Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, February 17, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    l'ublishcd every day in the week
except Sunday.
ui".'KSi JiBTl'INU, Editor", and Prop'ri
Kiitered at the PostOHVaat Albany
Ort-pon, as aecoim vii man manor.
I ...... rKIIIAU 17, K(S
A Sharp Trick. General Compson is
accredited with securing two appropria
tions lot the Oregon National Guard at
the liamiB ot tins legislature. The uul
lixson bill givinis them $40,000 has
passed both homes over the tsnvernor's
veto. The Ford bill to irive the National
Guard $00,1100 in lieu of the mill tax also
passed both houses. That gives the state
militia a cool hundred thousand to
operate with the coming two years. The
governor cannot well veto the Ford bill
wllliouc restoring uiw uiui lux Ul uom
the militia and State University, and
adding considerably to what they will
now receive- When the matter came
before tho House of passing the Gullix
son bill over the veto Ford denounced it
as being in bad faith and an outrage on
the taxpayers of this slnte. Journal
Ford was right. Such ziud of legislation
is very disgraceful and not at all credita
ble to anybody concerned.
Our Memkhrs. The Salem Journal
publishes a flash light of the members of
the Btate legislatuie, in which the Linn
county members get the following good
Weatherford. an excellent reasoner.
logical debater and commands the es
teem of a'l his colleagues.
Jeff Meyers' genial nature and strict
attention to business renders him a con
spicuous figure, an intelligent law maker
and the lady's man of the senate.
Miller, gallant, dashing, always liaopy
ud timely in his remarks and never
Elevens, quiet, dignified, chuck full of
good fellowship and common sense.
Elmore, sagacious, silent, plenty of
brains and knows how to use tbem.
Tim New Officers. The first set ol
officers of Lincoln county, according to
the slate agreed upon by the men instru
mental in Rnpnriner the nnnflaira nf f.lifl
bill, and aB will probably be appointed
iw I invnrnnr rennnvfir lirp na n nwa
couniy juue.
peoples party, probably lormer, sheriff.
lien Jones, 01 loieuo, ciera.
Sain Case, Allen Paiker and T O
Stearns, probably tfo former, for county
A 0 Crogstad, republican, of Toledo,
tounty treasurer.
:on ICtlmra achnnl hi nnrmtiinilan t
Ted Paiker or Geo Land is, assessor.
Vt Rich, coroner.
Alkeady the Wool on Mill at Dallas Is
in trouble. It is a fine thing for a city
lo have a woolen mill, but it takes busi
ness men to run one successfully. The
Tranpcript says: The stockholders of
tlie Woolen Manufacturing Company
met at the court house Thursday alter
noon. Afttr some discussion they de
cided to make p.n effort to raise sufficient
money to save the mill froir sale and
pat thingB in proper shape to start the
concern. Accordingly a committee was
appointed to Bolicit subscriptions to the
capital stock of the company.
R R Commissioners. At the republi
can caucus last night McCrum, of Yam
Ull county. J B Eddy, the Pendleton
alitor, and den Cenipson, of Klamath
Falls, were selected as railroad commis
sioners. They choose their own clerk
from the members. The board is an
entirely new one. Linn county men will
learn not to run for office. Thev Generally
Jet leit. Even Mr Miller had it published
that he was a resident of Portland, in
stead of iB reported. so he would
stand some chance.
A New Grange. Yesterday at the
school house four miles eBt of Albany,
Deputy R A Irvine organized Riverside
Ijranue with n charter membership of
lorty-two. Following sre amomg the
new officers: II M Palmer, master; B
8 IVndleton, serretfin ; v in C Stell
naner, overseer ; V 11 laiuwa i. lecturer ,
' L Keece. assistant steward; v p
f mall, chaplain; Jas 'Jyer, treasuier.
