Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, July 15, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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NO 59
?i. J. IL IIoksnydkr, 152 Pacific
' Santa I'ruz, Cal., writes:
'lien a girl nt school, in Urading,
EI bad a severe attack of brain
' On my recovery, I found myself
lt-tly bald, nnd, for a lone; time, I
H I should bo permanently so.
?ds urged mo to uso Aycr'g Iluir
", and, on doing so, my hair
gan to Grow,
'now bare as fine a head of hair os
ould wish fur, being changed, how
from blonde to dark brown."
iter a fit of sickness, my hair came
1 ccinbfulls. I used two bottles of
Iter's Hair Vigor
I sow my hair is over a yard long
ery fall and heavy. I have recom
led this preparation toothers with
good effect. "Mrs. Sidney Carr,
legfna st., Harrislmrx, Pa.
! have used Ayora Hair Vigor for
al years and always obtained satis
fy results. I know It U the best
ration for tho hair that is made."
f. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark.
er's Hair Vigor
red by Dr. J. 0. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Both tlie method and rcsulu when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho tasto, and acts
fently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels cold3, head
aches and fevers find cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the. most
healthy and agrccablo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in GOo
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on band will pro
cure it promptly for nny or.e who
wishes to try it. l)o not accept any
LOUisviuE. nr. . urn yornt.
Arvliliret nnd f oiitrnftor.
I.aveofrdua with llulbmi Fits,,
t.t rims.
he Oregon Land Co
Vltn it home office at;
Q-cVILilEIM:: - - - OEKGOK-
in Gray Dlock, corner Liberty and State stteet, branc'i ofHce In Portlano
x .
'AKES a specialty of Snnnyside fruit tracts near Salem
Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per
email cash payment long tirrx Jon balance
' 1 I Till M HIT) Jf-7
WBurkliart Eros.
One of the oldet Job printing
Offices in the State
: Ihe only Exclusive Job Office
; We have the Largest and
j best Stock of Printers' Sta-
4 tionery, it has ever been our
. j pleasure to offer the people.
For Good, Qui?k Printing.
J iu;..l ALBAS
llios Gradwotil's Bazaar
very latestnews is that you can buy at JULIUS
IDWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows:
Arbuokle'a Coffee, Per Pound
i bs. Granulated Sugar $100
ibs. Magnolia Sugar White 1.00
ho. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 20
Cans refilled, 5 gallons 90
JGallona Good Pickles.raarket firm 1 10
1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40
tLM.lht"h ""Iren,, '' " b. oM for not cash tr.m 1
?J7iUir prlrfc .. Ky"-k "( Cbinawara, fancy (roods, ana
.'H i IT' "J d,'h"' "." afonMl assortment nr groceries, crock-
powder, and always my customers,
oraever rtrponslble Insurance ecmpantot. Julia Uradwohl.
Cargoes of brick have to be stewed la
the mast careful manner, ta)s the Phil
adelphia Record, or e'se the vesitls carryl
ing them v. HI founder In the mil Jott weather
owing to the strong tendency o the brick
to absorb ihe water caused by the leakage
which necessarily occurs on all wooden
vesstu. The brick will absorb the water
os fast as it runt in from an oulWy lek
and the Incieased welgiii of ihebrlck caufes
the vessel to settle she makes the final
plunge, and the crew are frequently at
loss to know Hie cause. To new a' oat
dttnc'lve work in Ihe vessel's cirsructioa
and other causes ore attributed the disasters
The Victorian saj s the Sherman law
enacted by republican vo'cs as a means of
heading off free coinago. Now, free roin
age hail been defeated in tlie house beforo
the Sherman bill was passed. Hence there
was no object to be attained by the repub
licans in the passage of the Sherman law
except to prevent Harrison. s being put in
a iioie.
Thlnis Worlli Bcmetnurrlng.
