published every day in the week except Sunday. ji.iered tth Pott Ofll at Alban) q,,.,,!,,", second claa mail wader. lllltAV. . ..n: HUH) 9. US, CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. r GOOD EVENING. A Vkry Versatile Man.- Wo learn nc.Jf1!"lV nal our olu newspaptr friend nJcn' frere, Rev J R N Bell, A Vi, will 7 ..I llracVln..lnn ft In X' r. leave I1" ft"'" -iit vim icw ur- Itan. lie 1 'he most versatile man we knew, in no position was he a tail He is ex-newfpper man. ex-c eric the K R commission, tx-hotel nroDrie- for," president Oregon 1'res, Association, E.scnuui n-miici , ca.-i.t:i;uiivirui college (gent, ex-school director, ex-editor Ore an School Journal, ex-told!ero( the army El Vlreinla. ex-merchant, ex-deleeate to ktntral conierence, cx-moderator ot I'rea . 1.- V 11, I i . . ihrir. High Priest and Grand Orator of lasons, ex-officer I O O F, and is at (resent Grand Chaplain of the Grand ivicrv. c.-imiwi. it-vis', ci- ursniniu ,odae and Grand Chapter, A F and A M On-gori, Grand Representative of the and Lodge of Utah, and Grand Retire. mtative of the Grand Chapter of Virginia. le Is also a popular lecturer upon his irious tiaveis ana oilier subjects, and is old line uerr.ocrat or tne nrst water, and cap tr.e very lop of the climax he has rned inventor, which last of all means nt he is now on the highroad to one of ee places, the palace, the poor house,or Insane asylum. ,orvam, limes. Portland Satisfied. The repeal of mortgage tax law is well received (n city, especially that part which Dro- iiti the exemption from indebtedness. kit this indebtedness has been played all it is worth, there can be no doubt. Ld the new law will reach many who e heretofore escaped by that question. e route. It Is understood that the Gov. kor has signed the bill, and our city Ihers, who have been casting abo'it for source irom whence the Increased ex cises must come, see the this win aua prouany one-third more to taxable property of this clijr. The bill ; passvd at a very opportune lime. natch. It was peculiarly a Portland :asure to defeat the mortgage tax law no wonder they are satisfied. After tub N. G. The editor of the LtOregonlnn having said that the Ore- militia 'ls composed of 6plndle- inked youths, and the entire lot would Keep at Day a couple ot cur dogs," the !!owa Chieftain retorts: "There is no to prevent the East Oregonlan man naving his opinion and expressing it. ilhe will come over to Joseph he nil! in a single company of this despised ji forty men, any one of whom will Me him of his mistake In about two pats." If he will come to Albany we i'lOHMnt him tn flat.! ()ufrm-n T.Inut rft.on, lix-capts v-i.amDerlain and Ir- or almost any of the nrivates. and re wouldn't be a L'rense snnt Iff! ni nnr (' friend, who is said tn he Imrillv Wow caster himself. ft Hit at Missolkiaxs. The Seattle t-Intellingencer In comrr entlng upon defeat of Raley's bill says : ' The peo olJregon that is, the Missourians Willamette valley, don't want th milium river openeu. iney are content ;c iiuieuy ana grow wheat, doing no ness with Eastern Oregon and Wash- 11 Is Portland that wants the ' railway; that onroses the Lake i-hington canal; that gives advice to the mure at Ulyinpla." -R First Marshal. The first Mar- of Albany was John Clever. An '"ner tells about seeing Mm make the arrest ever made in Albany by a city snal. The city had just been Incor ted. George Miller was on a soree painting things red. Clever, not 'Cthe job at close range, got a rope, finally succeeded in lassooing Miller, he was managed without further ?'e. D Mansfield, the first recorder. ' him in the proper manntr. Bin Company. A new company in J -"'-d is the Pacific Stone ' ompanv, l Wood, F Uenlar and V W Mar- lo operate the Wood stone quarr -mon county, opposite Albany ; cap- ' be Sr en nnn This i--n.ta w.