iV i AN ERA OK TAX REKUM. New York Is now in the throws of a 1U CJ5ion accompalned by an investigation by a special legislative committee of llir problem of taxation. Their desire there, as everywhere, U for a more equitable dis tribution of tax burdens, and it is realized there, as everywhere, that the only practica ble thing to do Is to make that vast body of accumulated and tangible wealth known as personal property bear a juiter proportion of the burden than it hps yet borne. The advocates of the refoim are willing to admit that the work is one of difficulties. There are those who maintain that an ap proximate valuation of such properties for taxable purposes U an Impiocticability and that the effort should be abandoned. It Is as clear as anything can be, however, that the mass of the people, those who own and who pay taxes on real property and those who own and are taxed on such forms of personalty as cannot eicape listing, will never agree to an abandonment of the effort to compel cor- y orations to assume their just lesponsibilities to the State. And, in aptte of the difficulties in the way encouraging progress has been made in this direction. Tnis work presents one of the fi nest fields of effort open to thoughtful and conpetent men, capable alike of unselfish de votion to duty an J of industrious application to the mastery of its intricate details. The field Is at hand in Illinois, a State pe culiarly oppressed by the cvi's which it Is sought to cure. The coming session of the Assembly must tike some strong and ad vanced ground In this matter. The people expect it, and if they are disappointed they will know the reason why. IKTEKEyTINU FACW They fumigate emigrants on the Maine frontier with steam hot from the locomotive Ohio brick makers are using a clay-digging piachine that does the work of from ijr 020 metl. If all the lfl?bmotlvea and passenger and freight cars In the United States were made up into one ttain it would have d lengtc ul over 7000 miles, In a shingle mill at Gray's Harbor, Wash recently, the entire works were kept running all day on a single cedar stick, which mar'e l8S,5oo shing!ei. Government experiments at the Water tonMa&8. Arsenal have demonstrated that cut nails have greater holding power than those made of wire. To have an invention protected all over the woild it is necessary to 'ake out 64 pat ents In as many different countries, the es timated total cost of which is $17,000. The resisting power of brl:k appears to v.try greatly. In some recent tests the weight required to crush a square inch ranged from 1200 to 4500 poinds. Peeresses of Great IttiUhi, Scotland or ItelnnJ by birth, marriage or creation arc f "ce from arrest or impiisonment on civil process; and In the event of a peeress being charged with a criminal offense kh? would be tried by the House of L?rds. A machine company in Lewlslon, Me., is making what was probably never before manufactu ed in this country, a loom capa b'e of weaving cloth 100 inches wide. It is tobeset.t across the continent, ond thence across the Pacific Ocean to Shanghai, China, In Concord the total precipitation of rain1 aid snow during the 1 1 months of the present year was 36. 7S inches, being 2 50 more than during the coricspom'ing months of last year, and one-quarter of an Inch less than the av erage during the 35 years. The snowfall in November was nine inches, exceeding the total amount of last Winter up to Jan 15. The following pretty experiment is sug eitcd by Charles Wctterer in the American Michtnirft: If Iron or sleet filling be corrod ed in a damp atmosphere, and this rust ad- deJ a little at a time to a jar of diluted sul phuric acid, the crystalline carbon particles that existed In the metal unite to form large Crystals; these same wt 1 be of the hard dia mond form. Sound is transmitted to the car by the vi brations of the air. When one paitHccf air Is made to vibrate It sets the adjacent particles vibrating, and so a sound wac( if not obstructed pssei in all directions from the sounding body . The calculated