MUX VOL V ALUANi'. aiiEGOR TJIUP.SIUY- FEBRUARY !). 1833 KO 245 i-e Oregon vVith its home S--LEM - - In the Gray Week, .corner Liberty and State street, branch In Portias -to WAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tract near Salem', Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 ,)fr cr c small ca-li payment long time on .balance or particulars. What is Casloriiiia Dr. E::::i,;::l I'StcSsoi-'.-i ; :v-.. ; i ; io-.i lor Iul-..!:t.i nud Children. Ii iicrl:::-.- !.::.:, I :;:-.)!:!:io iicp other Narcotic Mibstaucc. ii i; : ;.:i;-::;"c-!) f-!:I:stiti:io for Paregoric, Iro:s, Bootlii::; ! ;, : :-;-, ;i:;i O.sior Oil. . It is PIcnsaat. Its !::rautei ii .! j nrs' use by lililli ,ms of Mothers. CastorUi rtowt roys Worms and allays feverislmess. Cantoi-ia i;-eve.'.:i vuii.iiii: i'toiir C'.-r;l, cures lirrlicoa Wind Cv.'.i-. C::::ici i.i ro'.hvcj teething troubles, cures Ci!ir.tii.).tis):i n:!i tfntntancy. Casloria assimilates tlio fcod, r'j;u:r.t ;ite 8toinac!i and bowels, civiii; Iii'aItSy ;i:r.l i!aUiru Icep. Cas tori.i is the Children's Paii.i,ei!;i tlio Mother Frieud. Castoria. Oastoria is an excellent medicine 1Y-. cm- Irea. Mothers have repeatedly to.u i;tof ta fcvod elect upou, iheir children." D.;. 0. C. OroonD, lowcJi, Muio. " Custoria Id the bei remedy for children ct 'Uch I am acquainted. I hope tho day ii rot ftj distant when mothers wlllconslJer the real frtii-rest of their children, anil use Castorla In stead of the various quack nostrums which cro ?stroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sendiug Um to pruuiature graves." Da. J. F. Kischelok, Conway. Ark. Xhe Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City. Julius Gradwolri's Bazaar 7 he very latest Jnews is that you can buy at JULIUS ' aDWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuekle's Coffee, Per Pound lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 lbs. Magnolia Sugar White 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1.00 5 Gallons Good Pickles,market firm... 1.10 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90 1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40 iwi.. conduct a strict cash store, and all gooils will ho sold for not cash from 1 c25per -nt less than regular price. My stock of Cufnaware, fancy goods, ana ll the desirable syles of dishes, as well as a general assortment of groceries, crook Bry, lamps and fixtures Is complete. 1 make a specialty of ane tos, coffees and "lining powder, and always please my customers, Agent for several responsible Insurance oompnn e. Julias Oradwohl. -PATR0MIZE HOM ! INSTITUTIONS. THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE W Albany, Oregon V F rtKAD, Prosldent. I L COWAN, Treasurer. DIRECTORS-' 1 Cowan, UeoFSImpson, tV F Retd, J K Weatherlord, CJ -ALSO DISTRICT Several Solid Eastern Tim T.,., OAI-1 vuiiiTiinx Send your name on a postal rard TO-DAY and get one. Land Co office a. - OE3UQ Castorvr. '"Content tF.nv I reciiin.Mui (: ia kno j Me." I'lttitltnchiMrenthat ur to any prescription V.. A. Anrn i. :t. p.. til t.J. V t L t.t . .fOOrj "Our p!iya:e;.ti:3 it V.a children's depart roe:: 5 liavc eitvl;;! nildy of the'r exK-ii enco in tuelr Giunido pMctue wiih Castoii.i, and aithtmh wj oniy huvi an:o:i: o::r incd;cnl supr.lks v. hat is Lnov:i at rvul-r products, yet wo are freo to confess that tlio merits of Costoria has won u to look with favor upon It." United IIosriTAu and DisPEHBAJir, Boston, Mass Allen C. SuiTn, Pres, J O WRITSMAW. Hecrotary Geo F SIMPSON, Vice President. D B Monteltli.M St9rnnrg,;j W. nobles Stuart. J O Wrltsman.; AGENTS FOR and Foreign Companies Tl.. CAa o,, nnrnl j.i.lajjjxj. 