Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 26, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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NO 233
s Bazaar
Julius GradwoliF
The very latest n ATWO la f Vi a a-t. 1 L YTT -w-rr-.
5& ADWOHTVS BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows:
Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound ....
lbs. Granulated Sugar " $1 00
lbs. Magnolia Sugar White l'oo
No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon
Cans refilled, 5 gallons loo
6 Gallons Good firm'.'.'.'.'. l io
20 Yba. No. Savon Soap : . . So
1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup.. T '...'.'.'.'.' .40
Jwi! cnnduot a strict cash store, and all eoods will lm rvr ( r..
,55 pe' -nt less than regular price. My stock of CbinawHre, fanoy goods, ana
,11 ih desirable syles of d.ahai. a, well as a general assortment of groceries, crak
,ry. ia.iiiPn.l axtur la oomph o. 1 mate a specialty of tea,, ootlees and
btKing powder, and always pla.e my customors,
Agonttor several responsible Insurance eorapan e. J ul lux Gradwohl.
Albany, Oregon,
7 P KKAD, President.
J L COWAN, Treasurer.
J O WRITSMAW. Seoretary
Geo F SIMPSON, Vloe President,
I Cowan, Geo F Simpson, vV F Read, D B MonteItli,M 3ternberg.J WSOucink
J K Weatberlord, RSStrahan.J O Writaman.;
Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies
ALBERT BROWNELUSueeessor to Hymaa & Brownell, Proprietor.)
city. W e would call the attention of our friends to the fact thai we are
setter prepared than ever before to furnish eyerything in the shape of Fruit, Shade
and Ornamental trees, Small Fruit vines, etc., at either wholesale or retail. Our
sleek is first-class, guaranteed true to name and free ' om Inspect pests, and our
prices low. C. E. Brownell is our city agent andf -era left with him at his
store will receive prompt and careful attention, i Mir . and see me or write for free
catalogue to
A'bany, Oregot
for Jnfants end Chlldrer
Or.;r.alsso well auaptcd to children that
ioiuitiend It a superior to any prescription
o,d io iiie." II. A. AncHctt, I. D.,
til So. Oxford St., Ilrootlvn, N. Y.
"h use of 'Castorta Is so universal ana
ui merits so well known tlit it seems a work
f i.iiprerop"it ion to endorse it. Few are tho
utollinent iarniliea who do uot keep Castorift
vitiiit eaFyretach." K
Carlos Mahttw, P.D..
Now York City,
larfe Pastor B.jomtrr "jale Keformod Church.
Crwtorls. crtrcs Colic, CocnHpattofi,
S ;.r btoumcli, iarrbnea. fcruemtion,
K.aij Worm, givw sleep, and promotes d."
Without Injurious medication.
" For several years I have recommended
your Castoha, 1 and shall always continue ie
do an os it has Invariably produced bonefleia
Edwin r Pardbm, II. D.,
"The Winthror," ls&th Street and 7th Ave.,
New York Citj
Ci'ilnet 31 : fr n ". o
iIjjm. Siutiir p.:
i5ci c.'ty 1 1
Wa cirr
ol iil ail sterescDplc vti
Albany, Oregon-
yri cpt1 ?y
X C.Um . OrTnn. W. I. STAL.CV. PrinciDal. w y
Salem. Oreeon, W. I. Stalev, Principal.
A thcroufih business training school. Endorsed by the business and profession .
Five Departments: Business Shorthand, Typewriting Pcnma
Scbocl in session the entire yenr. Students admitted At any time. Catalogue, contain!
highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
r'aiker Bros, roocra,
F. M. French kuvps railroart tiu -.
iluy yottr sroot'ri w of Parker Uroi roenries at Co mi & llendricsoa's.
Ii -v.' orcant cheque iuit icceived at Cor.ra
P .1 Smiley job printer. KHun Block, does
first clas work.
Sinke thft ce1elratl Havana tilled 5 ent
oijjar at Juiios Joseph's.