velocity of sound in the air, when the tempeiture is at the freezing point, is 915.69 feet per sec ond. But the experiments of Moll Vaubeek and Kuytenbrouwer, performed In 1 823 over a distance of 57,839 feet, showed the veloc ity to be 10S9.42 feet per second. Tin; rrii'KK oethe ruiTLisTs, The Populists of 1892 polled a surprisingly lirge vote for a fac'ion having 110 hope of success, but this vol-; i;iv;t It no promise of permanency, nor permanency to be achlcv eJ by the proposed plan vt reorganization through uniting a dozen or more secret po litical societies Into or.e. The Populia vote of 1893 was due to the d legalization it the Republican party. It drew its chief sttength from Republicans at variance with their own party and still un reconciled to Democracy. Its platform drove away Democrats and I's plan of secret society organization showed a distrust of the masses of the people which, wherever manifested, will always be repai I with compound Interest. I It does not now seem very p'obable, though it is very possible, that the Populists will fig ure to any great extent in the next Presiden tial election; but there is certainly room for a new party. The Republican party survives merely because there Is no other party readv to take lis place. The Populists cannot, be cause America is not ready for Imperial So cialism, and the demand for this was Imposed on the Populists at the outset by a few city j Socialists who control no vote and w'eld no influtnee in determining results. With an American platform, and with open American methods, a "People's party" might soon cease to be a Third party, and become one of the two great parties of the country. ro matter who may be speaker of the next house of representatives, that body must be organized In sucn a manner that the strongest men will be the leaders. In other words, it must be organized In the manner that will best enabh it to carry out the will of the people as expressed at the polls last month. Yhs. More PKOI'LS want good groceries ttian anything else. It means a good deal for the harmony of the household. Matters goaton, more smoothly. Deal w ith Conn & MendHcson and you will get the best groceries at the lowest prices fhci r produce is al ways fresh, an d , they keep the latest in everything. You arc not In It if you do no', buy your eating go.dds of Conn & Hendrlcson. Perhaps You want the best traceries to be secured In the city; then call on Parker uros. Perhaps You want fresh produce just from the gardeners, then call on Parker Bros. rei napb You want the best baked goods In the city, breads, caks, cookies, pies, elc.,then call on Parker liros and you wlil get the goods and first class treatment. Shiloh's Cure, the ertat coaith and oronp cure, is for sale by in. Poot size contain twenty-rive dosor.only 'J5o. Children love it. ronay a Mason. A Pure Norwegian oil is the kind used in the production of Scott's Emul sion Hypophos phitesof Lime and Soda are added for their vital ef fect upon nerve and brain. No mystery surrounds this formula the only mystery is how quickly it builds up flesh and brings back strength to the weak of all ages. Scott's Emulsion will check Consumption and is indispensable in all wasting dis eases. Prepnred by Bcott k Bowns, N. Y. All drntsists. ALBANY NURSERIES ALBERT BROWNELUSuceessor to flyman & Brownell, Proprietor.) OFFICE AND PACKING GROUNDS ONE HALF MILE WEST OF THE city. Vt e would call the attention of our friends to the fact thai we are better prepared than ever before to furnish everything in the shape of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental trees. Small Fruit vine., etc., at either wholesale or retail. Our stcck is first-class, guaranteed true to name and free ' im Inspect pests, and our prices low. C. E. Brownell is our city agent andf' -en, left with him at his store will receive prompt and careful attention, Vi, . and see mc or write for free Chtalogueto ALBERT ItnoW.VELL, A'bauy, Oreoi . n. THE LEADING PHOTOGRAPHERS, Albany, Oregon. Cabinet pha;o5 fro n $1.51 t j Ji . per d'jn. Enlai:ln. p!c:ui et specialty. 