Hi ALBANY, OliEfJOX, FRIDAY, JULY 14. 1S93 KO 58 F. FOP, Evangelist, 'Mo.oe, Iowa, vritw under date of a, , March 23, S!K: th u$RT. MfG. Co.. a; Dafnr, Oe;;on. riving home bet week, I found all aoxioosly a-vaitinif. Our little 'ht ad one-hslf yara old, who had iw away to 3S pouD.Ia, ia now well, 'and vigorous, and wall Heshsd up. ) ugh Cure lias dine it wurlt well. th children like it. Ypar S H. " vara baa cured and kpt away aW t)n from me. So give it to every giwatiogafor all. Wishing you I, y. we ari efonrk, Mb & Ms J F 1-ord. iJwh to ftifll iretm and cheerful, ai,l roaily CiHtu'i work, cluanio your ytum wjth the anJLlvjrUjru, bytakiiir tw.i or Uirue itdn cent par bottlo by all drugs'.. JVer spoiltive gmrajtee by s J ACUMMING. dCrownMills OHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. ocninoDBavrEuioR ro& rauiMa ; AND BAKCUs VSIj ST STORAGE 7ACl.,!fJR8 Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is plcosaut and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers mid cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs U tlio only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have mado it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale' in DOo and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one v. ho wishes to try it- llo not accept t.ny substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SiH FRAXC1SC0, CAL. iouisvilu. Kr. new toxic .r. he Oregon Land vVitn iti home office at j : sXiEiin: - - - orilig o:isn tt" f ne Gray Block, corner Liberty ami Slate street, branch office 'n Porlla-u I A.KES a specialty of Sunnyskle fruit tracts near Salem) will sell 0, 1U or 20 acre Jots at $50 to $60 per email uasii payment jorfytiniefon baiance particulars. nitiimnn it 7 byBurkhart Bros. One of the oldest Job printing Office! in the State. Ik only Exclusive Job Office IN LINN COUNTY We have the Largest and best Stock of Printers' Sta tionery, it lias ever been our pleasure to offer the people. COME TO SEE US For Good, Quick Printing. 4 SJVSILEY, ALB AX dins GradwoM's Bazaar r?le very latest news Is that you can buy at JULIUS lDWOHIVS BAZAAR, for net oash, goods as follows: Irtuokle's Coffee, Per Pound bs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 lbs. Magnolia Sugar White 1.00 7 e'-senOiPer single gallon 20 s refilled, 6 gallons 90 SO0119 00d Pl0kles,ttarket firm 1.10 i nuw mo. x syrup 40 The Australian AVr,Yic ayr. 'r00 s itlllatan abnoirr.ally low level." And yet protectionists tell ui that (ha "prospect office trade" has luined prices in Aroeilca. Why then, Is the wojl market demoralized In Australia. Tl.o same 'pro.pecf should have the effect of itrenithenlnc rrices thern. If tilts assertion were true. The real cauie oi the low price of wool seems Ij .he over production. Rosnlmry Ki-:vV:f. The area of the Uniterl states, tclusi'e cf Alaska, Is 3,07.0,000 tijuare milts. Over loo-surveyors are now employed In survey ing and preparing maps r.f country, ana aucut one tilth ot the v. hole ar.a has already heen surveyed ilurii-, :lu in years in which the work lias been in process. Ahout 6o,oco fquure miles are annually surveyed, and it is esiimnTed that ii wi require 43 years more to complete the map. I.KHANox. At 11 meeting of the city council hint Kriilny eveninr. Mnvor lialiiton tcndcreil his reKijrnntirai, which wim m-copt-ml.nnil linn M A Miller was eicctcd to serve out the unexpired term. TC IYohler killed a larsre u:kv while in he liioiintulns recently. It measure 7 feet 11 inches from tip to tip nf wines, and III inches from head to tail. IV I'rill has mounted