Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 20, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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NO :.S
Julius GradwoM's Bazaar
The very latest news is
Ht ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows:
Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound
lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00
lbs. Magnolia Sugar White 1.00
' No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon .25
Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1.00
5 Gallons Good Pickles, market firm 1.10
20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90
1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40
i.ii. nnminnt a sir let cash aLore. anil all sronds will bs sold for net cash from 1
o55w -ent loss than regmar price. My
til lb desirable ayles or cnxliel, as well as a general assortment 01 groceries, croca
srv lamps and fixtures is complete. 1 make a speoiAlty of flue tea?, coffees and
tuning powder, and always pfase my oustomers,
Agent for saveral responsible Insurance
for Infants
C Oh t orl a Is so well adapted to children that
doonuaend it as superior to any prescription
AovtD so me." II. A. Akcheh, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
'"hi use of 'Castorfe, Is so unfvemal and
is merits so well known that it seems a work
uf supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
V.iteHiRent lamilies who do not keep Castoria
frithlp ttuyreuch.''
Carlos Martyh, TV,..
New York City,
tatb Pastor B.jominr"Jale Reformed Church.
T V BEAD, President.
t Jj COWAN, Treasurer.
t Cowan, Geo F Simpson, W F Read, D B MonteHh.M Sternberg .'J WSOiKinb
J K Weathertord, R S Strahan, J O Writsman.
Several Solid Eastern
ALBERT B R 1 W N E LL, (Successor toIlyman& Browncll, Proprietor.)
stock Is first-class, guaranteed e tontmtinitne" - -.U'
prices low. c. E. Browneil Is our city at ,d Tj fPh F. f u! a"d 0'!'
A baoy, Orogra
J. JOSEPH, Proprietor,
Only White Labor Employed,
Issues 200 page Dry Goods and General
Outfitting CATALOGUE,
end your name on a postal card TO-DAY
and get one.
ST) , f7s
Tin: i.t Anixt; i'iioTOKAriiiRH,
Albany, Oreaon.
that you can buy at JULIUS
Block of Chinaware, fanoy goods, ant
oouopan e. Julias Gradwohl.
nnri Childrer.
Cantoris cnres Colic, Constipation,
eoiirt-iomach, Ttlairhcea. Eructation.
Kills VoriiiO, givva sleep, and promotes di
gestion, Without injurious medication.
For several years I have recommenad
your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue tc
do so as it has invariable produced beneflcla
Edwin V. Pardbi, M. D.,
M Tho Wintnrop," 125th Street and Tth Ave.,
Kew York Cltj
Comi ahv, 77 Hurray Street, Kew Yore.
J O WRITSMAW. Secretary
Geo F 8IMFSON, Vice President.
and Foreign Companies
Cabinet rCtjn frj n St.c ,
per diz-n. ?il ,,nt -, .
VtV.) "'ecU!ty . i5cn cm,-.,,, ' ,
-S 'r Jio.oi. We earrv i I a a.
ol 5x3 and sterescDptc vi-w. of
IJighest of all in Leavening Power.
Spiced pigs feet,
Sweet pickles in bnlk, '
Sour pickles in bulk,
Raisins, citrons,
Lemon peel, extracts, etc.,
For the Holidays, can Le found at
Money to Loam. I have money in
sums of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im
proved farm hinds in Linn and Rentes
counties, at lowest current rates,
delay in furnishing the money.
C O Burkiiart
Real estn'.o agent,, Albany, Oregon.
Wound up
the man or woman whoa "ran'
down." Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery sets the wheels going.
It starts the toroid liver into health
ful action, purines and enriches the
blood, cleanses, repairs, ana strengtn
ens the system, and restores health
and vigor. As an appetizing, re
storative tonic, it sets at work ail
the processes of digestion and nu
trition, and builds up flesh and
For all scrofulous humors aifS
blood -taints, and even Consump
tion (or Lung -scrofula), if taken
in time, it s a positive remedy.
. Unlike tho sarsaparillas, which
claim to bo good tor the blood in
March, April, and May, "Golden
Medical Discovery" works equally
well at all seasons.
Unlike other blood-purifiers, too,
it's guaranteed to benefit or cure,
in every case, or your money is re
On these terms, it's the cheapest.
You pay only for the good vou eet.
Bat it's the best or it couldn't be
old so.
f fov i '" .?.'' ;hs, Croup Hor
out. " ;. on . GiMrantee,
l Lame i ' 1 - t Stv.Ioh's Porous
; iter will give, -; -oi. 15 ceats.
