! rv t . ! .". -if. ' r- 'iMi V) "f ij tr ra 1V0L V ALBANY, OKEGOIS FRIDAY JANUARY C, 1893 mm 1 : M. Hi. Ill S I B . i i i JScientifio American ' Hr'-V3Lffii'( TRADE MARIC8, OE8ICN PATENTS, CAVEATS, ADE MARKS. ''CS OE8ICN PATENTS,! fes COPYRIGHTS. etcj 8 or Informal Ion and froo ITandbook write to WUNN & CO.. 301 llKOALiWAY, NEW YHtK. Itieflt tiurenu for peeunn litttuuta In Auieriea. vory imtimt taken out by 119 Is tiroucht beforo the public by a nuiico given f rco of churco lu the jwutific JUumnw Lanrest ciroulntton of anr wientiflc paper In the world. tM'lomliiily .Uustratu.1. No iiiteiltceiit s tnan ehouid be without It. Weekly, 00 a ' nor; fl..rA)c,x montlm. Addre.'s 311'NN & CO v VvuiAttiLWi, if til Broadway, jSow Yurk City. Pour Blocks - in - Wq Tohl I Vou So. tcoocI location. On the line rices and terms see Oregon Jo., agents. J. FOR Julius GradwoM's Bazaar The very latest news is that you can buy at JULIUS !tADWOHI.,S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: v Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound r lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 ; lbs. Magnolia Sugar White , 1.00 J No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 Ki Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1.00 j 5 Gallons Good Piokles.market firm no 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup si : J wll. conduct a strict cash store, and all J6 per nt less than "Ruar price- My u . "'ouo., ni as Kouoi Bswrimeni 01 grooerips. crock - ry, latnpsand fixture Is complete. 1 make a epeeUlty of fiae te ooflees and Agent for eaveral responsible Insurance 3 5H 1 assess alnk iSt $ for infants ' .-a 1 s ri a is so well auaptcd to children that -owmend it superior to any prescription ' ). M Lie" II. A. Archer, H. D., til Bo. Olford Et,, Brooklyn, S. T. -'lie use of 'Cowtorta is Bonnirerwil ann i. merits so well known that it seems a work wipereropotlnn to endorse it. Few are the :rehi.nt lamilies wuo do uot keep Castoria iCiic eayrwh." Carios Maktt, T.D.. New Vorlf Pit ?lu, Factor B. joinlf' late Reformed Church. !7II T:ie Csntaur at H Arasjaansswiscf clo- met I -PATRONIZE HOM -THE -I & MERCHANTS I Albany, 1" KKAD, President. ( 1L COWAN. Treasurer, n DIRECTorw-' 1 ifowan, JooFSImpsr.n, !V F Read, D B Montflli'i. M i-.rnDerir. ) W'nn ifk hi J K Weathertord, R S Htrahin, I O Writsu tn. ; 5 IS. -ALSO DISTRICT "Tieral Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies mi 5b asai?t IT VILu NOT CUKE It is Hn aareentilo I.(.xr.tive for the nowels ; can bo made into a Tea for use In one uiiuuto. Prleelije . iVto. and el.iiO jier paekaKe. VA TJStt An l"l'lfMllt TOILJT POWDCA U l!if lur tho Teeth and UrcutU-Soo. Townsend's - Addition, We Told Von So. of the New Motor line. For Land Co., or S N Steele & 1. Townsend. 90 40 onmU will ho nM f. nf A,oi. r.. i stock of Cbinaware, fancy goods, ant, oompan'oi. Julius Gradwohl. and Chi Id rer, Cantoria e.ircr Colir, Cons! Ipnt ion, Sour tjlomaeh, tiarrho-a. Krueuation, tills Wontu, give, sieep, and promotes dl pestion. Tithout injurious medicatloa. ' Tor sevr-ral yeirs I hare recommended your ' Castoria, ' ami uliall always continue tr do so as it has invariably produced benenci. results. " EDW1X P. PlRDEt, M. DM "Tho TVinthrop," IJSth Street and Tth Ave., New York Citj Comi-axt, 77 Murray Street, New Yont i INSTITUTIONS.- NSURANCE Clj' Oregon J O WRITSMAW, Secretary Geo F SIMPSON, Vic Presl lent, AOEKTf FOR- SALE highest of all in Leavening Power. Qh Slaking tt8 Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE kSOLUTELY t,i:f. UF.HK litT I4ri, uruccTt. 