Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 05, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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m I -it-
ft? WW'; 3 Vf a
t-i ft rs f- i i j . V U. W
Cm 1 I
Scientific American
Agency for
6iE COPVRIOHT8. etc.
For Information end treo nandlwk write to
Oldest burcnu for aecuriiijr PHtonta In America.
Kvery patent taken out by ua la brouclit before
tbe public by a notice given Irco or charge in tlio
Jwutific Jwcmitu
tarpest circulation of any scientific paper in the
world. fM'leutlidly illustrated. No Intel 1 1 cent
Can should bo without it. Weekly, 83.00 a
yeiirt six mimttis. Addreca MdNS A CO
fuuLibUtat. a til Jlroadwuy, iSew York City.
Four - Blocks - in -
Yon So.
Good location. On the line
prices and terms see Oregon
Co., agents.
Julius Gradwolil's Bazaar
The very latest news is that you can buy at JULIUS
Q-R ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows:
Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound
lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00
lbs. Magnolia Sugar White 1.00
No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25
Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1.00
5 Gallons Good firm 1.10
20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90
1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup .' 40
Jwij conduct a strict cash store, and all goods will bs sold for net cash from 1
,0 86 pe" -nt less than regular price. My
all tue desirable ayles of dishei, as well as a
T, muiparuu uiuif, m cuiugjieie. i matte a special t; oi uds te!, collees and
Diking powder, and always please my oustomers,
Agent for saveral responsible Insurance oompane?. Julias Grndwohl.
for infants
Cr.s i s r I a la so troll aua nted to ch .dron that
joommead ita superior to any prescription
ovd eus.' II. A. Archer, M. D.,
til So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T.
riif ua of TaRtorla Is so universal (inn
W irif rits so well known that it eeems a work
yf aiipereropntion to endorse it. Few are the
l-jtpll((fent tamilies who do not keep Cestoria
rdhii! uwy reach."
Carlos Marttn, P.D.,
New York Citv.
to7 Pastor B.joraicriale Reformed Church.
Tms CNTAua
V F 3KAP, President.
J L COWAN, Treasurer.
L Cowan, Oeo F Slinpion, (V F Read, D B Mi itil"i. M i-.trniMrir . I tV 'Pn mi.
J K Wealberlord, R.SStMhtn. 1 ) Afritt ntn.
Several Solid Eastern
Care Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Bore
Throat. Bold by all DmnRiits on a Guarantee.
For a Lame Side, Kack or Chest Shiloh'a Poroua
Plaster will give .tat satisfaction. 35 cent.
Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattnnootrn, 'J'cnn., says:
consider it thebfMrtmctyfiratMilitated(tutem
I ever used.' For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney
trouble it excels, l'rico 75 eta.
Have you Catarrh t Try this Remedy. It will
relieve and Cure you. Price 60 eta. This In-
free. -Shiloh's Kemcdfea nre sold by ua on a
guarantee to give sutlsfuetion. .
Townsend's Addition.
We Told
on So.
of the New Motor line. For
Land Co., or S N Steele &
1. Townsend.
stock of Cbinaware, fanoy floods, Rnt
general assortment of groceries, crock -
and GSiildrer.,
rafnrla r. itt-t ColFr-, Comtlpaflop,
Sour titouiacu, liiarrhri'O, Knictation,
Kills W oruu, given aluep, and prvinotea L
WitLout-iujurloua medication.
For scTf-ral years I h.iro rocommenflpft
your CAstoha, and Khali nUvavs continue u
do so as it lias InvariaLdy produced bencfluui
Edwik P. Pardbb, M.
"The Wlnthrop.'"I-,&th Street and 7th at.,
New York Ci4
Com-Awv, 77 MuaoAff Street, New Tors.
Geo F SIMI-SOfJ, Vic I'resi lent.
and Foreign Companies
l.'ighest of all in Leavening Power.
kf.r. in: hi:
talker r.r(R, grocers.
1. M. French ketjps ratlro&a time,
fSu your roorri w of Parker Broi
Vile rocpries atC'nn:i & UruriricBon'?,
liovv cream cheese just received at Conrad
P J Smiley jb printer, Klian Block, does
5ret cliuts work.