D.- M II H'iH, nhyaiomi and surt'eou
Albany, Old; tln mxt, 0it ! or
A log oab'a made ot num attraof8 "coo
ndeiable attention at Muller'. Sec it.
lit member that F L Dcmout does guar
antee tit, and sews potstble coming rips -n
clothing bought of his store. Overcoats sold
at Cusl uutil Christmas.
Asthma and
afc W
Ir's. Shiisip & Houser,
Specialists In the treatment of all forms 01 Chronic, Catarihal, Nervous an
female Diseases.
Twenty (20) lar E!erleure In Mili"'. Sarnry an 1 K ivrlr'fr
curabiecaes 1. )iB;3 29 C)m ur:i i .iirort, Silera. Orom
C 1 1 1 !l I fOIIf 111 D.
Heads off
d'waso Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery. In a way, that yon
can understand, too, by purifying
tiUli afel1anguYSi'W when blotches
and eruptions appear that's the
time to take it, no matter what the
season. It's easier to prevent than
to havo to cure.
For all diseases caused by a tor
nid liver or impure blood, Dyspep
sia, Biliousness, Scrofulous, Skin, or
Scalp Diseases even consumption
(or Lung -scrofula), in its earlier
stacrcs. the " Discovery " is the only
remedy that's guaranteed. If it
docs'nt ueneht or cure, you nave
your money back.
lou pay oniy lor tno gooa you
got. .
The proprietors of Dr. Saeo's Ca
tarrh Remedy lose $500 if you're
not cured of Catarrh. They prom
ise to pay you that if they can't
euro you. What do you lose by
trying it? Is there anything to
risk, except your Catarrh?
Cares Consumption, ouB.i,
Throat. Sold by .1 "
For Lame hide, uacit w v..i ......... -
Plaster will give great mUfacnon. 5 eenis.
cum nu'S VITALIZE!?.
vhihthK Vilalizer PAVED 3r Lift,. 1
FeSrWd." For Dyspecjia, Liver or Kidney
trouble It excels. Pi loo 75 c
4T?Tn..lai Pflmnflf IfcwlU
fieeT Shlloh's Remedies lare sold by u o ft
jSrantee to give satisfaction.
A l'ntuable Itt'mrtlr.j
Brondreth's fills purify the Wood, stimu
late the liver, trcni;thon tl,e ki.liiova, reu.
late the bowols. They were iutroduoeil in
the Uiiited Stites in 1S33. Since thit time
over sixty millions of boxes of Kriucliolh s
Pills have been used.
This, tocether with thousands rf convinc
ing testimonials from all parts ot the world,
is positive evidence of their yalue.
Hrandruth's J'llls are purely vegetabli, b
aomtcly harmless and safe to take at anv
Teacher's Examlnatlom
Notice le hereby given that the regular
public examination of teachers, for Linn
county, will take place in Albany, oora
meucmg on Wednesday, February 8th,
at 1 o'clock p m, and continue until Frl.
day noon, February 10th; All teachers
must positively be present at the time of
commencement, as no one will be ad'
mlttd to the examination whe is not so
piesent. Applications for State certificates
and elate diplomas reneived at the above
named time, G F KUSSKLL,
County Scbeol Supt
Whrn you come to
Den't fail to visit
The druggists They carry a large and
choice Mock of drugs, patent medirlnes,
etc. Prescriptions are always carefully
and promptly attended l.
It will
Pay you.
Permanent Brasch Launory. A
branch office of the Sale.n Steam laun
dry, )iaR.hPPn A.tQhlioKoAl.Jl-HHW..s.u
articles delivered at Salem prices. No
other expense. All work guaranteed.
Orders may be left with Oeborn Davy,
permanent agent and solicitor for Albany
Rropened W R Graham has reopened
his tatloi shop, and has on hand a fine line
of suitings, ready to be made up for those
wishing first-class work done. Thanking the
public for a liberal patronage in the past,
ie solicitsa continuance of their patronage and
promises good work and prompt a'tention to
..e needs of his patrons.
