HANK OF KM. I AM) I'ublwlieil every day in tlie weelt except butitlay. 'Mm k m ri.ij, unit aid rii't'i I l liifd fit the PoKtoniseat AlUny t:uu, aa ecouu ctata uiau matter. A1IItlAl.... ...ji 11 i. lira WASHINGTON lETTElt. Fnjlii f ur rf irular CurrtHmleht. Washiagton, Jul 10, 1S03. Speaker Crisp has gone homo to get as much rest as possible before the extra session, which public opinion here thinks win rim into mo regular session which promises to be longer than the usual long session, and those of his friends who are in Washington merely smile to see the antics 11. - 1 c: . . , , . 01 me jerry omipson party, wmcn is so tar only sure of one vote, although it may get muse ut an iLe popuiisis. ine Jerry cimp- soniies, or to oa exact jerry Simpson, tas natcneu up a wonuerlul tcnemo for the defeat of Mr Crisp by a combination of fopilUsts, republicans and silver democrats wuf. I .-. P. ! tli:a Titlina fl .0 are to suiirO" r.enresen at V2 J""' Burrows, of Michigan, for sneaker. Jer ryswhole structure is awry. He starts trouble and Its notes fell to 10 per cent below Ai.r l. nor... : It- I .1 j I . ' Uj uiiiUiV uiiu, we niuT ueuiucniis 1 par. Jig capita, vn tjjen increase A subscriber to the Democrat wants to know something altout the bank of tug 'urd. The bink of England was establish ed In 1694, neirly two hundred years ago At I hut time it was ntiite dtTcu!f far th government to obtain inonpv. ma.le neneas. ary on account of the war then being waged again t France. The ra'e of inerct paid by the government wu tiom 2o to 40 per cent. Yvilliain Fatterson. a London merchant saw that it would not require iucIi effort to secure exclusive and almost unlimited privileges to euc.i persons as vouiu .urnisn it with a fixed ami uermancn loan at a fair rate of intctcst. Patterson devised a o'an and sutjmlt'e.1 it in th k'inn and privy council who completed the dc, taili and submitted it to parliament. II created much opposition but the bill finally passed. It had a fixed capital of 1,200.000 POUUdS to. OOO.OOO) winch should he nr.. manently loaned to the covernmcnt at S per cent lntist Th K.nb and in ten days all the stock was inscribed. v lm mi jcinuicu iui 11 i lie bank at once issued un of .10 inomi natlon and upwards and commrnefd dis-I counting bills of exchange at from 3 to 6 vnii, preiercnce beinp shown tn tt.nS- who used the bank at a place of deposit. n nnin two years the tank met considerable WOBin COKSIUKSISU- Veniiou at C B BrowneUs, VIAVI Co tilled in Rsltimnrn h1w!f A full linejof Warner liroi cornets at IE, V If vou want a tine tmuke uall for Jnn t.h white labor cigart, t 'nriln mtiA mutt tlm naut aitiit'n.l ,n... , 4.i.iii' ujipuaiiu pion im-r. lhe bestjroaftt cutlee in the etty at Com ad Motor makes five triu. dailv fn ViotAoL' per week. An extrnuve variety of cartlrn seeds both in htlllc and hv thtt rtaoiinna n.n I.a C K Mrownells. Patronize home industry by smoking the celebrated white labor cigars, manufactured by Ju'ius Jofepb. New cork sole, hand turn a1 !,Aa thioK entirely new, not a winter ah'oa hut incam. nexime lor spring and sumrrtv We.r. at Read. Pea emit Xr insj - of x 'attn. 1 Govs ur.di?r 1 ft ifTtTisTis- 1. l - ercrt'iu- . v iicb utKcr 10 me ball grounds. 