Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, July 14, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    JaUu fjcmoevat
The wandilit M "Hercy 1 hi Portland
today. Thou-and ui!I visit it,oine from
. Pecuuaii 11 ask. Aidone .hwepli v;;s
fitly murdt'rod in Southern Oregon for
; money, v.hich not found. Tin1
nU Puss Cmirir tells of hU hank as fol
i: A joist hud I teen very neatly mortised
into the ruvity the sum of 61700 hud
11 neatly nliieed.eiich $Hm rolled in pajHT
tied with a Ktnny. ilieso luck.ures
.3 then packed around with cut ton raff
. tbelid ot the nmrtise neatly slid inu
,e and held in position lv a small screw.
ch was not vi-iihle to the carnal glance
Ntw freight rate have ne into cflVctt
greatly increasing the co-i of tnn.t poita
tlan. The wrong way.
A small comet may now be een In the
northwestern horizon with a glas during
the eariy evening hours.
A safety bicycle, pneumatic the, was
stolen from the yard of 1 C SeheH Wed
nesday night, probably by s me tramp,
now on hi way thioughthe valley.
Mr E A Milner has accepted a position
as book keeper wl.h Collector Ulack, The
Democrat U informed that Mr Will
Cowan will also have a place under Mr
While wallilniT on the rnl'rniid track
re waa a num. nt SiiO found in a imrxe cnnda' vni.T I r1 v...t ,,u,i t.0
"iwn amongst some com eiih another I fortune to sHke his foot agalrst u tie In
i of the buiMin-r. and it i tlioiigiu An-1 $uch fl mannCr as to break It. Santiam
i nai piaceti mis inerti n min ;-mij Lumberman.
John Maloney face! Recorder lien on
this morning on the charge of vagrancy
lie remarked that he wp.a ready to plead
whichever way His Honor wanted him
to, and received three 4cys in the cooler,
Geo Pope & Co, of Portland, through
their agent , Ur Lainberson of this nlace,
bought all of lust years hop crop in on J
around Scio. They paid ik 1-2 cents for
the same. Lebanon tixpres.
The It- ni In last niaht' DEmocRAT
about U P excursions being discontinued.
only applied to the special excursions.
The every day excursions to the Bay and
the excursions to i'lanha will b) conlinu-
Mrn W O Stewart left thUiium on a visit
Mr Pete, of Corralli, wan in !
the city today.
Mr ami Mrs U V. Illain lefl this noon fora
io jour u of it week or Iwo at Yatiiimi.
Mw Ted Pi tier unci daughter, of Pan
Fnnirirt'o. ure in the city, th j guests of K
W Langdon.
Mr ti W .Sinioson returned thin noon
from his trip to San I'ram isco, by way of
ii nation, or I urteitv. luw ieen un
pointed weigher and ganger in the Portland 1
ustom house under ( ol lector lilark. J A
by robber, who would then desist in
r search. If the locution of the coin I
. not been previously known by his neph-
Tit would jwrhaiw have remained hidden I
ijtuany years yet.
bat TwcAst; u Kit's Ukciit. T'ue re
(t which Treasurer Metschan gave to the
surer of I. inn county some time niro on
int of a draft for 8HS.UU0 which proved
e worthless, has not vet been returned.
the Linn county court last week the
ter of surrendering the receipt was
fddered but action w;w taken. The ex
condition of tlie Linn county bank is
vofc Vnrtwn nml tha nntmlv nnnrfr nf
la county i wiiitins to know vhiit it will ed al excursion rates.
"ith reference to the dnift it issued b-1 Wong Tun and Hung Chung had
suspending; liefore it acts to return the! fight at Salem I..ast night. It sound
lint whlrn Iuih liiH-n ilnlv i eel with tlie tsmlllar: Wona? Ten c alms that llune
rk and is a pust of tho county records. I Chung hit him over the head with an iron
Fee in no doubt (hat the cotmtv will sur-1 bar and that he. In order to defend him-
ler the receipt If the drift ia not made I sell, went after his assailant with a butcher
i by the failed bank.--alattwmun. I unite causing the injury mentioned
l ,. The Canyon City News tells of a Fourth
jjnuuui aa vnnr.ii. ni,niinB mi iui i oi j uiy ceicDratioR in that town along In
rm bridire the Dallas Transerint sava: I the '6o's, when lohn C Luce arose to read
structure is said to lie fretting into a I the Declaration of Independence, and read
r jex rickety condition; the bolts are loose I in a rich, dark brown voice nearly half of
ttneea iipueuin);, me nuur is so rsuiij uic buiiiiui'on w mc I'nucu abates oe
J that horses aro now breaking through, I fore Hon W Lair Hill pulled the tail of
it is otherwise becoming dangerous. I John's coat and found the right page for
1 someoooy win oe resiKmsiuie ior any I nun.
