Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, July 13, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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tailyj gjcmecvat
BiuiAgKAiii.K ti;Ki. The Corvallis
imet ays: A suuicwhat remarkable
;ed has recently became a matter of re
jrd in the reeurder'8 'Jtiice in this coun
'. It is a voluminous instrument, and
tecuted by Mm .lane Abraham, of Kaat
rtland. Mia Abraham is tlie relict of
imes Abraham, who died in IK'.il.and
present conveyance is executed to
rry out the provisions of the latter's
at will and testament. The deed names
3 Lee, A O Faiichild.aiid U .M Illeuian,
t.East Portland, Trustees, and conveys
i tLein the follmviiiK real estate in the
ilowing comitie: in Oregon : 8.100
rea in lackson, 100 acres in Josephine,
3 in Henton.nlit lots in East I'ortland,
0 acrei in Waobitiittoii and eleven-,enty-fourths
interest in several iiuartz
nes and real estate. The instrument
fliers upon the trustees the same
'wen for disposing of the property as
raid be invested in Jane Abraham if
Mid deed bad no, been executed
.e land is to be sold and the proceeds
to ba appropriated as follows: Jane
irahatn is to receive an annuity ot $2,
) during the remainder of her life;
,000 ia to be paid to Bishop James M
:.obarn, missionary, to be expended in
n-J areotion of three school bouses in
kIU for the education of heathen child-
.. , . it nrui :.- t i. . I i... i
r Abrham's brothers, brother'e-in-yt,
nieces and nephews, in sums of f 500
fcd (1,000; $10,000 is to be set apart for
it;) establishment ot a deaconess school,
t;d the ren ainder of which there will
large amount, is to he invested and
I proceeds devoted to the endowment
a tneoiogical chair in the I'ortland
moiif. tya iintotu
him us. imi i-t.u :l
' KskiKivKR Ai'pointkd An effort
h,'s made to reonen the Linn Countv
tnk, and it was generally hoped that
couiu ue uone, out it is said the
dd faction would not agree to the nec
lc,.iary arrangements. We often have to
miawayfrom home for news. The fol-
.uns la from The Dalles Times Moun
neer: "Mr II M Ilea 11, of this city,
,! J. diapose of his furniture by auction
ct Saturday, preparatory to going to this state, where he will
. e the position of receiver of the
pended national bank.
Wlfm rt ii 1 1 1 v Itm-u 'I' 1 : u 1 1 u :i n n 1 1 1 1-q
always heard from. A Salem paper
S Ht:. Harold II Fiske, well known in
iKcaem was admitted a cadet at Wept
:ntrnt in June last after a severe exami-L-omion
in which bnt 90 applicants were
admitted out of 287. He is now in ser-
bese. The corps to which he belongs is
mtto to i'liicago in August. 1'he corps
mwil have severe camp work for prepara-
ma nnni mat time. v m i.amie irom
rljem ia at the head of his class this
ir and is the adjutant of the hatallion.
ia A line soldierly looking oflicer. So
' lor Oregon boys.
.mIitemtion Red AIkm. A special meet-
1 of Mohawk Tribe No. 11 1. O. R. M.
l be beld this evening at 7 :30 p m for
purpose ot raising up unieis.
- ii. M. Tavsk, C. ot 11.
a''K Grkat Convenience.--World's f.iir
Wisconsin central line, are
ine uranu central st4ilon 1
This magnificent tire-proof
D n .1
li"ed at
gliding, located In the heart of the city,
Klmt been fitted up as a hotel, run on the
t,dnroPeaa plan, with about 200 rooms
ndsomely furnished and each room 's
pplied with hot and cold water, electric
"hta. etc. The charge for accommoda-
nsare reasonable.and parties can secure
oroa In advance by railing upon agents
jf the Northern Pacific R. R. By taking
Northern Pacific through cir line to
VII logo, visitors will avoid the discomfort
all transfer in that city, and can also
ivei between the U rand Central station
ljd World s fair grounds by trains whicli
n direct between the two poiuts.
C G Bukkiiart,
Agent at Albany.
We Havk to Eat anywav. The bet
, .r the groceries the more enjoyable life
dill and while we do not all live simply to
(, we certainty eat to live. It you
i-saat your groceries and baked goods of
rker Brothers you arj bound to live
jll IIH is enly on a loaf of rye bread
JM? ep the best in everything, and sell
rpricei mat satisfy regardless of times
aJI on them.