A large stock of pruning shears nd prun
ghoo'iis, tbe best made, just received at
Stewart & Sox's, Now is the tittle to nss
Removed. Attorney C E Wolvcrton
has removed his law office from the Foster
block to up stairs over the First National
Bank where he is prepared to attend prompt
ly to all legal business entrusted to him.
A.h v X-Ci-n, Rnib"".in, 8)J
nifton Street, Portland, Or.
Shiloh'a Curo, the grtiat cough and croup
enre, is fur Mile by us.a Pooket size contains
twuntv-fivA doses.only 25o. Children love it.
Fnshay ft Mason.
Call and see new fall dress goods at W
Remo nbr C A lf-n In ? i, tae Ore
-intan cnip'ns on b oh 'hi.
If voa o.'it-moivt- p.f-.i-Kf in awiter
il nt got prices of w nd mill, pump. pipe,
.n't. o.o, frumW W Crawford. Hi-.vill
astonish you .
The Portland Cllpct.ton Ai!encv!hat com-
mrnod .overjil uita 1 1 collect accounts for
G I. BUckm.n. Parties owing him should
t:le their accounts nnd rave co: ts.
TIic S. r. Ilfiidiiflic anil Liver Cure
I IS 4
Over a Mine. Friday morning last,
at 7 o'clock, a shooting affray occurred at
Lucky Queen mine, fourteen miles from
this city in which Ed Setley and Win
inompson were wounded with buckshot,
Seeley eight and Thompson once.
Seeley is now being cared for at the Red
man house and Thompson at the residence
of JW GrllKth. Both of the Injured men
are single and 23 years old. It seems a
dispute had previously taken place about
the ownership of the claim and on the oc
casion of tbe shooting; the elder S'over
and two sons had driven up to haul away
some ore. oeeicy was in tne caotn ana
gun in hand warned the old man off. The
sons were on the dump within 6o yards of
the house and fired. Seeley clos not
know whether l.e fired his gun or not.
Moore & Seeley it seems were former
locaters of the ledge and had returned
finding the Stovers working It, claiming
mat it nad oecn abandoned. The sons
are now in jail awaitlrg the result
of Seeleyy wounds. The father is out
on $200 ball Grants Pass Courier.
W ? Read has a lartrs 'stock of boots and
thrs to snlect fiom, and the 'best value in
town . -
Great reductions in Aermutor wind mills
ftr Decern oer. See'the a 'ent, V W Craw
Try W F Road when you want shoes.
knives in ths
New bills by Denny, to protect hotel
and boarding housekeepers; Woodaid, to
facilitate the assessment of cltv property:
Bancroft, to prevent the defrauding of
travelers; Cross, for a bridge across the
Willamette river at Oregon Cliv ; Aliev.for
a county board of road supervisors:
Several bills passed, among them beincr:
Blevens, incorporating the city of Tan
gent; Ready, amending section 4136 of
the code, relating to traction engines on
public roads, by sinking ont the word
bicycle, 49 to 9; Bishop, prohibiting mar
riage in certain cases, thai of first cousins
and colored nnd Mongolian races with
wl.lte; labor day to the first Monday In
ihe chair appointed nn the house com
mittee to ascertain the price of school
books, Messrs Miller, Russc'l and Paxton.
Columbia river smell, a delicious fish
now plentiful and can be obtained at 6
lb at Uydea Kith Markot.
Fine cream caodv. ehewlufr ehofioLta
marahmallows, angels food, eto at Mueller'r,
Oregonian Goovolonedia oounons taken at
Conn of Uendrioson's.
Vyuusumuuvos, 60 nos uesuair,- - .-Here 1
hope. Try Woat's Cough Syrup. It will
alwayr oure in early stagos. Procure a
Sua large 8 02. bottle. J A Cuinming, Druggist.