-ll. Hni) Democrat hones to see it develop 1 great reality. The field Is i bigone. eld too L.OXG. Several Umatilla '? farmers are still holding grain estd in 1891. One has 6,000 bushels and. An offer of 91 cents per bushel made for the wheat after the harvest 'hat year, and was declined by the "tr, who believed that the price would h S 1 . Some Linn county farmers are t about the same kind of a boat. E10 Stage. "All the world's a ataee all the men and women merely layers ; have their exits and their en trances." Mof :hir principal entrances leaor rarneruros grocery and bakery, finest groceries and the freshest nrn- taje kept, and their baked goods are ml i.nn,h..i. :..:... - 1.:.. -IT 01 breadn nnd rnkpa. nlain ntnl KV skillfully and well made. An im aiH thino. in r.e;.i... raf.LovrsficmJl.a.airnp. I ;rry "V Heading braoil, in black tnd col- n ' 1 receive novelties for the holidays. -':or the celebrated Ceulc mrri glnvt. Samuel E. Yoi so. :(?pa; Will A park's whcnyo-i are 'er diamond., the best watches, and tf.t lltl-prunr. I I , '-. '-'hem 8t,-uiLu' . rr some Prize. A beautiful til er pitcher, nruv on exhibition a 0-'" 1 ?roce7 i:ib! glvet, tnfn K'0n ' r'nJ-. A :cke' or every (, ccrit ca, pUrcia,e r 'h:i, ami ri.iiKAi. Jason Fmlih, ( Po,uMJ, has had hl name changed to jason Wlnciiesier License was lej today fr ,,e ., Kefney. W A to .. ,rH ffu. "nJ J R Wytt went I'ircnofjn to trvfle vil case in the j.,lce court of that chv a , "J 'd Vorvalll Printer, now , intnani 01 scio, was In town today te ur Hortlan.l. Vnm tj " ". ' . "ur um '"end. Tommy Munkera the K..I-. . 1 ' """ ",rce.W'etHnR witli , ..,,,. orva:n limn Married, In F.ugrne. Oreiron.last Tne 1 V at,!TT,ldr",:e ol M' Eli Hangs, by i.TB V 'nsey, Mr I L. II.nman and " Blanche Pipe,. Mr Hoffman U one ... .... p,ul,e,ors in the Eugene Ice MgeV'et! h"orlun""lnelceof Jamts Abraham, a resident of this city for forty ye rk, died al hi, home on East I ine and Seventh , rect, yesterday, aged 82 years The funeral will take nl tomorrow at a o'clock from the Centenary cnuich. it Is e.tlmated that Mr Abra- . ... . i.iinaninropic bequests during hi. .,7 '"uuiiieu 10 S75 oto. Portland ' "e meetli g of the C L S C last erenlngat the residence of DrJ L able paper was read bv Mrs C II Stewart, on the important nubject of cit govern- mf-nt- Mr 17 ll. r , .... uu. iuv, rcscmca a nowery an elaborate, paper on Acadia, and Mrs Nutting was heard In the reading cf wourun irom Lowell. The next meeting will be held with Miss Laura late.and the roll call will be a fagot party. Colonel Jav P Lucas, of Condon, Ore gon, after driving through 40 miles of snow, and being delayed 4S hours at Bon. nevllle by the mow blockade, arrived on Monday to comfort his sister Mrs T V Shelton and her daughter f iiln m hi. duties as county clerk of Gilliam county ... .u luiupcneu 10 start lor home this mprnlng. Eugene Guard. TUB STATE LEUIHL1TI RE Salem, afternoon. Feb Sth. Third reading of Senate bills was as follows: By Myers, to make counties liable lor damages by reason of defective roads or bridges, engrossed: Weatherford. amend ing Albany's charter, passed; Denny, to iMuviue two auoitienai circuit judges tor