Look cut fur Astoria m hen It gets it.
$100 was stolen fr.m Leon V Wash
burn's private car in theatre.
The Three Sifters is being re'r.odeled
at (orvallls, so Its canici y will be in
creased 25 per cent.
Ouirterly meetings, Lebanon circuit,
July 15th and 16th. At Splcer and
Brownsville, July 22nd and 231U.
The notice cf the marriage of Mr Guy
Moulton vesterday was incorrect. Mr
Moulton has not been u.airlcd to any one.
G II McAllister is erecting a handsome
dwelling on Pearl street, just south of Mrs
Chase's residence, Eugene Guard.
Night before last a thief stole seversl
articles of underclothing from a line in the
yard ot it r I'urdom. rrooauiy one 01
ome campbers near Al-any.
County Treasuier Brown of Mai Ion
county iiis been nn-itieU that the town of
Mlnto. on the Nantlain, w ill bond Ijr $;oo
for a new school house.
Lack of patronage, due, no d)ubt, 10
cool weather and scarce hekels,has caused
the-U. r. othciaU to declare all excursion
arrangements eff until further notice.
Csrvallis Times.
An Albany Tom Sawvcr rilled a cigar
ette with some- powder, and gave it to
another boy to smoke. It exploded burn
ing the boys face In a serious manner.
1 lie bad boy seems to oe educating him
self for the reform school.
An exchange says: "People who live
in' the country should remember that
clusters of clover hung in a room and
left to dry and shed their fragrance
through the air, will drive away more
flies than molasses or flv paper can evv'r
W A Wells has iust concluded negotia-
tioas with Ladd & Bush and J R Brvson.
ass gnee ot Hamilton. Job & lo, ot Cor-
valhs, owners 01 tne tautnorn warehojse,
by which he becomes lessee of the proper
ty, which will be operated this season by
About thirty membeis of the board of
trade of San Francisco will arrive in Salem
July 31st via the Oregon Paclnc- Prepar
ations aie now being made bv the Salem
board of trade toghe them a royal wel
come, inevwui leave on tne overiana
for Eugene lhe same dav, Statesman
At Brownsvll'e hops are making a most
unprecedent growth, and give promise of
an abundant yield. The acreage under
cultivation In tnat section Is much In ex
cess of anv former year, and growers are
molting large auditions to their neids.
In the case of the claim of Wm M Hoag
for $4,247, and Wallls Nash for $2,500,
salarv, as officers of tt.e O P for eleven
months ending March 3d, the Cir
cuit Court .at t orvallls. tne order was
mouthed declaring pialntirls to be em
ployees of the company, and directing W
S Hufford, referee, to take testimony with
reference to amount of compensation to
which mey were entitled.
One of the attendants at the Salem fruit
growers meeting u Samuel Daw, wno
owns a larin near 1'eorta. He came down
the river in a skiff from near Harrlsburg,
and reached Alnany, a distance of nearly
30 miles, rtr noon. He got 10 Indepen
dence In time to take supper with old
friends, and made Salem this morning.
saiein journal.
A soldier, whose name could .lot be
learnfd. arrived at Fort Wal
Walla Tuesday forenoon on a bicycl
having come froir Fort Sherman, Idbho,
a distance of of 270 miles, on a wager of
$500 that the journey could be made In
four days. He left Fort Sherman Satur
day morning, and consequently had sev-
errl hours to spare. He made ninety miles
tne nrst day s ride. 1 he machine ridden
Prof I) V S Reiil, of Kiiiene.was in the
citvover night.
Prof W A Robh. of Port land, was in the
cily today. The Prof is now principal of
one of the North lirow nsvllle schools
Mr A tlackleman left yes'crdiiv for hit
big Crook county ranch whh JO I Willam
ette valley cattle. Three or four men
went along to do the driving.
Licenses have been issued for th mar
riage of John TweediH and KfBa Spellin
ger.Peter Arp anil Mary Kreese.W J Stitt
and Allie L Heseinan, Pavid K Hare and
Nellie L Got's-
Prof G F Rusne'I ami family are in
Seattle, on their way home from the Mer
chants' excursion to San Francisco, hav
ing returned by way of a steamer running
to the Sound.
The C'orvallia Times savs: In the
county clerk's ofriee Monday, marriage
licenses were issued to G A Smith and
Mary K Mrown, and Guy II Morton and
Miss Jennie R Grillin.
