y - --.z-rr: --. z . - ALDAN y. 2)ltEG0K WEDNESDAY .'FEBRUARY 181)3 NO 248 . , i highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. i a m A little more enow last night. jLe. Oregon Land Co With Its home office it SALEM - - - OiRliJG-OITS In the Gray fclock, corner Liberty and State street, branch office in Portlanu "1TA.KES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near SalemS 1UL will koII r m .. . j ere smaii uasu payment or particulars. Castor Is Dr. C::r:itiel Pitelier:. j : : j itio:i lor Ini'ii.t.-j niul Children, li cu:ii;::ns in-!: :;;i:::ii, r.Iprjjiiinc nor other JCarcotia substance, li ; i :. 3.:-.:-i:i!cfi r;:bstitnto fir Paro.Toric, Dropiij Scotiji:: ! ' r:i:'S r.:i:l Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its rrnarantoo i ) ! Blilli jiih of Xilother.s. Cistorin destroys Vt'oriu.1 and nlla73 feverialincBn. C::stor:a rircviTiits vouI:ii:-j Kot:r Curd, cures IManhrca :m2 V.'IikI Colic. C.-.XCil.t rKi: vaa tectliinjj troubles, cures ':i(iti;at!o:i and flatulency. CastorLv assimilate!) the food, jvci:liiii i ',io Btomnyh nud bowels, giving healthy an.i u:'.t;:riA Aaep. Cas tori.t 1 the Children's Panacea i'..o Uothcv Frleud. Castoria. I Odstori.a is oil excellent mciiiclno t'-, ch'A 'tren. Mothers have ropentolly told i.:e or Its good of ect upou ihcir children." D::. (J. (.!. Ofcgou, Lowell, Motu. CtiStoria U the bu.-I remedy for chiWrcn cf hlch I nm atti'.iainteJ, I hj;e t!:o day is r.ot ft.r distant when mothers wi.lcoasUcrt'.iore.".! I'KStof their ciiJMren, an I use Casloria in fi'ad of the various quack nostrums which nru troying their loved ones, by forcing opium, tiiorphine, southing syrup and other hurtful gents down their t&roats, thereby sending tWmto preranture graves." DR. J. F. KlN'CHELOBt Conway. Ark. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar The very- latest Inews is that you can buy at JULIUS OR ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net Arbuokle's Coffee, Per Pound lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 lbs. Magnolia Sugar Whito 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1.00 5 Gallons Good Pickles, market firm 1.10 20 lbs. No. savon Soap 90 1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40 Jwl, encdnct strict eali store, ani all (roods will b9 sold for net cash from I iO 25 per vnt less than refru tar price. Ky stock of Chinaware, fanoy goods, ana III the desirable syles of dishes, as well as a general assortment of groceries, crook Iry; lamps and fixtures is complete. 1 make a specialty of fine teas, colleen and silting powder, and always plase my customers. Agent for several responsible insurance eompan ei. Julias Gradwolil. -PATaON!ZE iim THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO! Albany, V F KKAD, President. J L COWAN, Treasurer. -DIRECTORS- I Cowan, Geo F Simpson, vV F Read, J K VVmlherlord, C J 01- -ALSO DISTRICT Several Solid Eastern is Tssuoa 200 page OntP'tinr. 5 '"' M'' Vour nam0 on a r,os,!'l carl TO-DAY and pet one. i v luia at I U ptr long time on balance IS yrnrs' u.30 by Caste vv. " Ca lorii. lino v 1! A-i;'ptt.-d to children thai I rif'iir.r.jn 1 ir itj...,Hr.urioaay prescription kuovu v KW. '.. A. Anc-TTKfi, 21. 7., SM To. C:- r-i : t.t l.r ly.i, 7 " "ur i'!:y3A Liv.3 i i t!w eh Idre-i'a impart went h..vo fi;C'I:tM J.iL!y of tho.r e;vkii mcj i:i llieir out.i.ij r;;.o w.i'i t-i;t)ii., i.:.d f.!tliiv:-!i wo only huvo a;:on: ct niul cU suiipiics vli:ii !a !;no'-.-;i as r-':"l. r products, yet wo oro fieo to confess tli.it t; merits of Castoria has V.tn to look vrith favor ujnn it." Umxsd IIosprrAb and Dimpf.s-sati?, iloscon, Allkx C. Suith, Ptm. cash, goods as follows: : INSTITUTIONS. Oregon . J O WRITSMAW. Becretarr Geo F SIMPSON, Vice President. D B Montelth.U ternoerg,;J WOuucl Stu art.J 0 Writsmaa. ; AOESTS TOK and Foreign Companies Drv Goods and General OATAT.OGUE. ABSOUrEUir PURE iTiKri!.: ( Spiced pis feet, Kwect pickles in bnlk, Sour pickles In bulk, Raisins, citrons. Lemon peel, extracts, elc.,2 Kor tile Holidays, can be found nt T. K. ALuEN .V CO COPYRIGHT 1631 There's a wide difference tetwecn the help that's talked of and tho help that's guaranteed. Which do yon want, when you're buying medicine? If you'ro satisfied with words, you cet them