I,.aent Wat might occur, comes without None of the Salem hanks are cashing
, fig, we iiao ii iruiu Krui uuuniri cuy warrants. Warrants are not at a dis-
W no part of the bridge lielongs to Polk counli but the bank are not making loans
,tllty,and that uliedocs not intend to draw or taking up paper of any kind that they
ler treasury for needed repairs. Tue can avoid. They are pursuing this policy
, rUonot ownership appears to be a mixed to keep their supply of coin as large as
and it would not to surprising to see it possible. Where warrants are presented
( in ftn unpleasant litigation. I by merchants with goodaccour.u.tney are
TV , I received as deposits. balem Journal.
IP B jjblusiun. uisi nigui s i emue. i h ,,lv h .....h ih.t ih. rt.ll
JlCE. 0. says: Capt. Humphrey rested I telephone patent expired in March, but an
Ei;lat night, and this morning apieared I exchange sajli: The patent covering
Kand in cheerful spirits. Although a I broadly a telephone recelvcr.whlch Is held
:fi ot fcis mental unquiet still renmins.nis l by the Bell Telephone companp, uplres
,,liUon is regiinled as very encoiiriiging.l january 30, 1S94. Until the expiration of
jr,uB Htm 1 mis patent the manuiacturer or user ot an
iiiussni in iiiai uu va uiuier arrest 101 1 eiecir,c speaking telephone of any practi
re tomble crime, and ilemandetl that he I i .., i. k-. 11. m m r.
coaironght before the county judge, his in- lion b.. thU moner monopoly,
toonce proven, and the imaginary shackles , . .
,"ickfr?mhi8 limbs. When one of his Four voung men and a keg of beer. One
-vradpnartedthe natient snnnod that rics to keep another from entei ngaw-
jora departed the patient supnosed that
ni tad none after the iudire. ami remained
isutfor an hour or more, awaiting his re-
ot ai ii i'uo t
ThiirMlay evening, July 1:1.
Present -Recorder, llarshal, Slnt-t Sn.
lierintcndent anil ('nillicllmeii Stewart.
Whitney, llurkliiurt, Wlwwlcr and Marshall.
In the absence of the Mayor Couiicilinau
ihirkluirt. was elected mayor iro tela.
The following bills wero onlereil paid:
H t: llaikness, 84:t.JU; Sainnel Crow,
12.r0; Klectrie Light Co, 81J1.50; Susan
I'nrdoui. 812.50: City Councihueii and
Mayor. 8I.'..0D: Hodges & JIcKarland. .7".;
K It Crosby, 8.X.N): Chris llender. HM:
John Wnrner, 1.00; K K liiatt, ell .00 Win
lliatt, fl.00; i'oshuy k Mason. 81!).:IJ:
Stitesi-Nutting. 8-r.:i-'): J 4: Shields, fct.W;
MiHrna. Qf
AilvertUing done in earuot.
Done with widoiu, lieart and soul.
With determination sternest,
Always wins the wished-for goal.
A rather s'culiar story conies from Xew
l'rg. list Satiinlav an attempt to commit
r.i iisiu the daughter of Mr llobson wiu
niaile by a man named Wilson. A warrant
was sworn out mid he was arrested. As
tlie constable having him in charge wanted
his dinner he turned the man over to Maris
for safe keeping. It seem that v ilson
owed .Maris u bill and taking a bill of sale
of enough of Wilson's iiropcrtr to cover the
iiiiiuuui maris iiuoweil 111
the best washing machine mde. Go to
Stewart & ox and take one out on trial.
Tbey 1U0 have all kindi of wriogeri.
to carry that great big child armind ia her
armi. You ntunt so to Stewart & Sox uv&
buy ontf of their baby carriages. All kinda
and pricAt.
iieard. fnrmerly of thin plans Ima been ui-H J Jonen. Vt.4,i; N J Heiiton, 8J.i.(VJ.
pointed exam i nor. LeUmou Advance.