R K Mulcahv, Geni'ial Sunerjilendent
of the Gregon Pacilic,left Saturday night
for a week's trip east. Corvallis Times.
The O. P. men areruatlurs,bu they can't
make an'ern trip in a w ek
Mrs tlitchens was bo far recovered
from her severe illness as to bo able to
leave Monday for a mo ih's visi with
relatives at Albany nnd Independence.
She waH accompanied by her daughter
can. times
George Milllcan. of Springfield. Is in
rrineviiie on business, lie siys that
umerous wagons ae crossing the moun
tains by the .McUenzle roule.though there
re several miles ot snow to wade.
Pilnevide News.
lion O N Denny, of Portland, is in the
city. About thirty years ago lie was
county judge of Wasco, was afterwards
police judge of Cortland, and then was
appointod U S consul at one of the ports
in t lima, .le lias also held high official
positions under the emperor of China
and in Corea. The Dalits T. M
The Pendleton K O. savs: George
Humphrey, an o'd and permanent resi
dent ot tns Willamette valley, and now
deputy United states marshal at Port
land, arrived in the city this morning to
visit lus stricken brother. The captain
last night, again euttered tro.n delfrium
but this morning was much calmer.
While his sickness is much aggravated
by his restlessness, the patient's physi
cians still regard his symptoms rb favor-
The Preehvterian church of this citv
has gien the pastor. Rev E J Thompson,
a vacation until September. The church
win ue closed until then it is well
known that r Thompson's health is
not good and physicians advise complete
rest lor a time, lhe year lias been a
pleasant and prosperous rne for this
church. Large accessions to the mem
bership have been made, and the several
department of Christian worn have
ueen well sustained. The 4Uth anniver
sary of the organization occurB next
September and at no time in its history
na9 tne membership and congregations
been bo large as at present. Corvallis
The ladies auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A.
gave a social at the rooms last evening
that was asucceBi in every respect. The
rooms were tilled with young people.
Among the features of the evening were
some contests, such as driving the most
nails in a stick of wood in a given time.
This was won by Miss Grace Piper with
ease. Mr W K Ortel sewed the most
buttons on in a given time. FeatherB
were pinned on an owl and needles
threaded on a jug 10 tho amusemen of
the company. Interspersed was a pro
gram, consisting of a song by a male
Nkw York, July 7th, Isa.l.
Right patrioticly did the citizens of
New York celebrate the"glorious fourth"
Farmer Dunn favored us with a clear
day and a temperate one at that. The
s'nall boy with his explosives and the
various firework displays made things
as noisy as usual, hut considering the
vast extent of this kind of patriot! nn it
is gratifying to learn that not one acci
dent occurred duriug the day. This is
unprecedented in the history ot Inde
pendence dav observations. The beau-
tifulwcather caused many people to leave
the city and spend the day in the neigh
boring seaside and mountain resorts.
All the excursions both Bteamboats and
railroad trains were crowded with peo
ple eager to get out of the city tor a day
of reaction and enjoyment. There were
many ball games, picnics, parades, out
ings, etc, and the people enjoyed the day,
as well as observed its importance.
On Friday last ex-President Benjamin
Harrison walked into the Fifth Avenue
hotel quietly and almost unobserved.
tie was alone anu nepnsiieu me swing
ing doora of the Broadway entrance and
proceeded up the corridor to the office.
His manner was so simple mat a stranger
who vis not familiar with Ilia features
ceuld not have told that any special vis
itor had arrived. When interviewed the
ex-president said that lie was going to
Cape May, new Jersey to spenu um
summer and then in September he will
nrneeed to the I .eland Stanford J r Uni
versity, wntre ue gives n www
WtnrpRnn Constitutional and Interna
tional Uv. ITs arnnld not discus DOl-
itien hnt said that ha favored the repeal
of the Sherman Silver Law. Regarding
the iVorld'a Fair General Harrison said :
The fair at Chicago is grand and glori-
oua. Jt is a whole woriu ltsen. u win
repay any one to visit it, even it ne ouiy
lias time to walk around outdoors. As
an architectural exhibit the fair is gi
gantic and inspiring." Saturday after
noon iust before the close of business on
the stock Exchange one of the members
on the floor discovered General Harrison
in the gallery accompanied by his son
ti ,, I J .1 mamKara
Lives of many men reninj us
We to greatsuccess can climb,
If the reading public find us
Advertising all the time.