with every blood-purifier but one. That one is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. With that, you get a guarantee. If St doesn't help you, you havF your money back. On this plan, h medi cine that promises help is pretty sure to give it. But it's because the medicine is different, that it's sold differently. It's not like tho sarsaparillas, which are said to bo good for tho blood in March, April, and May. At all seasons and in all cases, it cures permanently, as nothing else can, all the diseases arising from a tor pid liver or from impure blood, It's tho best blood - purifier, d it's the cheapest, no matter how many doses are offered for a dollar. With this, you pay only for the good you get. Can you ask more? BILIOUS NSSS The S. I!. Headiiclic and Liver Cure LISA 1 TITVtiI"1 f SIKKrt Sim, j jl ij.AkTlJ.V-' I HEir If, taken as directed, we Guarantee Satis faction or refund your money. DON'T SICKEN. DON Tj GRIPE, 50 cents per bottle, by I A tUMMINGS. Cnren Conmnnption, Conch, Cronp, Sore Throat. Sold by all DruEK-ts on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh'B Porotw Piaster will give great natitf action. 2$ cento. SHILOH'S VITALIZER. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, ChnttancKjga.Tenn., says! "ShW's Vaallur'SAVHU )IY LIVE I umildtrttUiebatremalvoradtlaUaltdtii'lrm I trxr used." For Dj-spopsla. Liver or KiUney trouble It excels. Price 76 eta. HILOHVYCATARRH REMEDY. HnvnTOUlatarrhf Irythls Remedy. Itwlll rcltovoand Cure you. ,Prlco W eta. -J an ln ipctor for Itssureessfiil treatment's furnished free: Phlloh's RcnK-lles are sold by us OB a guarantee to give eatir,factlon. REVERE HOUSE ILBANY. - - OP.ECCS HAS. PFiilFm:" r li. J RIETO BEK uf.ue Paiker Bros, grocers. F, M.French keeps railroad time.H Buy your Krooeries of Parker Bros Fiao groceries at Conn & Hendricnou'o. Now cream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers. P J Smiloy job priutor, Flinn Block, does first class work. Smoke the colebrated Harauatilled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's, I)r M II E'tli, ohyaician and surgeon Albany, Orjii. Cills maU la citj ' or country. Holy's This! Woolfer One Hnndrcd Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J.CHEXEY&CO., Toledo, O. We, tho undersigned, have known V. J. Cheney for the last !5 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by theh 2rm. We3T ATnrAX, Wholesale Drupfrlsts.Toleflo.O, Waldino, Kin.vas & Mauvin, Wholesale Urug- fists, Toleilo, O. s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act inic directly uiionthe blood and raucoiiri surfaces ofthonystem. Testimonials sent free. Juried voc. per oouie. ooia oy an uruggisu. A Great Invention. Is the self pouilng coffee and tea pots. With them yon can pour coffee or tea without tu Tr ine the pots. Wonderful. None o the hundred Httle Inconveniences of the old fashioned way. Coffee cooks sure and pure and cannot burn, and tea to per fic tion. You raite the light Hd and the coffee or tea runs from the spout. If you ould have the finest thing fn the world order ane when Mn Talt, the local agent calls on ou. Reopened. W R Graham has reopened his taitot shop, and has on hand a hoe line of suitings, ready to be made up for those wishing first-class work done. Thanking the public for a liberal patronage in the past, he solicits a continuance of their patronage and jromises good work and prompt attention to is needs of his patrons. Money to Loam. I have money in sums of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Bentcv counties, at lowest current rates, delay in furnishing the money. C G Blrkhabt Real estate agent. Albany, Oregon. Vhen Baby was sick, wr pnvc her Castoim A'heit she was a Child, she cried for Castortav Vlwn the became Miss, stic clung to Casfoiia. ''tiro she had Oliilih . !,-ave them CasUnv All t.ib Style to go to Mueller's par 1 lal. I .1 - ,J a luro wiiii me ihuicb uu tir ti iiicui u Cocoa and High T wafers. Served at all nuuru. One Small nUo Ilean evrT nitrbt for a week artrnso Torpid Livers. &c. per bottle. The Portland Collection Agency hac com msnced several uits to colUct acoounts for G L Blackman. Parties owing him should Bottle their nocounts and savo oo. ts. Captain Sweeney, U 8 A,Sn Diego, Cal , aiys. "Stiiloh's