the bird. J .1 Dllbrilillc has rented l)r Fnlev's linns. on Main street, where Mr Kins now lives. He intends luovinjr to Iiebannn in the near future. m To break the luonotonv Tliesdav eveninrr some of our citiams got up a fal man's nice. I he distance run wiw one block- nr nlmnt i"0 feet: mid the winner was to receive a sack of flour. .1 II l'rev, Kelsey.Jius Sharp and P W Afnrfnm entered the race, lhe race was won by J II Frey who got the sitek of Hour, but it was very close between him nud Kulsey. Advance iiiid Express. A Wholesale MEaeiiANTsKiccrasios The Oregon Pacific railroad company have arranged to run a Wm!ale Mer chants' Kxcnrsion from Sim Frnnciso to Atuany on July Zth. Trie steamship "Willamette Valley" will 1. avewith this party on me evening of 'hat day, arriv ing at nquina on the 2!)th or Soth. The an I'rancisco Hoard of Trade will at- ten J tins excursion in a patry. It s the intention to entertain them in the same way that they entertained the Ogon merchants nu their recent trin. It i. d.'sirnble that these mercbnntti a) vi8tt a many points in the Willamette valley as oossible. 1 hey will be allowed Ave days to spend throughout the "alley. inntltnr TaMl.a IT : .!ti probably be Btarted (or San Francisco on Aug I4th. All arrangements wil1 be made to entertain them nicclv unon their Tee Brat In lire Worlif: Sena'.or Henry C Nelson, of New York. writes: -'On lhe 27th ot February. iSot. 1 was taken wlln a violent nain In lhe re. gion 01 ine Kianeys. 1 (.uttered such agony that I could hardly sai;d up. As son as possible I applied two Allcock's Porous Plasters, one over each kidney, and laid down. In an hnur.lo rry surprlre anu ueugnr, ine pain nin van'sned and J was well. I wore the plasters for a dav or two as a precaution, and then removed them. 1 have been usine Allcock's Por ous Plasters in my family for the last ten years, and have always found them the quickest and best remeilv for colds, strains and rheumatic affections. From mv ex perience I believe they pre the best plasters n ine worio. The Niiktheiin Pacific Railroad II.!. Slahii titf. Fates. Officials of the Northern Pacific Railroad have decided to place low rates into effect. Thpv will oil ticket from Portland to St Paul for 8L5 first-claas. and make comsnntnlinw U rates to all eastern points. World's fair round trip rates will bo greatly reduied. Tickets can lie utilized on either of their inrougn trains, troth of winch will continue toenrrythn Pullman tourist upholstered sleewrs. Two trains daily without change. For full information anil to secure your sleeping car accommodations, call mi. nr address A 1) Charlton, assistant genera) passenger agent, o. l.'l r irst street, cor ner of Washington, or C li Hurkhart. loe.il agent, Alhary Oregon. TELEGRAM NEW. A Peculiar lull. Toi'EKA. Kan. .Illlv l:l Lime Holler of Lyon county, has preparer! papers in a case which he is about to institute against A U Montgomery for destroying his crops by causing a cloudburst in 'the midst of harvest. Montgomery is a rainmaker, living at Goodland. About two weeks ago a lemur, siorm, wtucu enueu wr.h a cloud burst, did great damage in Lyon county. No warning of the storm was given by the barometer and tin signal service was un able to explain it. Uontgonitry at once began to boast that he had created the dis- tucbance. llutler suffered a heavy 'oss as ne resuu oi ine iiownpour, anil now seeks to recover damages. The snrrm clnridlmr caused the wreck of d Santa Fe train near r.mporia. in which a fireman and an cr.gi neer were killed . failures fornix Jlonlli. Sjax