Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, February 28, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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h'o aro general agents for tlie pplnhrni,,,! ir,..o t,.,.
r, J VI O J. Ul
.iit 1 1' nips, also the Ilumsey Foiee and Li t Pumps.
; urn Hi nuu uiesu pumps 10 give periect satisfaction or
:Io. We also guarantee them superior to any other
: in the market.
Wo also carry the largest stock of Farm; Implements
t hiclen to bo found in the valley, Give us a call.
i'rCHISLT,, LEWIS & 00.
Sntl& JSlla-w-ortli st, Albany, Or
I What is
pstorid is Dr. Saiinu'l Pitcher's 1 Ms v. for Iif..!.i:$
and Children. It contains iici'.I.or O MorpMno nor
other Narcotic li li L.iitnic.-'S substitute
I bp Paregoric, Dropa, JJ;;;Uiin:j j r:;, V.d Castor Oil.
rifc is Pleasant. Its guarauio lliir.y use by.
311111 jua of Mothers, Cast aria destroy. "Worms and allays
fcvori.slincsii. Castoria prevent voiuitfirj .f'nar Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and VI iml Coi.c. Castor; relieves
teething troubles, cares constipation r.;..i iluiulcncy
Cast or ia assimilates tho food, regiiliilc ..10 stomach
aud bowels," giving healtlsy and uatnraV Isep, Cas
tori;i is tho Children's Panacea tho 2Zot!ict Friend.
Casio: ia.
'fatoria Is an excellent medicine fv chll-
tn, Mothers have repeatedly told ir.e of its
plcTcct upon their children."
.1. G. C. Ooood,
Lowell, 71a
'Ckstoria U tho bert remetlv for children c t
lien I am arqua-iited. I hope the day i j t ol
r distant when mothers will const.ler tin- nr. I
lertstof their children, anil uso Castor:.; In
pdof the variousquack nostrums which are
proving their loved ones, by forcing opium,
'peine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
its down their throats, thereby sccdiu
fato premature groves."
Da. J. F. Kimchelok,
Conway, Ark.
Tho Centaur Company, TT Murray Street, New York City
j Castoiva.
" Castors is so wi-l! adapted to cli!.lron that
I rvcomp.eui Jtudisupriurioatiypi'eacripwioD
II. A. AttcnitTt.M. D.,
Ill ix. U., l-rooUyn, li. Y.
"Our r.-r i-lAns ia tho chiklrei's depart r,y.;c: cf t'jjir experl
u -o I.i tL. .. ciitiJo pr.tei.i.'o villi Cxstoria,
!;i;d c'tiioiirh wo only have among oi:r
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits cf Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it.'
j3acon, Mass
ALUSJf C. Surra, Pres.
Albany, Oregon
W y KKAi, President.
J L COWAN, Treasurer.
3 O WRITSMAW. Secretarr
Geo F SIMPSON, Vice Prosl.lont,
Cowan, Geo F Simpson, (V F Rend, D B sternbnrg,';J W,nu..ira
j u. vv eaiueriora, u J stu irt. i J wrinmin. .
veral Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies
ulius Gradwolil's Bazaar
e verv latest !newa ia that vou can buy at JULIUS
P &D W0H1VS BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows:
A-rbuekle's Coffee, Per Found
Vbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00
lbs Magnolia Sugar White 1.00
No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25
Cans refilled, 5 gallons 100
& Gallons Good Pickles, market firm 1.10
20 lias. No. Savon Soap 90
1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup -40
ouMinot strict cash s'.ore, ao l all gooils will be s.)'d for net cash from 1
-. -,,t lran r((UiBr prh e. My stock of Chinavvare, fanov eooiis, snf.
' ..! v:i i f lialw... . .j.. i .'i iiNinl -.rtiant of groeen-i,eroeH-Bipiii.l
fix aitdh is tompltU. inks a siucil(v ol Hii9 t'M, etJw n1
"H powiiiT. ami always pla.-0 lay istoiriHrs.
