Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 08, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    - " 1 " " I .. r- t . . c A Inth't of i
gctUu :Demotvsx.
Ben JIarrUon U said to have cleared
$io6,oco by hU recent four vears job.
The people voted tor pennon reform at the
same time that they voted for tariff reform
One of the targe rubber tnilli consumes in
the course of a year fur the boxing of Its good:
15,000,000 feet of lumber.
Vlicn Kan tat sends "rebel brigadiers" to
Congress it is high time for the Republican
party to organize an expedition to search for
new "Issues.''
The new uniun station at St. Louis will
comprise a (rain shed of glass and iron the
largest in the world, to cost 5i,4'o,ooo. The
entire expenditure, including the cost of
lane', will bt over $5,000,000.
The first asylum for the inbane established
in this countrwas founded at Williamsburg,
Va. In I773, and was the only one in the
United States until 181 S, when the McLean
Asylum Somervllle, wan incorporated.
The acknowledgement of the Independence
of the United States by European powers
was lu Ibis order: France, by treaty in Feb
ruary, 177S; Holland, In April, 17s; Swe
den, in February, 1 783; Dennurk in February,
Spain in March and Russia In July, 17S1,
and Great Britain la 1783.
The country expects the democracy to
Jive up to its professions squarely. It
does not ask that it temporize in any way
or todecare while doing one way that it
will presently do another. Congress must
take the word of the peonle, twice express
ed at the pells in national elections, for
granted. It will have Its CottitnUslun arid
lta authority to net. The democrats need
have no fear of the republicans or any
other patly In 1806 If Uiev will, through
their representatives In congress, proceed
courageously ar.d directly to revlst the
tiriff according to the conditions of today
and not according to the conditions of ten
years ago. If the party goes into the cam
paign of 184 without bavin- carried out
the pitnclplcs and professions of that puty
on the subject of the tariff it will cauie an
abatement of the popular confllcnce. Just
now too many prominent democrats are
advancing suggestions which savor too
much of concession to republican ideas.
We need no advice whatever from the re
publicans. They have bankrupted the
treasury, and it Is the tteniocmtic duty to
work reform all along the line qniie regard
less of advice front the McKinleyite.
A liorUHONlsrRVtVAL.
Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts has writ
ten anothc- public letter. JIls last previous
Oie vas written from Kurope at the hegln-
n'ng of the Presidential canvass, and was
brimful of conviction that the American peo
ple would never, no, never, go back on the
Force bill 01 the McKinley hill. In his
judgment these two were the right and left
Lowers of national salvation,
How well posted iheS:natorwas kept dur
ing his absence we c;imot say. He came
home just in time to vote for Harrison and
Halle. Probably there w as no more shocked
and disappointed person in (his whole land
not excepting McKinley than Senator Hoar
when the people's magnificent veidlct was
However, he has recovered sufficiently to
write anosher letter, (his time to the Home
Market Club of Boston.
He is just as cunfiJent as ever that "we
ar the righteous" to whom the promise that
they shall inherit the eirth was given, ll
shall certainly do all in my power to prevent !
bid legislation, M he s;.js. HU simple creed
Is: All Republican legislation is good legisla
tion; AH Damocratic legislation is bad legis
lation. It is enough for hlin, and he will
never, never desert the Republican party.
He is a composite of Mrs MIc&w ber and Mrs
Partington, w ith all the devotion of the one
and all the expertness wi ll a broom of the
There are today mar; than 200,000 women
in the UnltedStates earning a living by pro
fessional and personal service outside that of
mechanical labor or work in the shops, In
U13 practice of law and medicine, the teach
ing of music and art, literature and science,
and In clerical work of diffreni kinjs in
Government and oher official places.
A ustrulia is entering the commercial world
is Competitor in a new line of production.
Beside? her contributions of mufon, wool
and grain, she now oflem the article of butter,
Arrangement have recently been completed
for shipping 200 tons of fresh but'er weekly
to the London market. It Is preserved on
the voyage by cold storage.
