! I t ' Ocriljj gcmocvnt. WILL'S MUSIC STORE ICBICKEaiNO ' "II F M1LLEK, "STECK, AND h "V03E t SON" i'IANOS, ESTEY," NEWJIAy PR03,- D EAnilt'FF v., i-.-' j ,'-n Wri'rr C'lriJ if Prices before Purcrnslny E.ewhere. We eel. tin Bert G-jad at Lowest Priccl tuall IfHt'ttTieiiti, BoV at Uiic of Lteacrlptiou: Kew Horn-; in J othe Sewttix M .:htn. also Nee4.es Oil au 1 Extras for mil Machines; E. lT. WILL, Albany, Or. crsT jji the wok.:. FWlri3Gli!Hll.oro,lnlirpnfl.ii.A-t'-trtT OT-'Ia ittnir two bozec cf tnyotfcer tr-1 ;.oa ci... i uy i"-t. irSET r i: oi.:. . l. roR3ALi:n?rii:.'.M:ii3oryri!i.L?. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Id Ren! the &3fcil? t Andrew lUlitm, DeeM, NOTICE 13 BE4B3Y1VEN THAT THE OH STY court m Line eauoty. Oregon, tt flied HsturiUr Ivy, lSM,atthhfnf 1 o'clock rm of said uy al ifc Albany, orejfor,. aa the time mpfl plate i dual a-ouant and settle uiept of the abjve entitled estate. Any jersie Living anv objei-tioin to the same are hertby notified W- be present aim piwiit tne Mine, Dated thistKh dav of J'toe, la.3. O I L'OSIIOVv", Jr Admin is', rat or. Carats, and Trade-M irks obtained, and all Pat- i ent business conauctea lor modcratc Firs. Our Orncc is Os-positc U. S. Patcnt Ornet J and we can secure patent m leu uuic Uian Uiuae J remote from Washingf., freed model, drawing or photo., with descrip- Hon. we advise, ll patemaoie or not, irec oi cbarpe. Our fee not due tilt paten; is secured, a D.uuirr "How to Obtain Ha tenia.'' with cost of tame in the U.S. and foreign countries tec ic tent ucc Atiareu, C.A.SNOW&CO. Oss. Patent Orncc, Washington. O. C GN FIRE WITH ECZEMA TorrlblB Suffrrinsi of Little T;ity Sovpn Dnotors and Two !lo?;lt.t; i Tall, fared ly f utlrunu My M" v !--t, nn:l:a o, I, triV o-it w fvuix. I i' it-!U;i and buruirit )-.: i M C'-:r.rTMil .-i tin lim -s, ;;mt, f ..v. uti! . I.j nrarly overd ; b; i t r; ;:.! Lfc-v t.i jiv. lu fH'h-jld; he l.i I n y . an 1 but litt i, ;i d.iy. He m v :. , Ui it al !:: ; i! 'i::.. . tWn ti.i; H4l 'i i f v doi'torit in thm ii" j tin) h;i-t b.-miit; t-.-jiri rti-niTi of V .1 1 w .n fdi;!ifu!:- t;i. I, I i Itn w tr a t i - K r taoiiiha 1 ; .! alu-it .i -r : nH-ili-in.-i. n:i,l w ' I' x tirifv dratir -ill. i- rXcni i..ipa-.l : . Kit v . .? an I f. . t the 1. t:.r. Irf tab:. .. .. , ' ; .r v .ti i, n:-i n -'I at.d . .! 1 : nt-'ml lr ln.iirovi ii r.rt.t in Iv ."i.i i!, nn l hr" not- n ,!- ir ;.' l j. i -- .i i v .i n mother r.'tiid w:h Ii ( I., i I".-, ry L-i-jLiir U uao rt for ever;- U v St' V. llrooaUn t.( Lljif. . : . vui;c;ra Remedle3 I- v.-.Tfi r -".re". Mood purillT, 4inl h".nil ti . ti m rn llmei, tr.Mauttjr it-iicv t.ie t m: ! f irnia of cit-ma ami prla-., it ''.!, ivTt;iitrniljr, vfonoinioaltT, aiitt i . t'.... v. rjr fixvif of torturing, dwtiutirx i. -i IlwHt, .ily, fnitftcd a'iJ utid humor of the ktn, mj i' 1 !i ' a of liir, from Infancy to ns, j ' t i e.