Sa or several responsible Insurance oaiiaire. Jalint tirndwohl.
Wghest of all in Leavcnin- Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Ucpcr.
Spiced pigs feet,
J&vveet pickles in bnlk,
Sour pickles in bulk,
Kaislus. citrons.
Lemon peel, extracts, etc.,
For the Holidnys, can be found at
Paikor Btvs, grouers.
M. Frobch keeps railroad tiuie,
Buy yoar;grooeri of Farkor Bros
Fiao Lrroci4rios at Conn & lleodricsou's.
New oream cheese just leoeivod at Conrad
Meyers, j
P J Smilcjf job printer, Flian Block, does
ttrsc class u-ork.
Smoke thecalobratc.l Havana filled 5 cent
oigar at Julius Joseph's,
Or M II Dhysioua and surgeon
Aioany, uracil. ij,U4 miii in ott
A woman " rim-down?
overworked, weak, nervous and do
bilitated that's a woman that Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
made for. It gives her health and
strength. All woman's weaknesses
and all woman's ailments are cured
by it. It's a legitimate mcdicino
not a beverage ; an invigorating, re
storative tonio and a soothing and
strengthening nervine, free from al
cohol and injurious drugs. It im
parts tone and vigor to the whole
Sank Ridge Cbmp.teuv. This is to
notify all persons interested in Sand
Ridge cemetery that there will be a meet
ing held nt the Urange Hall, on Sand
RiJl?e, on Thursday, March Uth, 1S93, at
10 o'clock am. This meeting is called
by the committee who has charge of the
straightening up and replatting of the
grounds. The Boord of Directors and
the committee will be present, and wish
all persons to come aod claim their lot
so we can make a lecoru oi tne same.
Isaac Wiieei.don,
. Worth Huston,
- j J. B. Roberts,
For all functional irregular itics", foTicTT'aifltfdtaA WarVeferans. j
AM war veterans are requested to canon
us nnd'ir.ake application for Land Warrant,
to which they are entitled. No charge
nnlefis successful. Call and get ttrms and
particulars, fre.
periodical pains, organic , displace
ments and uterino diseases, it's a
positive remedy.
And a guaranteed one. If it
doesn't give satisfaction, in every
case, the monny paid for it is re
funded. No other medicine for
women is sold on these terms.
That's because nothing elso is
"just as good." Perhaps the
dealer will offer something that's
" better." lie means that it's bet
ter for him.
Wets., i
SI 00 per Bottle?
One cent a dose.
' Tots Great Counn Cuke promptly cures
where all others full. Coughs, Croup, Sore
Throat, Hoarseness, whooping Cough and
AcOima. For Consumption it has no rlvul:
has cured thousands, end will cunB Too if
taken ia time. Bold by Druggists on a guar
antee. For ft Lame Ilai-k or Ch"Rt, uso
&1I1LUH a Bfc.l.4.AtJ4Jr.r.ifc ri.A3i.Kw,
Have viiu Cuturrh ? This remody Is iruoran.
teed to cure you. l'rloe,Wcta. Uijoctoriree.
BILI J ' IT i 3
Jolin Ruvkiu.the greateat of the world's
Art critic s liits become an eiiilu-cile, ami
an Imrtlly tell ii ptiotoKrHpli from h oil
pmntinK. " nat a transformation.
A won inn appeared at a theater int
Porttuml wearing hoop Bhirts, causing
oiiHtyrnatioii. it ia tti:e to predict that
women with very much levelhoadneus
will not go back to crinolines.
TUe Orcgonian cay a Salem is fattening
on Stnte nnnionnations, which is true: but
ii itt nla.i trut. as the Statesman says, tlu '
she wouM futenany way. It would be
much slower.
A gentleman who iloss not want his name
published has left at the Statesman office a
silver dollar, at a nest-egg for the "McKinley
relief fund. ' lie suggests thai the admirers
of the Ohio statesman and governor In this
section, who leel so disposed, send Into this
office one dollar each, the money to be pre
sented by this paper to Uovernor McMnlev
lo help retreve his losses made by endorsing
for a false friend. Statesman.