A female tramp was put oil the sound
bound overland train at this place Sun
day night. She had been beating her
way this lar. hhe went into the waiting
room at the depot and pulled ofTher shoes
and ran around barefooted lor awhile, and
to all appearance is not in her right
mind. She says she cau.e from Chicago.
Her manlier indicated it Kugene Register.
Tho following from the Independents
Salem, is suggestive of Albany's situation
also: W Putnam, who lives just over
the bridge in Polk coun'y, called on the
judge of that county yesterday in regard
to the condition of the big bridge. The
judge informtd him thatPolg county had
nothing to do with the bridge and that
lie city of Salem agreed at the tune the
bridge was built to keep it in repair.
He said that th - $20,1)00 given by his
county toward but'ding the bridge was
donated just as a private individual
would donate money toward building a
church. Mr Putnam says that he be
levea that the taxpayers, especially in
the lower part of the countv, would be
willing to do their share toward fixing
the bridge. He says that there are lota
of planks that are worn down until they
are not over half an inch thick, and that
a horse is apt to go through at any time.
tht best wafchiog machine made. Go to
Stewart & Sox and tike odo out on irtal.
They tUo have all kinds of wringera.
to carry that great big child around ia her
arms. You must go to Stewart & Sox and
buy one of thir baliy sarriaes. All kinds
and prices.
llnsaell and in a second the members
started to cheer and the ex-president was
compelled to raise nia hat in reBpouBe 10
the enthusiasm on the floor below. Af
ter visiting ex-Secretary Tracey, General
Harrison left for Cape nay
Two hundred members of the Lieder
tram ani-iat boarded a special trail of
aix vestibule car a at the Grand Central
Depot on Monday , for Cincinnati wLere
they will be welcome at me Bangencoi.
STOWING AWAY HAYu,heharde,twotk
oo a farm. You can make it the easiest by
buying a complete ilay Carrier outfit of
Me wart & Sox. Call and see it.
Fresh, pare, sure to grosr aad sold! at Port
land prices. Garden seeds kept in bulk.
Field peas and Field corn also carried in
large quantities. Stewart It Sox.
wsanold style "safety," with an ordl-! quartet, a song by ToroThumband wife.
iECCBRiiiN Hath. Trains will liereaf-
run to Idanha on the eastern end of the
gon Pacific Monday and Wmlnvnlnv
rninff and Sattmlnv ni-Ui,;n.
h tickets, good for thirty ihiva will 1.
il for :!.n0. Hound trip tic kets can now
linmrht to tin, ltiivv nt mm.,;.-.
by day of the week.
rnt VtaniCT Is unanimous that Will 4
rk carry the b-t line of silver ware in
a valkrt. They nave the variety and qual-
a Combination that counts in bovine
is.' An inspection always carries con-
WATuais necjtty nowaday a I
want one oil on Wit) & stark, whose
,ek is large od varied, and prices the
most reasonable. Thav nan uivn tnn
gain ia this line as well s in jewelry
loya Bnder 16 gctflngtheir h air cut a
;reek'e will receive a free ticket to the
!er patterns in 2 ply. 3 ply and tan-
j carpets lor tne Albany Furniture
wis weeks steamer, from fe. F.
entlsh cherries at C E BiowneK's.
Las the New Improved Singer
M. The 1 t is alwsys tt e
jsMitriian, acnt-
ewing ins-
cheapest. T
OiB.-e at F M French's
Vill Stark, th- jeweler.
" :arcjk'a shaving and kair cut-
atftmii M -Fjrland. th.
Albany, O .
kadio,? tlrnk
latinfe-scd hsirj nt'in; j,ar
narv tire. Walla Walla Statesman.
psGeo Jones presented this office with a
sirawberrv that grew in his yaid on Main
treet. It Is the biggest fruit of Its kind
ever grown in this locality, being over an
inch in diameter, Prineville News. This
reads funny enough to people in the habit
of seeing the berries three inches In diam
eter. The grain warehouses at Blodgetts,
Wrenns, Philomath and Munkers, on the
line of the Oregon Pacific, w ill be operated
this season by the Oregon Pacific Com
pany, E W Hadley, receiver. The ware
houses are the property of the Oregon
Development Company, of which A L
Maxwell, of Portland, is receiver. They
were recently leased by V A Wells, who
has signed a sub-leacc, turning them over
to the O P.