TiUst evening n pleasant surprise partv
wils tendered Min Martin Tayue. The even-
mr wiw Hpeut m an airre?i'ile manner. A
lelicious luiu Ji was serve I, and some line
mtisie wiw ftirnishtxl by I'ruf loom's guitar
.lud-e eo H Ilurnett made H hurried
rip to Albany yesterday, (join-; np on the
1:17 train and n'iuniiii! at 1:40. His
imt-.ness was to nirn up the court journal for
the term just en led. ihe clerk had the
The mmmittee on streetri waa trr.inted
further time on the llrink block.
The Calaivooia street trnule was discussed
but no action was taken.
A lon$; address by a "wheel man ex
hausted half an hour. No license was
The Ileeorder and Treasurer presented
their reports, fur the quarter ending June
;J0, which show the following:
MinnvilloT. K.
urn to eicaie. Mc-
Saloon license). .
General licenses.
Dirt sold
book at the depot for him to attach his sig- In Treasury April 1,.
nature. statesman .
Itov Fisher and familv, who have been
residents of Jefferson for some months past.
have moved to Salem and taken up their
residence on L nemeketa street near 14 tn.
Mr Fisher is pastor of tlie Kvangelieal tab
ernacle on Chemeketa and 17th streets.
SUites man.
Pr A S Nichok o Portland, spent last Waranta paid. .
night in Albany on his wav home troin a 1 interest
trip to Corvallis, where he had been to at
tend Hnn A H. Shinlov. tmnsnrpr nf ih(
SUito Agricultund College. Mr Shipley is I ln Treasurj June30
ia u. cniiciu coiiuiiiuii, uue iu quiiu an ex
tent to tlie failure of the Job Bank, and is
not expected to live.
Dr Ball, formerly of Littler k Hall. of this
city, returned yesterday from Ann Arbor,
where he has just graduated with credit
from the dental department of that college.
Outstanding April 1
Issued during quarter
I Outstanding June 30
If IMM lllir.ui vi loan vuiicudi i , . " , . . ,
He will locate in Portland and will practice utani ing ormge wnrrants
with Ur b M l)nvis. The tinn will be Da- "uu.uuiuuiB
vis I: Ball. Ur Hall ia a young man of
splendid attainments, who deserves success.
' 3502.08
Total outstanding warrants. 82(1,475.71
Bondlndebteilness 75,000.00
Total Indebtedness 8101,475.71
Purposes for which warrants were issued
during quarter:
Mayor and council 8 67.00
Gone East. C H Ocst, attorney for the
0 P left last nipht for the east in the in
terest of the O P bondholders. In Portland
he said that the bondholders had confi
dence in the present manairement of the
road and ln its future prospects, especially -u. u.t
as to the proposed extension of the line. I Jjjcofjej 40',
Ho added: "Ihe result of Mr i Hudley's Su perintendent "of St'reeti.' 140.1
management win mi w necure 1110 UIUlcu I Treasurer
support of tho bondholders. Hie Wlllum-I Ti:m '
ette valley and Eastern Oregon present I pire deDartmVnV
imt nnayitu itiod n ti.l otiii imijiIV gllntvwt I ... . - . . . .
and maintain a railroad.11 Mr tiest said
that the employes of the Oregon Pacific
would receive their waires the 20th inst.
The full payroll will lie met, and tho comp
any will have a small surplus left..
A Great Convenience.--World's fair
visitors travelling via the Northern Pad-
ia; . ri anu Wisconsin central line, are
anded at the Grand Crntral iUiion in
Chicago. This mamdfkent tire-proof
building, loLatrd In the htart of the city,
ras uctn miea up as a notel, run on the
European .plan, with about 200 rooms
handsomely furnished and each room 's
supplied with hot and cold water, electric
lights, etc. The charge for accommoda
tions are reasonable.and parties can secure
rooms in advance by calling upon agents
of the Northern Pacific R R. By taking
ine -northern 1'aclhc through car line to
Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort
ol all transfer in that city, and can also
travel between the J rand Central station
and World's fair grounds by trains which
run uircci Deiweep ine two poluts.
Agent at Albany,
Down' co tii k K atks. The Union Pa
cific now lead with reduced rates to eastern
points.and their through car arrangements,
niagniticently equipped Pullman and Tour
ist sleepers, free reclining' chair cur'ond fast
time, make it the liest line to travel. Two
trains leivc from Portland daily at 8:45 am
and 7 :!K) p in. The rates are now within
reach of all, and everybody should take ad
vantage of theuitovisitthe World's fair and
their friends in the east. Send for rates
and schedules of trains, and do not pur-
enase tickets until utter consulting1 Luran K
llonteith, Albany, dr.