CaUrrh Kenedy is the lirnt medicine I have ever foundthat would do me any good. :t Price, 50 ota.S'Soldj hy wt'hay Ai Mft!0fl. Shiloh's Vitaliztr ts what yon need for dypep$i.vt tcrpid Hver, yellow skin or kid ney trouble. It is irnaranteed to give yon Mti faction. Price 75s. Slid by Fob hay & Masoc . If yon onmplit pitting in a w iter plmt get prices of 'w nd mills, pomps, pipe, UnkR. ato.. from W W Crawford. He -.Till astonuhyoa. Oregon! to R iw d t ie lit e i n ti'u'.n onn U Uendrioson's. Put up tn neitt wnttjn-flhanrd bott les,n)prax flouted, Small 'tile Iteuna. l&c. por botllu. Great reductions in A er mot or wind milli for DecemOr. Soe'the aeot, W Craw ford. The hnest line of pecker knives in the oi;y at Stewart 8x'n. Stewart St H-n soil tnt vary bei. p t -n hears tc'sxorf. A log uab:n made of gnm ai trio's cni- sideiaWc attn'1 n at Mte Inr , See it Umenber that F L Da moot docs anar nte frit, and sews tKi.mible coming ripn c'nthing bfnitht of his store. 0ercoaU sold it Cost n:itil Chnstma. Will St 8!ark, V . e:erf. The Portland money ring seem to be running things somewhat in the state legislature. Tt va at loner in t Prpot i hit tn lienr the nimnr. nUnl. HiA k P One ia that. Man ager Wm M Hong receives $30,001) a year ed, niul tela $1.(HX) a month lor a small water power at the l!a; Of course both are exaggerations. niildini; for tho office of Street Super intendent in Oregon seems to be the 111 leiltlCII b III lfl'll DCVII1D ...V fashion, ieliland eclipsed Albany with the following bids: J R Stearns, " a month iniiiii; it Dodge, )"; l'aviu jmeo, 50; Kmest Hicks, HOi W A Lewis, $10; US Kndcliff, 3S Tlie Inilinns predicted the present snowy winter, from ceiltiin moon signs. and declared it would last until Feb 15, wnen the snow moon disappenrs. The huntintr. moon of December did the busi ness, somewhat aided afterwards by the cold moon of January. Look out for a tine spripg. An Ann Arbor student has invented a machine to make a mustache grow on the smooth lip. It consists of a small electrie battery so arranged that the whole thing can te put in the mouth un der the upper lip. The stimulating effect of the electricity will in two weeks time cause the youthful hairs to sprout and a beautiful covering of that which some boys value so highly will bo tiie result. It is nesdiess to say the inven tion has been patented. The following from a Walla Walla paper suggests the necesiity of a pablic ulace in which all kinds of men may get waim. The saloons are well attended these cold days, but the parketpers complain they spend nothing and are only stove hearders. Lvery chair in some places is occupied in the back rooms w here the fires are, but the bars are pictures of solitary desolution. Some years ago an old gentleman fell by the roadside near Kensington, Enrland. Of quite a number f persons who witnessed hu fall all pronounced him drunk, save one, a lady named Birh. She alcne went to his aid, Insisting that he hod merely fainted, which was tne laci. 11 is not known that Miss Bitch ever afterwards saw the old trent- tleman, hut a few weeks ago Ids solicitor called and informed her that he had died and bequeathed to her the sum of $750,000. Wortu Knowing. That Alluock's Porous Plastara aro the highest lesutt of medics science and skill, and in ingredients and methods have never been equalled. That they are iho original and genuine porous plaster, upou whose reputation imitators trade. That Allcouk s Porous Plasters nevei. ail to pel fnrr.l their remedial work qnickly and efiectuallv. That this fact is attested ny thousands of voluntary and unimpeachable teslimtnials fromgrsteiul patients. That lor rneumatiem, wosk b or. sciatica, lung trouble, kidney disease, dyspepsia, ma- laris, and all lool pains,they areinvslual.le. That when you tuy Allcnck's Fornus Plra rs you absolutely ohti l i the best pla. s afniade. Gkt Startkd Right. Then the whining schoolboy, aitli his satchel And shining morning face, creenlng like a snail Unwillingly to school. stopped at Conr. & llendtlchon s, the live grocers, and left a long order for some groceries, remarking thai lie iikpii 10 eat anywny,and Ihst they kept the best groc rics there to be secured anywhere. If ou would have the best groceries and produce ai the most reasonable prices cal) on Conn k Hendricson. They have them. Moving C'Itmt, The tmdtrt'gncd is prepared to do all kinds of houne raising and house mov r.g promptly at d in fnst clast older Oil or Icavr oidt-rs at my residence at co, of Third end Oak streets, Albany. 