Mrs T. S lfvkin.Chatt:'n'.otr ' ;nn..siiy8:
" ShU'th'it Vttaizer'tA VKO M k lAFE? I
cwr twed.' For Dy:p in. Liver or Kidney
trouble it excels. Fnce75cU.
Have you Catarrh? 'frythls Remedy. Itwill
relieve and Cure yon. Prk K cts. Thls In
jector tor ttssucoewifu! trestroentHfumlshoa
free. Shlloh's Bemellea are sold by us on a
guarantee to give satisfaction.
Tito S.
li. Heafladic and Liver Cure
IK 4
i Sil.AH
If akfii fl dtrec'fd. we Guarantee Su'N
fr:f'n or rt'fuiut vjur nin-v.
Latest U. S. Cov't Report.
Medlral Tclliuouyt
V Thornton Parker, M l,U, corder,A80-
cation of Acting Assistant Sureous of the
U S Army, writes:
Salem, J Mat , March 3, J891.
"When at Stuttirr, (.ermnv, durinj? the
winter of 1881-82, 1 was su tiering from a
severe attack of br.mchitis, which seemed to
threaten naenmonia. I met, at the Hotel
MarquartU, Commander Boards lee, of thca
UitKcd Statoa JNavy. in speakiug of my
ickuew, he remarked: 'Doctor, you can
on re that chest trouble of you n by usius an
Mlcook'a Porous Plaster.' 'That may be
irue, I answered, but where can 1 pet the
plaitei? 'Anywhere in the civilized world,
and surely here in Stuttgart. Whenever I
hive a cold, I always use one and find relief.'
i tei't to the diue store for the plaster, and
it did all that my friend hid promised. Kver
since then I have used it whenever suffering
rom a rold.and l have many urnes pre en U
d it for Dafients.
"Tho ii 11 cock's Plaster is the Lett to be
had, and has saved many from severe iUners,
and undoubtedly, if used piomptly.will save
many va'uable liven. Whenever one basa
severe cold they cbculd put on an ileock's
Plaster as soon as possible. It should be
placed across the chest, the upper margin
just belcw the neck; some hot beef tei, or
milk, will aid mine treatment.
"This is not a patent remedy in the objec
tionable sense of that term, but a standard
preparation of value, Tho Government
applies tor the U S Army and Indian .Hot
pital stores contain Alloock's Plasters and
the medical profession throughout the world
af well aware of their reliability and ei-
oellenoe. I shall always recommend it, net
only to break up colds, but as useful in
ai'aying pains in tne cneat and in the back
It is a preparatioa worthy of general oonti
; Paiker Bros, grocers.
" MFceooh. Jtenna railroad time--.- ,
1 Boy your grooeri-w of Parker Bros
Fiae groceries at Conn & Hendricson's.
New oream cheese just received at Conrad
P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, does
nrat class work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent
iRar at Julius Joseph s,
Dr M fl EHi nhyaiotaa and surgeon
Albany, Ore; . C-tLU mils ij city or
country .
Reopened W R Graham has reopened
his tailoi shop, and has on hand a fine line
of suitings, ready to be made un for those
wishing first-class work done. Thanking the
public for a liberal patronage in the past,
Sesolicitiacontinuanceof their patronage and
j remises good work and prompt attention to
...e.ueeaEox nis patrons.
Permanent Branch Laundry. A
branch office of the Sal p. a Steam laun
dry has been established in Albany. All
work will be collected and the Inundried
articles delivered at Salem prices. No
other expense. All work guaranteed.
Orders may be -left with Oaborn Davy,
p?rmanent agent and solicitor for Albany
h. P ii
, to slwava
it- impro
,r-to d
tfo id p .
a t .f
it's -n
need fm
xkin or k id
o fjive yon
Foshay &
v pnpsi .
V tnn'
Butterck puttf iua . . .
Cleans and jiokocs and -. .v. W
Yhn r!ie v. os a Cliild, she criM for Castorlk
Vl;u le Iwrame M:ss, nlie ctimg tr Cutona
rticn Kite had ChiMrro. blie i;ave tbem Castoria.
Remember C-nn & Hendricson take Ore
onian coapnrts ou all c-ih sales.
pUnt net price ofV nd mill. pnthD. pitv.
&etoMh you.
The Port'and C-iHction Afency!hae com-
mftned nver:il .nitu t collect ocennnts fur
i I. Bhckmnn. Par ;is owing him should
Hct'.le their accounts nnd rave cmt.