1 . M. t'nuch kewpf railroad timf, ' your proo ri of l.irkor ilro Fijc grnct-ries at Conu & lli'udricson'ii. Hv.v rreatn cheese junt inocivod ct Oohrad u'K ycrs. V J Smiley job printer. Flint. Block, doct lirat clavs work. Smok' ihn celolirated Havtti (tiled 5 cnt cii;ar at Julius Jopeph'o. l)v M H K'-'i-f, rhitjnn ail eutyooa AISahv, 0e;n. nxlt i Jcit!or country. "There's something behind it" That's what you think, perhaps, when you read that tho proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy oiler 0500 reward for an incurable case of Catarrh. Rather unusual, you think, to find the makers of a medi cine trying to prove that they be lieve in it. "There must be some thing back of it 1 " But it's a plain, square offer, made in good faith. Tho only thing that's back of it is the Remedy. It cures Catarrh in the Head. To its mild, othing, cleansing and healing properties, uio worst pases yioiu, no mattor how bad or of how long standing. It has a record that goes back for 25 years. It doesn't simply relievo it perfectly and permanently cures. With a Rem edy like this, the proprietors can make such an offer and mean it. To be sure there's risk in it, but It's so very small that they are willing to take it. You've "never heard of anything like this offer?" True enough. But then you've never heard of anything like Dr. Sage's Remedy. SHILOH'8 CONSUMPTION JURE. Thb acees pf tM Ort?nt CoutrTi Cure ft Ti.'i;Ji'n.(' a parallel in the hirtory of medkina. All 'rr.f:Ki.taarei.itiiori2tl to cell it on a pM Uive (iuarnsitoc. test tlint no oiltercttru can r!ie-.sfu!ly stand. That it nifty become r.i-.rMvn, tiie IV'inrit.urs, at an enormous ex-ti.-:i' , ere ,laehi;r a Sample Hot t to 1'Vre Into L-vrry home in th tlnited Stctcs ani C&n.id.t, i; y.in Id',- fomrli, Hon; Throt;t, o? Uron u it, for it will euro yon. If your r':' irf. -.h.. Cr-MtTj, VT Wh.H-.pIlifCotlf.ll, USB i ' .:( ri-llr-f is sure. f you dread Hi . in-i-;,i i. riVeaso Conr-;ni:inlicm, n-.c it. A y:ir j i.-,.;t for HKILOH'H Clr'.r, Price if crs. , :t L; -.. and $1.00. If yur Lu;iks fire Boru or litu-K ia:ne. Ufte RhiioVs I'orous Planter. Price 2TctA. tr h'c hy nil Urvig i:s and De"' m AXLE tir '-fi fs srn it n em lu Lul'j Set jCF.ST IV THE TrVOE7.r. tswetirJayrjualitlesBrenniuruaeTeft. n-:-'stl OVtlastinfr two boxis of acyCi rr I r-- t 'os Cactod by heat. UTiHYl XHK ' ron SALE BYDEALER3 OKNLh.UJ.?. Jtff MALT! I IS WKA V Da ECWmt'sN.svs asd Brain T,satmst, rlrantecl .-Miiflc fr ll.terl DiKKln.t Con. viiNi in. Fiti.Nervou, Neur.liri,.IIpiiiA';h,.p I vou. rptrsflon oa'iw!i bv th aa of alc ,h l or tobacco, W.kcttilnw, Mental bpmioa, oofujnin of th C-an reltin? in infinity -t i Uiiur to mi.crv, 'i-cay death. Prematura Old A.'. Hirrnn.., lsn of Powrr.n either MX, Iiiroluntirv L-Me. too 3iermatonhoe eauwi br over-exft-ll m of the bniin, .elf-abuec or ovcr-in lu'if-no'?. Bs.h box contain, one month' trvi men'.. tl.O) a box. or ,ix boxM tor $". sent bv mill rir.'ijil 1 o' rwiliil of pric. Tff. ail ARINTEF. Ml !ROr. To cure any eiai. With evh or.ler receive lav it. f.i.ix loxe. accoTioinicil with S'i wev!ll aprnl the Jinn-hMT oil- written I'lamntc" to refund (he m..licy If the treaiment uoefl n-,1 atTct acur. (luar an'.f ln.iicil only by J '4'nnfMliia. iFrncsfrl aote Aitrnt. II Mir, tt ERA 71 j - .