uaonetism ok iiion. i An Important paper haft been commutu- cated hy Prof KnoVt U the Edingburgh ' Rojal Society on the magnctUm of iron by current pasting through it, the expsrimenU being an attempt to obtain aome insight in to the nature of circular tmgnetism as it exjitt in an iron wire carrying a current. For this purpose resort woi had to tubes, in which such magnetization was measured by he Induction current produced in a coil waund longitudinally around the wa'l of the tube. The circular magnetizatijn could be made to result eithe by an axial current along a copper wire threading ths tube, or by a feci ion a! current from end to end along the tube itself. Sercral tubes of different bares were used in pairs, the induction, axial or sectional, In one, being balanced by Ad justment of reinstances in the secondary circuits against the Induction, axial or sec tional, under the influeuce of the stme cur rent la the other. The average magnetic force acting round the tube was calculated In accordance with the usual assumptions, and this, taken along with the observed in duction, gave an average permeability, the Central result being that the sectional In due I ion accompanying a giver, enrrent greater by iuul 7 per cent, than it would be If the usual theory as to the relation between It and the axial current were accurate. No such tests, it is believed, have ever be fere been made inthisinteiesting field. Governor Pcnnoyer ot Oregon refuses the I loan cf state cannon to he used fn celebrat ing the inauguration of Mr Clereland whom he refers to as a Wall street pluto crat. Slowly but surely the truth Is perco- I lating through such human Intelligence as I recognizes the existence of Pennoyer that the man Is an ass and the impetus behind this growing knowledge is his bray, Ex.. airtiVr, WHAT TO D' IM CASE OF ACCIDENT. Prof Wilder of Cornell University fi' the following short ruf i for action in ci of accident, whkh it will be found useful to preserve or remember: For dust in the eyes, tvoid rubbing; das! water in them: remove cind: etc, wi.h th round point of a lead pencil. Remove matter from the ear with tepid water; never put a hard instrument into ihi ear. If an artery is cut, comnrei above the wound: if a vein compress below. If choked get upon all fouis and cough, For s'ight burns dip the part in cold aler tl the sin is destroyed cover with varnish Smother fire with carpets, et :; water will often spread burnlngo!I and increass danger Before pa-sing through smoke tak a full breath, and then stoop low; but if carbonic acid gas Is suspected walk erect. Suck poisoned wounds, unless yeur mou'h is sore: enlarge the wound, or. better, cut out ths part without delay; hold the wound ed part as long as can be borne to a hot coal or end of a cigar. In case of ro:eoning excite voml log by tlckliog the throat or hy warm water and mustard If in water, float on he back, with the nose and mou'h projecting. For apoplexy raise the head and body ; for fainting lay the person flit. Clcuds continue to form .round stoims in a conlinuout sheet, thickest near the centre of the storm, and thinnest and highest at its outer limits. The temperature is high in front of storms and tow at theli rear. The first Indications of an approaching s'orm ,re the finely drawn out, fibrous clouds, which may be loo miles In advance of the storm. ilL.LJlll HJUi JL!iKF! Norway, until the seventh century was governed by petty ruleis. About 630 Olaf Trretelia, of ttie race of Odin termed Yng- llngs or youths, expelled from Sweeden es tablished a colony in Vermelanu, the nuc leus of a monarchy founded by hiadesend ant, llalfdan 111., the Black, a great war. rior and legislator, whose memory was long revered. The highest velocity ever given to a can non bait Is estimated at 162G feet per second, being equal to a mile In 3.2 seconds. The velocity cf the earth at the equator, due to its j rotation on its axis, i. 1000 miles per hour, or a mile In 3.6 seconds. Therefore If a can non ball was fired due west, and could maintain iti initial