Multnomah.passed; Cameron, to establish a state mining bureau, laid on the table: VVoodard, lo o:event cruelty to animals. passed. In the House. Third reading ol bills- Br Belts, to restrict the right of aliens to acquire and hold real and personal proper ty, passed; Layman, .to encourage the growth of hedges and ornamental trees along public highways, passed; Ford, to amend the law exempting personal prop erty from taxation, increasing the amount to 6oo, pajsed : Hobos, fixing the 1st of January as the time for assessors to enter upon the dutieB of their ottice, passed; nouse Din 84, uievins, laid on table; Upton's house bill to tax Income was re committed. First reading of House bills. By Upton, requiring certain banking Institutions to make semi-annual returns to the secretary of state Bill amending charter of Albany passed at evening ses sion, also Waterloo bill. Special to Democrat. Sakem, Or., Feb. 9th, 1893. House. Hills passed: Wright, of Marlon, to tiro. tect game, fish anc wild fowl ; Sheridan, 10 protect mongolian pheasant In Col umbia, Coos antl Douglas counties; by same, to protect wild water fowls: bv Brow n of Douglas to protect salmon other food fishes; by Wilkins, general tretspass law against hunters upon enclosed lands: by Nickel, to protect mongolian pheas ants in Jackson and Josephine counties; Durham, substitute for Australian ballot bill, arranges tickets in columns with sxuare at top for insertion of a cros9, passed, ayes 35, nays 27. Senate; Cross, bill to change bound aries of Multnomah and Clackamas coun ties, passed. Bancroft election machine bill passed. Vanderkurg bill preventing boycotting, pending. The senate refused to sustain Worlds Fair bill veto message 19 to o, two demttcrars absent. Akm Br.OKEM. Col John Kelsay is con fined to his room temporarily with a broken arm, the result of a fall sustained by him while in Salen. last week. Although the fall was a violent one, and more or less pain was suffered in consequence, the Col. was not aware that a bone had been broken un til hit arrival home, twentv-f ;ur hours after the accident The Col has a power lul physique, by the by. Cnrvallis 'limes. A Young Blacksmith. Clvdc D of this city, working in the shop of his father, is probably the youngest blaeksmlth in Oregon, being only 13 year, cf ,ge. A sample of his work may be seen at Parker Bros, which cannot be excelled by many workmen after many years of eincrienr-f The boy is a genius for his age. Bill Nye. Mr H M Ilanaford. agent for Bill Nye, Is In the city, looking Imn the matter of making arrangements to bring him to Albany to lecture. The public in Albany should extend the proper encouragement as his lectures are rare treats. Notice To all Indian War Veterans. All War Veterans are requested to call on us and make application for Land Warrant to which they are entitled. No charge nnles, successful. Call and get ttrms and particulars, fre. Montanye IIackleman. TRY : A : IMIK 01 Those Prazilian PcWiIc Spedadcs1 Fr -aW by F. ?J. FRENCH, the Jcwe!, r. l'trT I Ol KT. I'etr.lon of A J Sr.lton, et al f,.r c......y bridge over Blue frees, .eferred to super- Bill of M Shackleford, $.. .50 dUmis.ed. of'U. n.klvr"' "I"-'"1"' ervl-nr stink I rj;.'1?'..! OP Card. HI I,' V.VYr1?. ,,'-.,.7 . u ,. " " 'Sureties Dist jas Nickels, poffi,0''U,MRi n,!,-r-J P' countlTn"" J M CeDMt " ' county roac, viewers apwinted ino 11 Aiuier c.nrlnued. road dU,; i " '"V e: al ,or collnlV roan iiismishi'd on motion. street"-!" vnc!,"'", f portion Ea street, Jangent, granted. Bills ullowed: O P Coshow, aid Hall family, here after to be e G C Cooley, aid Mrs'ciari".!""' 