THE CAl'lit 1'ublwlieJ every day in the week except Sunday. vri'KSi MITTlMi. Editor aad Prap'r r,lere1 ftlho Post 0111 3d nt Albany OiC.ou,aiHet'oui clas uiail matter. jiii 11, huh I'KXSIOSS GALOIti:. A dispatch from We'r, Kansas, say ''Congressman Tarsney start jd the whole United States talking some time nsro by unearthing a man who bad applied for anil secured a pension for baldness, but for thrift Tarsney's balilheaded pensioner docs not belong to the same doss ns a miner once employed by the Kansas and Texas Coal Company, near this town. James W Smith is about So years old feet 7 inches high, weighs 140 pounds, and is reported to have been a good soldier. When the war closed and every old soldier, no matter how sound in body, was impor tuned to apply for a pension, this member oftherimilh family was not forgotten James Smith was a private. Ho had two cood eves, his arms and legs were intact but a lunar trouble, resulting In total disa bility, was easy to prove and a pension at torney took Mr Smith's case and a Kansas congressman assisted in rushing it through for him. Now if there is any kind of manual labor that requires a good constitu tion and healthy lungs it is mining, and in all this region hereabout 1'ensioner Smith is pointed out as the most successful miner. He can work more hours a day and more days a month than any other man. An examination of the books of the Kan sas and Texas Coal Company tor the six months proceeding March shows that dur ing that time Smith fell under $100 a month only- once, and his average was 117.50 per month. During these six months this totally disabled man worked 109 days, or practically every day the mine was operated, and earned 8703.74. During this time Smith's living expenses as shown by the books at the company's store, were 8192.13, so that for six months he had, besides keeping the wolf from the door, more than $509 to his 'credit, not in cluding the $12 per month pension for total disability. Kx-Speaker Thomas 0 Iteed does not take kindly to donning the legislative sur cingle and being hitched to the congression al harvester in midsummer. Mr Heed is needlessly alarmed, as he will have no more laborious work than switching Hies from the democratic! wheel-horses. In his anger at being compelled to leave the cool breezes of 1'ortland in August the erstwhile Cznr says that the extra session will be a good prep aration, not for solving the silver question, but for the future life. Is it possible that Mr Heed has so lost confidence in the power of saving grace ns to li o's calmly f orwards to something even hotter than Washington in the dog day? The army bill introduced in the new Heithstag by '.'haneellor von t'nprivi yes terday is substantially the old lluene com promise. It provides for an increase in the army of 50,000 men at once, and of 75.000 within three years, and ultimately for a trained army of 4.400,000 men, which is fully ten times as many as the young war lord could handle effectively. The cost of the present increase will be about 816,000, 000. When the chancellor announced that the bill contained the emperor's ultimatum the pretensions of imperialism in Oermany were very plainly revealed. In the mountains of Kentucky, wl'cre the feud has its home, thelt is regarded as a worse crime than homicide. It is not sur prising, therefore, to find the Hazel lirti-n Herald advising the community to 'hunt down and hang for the good of the conn try a housebreaker who stole nrtieles worth fcS) from Porter I.aey's cabin. Sneak thieve", says the llera'd, "are one of the marks