W !la'l haf a lora ninok of boots and
t-lies to sclent fiom, and tho btst vaiue n
O-oflt re tn
- n o '
in Aoimitrir in I mi'ls
'Of p f-n, V W Cnv-
retitions presented for repeal of mort-
uai;o tax law, exemption law and for a
law restraining sale of cigarettes to
minors. Referred.
New hills ltlevens, amending name
law; tiullixson, to equip and uniform
Oregon National Guard, appropriates
Jiu.uou; Horthup, to hx time lor meet-
n K ot legislature second Monday 01 J an
at noon.
llv Mctiinn. to amend -10 and SO code,
aflecting election law, and providing for
registration ol voters; oy eaten, to au
thorize county judges to bid in any land
sold for taxes, and to amend code relat
ing to sale of lands for taxes; by Crosno.
to render more efllcient the services of
the state board of charities.
The fee bill introduced in the senate
bv Hon il K Cross provides that the
clerk of the supreme court is to receive
$2(100 annually and no fees ; county
clerks, $1200; recorders, $1400; clerks of
circuit courts, $1SOO; sheriffs from $1200
to $;1500, according to the county's pop
ulation. Fees only fur making copies of
papers on tile at 10 cents a folia.
m w m
Leiianon. Mrs J L Cowan, of Albany,
attended the funeral of Miss Kdilh Roland,
in Lebanon this week,
K KGoff, electrician of Albany, is var
nishing aril touching up the Lebanon light
Edith M Rrland, the Only daughter ot
Mr and Mrs J O Roland, died at her parents
home in East Portland last Sat, Jan. ia.h,
1893. Her remains were brought here 0.1
Monday, by her mother and brother who were
accompanied by Irltmls and relatives, and
bulled In the Lebanon cemetery on Tuesday.
Rev Ecileston conducted the funeral services
at lheresidence of C 11 Ralston. She was
18 years old. Local papers.
A Great Invention, Is the self
pouilng coffee and tea pots. With them
von can pour coffee or tea without furr
ing the pots. Wonderful. None of the
hundred little inconveniences of the old
fashioned way. Coffee cooks sure and
pure and cannot burn, and tta to perhc
lion.' You taise the light Kd and the
coffee or tea runs from 'he spout. Hjou
ffould have the finest thing In tue world
order one when Mrs tall, the local agent
calls on ou.
Columbia river smelt, a delicious fish are
now plentiful and can be obtained at Co per
lb at Hydes Kith Market.
Captain Sweeney, U S A, San Diego, Cat,
savs. "Shiloh's Catarrh Kenedy is the first
mediotno 1 have ever found that would do me
any good. Price, 60 ots. Sold by osbsy
61 Mason.
Conturnplive, do not despair, There i
hope. Try West's Congh Syrup. Ic will
always onre in early stanes. frocure a
50o large 8 or. bottle. J A Cninming, Drug'
Moving Outfit, The undersigned is
prepared to do all kinds of house raising
and house moving promptly and In first
class order. Call or leave orders at my
residence at coi of Third and Oak streets,
Albany. B Tillotson,
Oregonian Eocyolnpedia coupons taken at
Cnnn it Uendncsoo's.
The finest line of pocket knives id the
city at btewart & Box's.
Stswire& 4 t rt'ilt tiu
shears and scissors.
A large stock of prnning shears nd pran
ng hvOs the best made, just re-wived at
Stewart & Sox's. Now is the tis.e to us.
r ill
We h"e ihf l.tgest ,tnck i.f ladh-iiii-iv
1 tv-'i t tnt it in town, rte-ureaid
1. W K Red can Ho fur you lefoie
$100 Eeward, $ 100.
The readers of this paper will bo pleased to
l.arn that thero is ut least one dreaded disease
that science lias been able to cure in all its
stages .nd that is Catarrh. Hall's Caturru
Cure is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh beinir a con
stitutional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Ilall'sCatarrh Curo Is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of tho system, thcreliy destroying
the foundation of the disease, and Riving the
pnt lent strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing it. work. The
proprietors have so much faith in Its curative
Rowers, that they otter One Hundred Dollars
r any case that it fails to oure. Bond foe
list of testimonials.
Address, v. J. CHENEY SCO., Toledo, O.
JH-Sold by I): Jurists, vac.
Shiloh's Cu A. the great 'congh and croup
enre, is for s.V by os. Pook-t six. oontains
twenty-lived sea, only 25ff. Children love it,
Poshav ft M.'on.
Call and we new fall dress goods at W
Ashhv ctCi', Hi vlFs rate, 8 IJ
nsf'ou .Street, Portland, Cr.