1 V Wghestof all in Leavening Power ABSOLWE1Y PURS lnii:no.; Spiced pij;s feet, . tweet pickles in bulk, ! Sour pickles in bulk, Kaisins. citrons. Lemon peel, extracts, etc.i 1 For the Holidays, can be found at K. ALl-EN ' CO Tiere'a a wide difference tctwecn tho help that's talked of and tho help that's guaranteed. WliicU do you want, when you're buying medicine? If you're satisfied with words, you cet them with every blood-purifier but one. That ono ia Dr. l'ierce'a Golden Medical Discovery. With that, you get a guarantee. If it doean t help you, you hav your money back. On this plan, a medi cine that promises help is pretty euro to givo it. But it's because tho medicine is different, that it's sold differently, It's not like tho sarsaparillas, which are said to bo good for tho blood" in March, April, -an& May..-At-trtT7l to - snffer a dsv, or an hoatv-wbsB-at seasons ana in all cases, it cures permanently, as nothing else can, all the diseases arising from a tor pid liver or from impure blood, It's tho best blood - purifier, u.d it's tho cheapest, no matter how many doses are offered for a dollar. With this, you pay only for the 0oou? you get. Can you ask more? BILIOUS NESS Tlio S. Ii. Headache nml Liver Cure .! A HAFl, If taken a, directed, we Guarantee Satis faci'in or refund your nionev, DON'T SICKEN. L'ON Tj GRIPE, 50 cents per bottle, by J A CUMMINGS. A CURE. Cares Conramptlon.CotiBlin, Croup. Sore Thront. SoM by all DnientM; on a Guarantee. Fore Lame SiJs, kukorChe't Shiloh'a Porous plaster will give gret yntisfaciion. 3 ceotm. SHILOH'S VITALIZER. Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga. Tcnn.,savs: "Shwih x vitamer .i r u- . trouble it excels. Price ?5 cts. S H I L0H'Sl CATARRH .A;,,.rrh Ti-vrhls Hfrnfxlv. Itwill rcIievT-and Cure you. Iri-o fiO cts. This In- t' W ni.ll.Lt. Irruulia SI HI U .1(1 1V 11H Oil & iree. c mnju a guarantee to glvo iwtisf action. REVERE HO Latest U. S. Gov't Report. r.r. nr.KK Paikor P.ros, grocer,. F. M. 1-rtinch keeps railrttaa time.- Buy your roc?ri- o Parker lirtis Fijc groceries at Conn & 1 lendricson'ti. Mew croain cheese just loeeived at Conrad Meyers. P J Sn:i'ey job priuter, Flinu Bloclt, does tiret cla& v.'ork. Smolto the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's. T)r M II I'VilN, ohyaienn and surgeon Albany, 0 j n . 0IU nstUtn city ' or country. A Great Invention'. Is the self poudng coffee and tea pots. With them yon can pour coffee or tea without turp ing the pots. Wonderful. None of the hundred Mttle Inconveniences of the old fashioned way. Coffee cooks sure and pure and cannot burn, and tea to perfec tion. You raise the lieht Hd and the coffee or tea runs from the spout. If you Aould have the finest thine in the world order one when Mrs Tail, the local agent cans on ou. Reopened. V K Graham has reonened his tailor shop, and has on hand a fine line of suitings, ready to be made up for those wishing tirst-class work done, lhankinc the public for a liberal patronage in the past. ie sohcttsa continuance ot their patronage and oromises good work and prompt a'tcntion to .,c needs of his patrons. Look Out. At Zaro or below it ij a dan gerous coidition of temperature to those o enfeebled constitutions, eithar from age or infirmity. It s juatauoh a condition ot the weathor as increases ten-fold the intensity or spread of rheumatlo pains and aches. But the remedy ana cure is so simple aud so -e it is to be WAndnrad mt thftfc jtnv nnrmit thflm. any drug store St Jacobs Oil can be had. wmch not only cures rheumatism, but there is n -eturn of the trouble