volocity, It vould beat the sun in his apparent journey a ound the earth. Joseph Ruby Son of Harry K. Ruby, of Columbia. Pa.. Suffered From Birth i "With a Severe Form of Scrofula Humor; " Until my boy mi six years of see ha waa from birth a lerrible aafferer from scrofu lous humor. Sores would appear on him and spread until as Large a. a Dollar and then discharge, followed by others, so that the larger part of his body was one snaa. of .are. all the time, csn, oinllv novon. iiia i...... &..h t,nn of bin ears and on his head. The humor had a very offensive odor, and caused Intense Itching We cannot tell how that poor boy suffered In all those years. Physicians did not effect a cure. At last I decided to give him Hood's Barsaparllla, as my druggist recommended It. Iu about two weeks the Barsaparllla began to have effect.. The sores commenced to heal np; the flesh began to look more natural and healthv. Then tho eal pnmn ni? u.h nii his body new and healthy fleih and skin formed, when he had taken two bottles he was entirely Iree from sores, having only the scars to show wlie re they had been. These have all disap peared. We are unable to express our thanks Ivl KUV KUUU A NAtt'KAl, HAltoJltTliR. One of the most remarkable geological substances found In any part of the world is a stone believed to be peculiar to Finland, where it occurs in many localities, its pecul iar property b:ing that of a natural barom eter, curiously foretelling, by change of col or, the probable character of the weather in the near future. It is known by the name of the scmakulr, and is said to turn black be fore an approaching ruin, whllj In fine weather it is motitd with spo'.i of white. Far a long time this Interesting phenomenon was a mystery, but an analysis of the Btonc shows it to be a fossil mixed with clay and containing a portion of rock, salt and nitre, This fact being known, the explanation of the changes was easy; that is, the salt, ab sorbing the moisture, turned black when the conditions were favorable for rain, while the dryness of the atmosphere would as natural ly bring out the salt from the Interior of the stone in white spots en the surface. Aahbv 4-Carse, Resl Pirate. 801 Wash. in;ton Street, Portland, Or. Friendly Regard is never en tertained by the children .for a medl cine that tastes bad This explains the popular ity among little ones of Scofi's E mulsion, a preparation ot cod-liver oil almost as palatable as milk. Many mothers have rateful benefits children. knowledge of its to weak, sickly '. V. All dmggiH. They Increase apnetttr, purtiy t j whole firstem aoti act on t be 11 v cr. JiUe Beads Small HI WE ADVERTISE TO INCREASE Our buninens. Vi'e have the stock to fill orders and the facilities and reputation of giving a buyer his money'B -worth. AVe treat our patrons in a way that makes them our friends. This may catch some one who has not writ ten to us when they have work to place. To these let us remind not to neglect us, as we may do yon pood, AVe are quoting special prices these close times, " SMILEY, - THE LEADING PRINTER, V Flinn Block, Albany, Ob. Hood's Sarsaparilla lias done our little boy." Hauhy K. Rudy, Box 3 GO, Columbia, Pennsylvania. HOOD'S I ILLS cure CotiitIttlou by reitur. log the perlauitlc action of the alimentary canal. An English inventor has constructed novel device to do away with the eiurmoui picBsure of water against the bowtt of ocean steamers. It consist 6 of one or more screw on ench side of (lie bows, which throws the water aside and creates a drv well in ftont ot the vessel. At the present time the whoie number of double stars known ond recorded hy astron omers is something over 10,000. far exceed ing the total number of stars visible to the naked eye in the entiie Ormnent (about 6000) and others are being freuuenttv discovered by the great telescope now in existence. Lemons are vised for in many coun tries where they grow. When the men and women of the Kam Indies want to wash their, they squeeze the juice of a lemon over them liiiskly fn water until they