-rofulotiM, or hrrrditarT, wluo i i ii '.:uua anl lct rhylclane fail. r. ::.-v"yW. Prl', CrnrTiu.We.; fosr, if . ". :"r. $. Vrr)TM thx I'-iTTLH i;. t . mi i i.tJtn jii.Ci'KPviiltio,BoUj. V j- :.l f r " II .w to t''in Hkla Tit-.icat" U , ."J tKuKtr ttin:i( uid l ) WUmcOi!. 0 ' ."(?" ' -'" VU, id, ronrt, chopped, auJ 1 t yCLtiii RadoAp. OLD FOLKS' PAINS. tW3t FoII-rennf rt for al'TV, Infltrn C5 .nX11 t 'lilruna Antl-ritla IMtrr AljMilll ti rimi aj'ii only ftaln-klldre tKn rtft- MUli p.UT. ln.Uh.py.,,! mftl Initltlfr- isik or NCIO. CIO, omooh. 1 -- A UjKI W. L. DOUGLAS a SHOE o1'Up. Do you wear them? When next In need try a pair. 95.00 00 44.00 $3.50 k2.5ft $2.00 FOR LADIES 2.00 I.7S roit BOYS 2.50 ( 2.00 '75 If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, nit! In ta latest stylet, don't pay $6 to $3, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe, They fit equal to custom made and look and wear as well. If ym wish to economlieinyour footwear do so by purchasing W. L Dou2S Shi, Name and price stamped on H bottom, lwk for It when you buy W. L IOUOLAS. 11 roc L ton, Mul. Sold by Star Ilukerj for: r "d iln il'I'l "lril SI 4 imH f.'Y;'R, P:!3PK!E;C'R. -ukalkh is - Mtiit tr. in. tamir tlmMn) e. finreaHKnr. Tobacco, 4 t-iirw Wui-nrt Kptce, t (f fr. ten. lite,. lie, fac every tl..c that la ktpt in a ifviier variety and tooerv utore, Highest nuirL,t price paid fur AJ,L KINUS OF PRODUCE rtW CURB 'W- t.rJT I roti l.lt-.1 wit h I rnhnrrhmW 'i V-'.. JJtiIr-' Whl)M vTr- ur&UV imt.hturr.i dlSfhsn9alB lig ii,. It curci fn a iVwava with'uttlifftid or publicity of 1(ictor. Non-poiaonocs ani trjiirantwa not to etrlcture. Tkt Inivtrsal American Cur. Manufactured I THE WEBFOOT ROUTE Oregon Pacific Railroad, K W I211LFV, Receiver. TIME SCIIKDl'LE. escept Snndnyi.) Let re Albam- 12:!M r. M,jLv Yaqnina, Tt'-O, Leavp CorvallU l:- 3 r, M. lUave Corvallie,lU:35,ll arn.f taqum, r. w lArnve Albany, 11:1s a. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Between Willamette Valley Points and San rrancuco. Ot'fcAtt ST K X K HtiUNtiN, Wi:U.xctl VaMey. Jul;- Ilth CTth, r i.a. Wil'LHiftli Vj!H, Tu j ;it, at Ti p 11 Th. in!f ltVI K STK AM Fit. tramrt 'llw" IciTti Tottland Ytdned.iy ar.d Aatunla) 6 am. II P D.Ocn Ait.Sln:..n Street U'htrf, pot t land I K V';uliri,,, i;n Ai;'t. Sn Kram-io, Cal. U L Jluliaoj, itettcial Su( t; t Rheumatlsmf Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, ume tsacK, o OR. SAHOEH'S ELECTRIC BELT VTT4:,n of tmn nrr9 for-., icw.ofiadi -. .11 (.rot- tomr 2n& ffwj fell oS rt-m'.JlM ffeiVd, fen4 , t. Luftlndl rf (MimoBi.) In t I. ,nd .T.ry (-tb.r rfiTV Jfrr"' iy iunuc n wiMfitT. tM Cnliirfe1' i'.rjr"- ' b.i " 9rai for 4 riivt;i.t. mfei;J uuLtn. . SANOIN IklCTRIO CO.,' , tiarirviatmbrvBTkJLiiB oas. ACADKMY OF- run fmuijf ; -mirv . IT KIThEKTOIIU A I'HAM V iitia. ,i Lit itf ll jr.no, ri o-art, fell'.. i, ..