A Great Invention. 1 the self
pouting coffee and tea pots. With them
yon can pour coffee or tea without turn
ing the pots. Wonderful. None of the
hundred Mttle Inconveniences of the old
fashioned way. Coffee cooks sure and
pure and cannot burn, and tta to perfec
tion. You raise the light & and the
coffee or tea runB from the spout. Ifyou
would have ttfe finest thing In the ' world
orderone wheMrsTalt, the local agent
calls on ou. Ji '?
The rortland Telegram contains a
column article on Btreet lighting, and
gives lists of nriceB. The average annual
cost oi 61 c.tis lor all mgtit lighting
contract evstem. is given as $130.50.
This includes Ottuinwa, Iowa, at $44,the
lowest, and San Francisco, the highest, at
$200.75. The averaire cost bv the moon
light system of 30 cities is $103,11; all
night, where owning meir own piam,
of five cities $64.23; on moonlight system
12 cities, $60.08.
Pre vent Ion Belter Than Caret
Many persona aro afflicted with skin erup
tious. boils oi ulcers. Brand ret h'a Pill:
taken freely will in a short tima effect a
complete cure of all such troublet. Ulcers
of long standing have been cared by thi m.
1'A.rt.iinnlflS h&va been cheered in ineir loei
niencv bv them. The worst fever sorer.bcd
ani-M. mid tho like have been driven from
the skin by tham. Only bfgin in time and
a few of Brandroth's Tills will prevent manv
a ebknees. Krandreth's 1'iUn are purely
vegetable, absolutely harmless, and safe to
Uke at any lime.
A Hl.gui.fril Kepulillrnu,
(litAND Fouks, X P, Feb '.'7. (ieorgo
Walsh, speaker of the house of representa
tives, lias renounced the republican parly
ami gone over to tho iloiuiK'rals. lie de
clares the senatorial contest nt llinuank
ouyht to end the esisteuce of the republi
can party in the state.
M ill be Shorn
Xkw Yokk, Feb 27. St flair KcKel
way, editor of the liooklyn Kajile. has been
for several days nt I.akewood, N J.
During Mint time he has had several con
ferences with l'resident-eleet flevelaml.
lie tonight wrilea his paper us follows:
"Mr Cleveland's inaugural address, as
president of the I'niled Stales for the four ,
years from March 4 next, will contain
about 1700 words, nnd will be more general
than spei'ilic in character. Sir flevelaml
has carefully written out what ho deiires to
Bay, but will speak ut the inaugural without
The Pruurr llet'Moii., Or. Feb 27. In the ninrpnin
court today the staio board of eiiualization
tax case was ueciueii. i ms was the case of
Ira tioodnough. nnnellant. vs T (! lWnll
ct nl, respondents, ou appoul from Multno-
man couniy. i ne judgment ot tho lower
court was ullirmed and the bill dismissed.
Tho opinion was by Lord, chief justice.
i ire i-uurb nuiu l.iai 1L WOUIll DO lllllu
enough for complainant to ask for nn in
junction after the assessment was extended
and the party had paid tho part conceded
iu oe uue wuen ii was sougnt to collect tno
lax, assuming that the assessment bad
been fraudulently made, us alleged.
Celt! Illoodeil Hunter.
Csptam'Sweeney, U S A.San Diego, Cab,
ssys. "Shiloh's Catarrh Kenedy is the first
medicine I have ever foandfthat would do mo
any good. Price, 50 ots. Sold; by foshay
Sc Matoa.
MovisgOutfit. The undersigned is
prepared to do all kinds of house raising
and house moving promptly and tn first
class order. Call or leave orders at my
residence at cor of Third and Oak s'reets,
Albany. I B Tillotbon.