16x10 crayois frarr. for $10 00. We carry a la rge I of 5x8 and stercscopic views of C Mra. Mary E. O' Fallon of riqua, O., says th. Phy Blrlan. aro Astonished, and luok at lier Ilk. one Raised from the Dead i-ong and Terrible Illness from Blood Poisoning Completely Cured by llood't Sartapartlla. Mrs. Mary E. O'Fallon, a very intelligent lady of rin.ua, Ohio, was poisoned while as sisting physicians at an autopsy s years ago, and soon terrible nicer, broko out ou her head, arms, tongue and throat. Her hair all camo out. SI10 weighed but 78 lbs., and saw no prospect of help. At last she began to take Hood's Sarsaparllla and at once Im proved; could soon get out of bed and walk. SI10 says : " I became perfectly cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla and am now a well woman. I weigh 128 lbs. cat well and do tlio work for a largo family! My case scorns a wonderful recovery and physicians look nt me In astonishment, oa almost like one raised frans the dr.H.il HOOD'8 PlLLS should ba In .v.rr f.,ii. msdlclu. chest. One. uiod, always preferred. Oscar Wilde told some ono th other day that Joaquin Miller was the greatest poet America had yet produced. He quoted the first line of "Walker In Nicaragua," which begins "Walker Is a bilck," and declared dial it was peculiarly full of fire and force. This prompts us to hint of something that Oscar's head is not full of, but we refrain. The new publications lsued from the press of the United States during IS91 amounted to 3500, of which only 1104 sur vived at the beginning ol iSoa. The total number of American periodicals of all sorts. Including newspapers, Is now 30,115. Some of ihcn. ate pretty cheap stud, but as a whole they Indicate that the people of this country are the hungriest readers on earth, GOOD NEWS For Ilia millions ol consumers of Q eTntt's Fills, o J5 II give lr. Tul I plciitiirc to mi iiirUiit'i'DinL lit Unniv nt t ititf up tl TINY LIVES FILL uliirli Is of cxivt'tliiiifly .mull yvi ri'tniitiux ii H Um v.i-tmHii i lit ItirHiT 4iii:ii'iuitftMi purely - .tilth xtitl K.u.-l. Tlio t-iict nl.o of " i TUTT'S TINY UVCR FILtS fftk ' IsMttm 11 in th bonier of " Small Gunrantcrd to euro Bilious attacks. Sick Ilcndacho ami Constipation. 40 In each bottle. 1'rko "jo. For Bala by drugKbt.s, Picture "7. IT, T.i" rr.' . :t:nile dose freo. J. f. SMITH A C, rrnr:iirs, MEW YORK. A BARttAlX I.lRPtTAnnvitoitTAm.n rini for iwl connlstlng of it) aonw or '.run if land on nnle ntrth ol Albany I.an l well 1.11 proved. For psrllciilai" Itiamro of W 11 Wakkkk M. MONK, A rrh 1 1 or t nnd (ontruilor. I.oave or.l .is with Ilulbur: 11. o, . IVal r.atato aenia. " I Star Baker j Corac isi.l tiuiii a ul First St CONRAD MEYER, PROPRIEl'OR. uaALsaia Canned FrailH, Cauued Mc 1 . UlaMswurv, (ueenHsvart. itried FraltH, Vegetable. Tobiseeo, Clxats Nngar, Nplcea, tJaflee. Tea. Et Lie," In fact everytri.uir that la kept In a eener variety and trsooery store, Highest niarktit price paid for A.I.L KINDS OP PROD17 BILIOUSNESS FARMERS, ATTENTION if : you : v.ast : A WACOM, HACK, BUGGY. CART. PLOW, HARROW,DRILL,SEEO ER, FEED CUTTER, or any kind of a Farm Iinn'.ement or Ve hlcle, call on or address, B. F. RAMP, Opposite Post Ofl'ce, Albany, Or. The S. I!, lloiiilaclic and Liver Cure physic IX 4 HI ItF A If taken as directed, we Guarantee Satis faction or refund your money, DON'T SICKEN. DON'T GRIPE, 50 cents per bottle, by I A CL MMINGS. P. J. SMILEY, 1ST. ST., ALBANY. Letter Heads, Cards, .fciiivelopes, Posters, and evervthinar. Mnil orders have iirompt attention Rtmimbtrthu when in tifnf, Wall Paper, iri.iijis, PaintK, Oil CJlltKIr,, J5tC J. A. Cummins: ALBANY, OREGON PARTNERSHIP fiOTtCE. Notice is lierebv eiven tbat the narr- nership heretofore existing between T C Baker and Wm Emerick doiait busine'S as butchers at Albanv. Oreoron U ihla d ly dissolved by mutnal ronseut. T C ruiKer win collect all bills due said firm and pay all iiablliiiea. The huairjom will be conlinued at the old stand op posile Schceirn stablos by T O II ker, C M liurkliart Wm