of civilization ttuit wo can well af ford to dispense with, and if the one who committeJ this deed could le put out of the way it might have a salutary effect in deterring others from following in hi foot-t-teps." Two Knglish gentlemen of the cloth traveling in tiie Orient were recently m ule the victims of a curious trick of the tele graph. While in Persia, near the Armen ian frontier, the sent a message to the dritish eon'ul at the town they were ap proaching announcing that '"two Kngli.di clergymen" would reach him on Wednes day. On arriving at the town they found that the consul was absent and that no preparation had been made to receive them. It appeared that tue message as received ran: "Two worthies wretches mill reach you on WoJnesd.iv." Cinr Renuhllan friends will find the Democratic majority In Congress sufficiently courageous to attack the entire line ol In famous class legislation when It convenesi which has been enacted for special interests by the Republicans. Tills beyond doubt Inctudcs the tariff at one ol ibe first outrages to be assaulted The pu) i-ctiuiitt'a hope lltat the present s'.agnatior. in business will deter letlon on lilts question, will not be realized. The country is suffering from McKlnleyism much more than it is from an over (traduction and circulation ol silver, and the par'.y will have to go down to the very roots of the evil and nmivs it. It is special interests which have received the fostering care of a Congress ul their own selection that are trembling and it is these interests which hope to profit by the ay of hard times and business stagnation. They know they cannot longer depend upon the special favors of the Government, unless by deception they can secure timid Democrats, while the beottle are demanding 'hit class leelslalion shall bs destroyed forever. When a Democratic Cenetesa, with a lem Mr..i;A nct.l.n cknll tike tile reins iif government in hand, Ills expecte 1 that they will redeem the pledges ma?cto the people 'ait fall, and firft of all remove the direct cause of the most Important one the tariff from the neck of the toiling masses. The protectionist, wl.o has made his fortune from the tellers and producers, will no longer be allowed to count his exorbitant profits and the Government guarantee him his in come. Things will have to be tqualized and the. first duty of Congress will be to remove the cause and redeem the pkdgos the party has made. There can be no child's play in this matter, and ti c Democrat who fails In his duty this time, will not be return' ed to his seat by a constituency which he deceiveg. Remove the came and all will be well. Portland Dispatch. wumn COKSIUEKISU Venison at C K BrownellH. VIAVI Co llBuo in Baltimore block. A full lint "! Warner llrot corsets at K, P If you want a tine smoke call tor Joseph a white lsbjr cigars. Come and sie the new chilled pl iw at Ramps opposite .ostttlice. The bcstjrnaat otiHce in the city at Ueuiad Muyer a. Motor makes live trip daily to ViiieckV addition. Lotr thrre oa instalments ofr per week. n extimive variety of garden seeds both in t'tilk and by the uacU'ite can be found at C K Rrovuellf. Pa'.roniirc home industry by smoLiiirt the celebrated white labor cigars, manufactured by Ju'ius Joseph. New cork sole, hand turned shoes, some thing entirely new, not a winter shoe but lihtacd lloxil le for spring and summer we st Koad. Teaccck & Co's, Call and ini ot tit in. Govs under iC ecttitnr their hair cut a Viereck's will receive a free ticket to the ball ;'-;iunds. Oregon State Normal School MONMOUTH, OBEGON. jr.coovmmriasi 