A Bukrler Around. Wednesday nlcht
!rj Alfred W heler hearine a nole n her
oom arose in her b-d and discovered a
faan with a dark lantern In the room. lie
ore a crav beard, evidently false. Upon
feeing her he ran from the room and house.
othing was taken, it was not Known now
e entered the house.
A Bio Stage.
"All the world's a staee
And all the men and women merely
players ;
They have their exits and their en
One of :hir principal entrances leaw
nto Parker Bros srocerv and bakery.
The finest groceries and the freshest pro
duce are Kept, ana tlieir naked goods are
')eyond comparison, consisting of a big
variety ot Dreads and cones, plain anil
ancy, skillfully and well made. An lm
Portant thing to consider.
W.ll Move Feb. 15th. From now un
it Feb. lcih we will aril Boots rnd shoes
t greatly reduced prices inor.ler to reduce
jur large stock before tncving in our new
liners. Ke-,pectlully,
Klein Bros.
LMJP at Will & mark's when vo l arc
O after diamond?, the best watches and
.iiicm imicrware 10 dc secureu nry
c mem.
"iu i.iovrs ficm sl.ajair up. I sairy
t, j -"' hading brands in black nnd col
w ,v in recr-ne ni.veltles for the ho.u a.
a-u'- iortne celebrated Centeliieri iili-r
S.turEL E. Voi no
r-rerpnt ar.n eri- C-ntipntion andSlcK.
ui-aciie, Amnii Uilo beam.
Dr A (ireggory Prill, of Sodaville. lies
been in the city today,
License has been ts.ue l f8r ihe marriage
ofllerl Kbertt Lulu Mclije,
Mr licit Van Clsve will leave for Toledo
in a tew days to resume clurge of the Post,
of the tounty seat of Lincoln.
I- W Deyoe, W E Baker, Grant
and W B Ilarr went lo Salem today to as ist
in organizing a state league of sporismen
CJ Stewart, of Albany, solicitor for
the Oregon Pacific, was in twn Monday
making arrangements wi'h our shippers
for a cargo of wheat. The boat will be
up the last ot the week if the river re
mains at its present stage. Courier.
Judge Gresham, who has been selected
as-Secrelary of State by President-elect
Cleveland, is a cousin of Mr W a Peters,
formerly of Albany, and Mrs Governor
Pennoyer, of Portland.
Another OreHon hov is hrurd from The
Grams Pass Cornier says: Rov K Hackeit,
twelve year old sun of jonn II icmtt of this
city won a pilzc for hesl essay on Columbus
in i ne n l oice recently. I ie lad s pic
ture adorns the columns of the Voice ana
the article p iclies right into the middle o
the rubject in genuine mode n reporter style
Master Mechanic Hume, has retired
from the Oreuon Pacific, and Mr Harry, of the round house has been
appointed to succeed him Mr Thomas
Thomas will have charge of the round
nouse, and Jack bimpson will run the
engine of the passenger to the Bay.
Hon S A Dawson, of this county, a
prominent candidate for railroad coin-
missjoner.a position he would have filled
with" credit, returned home this noon.
He has undoubtedly lost faith in the
word of legislators. It is renorted
enough votes were pledged him before
the republican caucus to have elected
him; but onlv received S in the caucus.
The truth is the commissioners Belecied
will create general dissatisfaction. There
19 evidently something shaky in the
A silver wedding.
Yesterday was the 25th anniversary
of the marriage of Mr and Mrs A
Barker. The event was celebrated in
the evening at their residence near the
S. P. depot with a silver wedding, and
Mr Barker is now thoroughly converted
to free silver. The evening was spent
in games, thorough sociability and in
partaking of a Bumptuous wedding repast
The happy and live young couple were
rememoerea wun a line display ol silver
ware. The sentiment was general that
they should live to celebrate their golden
wedding under as favorable auspices.