A sjm;u;-TaX VOTK,
Mr Henry has received advices to the eT
ecb that an cxtrem.'ly signitican vote lojk
place in the New South Wales Parliamsnt
011 Oct. 18 when the Prolectioni.t Ministry
Only s.i veu itself frcm defeat by voting against
a resolution proposed by one i-f their own
supporters and lu favor of an amendment
oiTetcd by the most bitter ojipanents of pro
tection '.he single-tax men.
It is beroml.ig more and more evident ev
ery day that radical a;lion on the land ques
tion cannot be imuh longer tbhyel, ail
witn th? eviden"; dcii,n of testing tlu lovi
ng of the Hons- a pr.)te:lio:ii.-;4- Mr Caip
111 an introduced a resju'lon declaring fur a
pi'ogtesslvc land tax on holdings over .l'i,ooo
In value.
This was rpjo td by Mi Oiton (Single
Taxei), who declait-d (hat if a man holding
land up to I' in value was too poor to
tax, it w as clearer Mill ilut the man w ho
owned no land at all and h id only bin hands
to depend upon or'ght net to be taxed by ad
valorem duties, and wl o moved a straight
sing ie tax substitute declaring:
'That in the opinion of this House a sys
eni of raiin reveiue hy the direct tiitio:i
of land values, irrespective of improven:a's,
would gieatly promote the wdf ire of thU
In the debate which ensued it was evidjiir
th at Mi Cut tun's iinuiuln nit umildbo c.muvl
when ih Pieniicr, Sh (leo Pil.l came out
with be dcc'aiatum th.i' he should vute for
Mr l turn's .inuiulniint, nud with a fun her
declaration tint the liovetnmcnt.mtendcd to
ptess the h'Cal lloveinmer.t bill, which au
thorizes the imnicipa lilies to raise their rev
enues by a tax on hind values witiuut rtf.:
eiuo to the improvements on the land.
On division Mr Cut 1 0114 subsiliut was
adcptcJ in place of the original ics.daTinby
a vote of 46 to 13, Kvh ihe leader tl i!ie
(.tOverninvnt and the UiuLr of ;hc Opposition
-01Ing for it, and it was then finally adopted
by a vo'c of 4,0 to 10.
iiu . 11 ..w..ju.. am
C.vH (iKOi'RKY Si'okk AUrn Bios, are
now In ihelr new quarters in the llrink HUnk,
at Ihe comer of 1 eny and Second Street,
and wi h ilicap icnu.a small expense account
generally, and a first diss stock rf goods,
arc prepared to give their cim'.omers the best
batgahis to be obtained in the iity, for cash.
Cash counts with them, mid Ihe public waul
ing the best good ami produce to be se
emed in the city shculd call on them, where
they will get low p-ucsand the best goads
Kit in liro si-11 no tutT, but sell
boots and thct's nisde of 1 rather.
The Interior Department of the United
States was established in the Spring of 1S49.
It was the first establishment of a new branch
of the government since 179S, when the Na
vy Department was created. The first in
cumbent of the office was Thomas Ewing of
Ohio, appointed by President Taylor.
- Ui.-Jftdf.
Tin Best Place. Would you buy
ycur Holiday goods from the finest slock
in the city, then call on Blackmail A
Hodges. They have a large and select
stock of
Toilet Cases,
Ktc, Ktc
And will make it an object for gift
purchasers , t, &r Do not buv be
fore examining their superior stock of
holiday goods.
Fur tub Homdais. Miss Ma trie E
Murtin will take orders in painting for
the holidays ftt her studio, ufc thn rri-
deneo of Kev G W Hill on 5th street.
Leave tutors early mid secure a fine
noiiuav gilt.
"oi R Work is Life,1, A series of
13 articles bv successful men in ns manv
pursuits is one tf ihe many strong groups
of articles which are announced in The
Youth's Companion for 1S0I. "The
Hravcf t Deed 1 ever Saw" is the topic of
iniouier series v uuneti Mates Ucnerals.