Sinke th cftlii'irate-l Havana tillrd 5 c
ci(;ar at Julius .Joseph's.
D.- M It 15 li. nhyiicin a-i 1 iuri?on
AHixiy, ') 'e ' n . -W-i nih U 'ott!or
country .
"There's something behind it."
That's what you think, perhaps,
vhen you read that tho proprietors
of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy offer
$500 reward for an incurable, case
of Catarrh. Kather unusual, you
think, to find the makers of a medi
cine trying to prove that they be
lieve in it. "There must bo some
thing back of it I "
But it's a plain, square offer, made
in good faith. The only thins that's
back of it is the Remedy. It cures
Catarrh in the Head. To its mild,
soothing, cleansing and healing
properties, tho worst cases yield,
no matter how bad or of how long
standing. It has a record that
goes back for 25 years. It doesn't
simply relisve it perfectly and
permanently cures. With a Rem
edy like tnis, the proprietors can
make such an offer and mean it.
To be sure there's risk in it, but
it's so very small that they are
willing to tako it.
You've "never heard of anything
like this offer?" True enough.
But then you'vo never heard of
anything like Dr. Sage's Remedy.
The success of this Great Congh Care Is
without a parallel in the history of medicino.
Ail druRsista nro authorized to sell it on a pos
it ivo Kiantee, p. test that no other cure can
auccoHsfutly stand. That It ny become
known, tiic Proprietors, at f.n enormous ex
paime, nre placing a Sample Dottle Free into
rv.ry home in the Uuitetl Stales and Canada.
It yu h-ivt! a Couph, Korc Throat, or Eron--'liiiH.
line it, for it will enre you. If your
fh!M ha the Or up, or Whooping Cough, use
;i .1 r .ni iv, nml relief i Mire. If you dread
tsmt iusiit');- disease Con"imp1ion, nsa it.
Ak yoir i;n:4ht for SHILOH'S CURE,
Price lOcts.. vi ;(. and $1.00. If yocr Lunpa
r.reaoreor Ba; k lame, uw Shiloh's I'orous
Planter. Price 25 cm. Por sale by all iirug
lists and Ue--
it3waiaiTqual;tIeoorounsurr.G."..'ii. mslly
Cftlnetintr two bosrs of any hT-r 1 Ifc.
aoctvd lr beat. UTii 1. 1 1 li kJ t. .... I i N K.
Dr ECWmt'i Nrrvi axv Brait Trrathrt,
mirantee'l S'oi1c f-r HUsrl, DtiiinMi, Con-vnl-itn
Fit.Nrroin Neuralifia.lIeadacht.Nei vont
Pfratlon nunwd br th uw nt aleh t or U,hnnro.
Wke(ul:ie. MenUl DtprHim, Sftenin? nt the
tram wwitiiw in invtniiy ai i mint u lmserv,
decay ani dotith, Premituro Old A IWrren n m,
lym of Power u eithamei. riro'miturv Lo? and
SjennaUn hoe chk I r ovor-exe-ii i of the
nrain, Mii-arMinc nr over-innu (fenc . Kteri t
ffontainn on m.iritli' tretiiiisii, il Al kix, or
hoxea iftT$t,en' b m ill r? nil i r c-)i;i of price.
itT. iii nTi:i: mx inoxtA
To cure nv cut). With ev;h oritur rwir! bv u
.ri ii.x a 'i n',li l wr'tl Si .V, "'vll! mp
trt.iiicv t the tw :n-nl. dtef n-t n(fi't a rur-, O iinr
r.f,.l It-r1 O'llv iV
J a4'nmiins. ft-rnrsM 1r ivrttt.
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
i ' .n ftiio.
Spiced pigs feet,
&weet pickles in bulk,
Sour pickles in bulk,
Raisins, citrons.
Lemon peel, extracts, etc.,
For the Holidays, can be found at
j F. E. ALl,EN & CO
A llousrltoM Bruirdy.