When you feel a kind of goneness about
the stomach il Is a sign that your food does
not sit well and that you aie about to have
a nt oi inuigesuon
hen you begin to f -el nervous and are
unable to sit still comfortably ; when your
clothes suddenly seem to he their fit nnH
become too tight in places the tit of indi
gestion is surely upon you.
When this fit of Indigestion is repeated
from day to day it finally retolves itself
into dyspepsia.
Remember that three 't3 ten of Bran
dreth's Piils will cure the worst case of
indigestion or dyspepsia, or both, and that
a regular course of tnem. say tw o every
night for a week or ten days, lll act as "a
preventive of either complaint
A Grkat Convenience.-. World's fair
visitors travelling via the vortltrn pac.
fic R R and Wisconsin Central line, aie
landed at the Grand Onnnl sudon in
Chicago. This mam.iii ent fire-prool
building, located In the I. tart of the city,
has been fitted up as a hotel, run on the
European plan, with about 200 rooms
handsomely furnished and each room 's
supplied wtth hot and cold water, electric
lights, etc. The charge for accommoda
tions are reasonable, and parlies can secure
rooms in advance by railing upon agents
of the Northern Pacific R R. By taking
the Northern Pacific through line to
Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort
of all transfer in that city, ana ran atso
ravei oetween In Grand Central station
and World's fair y rounds by trains which
run direit bctwt in the two poiuts.
Agent at Albany.
A Wholesale Merchants Excursion.
The Oregon Pacific railroad company
have arranged to run a Wholesale .Mer
chants' Kxcnrsion from San Franciuo to
Albany on July 27th. The steamship
"Willamette Valley" will leave with this
party on the evening of that day, arriv
ing at Yaquina on the 2!Uh or Soth. The
San Francisco Board ol Trade will at
tend this excursion in a patry. It !g the
intention to entertain them in Ihe same
way that they entertained the Oregon
merchants on their recent trip. It is
desirable that these merchants should
visit as many points in the Willamette
valleyas Dossible. They will be allowed
five days to spend throughout the valley,
tnother Merchants' Kxcnrsion will
probably be started for San Francisco on
Aug 14th. All arrangements will be
made to entertain them nicely upon their
arrival in rjan Francisco.
The Xortiieun Pacific Raii.uoad
W11.1, Si.Asn the Rates Officials of the
.onnern rarinc Itailroail have decided to
place low rates into effect . They will sell
tickets from Portland in Kt Pnl f a-.
first-class, and make mne?)Kiniiing low
rates to all eastern noint. Wnrl.r. f,.ir
round trip rates will V grentlv redtiied.
Tickets can lie utilized on either of their
through trains. Iwtli of which will continue
to carry the Pullman tourist upholstered
leetHTs. Two trains ilailv without 4
For full information nnd tn uvnm -.t-
slfppinjr "; r iiivnnunodutiotis, rail on. or
addrc.-s A 1 Charlton, assistant general
passenrer n-retit. No. l'Jl First street, cor
ner of Washington, or C I t llurkhart, local
agent, Albany Oregon.
CrlrkcU Destroying Crops:
Omaha. Neb, July 14. The crops of the
west are threatened by the invasion of an
army of crickets of the genus cryllus. They
are now near Casper, V.'yo, nnd are mov
ing rapidly eastwaird, devouring potato
fields in an incredibly short time. They
aie mostly together in solid ranks three
fourths of a mile deep, and are making a
loud noise, which may be beard distinctly
for miles. They will, at their present rate,
arrive in Nebraska in time to harvest the
sweet corn crop. The whole country is
alarmed at their ravages.
Uleber Frfl.lit Bates.
Klw.NE, Or, Juiy 14. The Southern
Pacific Company is evidently intending to
get even with the merchants who patronize
the Oregon Pacific, and have raised freight
rates from Albany to this city from 6 to 12
cents per hundred, but the rate has been
reduced 2 cents per hundred from Portland.
This makes the rate on sugor 85.20 per ton
from Albany, nnd several merchants of
this city threaten to have their freight un
loaded at Corvailis and haul it to this city
in wagons.