Those present, besides members of the
lamiiy, were : Mr and Mrs L C etratton,
ftir ana airs s froman, Mr and Mrs wni
Rumbaugh, Mr and Mrs Geo Stimpson,
Mr and Mrs Al Sav'or.Mr and Mrs Frank
Purdmin, Mr and Mrs G P tVarner. Mr I
1 T n tt I.' ..1. r 1 I - 1. 1
nuu mia m i riuuii, mi - auu ana irniiK
Craw, Mrs S Purdom, Mrs J Stimpson,
Miss Lydia Rumbaugh, Miss Lillie Pur
dom, Miss ICninia Smead, the Misses
vvarner, i lie Misses uodder.Messrs Ras
per Vandran, John Isom.Cary Crawford,
Harry Craw and N Galloway.
Keep Youb Sign Out. The great
Peter Cooper is credited with the follow
ing rare bit of common sense: "In all
towns where a newspaper is published
every man should advertise, even if
nothing more than a card telling his
name and the business in which he is in.
It not only pays the advertiser, but lets
the people at a distance know that the
town you reside in has a prosperous
class of business men. As the send are
sown so it recompenses. Never pull
down the sign if you intend to do busi
ness, for it often indicates that your grip,
commercially, is broken. The judicious
advertiser will receive $10 for every one
invested in the columns of a local news
paper.' Gkt Started Right.
Then the whining schoolboy, .vith his
And shilling morning face, creeping like a
Unwillingly to school,
stopped at "Conr. & Hendricson's, the live
grocers, and left a- long order for some
groceries, remarking that he liked to eat
any way,and that they kept the best grocc
ries there to be secured anywhere. If you
would have the best groceries and produce
al the most reasonnble prices call on Conn
& Hendi lcson. They have them.
The imtnllation ceremonies of the officers
of Albany Tent, Knights of the Mawnbees
will eoeur 'Vidjiy evening, Feb 17, 1893, at
IheG A II H.tll on F-rrv street. An inter
esting rime I- -incicpited
1S93, t the residence of J S Sonek, by J S
Iieland, J. P. Mr A I) Burrell and Miss
Delia M'-Kinney.
MOORE WARD, On Feb 14. 1893, '
the residence if the bride's father Caleb
Warn, by Rev C C Sperry, Mr W J Moore
nnd Miss Laura L Ward boih of Linn Co.
McCLL'RE. At his home near Sweet
Home, Feb 11, 1803, of Bright's disease;
D H McClure, aged about 7613 years.
Decease was a well known and highly
respected citizen, and came from an old
Pennsylvania family. He came to Linn
county in 1831 and settled near Alhanv,
and lias lived on tlie place near bweet
Home about twenty-two yearn He
leaves a wife and five children. Mrs Mc
Clure is a sister of J B Parrisli of
Sodaville Advance.
Of ThosOirazilian ril)!ilt'SifTt;if!es'
by F. M. I'll UNCI I, the Jeweler,
THK sriTE LIUI-iLlTI KG, afternoon, Feb. ldth. The
legislature rushed through considerable
misinees. In the Senate, Nickels senate
bill passed; Alsea was changed to Stan
lord ; bills regulating salaries of count'
judges and terms of county officers",
passed. Myers introduced a senate joint
memorial to congress, asking that a road
department be established by the govern
merit, which was referred to the ceni
mittce. In the House, bill enabling married
women to convey their real property
Without Ilia In, al.un.1 :.,:..:.. -; 1. '
- joining in tne con
veyance, amended so as not to effect
estates in entirety and then passed;
tfimlml Irt VMIt.lal. 41.-. r i r.
, -w punning oi nre
arms at human beings, passed ; Bancroft.
to nrntort .n,,i,r.n ..a.... I ; V
.1 r 7 tt-io nuu io punign
the tamnprm.. ,.-;l. i i
. r....p, i.iui i-.g ui riuiroau
switches etc, passed; Myers, to provide
,.. uuuK u.u.iauei mortgages.passed.
ill LHllfrill l,va nnuau.l .1... . . 1 I-
. . - Hwnc.i me aeiiiiio leaus
Willi twenty-nine, while the house has
""""B" twenty one. ui (liese
Millur Lo. 1: ... ,
. vu, piiHTreuiiigs in justice
courts and Oregon fish ladder; Meyers
maiing iu payment oi lauorers.
