If QMti gemocrai A liLOJMY MKSSAtiE, Read between the lines, I'reilJcnt llarri S m't last message is more than gloomy. 1? chooses. In a sleek way, to te'.l the Ameilcai people that they were Ignorant of what ih were doing when they pronouueej inch i emphatic verdict against the scheme of pro tectionism and force bill legislation, W itli a t.iow of submission to the clearly exr.re'ted will of the people made manifest in ihe over- whelming defeat of his party and the em phatic condemnation of the policy of his ad- ministr&t'on In the November election, Ih pre&ident declares bis purpose not to renew the argumert in favor of a protective t.-ir.ff and then hunches forth riun a long suiTcr- ' lng pa'ient public two columns of the liacl. ncyed arguments msJc scores of times by protective organs and protection speakers! anJ as of'en sifted and found to be chaff by democrat!: defenders of the rights of tle masses against the wily cnciaachmcnts ol the classes. Can it be true that the president Is so blinded by party prejudice that he can not see that the most intelligent verdict ever rendered by the people at tha polls was that er.tered of record at the polls on the 8ih ol November condemning the high tariff scheme cf his part)? Is there not in fact a vein of spitefulness and ict illation tunning all through the lines of the message quietly hurl ed at the people for voting as they did? Why quote at length in his message the chaffy re port of Commissioner I'eck of New York when the vote of that state waa given In ulter condemnation ot Peck and his report as well? The p'esi lent' views on fie silver quei4on are agair. clearly denned as they have so often been heretofore as will be seen by the following statement made concerning the monetary conference now in sessional Brussels: ''I have not doubted, and have ta ken occasion to express th t belief, as well 'n the invitations issued for the conference as in Iny public niL-ssage-, that the free coinage of silver upon agreed international ratio, would frodaoly fromoXe tlte interfs's of our f tuple in nuiilit to lwse of oll'tr nations. Such a atattment made concerning a great public question is to'.ally incompa'ible with that dignity, cluracter, and candor wh'ch the presllcnt of 65 millions of f ee intelligent people should maintain. It is one of the great weaknesses of President Harrison that he indulges much more in lines of demagogy than in trios; of statesmanship. in' mi-iii rmt Tliiit ft wonderful amount of good was done by the democratic pre;s in tho lain campaign is not to lie denied, cither by the republicans or democrats, and as one paiier entitled to some recognition of the wonderful sweep made in Ohio, we rofer to tho Kail l.iverposl Crisis. This p:tp3r is located in Mckinley's iliitrict, uml the election of si democratic congressman there, j shows that some work was done by this piper. It tleliod McKinley in his oar n community mid fought him like a regular lighting cock, and the result was the vanishing of the 'J600 republican majority and a democratic plurality of 1400 substi tuted. Evidently this little paper is well named, as the Crisis, so far lis McKinley is concerned. The reltrns of the election on members of the next legislature of California show that of 120 votes on joint ballot, the straight domocrats will have 59 nnd the republicans 53. In addition there two live people's parly candidates who wer indorsed by tho democrats and who nro expected to vo'e with the parly whenever necessary, making a total democratic voto on joint ballot of 04. There are also two straight-out peo pie's party assemblymen, ono independent nnd one non-partisan- If Speaker Crisp is to be re elected he s'.ionld be lirst eotn(ellol to pledge himself t, so conduct the affairs of his olliee as to promote tint reform of the tarilT on th) lino laid down in the national democratic plat form. There niut be no obstruction frjin the speaker's chair to tho carrying out of the will of the people, twice overwhelmingly expressed at the polU, 1 i ... J It is a republican claim alone that if several thousind voters had not made mis takes in tixing their Inllots in Massachu setts, liussell would have been defeated