AUcockVt'oroua Plasters are the only reli
able plasters ever produced. Fragran,olean,
inexpensive, aud never tailing; tbey fully
mett all tho requirements of a household
remedy, and thou Id always be kept on hand.
f or the ralief and cure ot weak uacK, wean
muscles, famenas. still or enlarged joints,
pains in Jthe chest, small of the back and
aiO'ind tne hips, ht rains, stitches, aud all
local pains, AHcock's Forous Flastsis are
Bjwari of imitations, and do nit be de
ceived hy;misrepreseotfttion. Ask tor All
cock'i, aad lei no solicitation or explanation
nduce you to accept a substitute.
Wiikx you come to
Albany '
- Don't fail to visit
i &
The druggists They carry a large and itocic )1 drugs, patent medicines,
etc. Prescriptions are always carefully
and promptly attended to.
It will
Pay you.
Holiday sltppi ri at Klein's.
Remember Conn & llendricson take Orc
oniaoooupjuson all cash sales. -
bargains at ReadV.
Reopened W R Graham has reopened
his tailot shop, and has on hand a fine line
of suitings, ready to be made up for those
wishing first-class work done. Thanking the
public for a liberal patronage in the past,
he solicttsa continuance of their patronage and
promises good work and prompt attention to
jt needs cf his patrons. mm
Look Heik Take your butler, Cgg,
chicken, and other tarm proauce to car
ters grocery opposite the Russ House , in
Albany, and get the highest market
prizes in trade or cash.
A large stock of pruning shears nd pran
du hooks, tbe best made, 'just received at
Stewart & SoxV. Now is the tiwo to nse
Ashbv & Carse, KelFvrato. 8'i Wash
ng on Street, PortLnd, Cr,
VV!7 Read ha a I art? a stock of boots and
bhoes to select fiom, nd the best vain in
jfhen Baby was slcit, wc gavo her Castorla
A'hen she was a Child, she cried for Castorlfc
JVhen she became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
Then she had Children, she gave thorn Castons.
Stewirt $C S tx s ill ' 1 1
beit rt-n
shears nnd scisiors.
The Portland Collection Agency hat com
menced several uits ti collect accounts fnr
0 L Blackmail. Parties owiog Mm should
settle their accounts and save co: ts.
Lvoiai Fi srJSii e. I hive s full (in
of lad its tine dress shoes, all solid and .h
latast novelties in style, ar,1 resonM
prices. Samuki. E. Yocno.
The hnett lim of pocket knives in the
eity at Stewart ft Box's.
Great reductions in Aeinutnr wind
f r Decemoor. Soefthe aenr, W W Craw
ford. Before buyin r vour winter stock r t hoots
ard ihoesand rubber godi go to Klein Itro,
Albanv, and set their prices. Xbev will
and can save yon money on evory ?' II
is a pleasure to them to show good
Orefforin Encyclopedia coupons taken at
Conn U Hendricnon's.
rkaVs and'jtckpta at cost and Jem a. V
F Read's.
Money to Loan. I have money in
sums of $")00 to $20,000 lo loan on im
proved farm lands in Linn and Ilcntrp
counties, at Invest current rates,
delay in furnishing the money.
Peal estate agent, Albany. Oregon.
'I t e d eoii wi;l a'te Orei(
l ic U; or f on all rnoh Salts,
The Salem Sialesman rcfe to Judge
KeUay as the great ronstl'utionat law ver
cf Kenton county, llv the by, an emin
ently proper dtignation.
An exchange telle a story of a tramp who
rang a doctm's door bell and asked the
pretty woman who opened the door if the
doctor had a pair of old ttousers he was
willing to give away. "I am the doctor'
replied th pbimp and pleasing young
woman, acd l lie tramp laimeu.
A Sa'em dUnntch tnvs: Judge liohe
has become a convitt tothe movement f;r
the repeal of the mortgage tax law and the
law allowing deductions for indebtedness.
Ashe Is the father of the measures, bU
condemnation of them now will be one of.
(he stioncest arguments for their repeal.