(.. i -aiUrn in prob 1 1 tn Kliim block. It Mlf.YKt? A-t. rrfey .1 Tji 1.1 S'.'icii-r III Chancrf. Coll t .i .-ii:i4u; oil ill l nil. Lo.il. neotlfeUd on rfei!. un.ife. Aibfeuy, Orvgon (1 EO. w. uki:iit. I Attonur .t h. r.d V 'tM-r Pnh.l Will prtl in lltKe'ourti(ttii,.ttti s-icH: ittoiilion .iv.ii to collodion. nj niattcn in trvl)-t DOlre: Up.Uir. UMjn-TwcUfele Block AiIkm.;'. im I', p f 1 1 ' ' ti attcn'.ijii rB.-d t. Oii FdilJDr'a Toutle, Albany, 6 .1. Attorney at Law, A'banv. Or. Allornsys at Law, Albar.y, Oregon. J AMKM J. CHARI.TOV. Attornv-4t-Le. Al! 1eirl busi.isM attcndtl promptlv: FLISN'S Clck, A.bany, On D u. j. r. hih. Phyeldan and Sartreon, OFFICE Corner Krr- itreeta, Albauy, Oregon. D Rtf. SUSTOV V 1AIS, Physician! an Surjeonn. OKi-'IE Corner ewnd and Bicnlalhin f. reen. Alba is, Or, Calls pro.nptly attended t citv andcuntry. c Homeopath',!. j?Spec!-Jist In itlsofew. of th. )C. j mr. r. A 1 Orccon. F IRST NATION A I KWK, OF ALBANY, OREGON resltlent Vice Preaideut rajbier.HMH , .... LFLISX . 3, E.YOUNU ..E, W. LANUDO.S TRANSACTS A GEXERALbanktaBuainese ACCOUNTS KEPT lubject to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE and tel raphic tranefor, New York, San Francleco, Chicago and Ptlsnd ez'on CO jLECTION? HADE on favorable terma Biascroas. . E. Terms E, W, Lxaiui L a BUIH, L. FLDtH Edwiso P. Sox. V. CIT1ICK A CI.,B4ti EltS Or ALBANY, OHKOON, TRANSACT a trenerat BmklnT untneaa. DRAW SIGHT OK AFTS on New York, San Fr 1 ecoand Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved eecarity. RECEIVE denotiu subject to check. COLLECTIONS made on favorable tenon, INTEREST paid on time denoidU M. HcFai'laud, -:- DEALER IX -:- Harness -and-Saddler j Display $a in the Door or Information and frM Handbook writ, to WUkSi i CO. 1 Buuiirif Hew YoMt. ildoit tmriwn tor .oearlf pstenu to America. Ki'W, cot:t ta out hi u. ii hrnliht bt r. tb Katfeto 17 a nc. sitwi ff e ox cai&a. in Uia fncutific utmrau tArfest oirrTilaiipti sf soy bc! entitle psper In th wccVL ;4fQAiair lUuawitsd. No icteiiiaeu ejd ifaau.s m without It. weekly. J.o6 a CUARDIAN'S SALE. Notice ii horeSy siven. that by rlrta of an older of the County Court of Linn mntr t, Orepou, uisde and ent red of record in srd hv said court on the 27th day of Miy, 193 "I will on the 20th day of July, st the hour of one clack p m of ssid dsv, at the cosrt hiue door, in tne city nf Al bany, Oregon, sell to the highest and bent bidder therefoi, for caah in hand, the fol lowing described premttes belong to Maud M Wagoon, a minor: .B'iziDniDK at the northwest corner of ths donation land c'simt of James O arret t and wife 10 Tp 13 S K 4 weit and