To Be Closed Pemilays.
Chicago, Jnly 14. The world's fair is to
be closed Sundny, af'-tr July ifi. The ad
missions of next Sunday have already been
donated for the relief of the families of the
firemen who lost their lives in the recent
fire on the grounds, and but for this fact
tlie fair would probably be closed next Sun
day. Tlie vote of the local directors re
scinding its former action was overwhelm
ingly in favor of closing, standing 24 to 4.
A K Shipley Dead
Corvallis. Or. Julv 15. A R Shinlev.
a pioneer of i8i2, died nt 4:110 p m today
at his resilience, on College Hill, of heart
rauure, atter an illness of several weeks.
Mr Shipley was born October 14, 182G, near
Uniontown, Washington county, Pa. At
the aore of 11 venrs he mnvAil with his nar-
ents to Mount Vernon, O. where he was
married. In the snrintr of 18.V2. accomnan-
ied by his family, he crossed the plains to
vregon. 1
Faelfle Coast Failures
SN FltAucisco. Inlv 14. The ISrad-
stret Mercantile Agency reports 2D failures
In the Pacific coast statos and territories
for the week ending tomorrow as compared
with 18 for the previous week and 21 for
the corresponding week of 18t2.
yj r Earnings
CottNAU.ts, July 14 Receive E W
Hadley, of tne Oregyn Pacific, filod his
May statement today, which shows earn
ings for the month of S24.09S. axnenses.
e22,989j Bainot8109. .
The pleasant effect and perfect safety
with w hich ladles may use the California
liquid laxative Syrup of Fles. und?r all
conditions makes It their favorite remedy.
To get the'true and genuine article, look
for the name of the California Flir Svruri
Co, printed near the bottom of the package.
IVtietta me Facts
Regarding Hood's Sarsaparil Is, ask th
people who tike this medicine, or- ninth
tftitiraoniata often published in this 'ape
They will emvinos. yon that Hoods's cure
Rood's fills cute constitution.
When Traveling.
Whether on l lessute bent, or bnsinots.
take on every trip a hnttle of Syrup of Figs,
it aors mnt pleas ntly and effectively on the
Muuera, nver ana no we is, preventing levers,
hesds'hes and other forma of aickDesa F,ir
sale in 50 eentand 81 I ottlct by a l lesdirg
New PlIilTIKiUM'ill 11 I have mmnnl
new gallery In the V. M. C. A. block, 2nd
street. Albany, nnd will try hard to please
all who will favor me witli their patronage.
I will take all sizes nnd styles of photos as
good ns the liest nnd as cheap as the cheap
est. 1 am no travelinir nhoto her tnduv
and gone tomorrow, but have come with
wife and children tn make a home in your
L'loriotts climate. I have come tn stay.
I'lense call nnd see me and try my work.
Very reictfiilly yours.
s. A. Hammei.i..
I-tteof Toronto. ( 'anada.
lll)nn ASa Livmnxn of ovmd muililr n
reasonable rates are the strong points of the
Star Contracts of the World's Fair Hotd
and Hoarding Hun-ar. For sale at all rail-
mart ticket other in Portland and nt Salem.
Albany. Eugene. C.irvnllis, JlcJIinnville
and Oregon City. Ilon't goto Chiratm
without vottr aernnimodatinns reserveii. un
less you nuve a biir nurse von are unions t
empty. Call on C. K. Ffonk at the depot
aadrr-igneil have
f Djvid Smith t
prepared to ato-e
To Farmers. The
ed tha'wrehtm
Tillman and are mi
grstn, ,rl , tm . ,ffl m)
tn.l see them Mo.i- n.-n rrangemcnta
br slitrse e:reher4
Frost A SaNnrRs.
Snilfhs Cu,,. i, gr.. ,,
:'e, 1. f ,r s.,le hy B.. P.m.. . r's-
dosrs.only JJj. Children lo7t it
Fiithsy At Mason,
Ashhv A- Carse, Rel Frist. 801 Wasl.
igtou Street. Portland. Cl.