for governor. This is simply presumption, but, if there were enough illiterate repub licans to m ike such an errortheir votes do n it deserve to count. i) veiling ' "'. SSJk.IUIaUL.iai lulin I.averr lias good reasons to regret bis imprudence In returning to Oregon to visit h'.s brother living in Malheur county. Six years ago while living In Baker City he was Indicted by the grand jury for issuing a rballcMige to tight a ciuel, and pending trial he got several friends to furnish $' cash bail for him and then skipped. Recently he returned, thinking that the case against him was barred by the statute of limitations, but It was pot, ai.d lie will row be tried at the present term of the clrrnit court In Baker Cltv. lie is now In jail, as no one seems Inclined to try the experiment of his fiitmer bonds men. F.x . Kip Gi.ovk f om $1 upair up. I wy nil linp r f lrntlitm l rniulp in hl.iuk mt col- orftt. Will rrcfie novelties for the hoIiiU . Agent for tle ce!ehrtrV IVnti mrri nhvt Samikl Vol so. Thc-ro if no fcCL-o.'ity vt fiaiing !ct ploB uiuht nil summing tho rntiri houchtM with that c.Uf;li, ! Wist'i i'ouli Syrup will cure ou In. o umr;i- i he bt-nl Uiionn rein ctly f-T C''tuh. .nil!?!, couiun. tirn in iU early fttmt v.ainl til t liroat atut lv.i: tiui'ici. 2 ami .'n)j pir bottle. Soltl ly J A i'uui- THE POKT COIXECTOKSllll'. Mr Thomas J Ulack, a prominent rest deat of Halsey, Linn county, is in the cily Since the result of the November cyclone which has relegated republicans to the rear and given the country a change of admin titration, the name of Mr lilack has bee: frequently mentioned in connection witli the collcctorsliip of this port and is being very favorably received. The gentleman is an old resident of the state, has been iilen- tilied with its commercial interests for many years, has taken an active part politics and is held in high esteem by many of the leading business men of tin city and other parts of tho state. He is a democrat, fearless and true, and reeogniz ing his fitness for public responsibility. many of his friends will join in recom mending him as a suitable person to be appointed collector of customs for the district of the Willamette. Tor so im portunt an ohice there tire naturally many who will seek to gain the coveted prize, but observation leads to the opinion that Mr lilack 's chances are now exceptionally good, and if he succeeds, the oftice will be in safe and competent bands. Thus far, though encountering many excellent gentlemen competitors for this responsible office, Mr lilack apjiears to have th best of the fight recommended as he is by the most promi nent democrats in the state. Sunday Welcome. The necessity of a fish ladder at the Oregon City falls, cannot be questioned. There was a former appropriation squand ered, and the ladder proved worthless. In fact it was serionrly charged that the fish ladder was a grand fraud. The suggestion the board of fish commissioners to blast out an avenue tot ascension of tho fi?U, seems to be a good one and practicable, I and there will be no danger of it U'lDS I washed away. Portland liiiaUA. CasH Grocery StoR Allen Bros, ait oow In their new quarters in the Brink Block, at the corner uf Ferry and Second Street, and wi'.h cheap rents, a smill expense account generally, and a first cliss stock of gorjCi, are prepared to give their cus'.o-ners the best bargains to be obtained in the city, for cash. Cash counts with them, and the public want ing the best goods and produce to be se cured in the city should call on them, where they will get low p'ices and th best goods Farmers try a pair of French Kip boots, made by Kkin himself, for $6. the same hoot to measara would ucat you $7.5G. Try a pair and have d-y feet. Novc-ltics in weddlug t-talinnarr, ball in itatioua, calling uardi, at Siniley'a N" KW A 1) VEHTISK.M KN 1 Si. OPF.UA HOUSE, of Albanv. for rent beginning with Jan Is'., 1893, tor one or morn yotrN. For particulars, call on or addr6sa Julius Joseph, Albe.uy, Or . IOK KENT. For a small store, dress making shop rr as a resilience, tho bulidiiiir on propnity of L Vic-rack, on Broadalbin streut, I.IOK NAI.K.--Two fresh milch lnqulra of Fred O Hurkhnrt. IV .1 M PI.OYM ENT W ANTE D.