The PrineVille News says: Pome mis
creant has been setting fire to fences on
McKay creek. A portion of a partner
ship fence belonging to (juy Vanderpool
and Mr Hale was burned on Wednesday
of Inst week, ana about half a mile of
fence was again destroyed by fire Sunday
night. About eighty-rive acres of grain
was thrown outside of an enclosure bv
these fires, and If it had beed a little later
In the season, the grain Itself would have
beed consnmed. It is prcttv definitely
known who set the fires, and it Is not un
likely that arrests will be made soon .
Clean towels to cveiv cntionier at Vicrtck
shaving parlors.
Latest effects in carpets and nortiers
to arrive with this weeks steamers
freight for Albany Furniture Co.
Miss Redlield and Mies Golf, a song, "A
Charming Young Fellow," by a ladies
quartet, 11 i sees Gnlbraith, Irvine, Swart
and Mrs Nutting, and a medley by a
mixed quartet of Secretary McCullagh,
(leorge Acheaon, Mrs C B Watson and
Mrs Nutting. The lunch was a sluntje
one. Partners were selected by the du
plication of aentences on tiie Bhingles,for
instance "a man ia no good who cannot
win a wife with his tongue." Tha lunch
was a choice one. A free will oll'ering was
Are Ton Nervous,
Are you all tired out, do you have that
tired feeling or sick headache? Vou can
be relieved of all these sympto'ns by tak
ing Hood's Sarsaparilla which gives nerve
and bodily strength.
Hood's Pills are easy In action.
On July 15th they will give a grand con
cert in the Music Hall on the Exposition
grounds at Chicago. With such soloists
a MiunKmisi Heckle and Lillian Blan-
velt'BopranostConrad Belirena.basso ; F B
Bueom, pianist, and Richard Arnold vio
linist no doubt remains of the impression
that New York's great singing society
will make among the musiiiana at the
world' lair.
"Snapper" Garrison has returned to
the east after having ridden the winner
ot the American Derby at Chicago re
cently. The winner, Boundless, won
S50.000 for liiB owner. Mr Gushing, and
(jnrrisnn received 1(J00 for Ills services.
Thia iB considered a very email fee for
the aervico Garrison rendered in win
ning tho purBe. When Diablo won the
Brooklyn Handicap which is worm omy
18.000 to the winner. Taral. the popu
lar jockey received 5000 as his share
from his employers. It is cei tainly very
unjust for Mr Gushing to pay Garrison
onlv S1000 alter the efforts he made
which resulted in Mr Cushing'a winning
the $5C,000. Garrison's apeedy return to
the eastern turf makes one believe tnat
he preferred riding in the colors of an
eastern owner, instead ot me uncertain
ty of the wild weet.
Mavnr Gilrov has made a popular se
lection in David F Porter, whom he has
appointed Hapid Transit commissioner
in place of Samuel Spencer, resigued.
The problem of rapid transit is becoming
an important one anu its speeoy seiiiu
ment is demanded by the people residing
in the upper part of the city and the
suburban ton us. Mr Porter is a real es
tate man, and is familiar with the needs
of Ilailem.and his appointment is looked
upon with favor and ia universally com
mended. Wm. F. II. Koelscii.
Down oo tub Ratks. The Union Pa
cific now lead with reduced rates to eastern
points.nnd their through cur arrangements,
magnificently equipped Pullman nnd Tour
ist sleepers, free reclining chair car and fat
time, mako it tho liest line to travel. Two
trains Icive from Portland daily at S:4o am
mid 7!0 p in. The rates are now within
reach of all, and everyliody should take ad
vantage o them to visit tlie World's fuirand
their triends in tlie east. Send for rates
and schedules of trains, and do not pur
chase tickets until after consulting Ctiran &
.tlonteith, Albany, tir.
W 11 Ht'iti.ntiiT,
Ass't Gen'l Puss. Airent. U. P.
Portland, Or.
io to o. That Is the score people make
who trade with Perry Conn, the dealei in
fresh groceries, produce and crockery
ware. They shut out hard times and elve
clean bargains. Plenty of home luns
and a return for more goods. The game
is umpired on the square, and there is
never any kicking. Piompt and courte
ous treatment. A steady thing. Doors
open early and late. If you would be on
the winning side call on Conn.
They don't aiake any better than th -"Russell"
and Stewart i Sox sell that kin
at Albany. Several good second hand en
gincs fee sale at a bargain.