W H HtJiu.nrnT,
Ass't GenT Tass. Agent. U. P.
Portland, Or.
S f OW! NG AWAY HAY t!" h"a"
on ft farm. Vouoin make it the emiestby
buying a complete Hay Carrier out tit of
ti to wait Sc Sox. Call and lee it.
Fresh, pure, sure to grow and told, at Fort
land pricea. Garden aeeda kept in bulk.
field peaa and r ield corn alio earned tn
large quantities. Stewart & Sox.
They don't stake any better than th
RuiieU" aud Stewart ft Sox wll that kin .
at Albany . Several good secondhand en
ginea fc sale at a bargain.
PAINTS & OILS. The te8t mtd paint
for said on this Coast is the "Fhoenix" and
we are scents for it at Albany. We also
carry a full line of oil, varnishes, wagon
and carnage paints, etc.
Electric Lights
Printing- and blank work. . . .
Streets 1130.70
Sundry expenses 25.60
19 to o. That la the score people make
who trade with Perry Conn, the dealei in
fresh groceries, produce and crockery
ware. They shut out hard times and give
clean bargains, plenty of home mn
and a return for more goods. The came
is umpired nn the square, and there is
never any kicking. Piompt and courte
ous treatment. A steady thing. Doors
open early and late. If you would be on
me winning siue can on Lonn,
KMBKH Land Claims. The S.mtium
- lhprmnn this tcpok nnhliliPK timlior hind
ie btcw for John H Wsilker.Lonis Sehroeder. to doing v
Sjtf Carlisle H L.aufflieiul,.Iolin Sehroeder,
hKihQ V Dyer, Win L Chirk, Cordelia II. .n-
, George Savage. Charles I llinkle. Ellas
rE..Alorgan, Daniel M IJirge, Iiewitt H Ser-
loon. A punch in the face and a short
pugilistic encounter. Flying rOcksanda
smashed saloon doo. An olucer rebtsted;
one arrest; bail. Tlu talk of the day. The
Man about Town hopes the young men
will turn over a new leaf and that there
will never be another occasijn to even re-
Are Yon hcrvans
Are you all tired out. do you have that
tired feeling or sick headache? Vou can.
oe relieved ot an these symptoms ov ratt
ing Hood's barsaparllla which gives nerve
and bodily strength.
Hood's Pills are eas in action.
Bith at Viereok'a shaving and hair cut
nz parlors.
IjjjB, Thoma Thoinas,Jolm Srhlosser. Wm
,hfjniith, William IIiind..leniiingrt H Coiu -bii.
John W Brown. Ezra M Jlorton.Simoim
ljparks. Wm E Plasterer, (iideon Steiner
tttc. aiaruia a dtuiup.
'nE 6a it all UiiiiiT. Hon 1 linger Her-
vn, mem her ot congress visited our city
tThnrndav. and was a enioat at the Bay
"ew. He made a personal and exhaustive
Itimination of the government works on
JUh sides of the hay. also went out over the mia-nir celehrit)-, a slack wire performer of
vr on the tug Kesolute. and weunderstand Jrntlt exnertness. and Lowelli. a wonderful
Wasiibi'hs'h Cutcrs. Washburn's
monster showwill visit this city and ex
hibit on July 21st afternoon and evening.
The Worcester. Mass, Gazette pays: The
company attracted attention to tlie show's
notahle umnner ot horses and perlormers,
bv a nroeession through a nmnWof streets.
uip created a lavorahle impression, whicn
rvsultod in n. mMiprniiR Ttidrnnaoe of their
evening exhibition at Agricultural Park.