1 I! Tilloihon. Not Always the Flour. If your Biscuit are Heavy, Your Griddle Cakes Sodden, Your Pastry Poor, Your Cake dries out quickly. Change Your Baking Powder. Dr Price's Cream Baking; Powder NEVER DISAPPOINTS. It imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness and flavor observed in the finest food, and not obtainable with any other but DR. PRICE'S. Kartliquakesl Atiikns, Feb 7 Tho city is again uliuken up by a series of severe earthquuka shocks, and people who had returned have boon frightened away again The king and queen of tireece have arrived at ante, where tho shocks were even more severe. Thousands of inhabitants followed in silence the royal cnrria. Most of the churches, for which the city is celebrated, aro wholly or partially wrecked Hardly a gno build ing on the uiuinc streets is loft uninjured. Heir 10 a I'oitune. Tacoma, Wash, Fob 7. J D liainey, ex-chief of the lire department of this city, bus fallen heir to 11 fortuno estimated nt 6100,000. A few weeks ago he received a letter from a lawyer in Texas asking whether he was related to Robert ltuiney. The lawyer stated that Robert ltainev died recently in Texas, and that he had left an estate worth considerable money. J D liainey is preparing papers to establish his identity. A New Sect. Coi.t'Miii s. Kan, Feb 7. Tho people of this section are preatly excited over the spread of new religious ideas, of which John and David Deems, of this place, nro the chief expounders, the basis being the govorniuent of perJonal conduct according to the teaching of the New Testament liter nil interpreted. Many have adopted the new religion, nnd several people have left their families to follow the Deems. They claim ts have performed mirnvulous cures. Families huvo been disrupted, until the authorities, backed by the sentiment of the orthodox people, have determined to break up the sect. Ft re at Pendleton. Pknoi.kton, Or. Feb 7. A fire at 1 o'clock this morning; consumed four wooden buildings on the west side of Maine street, between Court and Alta. The losses are as follows: Laundry Demott. grocers, building and stock, tTiOO; H L Carl, barber shop, $X00; W H Daughtry, meat market, $1,100; Dan Kemper, grocer, 83500; W C Bardsley, building, 91500. Aeeeiited Washington, Feb 7. Secretary Tracy has officially accepted the coast defense ship Monterey. Her builders, the Union Iron Works, of San Francisco, lose $32,000 from the contract prix, $1 ,020,950, because she failed to develop a maximum horse power of 5400. Her horsepower on trial was shown to be only 5077. A Kith Porket Gold Hii.i., Or, Feb 7. B Horn, an old resident of this place, struck a pocket recently on Gull's creek, which, for rich, ness. bids fair so excel the old Gold Hill mine. Already, several thousand dollars have been taken out and it scorns to be ex tensive. An Important IrllTercncel m.L. it .,irnt tn thnusand.. ihn think themselves ill, that they are not afTout td with any disea.e, but that the system simply nerus Cleansing, i. w urtun vuiiiium home to th-ir hearts, u a eosliv. ooodition is easily cured by nting jyrup of Fig. Manufactured by the Cali'ort.ia Fig Syrup Co. Look Out. At Zsio or btlow it ij a dat gerous co. dition of temperature t) those o enfeebled constitutions, either from age or r rifmity. It .s just such acondltioc ot the weather as increases ten-fold the intensity or spread of rheumatic pains and aches, tlut the rrnudy sid cure is so simple and su . it is to be wondered at that any permit them selves to suffer a day, 01 an hour, when at any drug store St Jacota Oil can bo had. which n t only cures rhfnmatiam, but there is 11 -cturn ot the t'ouhlo Hi i) Market. t',n- Oam 3o Klinir, fl.0. Minier, SOu. l'Kgs o. l.iil, 4t. Pr-i k bniiiH 15i shoulders, 9 , Klrira, 12o May lis cd IIS "o 8 toes, f.cc. A;pin,l CO Hops 18,! Lried frult-.pluii a, to, apples, So. t hicketiH. S4 ..11 pr dozen, Mor mi foot, !Jc. Hngs. dres-eti. 7o. 1 ( ! e t i 1 i -- .i;v! f.:!;-'i rr fc;1 f 1 i 1' J J