PAINTS & OILS -The mixtd p"11
for sale on this Cast is the ''Phoenix" and
wo are atjenta for it at Albany. We also
carry a full line of oil?, varnishes, wagon
and carnage paints, etc.
BEE SUPPLIES. -Don't keep yonr bees in
an old box any longer. Stewart & Sox
carry bee hives, section.?, comb foundation
and bee smokers at low prices.
;est to da not fail to see Stewart & Sox.
They keep a large stocx of builders bard war
and sell at prices to (nit the times.
LA. Morris &o.
Flour and Feed Store,
Have removed their store to the Strahai
storj, former!y occupied by Deyoe S
Kobson, and nave on hand a full stock o
Custom chopping don.
according to iaw, and you ought to bay all
y jur guns and ammunition of 8te w t & Ssx.
They keep a good stock and sell cheap.
Oiant powder, fuio and caps always on band.
uviuK, anu Keep large stock OI DiacKsmun
supplies on hand.
Sjtewabt Sox.
outfit of Stwart & goz and take care of your
orchard. The outfit they sell has been tried
in this state for three years by the best or
ehardists and is a o mplnte saccess.
have tiie best line ot tine ehearf, stiesors,
razors and pocket cnltery in the v&Ueyf
Come and see for yourselver,
Stewart & fox.
PLOWS."" We hftve 0 new chilled plow ex
actly the same as the "OHver." We mr
antM it and sell on trial. Extras will tit
Oliver. Also we have a fall line of steel
plows that sannntbe excelled. You might
poanibly save a few cents byeomitift around
and seeing ax. Stxwakt & Sox
To Fai:s:i:us. Ti.e uwltrrignt-d have
1 ( etl tho wrehuse of David Smith at
Tillman and are now prepared to store
ratn.and all turn ts are requested to call
and set? thtm hefra making arrangements
furctorai- elsewhere.
Frost A Sasi-er.
Before goinfc to the liny or mountulns
go In and examine the li Inzer and Eton
jackets and suits at Rend.l'eacock ft Co's.
Very cheap.
Clearance sale ot all kinds of tin's at
IdaM Hruah's. Now is your time tnlmv.
Sewixq Macihkcs neatly repaired an
warranted bv a th-wc nchly ccmpecnt work
man, at F M French s jewelry store. Albany.
tarifl C ti "mr trait iMn atrwl sun
oche. small llilc Ikaua.
Oris Monday, Si.riF.jtnKa ISth.
Just closed lhe most propercus vear In
its hitorr. Wide range of studies 'Thor
ough instruction llusiness course rdiled.
Tuhion free. Entrance fee, $10. Loard
and lodging at reasonable rates 1. 1 the
elegant new dormltorv and bearding hall
"n the campus. where students will rcceirt
personal supervision.
Jons 7. Jonxsox,
residence of W If Parker, in Alhanv. on
Wednesday, Jul tith, 1895, br Rev E R
Prlchard, Mr Charles Kennedy.of Toledo,
and Miss Dana Polndexter.of Albany.
Household furniture for
sale chesn. Inqnire ef Thomas Jones
on 7th, between Brosdalbio and Kerry.
FOR SALE. scoed hand caligraph
hi good c.-mdition for a.ile chea,-. I n
quire at this office.
Stationery, Toilet Anises,
Instrument, Etc
Corner Dicg S'' A tsry, Ci,
Best : in : the : Martet,
Fortniiller k Imng's.
Dry Goods,
Furnishing Goods,
Lace Curtains,
Shoes, Etc., of
Return of
Ophthalmic Optician,
Optical Specialist,
(VIII agafr. be In Albany next week 4 days,
with on tee at Krvere noue, bee.nmng
Monda f, July irrth. Mr. Gay has done
excelknt work here In or city fittine
ome difficult caes glares. Exam
inatlont and consultations free.
August io!h, nth. lath and 131!,.
Undertakers - mid -.- Embalmed.
; Kttl ronstsnflvcn lard a full lire of mttallc, clolh and ccd caikett at
coflins. Also
which will be sold at
buiial rotrs and suits, in hicadclnth, aiin,rsl rrxe.tir
Tbe Lowest Living Profits).
EMBALMING "n) 'be proper care of the dead a specialty.
Wholesale and RetallDcalers In
Notlia llalrr,
Orange and Iron,
Birch lleer,
Maraapnrllla rail Iron,
Iron Wine,
Give os a (rial.