6 00 .u .jaw ier.siu Henderson Ladles Aid Society, aid Longch'li- dren W E Savage, aid I W i:ov 10 00 IS 00 10 00 S 00 G F Crawford, aid Mr, RoBerts.'. r l. vianace, aid Kltts. B Whlte.aid Kenworth " ' John Burnett f.'.'.'.W," 800 H Baker, aid Mr, G,ilnui. o John Usher, janitor 10 00 w t morgan, aid Kinlev.... u 01 , S Gulliford. aid Mr, Johnson.' lo 00 W B Glass, aid Kimn G,arland. "P dist 9.'.'.'. .'" '. 40 00 M Parker, sud dim J F Miller, aid poor. . 20 00 G w Young & fo, lumber o 60 Vincents hospital Oj bo ti u ivjuyer, luinner 21 88 1-11 namcr, nounty OQ B C Irwin & f , stationery, etc.! ! 46 00 Vaughn tc Downle lumhrr 1 Ilrl : ' " l-J ja oicriargue,sup dlst 38 31 00 ticujr nay acct roau, oo Hall 1. rU ,j ., . v iuuniu wrr,staiionary,etc 11 25 H Wilson, lumber " tn i.r Aiuauy Electric lilgnt to 27 50 State agt Amos Hiatt u 2e State agt J W Van Order 6 25 Glass & Prudhomme.statlnnarv. 1 k 111 T?l. , . J J B McDonald, drawing jury.....' 3 00 o umger, urnwingjury 300 Inquest Otto Serrling 31 00 GF Russell ..... rt , i 1 1 iBiiei, surveying 13 o Jack & Grover. acct roads r n P T T I.-1 .. I . j arner, Dountv . . . 00 John Warner, bounty too atate agt A tl Brown 8 60 A L Arnold, sup dist 7 60 00 W Nichols,sup dist 35 24 50 Oregcn agt E P Rogers .' 204 00 Jury for dlst 0 7 00 P J Smiley, stationary, etc 29 65 C C Jackson, fees 7600 B t Crow, aid poor 35 58 I A Jones ,up dist 48 17 00 Stites & Nutting 1 en Herman Arnold, tup dist 25 25 00 Samuel Porter.acct roads 1 88 Jos Nichols, dist 26 28 00 Stewart & Sox, mdse 2 82 N P Payne, fees 108 80 o White, aid poor r Ladies Aid Society, aid Cove chil dren 7 50 To Prevent the Crip Or any other similar epidemic, the blood and the whole system should bo kept in healthy condition. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla to give strength, purify the bltod ar.d prevent disease. Hood's Pilh euro liver ills Boots and Shoes I carry the larces line of medium priced and good wearing boys, misses and children shoes in the city, ana nave just aaaeu a line ot steel shod school shoen which I re:ommend to the trade. Dont forget that I repair any shoe 1 sen tree 01 cnaige. S E Young. A 693- During the year 1893, frotr he X ginn'ng to end, Will & Stark propose tc keep up their reputation of having the finest sick of jewelry, watches, silver ware, etc , ir. tne valley, it you want the best goods at reasonable prices call on tnem. If yon want something good go to Carter, grocery and get one of those lin? fat hens. NK A DVER TISJ3J1 EN'I h. w TANTF.D Pushing Carvnsser of ' good address. Ijibernl sainrv Bnd expeniwx raid weekly. Permanent lion. BROW N BROS CO,. Nurserymen Portland, Oregon. FOR NAI.E-Fir.e Imported r-tandarrl Bred CiTdewial Mallion. Five yearsold. W eighs Dear IS1.0 lbs. In fine condition. Price 4W, Address D I. Bicbards, Yew Park, Kaletn. I Tj"0R SALE A Domestic sewing m r J1 cblne, nearly new with ail attach. ments, lor sale rcr 8?5. Call at Mrn Ray monds, 4th anu Thurston streets Alb.nv .. - V'lftMII, DRY WOOD, seveial kinds for rule Inquire of P W Spink, at foot 0 1-errv ureet. or of A B Morris. Third Ward. T70R HENT.The store building on Itrnarlaibin Htreht. 1 my premiees on Suitable for residence fursmal family. L VIFKKCK I. A. Morris & Co. Flcur and feed Store, Have removed their store totheStrahan stor, formerly occtpled by Deyoe & Robson, and have on hand a full stock ol CCRVALL S FLCU-i. B.TAK, SHORT-, CERM MEAL, GilMiA, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOU!?, KAY, 0A1S. STRAW AM CHOPPED FEED: Custom Choi pin done. ROTir. 