Speuial to Drmockat.
,.f!AIfM1.Or.,Feb. 17th. -House: Senate
bills, holding counties liable for damages
from defective bridges or roads, passed ;
to provide for recording wills, passed;
salaries of county judges.tabled; Eastern
Oregon insane asylum, passed; state
board of education to purchase school
books, lost; consolidating cities of four
thousand as independent districts, and
authorizing free kindersartens in public
schools, passed ; Blackman's valued po
licy bill, passed; general appropriation
read twice, special order this afternoon
in committee ol whole.
Senate : House bill to prohibit sale of
cigarettes and cigars to minors, passed;
Governor's appointments confirmed ;
Layman, bill to protect hedges and shade
trees, passed; Oregon soldiers home bill
In Colvig damage suit against Sol
Abraham demurrer sustained.
Those mizzle ninlill-A nrla in tli nanova
are fakes. Charles Simons, of Platinum
Ridge in this county invested $5 in one
and received nothing of course.
Blowout Lake, about two miles from
Green Basin, in this county, a mile
long and not over 600 feet wide is said to
be a curiosity. I lie Lumberman sava
there are indications that the lake has
not existed over 25 years. Probably ten
times that.
The question to be debated by the
Lyceum at Scholls ferry in this county.
tomorrow night is: Resolved ttiBt "mar
ried men lay up more money and enjoy
life better than single men." The
married fraternity are to speak on the
affirmative and the single on the nega
J R N Bell, has a rival for ubiquitous-
ness in Capt P B Johnson of the alia
Walla Union. An ex Ravs : If a never saw
active eervice in the field, but was a quar
termaster on the t'acitic JNortiiweBt coast.
Now, in addition to conducting his news
paper and drawing a good pension, lie is
a commissioner of the state penitentiary,
regent of the state university, assistant
attorney-geneial o' the state and clerk
of the senate and penitentiary com
mittee. Notwithstanding his disabilities,
he seems to be able to cover a consider
able number of salary drawing offices.
The Express does not cive the true
inwardness of the matter in the follow
ing item : The Military Band boys, of
Albany, came out to Lebanon last lues
day evening to give an entertainment.
They secured the Band hall and city
license, but as tne crowd lulled to arrive
as they expected they only plaved a fe v
pieces and then refunded back the
money to those that were there and then
quit. They gave foroe first-class music
on the streets. We are sorry our people
did not turn out better. But come again
boys and be that yon will have better
luck next time.
Of C'ourite Ton Bead
The testimonials published ic this paper re
lating t) Hood's barprilU. Vhiy shuw
oeyoart a doult that flood s Uurea.
Constipation, awl all troubles with the
liver, are curiH by Ho-,d's J'ilU .
TtonTS AKIi Sltntta 1 rarrv tin lnrcra
lint nfniHinm ncirfrl anA artnA ivngvinn
, ,-. euuu
boys, intKKt-s and children shots in the city.
ana nave jui aaaea a line oi gieet snoa
school shoes which I re:ommend to the
trade, uom forget that 1 repair any shoe
1 sen iree oi cnatge.
fc Young.
A Handsome I'mze. A beautiful sil
ver water pitcher, now on exhibition at
F L Kenton's grocery store, will bj given
awiy on Washington's birthday. A ticket
la given for every 50 cent cash purchase
I. A. Morris & Co,
Flonr and Feel Store.
Have removed their etore to the Strahan
Btor( formerly occupied by Deyne &
Kobfcon, and have on hand a full stock of
ccrvail 3 flcu !, bhan, shorts,
cerm meal. graham, buck
v;heat, rye flour, hay,
oats. straw and
chopped feed:
Custom chopping done.