runnlos theoos asutS 37 link; thence east 32.61 chain; thence north 6.75 chains; thence west 32.41 chains to th line hween Sections 16 and 7; thence north 9.27 chains; thejcs wnt 11. M chains to the northeast corner of the donation land claim of James S Hill and wife; tnnces&ntn n... cisin; thence east 1.74 chains to the plice of beginning, containing 31 40 acres more or less. And also the following described premises belonains to Friocee M Wagoon a mioori HeglnoiDg 37 links ecnth snd 32 50 cfaain east of the north wet t comer of the donation land claim of James G arret t sod wife and ran man thence east 7:50 chain; thtnoe north 41 links; thence east 29 96 chains; thence north 6.35 claims; thence west 55.46 cnaioa; thence sooth 6.75 chains to the plaee bjri"ning,cootaining21.$Q acre morecr leia. Toe interest of aid minors in aaid lands to be sold being a fee simple interest re jctie y, I. H. WAGNOX. W R. Pii.ykv. Gnardian, Attorney for Guardian. SlcJentlflo Amerlcaa li: vWjgg TRADE MARKS, iW1 DEION PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, ato. I Food - -Digestion -Complexion z. j are all intimatelyconnectcd practically inseparable, g Though the fact ii often " ignored, it is nevertheless - true that a good complex- E -j ion is an impossibility with- izrj L j out good digestion, which '2. 'n ,ura depeuJs on good gjs There b no more common tr2 cause of Indigestion than T : 7j lard, letthe bright house- - keeper use GOTTOLEN Thai New Vegetable) Shortening ! and substitute for lard, and grTi i her cheeks, with those of " I her famil') will be Jiir more likely to be " Like a "jjz ; rose in the anow." II - ; Cottolese is clean, deli-1?.. cate, healthful and popu- lar. lrj- it for yourself 'JZ-..- SendihreecenU Inttampi toN. ?:rLjz y -Tg K. Kairbank & Co.. Chicago, lor , , handsomeCoitolencCook Book, . i containing six hundred recipet, : Z' prepared by nine emineiitauihor- m- 7- uiee on cooking. flade only by N. K. Fairbank St Co., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. S LEEfiTKT CS! ALL 0THFR3 FOLLOW. tiiu(l:gh DAI'iY TRAINS lmw rorlliinil, 8:45 . M. 7:30 P. SI. I DAYS TO ej en Q THE QUICKEST TO CHI O UAN3 THE EAST llbUrd AHD KANSAS CIT. PULLMAN AHD T0UH3T SLEEPERS, FficE rtCLIHIiQ CHAIR CARS DINIilQ CAilS. For rae.anj general information cal Or. or address W H HL'RLBURT.Assl.Gcn'l. 1'ass. Atft, 35, Washington St.. Portland. Oreoov From To n Northe n Paciflc Eailroal Is ihe Hue to tnko Tj a PointsEASTantl SOUTH It In Ihp niMn II rani. Throncli El iitlli ii- Hie ST. Ill I ak TK. I.