Francisco, July lO The Brad street mercantile agency makes the follow ing report ot lailures in the Pacific states and territories for tho first six months of 1SC1: St-Ao No Assets Liabilities California 3J!I 4,i7.'l,G2fl S7,59:t.0tC uregon . . . . . . . S7 .ciBO,44'J yi'0,494 Washington 45 520.S.H 00,810 Nevada 4 22,2"i0 47.4M Arizona II 80,000 17,000 Totals... NEW PlIOTOOIt M'!Ii:it. I have mrenrxl n new gallery In the Y. M. C. A. block, 2nd street. Albany, and will try hard to please all who will favor me with their patronage. I will take nil sizes ami styles of photos as good as the best and ns chenp njr the cheap est. I am no traveling photo here today and gone tomorrow, but hnve come with wife and children to make a home in vour glorious climate. 1 hnve come to Slav. lease call ami see me nml trv mv w-nrir Very respnctfully yours. r A. IIammkll. Late of Toronto, Canada. K (- 1Mb- will sh-. x 1 Ikw 'a-wwr. "lr s...' wns n d.il. ;. 4li.. (,r :vih i-. It. t--n:i -e -'.ft." ' ..ii ...408 85,aoi,17G 69.439,417 She Slipped, CHICAGO. Julv lii Amelia Herrr. n German girl who nuts trained ticers through a performance at the menagerie in Midway Plaisance at the world', fnir. ten. badly hurt tonight by a new tiger. She was trying to make the brute sit on a stool and when he refused she tried to drag him by his fore-Daws: lie was too henvv and the girl slipped and fell. The tiger leaped upon her like a flash, and before the at tendants could drive him away ho had lacerated the girl s richt thigh in a fearful nianner. Miss Berg was carried from the arena unconscious, but not fatally injured Colnel .Ulller Hume. Portland, July 13. Colonel Robert A Miller, of Jacksonville, who was recently appointed receiver of the land othrent Ore gon City, arrived from Washington. 1) 0. yesterday, and is staying at the Perkius. He is accompanied by his brother. William L Miller, and George R Neil. Both young men were recently graduated from the law department of the Ann Arbor university, and will go to Salem today to apply for ad mission, to; the supreme court. Colonel Miller will accompany them. In a day or two be willgo to Jacksonville, where his coraniipijH a awaitinir him. A baring Rolirery, "rT C0KFF.YV11.1.E, Kan, July 13. Tho bank of Mound Valley, owned by C M Condon, of Oswego, was rohbed at noon today by three men, who rode into town and, enter ing the bank, tied and gagged the cashier, ' O Wilson, and secured the money in sight, which amounted to 8000. Before Wilson could give an alarm the robbers escaped, and are on their way to the terri tory, 20 miles south Trie Lailles. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report KoM Baking Powder ABSOLUTE! PURE Eternal llsllance s the price of health. But with all our precaution there am enemies alwavs lurk ing about our systt ms, only waiting a favorable opportunity to assert themselves. Irnpu-lties in lhe blood may be hidden for years or even for generations and suddenly break forth, undermining health and hastening death. For all diseases arising from impure blood Hood's Sarsaparllla is the unequalled and unapproachable rem edy. It is King of them all.for it conquers disease. Proor of Uerll The proof ol the merits of a plaster is the cures It effects, and the voluntary testlmoniali of those who have used All cock's Porous Plasters during the past thirty years is unimpeachable evidence of their superiority and should convince the most skeptical. Self praise is no recom mendation, but certificates from those who have used them are. Beware of Imitations