Moving Outfit. The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of house raising and house moving promptly and In first class order. Call or leave orders at my residence at cor of Third and Oak s'reets, Albany. J B Tillotson. Monzy to Loan. I have money in sums of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Ben ten counties, at lowest current rates, delay in furnishing the money. C H BURKHABT Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon. Vhen Baby was sic, we cave her Caatona, 4'hen Rlie was a Child, she cried for Castarla, A-Imo slie became Miss. ti flunj Xr fastorla, 1 tcB tie bo.l CiiU-Itrn. u'-ic them Costorisv Ono Small Bilo Iloan evwr nljrht fora Woek uroubo Torpid Liven, Xbc. por buttle. The Portland Collection Agency hat com-m-ricttl neve ral uita to collect accounts for ( L Hlnckm-iti. Parties owing him should stttle their accounts n cleave oots. Cuptnto weennv, U H A,Sn Pioo, Cal , . tiUhlli.l.'. Ps..rli IfA.iulu I tho tirai mclicirt; I hnvu ever foiiDitl hat would do me any goo l. Price, 50 O'S.JjSold by 'ushay Sliilnli's Viti'nz r :a wlat yon need for dyspepsia, tcrpid liver, yellow shin or kid ney troU'We. it ii enaranteea to give yon -i.itisiaciiou. Price 7? 3. Hildby Foshay & fason. If ynu contmpiit-p ttUiiff in a w iter pltnt iet prices of w nd milln, pnmps, pip, tanks, etc.. fromVV WCrawford, He will astoniithyou. Orfrroniao Ricstuelia cmu i t I'niaa on u U HonilncKOa's. Putuptnnpatwatch-flhaxwMl bottles, sugar nuatt-d, Small Mile Ik'Hiw. itfto. per bottle. Great reduction in A er motor wind mills f.r December. See'the aenr, W W Craw fonl. Tho hticit line of pocket knives in the .isy at .Stewart A Box's. Stwrt sV S t atlMtmlvHry bait pi-t-iu A cairn made of pom aUnns coti iiliMftbli attention at Mue lnr. Sec it. UeinOmher that F L Dnmont doe uar--i i lit, onrl rrn-i tKfi'.!e mmitiji ripn hint; bo vht of his U rj, Overcoats so'd ctL uitil Chrmtnics.l VilI At nrh. th' i-wcltiw. There will be a big fight on the reap portionment bill In the state legislature. Notwithstanding the following law it may not be mailt'. The number of lepresen tativesard senators shall, at the session next following nn enumeration of the Inhabi tants of the United States or this state, be fixed bv law and apportioned among the several counties according fo the number of white population in each. The season of protracted, detracted or evangelistic meetings carried on for the past two weeks nt the Japlist church hy Kev A Kinusev, a traveling sensational awakener in can e of Christianity, came to a close last Sunday evening, Kaker City Uemociat. It an evangelist is needed anywhere it h In Baker City, and it is no wonder some people do not take kindly to being told some plain facts. At a irarriage in Wisconsin recently the bridegroom stood 6 feet 2 Inches and the bride 3 feet 2.j inches in height. The witnesses were a man without arms, who signed the marriage contract with a pen, the stock of which beheld between his teeth; a woman who weighed 350 pound?, and a man 7 feet o Inches tall. I lie oth ciating clergyman had only one lt-g. The bride was 50 years old, and her grand mother, aged 98 years, attended the wed ding feast. The following from the San Francisco Kxamfner is about a man raised near Eugene: The police comts have been for vears the center of corruption in San Francisco, ludge Campbell yesterday showed himself fully In sympathy wtih the foul gang that has had the run of the courts in the past. Nothing better was to be looked lor from ludge Campbell. Everybody who knew anything about hi.n expected him to be as deep in the jobbery and corruption of the police court as the oldest shyster about Its foul precincts. The experience Is nearly always the same in county division cases. The" Eu gene Register says: A gentleman from Cottage Grove tells us that the people up there are decidedly disgusted with the de feat of their bill to create Mineral county, and that they will show their metal in the future. 