The prospectus for the coming year of The
f !', ianion is more varied and generous
than ever. Those who subscribe at onc
will receive ihe paper free lo Jan istt 1S93,
nu ior a 111.1 year iroin that date. Only
fi."5ayear. Address Ihe Youth's Com
panion, Bo ton, Mass.
To a wtddiuii is hsiltd with delight, so an
cxoriatinn ttsaye mony if htn-d to with
attention, and if heed td thouU tcuide yon to
the store 1 f C K HrounrU.
Wc I.f ap, (r"Ki Follow. New
California see U's NaveU and Japanese
oram;f. A-k nbout Cat I I hinder. He's
yust t town, at l onlcke ho.
Kui:. Ui'iM Mift to ho th-' le 1 1:: in
boots And idine for low pru-' and b,-t
l.ty ui.d Iirtft to se'iet from.
VAtuiot Lu .'tuahd in Alhat.y.
Mr, Chan. X. Ilancr
if Fredorte'-t, Md.. suflered terribly for over
ti-u year- with nbaceei and I'inni'.ig sores on
his loft Ivr, Ho w:nted away, grew weak and
lliin, ami was obliged to imo a cane and crutch
l-.j ;i thlm: hieh te tliouKiit ol was dou
without good result, unlit he began taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla
!ll.h rITr.-tfil .1 inTdvt cur.-. Mr. Ilsiipr 1l
JI..M- m II,.- !.,.,( ( hoallh. Full particulars "t
liu raw nmK-iMit:il KlmadilrpM
V. 1. IIk & Co., Unveil, Mass.
HOOO'8 P1LL8 rp thf best aft0r-dlnnr I'lli
it'M A wlion. py.r lulsrlip .ml bllljuini'ii.
A Co.MKf Struck. A few mornings
gothe families of A ii Bailey and S R
McLearan, living near I'endleton, were
thrown into a stale of intense excitement
by a terrific explosion. For a time the
Incident was clothed In the garb of mys
tery, but now the puzzle has been solved.
Says the Eabt Oregnian: "The report
was occasioned by a meteor which passed
over Walla Walla at 4 o'clock In the morn
ing, and was seen by a few parties who
happened to be up at that hour. It Is de
scribed as a beautiful and Impressive sight.
The ball of fire seemed about as large as
the crown of a hat. and continually
emitted a shower of sparks. It did not
appear to the eye to be more than 100
feet high, and seemingly barely mUsed
the tons of the tallest buildings. It trav
eled in a horizontal line southward, and
shortly after It disappeared from view a
renort was heard like that of a distant
cannon, followed by another of the same
kind, and buildings were shaken by the
explosion. That meteor is located some
where between Pendleton and Walla
Walla, and some one should get out a!i warrant and find It.1'
STOP at Will iJStarkVif you .do ire
seo the finest line of silverware ever
brought, to Albany. It embraces many
novelties and iviil ho aold at rea?onabl
We are coinz to pat the prions dovit 9
cash and sill for ch only. Allen Bros.
c,. Fraivi TrEMS. A lodge of 1
Good Templars was organized in tills
city Monday evening anu omtcia t'"i'"i
but we are unable to give them as tney
were refused us yesterday.
At the regular meeting of the Board of
Trade Mondav evening the following
orticers were ehcted for Ihe ensuing year:
President, F M Yilkins; vice-president,
DrKujkcnil.i:i; secrd.iry, A S McClure;
treasurer, Hist National Hank ; finance
comrrlili:e. 11 W llolden, II N Cockerllne
and E J l'ra.lcr.