Furniture Store.
4 1 R 'ill OS UR 1 II lf now at his old
1 tnd. opi'oniie the fi'fra hfMie,
wl fff tuo-e wihini Mihtaniial rel'ahl-
ftirnitnr cn reuro what ttev wanl.
Hotiie ininifiicturffl stands flour 'he-ts
nf t-tc rlwavton hand or ma'loou
short uoiifp, at I ottom prices.
Harnabueg needs a goad, lively, efficient
young attorney. Thnre ia a tine opening for
ht right penou at this poiut Courier.
Miller's fish ladder bill iaone that should
prove of immonao value to tho upper Wil
lamette. Our citizens generally will appre
ciate the etforts made to paaa it, Hewood in "New Edjewood
Folka,'1 Friday March 3.-d. instead of the lt
as heretofore arranged. Thia will be ons of
the theatrical treats of tin season, and there
will be a packed houso.
It is claimed that the whereabouts of the
lantern belonslng to the fire department,
now being advertised, ia known. Unless
returned to the assistant ohief lhre may be
Some of onr citizens have been watching
to see when the Albauy chaitet hill oaased. '
It occurred on the 8th,gomg rapidly thtough
both houses. The ouly ehauge is to give
tho oily jurisdiction over the whole bridge.
At this place there remains on the ground
about fourteen inches of anow; at llreilen
bush, 3'i feet, while at Co it is five feet
deep . snow has fallen nearly every day for
three weeks. Lumberman
Tho atato legislature adjourns tomorrow
mornlng.An exchange calls it the $2,000 000
legislature. Ic has boon -ather of a aiow
legislate e.sort of a lady's clerk affair. Sev
eral pretty good bills, though, have been
While the C'nidray-VVasa theatrical com
pany waaiu McMinnville,Miss Ida Burrows,
a member of she eimpany, fell and broki
one of her legs, on acsount of a defective
sidewalk. A bill for damages will follow,
i'he oity charter, though, taxes the maximum
damage at $100 trom such aidewalks.
There are only two inmates of thn county
jail awaiting trial by the nsxt circuit court,
Pnoe for adultery, and Clyde Pratt for
burglary. Young 3rowu in for' highway
robbery will complete hia aentenoe on May
1, when he will be dlacharged.
Agent Frank, of the S P, is now prepared
toBell tickeu over the Northern Pacific, as
it ell aa Union Paoirio and Southern Paoilio,
to any part of the U S. Thia Is the only
place in Albany where tickets eaa be socur
ed oyer these lines.
I OS r. Fireman's lantern. Tho lan
J tern belonging to the r of the
Ahsietant Chlet EnorlnAer. nf thn Alhanv
Fire Department has been misDlaoad.and
any Information concerning the same
win 09 iiia'iKiuuv received by tne un
dersigned, p B MARSHALL.
Sec' A F D,
I lrANTSD Pushing Canvasser of
T T KOOd address. Liberal salarv nnd
ezpenstin raid weekly; Permanent post
ii.ui. onwjsiju,, iNiirserymen,
Portland, Oregon.
FOR SALK -Fine Imrortf d standard
11 red Clydesdale Ntalllon. Five
yearnold. Y eipbs near lOOOlbs. In flue
condition. Price ?4C0. Address D L
Richards, Yew Park, Salem-
TOR SALE A Donif slio sewinir ma-
L chine, nenrly new with all attach,
menls, for sale Trr Call at Mrn Ray
monds. 4th anu Thurston streeta Albany
IOR BENT.--The store building on
my premiss on Broadaibin street
Suitable fcr residpnee forsmat lamlly.
steam laundry for sale, capacitv in
wash department 50 per day; for 2
bands; located in Central Alhnny.on 2nd
and Montgomery street. I wisli tj en
gage In oilier businea. Will sell cbeap
J P fc'MI TH, Proprietor
IJS.OR SALE CHRAP A road cart and
' sinffle b arness, bo.h new. Call on
O'F Russell, county .school superlnton
eol. DRY WOOD, soveial kinds, forsti.