Kmerick under the name 01 'lUo Albt-i.y Dressed Peef i.umpany, TC Raker. vf m Kmkrick, C M Bl'BKHABT. MUSIC HATH CHARMS. You can truly say, there is nj p'.:j !i home, happy home, if you pnis 01: those elegant and sweet to.i;J pi 11 11 Mrs llymans, 115 First sire;t. Th ong evenings is y ust the timi t.i et 1, hem. FOSHAY & MASON TV9L1I.AU Alp RITAIt . Ornaeistsand Booksellers Aeei.ta for John B. Aldn puhlli-aUo.is. alileh we sell at publi.kor'n prion, wiib HtMttadde'' ALBANY' OfJ. Umm & EDLBERT BROS. Rea! Estat Agents farms and Ranches for sale. A!ieit) hroterty inj Aibscr and I orvallis. Reward I . ;Va!orft rownrrl fur any run of t , , i :o;.ia,f .el: Ilcad.-u'ho, liiditrvtiv!i. 1 T(t. t.vcncs we cannot euro wit a -. tTt r It Is. !ien titc d.rcrtlott. .-.-- i . Uh They are purely Vcftabl. an-s- liffnoilon. Suj.. ('iiUil I.tiii-e "'" iJ cnt. 'Hn dr i-o'it.tt no ".'iminv mantif.arti'nd uiu - WrxTCi. Mi'!v ,i"tnii ii.. Poultry. Hides and Furs. Hithest cash price raid for i?cee. ducks and chlrkpna at etnm nt r Jacob, Strancy A Moore'i old stable, 4th Also hides and furs of all kln.lt hnuoht for cash. :esitvAy notice. Strated from mr n'srn. nr TrU three head of four or five year old cattle, dehorned, and brnnd-d wlih letter P on hip Thev were brunch from 11 I' neN farm npnr Hook lib. Hewr.ri in one who will let me know of thir whert I'outa. L. SEN HKR8. Albany, Or FORTMILLER t IRMC Undertakers - and -:- Knibalniers. WE KEEP constantly on l:and a full line of n etcllc, clclh and veedcatkets an c flins. Also bin Inl robes and suits, in broadcloth, salln.casli ir.trelc. which will be sold at The I.oucmI LiYlug rroflm. !EMBALMINGfand Hie proper care of the dead a specially. xtraiCburgt for Ilrsrse or Srivlrrsi ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OREGON CARPET DEPARTMENT. Wfcl.l. NTOCKED WITH THE C HOICEST MATTINGS. OILCLOTHS. DRAPERIES? LINOLEUMS OF THIS SEASON'S NOVELTIES AND ! ONEQDALBD IN MS 1IABKET Samuel E. Young V The Forum ff I o & IM- Bl,H" I 93 LMiMMMv' " P0TTE" f PRCSIDENT C. W. Eliot 1 Governor W. E.RuSiELL i FiEOfsio H fl W. H. Maluxh The Forum. -TTtB FOttrjf In tn the Cnittd ftaten vhal Tint Nix. Tetxtii CESTI-rv is tn England. aU more -incomparably th beat thoughtful periodical ice have ever had." THE FORTTM contains articles about what men are now doing in the world, Tbe problems and the tasks of your own life and thoufii'-. and of our own country, and of our own time; .iie education of your children; the latest re sults of research in your own special study; the great books of the period; the real leaders; the large move ments are these not the most interesting subjects! The secret of The Fok.um3 hold on its readers it that its writers make it helpful to all who think. Its readers form the dominant part of every pro fession, craft, and class -those who are succeeding because they have a correct measure of the intellec tual forces and of the larger activities of American Life, the best-informed, and the most ambitious. Its writers are the leaders of thought and of ac tion everywhere and in all kinds of important work. Ask the best informed man in your community what he thinks of The Forum, or send to us for the written opinions of some of the leading men in your State, and in all other States. TheFobuH: Union Square, VavTcrt $5yeir. fir f!tihacripttnnt may br nrnt dirfft to TIIK FORrX rthrtwtth nnt fiMiiAt J subscription agency orbook-tUtr, WY 3A-; Toihv Hon. I ? l F. Edmunds On. if I r. A. Waljces ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, 1'roprietor, WHOLESALE SI RETAIL Only White Labor Employed. The Oregon Land Co Vltn its home office at SALEM - - - OHliJCa-OtN'a In the Gray Block, corner Liberty and State street, branch office In Portlanu ltTA.KES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem. Will Rfll S. 10 nr 9fl anra lta of PtCi t Rfn acre small cash payment long time on balance Send lrtt rAitinii I Ann TUK Issues 200 Tag Dry Goods and General W IVr - 0utfi,liS CATALOGUE. JiAiLj t-end your name on a postal card TO-DAY t ; and get one, CAlt.1 C