1 J 'T-IIE IK A '' NO NCKMAI, SCHOOL X ol ti e Nu:ilie-i. Strong proles sUma! and ;i. .i.teiuie ct'Uises, and well or uanied MrJ. i .ci.o.u for Practical Train ing of uaclw- Nurmal, Advanced Nor inal,riutim',Miiic and Ait Ueparlinenta fieautitiil aid healthful location. Ligh expense mi s;ilnis. The Normal ha enjoved a p'endv growth during the pasi vcar reachi"g an emollmeiu of over 400, the largest In ii- history. New member have been added to 1 1. e faculty, nev appar al us sunn it it. urd the course of study re vised and nenghened. The graduate ate In demand 10 till good positions, jlit diploma cml lcs the holder to teach in on countv in tt.r stiite i.iihout farther exam- nations. Tuition, Noimal, $6.25 per term Lt loweeku;, $5. 00 per trim if 10 weeks; lltiKinrss, T".JS per lerin. Hoard at Normal Dining Hall. $1.75 per week. Rooms firm 50c per week (un lurnished) to $1 00 and $1.35 furnisher). Hoard and lodging In priv ite Minnies, 50 10 $4.00 per week. Tuition.boaid.'odglng and books less than $150 per year. Con iervaHry of Music. Thorough courses are offered in vocal and Instruinenlnl rou ble, Tuiiion,$io per term of 20 lessons, Monmouth is easily accessible from all parti, of th- Slate, twelve miles from the State Capital.slxty miles south of Portland. ;ataloguig clieerlully sent on application. A.lil' , l. I,. itllMIKLIi, Pre , or N. SIIEDU. Nt'ey of Faculty. The canal of Languedoc, connecting the Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, is 148 miles long, has iOO locks and 50 aqueducts. I Its highest part is 160 feet abvoe sea level. Hood's Cures Sharp Pains Short Breath, Heart Trouble, Rheu matism. A gentleman with a hansorn; equipage followed by a line KnUh ma.-tlff, drove up' In front of a Cincinnati! hostelry ihe other day, savs the Times Star t.( that city, tnj jumping doai his buggy snapped the hitch strap into tie ring of 1'ia horse's lit, ,nu (hen placed the oilier end cf the strip in he mouth ef Ms n.a.'.ift, which hi this lime had s.Mtcd himself on the curhttone. There the niastit'i sat like a statue ol une holding the strap sccureiv, while his master went In to "see a ma.i:" On the gentleman's ett the dog yielded up tV itinp and the gentle man drove o!i, closely followe l bv the f ji.h fel four-h-erd lackey. litre t.T r.-M. biht,i,u it. Mrs. L. II. Paine Eagle Creek, Oregon. 1 have lived here In Orecon for th n twenty years, and most ol tho time have been a very great sulTercr from iaaammalorr rheumatism. I have nlso had tvhattho doctor called heart disease, with shortness of breath and sharp patus In the left side. I decided to take 1100a s biirsaparllla, and before I had flnlsheel three bottles I was In better health than I had been for years. I do not havo any pain now. aieep weu, ana to-uay no woman of my age Enjoys Botter Health than I. At home on the ranch I not only attend to my family housework, but last summer I eared for and milked four cows. I do not feel was 1 can say nan enough in pralso of Hood's Sarsaparilla -ua. 1- ..1. l Aiae, taste creeK, Oregon. Hood's Pills are prompt and cmcleut,yet easy In action. Bjldbyalldrugslsta. 