The firemen of this city new tueir
annual election Mor.dav. There were
two tickets in the field, one gotten up by
the Hook and Ladder company and the
hose companies and the other by the en
gine company. R M Day for chief en
gineer and Ilavld Linn for assistant was
the comtinaiion ticket and S I Idler fc r
chief and Wid McGee lor assistant was
the ticket of the engine company. 'I he
election was a peculiar one as R M Day of
the combination ticket was fleeted chief
and Wid McGee of the engine company
was elected assign1. The vote was as
J..I1A... 1? 1 n-.. ri. IV A CI :
S Heller, 45"; David Linn, 45. Register
MoviNti Outfit. The undersigned is
prepared to d all kinds of house raising
and house moving promptly anu 111 nr&i
clast order. Call or leave orders at my
res'dence at coi of Third and Oak s'reets,
Albany. J B Tillotsom.
ht Mt CV uut r Court of tkt Statt of Qrt-
gn tr Linn Comnt'y.
In Itir ttulttrof tlu'mU't of Wru H Mcllridt. dcM
ilt'tinnl linn iatirator of iui I fMOnti? has fllttl
lu final Rivoiwil tlitrrMi with he vrrk of paid
ci'urt, mul Hist lti foutity vmrl of l.iini intmtv
Orcvou, )( tinted Siurtfjiv. tde 7th dy t
.lanuary, 1-O.t, l 111 oVliH-k in th frfrio,m nf tui I
tU. n the ii!n? fur h-rin ami a tiling ai,t o
mimt wA lht ftftllrmcnl ..f ftat.
l'nt; !itit hr onl.-r of .1 N Duncan, Countr Jutic
lltHl iKotuil-cr S'h, IS--.'.
J A Kx in;iiK.
II tl tl.'tll, Ai!i.inUra!cr
Alt Tlli'f
3 !t Al'.-i WD rrtn n,i!oli ihiwi,
V I' :ilitnf Krt.t O 11-jrklmrt.
Mri.oYMKN r v in n: d.-
' l '.! V IH Ml" 1:1 H
Ciu st ri: i H 0
fnn v.
E have the 'arcst and most attractive ttc
GOODS, ETC., ever snown in AH.any
OODS Buitable for HOLIDAY trade.
mm ii u j! l
lkm I a 1 1 VV
Eothtsl'oi the"0"uestl)n
E havel reduced the pric on a great many
Call and seo what we can do for you. W
your trade.
GEKTS for Butterick'g patterns and Warners oi
IE also carry a full line of Henderson's Redsel
house sho, the bst child shoe in the worl I
OURS for I usineis,
should be looked into. And when this Is done
I!-.! intelligent smoker uses BLACKWELL'S
W. F. READ &C0.I
Holiday Goods
in the jewelry line, having on kand a complete and
elegant stock of
Gold and Silver Watches of the
Leading Kinds, Diamonds, Gold
Headed Canes, Gold and Silver
Headed Umbrellas, a fine stock of
Silver Ware and many novelties
too numerous to mention.
Umlert alters -:- ami Embalmci
WE IvfcEP constantly on har d a full lii.e, of tr.etalic, cloth a u vecd can
ceffins. Alto builal lotes ar.d suits,' In broadcloth, intln,ccl n ti
which will be sold at
The Lowext Living Profit.
EMBALMING'.81"1 llie riorcrcare ' lhe dt:a'1 0 'P"'11--
KopresentiiiK the Irmlinpi I.itliorapliinj?(
nml lilank lluok Jliikiiiii liousi'8 im lhi
rai'ilio (.'oast, I can supply the tnnlo with
anytliin K from a calling caul to tlio lincst
litho, work ilosircil, or from a statement
to the largest blank book or ledger useil.
Kwrj'tliinp first-olaw, irioes (jiinrniim!
as low asanyone. t-aniplo to be seen.
Ht itn'iiibt'r tlti u hai in nted.
On niv place. a Ipw miles fiom A 'banr.
a son si mate, two yearn old, branded H
on eft hntilder. 'I bo owner will ploaso
cam anil pet mare, and iay 10. aiiverus
tnc and tt twr rxpensos.