1 Oregon State Normal School ADVANCE T MONMOUTH, OBEGON pill-: LK A '"Nii Nv'UMALSCIlOOI X i t't- Nit.ihutx . btroti(i protc iiinjai in :i.t.n.ic uise, and well or uanifd Mi'd. t .si-101 ftr Pmctlcal Tiair. inn of itiK hc. -. N'urinal, Alvanced Nor nia!,ltiisiuei",Mii-ir it ml Art lVparlmen Bcautilul .irl lii'althlui location. Lit?h ... 1 m.- vr .r year, rfaL-lii1! .in oiiiollincnt of over 400, have been edded i il.e faculty, new appar atus supp'it-d, uiul the course of study re vised and rit iiir'hrncd. lhe nratliintf. f"ploina eniMm lhe holder to teach In an county In ih K'aU 'Viihout farther exam 'ld-9 to $11,000,000. Tins resulted In raising the Htocktoi2 per cent premium. The bank he s entire management of the debt of Eng land and receives a large compensation lor its ierv.ee. In February tile bnk bv order nf the privy council suspended specie pavments. It was slid thi, was the onlv thino that wouianave saved the bank from ru n. The bank and tlie government were 10 Intimate, ly connected with each other ihit ih .0- vlng of the bank was tantsmount to the preservation 01 tne nition . credit Wri . j .... payments were not resumed until in 1823, The notes Issued by the bank are a legal tender except with the bank for the pay ment 01 its debts. Io not wish Mr Crisp re-elected srJr Jin assumption, that thtre (tro absolutely no fat-Is 10 Support. No speaker ever pre sided over the house with tCOrc fairness than Mr Crisp; not OIK'S during the last i-uugrcro was ue even accuseu or inaiciDg a decision or ruling tinctured in the slightest ucgree witn prejudice tor or against any ...vuu.c. AUCICIU1C 11. IB SJUIIBCIIM3 lO Uiiy that anybody is opposed to him on accouu' vi u tear tuui ce win oe unrair; ne uot sn t Know uow to be unfair. Jerrv's next assumption is nlitn wrntic No democrat, whatever bis individual opinion on the silver question, would bolt his party caucus to vote for such a radica' republican as Burrows who during his long congressional career nas snown himselt to ue, even u uurrows could get tlie republi can Caucus nnminntinn. irbir.)i tin rannAl do as long as Tom Reed maintains his as cendency over the republican representa tives, and there is nothing to indicate tha' 11 nas been broken, bo the Jerry Simpson party may never grow beyond its origina tor, us 11 is oy no means certain mat the other populists will follow his lead in any thing; those who were in the last house didn't do it to any extent. The re-election of Speaker Crisp is , of course, a certainty, and it is extremely probable that he will enjoy tho unusual houor of receiving the nomination by tho unanimous vote of tho democratic caucus; and there will be no split in tho democratic party upon either the speakership.or any other mutter. The leaders of the party rccognizo that n wide different" of opinion exists in the parly as to what financial leg islation is necessary, but they are certain that after a careful and calm discussson of the points of difference a common ground -.in , 1 ... win ue ruaensu upon wuicn every democrat can stand, and which will thoroughly re store public confidence and renew the pros- . ,t ,.u.imr, , now sintering because twenty years, anil most of the nTuu.ii:an legislation which the a.lmin- era' aunt-rcr from ioltamuanrr oinuiun niiisincccssarilv obev until i i "'"sonaawnatt lodoctor ciuea ucart disease, wim shortness of breath J I FORD, Evangelist, Of De Moines, Iowa, writes under date c! juarcn '5t ISVJ: Hood's Oures Sharp Pains 8hort Breath, Heart Trouble, Rheu 3. B. Med. Mfg. Co.. Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen , Cln rriuin l.-t. t r If 7, uyiuw ihi. ween, 1 ioudo an girl, !Rht and one-half yeara old. who had fcaaf ...... mu i ' w oopounas, u now well S. B. Cnnah P.. 1... J t on.,6." u iuo i wok wen Both nt iha !. U.A. ;i Cftnoh Pmm 1.. j : i"" ua .Kep.e. wy " .,,,. ao give ic 10 every , siouoff. tor an. wismniz you prosnen v. wn our, Mb 4 Mm J P Ford. if ...... .... f.- tii.2 . . 1 ,,Mn "J "Iol, "id ready Hh .Vi,. . , 0IM'"" your syilom th tlie 60 cents per bottlo by all drusgtstl. S Id under a positive piam Jtee by J A CUMMIXG. TJUGGY FOR SALE. Wood second ' uuu UHUatTV IOr IAJA fhflin foil YVm KnrlmHUr 1 ' " IV r "u" 10 0. general nEi-ni m wora at the ifrs. X. ar. Paine taglo Creek, Oregon. I imV llvnl hfra tn n ... . vivyvu ior me nasi twent 5 ears, ami most of the tima hare been a Star Bakerj rorllroixlnlbiu and Firm St CCNRAO MEYER, PROPRIEfOR. istration mnst'nefossarilv obev until it . . " - cauea iicnrt t ...1.1. . . , w""!.of l"'gogues andsharppauislnthV V., Zl dedS ofthe.lerrv Simmon tr i ill iroo,r. s,,r.,..n,. ".Pu,ota" of the Jerry Simpson ftrie will cut no hgure in the next house. Senator Vorhtes has not, as has been re peatedly stated in republican papers, chan ged his position on the silver .piestlon. He tavors the repeal o( tho Sherman law, but that is no change, as he voted against it in the senate and told the friends of silver who voted for it that they had made a mis take which they would live to regret. Secretary Oresluim ay8 that the admin istration has l no time officially criticised any act of .Ministcr'UloiHit. That ought to pit a stop to the silly lie apparently origi nated in Hawaii that MinUter lllount had b?en censured lHaue of his preventing the arrest of Mr Nordhnff, the correspon dent, by the pinchbeck government of Haaii, because of his letters criticising that government and its methods. Another batch of penioners have been diopiwd from the Philadelphia district, making a total of akoit J00 drop)! in that district since the examination of the ' rolls. Wits commenced. All of these were I pensions granted under the act of lvw I commonly known as the deitende.it pension l.;ll. tiwing to a cii.inge in the contract for printing the Patent Office llazette. lhe last number was lour d.iy late in getting out. and Commissioner Seymour avs there may lie some tiotay ior several wetk on ae count of the change. .. .......inc. i ucciucu to tak. Hood , barsaparllla, and befor. I bad finished ttireo bottles I w.is in hnnr i.Ani.,. ... . . been (or years. I do not have any pain now. sleep wcU, and to-day no woman of my aE, Enjoys Cottor Health than I. At homo on the ranch I not only attend to my family housework, but last summer I eared for and milked tour eowa. I do not feel that I can say half cnoush In praise of Hood's Sarsaparilla Hood's Pitta easy in action, tjld by all druEiSu. 