best or chardists and is a o mplete success. WE'RE NOT BRACCINC "h"" " hsve tlie bast line ot noe snears, icwsors, rszors and pocket cultery in tbe valleyi Come and see for yourselves. 8TEVART & 0X. PLOWS. e "Te niW cn'"td p'ow actly the same as the "Oliver." Wo gur antee it and sell on trial. Eitraa will fit Oliver. Also va have a full line of steel nlowsthst ssnnotbe excelled. You might possibly save a few cents by coming around and seeing ns. Stkwaht Sox. MOULTON ORIFFfN. In this city ulv 10. iSoi. bv Rev W C Kantner, Mr vv Aloulton. ol L,inn o., ana oiiss icn le'R iiriflTm. of Benton county. Ore. Corvailis Gazette. BUY : YOUR Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Lace Curtains, Shoes, Etc., ol READ, PEACOCK & CO., GOOD NEWS Fcr tilt millions ol consumers of oTiitt's Pills. noiiTM t lint hn Ik mi T-it t l-r.iirr' to mi- Q TINY LIVER PILL Owlitrh jiorcxwllnaly Biimllwlrn, a vi't rrtaltilnsiill virtu-f the SfP InrRt-r iinf. 4iti(iranto-il mwly Vki-1h1I. Until rth?m pMs tttoptill bMMt.'. TlicexHct Uu uf w TUTT'S TINY LIVER PILLS A Is nhun n in tlte liordt-r ortlil).. w TTOR SALE.- 1' Houehold furniture for aale cheap. Inquire- af Thoma Jooea on 7th, batweeo Broad alhio and Ftrry. T70R -SA1.K. aecned hand caliRmph X Rood condition for aale chaap. 1 qaire at thia offiue. CARPETS, WALL PAPER, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES Btst : ii : 11! : Wei, AT Fortmlller & Irving' ALBANY AND LEBANON. FOMILLER IRVING Under! nkcrs mid - rnibnliiiers. B KhEP rrnsisni'i rn bsrd a full lire cf rpt tallc, cloth ard veed ca.Xcts at coffins. Also tuilsl rob.a and suits, In ticsticlolb, ml;r,cohl n (ic.tir wblch will be sold at Tlie f.o scout I.ItIiik rroflla. EMBALMINQ ' proper care of the dead a specialty. HO EXTRA CHARCL FOR HEARSE OR SERVICES, ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OREGOf, CITY BOTTLING CO,, Whe!("?!e and Reta'lDcalers In Nnila Uutrr, lilora, Orange nnd Iron, Peltier. Waters, nirrh Herr, Nnrsapnrtlla and Iron, Iron Wlnr, t:tr. aire ns a trial. OPPOSITE IRUSS HOUSE ALBANY, OR President,