III 5 E4 DL VI ALBANY, OMGOK. THURSDAY, JULY 13, .893 NO r7 '! ifLFORD, Eraplist, Molae, lows, htUob underrate of March S3, I SKI: ' ,; ; jes. Mfg. Co.. Dufur, Oregon. IS) I found all Oar little 'riving borne last week, nd anxiously a vaitinc. i(h( and ooH-lmlf yoara old, who had away to 33 pound, is now well, noand rigorous, and well iloahed up. Vough Cure has dine iti work well, w r the children like it. Yoar S 11. 'wjDura has cured and kept away all uiess from me. So give it to every dfth greiua for all. Wishing you :Tii y. wo ari Voan, , Mh iMrtWF 1 onu. li- : - ; bti. -. i en iiv with to feci uesn and cheerful, and ready fitirinif' work, duaiito ymir aytitum wjth the i and Lrt Cure, liy Ukuu i ur three twwk. J50 oeatf p-r bottlu by all itrustt. l Leader m positive guars :teo bv & ' J A CUMMING. idCrownMills OHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. tccua flock srrcKioR tor amp ' A2TD BAKERS C8F. STSTOIUGF. fACIUfJRS 01NTI3 ENJOYS Both the method nnd results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho tasto, and acts fcnlly yet promptly on tho Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and euros habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt ia its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all nnd havo mado it tho most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in COc and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliablo druggist who may not have it on band will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. I)o not accept r.ny substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE, iff. NEW YORK. ".X. TIN PLATE KltAt'Il. The tin plate factory at KUocd, Ind, hat closed its doors. This Is the institution wnich was opened with a blare of tiumpet- ry during the campaign last year, upon which occasion Major MclCinley was the chief oratoi. It was charged at that time that the plant was p. mere bubble, and was established for political efffc. A quantity of tin plate was made which was used in making republican campaign souvenirs, and this seems to have been the sole pur pose for which the ''factory1 was establish ed, Tlu republican? were enab'cd to snort helmet made ot domestic liu phi to, but for this tho American consumers have already paid upwards of $S,ooo,doo In thrift taxes on imported tin pUlc antl the indications are that this large amount Is hut a drop in the bucket as compared v;i:h what must be paid if the McKinley law is not repealed The 'tin plate" factories are not making much noise these days, yet thc-ir muteness is surpasrod by that of the "tin plate" ora tor of last fall. It beats all how submissive fraud snd demagogy arc to truth. The recent failure of Ex-Secretaty Fos ter, of Fostorb, Ohi3t Is turning out far worse than wjs anticipated. The liabili ties were originally put down at $G:jo,ooo. but now they exceed a million, nnd the tide Is still rising. From whit Is developing in Washington he managed the f.deml treas ury no better than he did his own business. he Oregon JLand Co tVltn its home office t; S-A-XjEIM:: - - - OKlil&OXTa A Wholesale MkkciiaktbExci'Rbiox. The Oregon Pacific railroad company have arranged to run a Wholesale Mer chants' Excursion from San Franciso to Albany on Jcly 27th. The steamship "Willamette Valley" will leave with this party on the evening of that day, arriv ing at Yaquina on the2!Hhnr3nth. The ean irancisco lloanl of Trade will at ten J this excursion in a palry. It :6 the intention to entertain tin-in in the same way that they eutertnim-d the Oregon merchants on their recent trip. It is djairable that these merchants should visit n many points in the Willamette valley as possible, they will be allowed nve uays to spenu mrouyiiontllie valley nother Merchants' Excursion will probably be started for San FranciBco on Aug 14th. All arrangements will be made to entertain them nicely upon the! arrival in San Francisco. (na Gray Block, corner Llberly and State street, branch office !n Fortla-ii. The HtHt In tlie World. A.KES a specialty of Sunriysidefruit tracts near Salem Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $6 G per small cash payment lonf timegon balance particulars. Senator Henry C Nelson, of New York, writes: 'On the 27M1 of February. iSor 1 was taken wltn a violent pain in the re gion ol the kidneys. 