1 hey have no hesitancy in laying the bulk of the blame to Senators A1le and Vcatch, and claim that they were largely responsible for the defeat of the measure. They will watch for Alley and Veatch to come up for election to some other office some day. In the meantime they will live as best they can In old Lane. Comino this Way. Wonder if Bill Nye and A P Bur bank will Illuminate Al bany people with their presence. Every body would like to hear them just for the fun of the business. Worm Knowing. That Alluock'd Porous Plasters arc the highest lesult of medical science and skill, and in ingredient and methods have never been equalled. That they are the original and genuine porous planter,!, upon whose reputation imitators trade. That Allcouk's Porous Plasters neverjfail to pel form their remedial work quickly and eftcctuallv. That this fsct ia attested by thousands of voluntary and unimpeachable testimonials frrm grateful patientp. That for rheumatism, weak b.tck, rciatioa, lung trouble, kidney disease, dyspepsia, ma laria, and all Joe. pains,they are invaluable. That a hen you luy Al!c:ck'a Porous PIrs era j on ahm-luiely obt lithe best pi a. fs'nude. ?100 n-ivarj Thercs-rscf dr nr.?T w;!! bo M( Pt1 (0 ip i; n tiiut Hu rt; n at least one Urendt-d d;c-uso Vtt :ifjk-ti"u ItilS linn hh'm ty wr,; .. , .'.uti.t. ;.:,-. that ftlirrh. IUU'h 1,11.1 r tin; only usiilv - cure kllOHM tot I: ..'. .c d fratci-iiiiy. Cn:irrh h -imr iiconxti-tdi..;- 1 lUi' hc, ri'fiiiirci a ."Mwi,ii;iiinial tn attin'itt . Catarrh C tiro is laker, inturnallv. mlii:,' tir?etly upon tin Mood nd hi;koi:s MirTu: 1 1. , lio sysiciil, therv' y (lorlri'-fffT ihn forinlit! 1 if the disease, un i givine the piticnt rttfii;'tn by buiidlntf tip tho cohtitMtinn nr.d i-.-t ;m.;:i( nature in dninfrit iwork. The proprietors ha j imich f iith in V.a eurattvo rtwt r. tii:tl off t fum ltundrf-1 nollnm tor nnv e;ise that it f.lilii to cure. Httd for list of testunonlals. A'Hrevi, V. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Am. tjb Srn.ii to go to lueiler's par lors with the Indies ami treat them to Cocoa and High T wafers. Served at all hours. A large stock f pruning shears nd pruu rig h-oi, the bt At made, just received at Stewart oE Soi's. Now is the tittie to us hem . Coniumptivct), do not despair, There i hone. Try West s Cough Syrup. It will alwayt cure in arly stnieu. I'rocure a 50j large 8 oz Lo:tle. J A dimming, Drug- gist. La Di w Fikk . 110EJ. I have a full lin of ladifis line drets shoes, all solid tnd the litest novelties in ityle, and re unliable 1 13 t? V ces. HAMULI, c. 1 IM IM The only l'ure Cri im of lnrtnr I'owdcr. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Sti:i:V- TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A 1 hanc eeileil Wakhisiitox, Feb 8. Unless nil indi cations fail, tlicra will be some, very inter esting debutes ami sharp maneuvers on the lloor of the house when the pension appro priation bill is taken up f jr consideration. A radical change in .he pension policy is proposed. The proposed change has in view a considerable reduction ot the pen sion rolls and of the enormous amount now paid out for pensions, by purging Ihe lists of names of some of those now on it. and by making it more dilticult