Moving Outfit. The undersigned is
prepared to do all kinds of house raising
and house moving promptly and In first
class order. Call or leave orders at my
residence at cor of Third and Oak s'reets,
Albany. J B Tillotson.
Ono mo2Z ftlla Dean every nfirlit for ft
Week arouse Torpid Livers, xbc. ier bottle.
Smiley, the Printer,' is always abreaft o.
the times, having made, improvements id1
his office and is LetUr prepared than ever
o supply the people with good printing.
Shiloh's Vitaiizer ts what you need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kid
ney treuhie. It is puaranteen 10 give you
satisfaction. Price 75o. S ld by Foshay &
Butterick patterns at Read's
Cloaks and tickets at cost and lets a. W
V Read's.
vheo Baby was rlca, wr pnve her Castona.
Vhen slie was a Child, she eril for Canton.
Vhen she becati." Mias. she cluK V Co' :on.
"hen she hauOiiU-tui.v-' : '' "
Treasurers Iteporl,
Vashin(itox, Jim 25. Chairman
Springer, of the ways nnd means coniiuit
tee, 1ms received from Secretary Foster. o
tlte treasury, a statement showing the con
dition of the treasury, nnd the estimnted
condition nt the end of tho present and at
tho end of the next fiscal year. The show
ing for the first six months of tho present
fiscal year is'
Receipts, nil sources $2.14.419,21.1
Kxpenditures 2:tO,V7 1.000
Kxcess 2.S48.209
Cash in treasury, including
gold reserve, July 1, 1SU1... .1:12.14:1,426
lecember41, ISi)2 120,032,588
A Rrniorrnt Etectrdl
Tupf.ka, Jan 2.V Tho legislature met
in joint session. The republican members
of tbe house declined to itnswcr roll-call.
Ninety-one responded to their names, eight
more than a quorum, l'.lcven of the mem
bers of the house wero populists whose
scats nre contested. Without these there
was no quorum. When the senate rcll
was called, tbe entire populist strength
went to John .Martin, and O'Brien, demo
crat, also voted for him. The result of tho
joint ballot was iinnlly Announced: ilitrtin
f(, Coburn 4, Ilnnna I, Martig 1. The
president announced Snyder was elected
United States senator.
A Lost Fn
Kai.ama, Wash, Jan 25. Last night,
while t he westbound through freight engine
No. 5(0 was on the transfer steamer
Taconm, crossing the river, tho boat struck
a lot of drift logs and ice about mid stream
causing her to lurch sulllciently to start the
engine. Deforn it could be stopped the
engine went over the end of the boat into
the river, where it now lies in three fath
oms of water. The crow escaped, and no
damage was done to the boat or cars.
A Big Incrcasei
Washington, Jan 25. A great deal of
interest bangs about the bill recently intro
duced by Owen Scott of Illinois, providing
for the increase of the tux on whisky from
90 cents to $1.25 per gallon. The bill is
now before the ways and means committee
of the house, and every effort to get an
expression of opinion upon the bil from
members ot the committee, is unavailing;.
Achieved Nal
Portland, Jun 25. Senator Mitchell,
ot Oregon, has achieved undesired noto
riety through his introduction of the bill
"To prohibit electro-magnetizing, mes-
crime against the Inw of nations, and to
define its punishment." The b-II has been
referred to the committee on judiciary.
.Harmons Mar Volt!
Boise, Jan 25. The house today, by a
vote cf 83 to 2, passed the bill amending
the election law, so rs to relieve the disa
bilities of member of the Mormon church.
There are $5000 Mormons of voting age in
the state, who have been debarred from
exercising the franchise under what has
been called tne re roactivo tenture ot tne
law of the first legislature. This bill, when
it becomes a law, will admit nil to the
right of suffrage, who rony not now he
guilty of polygamy.