November oih, 1S92.
on Monday, the 12th day of Decem
ber, 1892, at the hall of the Albany En
gine Co., No. 1. the annual election of
ihe Albany Vire department, of the city
of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, wilt be
held for the purpose of electing a Chief
tngineer and an Assistant Lhief hngtneer
of the said Albany Fire Department.
The folloA'fnt; persons have been r.p -pointed
bv the liosird of Delegate of said
Albany Fire Departmental iudired of said
election tow it : William Richard, of Al
bany Knyine Company No 1 ; N M New
port", of Linn Engine Co No 2; J A Mc
Feron, of R II & L Co, No 1.
Said election will commence at on?
o'clock p m and continue without closing
the polls until sx o'clock p m of said day.
Albany, Or, Nov 23rd, 1S92.
Sec'y A F D.
Collection! a iptll regnrtlleM of Conef
ifrnti In nil lhe ?atlpy tnwht: Ot'FlCK over
I, K Hlui o'i store, lttf Hlekt
Just opened hy the urderKijinpd. Will
keei on hand all kmd of frfi iUh in
i0Hoii. n First nrrct opjwllo the Kura
House. Free do! ivory to aUt uot the
oitv, a 10 Keep a cimiee stoek ni niMt
and game, tsLAVUKTHK A CLAKH.
1.R HALK CUKAP.-Ir AmoV old
I1 pace, toin,t b.oek 4, Hackleiran's
.frd Bdditinn. (1,oi Umtthp. yi nft
etuap. I'ne halt down, balance to tilt
pnn hwr, Inquire of Ir W.n Amot.
OVl'.H i'HoTSK. of ,lhn-. Fr rent
liKtnnins With Jan IV, for one
it iU T' y.Mr. FT pirk'ii'.iM, r i on
r 11 Urt" Juii'.iH Jjupli, Albtiy, Or,
Oil Fainting,
. , J, tlio couiinpt aoa8on, will tc; -'h
clasi-rs In oil pr.intini; at her rooms in
the Mclinain Block. Instructions Riven
on 1'uisi1hb and Thursday to "reneral
classes, huJ on Saturdays to chool
rlmilren. Orders taken for the h .i
Call anil ee work uJ olilnln particular!
i the annual stock aoldsrs n oot.nir of
i ne rariutra c iuerchanta Insurance
C'oiiipiny, or All any, Orgon, ivlll be
heln at the company's oMoe In th city
of ,hiiy, Orejion. on Wdncday. Jan
tic; 1SW1, at Ilia bo ir or2o'clrck ra f
aid day. fur th pur pes of e'ecting nin
directors cf as id company t aerve on
year, anil to transact suoh other hmlneaa
a may regularly couie before aaid intet
Ing. By nr.ior of tli President.
l'td 'ov iMh, 2.
Secrwtary and Manat;or.
You can truly ny, tiicre is no place like
home, happv'hi ;iie, if you posis one ol
lho-c tlcj; amlswrtt toned planm, at
Mrs II 1 mans, n; Firt street. Thcc
limit evening u just lhe time to emir
xlra siiiaiec furllrnrie or 8ft t! real
Samuel E. Youn
ALBERT BRQWNELL(Suessor (o Hunan & Brownell, rropricior
V city. We would call the attention of our friends to the fact that
better prepared than ever before to furnish everything In the shape of Fruit, .
and Ornanienial trees. Small Fruit vines, etc.. at either wholesale or retail.
s:cck Is flrst-c!as, guaranteed true to name and fre ' om Insnect rests, V
prices low. C. E. Browncll Is our city aeent and' ers left witli him
store will rertiv nrnmnl nn.l rar.L.I .d'aniU. tt . i . HrllefO
( .,H.HIH,U, ai,Wilwull, 1 . n . sno ice mcwi
A'bany, 1
Isaues 200 page Dry Goods and General
Outfitting CATALOGUE.
Semi your name on a postal card TO-i
and get one.