1 buttered: such agony that I could hardly staud up. As soon as possible I applied two Allcock's Porous Plasters, one over each kidney and laid down. In an hour, to my surprlre and delight, the pain Ind vanished and 1 was well. I wore the plasters for a day or two as a precaution, and then removed them. I have been using -Allcock's Por ous Plasters in my family for the last ten years, and haye always found them the quickest and best remetlv for colds, strains and rheumatic affections. From my ex perience I believe they pre the best piasters in the world. TELEGRAPHIC HEWS. Aoojier Kevuluileu Maxaoi a, Nicaragua, July 12. Civil war has again broken out in Nicaragua. The citizens of Leon are in arms against the government established when Sacaza was overthrown. More important fltill is the fact that I'resident Don Salvador Mach ado and General Avilez, eoiumander-in chief of the army, are held as prisoners by the revolutionists. The president and general were visiting Leon. Their pres ence there probably caused the rebels to open fight at a time when the president and commander of the army could be easi ly got under their control. Having made the president and General Avilez prisoners, the revolutionists seized the military bar racks, which were yielded without opposi tion, liesides takiii'' possession of tho barracks, the revolutionists seize'l three steamers on Lake Managua. The'e will ' used in transporting their troops. A Timn e arly Dimmed Maxwkix. C'nl, July 12. The business I portion uf Maxwell is in ashes. A fire stnrteu in lunholomew A: wiuirott s naru Wiire store at 11 this morning, burning the storo. Prime's saloon, Kean's clothing store. Cooper k Anill's srloon. l'eart's gen eral merchandise store. Harden Hros' office and warehouse, including 10 WO sacks of wheat; Kartell's livery stable, the postofticc, .Mercury olhce, ocott produce store, Look s blacksmith shop, railroad storeroom and office. The total loss is 8100,000, with an insurance of $,000. Am-eU Matters. Nkw Yohk, July 12. Mail advices from Panama, under date of July 5, say that the tumble in silver has created general con sternation among business men who trade in countries which are exclusively silver- using communities. The extent to which, the credit system prevails throughout Spanish America is unknown in the north, and the debtor wno sees nis resources di minished one-half through a sudden de preciation of the money he uses is inevit ably force 1 to the wall. Will Be Sliul. ClttCAOo. July 12. The fair will prob ahlv after all be shut Sundays. Tim directory may do it because there i no money in Keeping open. At a me'ting ot the board of directors Friday afternoon the question of a 25-cent admission fee ' Sun days will be discussed, as will also the advisability of closing the fair gates that imy.it the reduce! rate of admission does net increase the attendance. An Improvement. New Yohk. Jaly 12. Notwithstanding the (lurry in the stock market today, bank presidents and others ocpupying positions familiarizing them with current conditions have unanimously agreed that the general situation has improved and continues to do so. There was nothing in the finnnciul situation of the country to produch such an unsettling. 4 London Paper Says. London, July i2. The Times discussing the silver crisis says: "The action of India and of President Cleveland merely precipitated Ihe trouble caused by America's silver policy, her reckless pension scheme and Ihe McKinley tariff law. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE rTArilSHED 1S7 byBurkhart Bros. One of the oldest Job printing Offices in the State. n flie only Exclusive Job Office IN LINN COUNTY We have the Largest and': best Stock.of Printers' Sta tionery, it has ever been our pleasure to offer the people. COME TO SEE US For Good, Quick Printing, civiia cv The Nortiikrx Pacific Railroad AVh.t, Slash the Rate. Officials of the Northern Pacific Railroad have decided to place low rates into effect. Thev will sell tickets from Portland to St Paul for 825 first-class, and make corresponding low rates to all eastern pointa. World's fair round trip rates will be greatly reduied. Tickets can be utilized on either of their through trains, both of which will continue to carry the Pullman tourist upholstered sleepers. 1 wo trains daily without change. For full information and to secure vour sleeping car nccoimyodations. call on, or address A D Charlton, assistant general passenger agent. No. 121 First street, cor ner of Washington, or C G lSurkhart, local iigent, Alhnny Oregon. 