His influence In the Btate grange, also,
will strengthen the purpose ot the IcgWla
tors connected with that bod v.
Dr J V Harris was called to Fall Creek
last evening to administer to the wants of
Mrs Griffin, of that precinct, who wa re
ported to be seriously miured in an acci
dent, ifc found that the old lady who Is
6o rears old. had been thrown from a horse
and her foot hanging In the stirrup she
was drag i;ed quite a distance, but by some
means she became disengaged, this saving
her hie. She was unconscious when
found and severely chilled by the cold.
He found her badly bruised, but nothing
of a fatal nature.- Ouatd
Teaches Institute. Following is the
program of ln&titutn No 5, to meet at
Shedd, Jan Hth. 18D3 commencing nt
1U a in.
Teaching of proportion J G Gibson,
Mneine Human. Mattie Cross.
Primary geography vV II Lattn,
Daiay Lee. Linnie Kamaey, urace otat
Opening exercieea Clara llaiker. W
A Robb. Ida Porter. Ella Dnnlan.
Hie habits of the teacher R K Mich
ener, Nellie Pugh. A T Giuggett, Fred
Kit In ton.
A lecturer is expected for Saturday
W II Latta, Pres.
W A Robb, Sec
Permanent Rrancii Laundry. -
branch office of the Salp.n Steam laun
dry lias been established in Albany. All
work will be caller ten and the laundried
articles delivered at Salem prices. No
otner expense, ah work guaranteed.
Orders may be left with Osborn Daw,
permanent agent and solicitor for Albany
Moving Outfit. The undersigned is
prepared to do all kinds of house raisin a
and house moving promptly and in first-
ciasE oruer. uail or leave orders at my
residence nt coi of t hird and Oak streets.
Albany. J B TillotsoN.
Shiloh's Vital irer :s what yon need for
dyspepsia,, tcrpid liver, yellow akin or kid
ney trouble. It is guaranteed to give yon
Mtifclaotioo, Price 75j Sldby Foshay &
r Fo vonr school ihocs en to Klein Bros .
they repair tl cm free of charge if they rip,
run oyer or me icies come iooeo.
Captain ?winv, U 8 A.Siii Diecn. Cal
says. "Shiloh's Catarrh Kenedy i the lirat
medicine I hove ever found that would dome
any good. Price, 50 c's. Sold by F shay
ix iwasoj.
$100 Eewrd, $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
mat science nas oeen auie to cure in all its
Btagea and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is theonly poaitivo euro now known to
mo metiicai irutcrnity. uaiarru neinff a con
stitutional tliaense, requires a coimtituttonal
treatment. IJall'H Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nuiiy, uL-tii'.;dire.:tly upon the blood and mu
cous liirrac!' of the system, thereby destroying
t!ic fi'Ut!du."a of ihy dif.ease, ninf frivintr tho
V Ti n'm;th by Ituildinirup tho constitution
p I :',.-: j p..t'i.r in fl(--f its vorlc. The
;. 1 v.'t; no'i T:.ii l.i H cirativa
' ." -: Or-o titn. 'red iJ-i-Jars
' ' t' it i"..'is o r.;.-.-. ?adfor
Try W F rin d when yi a v. I , .
D.vii stuping 9chott a Htft Ft ..,rs-. 'i i
Flidov fvpniiiip . All Kiib-O'ili-'i. wil t
to pav whether Atteudixs "rnit. Oa'ySl
fur 12 lepsnn..
Ueinfml)" that F L Damont does I'tiar
ant?e fir, rd rows dossIM. r'p:n
olnthing bo - hi nf his BjjTe. 0 nn;o.t. ao'd
at cost uiiti (Jhristniss.
If you r . it.mplvt. pi.t-ing tn awter
pUnt get pp. nfjnind mills, p-imps, pip,
tanks, eto , ro mW W Crarjfo-d. Ha -.vill
astonish yon .