1I AUUOAU P'our i.OOeaut, anek inSslem. M-.JM I'lii., ..,, phrenoloviit, i, dmugj IT o. Au"thr hi k in leoranired in Juao tioa h lecai oapitalirts. Chimin h a city; but aha was a chick .m the ftet tuii got hold of ber. ' m'.l. uri ,1 deo r-r i tli jute bag h.ll 1 . ,v I 11 i- che.t and a fraud, .r.'.- Iii. rn .'i:ir r'tn A infiiy f Ji, 1, i Tnbe No. 11, of "-d m 11 h held tn,.iht at the (i A R H.'l ri 7-30 o'clock. Mpt'cul work. The Joy' and Girl's Horns Miuionary Army hve a rj- iew at the Congregational chureh Pand .y nigM at half past aaven. All are Invit-rl. A Fir,' ttreet dng j, In the hshit of trying to bite po pie. This mnrninu he was jump- illl,t,m ti' A'nmt Ihu trn, hi- ar,i,h. d a atone, and unlartuuately hit a larfw window pmo in O M McFarland'a, in-stt-ml nf the dor, completely smsshiog the W W M, i.f Oilli,m couutv. borrowed nor e- f .-in 4 sherpoian neir Coedon toffo a,-..- ny 1 .... . ..B .. i...rui. ' nore ne oia ins horse, then borrowed uothiir to go home to Condon. At Condon be sold the second horse, and 'eft lmmvliatHly for parts unknown. May i. 'j n yeni 01a. A Drain correspondent to the Roieburg Re, iew my, that the bids for the oontraot to put nn the new school building were opened Saturday overling hy the school ""rri, r,n it . found that Mr L N Roaoy, or .uene, hud the lowest bid, S8175, and "in Mimnues, ne awanled tbscontiaet. rolleae Note,! Mr Root, tba .rt.. .1 11.. - " . MI.IWI CADILIBL'a yesterday morning and made us a short pt'Kct,. no nisu iimu euorr. speecnes irom Mr Dummltt tand Mr MeCttllagh. They cmifluaiu u cuuege 1 m 1 a con vention to be held in Corvallis the last of this month. We hope Albany will send a large delegation. Gum should always be thrown out of the window. It is a more fitting place for it than in the mouth. The class in Commercial Law took their final examination this morning. The class in Algebra will be examined this afternoon. We had a new chorister inchapel this morning, and as he succeeded very well, we hope lie will continue The PrincesB will be presented about March 10th if nothing happens. Thft nthnnlnv amn. n.aml.A I 41.. J mviv ...v . u m I ui LI 1 17 Cicero class were doing more than recit ing, and "re requested to make little less noise. Y'esterday one of the young commercial ?entftmfn thi-ow a annn l.all f ...... il.. front steps and was seen by the Prof and Ornt. 1 hIM, nl..l. !.-l.l O-- - iui uv, lllglllS. liILL bYKESjll. Men who go Into the state legislature two years from now will have t: stand right on the mortgage rax and deduction, for Indebtedn-s, law. Look out for a general cry against the new law before them. W:ix Move Feb. 15th. From now un til tcd. 15m wewinsi-ll Hoots tnd Shoes at greatly reduced prices in order to reduce our large slock before moving in our new quarters. Respcctlully, Klein Bros. A LINN COUNTY MAP. Win G Obenaucr & Co are mak!ng a map of Linn county, which should be In every business house, public dwelling ml school room in county. The map accurately locate, every city, town and postofiice, and rlveis and creeks, shows young precincts, townships, etc.shows the distance of each postofiice from Albany Cut out the following and mall to Wm G (Jbenauei & Co, 100 Fiont street, Port land, Oregon, and ti.ey will deliver you as many as you order. Please deliver me copies of your Linn county map for which agree to pay fifty cents per copy on delivery of macs. -Signature. -Postofiice. WILL'S MUSIC STORE soli Aovrrs roa CHICKEBINO" "II F MILLER,' "STECK.