1 1 1 ' I ALT! S jiilius GradwoW's Bazaar . rSs very latest news is that you oan buy at JULIUS 1 AQWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: ATbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound -Via. Granulated Sugar $1.00 libs. Magnolia Sugar White 1.00 f No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 20 - Cans refilled, 5 gallons 90 - I Gallons Good Pioklemarket firm 1.10 : 1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup . . . , .40 j8 COPftnet a Strict mh mtnrt. nr1 all vnnila n-B I Ka M Tr, nar oh fmrn 1 v J'11 than regaiar prire. My stork r,t Ciiloawara. fanoy a-ood, ana tM vsIrnb'A syle of dishes, as well as a a;pnpri as.rtmnt rf grocerl, crock Vl orl fixtures tacompieU. !jriks a apeolkii. fln t coffees and ttmg powder, and always plas my cuVomers, oraavar n-vponsibla insaranoaecaipitme. Jalla Gradwohl. Elerual lsllunce s the price of health. But with all our precaution there are enemies always lurk ing about our Bystt.ms, only waiting a favorable opportunity to assert themselves. Impunities In ihe blood may be hidden for years or even for generations and suddenly break forth, undermining health and hastening death. For all diseases arising from Impure blood Hood' Sarsaparilla is the unequalled and unapproachable rem edy . It is King of them all.for it conquers disease. Proof or Mrrli The proof of the merits of a plaster is the cures It effects, and the voluntary testimonial of those w!io have used All cock's Porous Plasters during the past thirty years is unimpeachable evidence of thIr superiority and should convince the mcst skeptical. Self pra'se is no recom mendation, but certificates from those who have used them are. Ileware of Imitations and do not be de ceived by mlsrepretenlatirin. Ask tor Al cock's, and let no solicitation or explana tion Induce you to accept a substitute. BER iieue Paiker t'.rcs, grocers, F, M. French keups railroad time. Buy your groceries of Parker Bros Fiae groceries at Conn & Hendricaon's. litiw cream cheese juBt received at Conrad Meyers. P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, does first elass work. Smoke the celebrated Ifavana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's. Or M H EMh, Dhyjloun and surgeon Albany, Oreo.i. Ctlli mtlj In cit!or eouutry. Notick. All parties who have been in the habit of tying1 cows o they can run over adjoining sidewalk;, are hereby notified to tdop the prat-tire, or the ordi nance in reference to the name will be enforced. M'orld'a PalrlTrnvelers Will Have ll The public demand through service when traveling. It ia old-fashioned to Change Cars." On the ihronh, olid vesti baled trains cf the Chicai , Union Pacific A North Western Line from or to Chicago. Omaha and intermediate points there is no hance. This is th fittest and fastest ser es between the point named Sip of Hi The Lad Ira. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladles may use the California liquid laxative Syrup of Figs, und-r all conditions, makes It their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co, printed near the bottom of the package. Advertising Novelties. We have n complete line of noveltiso, direct from the makers, can furnish the 8 ame nt lowea prices. Whistles, mirrors, pencils, mem oranda books, napkins, fans, rulers, yard sticks, panels, chroino cards, en ps, calen dura, xmas cards, etc., in season. And always the best Job Printing tJF SMILEY, Leading Printer. Laundry Work. Every citizen of Al bany should bear in mind that the Albany Steam Laundry guarantee fitat class work at verv reasonable prices, and employs nothing but white labor. Shirts Jone as cheaply as the Chinaman. Pat ronize your own race. Wedding; Invitavions. Wooden, Tiu, Silver, Golden Common every day. Thrsklll pad knowledge. Essntul to the prodncttoo ot the mou per fect aod pnpn'ar 'sxstive remedy knowr, havernshlrd the Caiiiornis rig Hyruo C to achieve Rrat saeafBN in the repnUtii n of its remny, Syiuo ot rig ss it u cAnoen etl to ha the urn vernal laxative. For sale .y aw (!ruL'f;i't. Nkw PitoToonApiii:n.- I have oioned a new gallery In the V. M. C. A. htot'k, 2nd street, Albany, and will try hard to- pleiwe all who will favor me with their patronage. I will take all size and styles of photos an good as the Iwst and its cheap as the cheap est. I am no traveling photo here todny and gone tomorrow, hut have como with wife and children to make a home in your glorious climate. 1 have come to stay. i leuie call and see me and try my work, Very rcxpactfully yours. W. A. JlAMMKM.. Late of Toronto. Canada. To Vet at iMf:!ratu Regarding Hiod's Srtapahiia, ask th people who tike this mediciqft.or ittd th teitimooiVs often published in this pape Tbey wdl c mvinC3 yon that Houtlss care HtMid's fills care nstitiation. Hbrn Travellnt. Whether on i-lemaie bent, or bainers, take on every trip a hott!e of Syrup of Pics, it ants inot plena ntly and effectively no tne kidney, livrabd lo ire's, preyentin fever n, heHdchrs snd other forms of sickness For sale iu 50 oentaud $1 I iiltlei bya l it;'irp diufiists. VKfl T'br n rics- ; t ' Cantons v:.i..