Karl. Ch --r Root, the nw blordinii
fier, gives tr-.hneM and cleafn.t. tr the
omnpU xion f d rate constipation. 25-, 5")j
. onhav & Marnn
The only Pure Cream of lartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Staiidsirt
Iroiord LfUlatlon. Or. Jim 4. Todav tho stale
board of equalization adopted a resolution
addressed to tho resolution addressed to the
legislature, recommending certain changes
in the assessment law. It recommends that
ns the 5-mill tax. now required to be levied
by the ccunty courts for school purposes, is
in inducement to assess property at less
than its actual cash valuo, tho said tax
ought to be abolished, and in lieu thereof
an act should be passed requiring caul tax
to bo levied .,ro rata according to the
number of children of school age in the
county. The board wants tho law amended
so as to give the state board of equalization
Co days in which to complete its work, in
stead ot JU, iib now. it recommends mat
tho law ullowing deductions of indebted
ness and exemption of same from taxation
should be so amended as not to allow anv
exemptions for indebtedness. It asks tho
rpeal of the present law on tho assessment
of mortgages. It wants property assessed
as actually owned March 1, nt noon, of
each jear.
A Vrrat Evcntl
Si'HiNOKiKi.i). III. .Tan 4. The "Sth
general assembly of Illinois conveued at
noon. Among the visitors were many
prominent leaders of both parties, but tho
most conspicious in the throng were a
dozen or more veteran democrats, who
came from all parts of the state to witness
the realization of their dreams for a quarter
of a century the opening of an assembly
democratic in both branches, with a demo
cratic execntive at the'r back. Caleb John
son was chosen temporary speaker.
recullar mill
Washington. Jan 4. A bill introduced
in the house today by Martin of Indiana,
thai all persons appointed to oflicc under
the United States shall bo for four years,
whether under civil rorvico or otherwise,
and that no person is to be eligible to hold
office for tnoro than eight years, and all
persons having held oflice for this length of
time or longer shall not be eligible for
office sfier July 4, i893.
Cut Kee Tlirnit Or, Jan 4. Superintendent
Downing denies the report that stnte papers
will be allowed prisoners to read in the
penitentiary. The statement, he says, was
made without his authority. lie considers
it highly unadvisable, for reasons which
are recognized all over the country, and in
tho adjoining states of California and
IKcturnetl Hie I'n.N,
New Yohk, Jan 4. In President-elect
Cleveland's mail today was a letter and
card sent him by Thomas C I'latt. The
latter announced that Mr I'latt. as president
of the United States Express Company, in
closed i pass, giving Mr Cleveland the
courtesies of the company. Mr Cleveland
looked nt the card and returned tho pass to
Mr Piatt.
A Grkat InvksIIoSJ. Is the self
pouilng coffee and tea pots. With them
yon can pour coffee or tea without turn
ing the pots. Wonderful. None of the
hundred Httle Inconveniences of the old
fashioned way. Coffee cooks nure and
pure and cannot burn, and Ua to perfec
tion. You mite'the light ltd and the
coffee or tea runs from 'he spout. Ifyou
would have the finest thing In the world
order one when Mrs Tall, the local agent
calls on ou.
Km Glows f'om $1 apair up. I sarry
all line i f trading brands in black and col
ored. Will receive nnveltles for the holidays.
Agent for. the celebrated Centemeri glovf.
Pahtjkl E. Yoi no.
I5KCYCI.0PADIAU nd Gliir.pnes of the
Wolhl cfiupons taken at VV F Hnad's,
"Wcfcrap-ir .f artro . . in yi ur rubber
boots aud Vt-ip ynnr feft warm, at Klein
(tUPCNS t.ken at W F Read's.
in rnr ctv v til re trtatpd fame s our
old fiii nb nrd ust mcts it Hr 119
Call and rr new fall dress goods at W
Albany llarhst.
Flour. f5 01).
' utter. VSo.
F(t?gN 3V.
IHid. iiX.
Pork hum 15-, shoulriers, 8c( nUtea
Hay. ha'ed fib
ati.fn, n(o.
Arp!f,t 00
Hops 18).
Iiried f mU- -plums, 9n, apples, 9c
( htrkeitH. $4 to por dozin.
Heof 'n foo. 2c.
Hok1 drfroefl. Ho.