are clean. I L A recent invention it a buoyant life-saving seat for ships. It is intended for a deck seat the upper and lower parts being made of buoyant material, so that, if thrown Into the water, the apparatus will support several persons comfortably. e GO O0 HEWS O Q For the millions ofconsumcrs of flj Tutt's Fills. It t-lcf 1M Ttitt pleasure tttnn- Q tiuii urn ! till t hi' Is lift iv inl ling up 14 TlrW LIVER fill -CITY I.A.TTITJDET. Opposite St Charles Hotel and lace curtains Bod cintnlu atteudod to. well Starch wor a specialty. Braccli office at Moses' barber shop auudrv c wf1 Menirtgs at 730 o'clock TWO MEN AND ONE BOY POUND DEAD! ' v V : M i i iris tK r fi f 52p yt rvtnnliiK"H (litiftlyriiimll sln, tint vlt tiu-Horthn irll'lUT flllt'S. (IlIirMlitl'ftl IllllvOv till iMiiil, Tliocxai:. ni.ti ul TLTT'S TINY LIVER PILLS Q In Peru the cotton plant rises to the dis tinction of a tree, instead of the 3ompara tivfly diminutive shrub which grows In this country. The tree commences bearing when it ti two yean old, and continues to bear every year for 40 or 50 yean. In lenna there is a club i rich rr.en pledged to marry poor girls. If a member marries a rich girl he is lined $2000, the money being piesentcd to some worthy Impecunious couple engaged to be married STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. VTOTICK IS HKHEHY GIVKN TIIT Xl tho aruuinl niwtinc ol the stock unworn or the Albany HiiildliiR n1 Loan AHMiriaiion wiil bo held nn Kricinv reurnaiy itiii. JM at the hour of 7:3n j mot Bain dny. in the lUnk ol OnKon in Albany, l.inn co inty, i leon for Hie 1'urpise of fleeting liine direetur. and three auditors, toseivo for the term of one year next ensuing froinail niei-tinfr. and mil l tt,e:r M'r.u sor ro elected and qualified, and to such othr business hi may jnino before theassoua tlon. Kone by order of said association this 17th day of January, ISM. (.' II S'l'KW AKT, JAY W IU. A IN. l'residert. be oretary CHEAPEST, GOOD FITTING READY MADE SUIT OF CLOTHES, GO : TO F. L. IDUMOT, The Clothier and Merchant Tailor," On Lyon Street, ne First. See what a bargain you can get there for your cash money . Also suits made to order, cleaning, dyc- ng and repa'ring Satisfaction guaranteed. F. L. lluMONT, - - Albany, Or. While trying to Crowd their -WAY INTO FKOIA$ BROS. itore, where they always have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest improved Rifles and Shot Guns; an tmmense stock of Fishing Tickle of every description; Tents, Han. mocks, Cam p Chairs and thousands of other tilings too numerous to mention. Shop la connection with the Store, and one ol the best workmen in the State to do any uuu an ainas 01 worx. Come one Come all. No trouble to show goods, "bmall pront and quick siW is oui .-notto. I.iuk.nalka HAKQA1N. A model steam laundry for sale, rapaciirin sn iiepartiueiit f,M per d; for 2 nanus, ircaieii in l entrai Alnany.on 2nd aim aioniKoinery street. I wish Ui en gsgo in other business. Will s, II cheap J PaMllH I'niprietor FARMERS, ATTENTION if : vor ; v. ant : A WACOM HACK, BUGGY CART PLOW, HARROW.DRILL SEED ER, FEED CUTTER, Ir In nn neroonNo Ijixntivr for the Howcls; t':iti t nitn'i nit" n '! n tut n -i' in out- minute. IS f VXfi An ti--w.uit ToiifT Powofr AW f"rii.ViV.'h:.naiiiv.ltii-C or any kirnt of a Farm Icle, call on tr aililrcs or Vc B. F. RAMP, le Post Otfce, v. Or. ANNUAL MEHINC- NOTiCF. la herf by iven that the an nual meeting of the stockholders of tha, Al bany liuiidiiig Aseoeiation will be held at storo of J t;iHdwohl, in Albany on Mon day, March 20ih, Wi, at 7.30 p m for tUfl election of directors, rnd aucb, o.her business as may come before the meeting. Dated Feb giu, 1M3. 