Ge-ninn Lutheran church service on every
first and third Sunday in every month at 10
m, at the W c T U Hall, by Rev O E
If you want something, good g.i to Carters
seer and I of those tint fat hens.
80J Wash.
Ashhv i-Carse, Rel Errai.
in'on Street, Portland, Or.
Will it w.rk. th- i--lr.
Consumptives, do n.,t impair, There
hope. Trv West's Co-'S'i I- wil
ilwayi enre in early sr e-. Procure a
50c large 8 oz bottle. .1 C'imniing, Drue
The finest line of pucker
:ty at htewart A Sex's
knivei in thn
mm Mm
" Van !- '! " t. i-C-x
The S.
Ii. .k'iularlie and Liver Cure
If taken as directed, we CJiiaran'ee Sailt
(.iclirin or refund your money.
50 cents per bottle, by
. r..iii- "c-s sirs, r e nor Castons,
. r.,easa.lW,slieerinl tor Casrorls,
F!,e Is-.-anm Ji: , r'M d"" fsstons,
L--i Cl.i! liv:.t-.' ;..rc tliim Casfons.
The Portland Collection Acency!haf com.
manced several uits t.i collect accounts for
(1 I, blsckman. Par.ies owioij him shonld
f.Ie their accounts tnd save coits.
Shiloh's Viuliaer what yon nrcd for
dyspepsis, trrpid liver, yellow skin or kid
iiev trouble. It is guaranteed to give yoo
j.ti'iaction. Price75e. Sjld by Foahay &
Sr.ilnh's Cure, the great comh and croup
run., ia for sale by n. Poek-t size contains
twenty-rive dosos.only 25c- Children love it.
P,,thay ft Nfason.
Tills Is Meant er You:
It has been truly said that halfche world
does not know how the othor half lives.
are suO'ering from scrofula, salt rheum and
o'het serious blood disorders, and rvnose
agoDies oan only be imagined. The marked
aucoess ot Mood s narsaparma lor inese
troublea,as shown in our advertising eolumni
frenuen.,lv. oertainlv -seems to iostifv. urging
the us, nf this excellent mcdicino by alt who
know that their blood ia disordered, r.very
claim in behalf of Hood's Sarasparilla is fully
hacked ud bv what the medicine has done
and ia atiil doing, and when its proprietors
urge its merits and its use upon all who
suffer from impure blood, in great or small
ilorees, they certainly mean toincludo yon.
. mn.p.l,.a1u nf ., narfjvtl hMlth . '1
yatnouRnr, unless toroed to our at- .,,,lu.u.v ,,nv'" jmww v j;
I (kaandaall arL-in II llhn (U.tUIlUlKU UL 1HICB llli lllf WUBfa US 'P
Whkn y ou come 10
Pon t fall to visit
The druKglsts They carry a large and
c Ik Ice stoca of drugR, patent medicines,
:tc. I'reBcriptlon are always caretuiiy
and promptly attended to.
It will
Pay you.
A Bevrard ornroo
fcroKANK, Wah, Feb 27. Philip Miller,
a prominent huubemian nhel contractor,
was foully murdered hero abour 8 o'clock
this evening. The murderers were young
men and strangers in this locality. It itt
supposed they hud a dispute about an ac
count with Mr Miller, when one of them,
who carried a loaded rifle, deliberately shot
him through tho heart. The murder was
committed on the south bank of the river,
near the ferry binding, nnd before tho
report of tho murder reached the ollicers the
murderers escaped through the dnrknesa
in an easterly direction.
Mill nrlp the Norlbweat.
Taooma, Wash, Feb 27. The new east
beund local freight tariff of the Northern'
Pacific, received today, gave local jobbers
a pleasant surprise, caused by the fact that
northwest toast cities are given tho same
rAtes to Helena nnd Butte ns St Paul and.
Tim Worst of ibe Scanou.
Minneapolis, Feb 27. The worst snow
storm of the reason has been raging since
dnviight. with little Hiurns of a let un.
Street car tratlic tonight is in a bad way.