- I 1 JJ 0 l:0 CHANGEIOF CaRSj f nnimscil of Diniii" f ars I'nsurpassfd Pullman llrawina Koftia Sleepers (if Latest Equipment TOURIST SLEEPING CABS, Best iLat can he pon.tni'le I anil 1 1 whirl) aocnuimoiitiinn Are both free and furnlihe I for holuers of Firs', or cond ciaaa tlckots ALd ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Coiitinuous Line connsotios with al linss, affording Direct and. Uninterrnptsd Ssrvica. Pullma-j terer rewrvatlons can be aecured In advance thrnugb any tftrnt ot the road. THROUGH TICKETS lo and f mm all poinia in America England an.1 Kurope can b fnrohw-l at ary ticketefiice of Ibis courpanjt Full information concerninir ntu, tlm oflraitia. mutcaand other details fain loneJ on application tu any agent, or A D CHARLTON, Aaaifetnnt General Paiuencer Agent. So 121 First St, cnr. Washington, Portland, Uiejon. CG Bmkhar'., lecal agent. FOSHAY MASON -T3Ml'.S aiTtU Droiteisiaand Dooksellets Ai.U for John B. Alden't rnollretlorr. vakbweseiiat enhilsherS pricaa wltk GOOD HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND Hi 4ft TO FIND A Ct'ilB FOR RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIAT( KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BAty XTC.t!ilJ.7? iO; 'r'i .v. c- .atW 1 V' " ant. 1b-sSELE3TsfJI Oar?OOpnae boik "THItBB CI.APPSi niiddrr-nood and old mnn, tciit neRlf l, f'to. aa wo havu restored lhmiftaa;!ato rrbiihL bfiihli r Shown by hundreds of canes throughout t inn r.:i1 t wiioin ws have siruug latere bcarii.c u-.iro:y WE HAVE CURED TH CENERAL DEBILITY CURCO. hau l-r ( Ml.. AUKut 11. Itfv-. Tr. A. T. flanden. li-ar Sir Uj' oro 1 usd your L li I was troubl'-d with lost vitcor. vltil wakstn'. m i almost a complete loss of powur. 1 would mi up with a Terr tired feeliug, bune achlnc, tO-i alnca Unlu-i four belt I b tv had a nrw leue of lit . I not er j"7 if better thn I tiave for ton 7 ar i-at. I huve the utmost con 11 Je oca In jour treatment. Yon can iub lUb thia statement. rIko Imteotlmra writor c.ill on ZD. Trulryimr. 11. A. BOWKN, nd 1 Turk bt. RHEUMATISM AN D LAM EN EE S CURED. 1'or. lead, UrecuD, Ai-nl lf ItW. Dr. A- T. Banflen, IerSlrr I not one . f our h-alti two weeks ago for rhfiumatism, from whl'-h 1 .ufTt rrd for several veara. For the vns: mx niontbs I bad not been alilato w rk. Your brlt ha place J me in tilmost perfect health in the toe-ki 1 buve u-d It. 1 run arolk comlortiihlr.find feel like a new mnn t'nerallr. M. E. ULOlltd, Prapriewr International liuud. i NERVOUS 0E8ILITY-LOSS OF VICOR. Tucuma. ali October H. lDl Tr. A.T Panaen,Der Hlr : 1 huve bn usioit jour Klectrio belt for jiunerul nerroua debiUtr. and to-iinv feelbetter than 1 have for live jears. I have gained ia flgor daily, and am stronit m evorj part. . ouxe gratefully. Oil AS. LTJETKA. T FARMERS & ftlFRCKANTS w v !KAi, ProslilenU J I. COWAN, Trenauror. Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Coinpi EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE Of 1 llli Southern Pacific Co. Express Trains leave Portland Dally. South mom JCLT 1, ISM, North 7:hip. al. Lv P-.rtTsnd Ar j 7:3& i M 10:23 r at I.v Alb:iiiv Lv 4:'J3 A at H.lb A a Ar San Franvlaco Lv 7;00 r H Ahwve trains nl'-li onlv at following stations north oi tvenurif. bast fort' ana, u rerun t;ity, n.tu. oum, Salem ( Albanr, Tangent, Shmbl, llalscy. tlar. risbnry. Junction City, Irvlny, Eutune. aossBt;rio mail, pailt 8:30 A if Lv Portland l.':45r M Lv Albany 5:6'.'rn Ar Oosuburr Ar ' 4-wry Lv u :Lv 7 Ma ALBAlfT LOCAL DAIL1 (llCSn StTSOAT) 5 W r at Lv ft y r at Ar Portlaiiu Albary Ar 1J 30 a Lv 6:30 a :10a x I Lv Allnnjr Ar 110 Till 9:00 in Ar Lebanon Lr SO fe a l;l,K Albfenv Ar :2S r Pm'.LMA 3i'F7 iFE?FR3. AND ' Dinincr Cars on Ogd'n Route. SECOND-CLKSS SLEEPING CABS Allasuetl t.all Tlarouxh Train.. Vr.l lrtf Mrl.lon. BCTHECV l-OltrLIM. AND loUIILLID. llllb raAia daiit (Eiscpt Sumuy, Wis jlT P.irfii-.l ArS:3'lry 12:10 r Ar LVrvaiii. it 1 12:65 ra BxraiasraAts aatLt (Eicjp.8oi.lay. Ciiirnl i.t 7:i5rAr Portl.rl McMlnliTtll. Ar I A Lv M A Tb.rmfjTbi Ticlsett "r -.i r" rjni.-rn i.anwiia inn Europe cai he oVa'.ne l a, lowest ra'es from C It rM.lr AMn ilhanr . K0RHLC8 T. P. RWERS, Manak-er Q. f. ,nd fort'wi Oreiron. REVERE HOUSE 'LBANY . ORECMi HAS. rFfilFFFK rROPRlKToR jTln-a1 tp'I-aticn as th?y rnnnct roach the o.m? j ji. r;:-;n ,-f tlioe.ir. T.i re Is on!y one .y t-j f .i ''..Etc. rf, at:tl (hit is by eoii'UtU" tior.r.i r . . rf'iie.-. iscaiised by aa in- C con; "I of t':o r-rcous linlni of th5 EjitacLiian Ti'.y. W.ienttis tue is inQatned f oi h.vp a rji".D-' -""Tir. 1 or imperfect hear nx, and whra it i fr.tirtly c!ot if, Dcafnet ia the rosnlt. and nuse-itlie Inflammation can be tnk-n ont and thit u So restored to its normal Cr-d.tion, bv-arir? uiil bo destroyed forerer; nine cc-out ot t?n ar enured br catarrh, r-hicb is p -tT,: tr.t aa iatliuniMl condition of th Eirjrv! r unices. W rv Oie TTrrv?rd Toilars for any Cif ? of rVjfness r raute-1 bv catarrh) that can not b cvrrd by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send tor circulars; i.e. ... f. J. CHOT CO., Toledo, a JW So.a Ly Pnuauts. Tic with KItro Nn.Sf,. . tnrv will euro f VKi. all of thu atiovmnniMiM 1 S . f oor .Veaiory, nil I tlifeHoftBOf Hbuaes, iit,.' or exix'surc. wui Lmi rt-itevaawH cure in our iuitrvLil,tJ.7i winch required butaiitait,'-- tho most aki'l.tlc tl. Iri,.": fei'ta you mar have urf!!? yiturBystteiiion.-rveffirwr. ' niucn im e?ineiritrVT etnattd yoiirwciitucsaoti,") t I II yu 1 e place into you f 1 ClPmcma thua dr..kci-.l v. (lUirt'd I'r tiKriiUMttien!'.' reuioVtitliferKUfTniiil ii ' u:.d Tii-f M l 1.I!,i-.t m' la (iitr I'lan and trcutat'tMo utmiuiitt'u a cure -r n-rn..' '.CP Mf.Y," shu.l bor-H-i by tfb JUr, Huiulfiin Eltvtrir IJpIt la nor, d vlt-or.ultir all oilier ttealu:ir.ta raiiw Aw b?r Hi a(e,wlo would uladly ti-iUfy, and'.. " 1.1 1 ut-ir recovery ait it uaius cur lielu " T i3E-WE CAM CURE YOU! m : l-AMS BACK AND RHEUMATISj Port! tin d O-eaoti. Sft,tii.t T)r.A.T.Pan1fti.lrSir;--y,MrBVf't . . hard work, cpibmd with the tt ruin corauVTriVl jar ot mi enwine, itav tna a "verecaoiait irom -lii I ti1rd for evu juarj. 