25c. AT ALBANY Friday, July 21s(, Afternoon and Night Leon W. Washburns Great European . . , RAILROAD SHOWS Three Ring rircu,R.vya; Kn-li,h Mcnae trie. Aviary, Museum and Aquar ium. Ke.ili.tic il ,Vc,ti and Roman Hippodrome. tiUITKRINU STRKET PARPK d.11. t at 10 a. la. Open i!er ,,vi:j Heasts. ;,lH. Steam Piano. Marvellous Steam llor.e the Monster War r'"'''T',",,"i,i,'r'" '"'. Elephant 'Lupld,' feet hih. 1 1lxis open at t and anee one hour la. er. Admission to chi.dicr. P.m. lVfo :.i:f Can be countrA nn to enro Catarrh Dr. Safe's Catnrrh jwmeay. it s , nomine; new. lor 25 years it Las been dome that vcrv thing. It gives prompt and com plete relief but vou want mnn man mat. Ana you get it, with this Remedy there's a cure that is perfect and permanent The worst chronio cases, no matter nf now long standing, yield to its mild, soothing, cleansing and heal- iui urouerues. "uoia in thn Hnani " needs bnt a few applications. Ca- tarrnal ileadache, and all the troubles that come from Catarrh. ao uii uhcb ruiievea ana curea. Xou can count on somcthmr else. too $500 in cash. You can count on it, but it's more ttian doubtful whether earn it. Tho nronrietors of TV fi., Remedy, in good faith, ofEcr that amount for an incurable case of Catarrh. Don't think that you havo one, though. Ineyll pay you, if they can't cure you. That's certain. But they can cure you. That's just about as certain, too. can you ask more ? yon BUGGY FOR SALE. Oeod neeonr! hand buggy for sale cheap , Call cn Wui lortuiiller. IVaNTED.- Position f notisen-r-rk. I)KaoonAT oillee. to da Ifnnnrnl Lea-e word nt the tar Baker CorlEi-.tKiliilltlu and First Sl CCKRfiD MEYER, PROPRIEfOR. oiiLaa in 1 uu, d t rails, Ulasotnnrc, Orlrd KrnllH, ToUiweo, Narrnr, 4'ollce, i Et sJiannefS .Uh Qaeensimrt Vegetable, Clicars iplcers. Tea, Clc, ALBANY, N. WALDAHL --Afei'cliant Tailor. Sails Made h Order and Satlsfaetton Guarantee llepqii'ing of .Jill liinels. SHOPtOFPCSITE THE POST OFFICE OREGON AD VANCE THIS Ttyo I', GC - . . i "' ' ijite russ Are warranted to thresh mort'lntot" eiven lime and do It better it,. nan,t chine made. ijj 4, The Advanck Tkactiok .3 then the best In the world. Remn the lid work means larue profits Inte and hi business. Catalogue mailctl waa 1 EDWARD mJrewaso fien'l Ajt't, port iwn om( of tho t had ol Hd by rc r searcii bet woult tony y sat T: it whicl -UKAl.ERS IS- ?uer.0: lpt of i e wort! the Li A GRICULTI RAL Impkida s.i.plles. Advance ThriSi Kincs, Minneapolis Hinders, Vyetk Standard Mowers, Newton WVcuni wcyian Plows, oils of all klarVith re lowest price possl'jle. The Alii mev(n Grange agents have kwardediDt tract to furnish Twine for 'hoti f and Call and get our prices before n elsewhere. I the ibyti FURNITURE, NEW BOTTOM PRICES. SrUKK NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, CONSISTING bed ron.n bote, chairr. leungea, te.( which I will Bell at C .SN.a:iBS, i'roprictor. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employee? iihnny Oi-rnon Cabinet photos from $i.coto $4.00 Vpedalty. 16x20 crovon? framed 1. Isior $10.00. We rarryu large stock of 5x8 and sterescopfc Tiews of Or- Notice of bi"ssoluiriirno' TVroriCE 1SHKRKBY GIVE? hitttvMnn f Iim 1 t.. JSC nCl name of Inom, Lanning ft Co. htn11. ia this day dissolved bv aiutuil jt rneparttea, John Irom havios " 'he interest of K J Lanninfj. Tlx X"0?" will horosflcr be carried un by J.!"' the nurchaser thererf. who Benin PKi bl a partnership debts, and wbu ab.' P 1" hortzed 10 coiieet and receipt IoirvJ . QToe the late firm. .ohm hot. K J I AiKt,?nd 11 Dated this 1st day of Jul, 1S!, m Ul Notice to StockMc e. c Nt'TICE 18 HKKE6Y OlVtS last the aunual stockholders ntand tie Waterloo Development Ccms oi 1 Waterloo, Or:, will be held at thsaUtion oOJce in the town of Waterloo, Or.ang t nesday, August 2nd. 18V3, at the a ima; o'clock p m of said day, for the pc6 tort electing six directors of said cootrong serve for the euauing year audtoance; luch other business as may'ck fit hffoe said meetlog. Mrs i Dale d this 7ih day of .Inly, 