Vhm ftnb j- wss ulca, cave her Castorle,
A'Uen s;.o was a Oil'.. I. sin ! ied for Cr.atorifi
Vl'en sli reHTttnii' l lss. she I'limir f t'nsuri.
rhen she riill.' .ijir'ian-
Twenty Tears' experience.
C D Fredricks, tlie well Known
tnurnnliee " r I. .... .1 .. kt t . ,
r- I . ' "i"iu"Ji aew I OIK,
says "1 have been using Allcock'a Por
ous Plasters for 20 veais. and found them
one of the best (if family me.iiri.l,-.
Briefly summing up my experience, I say
that when placed on the small of the back
Allcock'a Plasters fill the body with ner.
vous energy and thus cure fatigue, brain
exhaustion, dcbllty and kidney dlfficui
les. For women and children I have
ound them Invaluable. They never lnl
ate the skin or caue the slightest pain,
but cure sore throat, roughs, colds, pain In
the side, back or chest, Indigestion and
bowel complaints."
Said yoir , . 1 ... , , , ., ,
eajwk & r,. v,,,,, ,,i
onto Dkhi.-eat, ! ei n.i !
ashion agrees fre 4 tan month
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Eternal Vigilance
s the price of health. But with all our
precaution there are enemies always lurking-
about our, only walling a
layorable opportunity to assert themselves.
Itnpu'itles in the blood may be hidden for
years or even for generations and suddenly
break forth, undermining health and
hastening death. For all diseases arising
from impure blood Hood's Sarsaparllla Is
the unequalled and unapproachable rem
edy. It is King of them nll.for it conquers
Proof or Merit
The proof of the merits of a plaster Is
the cures It effects, and the voluntary
testimonials of those who have used All
cock's Porous Plasters during the past
thirty years is unimpeachable evidence of
their superiority and should convince the
mcst skeptical. Self praise !s no recom
mendation, but certificates from those who
have used them are.
Beware of imitations and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask tor Al
cock's. and let no solicitation or explana
tion Induce you to accept a substitute.
Notice. All parties who have been in
the habit of tying cows so they can run
over ndjoining sidewalks. are hereby
notified to stop the practice, or tlie ordi
nance in reference to the same will be enforced.
Advertising: Novelties. We have a
comploto lino of noveltise, direct from the
makers, ran furnish the Btuno nt lowcs
prices. Whistles, mirrors, pencils, mem
oranda books, napkins, fans, rulers, yard
sticks, panels, chromo cards, ca ps, calcn
dars, xmas cards, etc., in season.
And always the best Jon Pkintino
ftf SMILEY, Leading Printer.
Laundry Work. Every citizen of Al
bany should bear in mind that the
Albany Steam Laundry guarantee fust
class work at verr reasonable prices, and
employs nothing hut white labor. Shirts
lone as oheaply as the Chinaman. Pat
ronize your own race.
Wedding Invitavions.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every day.
Thehtll end Itaowlf dge.
Essential to the production of the most per
feet aad popular taxstive remedy know,
have enabled the California Fig Syruo C'-.
to schievo a great aneaesn in th( reputttt. d
of its remedy, Syran of Kigs, as i: is ennceri-
en rn tie tne nmversai iaxtive. r or sa'e t-y
nil aruyc,i4t.
, An Easy Wlaneri
The solid vestlhaledltrains of the CVcajro.
Union "aclrV ft North West ri. Line diatom a
all eompetPl in witl, is. It haa the ihirt
est line, faeet time. Union djpots sti.i no
change nr delay at the Missouri Kiver.and is
tne popular Wor d a Fair route.