Inquire of P W 8plnk, at foot o
Ferry street, or of A U Morris. Tbird
Wonder" COCmn i .n I 1 1 ti 1 11
?Fritfor Catalnffues nd Prices bef'-ro Purchasing
.icwnerc( neeit ni uixkj i Lsowesi
niall Instrument, Rokn ait Mnio of K
Oil and Extru fjr all Ua'j)iiiiei;
E. I. ffltl,
Albany, Or.
r.rT in tiik vroui.n.
2ttvnar3ti noAliliWRr onsnrp'ia' "l. o'i.ftTl
Cv-!U'irc twu L'.xra of luiyo'l cr 1-r- - l
ccc-id r kmt. iyiii.l l l. l.l.Ml.'it
lwt !-.?.: by i)F.'.T.ywtocy:iiAj.f.r. ttf
Sou;cnir tons at Will S.ark's
VI.VVI Pa ifliod in Itiltimore liine'-i.
The beat on'tlrv at Will Si Mule's,
Fri sh eg-js at F E A lieu & Co.
Trouhv tea sunie'liinii Hue ut V K A linn A
If you want a tiae mukr eill f,r J,ut nl-.
whito labor cignrn.
Have vou teen Or Low e about oar evi a?
If not, why not ?
Come and lue the new chil'ed nl.w at
Rimpa opposite postcliice.
White nft hUnkeU made at tho Alhanv
wooIcd mills for sale by F K Alleu.
Ihe beaixnaat oofiee in the ctty at Oomad
rtfoyer a.
Pa ronijia home induittrv bv smoLinD th
colehrnted white labor ci(;ara, manufactured
by Ju'ius Joroph.
why imoke a China ciL'ar when for lh
same money you can get a w lite labor cigar
made by J Jotteph.
tlemembcr all boots and ahoea bought of
iClein Bros that riD. run over or aolea oome
loose will be repaiied by ua fie 3 of iharge.
A 93- Dining tne year 1893, from e
1 tflnn'ng to end. Will 4 iitark propose to
keep up their reputation of having the
finest ate k of jewrlrv, watches, silver
war, etc , li tne valley. If you want the
best goods at reasonable prices call on
Motor makes five trio dailv to Vieieck'a
aaaitinn. Lotr thrre oa installments of 51
per week.
To Prevent Ibe trip
Or any other similar epidemic, the blood and
the whole system should be kept in healthy
condition. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla to
ceito strength, purify the blcod ard prevent
Hood's Pilli cure liver ills
Sauer kraut,
Chow chow,
White fish,
and all
Undertakers - nnd - Eiiilmlmcrs.
WE KEEP consmnt!' cn hrd a full lit e of niHoMc, c! lh nnd vet d cosketssr
coffins. Also buiinl lobes nnd sulls, tnj tirrc'clcilh, tlin,rrtl n cic,rtr
which will be sold at
The I.owrNt Living I'rofllB.
EMBALMING f,nd rr0Pcrc,re of the dead a specialty.
Boy Stoves aid Ranges
Buy Stoves and Ranges
Buy Stoves and Ranges
Buy Stoves anil Ranges ol Matthews & WasMrarr.
Buy Stoves ai 80011 ot Matthews & Washbcn
oivi5 isrcjOYS
Both tlie method and results wLcn
Syrup of Figs is taken; it ia pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, nnd acts
penily yet promptly on tho KidncyB,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers nnd cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy ot its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho tnsto and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial iu its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and ngrceablo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it .
to all and have mado it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for salo in 60r
and $1 bottles by all leading drag
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on band will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Sweet pickles,
Dried fruits
In large variety,
Specialties in
Teas and coffes,
things nice,
mm, .
of Mattliews & Washburn
ol Matthews & Washburn
1 Matthews & Washbr ;