Auuimpurinnl IHlTcrencei
make it apparent to thousands, who
think themselves ill, that they are not affcvU
d with any dwrare, but that the system
rimply nerds cleanaing, is to bring comfort
hums to thjr heart ft, as a enstivo condition
i easily cured by using iyrup of Fiffa.
Manufactured by the Cairun.ra fie Myrup
If jou pet a bicc. yet a good one. Don't
get a poor one. Van Wilson, with Stewart
V tiox, has a sample Imperial, pneuinatio
tire. ud a junior ralooa for boys or gir's,
pneumatic tire, that are fine maetincs. Call
and see them
W:ll b ifiv-n away for any case .f Uhcu-1
mfttim which cannot be cured by L'm
mnidV Liuhtninc Remedy. The proprie
tors do not hid tliia oticr, but print it in hold
M po nn all thuir rirculara, wrapper, printed
mutttr, and thro-jth the columns of niwn
iDrn evr win rc. It will work wonder
one bottle curi any ordinary oaso. If the
dniL'eiot .is nrl aot it he will order it, or it
w M he sent to any address by express on
receipt ot priuf, touether with special in
tfucnon. Drummond Medicine Co , 4?
50 Mbiden Land New Yoik. Agents
t il 113 Maifcrt.
Oata, 8v
Flour, f5.0(t.
Putter. SOe.
EpEN. 80e.
liSid, Hi.
Pork bams !5cj ehonldon, sides;
Hay. baled, fi.
vo atoe, f0c.
Applef-,1 00
Hops. 18c.
Dried fruit r-'uma. 0a pp!en. lo
Cblckena, tM"por doaen.
Jteef, on foot, i '.
II ok, dreaoo. 7c.
The Uuiru Pacilie have published a very
neat pic.oriil World's Kaii folder,eontainitfr
oolercd lithoiftpha of tlievaiioiiM Kxtjositino
buildings, hird'a eye view ot the grounds,
with a com pie Ui mp of the city, (showing
location of the f.-nr, hnteln, railway depotr.
street c tr lim u nud city parks. ( ony of
Bim hniv bu h.d hy addreasing W H Hurl
burt, Amiit iit G' octal pAhttenger Agent.
FortUud, Ore.
I ook Our. At Zno or below it it a rif.r.
(teroiin co. diti n of tdtr.parature t thone o
eiifcehh H roiiotitiitioijN, t'vh -.r from sue or
i-fhmity. It .s jiit piieh a condltioe vl the
weather 8 iiicroiif-t". ten-fold thn in ten city
ori-preifd of rlifimmtfc pninit and aahes. Hut
the n tn rly niX ( n-e i so Minplo stid su e it
ia to he wondered tt that any permit them
ulveM to auiTer a day, oi an hour, whn at
anydiu store Si Jacnhs Oilcan be had,
which ni.t only cures rheumatism, hut there
in n -eturu of the trouble.
(Uily H lull I lo Trill
The Rev Murk Guy Pearar, the eminent
Ktiliah Divine write. :
PklfoM) Pi.Aor., HrfHr:i.i, Stji-AnsJ
London. December 10. 1 688. J
"I think it only ri ht that I ihonld tell
yoa of how much uue I fiud Allcock's Porons
1'lanters lnmyf :miy and among those to
whom I have recommended then-. I find
tbtm aviry IneaatiJite auiiit colds and
Ai.ltib Styms to go to Mueller's par
Inrs with the ladies and treat them to
f 'opoaand High T wafers,
Herved at all
& S IX 8
- J i tho vary beit pat :
tiiiv- "y -fi-w in a w it r
..f w nd mil!. pf.mpn. piw,
n ',V VC'M7f d 11m vill
mm trnfi
The only Pu.e Cre:ii;i of 'J artar Powder. No AmiL'onia; No Alum.
0b a Millions of Homes 40 Years clie Stair1?tv
ft ' '
r i
.1 ;i
3 i
: -