- A e In wants employment in a fimilv. Call at this offlie. I.IURNmiED rooms for Ilj lit hoimo keeping for rent. Inquire of I 1 Carter, opposite tho Huss llouss. GOOD HEWS Q Per the ni!ll!;-.s of consumers ef Q TuttVPills. It if I vm lr. Tuit plenro to an nuuulht he Uiiow puttiug up a TINY LIVER PILL which In of ocrMiitiBly miifill !a, a tot rotnlnliisnll Clio virtu r tho InrtET ontii, aiini-mitt3fl urly vrff.ita), Itoth uUm of I hen pills A are rttill liftm-il. The rxttct at w TUTT'S TINY LIVER PILLS tf& I1hw uin the UonU-rof tltU"U(l." " P. J SMILEY, $o!i printing, 1ST. ST., ALBANY, Ivop.vsontmtf the loailinn T.ithorapbing itiu Blank Honk Making housi'H on tin1 .Willi' 1'tuiHt, 1 can supply tho tnulo with anything from n calling i-ard to tho thio.st lithn, work (losirtHi, or irom a Matemont to tlio larirost blank !ookor lodirvr Ufod. ( F.vorytliinetirst-i'lass. nrues auarautftd us low as anyone. Samp'.os toln iseen. Rt'me tnler this when in need. SPECTACLES AND EYE GUSSS The LARGEST ASSORTMENT in Lin County. Call : an -;- Have -:- Your Rton's Patt-n! Kfc-Meter si l' HKNCII blent-lrv Stoie. r m The Connecticut republicans arc sensible in deciding not tp make another attempt to prevent Judge Morris from being inaugu rated as governor. The results of the situation which they havo forced during t'.ie past two years are not encouraging to partisan plot-era. They are a minority pjrty. and their inequitable control of the legislature ought to sutMy their disposi tion to arroga'e power belonging to the majority. A Big Offer. Hear In n.ind that eveiy ne subscriber to the Democrat Is entitled to the New York World and Democrat both for he small sum of (2,80. Kvery person who is already a subscriber totheDEKOCRATcan oy paying all arrearages and one year in ad vance have both for the same pri:e. The World is the best general newspaper m the world and the Democrat is the best local paper in the valley. Now is the time to sub scribe fir your winter reading. Till Uest Place. Would you buy your Holiday goods from ti e finest stock n the cltv, then call on liiackinan & Hodges. They have a laree and select stock of Toilet Cases, Albums, Pictures, Perfumery, Etc., Etc. And will make it an object for gift purchasers, t-i t Do not buy be fore examining their superior stock of holiday goods. G it Klein Bros prices on rubber Roods be fore buying. They cau save you mnney. H. EWERT -LEADS in the e lewelrv line, havinfj; elegant Gold and Silver Leading Kinds, Headed Canes, Holiday Headed Umbrellas, a fine stock of b liver Ware and too numerous to FORTMILLER fl IRVING, Undertakers and -:- in ba liners. WB KIlEP constantly on hard a full lh e'e f n etaJir, rlt h ar.d weed ratkatf an coffins. AHo buiinl rcle ard tuhp, in brcac'cloth, fntln.crsl ir-ctr,f?t. which will be o!d at Tho Lowest EMBALMING'" tl;e proper xtra jCl arae for fleartc or Sttvleeii ALBANY, - - MASONIC NEW FISH MARKET Just orened by the urdrs'iznoiJ. W ill liipp on hand nil kind ol fresh flah In Htion. On Vift hi reel opi oaite the Runs House. Vree dolivfry to all i-it9 of the t-itv. AUo keep a ohoiee stock o( matit and giiiiie, SLAVGIITKK a CLARE.. TAKEN UP On my place, a lew lui.oaf.-om AllatiT. ft son l maie, two yoain olJ, braiulml LI on eft fthoukli-r. 'lb owner will iile call nnd got nare, ami pay fo' aJrtrMa itiK nnu oilier expeuftos. Novfinbar 5ih, lSt2 A O MARSHALL I. II ANY Ol.l t:HJ A i VI DALRYMPLE & NEWPOR1-, Managers, Cetlfftioni ft ccilt rftftrdlti ol iiM. Ctner nnti In nil lh vtllf.T towm: Ot'FIfK oir I, K UMili. Co'i lorf, KLtr i tilocki Oil Faisiling. IISS ANNIK lmsinw ditrini: ,lj the eouinii ... n. wi:i teach elKea in oil p-.iiitinu nt her nvtn In the Mel'.w :n r.l.vk. Ini.;r..otio". vtiveu on ItiuaMi mill Tl ti:it:i let it-tieini lin-u'i, mid on iSalui. li-9 to n'hool t'liliilr.-n. (HiU-rj. tak.Mi r.-r'the h.-.l.lava. Call end see wcrk mid oblniu purtiinlarji. Boots asd Shoes I carry the larges j line of medium priced and good wearing boys, misses and children shoes In the city, and have just added a line of steel shod ichool ahoea which I rerommend to the trade- Dnt forgc l that I repair any shoe I sell free of chat ye. S E Yd no. Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks, Sick Headache- and Constipation. 40 in each bottle. Price 25c. For tittle by druggists. Picture "7, 17, Tc" and sample done free, J. F. SMITH & CO., 1 rc.-riJtors, HEW YORK. MUSIC HATH CHARMS. You can truly say. there Is no place like home, happy home, if you possets one of those elegant and swett toned pianos, t Mrs Hymans, 115 First street. These long evenings i just the time to eniov them. IN Goods on kantl complete and stock 01 Watches of the Diamonds, Gold Gold and Silver many novelties mention. Living Troflls. cure of the dead a fpccUlty. iTEMPLE, - - OREGON NOTICE OF FIREMEN'S ELECTION: NOTIOK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on Monday, thu nth day of Decem ber, 1892, at the hall of the Albany En gine Co., No. 1, the ar.nual election of the Albany Fire Department, of the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, will be held for the purpose of electing a Chief Engineer and an Assistant Chief Engineer of the said Albany Fire Department. The follcYlng persons have baen ap pointed bv the Heard of Delegates of said Albany Fire Department as judges of said election towlt : William Richards, of Al bany Engine Company No I ; N M New port, of Linn Engine Co Noa;jAMc Feron, of R f I & L Co, No :. Said election will commence at on o'clock p m and continue without closing the polls until six o'clock p m of said day. Albany, Or, Nov 3rd, 1S92. PRES B MARSHALL, Sec'y AFP. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. VoTlCKl'llERlSY 43IVESTHAT .i the annual etnckkoldara a eeting of the Farmtri it Mercliaula Inauranoe Company. orAl'mir, Oregon, will lie heiu at the cotupany's 01 ce tu th city if alliany, Orejion, on W:)iiesday . Jan 4:1 ; 1"M, at the hour ofSo'uIcok m f sid day, for the purpose of e'eeting nine directors of aaid company to serve oi.e year, and to transact su -h other tnnlness a may regularly enuie before said nuet" itiir. It? c-rji-r nf th Preniamt. l uted Suv Mh, 1"V5. J KI1SM AN, f-'ecretary and Manager. I.DK S-Al.K CUKAP.-i;r Anio.' nl.l r p nee. leitui b ock 4, L'aiklcrran'e .!rd addition. Hio.l kouse. Will r.!l eluaii. 1 tie halt t'.nwr, l.!ane to nlt pnrohuerr. Ina;tilrc of Dr W.n Amc. Small E iliavc Iho 1nr cwfct DRY GOODS, IcCOODS, ETC., 00D3 suitable for HOLIDAY trade. E have' reduced the Call and sen what your trade. GEKTS for Butterick's E also earry a full line of Henderson's Red school house shoe, the bast child shoe in the worl . fOUItS for I usiness, W F. -:- - Albany , Four - BMP in - We Told You 0. Good location. On the line prices and terms see Oregon Co., agents. J. FOR CARPET DEPARTMENT. fftLI, hTOCKED HiTH THE CHOICEST MATTINGS, OILCLOTHS. DRAPERIES- OF THIS SEASON'S PRICES UNEQUALED IH THIS MARKET Samuel E. Young ALBANY NURSERIES ALBERT BROWNELKSuccessor to flyman A Browncll, Proprietor.) OFFICE AND PACKING GROUNDS ONE HALF MILE WEST OF THE city. W e would call the attention of our friends lo the fact thai we are better prepared than ever before to furnish everything In the shape of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental trees, Small Fruit vines, etc., at either wholesale or retail. Our stccK is first-class, guaranteed true to name and free ' om Inspect pests, and our pilceslow. C. E. Brownell Is our city aeent andr' ers left with him at His store will receive prompt and careful attention. :r . and see me or write for free Cktalogutte THE Jues 200 page Dry Goods and General W iV'r Owning CATALOGUE. Ill AiLa, end your name on a postal card TO-DAY raivci-uo end cet one All. 6 Calem, Orcgc-n, V. I. KiTli busineti training sctccl. Er.J.-rtJ Five Departments; Business, Sheriajnd, Scbccl in itstion the tniireycir. SiuJcr.t.i-.;:-Ll! anJ most alfractive Btock NOTIONS FANCY ever sliown in AlL-any. prict we can on a great many lines, do for you. We want pattern and Carriers corsets. READ & CO. t - -Oregon Townsend's Addition. We Told Von So. of tho New Motor line. For Land Co., or S N Steele A t. Townsend. , (MAIM LINOLEUMS, NOVELTIES AND ALDERI BROWKELL, Albany. OrogOl Staley, Principal. bv tl.a l-.;si:ifs an TxpacrUin Penmanship, Engft$& rnyiiiae. Catsilcgue, containing inforni.itico,ft SALE slS ST