More than 3000 jieople attended the show
hiring the evening, and harnng the lack ot
pleasant weather, a verdict of satisfaction
was gained. The acrobatic corns of the
company, including the Vernon Brothers of
Trains will hereafter run to Idanha
on the eastern end of the Oregon Pa
cific Monday morning mid Wednesday
and Saturday evenings. Hound trip
tickets, good for thirty davs. will be
sold for 83.00. Hound trip tickets can now
Im bought to the Bay, at excursion rates
every day of the week.
it he Sounded with the lead line and
indthe lowest depth tn Ik? 22 feet which
Olved to him, that the jetty improvements
ce it commenced had made au actual in
ased depth of something near 11 feet on
1 bar. Newport ews.
contortionist, won special vlaudits. notably
The Monthly Shoot of the Maeot Gun
.ib for-the gold medal occurred yesterday
Thk Monmouth State Nohmai.. Dur
ing the past year the State Normal School
at Monmouth lias reached an enrollment of
over 400, the largest in its history. The
professional course has lteenmuch utrength
ened by the addition of tlie Model Training
department, in which students are given
practical exterience in the application of
tlternoon, and win hot Iv eon tested. Brown
)ke 19 out of 25 and would undoubtedly
"re broken 21 but his powder was steamed I methods, under the supervision of special
rteauot dneil; i?rant rrouKin. 1: L W Icntie teachei-s. Miss Kdith tassavant. 11
yoe, 20; P B Marshall. !); Tho Waller, graduate of the Millersville. Ta, State Ner
vy r Hak'T, it. Mr aller will wearitnal. has been addrd to the deimn ment for
medal for the first time. A shoot off for I the next years work. In the Academic
leather mcda' resulted in favor of Mar- course, tlie work in all the department has
ill securing it
LDPftiNTiMi Match. Yesterday after-
bn about 4 o clock near v 100 thoii1p .
hibled, at tho race track nt the fair
letn revisfnl and strengthened. The school
has a -.right prospect tor future growth t'inl
use t ulness.
Shot His Ihi. A - conger had been
iundi to witness a foot race lietwcen I prnw'in nround W S John's place on the
iries uenuwaii an 11 ipures. i he race
1 a ran of one hundred vards.for ;i nnm
i 11 : 1 . , 1 .
tiw. icruiwiui won ny nitout lour teet
secouos. consmerauie inoncv
nged hands letween the nortinir t.
ntot tho rrowd. bertliwait is a loc
nrinter, while Squire is from Kistcrn
TCgon.- -Statesman. N pi ires wiw a rest
not Aioanv lor some time.
laud. Last evening after dark he was
seen near by. At tlie time the dog was in
the house. A gun was secured ami dis-
barged by .Itdinuy nt a black object in the
listance. It dropped dead. Johnny had
killml his bird dog. which had slipped out
ot the back door, utter the cougar.
Wa Uavk to Eat anrwar. The bet-
ir th groceries ihe more enjoyable life
ana wmi we ao not an live simply to
w certainly eat 10 nve. II vou
t jnr groceries ana oakeu goods ot
raer Brothers you arj bound to live
;i Hit Is cnlv on a loaf of rve bread
Fey keep the bet in evervihlng, and sel'
priotts that satisfy re,;ardie ot limes.
u on rnem.
Sewing Machines neatly repaired Au
warranted hv a thirfnuhlvrnmrMnt wnrlt
man. itr m rroneh s jewelry store, Albany.
Before golra to the Bav or mnuntwlna
go In and examine ihe Hlazer and Bton
jackets and suits at Read.Peacock & Co's.
v cry cneap.
To Fa km ei w The utiduriined have
lned the wnrehuose f David Smith t
Tillman and are now pie pared to ato-e
rton, and all ttrnv-rs are re q nested to eU
and set them win re makinic arrnugemonts
for storaie elsenhere.
Fall Term Begins
September 13.
Tub Verdict i. unanimous that Will &
Stark carry the b't line of silver ware in 1
tl.e valley. They nave the variety and qunl- I
ity. a combination that counts in but ine I
ijoods. An inspection alwajrs carries con-1
C'r-nrance xale oi all kind, of lints nt
IdaM Brush's. Now is your time to buy. I
Send for
I. A. Morris & Co.
Flour and Feel Store.
Have removed their itore totheStrahai
stort, former'.y occupied by Deyne 6
Kobbon, and have on hand a lull stock o
CeKM meal, graham, buck
Custom chopping done.
BEE SUPPLIES. Don't keep your bee. io
an old box any longer. Stewart & Sox
carry bee hives, seotiont, comb foundation
and bee smokers at low prices.
WILL YOU BUILD yr- 11 ya
ro;t to d not fail to se Stewart & Sox,
They keep a large stock of builders hardware.
and sell ac prioes to mit the times.
according to uw, aad you ought to boy all
ysnr guns and ammunition of StewtitJt Ssx.