of procurement in some cases of pension under the laws. Against IMvUlen CoitAAi.i.iR. Feb 3. At the mass nieet insr held last 11 iirht to devise ways und means to defeat tho ponding Ifislat ion to divide llonton county. lln John lturnett was chosen chairman and Hon U A Wupr ironer secretary. The chairmnu, in a sieech stated the object of the niei-ting,whenuon a conimittee was uiuiointed to draft reso- lulions proti'stini; against the division, and re(uestinu: the coun'y's delegation in the. legislature to both work and vote nirainst the measure. The resolution, on bcine; adopted, was ordered printed and a copy sent to each member of the legislature. A Ills Know Fall Aukhiikkn, Wash, Feb 8. TLo snow fall up to date, as recorded in this city, is yiJa inches, divided as follows: Twenty and one-half inches in December, 2G inches in January, 2(1 inches in January and 45 inches so far in February. Tho Snow at present is nearly four feel on tho level, and tigltly packed at that. Several small buildings huvocollapscd under the unusual weight, but, taken as a whole very little damage was done. I'olltlral Talk Washington, Feb 8. The story is going the rounds tonight Hint President Harrison has given an intimation that if Jackson is not confirmed Alonday he will withdraw his name and send in the name of a republican now a member of tho senate, so that he will have senatorial courtesy to assist him in securing favorable action, It is claimed that the republican senator meant is Dolph. This information comes from the supreme court sources. The dem ocrats think this is a bluff on Harrison's part. Elrrlrle Itiintl For Eugene Kitoknk, Or, Feb 8. A petition is now in circulation memorializing the county court to grant a franchise for an electric rmd across the steel bridge at Springfield, lf this franchise is granted, it is thought the proposed electric line from Kugene to Springheld will he commenced in a short time. Citizens of both places are anxious to see it done. An Impurtnut UlnTereueei To make it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, that they are not a fleet ed with any disease, but that the system imply needs cleansing, is to briug comfort home to thiir hearts, as a costive condition i easily cured by using iyrup of Figs, Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Wiikn you come to Albany Don't fall to visit Hodges & McFarland, The druggists 'itticy carry a large and chtdce ttoca of drugs., patent medicines, ftc. Prescriptions are always carefully and promptly attended to. Itwill ' Pay you. Shiloh's Cure, the preat cough and croup cure, is for sale by us. Pocket size contains twenty-live doscf.only 25c.Children love it. Foshay ft Mason. How's This! WooffcrOncITundrtd Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Halt's Catarrh Cure. lf. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, tho undersigned, have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially ab!o to curry out any obligations mado by their firm. Wkst,VTrt'ax. Wholesale DrTiL'irUts.Toledo.O, W alh 1 vo, inn a At Mauvim, wholesale Drug glRts, Tuledo, ). Ifan's Catarrh Ctirti Is tnVen Internally, nct ItiK directly upon t lie hlood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Testimonial sent freo, Jfrico 76e. per buttle. Hold by all Druggists. Atli-ii) .Market. ,Vhi1fi7f. Outs, 85. Flour, f5.0O. Hutier, 3'Je. Egga 30c. Laid, Hi, Pork -hams 15c; shouldorn, 9c( sides; 12ko Hay, baled, f 15. o at oet, f.(k?. ApplCB.l.OO Hops. J80. Lrled fruit plnms, fo,, 9o Miicketm, fl i-0 per dozen, Jteif, on foot, 'Zo. Hog dreastHi, 7o. h I' I.:":-:-' . V 1 f 1 V Le IK. i is