1- P NUTTING, W C TWEKDAI.E. Secre ary. 1'resUent. Star Baker CorllroiKliilblu nnl First Hi 0 1!.! MEYER, PROPRIETOR. fanned traits, Dried Froil. Tobiicco, Sonar, Coflect Et) ' I) BALER Ut ( anue .lleta. . ((neenswar. Veeetablei, Clears Spices. Tea, Etc., STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING, VTCTK E IS HFRKBY GIVEN THAT Xl there will be a ineetiuir of the s'ock hoMers of the Odd Fellows Hall llullilin- Aahociat.on. held In their cflice in A bnv, Oregon, on Monday, thefitliday ol March, 1-C3. at the hour of 7 oVIjek p m of said di.y, tor the purpose of electing sevon directors to serve for the enwuiiiK year, and to tranwirt any other btnp;eH that u-sy come before saiu meotinir. Dated this tllh dav of February, IM. VV C TWKEI'AI.F.. E A Parker, 1'iciident. Socretary lOK SALE CHEAP A ri i d rart and I" sinule hsnuss. lo. h rtw. ( allon t K l.usell, tonntv clicol mj ciltten- ei;l. ,stom; 15. rchi(?cl nu1 or.lm ter. In (act eer tht.iit that la kept in a pener variety and nocr- ttore, Highest market pric paid (or Al.t, KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED At the store Allen liros- formerly owned br BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BACJON, .rnd CHOICE APPLES?, I will pay the best cash price for which B F RAftSP (carpet DEPARTMENT. MAT! ING?. MlCl. . rTji rr , . DRAFEMES LlfiCLMW, Ul' Inil OF THIS SEASON'S KOVELTIES AND PRIGES DNEQUALED IN THS 1IAIET Samuel E. Your ;g PUMPS! PUMPS! PUMPS! We are general agents for the celebrated Myers Force and Lift Pomps, also the Rurnsey and Li t Pumpg. We guarantee these pumps to give perfect satisfaction or no sale. v e also guarantee them superior to any other pump in the market, and We also carry the largest stock of Farm Implement Vehicles' to be found in the valley, Give us a call. MITCHELL LEWIS &, STAVEtt CO.5 SS7 Sncl ISHsswortli sst, Albany, Or ALBANY NURSERIES ALBERT BROWNELKSuccessor to n.vman & Browncll, Proprietor.) OFFICE AND PACKING GROUNDS ONE HALF MILE WEST OF THE CltV. We WOUld Tall thp nUpntnn nt .u Better nrepared than ever before m fnrnich .i..rnii.;n, i , i. and urnamenial trees, Small Fruit vine, etc., at either wholesale or retail. Our stcck is hrsfr-class, guaranteed true to name and free ' om inspect pests, and our prices low. c. R Krju-npll fa nu, oiiy aont and? ers left with lilrn at his. store will receive prompt and careful attention, f" . and see me or write lor free catalogue to ALBERT BROWSEI.L, A'bany, Oroi;oi sawiaipwisa iiBaMsisMaiaifljaaLiMiataaaaois3 Y'- ftft . ojiem. uteson, iv. i. stalev. I'n.icina . s Salem, Oreeon. W. I. Stalcy. Prineiiul. A tilcrou;ii business Iraining scBccl. Endorsed bv l!:e business and irolti,ion Five Departments: Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Pcnma Schocl in session the entire rmr, Snifionls adinllled at any lime. CataloCe.eontaini PREIIOCNT C. W. Eliot QovrnHOn II JW.E.RUKEU. 1 M Haarison rpHE FORUM contains articles about what men are now doing in the world. The problems and the tasks of your own life and thought, and of our own country, and of our own time; the cducr.tion of your children; the latest re ults of research in your own special study: the (rreat books of tho poriod; the real leaders; the le.rge move-meats-are these not tho most interestin t; fubiectsl The secret of The FoHca a hold on iu readers Is that its writers make it helpful to all who think. Its readers form the dominant part of evervnro fession, craft, and class-those who sje saccoedintr because they have a correct measuro of the intellec tual forces and ol' the larger activities of American life, the best-informed, and the most ambitious IU writers are the leaders of thought and of 'ae. tton everywhere and in all kinda of important work Ask the best informed man in your community what he thinks of The Fobum. or send to us for the written opinions of some of the leadinir men In your State, and in all other States. Tsx F:s7 : tti.t sr-wo, . re $5 j . or tl.rvvi lkiiwi r. """H or took-Hlltr, Si B F. A. wau T' ' F. MACM CftAWTOAfl U y. W- 0ewitt hyos RedCrownMillj ISOM & lAKKIMC, f a!t BAKKBS rsB, 4500 Reward t it? pT flfiloT rcw-inl f.-r iirr ra : ' ' 'it.I'flvp-ia.SicteHpjwjMho.lntlltW i' r ('"tt.vfnpsa. p cimi.-t euro ' i .ItitH !, hr:i (j:ril!.in ' ,,f TIl n i-tirt-ly Vpjjct<. ' ivif mtlrfa rtfin. B-.t t'oalt 1 I- t iire I.t r.'l.l, f,. rs sntl llon'-r.., Oo. 4, ht U-ttlc. I stale it -rtn u. ;!l!V .5