Sand Ridoe Cemetery. This Is to
notify all persons Interested In Sand Ridge
cemetery that there will be a meeting
held at the Grange Hall, on Sand Ridge,
on Monday, Jan 30th, 1S93, at 10 o'clock
am. This meeting Is called by the com.
mittee who has charge oi the straighten
ing up and replattingof the grounds. The
Board of Directors and the committee
will be present, and wish all persons to .
come and claim their we can make
a record of tbe same,
Isaac Wiirkldon,
"Worth Huston.
J B Roberts,
MoNjcr to LoAis. 1 have money in
sums of $500 to 2O,00O to loan on im
proved (arm lands in l.inn nnd Bentca
couiitiet, nt loweat current rates,
delay in furnishing the money.
C tv BtlRKIIAkr
Real estate agent. Albany, Oregon.
Tho finest line M pocket
:ity at 8tcwart & Sox's.
Letter List.
Foilowirg is the list, of letters ren.aining
in the post office at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, Jan S3. 1893. Persons calling for
these letters mutt give the date on which
they were sdver ise.l.
Rondv,Miss Ifermime
Criber, Mr 8 A
Knnk, Miss Lizzie
Gstche.ll A J
Oiillin. Klmer
Hareon, N E Olrcn
tells Kinsley, W M
Lindsay W M 4
Mlildlestadt, Carl
StWArt ic sill ci
hears sn 1 scissors. .
1 biit pto.i
Anderson, A A
Buirea. William
Divir, Mr Niar.l
Grimm, Mr O W 2
(jow, Jim,
Hill, C L
Hostetter, Mrsl'.i
Lawrence, (.'has
Miller, Mrs A
Olson, Mrs Marv
Phillips, Felith.' 2
Rucber, O K
Stoda, Gustave
Wallace. IT
If taken as directed, we Guarantee Sa:b-
faclion or r fund your money.
50 Cents p' hv'Mlr. bv
We hva tin li.gJt .it3 cf ladisi un-v-ir
nV ir Tn 111 toi. A.) sure and
wntt W Kilnd cm do fnryon before
in 4 your urd ;r.
$100 Bcward, $100
The readers of this paper will bo pleasrd to
lesni that there Is at lean one dreaded disease
that science bus been a Mo to cure In all Its
stages and that Is Coturrh. Hull's CaUirrh
Cure is the only positive cure row known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh feeing a con
stitutional distune, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catnrrh Cure is taken inter
nally, art inn directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the nysti m, therthv destroy in
tiie fouti'lation of the divrwe, ontf Rivinif
pr.titnt strtnKth hy:.iIMiiKupthocointituti'in
and aK-;,tina natu'tf i;i doinn lis work. The
protr'e'cr-i !:!.') i;o r.nch f iith la its curative
im'iVi -rs, tivt th -y c:!lT Oiih Hundred iJollnrS
for mv ili i'. it fr.iis to cure, bend lor
l list ftt u-r,i.t
j AdJrT, 1. J. (,ITTi:::r:Y&CO., Toledo, 0
Farmer, O W
Porter. Mr Oeo E
Schilmaro, (iustave
ThiKh,Mrs Sarah
Wi.Misnn, Rant
CnpUm Swcfnv, IT S A .San Dieo, Cal ,
vs. "Shi'oliV Ca'arth Rs"rfy is the Hrat
medicine I I n tyer f on lid tbnt voulrl do mo
any good. Price, 0 els. Sold by Kiiehty
Ac Ma on.
Albnny H.rUs:.
Out 8n.
Flour, f.r.fWi.
t utter. ?5o.
Pork-hHms 15i aliotiMmni, 8cj Rides,
Hay. Iwled $U
vO RfORM, fiOo.
A'pl tl 00
Hops 18o.
I)ried fruit- planiR, fte, Apple, Oo.
1'hlckona, H f.O per dot en.
Mnef, on foot, 2c.
Hokn dreeo, 7o.
The only Pure Creuui of 1 arlar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Yeare the Stanr'prl,