25o. Keturn of J. HARRY GAY Ophthalmic Optician, uptic.il specialist, Will i:.iir. be in Albanv ru t cik thus, with otlWe nt Revere Houc. hoinninc Montlay, Julv loth. Mr. U.iy ha done excellent wmk he-e in our t-jfy tiuiruj Mime? iH'Vu'ult cc nitli Kani tnatlon and conuJtaticn f ft. Ausu-t i :'), nth, a. J ivli AT ALBANY Friday, Jaly 21st, Afvrnoon and Nij'ht Leon W. "Washburn's Great European . . . Railroad shows DKALSR 1R I Honed Kraits, Cinue4 . tilasnware, Qneeimtan. OrleU FroitN, Veeetables, Tobncco, Cigar Noffar, Spice. 'oHee. iea, Ct tic., tarlctj and ireocery ftore, Hitfheat j1 Price paid for ALL KIN13S OF PRODUCE WANTED At the tore formerly owned by Allen Bros., .' BUTTER. EGGS, LARD, EAUON. janJ CHOICE APPLES, for which I ll! :Pay;the best cash Pr!ce B F RAMP innllnnic T..tit..n V,.r .....) C.,. ... -'v--.....,..."-M'ci ItTin hf lo weeko; Sub-Nitrrr.al. S-oo per fttn L.I l. ULat. I... I.,..,- C . .. Hoard at Normal iJinini- Hull e wwuimh iiuiii yjc Hr WCk (U'l i -pi w ami liirnisntvi. .V.HU.IUU iuuih in rriv'at' iainii.es3 $u in j i m nr u-iV It ;-,., I.,,-.. I i.j.'.i' . 1 1. . I .1 1 .? " .iiiu uuuui i iitn 150 per year. jm erv.it iry of Music. Thorough courtc trc unereu in vorn and tik runiKnin Mc. Tuition.Sio prr term ol 2olesbonk rV!(i IllOtlf ll If 4.lflv ifnat.'Utu .11 It " mine nines I ruin liie State CapitaUixty miles south of Porllant). t A niftKLr, IVet , or H, JIEIJ Suo of Kaoulty. N. WALDAHJL -(d'chant Tailor, Siiiis Made to Order and Satisfattion Guarantee 1 T-CI '' th. J i''.'."' intf Hull iii raiucu to tliri-.li mQ' 1,1 Klvctl lime antl tlo It beti,, , l 1.1.,....,,.! '""is The AiiVANff To . the bat In the world. " B work ntears lame business Ai GRAHAM ALBANY, llcpqil'ing 0f 111 line's. SHOP.OPPCSITE THE POST OFFICE - OREGON CatalKuc mailed I, FttW A n ... T - - the . gran 0 (ble VV Lire 1 n th erv -1'IiAl.KHS IS-JJS5 reii CO las. AGRICUL-ll RAI. m,vlr supplies. Advance Tliti.' Bines, Minneapolis Hinder,, AS Standartl Mower, Newton lVii. Iteelan Plows, nil. nl .11 t: . " lowest nrlce tHtKnlSIp tk- it tVl Grange agents have t.wardtliiM b tract to Jurnish Twine for 'hctfth. Call and pet our nrlrr. Kl i elsewhere. u. me " 1 tpit Notice of Lissolt)M NOTICE 13 HKRKUY GlVt, between tlia .,n,l,.,... .1 ... ., m MUUtl, 1 name of Iim, Lannnif; Co. k, 1 ifl thi. rial, Hia.n..A.4 I... .. 10 ti.A nr;B .i.kn live tj.eprti.s, John I oin hatit, 'he intcreat of E J Luiniri i T, ti neiei.i.er oecarrifd un Lj J." e purchaser Iherei f, who hfirt; ' the NEW : FURNITURE, MY SrOKB IS NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, CONSISTINO t f bea t . et. chair., l.iunges, etc., which I will .ell at BOTTOM PRICES. 1!kis. EEiinli. CilliiT- f-r h.rt;aiis. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .9. .EO.BPII, Proprietor, VHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employed Cabinet photos from $ no to Ij.oo VXZTS?' . ,?"" Enla,8inR picture, , 'fJ ' ti crayons (rained lir. I.V.AIMX PHOTOGR.IPnKRH, eSn -wttntiy tirrgon tor Sro.oo. Ve rorrv iar- . o( 5x8 and sterebcoplc views of Or- 'icai iiiirchaiier thnrii f -, i i ' - aU partnership Whti, and who ll,"0 vue the late firm. . Mi r Kj'x,"S Dated this 1st day of Julj.WM. "aaMMaauMBMaDut Ni tice to Stockhfc. N' TILE IS REKErlY GlVEyf the annual Btncltholder, a8! tie Waterloo ll.tnln,... i.ec Waterloo, Or:, will bo held at thtP0 office in the town of Waterloo, Or ' nesday, Aucuat 2nd, 1S93, at'tht:"' o clock p m of taiil day, tor th. prMl electinr aix HirntrH . . :.t hat serve for the ensuing Jer and ttj such other business my mav rrco-irTUl lifo.e said meeting. rf ind thit ,ih day of .Inly, 1S93, OTi J O Wkitmui &.tth LADIES' TEA i Is a pleasant dtii:k. which wiltleiA the atoroftch wi.hi'Ut nausea tiryri-jv I eta llmmticltlv r.n th. li..r U.l. repioductfve organs. A pei-tlc th.J vitui iiiuicii.'. old men nmnii jdw nninfnl m.nilnralimt ft ;.J- J;....3,x reilucea ccrpD'enc) eli- .r- tl.e c(Rn .am f .... -i . -' by accuniulalHn.iTnrducff the mJIo??!. complexirn peculiar to ti e conttiwvlt S,Mbvalldruigisu. 1 n Wall Pai J. A. (un in ii!.' REMEMBER wlfrtcVlAJS.TEK ity and tho mcrlL V a . ? .r."8lons'1'U- r5 Three Ring Clrct.-.R.-yal Eni.,,h M e. f. Avitrv.Mu.rum and Aquar lain Ke.iil.tir j , ,Vc' a-d Kotnan II:,-podromc. Julr a. a. m. v;-e tier. , , WiM Hea.t.. .,xo S,e. .iino, ,ri(.!lo' ALBANY FOKNITUBE CO! flail imore Block, Albany, Ore. Dealer, m all kinds of Furnitare, Wat Faper Carpet,,, Linoleum., Picture Frainesi, tto. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY HYDE&JAMESL ! rror:etor i... "CUI,wuowil'Toluntirlly .m,,'w ' "rV"'r,,c"'l,h"ut tbe kr DRUNKENNESS Mi MORPHINE iSSSlSfi the patient, by the use of our SPECIAI cniii Z"" oa tno P" "f r mtlnt, are nllow-rt .I'--.. " VLKB TABLETS, "U."'V"" '".' y "tan voinniarVlv .7.1-!?"or r Wor. hoa-lnd lr.nl!.; .NS"n-JI,amPhletortoatlmil.r; .'' ... "T of the vanuud TABLETS i OHIO CHEMICAL CO, 01. .3 55 Opera Blxk LIMA, OHIO, PARTICTLAra FREE, l.-oi crwn at i m l - arccorelionrla.tr. ' Terforra .n lochiiJren. half price. Red CrownMills JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. tw taccsss iom sr.-tRioa rua ,amt. i. aUTD B1KUU 1ST, ':r.STSTORAt.F FAriLiflr., 1 Id t. irl a rafcE Testimonial.! A from persons P. i who have boen cured by the use of Hill s Tablets! - Tnr. Otirt r-w . . . " ti n i, 1,1 , : enfA'. !:r' !" 1s,nlr T" . . ii.mt.sDa louna it wom ...k . . -J" "."'Mm fur It. I url ten emu Po j . ' ,m strona-estcbewlnfl. bibarroa dnT. btu .r"H to fife rlrnr,- oe I nld .n,iU nVi .Al-Z, J ripeof tolnceo. Hat-o cneirKI OI yourTaLletiearS ." "! U. II. J A t LOUD. relle. M icll. t. '"' "nn oi your T,l,lpt r...T.. .''"."r 'r . . .n.it.nQ.. thn.,.1. .. ---- - .....- - Uey did to work t i, ,,- ,ho " lSr"1'1 '":'rer' Truly you,-,, HATlll.tV j JJJSK O Box 15. TnEOniorrrir.t.ro.T-(;ryTIr-r.t, Prrrsiiraoii.PS- itcuor.ati't tlin.uKh afiion.l t ...Vi.-..." wa? stmnely ad'licUI to the u.Hof r?nt:tnt drinker, but mi.-r .t,. .' S :.'.,ar TnMeta. He ... hravyand U'l will not Ktu.-b Uq-jor f vkin J i hi? . h I'"1 drtnVlne, , iu orucr to know ute cure wi. ptxuiaiu i ll? ,r' ",r momh b'or "tto JtliS. UELES M0RRI50S. aG 'Rr Itn.n Pn.H,... . - - . i-.T-i a miracle in myea nave Ixxu cured by tho nso rf THE OHIO OHEMinAi nn 22!""t : ' 63 nd 65 Opera Blnelt. i.tnsi rtu, III 11 ti m U