-.V.iTSCATMf irt : Latent U. S. Gov't Report UTfEMION. Spiced pigs feet, Sweet pickles In bnlk, Sour pickles In bulk, Raisins, citrons. Lemon peel, extracts, etc., For the Holidays, can be found at F. IS. AL1.EN it CO A Uouseliuld Iteuieily, Allcock'slPorouft Plasters are the only reU able plasters ever produced. Fraf;ranrtDleant inexpensive, and never tailing; they fully meet all the requirements of a household remedy, andchould always be kept on hand Knr the relief and care of weak back, weak muscles, laments., stiu or enlarged lOlnLS. pains In the chest, small of the bactr and aionnd t'ne hips, strains, stitches, and all local pains, Alloock's Forous Flastets are unequallec, Reward of imitations, and do n U be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Alt- cock a. ana let no roiioitation or explanation nanco you.to accept a substitute. When you come to Albany Don t fall I. visit Black man & Hodges. The druggists They carry a large and .hiice Mock 1 drugs, patent medicines, tie. rrescriptions are always caretuny ana promptly attended to. It will Pay you. Holiday slippers at Klein's. Remember Conn ft Hendriuson take Ore- onianooupsnson alt eash sales, Sargains at Read's, Reopened W R Graham has reopened his tailoi shop, and has on hand a fine line of suitings, ready to be made up for those wishing first-class work done. Thanking the puoiic tor a Jiner.n patronage la the past, hesolicitsa continuance of their patronace and promises good work and prompt a'tention to .it needs ct nts patrons. l fArllf IT .. 1 CT Tlra I'Allf ktlar ann. chickens, and other farm produce to Car ters grocer opposite me rubs iiouse , in Albany, and get the highest market prices in tra.Je or casn. A Urge nfcock of pruning shears nd pruo nv hoks, the best made, just received at atewart Ac oox s, JSow ;s the time to us liein. Ashhv fiCare. Keal b" rate. 811 Wash nig' on Street, Toitlmd, Cr. WW Read ha. a lare stock of boots and shoes to select fiom, and the best vsiua in town. Vben Baby was slca, m-- .'avi her Castona, Vhen she was a Oiil'l. she iriej for O.torla Tlien she became M!sa. she clunr tr fusions ri.enclie liall.'Iiil !iei.th" yvt tliem Castor". titcwart & i" b-3it put 'n ihear's au1 sci." The Portland Collection Auency hac com menced reveral uits tyt cnll !Ct accnunta for 0 1, Blackm.n. Par.ies owing him should settle tucir accounts and save coi ta. LtDiai Fins Shjei. I h ive S'full lin of'ladios line dru.s shoe., all solid 1 and th Uteat noveltle. in style, and reisonattl prices. Samuel E. Youmo The finest lint-) of pocket knives in the city at htewart A Son's. Grat reduction, in Aeimitor wind mills l.r Decembir. SeeJtheaLen', W W Craw ford. Before liuvin t your winter stook of hoots and al.oas and rubber godx go to Klein llroa, Albany, ana get their prices. Tbev will and can save you money on every p'1 It is a pleasure to them to.hov goods, Oregonian Kncyolope.lia ooupons taken at Conn U Hendricsou's. Ol'-aks'and jaokeU at cot and )e a. W F Read's. Monki to Loan. I have money aurriH of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm landa in Mnn and IJentcr conntiot, nt lowest current rates, delay in furnishing the money. C H HrilKHABT Ileal estate avent. Albany, Oreon. i 4 r W I : t ill nw i f l tP. Tlio .Mill CMly Gazette and Pantiam I.umbermnn me returning compliments, characterized liv such ex pressione as linh demented, itl?rinn idiotic travesty, etc. As one of tliem save, "Lay on Mc lufT, and dammed be lie who first cries hold, enough" there ia liable to be some fun ere the 6torm blows over. N M Newport, once a Jouriml teportor, is one ol the champion knot tiers of Linn county. He is a J 1' and married as many couples in 1802 as any of his fellott justices. His services in the matrimonial field are really required at his former residence where theio are several pros crous yonnf lawyers who are still Mi'tgle. There iB L F Conn for instance, Salem Journal. Men have various ways ol carrying money. Jtutchers, grocers and bakers carry it in a crumped wad. llankcs in nice clean bills luiil in full length in a morocco pocket book. Rrokers always fold their bills twice. The young busi ness man carries his money in his veBt pocket, while the sporting man carries it in his trousers