and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask tor Al cock's. and let no solicitation or explana tion Induce you to accept a substitute. Par Iter ISrcs, grocers, F. M. French keeps railroad time. Buy yonr xroccri-is of Parker Bros Fisc groceries at Conn & llendricaon's. liew cream cheese just recoived at Conrad Meyers. P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Blook, does Urst class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled E cent cigar at Julius Joseph's, Dr M H Ell, nhysicisn and surgeon Albany, 0.,ia. O.lli mlU li oiti'or country . Notice. All parties who have been in the habit, of tvimr cows so thev can run over adjoining sidewalks. are hereby notiheil to stop the practice, or the ordi nance in reference to the same will be enforced. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladles may use the California liquid laxative Syrup" ol Figs, undsr all conditions, makes It their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup ,u ni me uui did 01 ine pack age. Advektisino Novelties. To have a complete line of noveltise, direct from the iiiukera, can furnish the 8 nine at lowes prices. Whistles, mirrors, penoiln, mem orunda books, napkins, fans.rulctn, yard sticks, panels, chromo cards., en ns. enlen dan, xmas cards, etc., in season. ' Ami always tne Dest Job Printing tr SMILEY, Loading Printer. Lai'Ndey Work. Every citizen of Al bany ehould bear in mind that the Albany Steam Lanndrv snarantea ft rat uasn wur k i r- wamoaapw pram, ana erupruya noiiung urn wniie lAOor. Shirts jone as cheaply as the Chinaman. Pat ronize your own race. Wedding Invitavions. -Wooden,' Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. ST"8mh,icy. ThelSklll eurl knowlrdce. Kssnntial to the produotioo of the moit per rees ana popuisr -axative remeilv knowr-, hare enabled the Cilifornit Fig Syrno On. to achieve a nrat sococ in the repntati. d of its rein-.ly, Syiuo nf Kij. as i is conced ed to be thq universal laxative. For sate 1 .11 j : 11 urui 1 World's Falr;Travelers Will Have II The public demand through servics when trav.linj. It ia old-fshion Uo "Change Cars." On the '.hronsh, obd vstibnled trains cf tho Chicai; ., Union Pacifio & North Western Line from or to Cbioago. Omaha and intermediate points there la no haoge. This is the finest and fastest Ber ce between the poiuts named. ;5ip of Rssl& Vou don't have i look twice lo detect them bright eyes, bright color, bright smiles. To tiel ai lareiParls rt'gtrdine Hood's 8ananirill.. people who tike this me!icin..r testimonials oleen nnhli.hiMl i.. r lliey will o.mvinoa yen that llods'a curt) liuod's I'llls cure censtirjation aa th td th .apa W hea T ravelin?;. Whether oo r.lessuie bent, or bnsinets. take on every trip a holtle of Syrup of Figs, it aots most pleas ntly and effectively on the kidneys, liver acd bowels, proyeutinK fevers, hetd.'hes sad other fonee nf sicknea For sale in oO eentand $1 I etilei bja'l leadire drugijists. Ashhv ( Care, Kosl Krraw. 801 W ,,. ingtoa Street, Portland. Cr, 11. iM. "l i iTnT .h.J rl"h "o,- " oJ wl b aold for net rash from I r,bT.vr- rrfR.Trpr,r- .. rhl.iwr.. faney goods, .04 mi?a 'flnrntfl. 'ri' "","1 -nm-nl of grocerl-a, crock- fsswoer, and alwavi DlAaa tnr eilrA.nM jrr. I alwaya plas tar customers. Or saver n iponsible Insurance ocmpenie. Jallnsj Uritdwohl. CoAnn and L'mntso of irood oimlitv a reasonable rates are the tromr noint. nf 'the Star Contracts of the World's Fair Hotel and Hoarding Bureau. For wile nt all rail road ticket offices in Portland ami at Salem. Albany. Kugene. Corvallis. McMinnville and Oregon City. Don't go to Chicago without vonr accommodations reserved, un less you have a big p irse yon are inxicnis t empty. Call on C. K. F.