- . ..a; O')'.!. tmi !- V. ,:orik fitf: Wf h:.-i :.(' . irav'!M "'h Ashhv C-Canie, KmI FfM, 8') WmI ioffton Street. Portland. Ci. BoAtir ast Liimixo of gool nuality a reasonable rates are the trong point of the ouw ommrui.oi me v onu s rair imiei and Horinlinir Knmin. for snip nt all rail mad ticket offices in Portland and nt Salem. Albany, Eugene. (orrallis. McMinnviile anl ttregon City. lon"t go to Chirago without rrvur nwnntnimliitirin muipriirl n. lew you hare a big purs ton are inximis t empty. Call on C. K. Fronk nt the depot iur pni(-niarsf Shiloh s Core, tne sreis QiMiiih nd eroop fjn', ii ior P-ie ny os, riet sis eonuiDi twentt-tiv dntrs,naiy 25 5. CftiMr.a Jars it rnay a 3issnn. An Esjr Wlaaert The solid votlinledltrainit of thn Ch;cae. Unioo paciHi ft North Wt. " l.m diRtani e all Rornpeti'tjn ifh ane. Ii ha the -h.ir est line, fs et tune, Union djnota an-l co change or de'ay s. the Missonri River, ud is thetwpular Word a r air route. They increase appetite, pnriiy r j whole System and act on t be liver Uile lieaaaSmaiL Sht'-ih'-i it'i r !s what yoi nrcd fr dyfp,iii, u it nl ilvir, yellow skin or kid ney trouhte. lr i" tnsrint-fd to cv- vn ntisjaetion, Price 75a. H Id !by Fonhnv & Masoc Twenljr Tears' Kxperlenre, C D Fredrick, the well Known rho- tog ra ph e r, 7 70 Broadway, New Y or k , says: 'I have bren using Allcock's Por ous Plsalcra for 20 yeat s, and found them one of ihe best of family medlclde. Brietlv summtm? no mv exnrrlence. I siv that when placed on Hie small of the back Allcock's Plasters fill the bodv with ner. votis energy, snd thus cure fatigue, brain exhaustion, debilty and kidney dlfficul- les, ror women and children I have ound them Invaluable. They never irii ate the skin or caue the aiightert pain. but cure sore throat, coughs, colds, pain In the side, back or chest, Indigestion snd bowel complaints." 4i 1 1 t i 1 v t 1 1 io tht Dsn t ax r. n ri' ahion ieet frn eich m-mih til Will OI Hlchl The traveling pn'dic arc now fn'Iy alive to' the fio'-th-it tiiH Chime, Unir.n Pacific & North-Weftern . Ine oflistre verv best ocnrr.mo Uticni in the public from ai d to Chic a m, Mrmlm mi ntrmnrfirrt poifiti. not only diirinf th Witrhi s Fti-, "t all tne yeir ronrd. LUfrm You don't have to look t .vice to detect them bright eyes, bright color, bright r. miles, blight in every ac tion. Uis2a.sc is overcome only when M'Ci",'i tissue is replaced by the her.Khy kind. Scott's Emulsion cf cod liver oil effects cure by buil-ling up sound flesh. It i.i agreeable to taste and casv of assimilation. iT 'Inr-d if Rcntt .t B.ivrno. Jl. V. ATI ilmM SC0TTS EMOTION. 1TTTTT IBP, rOH'A CH5C IT WILL"NOT-;unfc. j An UMMhU IamHm mnA Nnvw Tnwm Bold br DrunKt. or nt by malt aio. too. aodliOOporpmUge. Bmnpleifwa. XFn ff A Tim FtTorlta TOOTH rWStl aU XI, VJ for the Teeth and Bretil.iSo. Captain 8wMn.r, em THem, OdJ arsi "Bhiloh'i Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine 1 hare ever found that would do mo any good." Price 60 eta. Bold by Kruggla. SHILOH'S cure: Trrrg Oriat Couan Ctnti proiantlyettKi whcreallotherafall. ForConsumptioaltna. no rival; baa cured ttwus.nd and will cmi TOU.il takenintime. rrtMU(ta.HcU,U.N. mm of men "Viim,!0p. Oil., Siin. I "our, tn.on. I'llller, 150. Egd Ion. Lard, Ma. Pom lumi Ii alioulders, flat Hn 12Ho Hay. halKl. Hi "o ton 100c. Apple,! 0(1 Hop. 18o. iirled frttlt-plu fto, applea. 9o (?btckAna. $4 60 .r dozen. Beef, on foot, 4 Uor draaaaa. ?o. lEBaking Powder; The r nl v pure Crrao oflnrUir Forrdcr. No Ammonia; Np Alum. Oset1 "''lUont of Homes 4 va9 jhe Ston-'n' Mi., n Caally. Julctif. r.rinnenll) Rellored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS. t DEDILITY. sml alt tht- rrnH nt vt froim-airij trroiBorlaUT oxcfrre-. tU rt'Milu uf miiwutk, lfkui3ii. wurn.i'ic. Fuliftri'iiiiih, flt'ViiDpiiicut mul tono (ftven lu.ery f-rKCti and iv tti-in f the txxly. . tin t'l nil i urn 1 met hutis. lnHTi('(Hntrnipriv7mrit p' rn. KUitrf lmpoHil. 'f.ni rcfrreiKfu. KfMik. f-vtlcnnllin and ptvutm ERi: MEDICAL CO. UFPALO. N. . FARMERS. ATTENTION ir ; YOU T. ANT f A WACON HACK. BUGGY! CART1 PLOW ilARRQW.ORiLl SEED ER, FEED CUTTER, or any kind of a Farm ImVcment or Ve hide, call on or address. D. F. RA?kP, Oppctltc Tost Ofttce, Albany, Or. J