-AND "VOSE 1 SON" rlANOS, ESTEY," newuak nnos." OKUANS. B EARIIITF ''Won lor" C O Cjnn J ,ti I i 1 IVrltc for C'a'aloue, nil Prlco, liefnre Purclnainir EiLjwherei Werel, tni Ik'rt Uu.jJ at lxjweet I'riio.i mill Initrunient,, niVa .1 1 JM,lc of IE l' ., II .ml ntherSe.ini Ml -hine.. ,t.o KcfdTe, Oil and Lctna I..r ,11 M.:li;ne,; ' E. I. WILL, Alliany, Or. V) OKI 11 ruvsiitEui.u, Sou7enir , wusat Will & S:rk'a VIAVI (-0 itlicu in Hiltimoro block. The beit owtlry at Will & Stark , Fi ,h egg, at F K A lieu & Co. Trophy tea ,oine'hini tiue at K K Allen & Co. If you want a tiue ,inokr call for Joseph s white labor cigar. Have you seen Dr Lowe about ; our eye,? If not, why not f Couia and See the new chil t-d plow at Ramp, oppo,ite pottothce. White soft blankets made ,t the Albany woolen mill, for )e by K E Allea- The bettynsst ontiee in the eity at Cjniad ofoyer a. Pa roniai home industry by smoking the celebrated whito labor cicar,. manufactured by Ju'ius Joroph., Why tmoke a Chios cigar when for the same money you can get a w.iite labor cigar made by J Joseph. Aemember ,11 boot, and thoe, bought of Klein lire, that rip. rnn over or aoles oome loose will be repaiied by ns free of -marge. Sehults Bros desire to say for the infor mation of al! whom it mav concern that they are now paying tevenanda half cent, per pound net for pork . Get Starteh Rioiit. Then the whining schoolboy, with hi, satchel And shining morning face, creeolng like a nail Unwillingly to school, topped at 'Conn & Hendrlcson's, the live grocer,, and left a long order for tome groceries, remarking that he liked to eat any way.and that they kept the best groce ries there to be secured anywhere. If you would have the best groceries and produce al the most reasonable prices call on Conn & Ucndrlceon. They have them. Sauer kraut, Chow chow, Sorghum, Salmon, White flsh, Herring, and all C. E. BROWNELL'S r GROCER Twyv ffiaEasag ... ..iaisiii'aitusiitsw.Hto FORTMILLER & IRVING Undertakers -:- ami -.- Linlmliners. A,Jr:tEPn'',I.I1"??n ,,Erd " 1!'c n "!'. '"'h ard v.ccd caskets a Uhwmt8soldAata LU"""0bf' "-".' . cio.l, ,7nZ Tlie Low out Mvlng rroflt. EMBALMING ""d "'e proper care of the dead a specialty. rT7 K0 EXTRA CKARCfc FOR ALBAISkY, - - MASONIC Buy Stoves and Ranges Buy Stoves andRanges Buy Stoves and Ranges Buy Stoves and Ranges Buy Stoves ana Ranges Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is takca; it is pleasant aud refreshing to tlio tasto, mid acts ccnlly yet promptly 011 the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tlio sys tem efl'ectiinlly, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Byrup of Figs is the, only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and ngreeablo substances, its many oxcellcut qualities commend it to all and have made it the tuost popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 81 bottles by nil leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on band will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try iu Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCISCO. CAl. IQUISVlUt, Kr. A-fty YORK. N.Y. Sweet pickles, Dried fruits In large variety, Specialties in Teas and coffes, Fruits, things nice, AT 'inn KEARbEOR SERVICE TEMPLE, - - OREGON ol Mattliews & Washburn ol Matthews & Washbur nf Matthews & Washb n of Matthews & Washburn. ct Malfflmra J n