They Increase appetite, purify f j whole
tnteniand actontbelivcr-Hlle JJeatls3rna&
SbiVh'. V.r:2 r Is what you werl f. r
dyspepsia,, lr I liver, yellow skiu ,.r kid
ney ttnnMe. I in enarmit ed to u ve vm
snti.isotii.ii. I'. oe 75- SiMNv F.nhav Si
ut Of sight
The ttaveiins I'ttblic are now fn'ly aiive
toVhe f o. tint ihe Chinso. IToi, u I'srtHe
Al North-Weftern . Ine rffisthe very hest
Schorr modalir,s o the utlhlic from aid to
Chita.n, thnaha unr' iiitermediHto px-nte,
not only dnrini ihe W'orlii's F-i-, hut al
tne yer renud.
AiSiay TlirUet.
s heal.SA-.
Osta. HHci.
i lour, f 5.0.
fuller, 16e.
Kgga inn.
Iirt, Me.
Pork -himi 1 1-. ahoitlrlars, , -1 1
Hay. baler) a 1
"o aloes, MV.
Applei.,1 00
Hops 18o.
Dried f.-ult--p una, On, npptm, w
Chlckons. ft - ppr doxon.
Botf, on foot, 4
Hogs, dreaaexi. 7c '
Pa.ker Href, groceri,
P. M. French keeps railroad time.
Buy your grocer.48 of Parker Uroa Rrocp net at Conn & HeDdricson'i.
i',ew cream cheese jmt received at Conrad
Meyer. .
P J Smiley job printer, Flion Block, doei
first class work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent
cigar at Julius Joseph's.
Dr M II Wi'j. uhysicnn and surgeon
Albany, Ore; n, CilU miU ii oit or
ooantry .
World's Fair Travelers Will Have It
The public demand through service frhen
travelini. It is old-fashiuned to Change
Cars." On the through, -olid wstibnled
trains of the Chicas Union Pacifio
North Western Line from or to Cbioago,
Omaha and intermediate points there is no
hange. This is the Guest and fastest Ber
03 bttwon the points nimed.
of fe!&
You don't have (- oo!e
i .vicc ir detect them bright
eyes, bright color, bright
;t in
Dissitsc is
only when
wcali tissue
Scott's 1
y replnced by the he.ilihy
kind. Scott's Emulsion of
cojcl liver oil effects cure by
buiklii-jr up sound flesh, ft
ii agreeable to taste and
easy of assimilation.
i-p.r-,1 t,y BM Baa, JJ. Y. All Jro 3f
prDruggitlm or tent by mall. c, MrZ
andaxooperpackaire. Bampleatrasv
UU IW tortteleethandBreta,2ao.
-Cv?7.'Zr' !. San Diego, Cal
aaai5"Bhlloli,e Catarrh Remedy la the nrat
medlcrnel have evcrfound that would do me
any good." Price 60 eta. Sold by Dmgglata.
Twrs Orzat Conon Ceng pTomptryeirrM
Wncroallotbersfalt ForConsuroptloalthaa
so rival; hascured thousanda, anuwlll crna
too, IX taken In timo. rrtoeSSstfc, 65tU.,tl.0t
Eatll). Quickly.
Pcrtnaasntli Retlorel
fX ''ltf l)&?il atMl all Ihe train of erlll
V'V liVWi'J "",,""",.:'r.'.rl.;er
rxctsvK. tii- rvt,ita of
ovtmoik, ft.-t:n earn,
vorri.cie. Pullftmtttti,
(U-i'iiiniipiit nml i..i;Vt
Kl .en iu ery uvnn a rut
n.ttl.n rf tl: t.'Mly.
w. F tllrrf Imp"IMs.
Mil r.'fcrvnr nik.
rwlllHrnlion bIi 1 1 Bnauial
ty : You a
PLOW i;t8R3W,DRILl SEcfl
I nr s.. H.
Iclr, ra-!
. n,y ,-ure v-reaci ot 1 ariar Towder. No Ammonia; No .Muiri.
Usetf 'TUlipn of Homes 4f. vPar4 ji,e StoiHs
d t.f a yrrn lH inTi nr
on or at.tirrtfi.
B. F. BARiP,
Oprcsitc Post OiTct.
Albanr, Or.