pocket. Farmers and drovers carry their money in their in- Biue pocaeis. r.uuuis vnny inrua in other people's pockets. Kx. A mathematical eenina has figured out that an average waltz takes one over or about three-quarters of a mile, and a souare dance makes you cover a half mile and a galop equals a good milo, at a run too. i omit for yourself now mucn tho eirl with a well filled pronraiame traverses in an evening. Twenty dances is the average, you know. Of these about twelve are waltzes. There, at once, are nine miles. Three galops and she has done 12 miles. Five other dances at a half mile aniece. which is hardly a fairly big estimate, brings her close upon hiteen miles. Tkacue Institute. Following is the program ot Institute No 5, to meet at Slieild, Jan 14th, 1893 commencing at 10 a in. Teaching of proportion J G Gibson, Maggie Dunlap, Mattie Cross. Primary geography V H Latta, Daisy Lee, Linnie Kamsey, Graco Staf ford. AFTERNOOS. Opening exercises Clara Harker, W A Robb, Ida Porter. Ella Dunlap. 1 Im hnhitfl rtf thA tpnplipr H V. Mirh ener, Nellie Pugh, A T Giuggett, Fred jtnision. A lecturer is expected for Saturday night. W H Latta, Pres. W A Korb, Sec. Permanent Branch Laundry. - - A branch office of the 8ale.u Steam laun dry has been established in Albany. All work will be collected and the latindried articles delivered at Salem prices. No other expense All work guaranteed. Orders may be left with Osborn Davy, permanent agent and solicitor for A Ibany Shiloh's Cure, the great cough and rrnnp care, is for sale by us. Pocket size contait-s twenty-five doses,onjy 25o. Children love it, Fofehay & Mason. siu;tnk .a ,i,t. ... .1 1 dyspepsiiv, tcrpiil li?r, ye!?ow skin or kid ney trouble. I ts pnsrin''."- to u vo yrii Mttftiaciioi. ri)4e ajiijoy Fusl iy St Masoc. : Fo your cho.il vboes to Ku in Croj u hey repair fm freo of chnrgo if tlmy rip, un oyer or tle soles romo loose. $100 Howard, $100. The readers of this nnner will hn tilco.rul tj learn that tliero is at least one dreaded disease that science hds been ahlo to cure in ail its fitucs and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh ('uro is tliu only positivo euro now known to the medical frul-ernity. Catarrh being; a con etltutionul diH"ii.u, requires a constitutional treatment. H ill's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, uclineorcctlv unon the blood and mu- eous oiirfaees i-i the cysiem, thereby destroying the foundalion t,f Ihe riisens-, ntiu pivinir iho ! iiiriu nre.:'.n ov iuiu;i;iif up tno constitution end aKslatiti i.jture in doinir its v.-orlc. I'lio oi.r'eior.i n-i - ';u -nucn jjitn in r. curativo .v s, t.n.t t. v r;!l.'r ('lie illi'i'iixd Dollars li't of i, .t.mi. . .A it. tuna to curr. bend loi' .'f'lHNEYftCO., To!;do,0. Mr. , . . oO'A ht ft.. Trv W F U d when v, u wart ,n . IX.vit situinj school asthe BiutMl ehi Friday eveniiu-. All subeeriher, wi, b. topavwhelhe, .'tending or not. O.lySl for IS letsonr. Krjtneinber 'ia, r u lJ'imont "toe inar ante tit, and ws possible coming r-(i ;n clothing boiifct of his store. Oercoat r.o'd at Cost uutil O rjstmas. If you oo1.' mpl tw put'ifig in a w U r pi mt yet price ofwind mill", pnnpv pit", tanks, etc . fi m W W Crawford. Hu .vill astonish you. y5L Powder The only Purj Creaiii of lartar Towdcr. No Amutonia; No Alum. Used iii Millions of Homes 40 Yeara the Staii!rrt' TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Am I'erlr.laallcal C'onle.1, Nkw York. Jan 5. The eccletiiistioal turmoil, which hag been created by tho visit of the pope's legnto, MoLsignoro Sut olli. the stand ha hits taken on the public school nuetttiun, und his decision in tlie caso of lr Mclilynn, still continues. Al most nil ilie lighting is done under cover. 