18113. iad t J O WHlTSUtfol LADIES' TEA Z ices i J1 Is a pi en ant diii.k. which will he 1 the atotnacn witmut nautiifa or npiL c repioductlve organs. A jicutlw pbyLu noiit ontlni in l. It aids dicwti""! faiuful nifDRturatioD, reduces ccrju'tucy; clems tlo c( iTiif8' rebderitift it f nirv si d rcbtoiiutf i h tooe of thekui,tr it remove th bil01 by accunmlatii'ii, producer tho bkIIow'P' compluxW n peculiar to the conttijufe S Id bv all drufUtt, CnE Wall Papl 0 rnd lrilH, PaintN, hved , t JWl Cat Inr-h, StC 0 )ba J. A. (mm ALBAKY, -: lao everitlu.. that is kept in a tjoinjr variety ami itore, Hiifhet tuarki:t price paid fur AJ.L KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED At the tore Alien Bros,, formerly owneJ EaD OUI I TESTIMONIAL Will complete REMEMBER "WftSiKTbi ?ES I. 1 "'vcaiiKarion as to onr responsiuu lty and tho monta of our Tablets. Km ,i, i itea i nn I lei Llli BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BACON, and CHOICE APPLES, for which I wll! Jpay'tlie be$t cash p-ee possible. B F RAMP i ALBANY WSm CO" ! a i Baltimore Blntl. Albany, Crc. realer it, all kind of Furnltnre, Wn, Ij"r ct.t, Llnnleuoi9, I'ieture Kraiuet, Lto. -o UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY HYDE &TAMES, 4 Double Chloride of Gold Tablets : Ivrlestmvt indeslrn rnrmrttcrni. . " de of Uitrtatleiil. who WUI vdlmitirilv .. "'!'' i1"""1 "Jowl- TinmTi7TiiTiTTir.n .a iiAartm.rt T. :r r"'."B iinufliUiiifliiM aim MUHruiJiJi HABIT ou?un;Sortnou,710,,n,,,:?t,o'rt itari t m t .. "ft-t-t"!. ruK.TlLLA UOUD CURB TABLETS. benYadTonloauW':;"' i2"m' !." "hall iu wiin Dcrsoni wnn i&rr lMin nr.t.i i.-.v,.. - Ml, Li Tan, era ."".I u"' fr ' . ati.uu kt itncanrre. nfl jou.'ld'n Wlft doe" not keep then:, ft-.closp ns S OO sinrl we will atutl vuu. 1.0 r..,,,.. , . y 1 'v Tablet. ..,.i.Blir ,IihreeCtfrM,!,':,n,e .ni tfm pblnly, and stato ." " ;-. .. fcw "w w AuuiMjcu, aiorDnwo or Trot-rVit rs 1 J hnr SdZJL A YEW Uuwllo.ersonswnoliaTcleneurlaiJytheuseufourTiBLi VTV "WA S Wiiuiiwuu. Mil I 'HI I M H I CTta m rn- I a .. -t Vs. saV m FT. fK a i 'V www V WJ HaV Titirmmm,.,,.. . L, m m r w r"w a ... S J 65 Opsr. Bteek. aVl X Lou, oiiio. S rX Zi FRFf. Xjf tVa S Truly Voura, i; Ain't W juUNS?P. O. Box O. 4 yrrx aT-V W aaa. I f.SPOIISIBLE i SVK S jlCENIS WOlTCOf Xiquor Hnhit, rriforprn,-. Aftk toT HILL'S Manufucturcd only by THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO., (ent nin irpsTf from personsUf. who have beeni cured by tho use of I Hill s Tablets: Tnr.nniArnr.m11 , rnr for lolnrcn'ri.r.i it wttaiA r'1 1! 1 whnt. vim . . . A ,.iti he- worth 11 l lliatmtioairl.). l rtT. Ins and ...... "in. 1 m ir.' rroro tj-n t. lonjrpiiH-sof totmoco. Hnve ehw I id Mtnokra for lrniv n.-. ... . iasri I asusi.HVHivu niv in 1 nave no nt'sire nr n. It. M.J AI LOUD, Leslie, Mich them all rlrrhlnn rt.i i . ".'i l J'-l' tliev did ii ork h,Te.: :.T.J'"? ""ysmoirerana cut. Truly yours, iiATlif.V JUHNlM. P. O. Box 5- n. p,Trnif. PS. Coii-rTiint drinker, ti an-. in nut t.nini ill lHlf ni tV KlTlll. I invn -..iA.i " ' - " selesaf iu wnitr to kuow tiiocuro .H.rmt. , :,V. " mourn ieiort r- -asvua. ivynimiy, iktiii. HE LEN MORR1S05. OwcijrjrATi. Ohio E Onin rntitrii. Pn'l'ivt .-or.. . , I h:Tt UJ"d niorPrlHiO. llVtKXlt'T.ti'icniiw two jiuitfcaoi your Tabid, and wiout nny tffort uu uVV 'pJru unntu an virUorf to MiaTaMri. 1 . . a - l.7poler.,.t, aiiv, fori; yralZST?'' t 'n.m.?-3 Ift Ull MiVnart u- . fir-1. . i a V. line T1"ar itifrtwn THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO., tMvf,,. C l 63 and 03 Opera Block. LIMA, OHI I price. aA