1, il:t 1 cou..l n.n btn'l uir back, u u 4. i hi with tt. 1 ban nil t on" of .i'ir belts. It in-idof tw d4j ,and I conllau-xl to Mutt niOiittm. bttiug FtfrfiTtly ourrd. That iit nd a. o. nn l I am amd- to-uu n I e-er wjb, , know mir bflt w.-ll, ai.d I kn lot01 Vou8' have b'fn cured by it. Mnnr other nT. thm ibcj would try It they would ffrd it thiimn 1 tm btM reaitidyin the wo Id. 1 ; -1 JJun pTmnnntlr,hnd bfia4 to talk a wmiUloinipi ' real-oil I'. " KUIlF.KT m-KKi:trnBiawTT.ah LOST V ITA LITY.A N O STRliNCTli blt I have bevn preatly heneiitod . 1 frti trey fit returning; and nfttra montl!',-: licit I Hud mywlf twice aa v sor-Mia a fa,1, mcmorf is now nearly perfect, and cacku for the better. I f 1 iiiucb atroucer iS, w'al usinif the belU Yours truly, .UEMtUtn THE DRSANDEN ELECTRIC BELT t fi a eotnplete sal van io battery, made into a belt ao as to be easily worn durtrur work or atTJH inn A S.ves sootbioii. prluniied currvuts wbicb are tostautly felt throughout all weak parts, or w' 3iOUO. Ithasan linprovrd Ktectrlc tSusponaory, thenreate.it boon ever given wtni& wo warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and tornlarire shrunken limbs, or parts, or jj Refunded. They are cmded In strength to meet alletajtesof weakness in jum, middJe--oiler men, and will cure the worst caaea in two or three months. Address lor full (of orinatlun, SAN DEN ELECTRIC CO. 172 First St,, PORTLAND, 03 PATR3K!2Es IIQM i:i5TiTi)TI0IS. id IORAICE G' -Albany, Oregon. SI J o WRSMI.8Mr Geo F SI M WON, Vlco Pre! lm. DIRKtTTOItS- 1 ivuvhm 8o F SimpHcn, iV F Km 1, l 11 MontRlt'i.M NtirnnargJ VI J E Weal berioril, CJ Stmrt. i A'ritsin in. -ALSO DIoTIttCT AGKSTo FOR 1 Will cure r The worst case v.. Of Skin L Disease ( From a ( Common Pimpl, On the Face To that awful Disease Scrofula. Try a bottle To-day. JP'lfaFllfWaW syiaJiSWf Boton. Mass.. for best niodiiilorjpubIW 4LP1NI COLLEGUTS fflSHTl AL3AKY, CJREGON1 ; 1891,1803 j Ir.l Term pene,l arplerul-" " ; A f- 1 mm. nf InilmtorJ- CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITE? COMMERCIAL AHD KORSSA- CLASSES. t surma ol atndy arramred '.I Krailes of students. f Sftiat uianermrntf eftrnl to ' , from abroad. ' irV. ttnitnT SI CMSf ARE YO'J t a rewspaper tto ?, antlicr, arti pnbli.u. r or a' .rtl.fr? I! yonaro, or M . Interr.t '"" tf-hsatwy-, ..lio-.WnaJ . TrlE JOUr ALIO". L DO YOL vtaT.t to reach thaboT.f , 'i b u i-ivrti- in TnS JorRN'AM'T. rti;it n ..tj.yar. tM. artw.u-.a ti.slnamlilw ALL N FOU.iAX, tailor anil I'ropTletfr, . T LHT OKEOA ii ii l n