'I'hs churchmen ore divided into two parties those who are striving with might rind main to make Monsiguoro Sutolli's mission a crrcut success, and thoso who are doing all they can to harass him and make a dis mal failure of the labor he lias undertaken of bringing about peace and harmony nniong the discordant cleaicnts of tho lutholic church in America. Old Weather. London, Jan 5. The present cold 6pell on the continent bids fair to be almost as disastrous as the cold spell of two years ago. A dispatch from Fiume, Austria, says a railway train was stalled in the snow near there for 18 hours, and the im -prisoned passengers wero famishing and half frozen when rescued. A cottage at llerzogenburg, in Austria, was buried under a mass of snow. The cottngo was inhabited by eight persons. For three days they were without food or firo, nnd when the rescuing party reached the cottage two of the family v ero already dead and the others so prostrated that it yj fcired moro may die. Heady to Itcllret Washington, Jan 5. The bill of Sen ator Dolpli, allowing Judge Deady to retire after March 4, passed the senato today. Senator Dolph says there is an evident misapprehension nliout the bill to permit Judge Deady to retiro. It does not seem to be understood generally that all federal judges are entitled to retire upon full salaryat 70. Judge Deady will certainly retire in July. 1894, and Mr Cleveland will appoint his successor. Tho bill involves nothing but the salary for 14 months. Public business and the present condition of Judgo Deady's health demand that be be allowed to retire. Ilnirlsnn Falling. Washington, Jan 5. The friends of President Harrison who have had occasion to sec and talk with him of late are very much concerned about his condition, and express the fear that his health wilt break down before tho close of his administration The death of his wife, to whom he was peculiarly devoted, was a blow from which lie has not rallied, and it left him quite unable to withstand the ill fortune that has since followed him, - A Prospect oMVar. m Panama, Jan- 5. The boundary ques tion between Costa Hica and Nicaragua has been reoiwned. There is a prospect of war between the countries in consevuence. A body of Costa Hiean soldiers have taken possession of the territory claimed by Nicaragua, an ultimatum which the latter country it not disposed to agree with, she is preparing to defend her rights. Tele lirnnt Helll Poiiti.and, Jan 5' Pete and Jack Grant and Mike McCarron. tailor boarding house runners, wero up before United States Commissioner Paul K Deady yesterday for examination on a charge of harboring' deserting seamen . As a result of the ex amination, Jack Grant and McCarron wero discharged, and Pcto Grant was held to answer before the grand jury in the sum oflMO. A Great Invention. Is the self pouiing toffee and lea pots. Wllh them on can pour coffee or tea without lurry ing the pols. Wonileifui, None of the hundred Utile Inconvet. fences of the old fashioned way. Coffee rooks sure and pure and ratitut burn, and tta to peific ilon. You talae the light Hd and the coffee or lea run. from 'lie spout. Ifyou ivould have the finest tiling in f.ie world otder one when Mrs Tail, the local agent calls on on . CiJim.NK lake,, at W F Ilosd's. STRANGERS in cur city will ,e txatsd ranm n enr old ft -I nil- t-n'l tu.sti meis st lr IV Cull at'tl see uvw ia dress goods at W Ucad'h. Atl'Hiij tlirkrit. Vhfn.n'.i-. Klour, fft Oil. ntt-r, I'M. ijHr.l, tl'c. Turk . liKtns 15 ; fltou'- erf, Sr. .iae. 12i. May. had !1J uo hlneN, f.rtn. Arplr,. 00 IIopM 18.; l'ried f.-n t' -plums, 9o apples, 9c ( liM-kfiiH. 94 ht) per dozen !wf on fiK, 2c. Hngi, drrr-eu, 0o. "