They keep a good stock and sell cheap.
Giant powder, fuse and caps always on hand.
Ueinn " ami bun. .noL tt
applies oa hand.
outfit of Stewart & $bjc aud take care f youi
orchard. 1 be outfit they sell has been tried
in this stale for three years by the best or
chard is ts and is a o mpleta saccesa.
hav. the best hoe ot tioe shears, BcifSorst
razors and pocket cnltery in the valley,
Come and see for yourselves..
Stewart & Cox.
PLOWS. 'kve new billed plow
aatly the same as the "Oliver." We (tuir
antee it and sell on trial. Extras will fat
Oliver. Also v. have a full line of steel
plows that excelled. Yon night
possibly aave a few ornts by coming around
and seeing ui. Stewart & Sox.
Tli.VSK.-In Fox Valtey.on July 9, 180.1,
Mrs .lumthtf, wife of J 3 Tm.k. ut the aire
nf ijl yeiira. MrsTruk wna norn in In-
(liiuift. Mie came to tin'yon in lr-h was
married to J!r Tnnk in and movel to
Fox 'nlley in 107, where fho hnn since
n'!ided. Nlrn leaves a hnsdmnd and
nine children, one of whom is a resident ff
Alhany. She was a mem-xT of the jrrunye
;'.iid a worthy woman.
FUU SALE. Hoa-chnld furniture for
sale chep. Inquire f Timmas Jooes
"D 7th, bfiweeo lirnsdaihin and Kerry.
X hi good cmdition ' tr s de chaa.
quire at this r.ffue.
i il
ia Watch h a n n.tcv nowd;ivs. I
,n waat oor c. II on Will stark, chirv
pea if Urke and varied, and prices the
swat reason hie. Tnty can aive ynu
ia inn una n men in .wir
kCcBttsh chenies at C E Biowncll1
Clean towels to even uitrmer at Vifittk
hvir(i parli m.
I Oil Monday, Skpiemt:.-:3 18th.
Tt" wmf ,irw JITl'tritVfril 1 ,n.r r r ...- 1
F?'-aTn3 ' H atir s tt-e ch""ppst. t
fww-wven. Bi-cnT. uiiice at r M Krncl.'a
rrairy nore
!. Fir n.. 1,
All. . . P .
he Lading citu
Jut closed the mr?t prtvperrjus vrar in
Its hNtorv. Wide range of Kttidies "Thor
ough Instruction Husinet coure r dded.
rui lonfree. Entrance fee Sio. Hoard
and lodging at reanunahle ntti 1 1 the
elegant new dormitory and boarding ha'.l
on the eampm.where students will receive
personal supervision.
Joiix W. Joiixsov,
Best : in : 4s : Met,
Fortmiller & Irving's.
Dry Goods,
Furnishing Goods,
Lace Curtains,
Shoes, Etc., ol
Stationery, Toilet Articles, Musical
lnstrumen'3, tic.
Hodies & McFarlanfl,
Tl.e Corner Drug Store," A.banv, Oi.
r. Dr. Pat(raon tTalla
The Noted C1irrovtit rr1 Life Ri.)fr,
lire, and can V fouitilat h-r rtitenw. n
inm. To i cn bear Ir jm
'.. atl anJjyV
i jr Air rfVl Ift-y;
1ft n.uTOXK
Arcbltert and onlraflor.
LefTfrrrrn:i wiih II nit i t S res
I ' 1 1 1111.
I Return of
I Ophthalmic Optician, -
Optical specialist,
tVill afllr. be In Alhany next week 4 days,
with office at ReTere Hoe, beglnnine
Monday, July 10th. Mr. (iay ha done
excellent work here In our city fitting
some ditTictilt cases mith classes. Exam
inations and consultations free.
A"gut toth, ntii, t2th and ijh.
and - Embalmers.
WE KtEP rr.nisnllj rn I si d a full line nf rr fialic, cloth ard viocd ratkets ai
cofllns. Alo burial robes and suits, In l icac'cloth, islin.cs'l rr r,tc
which will be sold at
Tht Loant I.ItIdk rroflln.
EMBALMING "d the proper care of the dead a special!;.
Vho!!e and RetallDealera In
ttoila Water,
I frlrns.
Orawge ami Iron,
Nrlfarr Waforn,
Rirrh Itrrr,
Naranparllla and Iron,
Iron Wlnr,
Oiro ns a trial.