The only l'urj Crruui of lartur Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Stano'r
(old Woalbrraud Hlab Frlreil
Xew Yohk, Jun 10. With the supply
of coal nearly exhausted and the price of
country produce extremely high, the im
mediate future looks dark for the poor of
New York. If the present cold snnp hangs
on. the citv will be completely out of coal
in 10 days. The supply on hand is not
more than 50.000 toun. and the city is
using about 20,000 tons a ilay and receiv
ing only alwut 10,000 tons (rom the real
regions. Ail the dealers in tho city frankly
admit that the situation is fur graver Hum
it was during the great strikes of 1877.
Added to the threatened coal famine is the
unprecedented rise in country produce.
I'.'gK' "re selling at 42 nnd 45 cents per
dozen, us against 35 cents a week ago.
Butler briiilpi 40 cents u pound, against lit!
cents last week.
Considerable Ixe'.lverrd Now!
Wasiiisoton, Jan 19. Senator Petti-
! grew, chairman of tho ipHidro centennial
committee, introduced a bill in the senate
today, instructing tho secretary of the
trt-iisnry not to tie iver nny souvenir coins
until he world's Columbian exposition
delivers a cood and sullicient bond, con
ditional that, if for any reason whatever,
the V orld'8 fair was opened to the public
on Sundays, the corporation pay the United
States for 'he sum of money it shall have
received from the sale of the coin, not less
than $2,500,000.
Nearly all
Ciiicaoo, Jun 19. The director of tho
world's fair, in reply to complaints that
space was being allotted tardily, makes a
report showing that of a total of 8,(142,812
square feet available for allotments, 1,919,
519 have been assigned to foreign, nnd
1,787,21)5 to domestic exhibitors. Con
cessions absorb 21 1,465, leaving only
214,470 umissigned,
Si'WNai'lEt.D, Mrs, Jan ifl. When
Horace Smith died last Sunday, D B Wes
son, his former partner in the revolver
manufacturing business, estimated his
wealth nt about 83.000.000. When the
will was opened this afternoon, it was
found that the entire estate, with the
exception ofStO.OOO, was bequeathed to
benevolent and charitable institt lions. The
total amount given omright to institutions
named in the will is 8228,000.
DtlpU's Bills.
Wapiiinoton, Jon 19. Senator Dolph
introduced today an amendment to tne
sundry civil appropriation bill, increasing
the amount of the appropriation to carry in
effect the Chinese restriction l&w from
850,000 to 8500,000. He also introduced au
amendment to the sundry civil appropria
tion bill providing for tne payment of the
claims of Oregon, California and Nevada
for expenses during the war pf the rebel
lion. An Editor lb Trostblet
San Jobb, Jan 19. Charles M Short
ridge, editor of the Mercury, appeared
before Judge Longdon today to show cause
0 hy he should not be punished for contempt
of court in publishing the testimony in a
divorce case, contrary to order of the court.
Shortridge was represented by counsel, who
claimed that the court had no jurisdiction
in the matter and entered a demurrer.
Teacher's Examinations
' Notice Is hereby given that lbs regnlar
publlo examination of teachers, for Lira
county, will take plare In Albany, com
menolng on Wednesday, February 8th,
al 1 o'clock p m, and rontlntie until Fri
day noun. February 10th. AH teachers
oust positively be present at the time of
commencement, as no one will be ad
niittod to the anamination who Is not o
present. A pplh aliens for Mate certificates
and Mate diplomas received atlbe above
named time, U f KUSkLL.
I o nty School ,
Whkn you come te
Den t fail to visit
The druggists Tbev - rrv a large tnd
chilce tines of drug- patent medTc. ies,
-tc, Prescriptions are alway . ie ully
and promptly atteno. o t .
It will
Pay you.
Ri-tnf'ioher that. P L D' mont does utiar-anc-e
tit, at. d sews Dosaiiiie erming ripsin
elo'hing hoi'uht- of bis store. Oerooats sold
at Cusl until Christ mas.
Albany it it is.
T!ie. f7c.
Oat. SHe
Flour. $5 On.
Putter. 5e.
Fgga 8flf.
Ijtul, Vilin.
Pork - hams, 15c; shonlcers, 8c; sldea,
Hay. ba'ed. 15.
uo aloes, fine.
Applet. I 00
Hops. 18o.
liried f.-ti It--plums, flo, apples, 9o.
Chickens. $4 f0 per dozen,
Heef. on foot, 2c.
Hogs, dre ssea. 60.