-mik nt the depot for particulars, Snileh's fatr. the ire.- eoKh .nrt eronp sure. f-r .le hy a. P,k,t sit ont.in. twrni-Hve ,W.in'v 2x Chiidn-i Ijre it Feshay k Mason,rJ Twealjr Iran' rxperleaee. C D Fredricks. the well Known pho tographer, 770 Broadway, NeW York, says- "I have been using Allcock's Por ous Plaster! fur 30 veais. and found ihm one of lhe best of famllv medlclde. Brleflv summlnir ud mv exnerlenre t hv that when placed on ;he small of the back Allcock's nastera fill the bodv with ner. vous energy, and thus cure fatigue, brain exnausnon, deuilty and kidney dllTicul les. For women and children I hive ound them invaluable. They never iril ate the skin or cause the slightest pain, but cure sore throat, roughs colds, pain in the side, back nr chest, Indigestion and boa el complaints." 4 1 1 1 v 1 1 . 1 .. , . , on lhe Ds i,:r, n- ii n .! in ashinn si-eet fre aioh month .1 In Ka7 Wlaaerl The fo'id Tutlhaledltrains of thn Rhicaao. Union paciro ft Nerlh Wrst rn Li distam allcompetirion n'ti i s-e. Ii has the r-hnr'-est line, fr-arest time. Union dapnta arrd no change nr delay a', the Alissonri River.snd ia the popular World's Fair route. They Increase appetite, nurli j f 1 whole ajratcmandacton thollver llllc fjeadaSraoa. SHilnhV Vlta'-t r t what vnn r,A I. m dyspesik. tii id ,lv r, yollcw skin 1.1 't-.A- nev trontile. It r. rarant-id to eive vm atisjaotinr. Price 75j. Si'dliir Frwliai & Manor. . wm 111 aiaui The travelirg pn dic are now folly alive tnthf f0. thU lh L'hiesun. ITnirn P.rIH & North-Weftern Ine egprstt-n vsrv lest aecnrrm-xlstiees tr he nuhhc frnm i,sin Chua.o, (Inrsha r,n,l rnterm-rlrate pi i tfl. net only dnritf 1h World's F.i", hi al' tne yeir ronrrl. Aliti.iy rlirgsl. EMULSION. ungr.t in every ac tion. Dis:;ist: is overcome 1.. . 1 3 j wm ; w r placed by the healihy T7Scott,s Emui.-ion o( coa liver oil clfects cure by hiiii.-lingr up sound flesh. Jt is agreeable to taste end easy of assimilation. ""i" JjJP! or sent by mall. ttic Mn. and L0O per package, fiamplea freoT WO WO .T1" Favorlta TOOT! MWDW taV I1W 1 or the Toeth and Breath. grp. -M.8wV'A"s,nBleo,Cal, arsi "Shjloh'a Catarrh Remedr la the Urat. medicine I nave ever found that weuld do mo an good." frice 50 eta. Bold br UrugKlata. SHILOH'S cure: Tim fin r at rVtrTntt rVri skisl Whore all otbere t aiL For Consumption it bftfl no rival; bag cured thoiiflanda,ana willcrma VlfiORoF-.MEN 'he,0c. r?ln, 8c. I lour. ff.Oii. Hutier. ISn. Eggs liie. Iaril, 14o. Prrrk harns t. . ahoutiLirs, A.-i er re. Hay. iMleH fit "oaloea, lOOn. Arple-,1 0u Ifo 1 80. iried f.nlt-.plrr s. On, npplnt, Po Chlekena. $4 60 p r dinan. Beef, on foot, 4'. Hogs. dremM. 7r. Eitllj. Julckly, Fcrntanont.) Reilared. W5AKME3C, NERVOUSNESS, DESILITY, ami a!11!,i- frnJnof r!:ii Iri'iiHMri) ct rifiRor toter cxet-ivaarit. tw r-iilts of meraurk, It- U 11 fun. worrv.itc. rullKtrciiffih, diTf.Iojti.?rit anl ii.no firm 10 fry -ri;n nd o-illii f tl.f. Only. Pirrifii". nntnralir(:ho:a. Irnmlnt"riiimvrn'Tit n. r-'lititf.linpoi-H.le?. V.tl rfferriK'iH. IliMik, riiUimt1.n nti (I pMof aiatlt-U 4cvkd ) fret-. , ERIE MEDICAL C3. BUFFALO. N. V. PARMEKS. ATTENTION ir : vi.c 1. am WACCN HACK. BUGGY, CART PJ-CW HAR30V,DRILt se-:o-EB, FEED CUTTER, iIEJakin mromer. The p;y Pure Cream oflariar Powder.-No Ammonia; No lnni. Maee "r:llicna of Homes jr. V-j a,e Ston-r or airy kind of a Farm ln-iVrnr, hide, cad cn ir addr..... Vo B. F. RAK?, Opposite Tost Ofr.ce, Albany, Or.